Placement of Waste Rocks in Waste Dump For Pre-Vention of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) by Cover System in Open Cast Coal Mine: Effects of Water Quality On AMD

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Placement of Waste Rocks in Waste Dump for Pre- vention of Acid Mine
Drainage (AMD) by Cover System in Open Cast Coal Mine: Effects of Water
Quality on AMD

Conference Paper · January 2016


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6 authors, including:

Matsumoto Shinji Hideki Shimada

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Kyushu University


Ginting Jalu Kusuma Rudy Sayoga Gautama

Bandung Institute of Technology Bandung Institute of Technology


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Placement of Waste Rocks in Waste Dump for Pre-
vention of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) by Cover
System in Open Cast Coal Mine: Effects of Water
Quality on AMD

Shinji MATSUMOTO1), Hirotaka ISHIMATSU1), Hideki SHIMADA1),

Takashi SASAOKA1), Ginting Jalu KUSUMA2), Rudy Sayoga GAUTAMA2)

Kyushu University, Department of Earth Resources Engineering, 744, Motooka, Nishi-ku, Fukuoka, Japan; email: matsumoto11r@, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
2) Institute Technology Bandung, Department of Mining Engineering, Jl. Ganesha No.10, Bandung, Jawa Barat, Indonesia; email:
[email protected], [email protected]

Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) attributed to mine operation is considered one of serious environmental problems in the world. Cover
system is utilized as an environmentally-friendly and an effective way for prevention of AMD in many cases in open cast coal mines
in Indonesia. Waste rocks are classified into Potentially Acid Forming (PAF) or Non Acid Forming (NAF) on the basis of geochemical
properties of rocks. PAF which is a cause of AMD is covered with NAF which is considered rocks unrelated to AMD at waste dump
in order to prevent the contact of PAF with water and oxygen. The placement of backfill of waste rocks in waste dump is determined
only by the classification at the aim of the prevention of AMD. According to past studies, pH affects the progress of AMD through the
change of dissolution behavior of metals. In regard to the occurrence of AMD on the inside of waste dump, waste rocks in the lower
part of waste dump are possibly affected by leachate from the upper part. Thus, the placement of waste rocks in waste dump need to be
discussed in terms of not only the types of PAF or NAF but also the effects of water quality on the occurrence of AMD. This study pre-
sents the effects of pH on the progress of AMD with the results of leaching test under various pH conditions using rock samples taken
in coal mine: pH was set at 3.0, 6.0, and 8.0. The results indicate that pH is not important factor as compared to the supply of oxygen
to discuss the progress of AMD for a long term. In other words, the placement of waste rocks in cover system has to be determined by
considering not so much the effect of water quality as the supply of oxygen.

Keywords: Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), cover system, waste dump, waste rock placement, effects of pH

Introduction and NAF is the rock unrelated to AMD. PAF is covered

The exposure of sulfide minerals to oxygen and with NAF and topsoil in order to prevent the contact
water by resources development results in Acid Mine of PAF to water and oxygen, aiming at prevention of
Drainage (AMD). The acidic water causes negative im- AMD. This classification of waste rocks is conducted
pacts on the nature due to low pH and/or a high concen- by considering Net Acid Producing Potential (NAPP)
tration of heavy metals. Indonesia, which is one of the and Net Acid Generating (NAG) pH in rocks through a
largest coal producing states in the world, is facing an series of geochemical tests (Sobek et al., 1978; Miller
increase in the number of AMD in recent years. Heavy et al., 1997). The backfill of waste rocks in waste dump
rain and high temperature in the tropical climate make is currently conducted based on only the classification
progress on the AMD issue in Indonesia. Thus, AMD of PAF or NAF. However, the placement of waste rocks
has to be solved as soon as possible in terms of envi- in waste dump has to be discussed in more detail. Mat-
ronmental conservation in the country. sumoto et al. (2015) have showed that the supply of ox-
The countermeasures against AMD are catego- ygen affected the progress of AMD more than the water
rized into two types: measures for prevention of AMD flow (Matsumoto et al., 2015). Meanwhile, water qual-
and treatment of acidic water (Johnson and Hallberg, ity is another important factor in order to discuss the
2005). Cover system which is categorized into the for- progress of AMD since pH affects the progress through
mer is widely implemented in open cast coal mines the change of dissolution behavior of metals according
in Indonesia owing to low cost and the simplicity of to Abreu et al. (2014) (Abreu et al., 2014).There are,
maintenance as shown in Figure 1. Waste rocks pro- moreover, many types of PAF even if they are classified
duced during mining operation are categorized into into PAF in the same way: they have a different level
Potentially Acid Forming (PAF) or Non Acid Forming of acid producing potential (Pope and Weber, 2013). In
(NAF) on the basis of geochemical properties of rocks regard to the occurrence of AMD on the inside of waste
in the system: PAF is the rock which results in AMD dump, rocks in the lower part of waste dump are pos-

Inżynieria Mineralna — STYCZEŃ – CZERWIEC <2017> JANUARY – JUNE — Journal of the Polish Mineral Engineering Society 97
Fig. 1 Schematic view of cover system
Rys. 1 Schemat systemu lokowaniaodpadów

Fig. 2 Schematic view of leaching test

Rys. 2 Schemat testu ługowania

sibly affected by leachate from the upper part. In short, performed with the samples to understand the form of
the placement of waste rocks in waste dump need to be sulfur and iron in the samples. Hydrochloric acid, hy-
discussed by considering the progress of AMD by wa- drogen fluoride, and nitric acid were utilized for disso-
ter quality. Thus, this study presents the effects of pH lution of the samples by reference to past studies (Huer-
on the progress of AMD with the results of leaching test ta-Diaz and Morse, 1990; Matsumoto et al., 2015). In
under various pH conditions using rock samples taken this analysis, readily-soluble minerals are obtained at
in coal mine: pH was set at 3.0, 6.0, and 8.0. the step with hydrochloric acid, and silicate minerals
are obtained at the step with hydrogen fluoride, and sul-
Materials and method fide minerals are dissolved at the step with nitric acid
Sample analysis according to past research (Sasaki et al., 2002).
Four types of PAF were taken in pit in open cast
coal mine in Indonesia. They had been preliminarily Leaching test
classified into PAF by geological investigation in this Column leaching test was performed by using deion-
mine. They were sealed in a plastic bag to prevent the ized water adjusted to pH 3.0, 6.0, and 8.0 with nitric
weathering of rocks and sent to a laboratory after the acid and sodium hydroxide. Figure 2 shows the sche-
sampling. They were dried in nitrogen atmosphere at matic view of the leaching test. 1–2 mm of rock sam-
80°C for 24 hours, followed by XRF analysis to under- ples were packed until 30.0 mm height of the column at
stand chemical composition of the samples. Addition- 60–63% of porosity. The height of the column is 57.65
ally, NAG test, Acid Base Accounting (ABA) test, and mm and the diameter is 39.75 mm, and 1 mm of beads
paste pH and EC test were conducted with the samples and filter paper were set at the bottom of the columns to
in accordance with the AMIRA standard proposed in prevent the leakage of samples. 250 mL of the deionized
2002 (Sobek et al., 1978; AMIRA P387A, 2002). NAPP water was supplied into the columns and the leachate
and NAG pH which indicate acid producing potential from the bottom of the columns was sampled. The pH
of the samples were calculated based on the results in and EC were measured by pH meter (TOADKK) HM-
order to discuss the potential to cause AMD. 21P and CM-21P in addition to the permeability based on
To discuss the neutralization by carbonate in the the time of leaching in the columns. After the leaching,
samples, carbonate was quantified by Bernard Cal- the samples were dried by artificial lighting for 24 hours
cimeter test (Muller and Gatsner, 1971). The amount as shown in Figure 2. This cycle of wetting and drying
of carbonate is quantified by measuring the change of was repeated until 30 times in this leaching test. The total
water level caused by produced carbon dioxide gas amount of the supplied water corresponds approximately
when the carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid in the to the amount of rainfall during approximately 1 year in
test. Additionally, sequential extraction with acids was consideration of annual rainfall in Indonesia.

98 Inżynieria Mineralna — STYCZEŃ – CZERWIEC <2017> JANUARY – JUNE — Journal of the Polish Mineral Engineering Society
Fig. 3 Chemical composition of the samples
Rys. 3 Skład chemiczny próbek

Tab. 1 Geochemical properties of the samples

Tab. 1 Właściwości geochemiczne próbek

Fig. 4 Each form of sulfur and iron in the samples

Rys. 4 Postać siarki i żelaza w próbkach

Results and discussion of elements were categorized into others in sample C

The chemical composition of the samples is shown since it contained much water more than the others. A
in Figure 3 and the results of paste pH and EC test, ABA high content of carbonate in sample D in Table 1 sug-
test, and Bernard Calcimeter test are summarized in Ta- gests that the rock may have acid neutralizing capacity.
ble 1. The results of sample A, B, and C in Table 1 were Hence, there is difference in chemical composition and
shown by reference to previous study since they were acid producing potential in rocks even if they are clas-
used in another experiment (Matsumoto et al., 2015). sified into PAF in the same way.
They consisted of iron and sulfur which compose pyrite Figure 4 shows the result of sequential extraction
(FeS2) and they showed a positive NAPP in the results: with acids. The samples can be categorized into 2 types
positive NAPP indicates that the rock causes AMD. Ac- in the result: sample A and B in which more than 50%
cording to the classification with NAPP and NAG pH of sulfur consist of readily-soluble sulfur and sample
in the mine, all samples were, furthermore, categorized C and D in which more than 90% of sulfur consist of
into PAF. In Figure 3, more than 50% of sample A and sulfide minerals. More than 80% of sulfur and iron
D consisted of Si, and sample B and C were composed consist of sulfide minerals in sample C, suggesting that
of more iron and sulfur than the others. A high content sample C consists of a large amount of pyrite (FeS2) in
of iron and sulfur in sample B and C was consistent comparison with the others. On the other hand, most of
with high NAPP and low NAG pH in the samples. Most iron was extracted at the step with hydrogen fluoride

Inżynieria Mineralna — STYCZEŃ – CZERWIEC <2017> JANUARY – JUNE — Journal of the Polish Mineral Engineering Society 99
Fig. 5 Change of pH under various pH conditions in leaching test: (a) sample A; (b) sample B; (c) sample C; (d) sample D
Rys. 5 Zmiana odczynu pH podczas testu ługowania: (a) próbka A, (b) próbka B, (c) próbka C, (d) próbka D

and hydrochloric acid contrary to high content of sul- 3 after 15 time under pH = 8 in the supplied water. Al-
fur at the step with nitric acid in sample D, indicating though the rocks in which most of sulfur consist of sul-
that most of sulfur consist of sulfide minerals except fide such as sample D showed a lag time in the change
for pyrite. of pH depending on the content of carbonate, the pH
The change of pH under various pH conditions in converged at pH = 3 over time. The lag time in sample
the leaching test is shown in Figure 5. Sample A and B D corresponds to 5 times of the leaching, and it cor-
showed a similar trend in the change of pH until 5 times responds to the amount of rainfall during 2 months in
of leaching, followed by a steady change at pH > 3 with Indonesia. This indicates that the water quality derived
a slight difference in pH in each pH condition. The wa- from waste rocks can significantly change depending
ter quality in leachate was, apparently, improved every on the pH in the supplied water during 2 months, sug-
cycle of leaching after dissolution of readily-soluble gesting that the water quality in the supplied water
sulfur at the early stage of leaching until 5 times, lead- should be monitored in addition to that in waste water
ing to a steady change at pH > 3. The discussion of to discuss the change of water quality in AMD from
the difference in water quality derived from the form of waste dump. However, the water quality in the supplied
sulfur in rocks in the previous study is consistent with water is not a significant factor affecting AMD in terms
the result (Matsumoto et al., 2015). of long-term prevention of AMD since the pH finally
There was not significant difference in the change converged at a similar value.
of pH in sample C; meanwhile, the change of pH varied Figure 6 shows the change of permeability under
until 15 times of leaching depending on the difference various pH conditions. There was no difference in the
of pH in the supplied water in sample D. Additionally, permeability by more than 10-1 cm/s under the condi-
the pH in sample C and D have been changed at pH tions. This indicates that the permeability was not af-
< 3 at a later stage of leaching. By considering a high fected by the difference of pH in the supplied water.
content of carbonate in sample D, the peak of pH which The permeability was, besides, drastically decreased
varied depending on pH in the supplied water was due at the early stage of leaching in sample A, B, and D,
to the neutralization by carbonate. The difference of the suggesting that it was caused by weathering of rocks
cycle time in the peak was, besides, caused by com- through wetting and drying cycles. The weathering of
bined effect of neutralization by carbonate and alkali rocks through wetting and drying cycles causes the de-
condition in the supplied water: the pH decreased less crease of particle size and of permeability according to
than 3 after 5 time of leaching under the condition of past research (Sadisun et al., 2003). Thus, the physical
pH = 3 in the supplied water, and it decreased less than performance in cover layer in terms of permeability

100 Inżynieria Mineralna — STYCZEŃ – CZERWIEC <2017> JANUARY – JUNE — Journal of the Polish Mineral Engineering Society
Fig. 6 Change of permeability under various pH conditions in leaching test: (a) sample A; (b) sample B; (c) sample C; (d) sample D
Rys. 6 Zmiana przepuszczalności podczas testu ługowania: (a) próbka A, (b) próbka B, (c) próbka C, (d) próbka D

was not affected by the water quality in supplied water necessary in addition to that of waste water from waste
based on the result. dump in order to discuss the progress of AMD on the
In regard to prevention of AMD derived from waste inside of waste dump within 2 months.
dump for a long term, the water quality in supplied wa- ii) The physical performance of permeability in
ter to PAF is not important factor. By considering the cover layer is not significantly affected by the water
results in previous study (Matsumoto et al., 2015), the quality in the supplied water.
supply of oxygen to the inside of waste dump should iii) In regard to the backfill of waste rocks in waste
be taken into account more than the difference in water dump to prevent AMD, the pH in the supplied water is
quality of supplied water in order to discuss the occur- not important factor as compared to the supply of ox-
rence of AMD on the inside of waste dump. ygen to discuss the progress of AMD on the inside of
waste dump for a long term. In other words, the place-
Conclusions ment of waste rocks in cover system has to be decided
The main results are summarized as follows: in consideration of not the effect of water quality in the
i) The water quality in leachate finally converged supplied water but the supply of oxygen.
at a similar value regardless of the difference in the
water quality in the supplied water. However, the time Acknowledgement
lag occurred in the change of water quality at the early The authors would like to express their gratitude
stage of leaching due to neutralization by carbonate: it and appreciation to the mine for providing the rock
corresponded to the amount of rainfall during 2 months samples and for kind assistance with field work. The
in Indonesia. This indicates that the monitoring of the authors also appreciate the engineers who helped us to
water quality of the supplied water to waste dump is obtain rock samples in coal mine in Indonesia.

Inżynieria Mineralna — STYCZEŃ – CZERWIEC <2017> JANUARY – JUNE — Journal of the Polish Mineral Engineering Society 101
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Lokowanie odpadów na składowisku odkrywkowej kopalni węgla

w celu zapobiegania kwaśnemu odciekowi z (AMD), wpływ AMD na jakość wody
Kwaśne odcieki z kopalni (AMD) związane z operacjami górniczymi są postrzegane jako jeden z najbardziej poważnych problemów
środowiskowych. Przedstawiony system ochrony jest przyjazny dla środowiska i jest efektywnym sposobem na prewencyjne działania
wobec AMD w wielu przypadkach dla kopalń odkrywkowych w Indonezji. Odpady górnice dzieli się na Potencjalnie Tworzące Kwasy
(PAF) oraz Nie Tworzące Kwasów (NAF) na podstawie ich właściwości geochemicznych. PAF, będące przyczyną AMD są pokryte
NAF, które z kolei są nie związane z AMD i stosowane są w celu uniknięcia kontaktu PAF z wodą i tlenem. Umiejscowienie miejsca
podawania odpadów na składowisku jest uwarunkowane jedynie lokalizacją związaną z potencjalnym wpływem AMD. Według
przeprowadzonych dotychczas badań, odczyn pH wpływa na AMD poprzez zmianę rozpuszczalności metali. Ze względu na obec-
ność AMD wewnątrz składowiska, odpady znajdujące się w dolnej części składowiska są narażone na działanie odcieków z górnej
części. Zatem, lokowanie odpadów na składowisku musi uwzględniać na nie tylko typy PAF lub NAF, ale także na wpływ jakości
wody na występowanie AMD. W artykule przedstwiono analize wpływu pH na postęp AMD wraz z wynikami testów ługowania
w  warunkach różnej wartości pH – 3,0, 6,0 oraz 8,0. Wyniki wskazują, że pH ma mniej istotny wpły od warunkow utleniania
w długim okresie czasu. Sposób lokowania odpadow musi być uzależniony bardziej od dostępności tlenu, mniej od jakości wody.

Słowa klucze: kwaśne odcieki kopalniane (AMD), system ochrony, składowisko odpadów, lokowanie odpadów, wpływ pH

102 Inżynieria Mineralna — STYCZEŃ – CZERWIEC <2017> JANUARY – JUNE — Journal of the Polish Mineral Engineering Society

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