3 - Getting More Buyers by Getting Your Buyer - Part 2 Transcript
3 - Getting More Buyers by Getting Your Buyer - Part 2 Transcript
3 - Getting More Buyers by Getting Your Buyer - Part 2 Transcript
t r a n s c r i p t
Welcome back to Getting More Buyers by “Getting” Your Buyer. This is Part Two:
Overcoming the Big Buts. Here’s what you’ll learn in this training:
• The answer to the big question I hear all the time, “But what if it I don’t solve a
problem or a pain point?” You’re gonna learn how your ideal customer’s emotions
are still gold no matter what you sell.
• You’ll also get the cure for Multiple Avatar Syndrome, or the answer to “But what if
my product or service reaches more than one kind of person?”
• And, finally, “But where do I fit in here?” You’re going to learn how to write for your
ideal customer without losing sight of who you are and what you love.
So let’s start with Big But Number One: What if what you sell doesn’t solve a “burning pain
point” or a “night sweat kind of problem?”
Now, this could be your Big But if you sell luxury or pleasure items like jewelry or art or
maybe even cupcakes.
Here’s something I want you to remember. There is always a pain point, a frustration, or a
deep desire behind everything that we buy. Sometimes it’s far in the background and you
don’t have to address it directly. You don’t have to say, “Are you frustrated and tired from
not having a cupcake?” But you do have to remember this, that you’re selling to a real live
human being, somebody who’s filled with fears and desires. And if you remember that, it
will help you write better copy and run a better business.
This is the Classic Car Club. You know, there’s actually a place like this in my neighborhood
and I love walking past it and looking at all the vintage cars.
Well, this is a place that lets you take out insanely high end or vintage cars and drive them
around and you don’t actually have to own them.
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Now, get this, right? Nobody’s up at night like tossing and turning because they don’t get
to drive a friggin’ classic car. I mean, talk about first world problems, right? But, seriously,
nobody’s up at night thinking, “Goodness, the lack of high power engines and smooth
handling and beautiful exteriors is frickin’ ruining my life. Oh please, heavens above, let
tomorrow be that day that I get to drive a classic car and be done with this pain.”
Now, I know we’re poking a little fun here, but the point is that the ideal customer for this
business does have fears and pain and fantasies that are subtly called out to in the copy that’s
right on the window of the car club’s Manhattan location.
“You’re about to enter Classic Car Club Manhattan, the world’s first private automotive
members’ club. We consider speed limits a suggestion, practicality a bore, and burnouts
Alright, so you’ve gotta ask yourself, what are the night sweats and wet dreams of the ideal
customer that this brand is trying to reach? Let’s unpack it together. Really look at this line:
“We consider speed limits a suggestion, practicality a bore, and burnouts badass.” So all
judgments aside here, let’s really try and understand what this type of customer is up at night
worrying about.
You know, he’s probably thinking something like this, “Gosh, I’m too cautious in my life. I’m
too practical. I don’t go for what I want enough and if I die tomorrow I’d be full of regrets for
all the risks I didn’t take. You know another thing? People think I’m an ordinary, boring, rich
guy. I am such a loser.”
So that may be his night sweats. His wet dream might sound something like this: “I wanna
be the kind of person who grabs life by the horns, that fun guy who women see as slightly
dangerous, that hot bad boy. The guy who other guys are crazy jealous of but they also say,
‘Damn, that guy knows how to live.’ Most of all, I can’t wait to show up that clown hole that
stole my last girlfriend. He drives a freakin’ Prius.”
Again, clearly this is a luxury type of business and they know exactly the kind of person
they’re talking to. I mean, take a look at some of the amazing copy they use on their website.
It speaks perfectly to their ideal customer.
Look at this one: “Jitney, Shmitney.” Here in New York City there’s a bus you can take out to
the beach in the Hamptons in the summer and it’s called the Jitney. The Classic Car Club is
having a bit of fun here saying, “You know what? Screw taking the bus. You can drive yourself
out in a nice ride.”
Have a look at this one, “Membership is private. Dropping jaws is public.” Again, this is
speaking to that ideal customer who wants exclusivity and wants attention too.
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How about this one? “From the moment you arrive you’ll be desperate to leave.” Really gives
you that sense of having an adventure and being a rebel and escaping out into the open road.
Now, that last example brings up a really important point. I’ll bet most of their membership
is comprised of men, yet this last image has a woman in it and that speaks to a woman like
me. I mean, I’m not a huge car person and I do drive a Prius, but their copy speaks to me
because it may be the kind of thing that I want to give somebody else as a gift or maybe even
experience myself one day.
So that proves once again that even if you’re super clear on who you’re targeting, you can
attract other great customers too, even if they’re different than your ideal customer. Now let’s
go to Laura for another example of a non-pain kinda product.
Laura: All right boys and girls, it’s cookie time. Yay! What? OK, check this out. it was
posted outside the Whole Foods in New York City in Soho and it says, “Bowery Self-Serve
Cookie Bar: Because it’s been that kind of day.” Now, no one is up at 3am with night sweats
thinking, “I don’t have enough cookies in my life. Can’t sleep. Toss and turn. Suffer from
lack of cookies. Need cookies.” I mean, if that’s the case, get up and have a cookie.
And likewise no one’s fantasy in life is really gonna be, “Oh, please, give me a self-
serve cookie bar and my life will be complete.” Right? But still, there is a need for
cookies, especially for sugar fiends and emotional eaters, which, of course, we’re not.
But some people.
So let’s deconstruct this and see how the copy does speak emotionally to the Whole Foods
ICA in a way that pulls people in off the streets and boosts sales without solving an actual
pain point or frustration point.
So first, let’s look at who shops at Whole Foods and we’ll see the sign. What’s that typical
customer look like? Well, someone who cares what they put in their body. Probably a
woman, right? Chances are she’s a little controlling about food; not a judgment. She
reads labels, she cares and thinks a lot about her weight, her body, how she looks in her
Lululemons. She cares what’s good for her, and we know she’s not afraid to spend. After
all, Whole Foods ain’t cheap. So we’d say she’s a high end consumer who lives in New York
City, let’s say she’s having a stressful day and she’s been on the go.
Now, let’s really get in her head. At the moment she sees the sign, she’s been busy running
around Soho, probably got a couple of shopping bags -- Nike, J. Crew, cute little boutique
-- and she’s ready to get home. Now, she can’t find a cab, or all these tourists are blocking
her path checking out jewelry from street vendors, like “Get out of here, go. Who are you?
Go home. Go away, people.” That’s how I walk through Soho. Basically let’s just say this
woman is ready for a cookie.
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But because she’s someone who cares so much what she puts in her body, she needs a little
extra permission to go to town on a cookie bar. Like, if she sees the cookies as something
she deserves because she earned it, then she’s OK with it.
Now, her favorite words? Self-serve. Because come on, what’s better than sticking your
own hands in the cookies? And by “hands” I mean “tongs” because we’re civilized. But
let’s just say she may be embarrassed to order a cookie. She doesn’t wanna point and ask,
she wants to pick the damn thing herself and get outta there. She is low on blood sugar,
she needs a little something something, and she wants to eat it right now out of that greasy
little paper bag.
Her night sweats and wet dreams don’t directly figure in here. But let’s say her night
sweats are about being outta control, getting super fat, losing her stature, moving to the
suburbs. No offense to the suburbs, but she doesn’t wanna go there. Her wet dreams are
about being the ultimate cool, chic New York City woman who’s got her shit together.
She’s got it all under control.
Those emotions tell us what she needs to hear. She needs to hear, “You deserve it, you
worked for this. It’s OK to indulge after all the crap you put up with today. Go ahead, treat
yourself.” And they nailed it with a single line, “Because it’s been that kind of day.”
They know we women tend to be emotional eaters and when the shit hits the fan we want
that frickin’ cookie.
So, as you see, you don’t have to sell jock itch cream or a make money course or something
that solves a pain point to tap into your customer’s deepest emotions and effectively sell
whatever it is you sell.
That was a lot. I’m gonna have a cookie. Now back to Marie.
So don’t ever forget this, that no matter what you sell, you’re selling to real live human beings
and every human being has fears and dreams and they wanna feel seen and heard and
And when you truly get your customer, you’re gonna write copy that gets a lot more
So let’s move on to Big But Number Two. This is MAS or Multiple Avatar Syndrome.
So what is this? Well, Multiple Avatar Syndrome is what happens when you simply have
more than one Ideal Customer Avatar that you’ve got to market to. While I always suggest
that you start by marketing to just one customer, sometimes talking to more than one is just
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kind of unavoidable. And when that’s the case, there are two methods to handle it and you
can choose whichever one feels like it’s the best approach for your business.
Method Number One is called The Doorway Method. Now, The Doorway Method is about
using different callouts to different clients. It’s kind of like having clearly marked doorways
on your website. And then once your ideal customer is through that doorway you can speak
directly and specifically to them.
So for example, let’s say you’re selling hair care products and you put three different options
or three different doorways on your site. You could have blondes click here, brunettes click
here, and redheads click here. It’s a pretty simple approach. Now, in some businesses you
have to speak to two different customers but one makes the buying decision and the other
does not.
Now, in this case the customer that is responsible for giving you money should be your main
focus. Makes sense, right? So you wanna get the tone of the overall site really geared to him
or her. Let’s look at an example from a brilliant woman named Stacy from StellarScores.com.
Stacy is a talented SAT tutor who has to appeal to two avatars: the parent who pays and the
student who has to deal with the SATs and be on board with working with Stacy. So most of
Stacy’s site is geared to the parent. The assumption here is that the parent is the one who
will probably do the research, come across her and check her out, and they wanna know her
results and credentials.
So let’s take a look at this page. It says, “For parents. I’ve been helping students increase
their SAT scores for more than 4 years, which means I’ve taken the SATs about 45 times,
answered approximately 8,500 SAT questions, and provided 20 thousand explanations, and
helped more than 500 students improve their scores. But what sets me apart is I’m a teacher
first and foremost, not just a high scorer. I’ve developed systems and techniques that enable
students to perform to the best of their abilities. I teach day in and day out, making sure I
deliver stellar information, motivation, and self confidence.”
Now, on the homepage there’s a box for the student. Maybe a student would go to this page
after her mom sent an email saying, “You know what? I found someone to help you with the
SATs. Check her out.” And then the student starts to read a message like this.
“Students, I want you to repeat after me. Ready? It’s a freakin’ bubble test. I know what you’re
saying. ‘That’s nice, Stacy, but it happens to be a bubble test that determines my future.’
Well, first of all, it doesn’t. It may play a part, but ask any happy adult what their SAT score
was and they probably won’t remember. In fact, there’s a fairly good chance they’ll tell you
it was crappy but that it didn’t matter in the end. And, second, you’re gonna have the upper
hand on this bubble test because you’re here.”
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So not only does Stacy have different doorways on her website, but she gently shifts her tone
when she’s talking to both of her ideal customers. Now, all of her language is very friendly,
it’s very conversational, and she’s still being authentic, she’s still being Stacy. But she talks to
the parents with a slightly more professional tone, she establishes her credibility, and then
she adjusts her language and her word choice to connect directly with the students and their
So let’s cover The Doorway Method next steps. So if this feels like something that can work
for you, use your Ideal Customer Prescription Pad PDF profiles for the two or more main
customers that you are trying to reach. And if it makes sense for your business, choose the
one that’s the most likely to be making the buying decision, and you wanna gear most of your
copy towards that person, for obvious reasons.
And, of course, you wanna make sure that you’re also speaking to your secondary customer
too. You can use navigation, you can use call out graphics if appropriate so that they can
easily find the information that they need.
This is just like a door that says, “Hey, you. Come this way,” and then it leads to a place that’s
totally set up just for them. So you wanna remember that your language and your tone will
always be you, but you’re just slightly adjusting your messaging to connect with what that
specific customer most needs to hear. Now, if you need to do this on separate websites or web
pages, just do it. Every business situation is different and there is no one size fits all strategy
for all of us, so you will have to use your judgment. But when it comes to writing effective
copy, which is exactly what we’re talking about here, make sure you know exactly who you’re
trying to reach and use an Ideal Customer Avatar profile to really help craft that copy and
make sure it connects and converts.
So now let’s move on to Method Number Two, which is The World View Method. Now, if
you’ve got a diverse audience, meaning all different ages and genders and backgrounds and
income levels, but they’re all interested in the same topic area you may wanna play with what
we call The World View Method. Now, a good example of this is HelloFlo.com, which speaks
to multiple Avatars, specifically women and girls of various ages, about having their periods.
“For your first period, your last period, and all the weird stuff that happens in between.” So,
as you can see, their website seems to target anybody with a period. They’ve got articles for
different aged women and different nicknames for what goes on down there. Check out the
message, it’s this: whatever age and whatever you call your lady parts, this brand is for you.
But if you look closer, it’s actually not for just anyone with a period. So while their customers
are all ages, they’re actually united by a common worldview about periods and that
worldview goes a little something like this: “OK, great. Womanhood is beautiful, but why do
we have to take it so seriously? I mean, please don’t say menstruation, that’s what my health
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ed teacher called it and it makes my skin crawl. Let’s call it something else. And can’t we just
talk about it openly because it happens to half of the world’s population.”
I mean, that is a very different worldview from someone who celebrates monthly bleeding
and its coordination with the moon and would rather use a live sea sponge instead of
inserting a manufactured cotton cylinder in her hooha. It’s also very different than prudish
Aunt Bunny who doesn’t wanna hear that kind of filthy talks and thinks, “You know what?
Women should deal with their monthly visit quietly and privately.”
So, as you can see, you can unite a diverse population around a shared worldview and your
copy helps you communicate that. So if this method feels like it could work for you, you want
to use your Prescription Pad Fun Sheet below to create a few different Avatars based on, like,
based on, I don’t know, two to four more different kinds of people that you wanna reach, and
then you want to ask yourself, “What unites everybody? What is the worldview? How do you
guys all come together?”
• What do YOU believe in strongly? What do you love, what do you hate?
• What do these people commonly love and what do these people commonly hate?
• Are there things that just make them roll their eyes? Are there things that would make
them laugh or cheer or just spit out their coffee?
• Are there certain beliefs, values, ideals that unite all of you?
Here’s the bottom line, what brings all of you together is how you talk about your subject
matter and what you take a stand for. Your values, your beliefs, your tone, your style, your
sensibility. So it is doable, this whole Multiple Avatar thing, and that being said, do not
worry about leaving somebody out because I’ll bet anything this: you probably subscribe to
somebody and maybe even give money to a business that isn’t designed with you specifically
in mind.
For instance, maybe you might be a Southern gal who thinks the F-bomb is fudge yet you
still buy anything from that entrepreneur dude who just tells it like it is and curses like a
truck driver. And while you’re not that person’s Avatar you still really kinda like what he
does. Why? Because by speaking to a specific avatar, one that isn’t necessarily you, he keeps
his brand voice totally compelling, he keeps it colorful and consistent, and you like that. So
realize that you’re never going to appeal to everyone and, paradoxically, that is the key to
appealing to your right people.
So bottom line on all this Avatar stuff. Do not let this thing trip you up. Do not spend days
or weeks stressing out over this. I would much rather you just take action and get going with
something and just trust that you’re gonna evolve as you go and as you gain more experience.
Action over non-action is The Copy Cure way, so strive for progress not perfection and I
promise you it will all fall into place.
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OK, home stretch here. It is time for Big But Number Three: How to write for your ideal
customer without losing sight of who you are.
Now, one of the biggest buts I hear all the time is this: “But if I write for an Ideal Customer
Avatar I’m losing me.” Or even by doing any kind of ideal customer avatar work that you’re,
like, diluting yourself or you’re trying to be something you’re not or that you’re somehow
trying to fit your authentic voice into some box to please other people.
Honestly, that is so wrong, I can’t even take it. It makes me just wanna shake people and slap
them around because nothing I am suggesting here is about not injecting your personality or
your quirks or your style into your copy. In fact, the rest of this entire program is going to help
you do even more of that. But if you want your copy to connect and convert, you do have to
understand the audience you’re trying to reach. This is Communication 101, people. Right?
You’ve got to understand other people if you want to genuinely influence and engage and
persuade them.
This is about compassion and it’s about demonstrating that you get where somebody else
is coming from. You see their point of view, you care enough to understand who they are as
a human being on, like, this deep, emotional level, and you’re there to meet that person’s
needs. Plus have you actually seen the copy that we use? I mean, in my whole business I’m
not afraid to say I’ve got personality for days in everything that I do. I express my quirks
and my weird style and my personality and my loves. I don’t censor any part of myself or fit
myself into any box. So I’m fully expressive and I’m free and I am strategic about my copy
and I have a track record to prove it. How about you, Laura?
Laura: What about me? Uh, yeah. Same thing. Have you read my blog? If you haven’t,
you should. It’s pretty damn good. And I’ve gotta say, there is nothing lacking in the
personality department.
Look, I’ve been making money with my words for over 20 years both for major networks
and for businesses. And my strong suit, one reason people hire me, is that I put my
personality and point of view into everything I write while keeping in mind the audience’s
personality and point of view as well. So don’t get it twisted, this is not about losing
yourself or forgetting who you are. “Where’d I go?” But knowing who you’re talking to is
one major piece of the copy equation. Back to you, Marie.
Now, of course, you are the other piece of that equation and we’re gonna cover that in the rest
of the program.
Oh my goodness, that brings us to the end of this training. Woo nelly! If your brain hurts,
that is normal, it’s good. It means that you’re growing. That gets two thumbs up.
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Now, below this video you’re gonna find your Prescription Pad Fun Sheet. That Fun Sheet
will help you flesh out your Ideal Customer Avatar so you can write copy that really connects
and converts. Do your best here. Listen to me, remember, do not let this Avatar thing trip you
up. Don’t spend weeks or months over it. Don’t cry about it. Don’t get stressed. Just think
about the person that you’re trying to reach, keep her feelings and her point of view in mind,
and you’re gonna nail this stuff. We would much rather you just take action and get going
with something and trust that you will adjust as you go.
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