Challenges of Studying Part-Time While Working Towards Employee's Job Performance.24pgs
Challenges of Studying Part-Time While Working Towards Employee's Job Performance.24pgs
Challenges of Studying Part-Time While Working Towards Employee's Job Performance.24pgs
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First of all, I would like to thank God for the blessing and giving me strengths to face all the
to my supervisor, Dr. Shahren Ahmad Zaidi Adruce for his guidance and valuable advice
Special thanks to the Faculty of Cognitive Sciencesand Human Development that involved in
the study especially to the Centre of Gradute Studies at University Malaysia Sarawak for
giving me the permission to conduct my study there. My sincere gratitude goes to all first year
and final year master's students of Human Resource Development for their cooperation, time
My gratitude also goes to my parents, Mr Maling Kanyan and Mdm Kutie Sema for their
complete this research. Not forgetting my beloved sister, Madam Elizabeth Manyie and
brother-in-law Mr. Ortiger Elizwenger for their full support and always be there for me.
My heartiest appreciation to all my friends specially Samuel Chinonso Ezeonwu for his
brillliant ideas, information and support. Thanks to everyone that contributed directly or
Pusat Khidinat {Vlaklumat Akademik
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables V
List of Figures V1
Abstract vii
1.0 Introduction 1
1.8 Summary 13
2.0 Introduction 14
2.5 Conclusion 25
3.0 Introduction 26
3.2 Population 28
3.3 Sample 28
3.6 Pre-Test 31
3.9 Summary 34
4.0 Introduction 35
4.2.1 What are the main challengesthat you faced while you are
personalimprovement?Explain. 39-40
4.2.3 How did you able to manageyour study with busy work schedule?41
job performance? 44
job performance? 45 - 46
4.2.7 What are critical factors that are required to overcome the
same time? 47
4.4 Conclusion 56
5.0 Introduction 57
5.3 Recommendation 66
5.4 Conclusions 67
Table 1
Research Schedule 6
Table 2
Table 3
Informants' demographicbackground
Table 4
Categorizationof knowledge
Figure 1
Analysis Framework
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 11
This study was conducted to seek challenges of studying part-time while working. An open-
ended question was used to collect data from four (4) informants from Faculty of Cognitive
Science and Human Resource Development, University Malaysia Sarawak of final year and
first year master's students of Human Resource Development. In this study, the main
challenge of studying part-time while working has been identified which is "time constraint)
At the same time, the positive and negative impacts of studying part-time while working are
also investigated in this study. Furthermore, the benefits of studying part-time while working
have also been discussed.There are some findings that correlate with prior researchesand
some new findings. In addition, few contribution and recommendation of this study towards
the organization, human resource practitioner and methodology and direction for future
researchare discussed.
Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mencari cabaran belajar separuh masa sambil bekerja. Satu
soalan terbuka telah digunakan untuk mengumpul data daripada empat (4) maklumat
daripada Fakulti Sains Kognitif dan Pembangunan Sumber Manusia, Universiti Malaysia
Sarawak tahun akhir dan pelajar master tahun pertama Pembangunan Sumber Manusia.
Dalam kajian ini, cabaran utama belajar separuh masa sambil bekerja telah dikenal pasti
yang "kekangan masa ". Pada masa yang sama, impak positif dan negatif belajar separuh
masa sambil bekerjajuga disiasat dalam kajian ini. Di samping itu, manfaat belajar separuh
masa sambil bekerja juga telah dibincangkan. Terdapat beberapa penemuan yang kaitan
dengan penyelidikan terlebih dahulu dan beberapa penemuan baru. Dalam sumbangan Selain
itu, beberapa dan syor kajian ini ke arah organisasi, pengamal sumber manusia dan
metodologi dan arahan untuk penyelidikan pada masa akan datang akan dibincangkan.
1.0 Introduction
Chapter one of this study consist of eight sections. The first section of this chapter
explains the background of the study. The second section of this chapter is the
identification of the problem statement for the study. Third section is the research
objective and specific objectives. The fourth section of this chapter is the research
questions that are neededto be answered.The fifth section of the chapter explains the
significance of the study. The sixth section of the chapters is on the limitation of the
study. The seventhsection defines the important terms used in this research.Lastly, the
1.1 BackgroundOf Study
Experience and hard work may not be enough to insure the success in today's complex
life environment. The employees in the organization are expected to finish their
respective courses to gain their academic credentials. It is essential for every employee in
the organization to have their own basic foundation of learning in order to develop their
career. According to Dr. Phil Gardner, Director of the Collegiate Employment Research
Institute at Michigan State University, "The bottom line is that many companies will not
even look at a graduate without work experience, " (Students Turn to Co-op, 2008).
It is a good start for an employee to have their own background regarding the nature of
their work in an organization because it can definitely give them the edge to compete
with other potential in the organization. For some people, learning can be a stepping
stone to a new career, while others study to broaden their horizons and gain personal
and an educated will be morepolitically aware and
personallyfulfilled ".
organization. It can be one of evidencethat prove this studying part-time while working
towards the employeesjob performance is a vital area for us to focus on. The need of
affect the employee's job performance becausethe pressuresof studying and work life
are higher.
Moreover, an employee can improve their chances of getting a better job without having
to give up their present job. However, juggling work and family commitments is often
difficult to opt for an employee to do full-time study. A lot of employees choose study
part-time to develop their career. Therefore, having the academic knowledge, skills and
other working capabilities are such great advantage for the organization because it is the
Matthews (1999):
and educationprograms."
either physically and mentally order to have good knowledge and gain wide experience
in their expertise.
aspectsthat must consistently improve in an organization. This is due to the fact that by
also be improved. For the past few years, there has been various definition of job
Meanwhile, Howell (2004) statedthat job performanceis actually relatedto the important
of social standing within the vocation and to a certain extent this opinion is similar with
Greenberg and Baron (2000) who point out a positive relationship between job
performanceand the status of the vocation itself. From the statement,it shows that the
job performanceis the result of three factors working together which are skill, effort and
the nature of work condition. Skills basically about the knowledge, abilities and
competenciesthe employee brings to the job; effort is the degree of motivation the
employee puts forth toward getting the job done and the nature work conditions is the
studying while working towards their job performance.At the same time, this research
will identify the factors to help to balancing the two activities and bring solutions for
PusatKhidmat MaklumatAkadernik
For the past few years,there were limited studiesconductedto seek employees' opinion
on how to deal with the challengesof studying part-time while working and its effect
should be more studies conducted in Malaysia since many local and foreign higher
education institutes and universities have introduced an adult learning in order for an
There are several problems related to the challenges of studying part-time while working
towards employee's job performance. Mostly journals from western mentioned about the
lifelong learning in the research study but not specifically in the challenges of studying
part-time while working. Even though, some journals shown that workplace can become
a place where an employee can gain knowledge and skills which help them to upgrade
and equip an employee in order to increase performance and remain competitive other
than from formal education. According to Sloman and Webster (2005), learning for
people in today's organizations is increasingly seen as an important issue and the ability
(Doos et al, 2005; Eddy et al, 2006). From this statement, it is true that the workplace is a
beginning place to acquire knowledge but employees who which to mastering and
become specialties in particular field. Therefore, for this research, it is crucial to explore
Furthermore, the impact and ways to manage of studying part-time while working
learning and working are coming together. This is becauseof the tight situation in the
area of employment; many people choose to work while learning. The arrangementis
themselvesby continuing their education will have to sacrifice and divide their time
accordingly which they will have to learn while working. They could be working in
day time and learning at night time or working on weekdays and learning during the
ways to managetheir studying part-time while working will be the main purpose of this
1.3 Objective Of The Study
(a) To study the challengesof studying part-time while working towards employee's
job performance.
(a) To find out the individual performancein their work while studying part-time.
1.4 ResearchQuestion
1. What are the main challenges that employee encounters in their work while studying
2. How do employeesmanage to cope with their studying despite the busy nature of
4. What are the factors that contribute to overcome the challenges of working and
studying part-time?
1.5 SignificanceOf The Study
while working. In other way, this study will be beneficial a guide to studentswho faced
the challenges of studying part-time while ensuring and maintaining good job
performance. Thus, this study can acts as guidelines to any party or human resource
reference especially for human resource development studies. Besides that, it also will
1.5.3 To Methodology
As this is a qualitative study, the data collected from survey questionnairesalong with
interviewing sessionwere interpreted and figures were used to explain the findings. This
method can be replicated in future researchby using different population and may serve
Findings from the study help human resource managers to understand the issues of
studying part-time while working towards employees' job performance. Hence, it helps
employee's problem. Other than that, this research will also inform employees to
lifelong learning among their employees since new knowledge and skills from the
1.6 Limitation Of The Study
The first limitation is location. The study was conductedin only one local university in
Kuching and involved one faculty as a place to be investigated. Therefore, the result of
the study cannot be used to represent the Malaysian's perspective on the issue of
challengesof studying part-time while working. There could be different results if the
Sabah.This researchwas using small sample whereby the results will only reflect the
selectedinformants that involved in the studies. In anotherword, the result of the study
cannotbe generalized.
document analysis and acquisition the information from the secondary data such as
journals, articles for data collection. These are part of qualitative technique. The
informants will be given the open-endedquestionsfirst, and then they will be interviewed
in dept for further information. If the respondfrom the informants are not apparent,there
will be a follow up sessionwith the informants so that their answers are fulfilled the
this study. The reliability and validity of the study dependson the given time constraints
and the informants may be hast and-may not be totally honest in reviewing their life
1.7 Definition Of Terms
Definition of terms is divided into two types which are conceptual and operational
(i) Employee
expressor implied contract of hire, under which the employer has the right to