Pregnancy Outcomes With A IUD in Situ
Pregnancy Outcomes With A IUD in Situ
Pregnancy Outcomes With A IUD in Situ
Review article
Background: While intrauterine devices (IUDs) provide highly effective contraception, pregnancies among IUD users do rarely occur. The
objective of this systematic review is to assess the evidence about risks for adverse pregnancy outcomes among women who conceive with an
IUD in situ.
Methods: We searched MEDLINE, POPLINE, EMBASE and LILACS databases from inception through April 2011 for peer-reviewed
articles containing evidence related to pregnancy outcomes among women who conceived while using copper (Cu) and levonorgestrel-
releasing (LNG) IUDs.
Results: Nine articles met our inclusion criteria. Women with retained IUDs were at the greatest risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, including
spontaneous abortion, preterm delivery, septic abortion and chorioamnionitis. Cu-IUD removal decreased risks but not to the baseline risk of
pregnancies without an IUD. One case series examined the LNG-IUD; when left in situ, 8 in 10 ended in spontaneous abortions.
Conclusion: Pregnancies complicated by a remaining IUD in situ were at greater risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes. Early IUD removal
appeared to improve outcomes but did not entirely eliminate risks.
© 2012 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Keywords: IUD; Copper IUD; Levonorgestrel IUD; Pregnancy; Complication; Systematic review
(IUD(s) OR IUCD(s) OR intrauterine devices OR intrauter- one was a case series describing pregnancy outcomes in
ine device). Reference lists from articles identified by the LNG-IUD users [5].
search, as well as key review articles, were hand searched to
identify additional articles. In some cases, study authors 3.1. Cu-IUD
were contacted directly for clarification. Seven cohort studies compared pregnancy outcomes of
women whose IUDs were left in place with either women
2.1. Study selection
whose IUDs were removed [8,11,13], or with a group of
We included studies that described intrauterine pregnancy women who became pregnant without an IUD [9] or both
outcomes in women who had a Cu- or LNG-IUD in situ at [7,10,12]. One cohort study compared pregnancies without
the time of conception as well as the impact of removing or an IUD at conception to women whose IUD was removed [6]
retaining the IUD. Pregnancy outcomes of primary interest (Table 1).
included spontaneous abortion, septic abortion, chorioam-
3.1.1. IUD retained versus removed
nionitis, preterm delivery and intrauterine fetal demise.
Tatum et al. [11] described the outcomes of 275 women
Secondary outcomes of interest included vaginal bleeding,
who conceived with a Cu-IUD and elected to continue their
premature rupture of membranes, congenital malformations
pregnancy. Of these, 118 women (43%) had their IUD
and birth weight. We excluded studies that investigated other
removed (80% in the first trimester) or the IUD was expelled
types of IUDs (e.g., Lippes loop or coil), did not specify IUD
type or focused exclusively on ectopic pregnancies. Case (111 removed and 7 expelled), and 157 (57%) left their IUD
series were included for the LNG-IUD due to the lack of in place. The authors combined the expelled and removed
cohort studies but excluded for the Cu-IUD as sufficient IUD groups in the analysis due to similar outcomes. More
than three quarters of women whose IUDs were removed or
comparative evidence from larger cohort studies is available.
expelled delivered a live birth (79%) compared with less than
2.2. Assessment of study quality half (44%) of women whose IUDs were left in place.
Spontaneous abortion occurred significantly more often in
All authors participated in summarizing and systemati- the retained IUD group compared to women whose IUDs
cally assessing the evidence through the use of standard were removed or expelled (54% vs. 20%; RR, 2.7; 95% CI,
abstraction forms [2]. The quality of each individual piece of 1.8–3.9). Twenty-nine (26%) of 113 spontaneous abortions
evidence was assessed by two independent reviewers using occurred in the second trimester; in only 3 of them, the IUD
the United States Preventive Task Force grading system [3], had been removed. While not statistically significant, the
and results are presented in the evidence tables. proportion of preterm delivery was greater in the IUD
retention group than in the IUD removal group (17% vs. 4%;
2.3. Data synthesis
RR, 2.3; 95% CI, 0.8–6.8). Stillbirth occurred in 2% of the
We did not compute summary measures of association IUD retention group and 1% of the IUD removal group.
because of the heterogeneity of study designs, study During a 6-year period, Inal et al. [8] recruited copper
populations and interventions. Although a meta-analysis T380 IUD users seeking reproductive health services in
was not possible, we report our findings according to the Turkey. Although the primary aim of the study was to
Meta-analysis of Observational Studies in Epidemiology compare rates of device dislocation among 318 women who
guidelines [4]. For studies where sample size and proportion became pregnant while using the IUD with 300 nonpregnant
in each group were available, we computed point estimates IUD users, the study reports the pregnancy outcomes of 89
as relative risks (RRs) and confidence intervals (CIs) (28%) women who decided to continue their pregnancy.
comparing the risk in the IUD retained versus removed Among these, 56 women had their IUD removed and 26 left
groups for our primary outcomes, using the retained group as it in place. The authors do not account for the 7 remaining
a reference. Where RR is reported, these are from our cases. Significantly more spontaneous abortions occurred in
calculations; however, we present the adjusted odds ratios the retained IUD group (77%) compared to the removed IUD
(ORs) from the logistic regression models reported in the group (27%) (RR, 2.9; 95% CI, 1.8–4.7). The authors
studies as these models could not be duplicated. The reported in personal communication that among women with
statistical analysis was performed using SAS software a retained IUD, 33% experienced preterm delivery compared
version 9.1 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). with 9% in the removal group (RR, 3.2; 95% CI, 1.0–10.5), a
trend that almost reached significance.
Deveer et al. [13] conducted a prospective cohort study
3. Results among women with pregnancies of at least 12 weeks to
compare outcomes with retained IUDs (n=30) versus those
Our search identified 2209 studies, and 9 met all inclusion after IUD removal (n=18) during an 11-month period in
criteria [5–13]. Seven of the nine included studies were Turkey. There was a significantly increased risk of
retrospective cohort studies of Cu-IUD users [6–12], one spontaneous abortion among women in the retained IUD
was a prospective cohort study of Cu-IUD users [13], and group (53%) compared with the early IUD removal group
D. Brahmi et al. / Contraception 85 (2012) 131–139 133
(17%) (RR, 3.2; 95% CI, 1.1–9.5). Similarly, preterm conducted further adjusted analyses using logistic regression
delivery occurred in 23% of women whose IUDs were models for the outcomes of chorioamnionitis and preterm
retained compared to 6% in the removed IUD group. While delivery. Adjusting for age and parity, retained IUD and IUD
the authors reported a p value of .000, the RR did not reach removal, compared to no IUD, were significantly associated
statistical significance in our calculation (RR, 4.2; 95% CI, with preterm delivery [OR, 2.6 (95% CI, 1.6–4.3), and OR,
0.6–31.4). 2.2 (95% CI, 1.5–3.3), respectively]. Adjusting for prema-
ture rupture of membranes and gestational age, both IUD
3.1.2. IUD retained versus removed versus pregnancy groups were associated with chorioamnionitis [OR, 6.3 (95%
conceived without IUD CI, 2.6–14.9) retained IUD; OR, 3.1 (95% CI, 1.3–7.8)
Mermet et al. [10] followed 67 French women who removed IUD].
conceived while using a copper-bearing IUD and continued von Theobald et al. [12] compared outcomes of live births
their pregnancy. Thirty-eight of them had their IUD after pregnancies with retained Cu-IUDs (n=12) with
removed, and 29 elected to keep it in place. A group of 34 outcomes from pregnancies after first-trimester IUD removal
women who conceived without an IUD, matched for age, (n=41) and pregnancies without an IUD (n=14,442). Over a
parity and time of delivery, were also included for 4-year period at a maternity hospital in France, combined
comparison. The authors reported a significantly increased risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes (bleeding, preterm
risk of spontaneous abortion of 48% among women with a labor, premature rupture of membranes, preterm delivery,
retained IUD compared with 8% among women who had hypertension and congenital malformations) were higher in
their IUDs removed (RR, 6.1; 95% CI, 1.9–19.3). Ninety the retained IUD group (83%) compared with the IUD
percent of pregnancies with a retained IUD had complica- removal group (44%). Preterm delivery occurred more
tions including vaginal bleeding, spontaneous abortion, frequently with a retained IUD (25%) or a removed IUD
premature rupture of membranes and preterm delivery (17%) than among women who conceived without an IUD
compared with 34% of the IUD removal group. Seven of (7%) (reported pb.05). However, our calculated RR was not
the 52 infants born in all the IUD pregnancies had congenital statistically significant (RR, 1.5; 95% CI, 0.5–4.8). There
anomalies. Two septic abortions were reported at 16 and 23 was no statistically significant difference in congenital
weeks among women who kept their IUD in place; none malformations between the retained IUD (0.08%) and
occurred among women whose IUDs were removed. removed IUD (0.02%) groups (RR, 3.4; 95% CI, 0.2–50.6).
Comparison with the 34 women who conceived without an
IUD was limited; overall pregnancy-related complications in 3.1.3. IUD retained versus pregnancy conceived without IUD
this group were 29% but only included vaginal bleeding. Kim et al. [9] retrospectively evaluated the outcomes of
Ganer et al. [7] conducted a retrospective cohort study 12,297 pregnancies among which 196 had a Cu-IUD in situ.
among women with pregnancies of at least 22 weeks to The study included parous women with singleton pregnan-
compare outcomes of pregnancies with retained Cu-IUDs cies during a 10-year period presenting to a maternity
(n=98) versus those with first-trimester IUD removal hospital in Santiago, Chile, but excluded women (n=12) who
(n=194) and those who conceived without an IUD had their IUD removed in early pregnancy. The authors used
(n=141,191) over a 19-year period in Israel. They used a logistic regression to model the pregnancy outcomes
linear-by-linear p value to express an ordinal measure of adjusting for age, parity, history of preterm birth, underlying
significance across all three groups. The percentage of medical condition, smoking and prepregnancy body mass
pregnancies ending in preterm delivery differed significantly index. Pregnancies with a retained IUD were compared with
in their analysis (18% retained IUD, 14% removed IUD and pregnancies without an IUD and found to be associated with
7% no IUD; linear-by-linear pb.001). However, in compar- increased odds of spontaneous abortion occurring after 12
ing the IUD retained group with the IUD removed group in weeks (16% vs. 1%; adjusted OR, 16.8; 95% CI, 10.6–26.7),
our analysis, the RR of preterm delivery did not reach preterm birth (56% vs. 21%; adjusted OR, 5.8; 95% CI, 4.3–
statistical significance (RR, 1.2; 95% CI, 0.7–2.1). Similarly, 8.0), vaginal bleeding (19% vs. 5%; adjusted OR, 3.1; 95%
Ganer et al. reported an increased risk of chorioamnionitis CI, 2.1–4.7) and clinical chorioamnionitis (8% vs. 2%;
among women in the retained IUD group (7%) compared adjusted OR, 4.1; 95% CI, 2.3–7.2). There was no
with the early IUD removal group (4%) and the no IUD significant difference in the rate of congenital malformations
group (1%) (linear-by-linear pb.001), but the RR was not between the IUD and no IUD groups (8% vs. 7%; adjusted
significant when comparing the IUD retained group with the OR, 1.4; 95% CI, 0.8–2.4) after adjusting for age, parity,
IUD removed group (RR, 0.2; 95% CI, 0.1–0.4). Congenital gestational age, underlying medical condition, smoking and
malformations occurred in 10% of the retained IUD group, prepregnancy body mass index.
6% of the early IUD removal group and 5% of the no IUD
pregnancies (linear-by-linear p=.041); however, in our 3.1.4. IUD removed versus pregnancy conceived
analysis, the RR of congenital malformations did not reach without IUD
statistical significance between the IUD retained and IUD Chaim and Mazor [6] conducted a small cohort study
removed groups (RR, 1.8; 95% CI, 0.8–4.1). The authors comparing rates of preterm delivery among women in Israel
Table 1
Comparative studies of pregnancy outcomes following exposure to copper IUD
Retained vs. removed IUD
Reference, source Study design Population Outcomes measured Results reported in original papers Results calculated Strengths and weaknesses Quality
of support by review authors
IUD retained vs.
Tatum et al. [11], Retrospective 918 pregnancies with Spontaneous IUD retained Adequate sample of IUD Level II-2,
NIH, cohort; a Cu-IUD in situ at abortion (SAB) vs. removed pregnancies fair, direct
Population 1970–1976; conception Preterm delivery (PTD) Comparison of outcomes
Council Canada, 275 continued Live birth between IUDs left in place
Puerto Rico, pregnancies Stillbirth IUD retained (n=157) n (%) p value* RR 95% CI and IUDs removed
USA 157 retained IUD SAB 85 (54) b.005 2.7 (1.8–3.9) Moderate loss to follow-up
118 removed or expelled PTD 12 (17) b.02 2.3 (0.8–6.8) (13%)
(80 %) in first trimester Live birth 69 (44) 0.6 (0.5–0.7) Contacted patients directly
Still birth/ 3 (2) 2.3 (0.2–21.4) regarding outcomes
(continued on next page)
Table 1 (continued)
Table 1 vs.
Retained (continued)
removed IUD
Reference, source Study design Population Outcomes measured Results reported in original papers Results calculated Strengths and weaknesses Quality
of support by review authors
IUD retained vs.
Malformations 1 (0.02)
No IUD (n=14,442)
No IUD (n=141,191)
Placental previa 4
Placental abruption 1
Chorioamnionitis 1
Birthweight b2.5 kg 7
Malformations 5
⁎linear p value comparing IUD retained to IUD
removed to no IUD
Removed vs. no IUD
Chaim and Mazor Retrospective 16 pregnancies with PTD Removed IUD (n=16) n (%) Outcome clearly defined Level II-2,
[6], not stated cohort, Israel Cu-IUD at conception, PTD 3 (19) Small sample size poor, direct
then removed p=.045 compared to no IUD IUD removal timing not
48 pregnancies without OR, 10.8 (95% CI, 0.8–78.1) specified
IUD matched for age, IUD removal
parity and gravidity No IUD (n=48) n (%) procedure not specified
PTD 1 (2) No adjustment for potential
Retained vs. no IUD
Kim et al. [9], Retrospective 196 pregnancies with SAB N12 weeks IUD retained (n=196) n OR* (95% CI) Outcomes clearly Level II-2,
not stated cohort, retained Cu-IUD Placental previa SAB N12 weeks 31 16.8 (10.6–26.7) defined good, direct
December 121,101 pregnant Placental abruption Placental previa 4 0.7 (0.2–2.9) Adjustment for
1997–June women no IUD Chorioamnionitis Placental abruption 16 3.4 (2.0–5.9) potential
2007, Chile Singleton pregnancies PROM Chorioamnionitis 16 4.1 (2.3–7.2) confounders
and parous women PTD (PTD) PROM 68 9.4 (6.8–13.0) No comparison
Excluded women SGA PTD 110 5.8 (4.3–8.0) group of women
No IUD (n=121,101) n
SAB N12 weeks 146
Placental previa 186
PROM 714
Placental abruption 249
Chorioamnionitis 209
PTD 2503
SGA 1141
Malformations 828
138 D. Brahmi et al. / Contraception 85 (2012) 131–139
exposed group compared with the group who conceived
without an IUD: 19% versus 2%; p=.045 (OR, 10.8; 95% CI,
0.8–78.1). The cohorts were matched for maternal age,
LNG-IUD pregnancy
3.2. Levonorgestrel IUD
large sample
outcomes of LNG-IUD users (Table 2). Forty pregnancies
conceived with an LNG-IUD in situ were identified on a self-
administered questionnaire of 17,360 LNG-IUD users in
Finland (58,600 woman-years) and verified with hospital
25 (63)
n (%)
records from 1990 through 1996. Of these pregnancies, 63%
were ectopic. Ten of the 15 intrauterine pregnancies were
continued, and five women had induced abortions. Of the 10
Intrauterine pregnancy
Healthy-term delivery
Retained IUD (n=40)
women who continued their pregnancy with the LNG-IUD,
Ectopic pregnancy
Induced abortion
eight spontaneously aborted, and two had an otherwise
uncomplicated term delivery of healthy infants [5].
4. Discussion
Ectopic pregnancy