Readers Workshop - Quarter 3 Final Project Google Slides Presentation
Readers Workshop - Quarter 3 Final Project Google Slides Presentation
Readers Workshop - Quarter 3 Final Project Google Slides Presentation
Information & Slides include all of the required Slides include most of the required Slides are missing three or more key
Explanations information and details information and details pieces of information
x4 Information is accurate and helps the Information is mostly accurate and helps Information is read directly from
audience better understand your novel the audience better understand slides - no additional explanation is
Explanations are provided to demonstrate Explanations of vital details are provided
your comprehension of concepts and ideas provided
Speaking Skills Speaker makes eye contact with the Speaker mostly makes eye contact with Speaker does not make eye contact
audience the audience with the audience
Talks loud/clear with no distracting Talks loud/clear most of the time with Talks in a soft voice, which makes it
mannerisms minimal distracting mannerisms difficult to hear, distracting
No prompting is needed from the teacher Prompting is needed from the teacher mannerisms displayed often
more than one time Prompting is required many times
Creativity & Visual aid is neatly put together, organized, Visual aid is neatly put together, organized, Visual aid is disorganized, not proofread,
Mechanics creative, proofread, and spell-checked. Font and spell checked. Font color, size, and type and/or contains many errors. May be
x2 color, size, and type are easy to read. Relevant may be occasionally difficult to read. Images difficult to read. Images are not relevant
images are included and add to overall may be included but not sufficiently or not included.
understandings. explained for a clear understanding.
Evidence All evidence is relevant and clear Almost all evidence is relevant and clear Evidence is missing or inaccurate
(Quotations & Quotations are cited correctly Quotations are mostly cited correctly Many major errors in citations
Recommendation Speaker addresses whether or not he/she Speaker addresses whether or not he/she Speaker does not address whether or
recommends the novel to others, describes recommends the novel to others, and not he/she recommends the novel, or
what type of person would enjoy the novel provides most of the reasons does not offer explanations
Asks the audience if they have questions Asks the audience if they have Does not ask the audience if they
questions, but gets signal from teacher have questions, teacher reminder
Length of Does not go over or under time by 1 minute Does not go over or under time by 1.5 Over or under time by 2 or more
Presentation minutes minutes