Health Grade 9 1st Quarter

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Template 3 : Unpacking of Learning Competencies

Quarter First
Key Stage 7-10
Key Stage Standards The learner demonstrates an understanding of key health concepts related to the achievement, sustainability and
promotion of wellness as it improves the quality of life of the individual, the family and the larger community.
Performance Standard consistently demonstrates healthful practices to protect the environment for community wellness
Content Standards demonstrates understanding of the principles in protecting the environment for community wellness

Week Domain Learning Competencies Code Number of

Days Taught
Characteristics of a Healthy
1 Community 2. Nature and 1. defines community and environmental health H9CE-Ia-8
Health Effects of
1 Environmental Issues 2. describes a healthy community H9CE-Ia-9 1
2-4 3. explains how a healthy environment positively impact the health of people
and communities (less disease, less health care cost, etc.) H9CE-Ib-d-10 1
2-4 4. discusses the nature of environmental issues H9CE-Ib-d-11 2
2-4 5. analyzes the effects of environmental issues on people’s health H9CE-Ib-d-12 1
5-6 Prevention and
Management of
6. suggests ways to prevent and manage environmental health issues H9CE-Ie-f-13 1
7-8 Environmental Health issues 7. participates in implementing an environmental project such as building and
maintaining a school garden or conducting a war on waste campaign
(depends on feasibility) H9CE-Ig-h-14 2

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