1 - Copy 101 Transcript
1 - Copy 101 Transcript
1 - Copy 101 Transcript
t r a n s c r i p t
01 copy 101
Copy 101 Transcript
We’re gonna start off with copy vitals: Copy 101. So here’s what you’ll learn in this training.
First we’re gonna talk about why copy is the secret elixir for success in business and
everything else. Next we’re gonna cover Copy CPR: the three elements that breathe life
into everything you write. Now, if you already watched our free copy class, some of this
might be a refresher and it is a chance for you to go deeper.
So let’s start off with the first thing: What is copy? Well copy, or copywriting, is any words
that you use in your business from email subject lines to blog post titles. You might think
of video titles or product descriptions or those little blurbs that you put on products.
Think about your bio, all the words that you use on your website, your business cards,
words in books, papers, scripts, even posts on social media.
As far as we’re concerned, any and all words that you use for content, those are copy. The
words that you use to get people to know, like, and trust you; the words that you use to
influence and sell, those are copy too.
So you might be asking yourself, you know, what’s the big deal about copy? Especially if I
don’t want to be a copywriter. Great question. Here’s the answer.
Words tell people what you and your business stand for. Words are also how you express
your business DNA, so your personality, your style, the whole vibe of your brand. And
like it or not, people will instantly judge you and your business based in large part by the
words that you use. Words help people make that split second decision. You know, is this
worth my time or not? Do I like this person or not? Is this for me or not? And words help
you express how you’re gonna help someone get what they want.
Now, think about it, how do you persuade people to do anything in life? I mean, do you
do some interpretive dance? Not usually. You use words, right? Of course you do. So
remember this, and even write it down.
Writing copy that connects and converts gives you the power to sell anything and that is
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so important because it’s not just about your products and your services but it’s also about
your ideas, your cause, anything -- really, anything -- that you passionately believe in.
The right words, they can move mountains and they truly can change the world. I mean, if
you just think about MLK, right, and “I have a dream.” If you think about John F. Kennedy,
“Ask not what your country can do for you.” All of those people used words to move us.
So in order to make sure that your words connect and convert, you have got to make sure
that they come alive with CPR, and that stands for clarity, personality, and resonance.
Let’s start with clarity. All this means is something is crystal clear. Nobody’s got to ask
questions to understand what you’re talking about. Your words get right to the point.
Personality, another simple one, right? Personality means that your words actually sound
human and relatable. When your writing has genuine personality people naturally trust
you. They fall in love with you and your business and that has a positive impact on both
your sales and referrals.
Now, when we talk about resonance here’s what we mean: we mean that your words
actually connect with the right people. When your writing resonates, your ideal customers
say, “Holy goodness, hallelujah! That is exactly how I feel.” Or, “Oh my goodness, you’re in
my head. How do you do that?.” Or, best of all, “You know what? This is just what I’ve been
looking for. Here is my credit card.” So everything you’re gonna learn here in The Copy
Cure is designed to make sure your copy has CPR. So let’s get going.
The next video is called How to Get More Buyers by “Getting” Your Buyers and it’s one
of the most important pieces of the entire program. Why? Because it is the foundation of
genuine and persuasive writing, and I will see you there.
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