CFPB Report Financial-Wellness-At-Work PDF
CFPB Report Financial-Wellness-At-Work PDF
CFPB Report Financial-Wellness-At-Work PDF
August 2014
Message from
Richard Cordray
Director of the CFPB
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is the nation’s first federal agency whose sole focus
is protecting consumers in the financial marketplace. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and
Consumer Protection Act also authorizes us to develop and implement initiatives to educate and
empower consumers so they can make better and more informed financial decisions. Our job is
not only to make the marketplace safer, but also to help people build the skills they want and
need to improve their financial lives.
Financial education is central to this mission. If we expect consumers to be responsible for the
choices they make, we must support them in developing the skills and knowledge they need.
Our strategy to increase people’s financial literacy and financial capability includes providing
tools and information to help people navigate these decisions, collaborative initiatives with our
partners to help us reach consumers, and foundational research to identify, highlight, and
spread effective approaches to financial education.1
This leads us to focus on financial education in the workplace, where people make some very
important financial decisions. At work we may decide how much to save for retirement, whether
and how to secure health and life insurance, and whether to set aside funds to meet child care
and medical expenses through specialized savings accounts. As more employers give employees
Given this natural connection between the workplace and certain key financial decisions, some
employers are already playing a critical educational role for their employees. We are pleased to
be reporting here on some of their promising practices and policies. The evidence is preliminary
as yet, but some of the initial research on financial education in the workplace already suggests
that a financially capable workforce is more satisfied, more engaged, and more productive for
their employers.
In this report, we specifically describe financial wellness efforts at five companies: Nebraska
Furniture Mart, health care provider QLI, Staples, Goodwill of Central Texas, and Pacific Market
Research. Each of these companies is innovating in financial wellness efforts and finding value
in reducing and addressing the negative effects of financial stress on employees. They all took
the time to share with us their best practices, and we appreciate their input and believe other
employers could adapt and learn from their ongoing initiatives. We also highlight one particular
public-private partnership that is operating effectively at scale to support employers and help
them take action: Delaware’s “Stand by Me” program. State and local officials would do well to
consider how they can adapt or replicate the benefits of this program in their own jurisdictions.
Forward-looking employers are already playing an important role in shaping a better future for
their employees and our country. We intend this report to spark important discussions about
how we can help American workers improve their financial security by developing the financial
skills they need to build a better life for themselves and their families.
Richard Cordray
Table of contents......................................................................................................... 4
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................... 5
2. The business case for financial wellness and the opportunity for
employers............................................................................................................ 12
2.1 Financial stress and employer costs ....................................................... 13
2.2 Employee engagement............................................................................ 16
2.3 Low-cost/high-return opportunity ........................................................ 18
2.4 Obstacles to financial fitness at work ..................................................... 22
2 American Dream and Financial Security, Washington Post-Miller Center Poll (Sept. 6-12), Washington Post,
financial/2013/11/25/b9cec6ca-2892-11e3-8ab3-b5aacc9e1165_page.html ; see also, e.g., Rakesh Kochhar & Rich
Morin, Despite recovery, fewer Americans identify as middle class, Pew Research Center (Jan. 27, 2014),
3 Share of U.S. Workers Living Paycheck to Paycheck Continues to Decline from Recession-Era Peak, Finds Annual
CareerBuilder Survey, CareerBuilder, LLC (Sept. 25, 2013),
F31%2F2013 (finding in a survey by Harris Interactive Poll that 36% of those surveyed report they “always or
usually live paycheck to paycheck. Posing the question somewhat differently, the American Payroll Association,
using a larger survey of more than 30,000, found 68% said they would find it “somewhat or very difficult” if their
paychecks were delayed for a week).
4 Frank Newport, Americans See Finances as Better, but Worse Than Pre-2008, Gallup Economy (Apr. 25, 2013), (The poll finds 40% of
respondents say their personal financial situation is "only fair" and 14% see it as "poor," but 47% see it as getting
This review is intended to serve as a resource for employers who are interested in promoting
employee financial well-being by helping their employees develop the skills to better manage
their money. Section One introduces the need for financial education in the workplace. Section
Two offers an overview of research findings in the field and a discussion of the costs to
employers. Section Three presents case studies of some financial wellness practices that
employers have found helpful and which might be useful to other companies interested in
promoting financial wellness. The report also notes promising trends such as an increased focus
on developing employee emergency savings.
Judging by recent surveys, the timing is right for this review. The human resources consulting
firm Aon Hewitt polled more than 400 companies in 2014 and found three out of four are
5 American Psychology Association, Stress in America: Are Teens Adopting Adults’ Stress Habits? (2014), available at; PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLC, Employee
Financial Wellness Survey 10 (2014), available at
7 Id.
8 See E. Thomas Garman et al., Financial Stress Among American Workers: Final report: 30 Million Workers in
America—One in Four—Are Seriously Financially Distressed and Dissatisfied Causing Negative Impacts on
Individuals, Families, and Employers 17 (2005),
10 Id. at 3.
11 See, e.g., AICPA Survey: Money Stress Taking Toll on Well-being, American Institute of CPAs (Apr. 23, 2013), (stating
that“[m]oney stress brought on by lighter paychecks this year is affecting more than Americans’ wallets — it’s taking
a toll on their waistlines, friendships and sleep, according to results of a new survey fielded for the American
Institute of CPAs by Harris Interactive).
12 MetLife, Inc., 10th Annual Study of Employee Benefits Trends: Seeing Opportunity in Shifting Tides 51 (2012),
available at annual met life study of ee
benefits trends.pdf (“22% of employees admit that they have taken unexpected time off in the past 12 months to
deal with a financial issue and/or spent more time than they think they should at work on personal financial
issues . . . .”). 15% of Gen Y respondents, 10% of Gen X respondents, 5% of Younger Boomer respondents, and 1% of
Older Boomer respondents admitted to the same. Id. at 70.
14 Men’s Earnings at Peak at Age 45-54, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (July 23, 1999),
Given the high levels of self-reported distress, it shouldn’t be a surprise to learn that many
employees (40%) say that they want help in achieving financial security.16 And that number is
much higher (81%) for workers saying financial problems have affected their productivity.
It’s not just employees who want help managing financial stress at work. Managers confront
this stress every day. In a recent survey, 61% of human resources professionals say financial
stress is having some impact on employee work performance.17 Twenty-two percent say worries
over personal finances have a “large impact” on employee engagement.18 A clear majority of
employers (57%) also say that they believe that financial education boosts productivity.19
Despite the challenges financial issues present for employee engagement, Gallup found only 6%
of employees strongly agree their organization does things to help them manage their finances
more effectively.20 Given the huge investment employers make in health and retirement
benefits that are central to financial security and long-term money management, it is surprising
so many employees give their companies low marks on the related issue of helping with financial
17 Society for Human Resource Management, SHRM Research Spotlight: Financial Education Initiatives in the
Workplace 2 (2012), available at
18 Id.
20 Jennifer Robison, The Business Case for Wellbeing, Gallup Business Journal (June 9, 2010), - 3.
The end goal of a financial wellness program is to enhance the employee’s overall financial well-
being. That’s why financial wellness programs most often support an employee’s ability to
manage both short-term and long-term needs. Definitions of financial wellness stress the
importance of striking a balance between planning for immediate needs while also taking into
account long-term goals. As one financial planning firm put it, “financial wellness is . . . the
ongoing practice of striking a balance between living responsibly today and planning wisely for
tomorrow.”21 The focus is not just on creating a plan, but on enabling employees to make
decisions to manage a plan over time.
21 Financial Wellness: Waddell & Reed, Waddell & Reed, Inc.,
Wellness.6.htm (last visited Aug. 21, 2014).
Financial wellness programs take the view that employee financial well-being is influenced by
knowledge, skills, and actions that support better financial outcomes. Therefore, financial
wellness approaches stress the importance of knowing about “financial concepts and tools” and
acting on that knowledge to plan, save and invest.24 The definitions suggest that financial
wellness programs should closely connect education focused on general financial education with
opportunities to practice financial planning and implement financial decisions.25 In this sense,
financial wellness programs are as much about learning to do it right as learning the right thing
to do.
22 So-hyun Joo, Personal Financial Wellness and Worker Job Productivity, 47 (1998), available at
23 See, e.g., Financial Wellness | Student Wellness, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, (last visited Aug. 21, 2014); What is Wellness? |
Duke Student Affairs, Duke University,, (last
visited Aug. 21, 2014).
25 See,e.g., Kelly D. Edmiston et al., Weighing the Effects of Financial Education in the Workplace, Fed. Reserve Bank
of Kan. City, 28 (2009), available at
The executives and employees who offered their time and thoughts come from companies that
vary in size from relatively small employers to global competitors. The views presented here
provide a range of practical experience and insights. Most importantly, we hope this
information will be useful to others considering ways for employers of all sizes to support
employee financial well-being.
Although there are many definitions of financial wellness, employers appear to take an approach
similar to health wellness programs. After initial assessment – either formal or informal –
employees participate in counseling or classroom instruction that promotes positive, basic
financial behaviors that benefit both employee and employer: budgeting and money
management skills, debt reduction, credit score management, and financial goal setting such as
increasing savings.
26 Several
of the companies featured in this report noted that they became interested in adopting comprehensive
financial wellness programs after noticing employees were making repeat visits to EAP programs designed for crisis
28 Soeren
Mattke et al., Workplace Wellness Programs Study xiv (2013), available at
29 Stephen
Miller, Study: Wellness Programs Saved $1 to $3 per Dollar Spent, Society for Human Resource
Management (Sept. 12, 2012),
saved.aspx; see Katherine Baicker et al., Workplace Wellness Programs can Generate Savings, 29 Health Affairs 304,
304 (2010), available at
30 Financial
Finesse, a provider of financial wellness programs, reports one large employer found health care costs fell
by 4.5% for participants in a financial wellness program compared to a 19.5% increase in costs for non-participants.
See Financial Finesse, Inc., Actual Results from Company’s Financial Wellness Program (2012), available at For a general
discussion of health wellness savings, see Health Policy Briefs, Health Affairs (May 16, 2013),
The American Psychological Association has been conducting its “Stress in America” survey
since 2007. A 2014 online poll of 1,950 adults conducted by Harris Interactive found money is
the top source of stress for the nation, cited by 71% of respondents. That is closely followed by
work (69%) and the economy (59%).32 Another way to look at these results is that the top stress
factors all converge in the workplace. Employees are paid at work and they make many of their
most important financial decisions at work. Employees also experience the economy through
the ups and downs of their employer. The 2013 Stress in America results are not an isolated
finding. Americans have named money their top source of stress for the last six years in a row
and for seven of the last eight years. The Stress in America findings follow decades of study
examining psychological stress (particularly the link between stress and physical health) that
indicates that individuals ranked financial events as some of life’s most challenging and stressful
events, in some cases ranking ahead of the death of a close friend or trouble with a boss.
Surveys also provide evidence that the stress Americans experience from high debt levels are
associated with adverse health outcomes. A 2008 AP-AOL survey of 1,002 adults by Abt SRBI
found those who report high debt stress are much more likely to report they suffer from
headaches, severe depression, anxiety, and digestive tract problems. While 31 percent of adults
with low levels of debt stress say they experience muscle tension and lower back pain, just over
half of those with high debt stress experience this kind of pain. High debt stress is also
associated with trouble sleeping and concentrating.33
In addition to the AP-AOL findings, researchers at Ohio State surveyed 9,200 people between
2005 and 2011 to learn more about their stress levels. The findings of the Consumer Finance
31 See,e.g., Ralf Schwarzer et al., The Role of Stressful Life Events 26 (2001); Sheldon Cohen et al., Psychological
Stress and Susceptibility to the Common Cold, 325 New England J. Medicine 606 (1991).
33 Health
Poll, AP-AOL/ABT SRBI (2008), available at Health Poll Topline
040808_FINAL_debt stress.pdf.
A recent report in Health Affairs analyzed the health risks and medical expenses of more than
92,000 employees over a three-year period.36 Those reporting high stress were $413 more
costly per year on average than workers who were not at risk from stress. By comparison,
smoking – a common health risk targeted by corporate wellness programs – was found to raise
health care costs by $587 dollars on average.37 Since financial problems are an important stress
factor, it appears employers may be paying a high cost for employee financial stress, but they do
not recognize it because a large portion of that expense shows up indirectly as a health care
The Health Affairs study was careful to point out that their analysis did not measure whether
employers can save money by implementing wellness programs, but the authors suggest “such
inferences are reasonable, however, in light of abundant medical literature and recent worksite
studies that have documented cost savings from risk-reduction efforts.”38
While far from conclusive, other research reports also suggest financial wellness training may
positively impact stress and related costs the same way employers are finding success in
addressing health behaviors. A 2008 study of a public-private partnership found promising
results. The partnership combined research from the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City with
funding from the United Way of the Midlands. The instruction consisted of nine hours of
34 Lucia
F. Dunn & Ida A. Mirzaie, Working Paper, Determinants of Consumer Debt Stress: Differences by Debt Type
and Gender (2012), available at
36 Ron
Z. Goetzel et al., Ten Modifiable Health Risk Factors Are Linked To More Than One-Fifth Of Employer-
Employee Health Care Spending, 31 Health Affairs 2474 (2012).
37 Ron
Z. Goetzel, et al., The relationship between modifiable health risks and health care expenditures, 40 J. Occup.
Environ. Med. 843 (1998)(showing an analysis of the multi-employer HERO health risk and cost database).
Where we did see a significant change in the survey data is in a large increase in the
share of participants who felt satisfied with their financial situation two to three years
following enrollment. Although we have no way to measure stress directly . . . we
expect that increased financial satisfaction leads to reduced stress.39
Given the large costs that may be associated with financial stress in terms of productivity loss
and higher health care spending, employers have a potentially large incentive to explore cost-
effective ways to enhance employee financial wellness. Indeed, employees would also clearly
benefit from any programs that reduced stress that may be linked to poor health.
40 For examples of definitions of employee engagement, see Towers Watson, 2012 Global Workforce Study:
Engagement at Risk: Driving Strong Performance in a Volatile Global Environment 5 (2012); Rebecca L. Ray, et al.,
The Conference Board Inc., The State of Human Capital 2012: False Summit (2012); ADP, Inc., Employee
Satisfaction vs. Employee Engagement: Are They the Same Thing? An ADP White Paper (2012).
41 See,
e.g., James Harter et al., Business-Unit-Level Relationships Between Employee Satisfaction, Employee
Engagement , and Business Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis, 87 J. Applied Psychology 268 (2002).
Unfortunately, many employees are using their 401(k) plan as an expensive form of emergency
savings.45 Twenty-eight percent of employees have some form of 401(k) loan outstanding.46
43 Tahira
K. Hira and Cäzilia Loibl, Understanding the Impact of Employer-Provided Financial Education on
Workplace Satisfaction, 39 J. Consumer Affairs 173, 185 (2005).
45 Charles
Delafuente, Borrowing From the Future, New York Times (Feb. 11, 2013),
Fortunately, some employers have been able to address this problem. As noted above, after a
program combining financial education and one-on-one counseling, employees were less likely
to take out 401(k) loans. Employers were also likely to see reduced administrative costs
resulting from decreased wage garnishments and an increase in employee take-up of tax-
preferred flexible spending accounts.47
This example underscores an opportunity that may exist for many employers. Most companies
provide financial education to support benefits programs such as a 401(k) plan. The tendency is
to make the program the focus, not the employee’s specific circumstances. However, more
creative and flexible solutions often involve little or no cost, but yield important payoffs. For
example, more comprehensive financial education programs that include goal-setting and debt
management can provide employees with important context about both the value of their
benefits and the importance of balancing short-term needs against long-term goals, whereas
training solely on the basics of a 401(k) plan may not. A broader approach to financial skill-
building can help employees better understand how a benefits program helps them to manage
their financial risks and fits into a comprehensive financial plan.
The experience of the U.S. Army is a case in point. For some servicemembers, adverse credit
reports can cause a security clearance to be suspended or revoked, jeopardizing the ability to
46 Aon
Hewitt, Leakage of Participants’ DC Assets: How Loans, Withdrawals, and Cashouts Are Eroding Retirement
Income (2011), available at
A recent study of over 80,000 participants in an Army training program (the Personal Financial
Management Course) found positive results with the strongest impact on retirement savings.
The average amount contributed to retirement accounts each month roughly doubled, from
around $15 per month to over $30. It is worth noting that these contributions were not
matched, though they were part of a tax-advantaged saving program, the Thrift Savings Plan
(TSP). If those amounts are maintained for just two years, the study’s author calculates that
this will result in $4,300 in additional savings over a working career.49
The Personal Financial Management Course, while only an introductory, eight-hour course, also
had a modest, but positive impact on financial decisions about credit cards and auto loans. An
examination of 33,000 credit reports showed that course attendees reduced their credit
balances (credit cards, auto loans, finance loans, and unpaid balances) by about $635 (10%) and
monthly required payments fell by about $37 (17%). But the study found that these effects only
persisted as far as one year.50
The Army’s experience might provide a benchmark for some private sector employers. The
eight-hour course has been estimated to cost about $22 per soldier. In the United States, the
median hourly wage including benefits is roughly $30, putting a reasonable cost in employee
time for an eight-hour training course at roughly $240. But it may also be the case that
48 See, e.g., United States Government Accountability Office, More DOD Actions Needed to Address Servicemembers’
Personal Financial Management Issues (2005), available at
49 William Skimmyhorn, Working Paper, Assessing Financial Education: Evidence from a Personal Financial
Management Course 27 (2014).
50 In a presentation at the CFPB, Professor Skimmyhorn cautioned the Army population may differ from the general
workforce in some regards. For example, individuals who join the Army may be more likely to follow the directions
of program instructors. It is also possible that many Army recruits are joining the service with the intention of
improving their personal and financial situation. Even so, Skimmyhorn says the Army’s results could suggest a
similar course may benefit some employees.
Considering the connection noted earlier between absenteeism and productivity loss and
financial stress, the cost of providing a financial wellness program appears manageable for many
employers. As an example, a few hours of additional productivity per year or a one-day
reduction in absenteeism per participant would likely be enough to cover the employer’s per-
person training cost. And it is also possible that more effective delivery methods for financial
training, including just-in-time guidance, could drive down costs and allow for more rigorous
analysis of benefits.
Training programs to help employees build skills in budgeting and saving to address needs
before they become emergencies seem like a low-cost opportunity for both employers and
employees and would meet a critical employee need. In some instances, informational nudges
53 Robert
L. Clark et al., Can Simple Informational Nudges Increase Employee Participation in a 401(k) Plan?, NBER
Working Paper No. 19591 (2013).
54 Annamaria Lusardi, Household Saving Behavior: The Role of Financial Literacy, Information, and Financial
Education Programs, NBER Working Paper No. 13824 7 (2008).
56 Ina telephone interview and emails (February 2014), Sally Hass argued that employers have not maximized their
current investments in financial education and have failed to shop for benefits providers or insist those providers
actually meet education targets.
Since human resource functions may be viewed as a cost-center, some employers may also be
reluctant to increase expenses, even in cases where a strong benefit is likely. Before committing
to launch financial wellness programs, employers say they want customized, proven programs
that can be delivered at no additional cost.58
The mechanism for delivering financial wellness programs may be as important as the content.
Employees may be reluctant to discuss embarrassing financial information with coworkers or
even with contractors hired by an employer to deliver financial education unless it becomes
more of an ingrained part of the workplace culture. Making financial wellness training a more
regular benefit offering or activity may help overcome the perception that this is an emergency
service or a form of remedial training.
There are also some philosophical and other obstacles to financial wellness programs.
Employers may not feel it is appropriate or desirable for them to advise their employees on
financial management. There is concern financial wellness programs may intrude on employee
privacy or put employers in the uncomfortable position of making value judgments about
employee spending preferences. Some employers are also wary of legal liability if they endorse
or partner with programs that offer financial education.59
58 Some of the employers contacted for this report reinforced the need to find low-cost or no-cost solutions to
workplace financial education. For more on employer views on cost-effective solutions, see, for example,
President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability Partnerships Committee, Workplace Financial Capability
Framework – Summary of Comments (2012), available at
education/Documents/PACFC Financial Capability at Work.pdf.
59 See id. at 2.
Measuring the direct monetary benefit from workplace financial education is also not easy. The
financial information employees receive is most often provided in the context of a discussion of
retirement benefits and is delivered by a financial provider or consultant. A much smaller
subset of employers offer basic assistance with budgeting, emergency savings, planning for
college and other important events. Even that type of assistance is not usually delivered in the
context that some experts in the field argue will be most effective. Some researchers have
suggested that delivering financial education or counseling close in time to a decision point – a
strategy sometimes called “just-in-time” – may be most effective.63 On top of all this, it is
inherently difficult to link any single program to a bottom line impact that might reduce costs
and enhance profitability. Finally, an employee’s overall financial wellness is a complex
interaction between variables employers can influence through training programs – such as an
60 See, e.g., Daniel Fernandes et al., The Effect of Financial Literacy and Financial Education on Downstream
Financial Behaviors (2013), available at
61 Justine S. Hastings et al., Financial Literacy, Financial Education and Economic Outcomes, NBER Working Paper
w18412 (2012), available at
62 For an overall critique of financial literacy and financial literacy research, see generally Lauren E. Willis, Against
Financial-Literacy Education, 94 U. Iowa L. Rev. 197 (2008), available at
63 See, e.g., United States Government Accountability Office, A Federal Certification Process for Providers Would Pose
Challenges 15-16 (2011); Fernandes et al., supra note 60, at 22.
That said, it is critical to try to better understand the impact of financial wellness programs on
the issues about which employers care most about: engagement, absenteeism, stress, and
health-related costs. The opportunity exists for health researchers to partner with non-profits
and companies providing financial capability training to craft studies that measure financial and
overall stress levels before and after receiving budgeting, debt management, and other financial
wellness interventions. Further, the connections between long-term financial stress and health
outcomes can be studied more closely.
It would also be useful to better understand the benefits of differentiating financial wellness
approaches for different employee groups. For example, some studies find that programs that
are highly-targeted to a specific demographic group or financial activity are most effective or
that low-income workers need the most help in managing money and benefit the most from
financial education.64 There may also be interesting research around how different financial
wellness approaches vary in effectiveness at different stages of the employee lifecycle; it stands
to reason that new employees might most benefit from a different set of trainings or skill
building exercises than employees approaching retirement. And there is also much work to do
in studying the effectiveness of new, lower-cost interventions tied to online and mobile
While there is still much to be learned, many employers are taking the approach of building on
what does work and learning by doing, understanding that the lack of perfect information need
not prevent reasonable steps that can be taken now. Some of those steps will be examined in the
next section.
64 See
Ian Hathaway & Sameer Khatiwada, Working Paper, Do Financial Education Programs Work? (2003); Patrick
J. Bayer et al., The Effects of Financial Education in the Workplace: Evidence from a Survey of Employers, 47
Economic Inquiry 605 (2009).
In addition to personal and philosophical reasons for taking on this challenge, many businesses
believe financial wellness programs generate greater engagement, loyalty and productivity.
These are some of the themes that emerged from discussions with employers:
Employers are keenly aware of the financial stress facing many employees and they are
genuinely interested in helping the people who work for them.
Customer-centric businesses are worried that financially stressed employees will not
provide the level of service required to succeed in a competitive marketplace.
Human resources professionals are concerned matching funds in 401(k) programs are
being used to meet short-term emergencies, undermining an expensive benefit program.
The examples of workplace financial education in action that follow are not intended to be
representative of all the work being done in this area. Rather, the intention is to present a range
of experience from some leading employers in the country that might be helpful to others who
are considering steps to promote financial wellness and address financial stress in the
While the company has provided support and advice to employees on a case-by-case basis, it has
limited resources, and is unable to do so comprehensively, or to provide the level of support
needed to effectively solve more complex financial issues. In some cases, workers have asked
about high-cost loans and other expensive financial products. Rosenkranz noted that many
Pacific Market Research employees had only a limited financial education and little access to
professional advice. They often turn to friends who may have little more experience with
financial decisions.
65 Telephone interview with QLI CEO Pat Kearns (Feb. 19, 2014).
66 The Seattle-based company employs 350 people, most of them tasked with conducting telephone interviews on
behalf of non-profits, government agencies, and public and private companies. Most of the employees at Pacific
Market Research are low-to-moderate income. The survey industry is intensely competitive and faces pricing
pressure both from lower cost states domestically and extremely low-cost competitors overseas.
Rosenkranz says: “A lot of these people are so overwhelmed and are in such a bad financial strait
that they don’t know where to start so they ignore the problem. The most effective part of the
program was real-time help. For example, a counselor with the program might meet with an
employee and walk them through a credit report and then offer to call about a bill while the
employee listens in and learns to negotiate a reasonable payment plan.”
Rosenkranz found some of the most important and lasting outcomes from the program came
from positive peer pressure at work. Employees formed teams of two or three or four people
encouraging each other and trying to hold each other to solid financial principals.68 Work teams
that went through training together made financial planning almost into a game.
Neighborhood Trust reports virtually all the participants in the Pacific Market Research
program said they would recommend it to a friend or co-worker, with eight out of ten saying
they would do so “strongly.” The same number report (78%) they have made a positive change
in their spending habits as a result of the training. For Pacific Market Research, the training has
67 Interview with Tyler Phillips, Associate Director of Programs, Neighborhood Trust Financial Partners, (Aug. 14,
68 Recent research has confirmed the important role that peer relationships play in influencing savings behavior at
work. See, e.g., Esther Duflo & Emmanuel Saez, Participation and investment decisions in a retirement plan: the
influence of colleague’s choices, 85 J. Pub. Economics 121 (2002), available at
69 E-mail from Tyler Phillips, Associate Director of Programs, Neighborhood Trust Financial Partners (May, 5, 2014).
70The importance of peer influences in the Neighborhood Trust trainings are detailed in an e-email from Tyler
Phillips, id.
Most of the employers contacted for this report shared similar stories. Some said both
managers and employees found discussions with peers and support from co-workers provided
powerful motivation to adopt positive financial behaviors. While lower paid workers had more
difficulty making ends meet, even managers and more highly compensated employees reported
challenges tracking spending and balancing immediate needs against longer-term priorities.
One employee survey found that 17% of employees making more than $100,000 relied on credit
cards for “monthly necessities.”71
Staples realized it needed to start thinking more broadly about financial health of its associates
when it came time to sign employees up for the company 401(k). At first, Staples thought it had
a communication problem. Participation rates were disappointing. Executives thought workers
didn’t understand the benefits – that employees didn’t realize they were giving up free money by
passing on the company match. Or that the low participation rate might indicate a structural
problem. Perhaps the program was too difficult to navigate or the barriers to participation were
too high? Staples started experimenting with simplifying enrollment and changing eligibility
To learn more, Lisa Blasdale, Staples Senior Benefits Manager, made a special effort to get out
into the field, touring facilities and meeting associates. Initially, Blasdale says employees would
not talk to her about why they were not participating in the 401(k) plan. But after people got to
know and trust her, associates began to share their stories. Blasdale learned many long-time
Staples associates did not believe they had enough money to save anything. They reported that
they were struggling with debt or basic credit issues. The conversations, she says, were “eye
Blasdale realized Staples needed a new approach to increase engagement and help associates.
The company decided to refocus its efforts on basic financial management skills. The new
programs emphasized the need to manage spending and make room to pay down high-interest
debt. Staples also worked harder to explain the benefits of saving for retirement.
But the critical challenge was not just helping associates learn to manage their money, the
problem was finding a way to develop programs that could deliver highly engaging financial
wellness training at scale for a diverse, far-flung workforce. Blasdale was concerned a typical
classroom training on financial skills would be impractical and expensive to implement and it
would be too boring to engage associates. Staples wanted an easier approach and got it.
The game also tapped into the positive power of peer-to-peer interactions by encouraging
associates in Staples stores and regions to compete against each other. The contests appeal to
the competitive nature of many associates, while fostering collaboration by encouraging
employees within a store or region to support each other as they work to improve their financial
health. In two different districts, Staples noted that roughly 80% of targeted employees
engaged with the company’s game portal page. 73
Bite Club was developed by the nonprofit, Doorways to Dreams (D2D) Fund, and encouraged by
the reception to Bite Club, Staples is rolling out new games from the same source. Farm Blitz
will encourage associates to build emergency savings as they manage farm resources. Refund
Rush helps people learn to “split” their tax refunds, dividing their deposits into savings and
checking accounts. Blasdale says, “Right now, we might not be able to get them to increase their
401(k) contribution, but that’s fine as long as they are not acquiring more debt.”
Staples’ experience has helped convince plan providers to offer games to other companies as a
way to boost 401(k) participation and encourage financial wellness.
72 D2D Fund, Inc., Can Games Build Financial Capability?: A Financial Entertainment Report (2012), available at
73 Nicholas
W. Maynard et al., Can Games Build Financial Capability? 12 (2012),available at
After an initial pilot, United Way of the Midlands raised $10,000 to launch three test sites in
Omaha, Nebraska. Classes began in May 2006. Perhaps the most impressive result is that
employers who participated in the pilot program still offer it today.
Public-private partnerships like this have been an effective way to raise awareness of the
challenges of financial stress in the workplace and have encouraged employers to test drive
financial wellness programs across the country. The participation of respected non-profits helps
companies overcome concerns about the potential risk of offering basic financial advice to
employees. And public-sector institutions often bring important research skills needed to
validate the effectiveness of financial wellness interventions.
The training delivered through the Omaha program reassures employees that their financial
mistakes are a result of very human traits. For example, employees who are in debt may try to
pay off what they owe too quickly, leaving little money for emergencies. Macken argues this
cycle is driven in large part by fear of debt. If employees are to successfully work their way out
of debt, Macken argues, “Emotionally, you have to break that feast and famine cycle.”
The next step was to discuss actions employees could take to increase their chances of being
financially successful. Spouses were encouraged to attend these one-on-one sessions as well. If
employees have trust in the planners, Macken argues they are open to adopting a financial plan
that accounts for emotions and weaknesses in human decision-making. The focus on emotions
may seem odd to some given the dry reputation of most financial planning programs, but it is a
theme that comes up again and again in successful programs.
Below are case studies from two employers who participated in the initial Omaha program and
still offer it.
To succeed in the demanding work of caring for people with disabilities, QLI CEO Patricia
Kearns argues employees need to develop what she calls the “emotional resilience” to cope with
“Financial stressors are one of the bigger things that all our staff struggle with in their personal
life,” says QLI CEO Patricia Kearns. QLI leadership decided it was time to act. Mary Sheldrick
is one of the employees QLI invested in keeping. Sheldrick had run into financial problems
making ends meet on the wages typically paid to health care workers in this field. She says her
self-esteem plummeted as her financial situation began to spiral down: “When you are in this
kind of situation, your self-esteem is affected if you have bill collectors calling you and making
you feel like crap if you can’t pay them.”
Sheldrick was an eager participant in the financial training program offered through the
partnership with the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank, UWM, and Waddell & Reed. Two
things struck her about the program. First, the training offered practical, step-by-step methods
to address common financial problems. The training materials showed Sheldrick and others
how to examine their debt and manage their pocketbooks more effectively. Perhaps most
importantly, the training also addressed the emotional concerns that arise when people fall into
debt and other financial trouble.
Sheldrick explains, “What they did is they helped us see that all of us in the class were good
people and smart people, and we had to get past the shame that everybody in this class has debt
and made mistakes.” The explicit recognition of employee feelings around their financial
situation appears to be an important factor in the program’s success.
QLI executives participated in the training to vet the curriculum. And they also came away
learning valuable financial skills and methods to better manage their spending. QLI’s director of
human resources agreed the emotional context of the program was an important aspect of its
The experience of building financial skills with co-workers also created a sense of camaraderie.
As we have seen with other programs, peer-to-peer interaction helped QLI employees struggling
with financial issues. Sheldrick explains: “You feel a sense of humility in a force of many where
you have one cause and are working together on it.”
QLI is now in the eighth year of offering the financial wellness program and 70% of the staff has
participated. The company’s management believes the financial training succeeded in large part
because of the combination of a well-thought out structure involving skilled trainers,
sophisticated materials, rigorous research, and a committed employer. The training was
reinforced in the workplace by bringing co-workers together to support each other. QLI
employees are encouraged to pay a portion of the program’s cost to encourage buy-in. The
financial wellness training continues to be highly valued by employees and is seen as a benefit
that can distinguish employers who compete to be considered “best companies to work for.”
74 Telephone interview with Alicia Elson, QLI Vice President of Human Resources (Oct. 11, 2013).
76 Turnover for Certified Nursing Assistants who provide direct patient care in long-term nursing facilities has been
estimated at 65.6%. See American Health Care Association Department of Research, Report of Findings: 2007
AHCA Survey: National Staff Vacancy and Turnover in Nursing Facilities iii (2008), available at
Other stories were less dramatic, but spoke to the deep impact the program had on NFM
employees. One employee said she thought at the time she would be able to pay for all of their
children’s college. But after taking the program, she realized that she realistically could save for
half. Another employee said he was talking with friends after work and recalled how one said,
“Wow, I can’t believe your company is offering something like that.” Both moved and concerned
by these stories, NFM executives decided to keep offering the financial wellness program and to
expand it.
NFM says that two hundred employees have completed the financial wellness program so far.
The company credits the training with reducing 401(k) loans among this population. In
addition, the program has been particularly effective in helping employees who work on
commission. Since these workers have paychecks that fluctuate, financial training was effective
in coming up with ways to better plan for swings in income by transferring a set amount of
money to a checking account every month. Counselors also helped employees to set up
automatic transfers to implement the cash flow management.
NFM finds the financial wellness training is a good way to reinforce values that matter to the
company. The courses helped employees to understand and put a financial value on their
health insurance and what it really costs. The company also has a very strict policy on 401(k)
loans. Executives believe the program is not designed for short-term savings. The financial
With a long-term orientation consistent with other Berkshire Hathaway companies, NFM aims
to make a lasting connection with customers and employees. Its turnover rate is just 20%, a low
figure for the retail industry. NFM believes that employees recognize the company is doing
something special for them by offering financial wellness training because it cares about their
well-being and that has helped reduce turnover.
As Megan Berry Barlow, Human Resources Director for NFM, puts it, “Helping somebody save
for retirement doesn’t make them rich today, so if you are not taking a long-term path to help
someone stay here for 10 to 15 years, a program like this might not make much sense if you
didn’t have a long term orientation.”
NFM also views financial wellness as a gap in society that employers can fill. Rather than pass
the buck to someone else, NFM wants to do its share to help employees plan for retirement and
to meet other important life goals.77 The private-public partnership with the Federal Reserve
Bank of Kansas City and the United Way of the Midlands helped catalyze NFM’s ability to act to
support its employees in a fundamental way.
Working with the United Way of Delaware and private foundations including the Delaware
Community Foundation and the Kellogg Foundation, Delaware’s Governor Jack Markell and
the state of Delaware supports the delivery of financial coaching services through a joint venture
77 NFM is now expanding, adding 2400 people with its expansion in Dallas area and plans to offer the program there
after a transition period.
A key goal of the partnership is to demonstrate for employers the value of providing financial
wellness programs. Mary DuPont, Delaware’s Director of Financial Empowerment, says,
“When employers experience the benefit it brings to their workforce, it becomes part of their
culture and then external support is no longer needed.”
Working with Nancy Klein, GCT’s Employee Assistance Program Coordinator, Stokes developed
a comprehensive financial wellness program and decided to deliver it during the onboarding
process for new employees. Onboarding was selected as the delivery point, because GCT
considers it to be a “milestone moment” when employees are open to change. Stokes defines
milestones such as the start of a new job as moments when “something major is happening”
which creates an “opportunity for [employees] to consider alternative ways to do things,
especially if how they were doing them in the past was not working for them.”78
By taking advantage of the new employee orientation, 15 to 20 new hires a week are offered at
least three opportunities to improve their financial wellness. First, all new hires complete a
78 E-mail from Steve Stokes, GCT Financial Wellness Coordinator (Apr. 25, 2014).
Like many organizations, GCT considers coaching and counseling to be distinct programs.
Financial counseling is crisis-driven and counselors focus on resolving problems in a
confidential setting. After an initial assessment counselors will develop a service plan to address
a new employee’s individual needs. Financial needs will often surface as a factor for employees
who seek EAP counseling for stress, substance abuse, or other problems. In those cases a
Financial Wellness Counselor will assist the EAP Counselor in counseling an employee.
In contrast, financial coaching is aimed not at crisis resolution, but at helping employees achieve
goals they define themselves. Financial coaches work with new GCT hires to help them set and
achieve goals such as putting together a spending plan or a savings plan to meet other priorities.
Individual coaching sessions offer a chance to probe and ask important questions aimed at
improving “long term financial behavior.” For example, Stokes says a coach might ask, “If you
have been budgeting in your head instead of on paper, how is that working for you?” Stokes
adds, “We try to give [employees] an alternative way to think about this.” The process is client-
driven with behavior change to support improved outcomes desired by the consumer as an end-
GCT has also found onboarding is a natural time to introduce employees to University Federal
Credit Union, a Goodwill Community Partner. Because GCT requires direct deposit, employees
without a bank account are given the opportunity to choose between a UFCU checking account,
a savings account with an ATM card or a payroll card.
While the financial wellness program was designed with low-income workers in mind, GCT has
also found onboarding training is helping managers as well. Managers save time and have less
stress when they know an employee is getting the help they need to address a stressful financial
problem. Employees who may be facing eviction or are in danger of losing their car are less
likely to be successful in completing training sessions or focusing on work. GCT’s financial
training is also directly helping its professional staff – including some who are professionals
with college degrees. Trainers say incomes may differ, but many people lack basic financial
knowledge regardless of their education level.
In addition, GCT has developed an Emergency Employee Advance Program to help meet
unexpected, emergency expenses. Eligible employees who apply for an advance must attend a
financial counseling session and are limited to one advance per year. After documenting the
need for the advance, employees are allowed to direct the payment of up to the net amount,
excluding overtime, of one paycheck to a business where they have an unexpected or overdue
bill. There are no fees, no interest is charged, and the advance is paid back through deductions
from regular bi-weekly paychecks. The goal is to help employees who may not be able to get a
traditional loan to reduce their reliance on payday lenders. 79
GCT is not alone in recognizing the opportunity to introduce better financial skills at
onboarding. Staples is now working to integrate financial wellness opportunities into the
onboarding process. These employers see the onboarding process as an opportune time to
introduce financial training. At onboarding, new employees are focused on making important
financial decisions such as choices about withholding, retirement savings, and employer-offered
health insurance.
79 Detailsof the Emergency Payroll Advance Program and a copy of the application were provided by e-mail from
Steve Stokes, id.
The promising practices outlined in this report demonstrate that employers can increase their
employees’ engagement and productivity and help their workers achieve financial peace of
mind. These practices include:
Forging or tapping into public-private partnerships. The United Way of the Midlands,
the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and private employers came together to develop
and deliver a successful and ongoing financial wellness program for modest expense.
Local foundations, government agencies, civic organizations, and business groups have
served as catalysts for public-private partnerships across the country.
The employers and experts contacted for this report also shared the following general
observations about the effectiveness of financial wellness programs and the usefulness of
exploring the connection between financial stress and health care costs.
Promote split allocation of income to savings and investing. The use of direct
deposit is mandated for all federal employees, and many private sector companies are
already encouraging their employees to use direct deposit for their paycheck. Employers
in both the public and private sector have the opportunity to use the time of sign up for
direct deposit to encourage employees to split their paycheck and automatically save a
portion of their pay in a savings vehicle such as an emergency savings account, a
brokerage account, an IRA, or a 529 education plan.
Financial education tied to major life changes and critical needs. Employers
and experts contacted for this report suggested it would be particularly valuable to
Aon plc – Investor Information – News Release, Aon Hewitt (May 24, 2011),
Managing debt and using credit wisely. For many employees managing debt and
credit wisely has a direct impact on their job. While general education on the topic of
debt and using credit wisely will be beneficial to all employees, more specific topics
such as student loan debt or underwater mortgages might also be appropriate;
Budgeting (spending plan development) Young families, for example, may be more
receptive to information about saving for college or buying a new home if it is timed
to be delivered before or after the birth of a child;
Financial goal setting and decision making including help planning for major
purchases. Employers could offer education for employees looking to purchase
specific assets or to plan for purchasing specific assets such as a home, a car, or a
higher education.
The CFPB intends to assist employers as they search for cost-effective solutions to reduce
employee financial stress. In particular, the next session details some of the tools the Bureau
has developed which employers could use in their workplace financial wellness efforts.
This report is one way the Bureau intends to support financial wellness programs at work.
Employers who are interested in supporting the financial well-being of their employees may find
it valuable to understand the best research about the field, and, perhaps more importantly, a
better understanding of what other employers have found works for them. The CFPB can help
The CFPB also supports financial wellness at work through the development of tools that help
consumers understand important issues and plan for important goals. For example, our online
tool, Ask CFPB provides accurate, authoritative, and understandable answers to more than
1,000 common consumer questions about consumer financial products and services
( Since its launch, more than two million
consumers have used Ask CFPB and it is the CFPB’s hope and intention that this database will
prove useful to employers who wish to provide their employees with a resource for accurate
information about financial products and choices.
The CFPB has also developed the Paying for College tool for students and their families trying to
compare financial aid packages from different schools or assess their options for repaying their
student debt. Paying for College ( starts
with school choice, and goes right through paying those loans back after graduation. Students
who use the tool will get guidance in the questions that they should ask and answers they should
seek in the college funding decision. They will also build life skills in areas such as planning
ahead, identifying key questions and getting answers and comparison shopping– that will help
them as consumers throughout their lives.
The CFPB also recognizes that the field of financial education in general would benefit from
more foundational research and broader dissemination of techniques and approaches that are
supported by reliable research. The CFPB is already conducting research in the field of financial
education and will be active in coming years in working with employers to understand how these
findings can be applied in the workplace.
Employers are already offering the most essential element to securing financial well-being: a
job. The CFPB recognizes the critical role employers play and is encouraged that so many are
willing and eager to take the initiative of going even further to support employees in developing
the financial skills needed to reduce stress and achieve lasting success for individuals and
families across the country.