Essays, Letters and Stories (Class 5)

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ESSAYS 3. It was full of flowers and fruit

1.Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) 4. My dream came true.
1. Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) 5. Last Sunday, we went to the
was truthful and trustworthy. Lahore.
2. He was kind hearted. 6. We reached a garden. I saw many
3. He was very generous. flowers and fruit trees.
4. He used to help the poor. 7. Then I remembered my dream.
5. He showed tolerance in the worst 8. I am lucky that my dream came
conditions. true.
2. A Visit to Strange Place 5. Hard Work
1. Last Sunday my uncle invited us 1. I always complete my work.
to jungle visit. 2. I know time is money, so I do not
2.We got ready and reached there. waste time.
3. We entered the Jungle. 3. I do proper planning.
4. The Jungle was very dark. 4. I always try to achieve my goal.
5. We saw many birds and animals. 5. I never lose heart.
6. We saw many snakes. 6. I do work day and night.
7. We saw spiders and insects. 7. I look at the bright side of things.
8. We put thick boots and cloths. 8. I never sit idle.
9. After sometime we came back 9. Hard work is a key to success. So,
home. I always complete my work at time.
10. I cannot forget that visit. 6. Regular ink verses invisible ink
3. City Lahore 1. Man has been using the regular
1. Lahore is an old city. ink for writing.
2. It is a historical city. 2. These are used for writing on
3. It is the capital of Punjab. paper.
4. It is very beautiful city. 3. We can use it by filling pen.
5. It is very big city. 4. Regular ink is available
6. It is an advanced city. everywhere.
7. It has many parks. 5. Invisible ink is not available
8. It has many schools. everywhere.
9. It has many buildings. 6. Regular ink is useful.
10. All the people like this city. 7. It is the need of students.
11. I love Lahore city. 8. It is the need of office work.
4. An Exciting Dream 9. I like regular ink.
1. I saw an exciting dream. 7. Ants activities.
2. I dreamt, I was in a garden. 1. Last Sunday, I went to a park.
2. I was playing football.

TeacherS: SulTan ProgreSSive Public School Dillewali(Mianwali) Page 1
Composing: Muhammad Amir Shah Danish Dillewali 0301 & 0314-6869682

3. I was running. 4. It lays eggs in water.

4. I saw a bunch of ants on the tree. 5. It has black and white spots on
5. They were taking the leaves to body.
the ant hill. 6. It bits during day.
6. They were carrying piece of 7. We should remove water from
leaves in mouth. plants vases.
7. All the ants were working 8. Its symptoms are fever, headache
together. and vomiting etc.
8. They were going in a trail. 11. Many in one
9. They were collecting food. (Persons)
10. I cannot forget their hard work. 1 . My teacher name is Ali.
8. The Mosque 2. He is very noble.
1. Mosque is the house of Allah. 3. He is very kind.
2. It is the worship place for the 4. He is very gentle.
Muslims. 5. He is 30 years old.
3.I like Bilal Mosque. 6. He gets up early in the morning.
4. It is very beautiful. 7. He wears neat and clean dress.
5. It is very big Mosque. 8. He is very simple.
6. It is near my house. 9. I like him very much.
7. Its colour is white. 10. I love him very much.
8. It is very famous. 12. Many in one
9. I like it very much. (Things).
10. I love it very much. 1 . This is a book.
9. My hobby 2. It is my book.
1. There are countless hobbies. 3. It is new book.
2. My hobby is reading. 4. Its price is 500 rupees.
3. It is my favourite hobby. 5. Its colour is red.
4. I like story books. 6. It is very useful.
5. I have many story books. 7. It is very beautiful.
6. My friends like my hobby. 8. It is made in Pakistan.
7. I use books with care. 9. I like it very much.
8. I share story books with my 10. I love it very much.
friends. 13. Many in one
9. I love my hobby. Animals
10. I like my hobby. 1 . It is a cat.
10. Dengue 2. It is my cat.
1. Dengue is a fever. 3. It has four legs.
2. It is due to infection with a virus. 4. Its colour is black.
3. It is transmitted by mosquitoes. 5. It has two ears and two eyes.

TeacherS: SulTan ProgreSSive Public School Dillewali(Mianwali) Page 2
Composing: Muhammad Amir Shah Danish Dillewali 0301 & 0314-6869682

6. It is very beautiful. 3. Letter to your Uncle Thanking

7. It is very clean. him for a gift
8. It is found all over the world.
9. I like it very much. Examination Hall,
10. I love it very much. City A.B.C
15 May, 2016.
Dear Uncle,
1.. Letter to Friend congratulating A.O.A! How are you? I
him on his success am very thankful to you for a watch.
It is very beautiful. I will use it with
Examination Hall, care.
Salam to all
City A.B.C Yours daughter,
15 May, 2016. 4. Letter to younger brother for
Dear Sana, taking interest in study.
A.O.A! How are you? I Examination Hall,
am very glad to know that you have City A.B.C
passed your examination. I 15 May, 2016.
congratulate you on your success. Dear Ali,
Salam to all A.O.A! How are you? Your
Yours Friend, teacher reported me that you have
X.Y.Z badly failed. I advise you to take
2. Letter to Friend requested to interest in study.
lend your book of English. Salam to all
Yours Sister,
Examination Hall, X.Y.Z
City A.B.C 5. Letter to Friend describing
15 May, 2016 “Cleanliness Day in your School.”
Dear Friend,
A.O.A! How are you? Examination Hall,
You requested me to lend you my City A.B.C.
book. I will send you it soon. Please 15 May, 2016.
use it with care. Dear Sana,
Salam to all A.O.A! How are you? I
Yours Friend, am sharing a good event with you.
X.Y.Z Last Sunday a cleanliness day was
observed in our school. All the
teachers and students cleaned the

TeacherS: SulTan ProgreSSive Public School Dillewali(Mianwali) Page 3
Composing: Muhammad Amir Shah Danish Dillewali 0301 & 0314-6869682

school. We should keep A.O.A! How are you? I

environment clean. invite you to spend the Summer
Salam to all vacation with me. We shall play
Yours Friend, together. We shall enjoy together.
X.Y.Z Please inform me when you are
6. Letter to Friend for lending a coming.
Camera. Salam to all

Examination Hall, Yours Friend,

City A.B.C X.Y.Z
15 May, 2016.
Dear Friend,
A.O.A! How are you? I 1. Greedy Dog
am going to Lahore. I will take snaps Once there was a dog. He was
there. Please lend me your camera. very hungry. He got a piece of meat.
I shall be very thankful to you. He reached a stream. He saw his
Salam to all own reflection in water. He thought
Yours Friend, it another dog with a piece of meat.
X.Y.Z He opened his mouth. He lost his
7. Letter to Father for money. own piece of meat.
Moral: Greed is Curse.
Examination Hall, 2. Thirsty Crow
City A.B.C There was a crow. He was
15 May, 2016. very thirsty. He flew here and there
Dear Father, in search of water. He saw jug in the
A.O.A! How are you? I have garden. There was a little water. He
stood 1st in my class. Now I have to could not drink it. He thought a
buy new books. Kindly send me plan. He put some stones into it.
1000 rupees. The water rose up. He drank it and
Salam to all flew away.
Yours daughter, Moral: Necessity is the mother of
X.Y.Z invention.
8. Letter to Friend inviting him to 3. The Fox and Grapes
spend Summer vacation with you. There was a hungry fox. He
reached a garden. He saw grapes
Examination Hall, there. The grapes were out of his
City A.B.C reach. He jumped again and again
15 May, 2016. but all in vain. At last he went away
Dear Sana, saying. The grapes are sour.

TeacherS: SulTan ProgreSSive Public School Dillewali(Mianwali) Page 4
Composing: Muhammad Amir Shah Danish Dillewali 0301 & 0314-6869682

Moral: The grapes are sour. meat fell down. He picked it up and
4. Union is Strength ran away.
A farmer had three sons. Moral: Beware of flattery
They always quarreled. The farmer 7. Do good have good
advised him not to do so, but all in A Dove and Bee
vain. One day he asked them to One day a bee felt very
bring some sticks. They brought the thirsty. It went to a stream to drink
sticks. The farmer tied them in a water. But it fell down in water. A
bundle. He asked them to break it. dove saw this. She plucked a leaf
They could not break it. He untied and dropped it near the bee. The
the bundle. Now they broke sticks bee climbed over that and flew
very easily. The farmer said “ If you away.
will be united like this bundle no After sometime a hunter
one can harm you.” came there. He loaded his gun to
The sons got the point and shot the dove. The bee saw this. It
started living peacefully. stung the hunter. He missed the
Moral: Union is strength aim. The dove flew away.
5. The Lion and Mouse Moral: One good turn deserves
Once a lion was sleeping another
under the shade of a tree. A mouse 8. Two Goats
ran over his body and awakened Once a goat wanted to go to
him. He became angry. He caught the other side of a brook. There was
the mouse to kill it. The mouse a narrow bridge. When the goat
begged for mercy. The lion took pity reached the middle of bridge, it saw
on him and let him go. After another goat opposite side. Each of
sometime the lion was caught in a them wanted to cross first. They
trap. The mouse saw him. He began started fighting. They fell down into
to cut the ropes. In short time lion the brook.
was free. Moral: Selfishness leads to
Moral: Do good have good destruction
6. The fox and Crow 9. The Hare and Tortoise
Once a crow was sitting on a tree. It Once there lived a hare and a
has a piece of meat in its beak. A tortoise together. They were fast
hungry fox passed that way. His friends. The hare was proud of his
mouth watered. He thought of a speed. One day the hare asked the
plan to get piece of meat. He tortoise to run a race. He agreed.
praised his voice. He asked him to The race started. The hare ran fast.
sing a song. He opened his mouth The tortoise was left far behind. The
and began to crow. The piece of hare sat down under a shady tree

TeacherS: SulTan ProgreSSive Public School Dillewali(Mianwali) Page 5
Composing: Muhammad Amir Shah Danish Dillewali 0301 & 0314-6869682

and fell asleep. The tortoise

continued his race and reached the
goal. The hare was ashamed to see
the tortoise.
Moral: Pride hath a fall
10. A Foolish Stag
Once a stag was drinking
water at a pool. He saw his own
reflection in water. He admired his
beautiful horns but did not like his
weak legs. Suddenly he saw some
hounds running towards him. He
ran away but his horns were caught
in bush. Then the hounds caught
him and tore him into pieces.
Moral: All that glitters is not gold.

TeacherS: SulTan ProgreSSive Public School Dillewali(Mianwali) Page 6
Composing: Muhammad Amir Shah Danish Dillewali 0301 & 0314-6869682

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