Material Degradation Problems: 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Material Degradation Problems: 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Material Degradation Problems: 2004 by Marcel Dekker, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Many materials that have to be conveyed are friable, and particles are liable to be
broken when they impact against retaining surfaces, such as bends in the pipeline.
As a consequence there is often a reluctance to use pneumatic conveying systems
for this category of materials, particularly if the material has to be conveyed in
dilute phase and hence at high velocity. There are, however, numerous means by
which the problem can be reduced to an acceptable level.
If particle breakdown occurs readily the bulk solid is said to be friable. Ten-
dency to particle breakdown covers three main situations. The first is a tendency to
shatter or degrade when the bulk solid is subject to impaction or compressive load-
ing. The second is the tendency for fines and small pieces to be worn away by
attrition when bulk solids either rub against each other or against some surface,
such as a pipeline wall or bend. The third is the tendency for materials such as
nylons and polymers to form angel hairs when conveyed, as a result of micro-
melting occurring due to the particles sliding against pipeline walls.
Material before
80 conveying
Material after
3 40 conveying
40 Material before
C3 conveying
§ Particle size
u 30
Material after
•S 20
a 10
across the filter, and this could be a significant proportion of the total pressure
available in a low pressure system.
This means that the pressure drop available for conveying the material will
be reduced, which in turn means that the mass flow rate of the material will proba-
bly have to be reduced in order to compensate. If this is not done there will be the
risk of blocking the pipeline. Alternatively, if the filtration plant is correctly speci-
fied, with material degradation taken into account, it is likely to cost very much
more as a result. This, therefore, provides a direct financial incentive to ensure that
particle degradation is minimized., even if it does not represent a problem with
respect to the material itself [2],
Air Supply
Computer High-Speed
Electronic Timer
Figure 21.3 Schematic arrangement of acceleration tube test apparatus and measuring
system for particle impact studies.
In order to study the particle degradation process, brittle materials were used
to ensure that no plastic deformation should take place. Three types of particle
were used and tested. These were aluminum oxide, polystyrene and glass, and all
the particles were spherical. The majority of the work was carried out with 0-2 in
diameter aluminum oxide particles, with particle velocities up to about 6000
ft/min. For every test, 100 particles were impacted, and the number of unbroken
particles was counted to provide an assessment of the degradation.
The variables in particle degradation are similar to those associated with erosive
wear. Velocity, once again, is probably the most important, but particle size and
concentration also play a part. Particle impact angle is equally important, and has a
major influence with respect to the selection of pipeline bend geometry. The influ-
ence of both particle materials and surface materials must also be given due con-
sideration. As with erosive wear, much of the research work into the subject has
been carried out for various other purposes, and so the range of parameters inves-
tigated is often beyond those associated with pneumatic conveying, but it does
provide useful information on the general trends of the variables.
2.1 Velocity
The relative velocity between particles and surfaces has a major influence on the
nature and extent of the degradation and is probably the most important variable in
the problem. In any collision the kinetic energy of the particles has to be absorbed
and may provide sufficient energy for fracture. If the collision is elastic, with a
high coefficient of restitution, much of the kinetic energy will reappear as particle
velocity. In plastic collisions much of the kinetic energy will be converted to heat.
Low velocity impacts tend to knock small chips from the edges of particles,
whereas high velocity collisions are more likely to shatter particles. In general the
rate of damage has been found to be a power law function of velocity, in much the
same way as the erosive wear process. The range in value of the power coefficient
is also large, and can vary between one and five, depending upon the conveyed
material and the system being considered. The possibility of there being a thresh-
old value of velocity, below which no degradation occurs, is also a possibility.
2. /. / Peas
Agricultural products have been widely used in test work. Segler [4] investigated
the effects of air velocity, moisture content, pipeline diameter and material con-
centration on the damage of peas, as a result of pneumatic conveying. His test loop
was 240 ft long, 4'/2 in bore and contained 4 bends. The results of his tests on the
effect of aii- velocity are presented in Figure 21.4. These showed that the damage
increased approximately with the cube of air velocity.
S 4
2.7.2 Quartz
Tilly et al [5] carried out impact studies with quartz particles against an alloy steel
target in a rotating arm test rig. They found that the particles incurred a substantial
degree of fragmentation which was dependent upon the velocity of impact. Their
results are presented in Figure 21.5.
Particle size - 125-150 urn
80 Taraet Material - 11% Cr steel
I 20
0 20,000 40,000 60,000
Figure 21.5 The influence of particle velocity on the degradation of quartz particles.
The velocity range comes as a result of their work being applied to aircraft
engines. From this it would appear that for fragmentation to occur it is necessary
to exceed a threshold value of velocity. Below this velocity the particles may be
considered to behave elastically. From Figure 21.5 this would appear to occur at a
velocity of about 3000 ft/min for this material.
In work by Tilly and Sage [6] they impacted quartz particles in the size
range of 100 to 225 urn at velocities of 12,000, 26,000 and 60,000 ft/min. Their
results, in terms of particle size distribution, are presented in Figure 21.6. Al-
though this data is for conveying velocities very much higher than those that
would be encountered in a pneumatic conveying system, they relate to a single
impact and so help to illustrate the nature of the problem, for many materials that
are conveyed are significantly more friable than quartz.
20 Particles - Quartz
Target - 11% Cr Steel
Figure 21.6 Influence of particle velocity on size distribution generated with quartz.
Particle size = 0-2 in
80 Impact angle = 90°
Target material = Steel
D 40
X 20
Figure 21.7 The influence of particle velocity on the degradation of aluminum oxide
It is interesting to note that within the transition region the number of unbro-
ken particles at any given velocity is very consistent and that a smooth transition is
obtained from one extreme to the other over this range of velocity. This was
probably one of the first research programs to focus on particle degradation in the
velocity range appropriate to pneumatic conveying.
S Particle Velocity - 60,000 ft/min
S Target Material - 11% Cr Steel
ob 20
Figure 21.8 The influence of initial particle size on the degradation of quartz particles.
g 60 Impact Angle
40 Target Material
o - Steel
Figure 21.9 The influence of particle velocity and particle size on the degradation of
aluminum oxide particles.
The reason for this is that when it is the air velocity that is held constant, the
smaller particles are accelerated to a higher velocity than the larger particles, as
illustrated earlier with Figure 15.10. It is because particle velocity has a greater
influence on degradation than particle size that a reversal in the influence of parti-
cle size has occurred.
Target Material Particle,Velocity
o- /
Impact Angle - 90°
c 80 Steel - 60,000 ft/min
'•o 40
Q 20
Fiberglass - 50,000 ft/min
50 100 150 200 250
Initial Mean Particle size -
Figure 21.10 The influence of initial particle size and target material on the degrada-
tion of quartz particles.
80L ^ ^ . . .
Particle Size - 0-2 in
Inroad Angle - 90°
5 40
I 20
Figure 21.11 The influence of particle velocity and target material on the degradation
of aluminum oxide particles.
This also shows very clearly that target material can have a very marked ef-
fect on degradation. Although there is little difference in the maximum value of
particle velocity at which no degradation occurs, varying from 2000 ft/min for
steel to about 3000 ft/min for Plexiglas and aluminum, very significant differences
exist in the transition region between no degradation and total degradation. In the
case of the steel and glass targets the transition is very rapid. For the aluminum
and Plexiglas, however, the transition is very slow, and so a high velocity impact
against these materials would only result in limited damage occurring.
1 20
Figure 21.12 The influence of particle velocity on the degradation of various particu-
late materials.
The only difference is that the transition occurs at a slightly higher velocity
range than the aluminum oxide. That different particulate materials can respond in
totally different ways is clearly demonstrated by the glass particles. No damage
was observed to any of the particles tested up to the maximum particle velocity
investigated of 6000 ft/min.
'4 80
jj 60
o Particle Size - 0-2 in
| 40Target Material - Steel
« 20
Figure 21.13 The influence of particle velocity and impact angle on the degradation of
aluminum oxide particles
With a decrease in particle impact angle it would appear that there is little
change in the particle velocity at which the onset of degradation occurs. The tran-
sition from zero degradation to total degradation, however, becomes an increas-
ingly more gradual process as the particle impact angle reduces. At impact angles
of 15° and 20° it would appear that this transitional process will be spread over a
very wide range of velocity values. At an impact angle of 10°, however, there is a
significant change once again, in that no particle degradation was recorded at all
up to 6000 ft/min. In Figure 21.14 an alternative plot of the data from this program
of tests is presented.
10 20 30 40 50 60 80 90
Particle Impact Angle - a - degrees
Figure 21.14 The influence of particle impact angle on the degradation of aluminum
oxide particles.
Segler investigated the effect of particle concentration and found that the
damage decreased as the solids loading increased. The damage produced when the
peas were introduced individually was four times higher than in dense flow. A
similar effect is found in erosive wear and can be attributed to the cushioning ef-
fect of dense flows.
He also examined the damage to the peas in identical pipelines having
nominal bores of 2 and 10 inch. It was found that the damage in the 2 in bore pipe-
line was two to three times greater than that in the 10 in bore pipeline. His expla-
nation was that the frequency of pipe wall impacts, for such large particles, would
be more frequent for the small bore pipeline.
The results from the various programs of work reported here have produced some
very interesting relationships with respect to many of the variables investigated,
and should provide useful guidance to the design engineer who has to ensure that
material degradation is reduced to a minimum in pneumatic conveying system
will only suffer a glancing impact. From the data presented here it would appear
that little degradation will occur in straight pipeline, even for long pipelines and
repeated impacts.
It is clearly major changes in flow direction, and in particular bends, that are
likely to result in the majority of degradation occurring. In this respect, particle
impact angle can be related approximately to the radius of curvature of a bend. In
a short radius bend the particles will impact at a high value of angle, but in a long
radius bend the impact angle will be much lower, as illustrated in the previous
chapter with Figure 20.14. Since degradation reduces significantly with reduction
in impact angle, the use of long radius bends would be recommended in any sys-
tem where particle degradation needs to be minimized.
To provide some data on the potential order of magnitude of the problem of deg-
radation, for materials conveyed in dilute phase suspension flow in a pneumatic
conveying system, four different materials were pneumatically conveyed and the
resulting degradation was monitored. A large scale pneumatic conveying facility
was used and on-line samples were taken for analysis. Each material was re-
circulated through the test loop a number of times so that the influence of convey-
ing distance could also be investigated [9],
Low Density Polyethylene
Bore - 4 in
Material - Aluminum
Surface - Sandblasted
Conveying Conditions:
Solids Loading Ratio = 8
Material Temperature = 120°F
4000 6000 8000 10,000 12,000
Conveying Line Exit Air Velocity - ft/min
Conveying Conditions:
Exit Air Velocity = 8000 fl/min
o Material Temperature = 120°F
Low Density Polyethylene
Bore - 4 in
Material - Aluminum
Surface - Sandblasted
4 6 10
Solids Loading Ratio
Although the results presented in Figures 21.15 and 16 were obtained from
tests carried out with pipe surfaces roughened by sand blasting, this treatment is
not recommended as it will result in the generation of a large percentage of fines.
Also, this roughness is relatively shallow in depth and an aluminum surface will
wear so that the pipe must be retreated in six to twelve months [10].