4. A letter A is constructed of a uniform wire of 9. Three resistors of 4.0 W , 6.0 W and 10.0 W are connected
resistance 1 ohm per cm. The sides of the letter are in series. What is their equivalent resistance
20 cm and the cross piece in the middle is 10 cm long. (a) 20 W (b) 7.3 W
The resistance between the ends of the legs will be (c) 6.0 W (d) 4.0 W
(a) 32.4 ohm (b) 28.7 ohm
Ans : (c) 6.0 W
(c) 26.7 ohm (d) 24.7 ohm
Ans : (c) 26.7 ohm 10. A wire of resistance R is cut into ten equal parts which
are then joined in parallel. The new resistance is
5. Three resistances of 2, 3 and 5 W are connected (a) 0.01 R (b) 0.1 R
in parallel to a 10 V battery of negligible internal (c) 10 R (d) 100 R
resistance. The potential difference across the 3 W
resistance will be Ans : (a) 0.01 R
(a) 2 V (b) 3 V
11. A current of 4.8 A is flowing in a conductor. The
(c) 5 V (d) 10 V
number of electrons passing per second through the
Ans : (d) 10 V conductor will be
(a) 3 # 1020 (b) 76.8 # 1020
6. 2 ampere current is flowing through a conductor from (c) 7.68 # 10-19 (d) 3 # 1019
a 10 volt emf source then resistance of conductor is
(a) 20 W (b) 5 W Ans : (d) 3 # 1019
(c) 12 W (d) 8 W Given, current, I 4.8 A
Ans : (b) 5 W e = 1.6 # 10-19 C
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q We know that, H = I2 Rt
We know that, I = = ne
t t H = 100 = 5 A
I =
n =I = 4.8 Rt 4#1
t e 1.6 # 10-19 Potential difference across the resistor is
= 3 # 1019 V = IR = 5 # 4 = 20 V
12. How much work is done in moving a charge of 2 C 15. Two bulbs have the following ratings:
from a point of 118 V to a point of 128 V? 1. 40 W, 220 V
(a) 20 J (b) 30 J 2. 20 W, 100 V
(c) 40 J (d) 10 J The ratio of their resistance is
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 2 : 1
Ans : (a) 20 J
(c) 1 : 1 (d) 1 : 3
Given, charge, q = 2C Ans : (b) 2 : 1
Potential at point A, VA = 118 V
We have P1 = 40 W , P2 = 20 W , V1 = 220 V and
Potential at point B , VB = 128 V
V2 = 110 V
Potential difference, 3V = VB - VA 2 2
Now P = VI = V and R = V
= 128 - 118 = 10 V R P
Work done, W = 3V # q = 10 # 2 P2 = ^200h
R1 = V 12 20 2
# 40 = 1
R2 # P1
= 20 J V 22
R1: R2 = 2 : 1
13. If a wire of resistance R is melted and recast to half of
its length, the new resistance of the wire will be 16. Three different circuits (I, II and III) are constructed
(a) R (b) R using identical batteries and resistors of R and 2R
4 2
ohm. What can be said about current I in arm AB of
(c) R (d) 2R each circuit?
Ans : (a) R
Volume of the wire does not change when the wire si
melted and recast. If l and A are the original length
and area of cross-section and ll and Al are their
corresponding values on reacastion
Al = Alll
ll = A
l Al
ll = 1
l 2
We have A =1
Al 2
New resistance, Rl =
R =
Rl = rll/Al = b ll lb A l
R rl/A l Al
= b 1 lb 1 l = 1
2 2 4
Rl = R/4
Ans : (c) 28 J
Since in mixed network of resistors, current in each
arm of parallel connection of resistors is different. Given,
Resistance of wire,R = 2 W
17. Two cells of 3V each are connected in parallel. An Amount of heat produced in first interval
external resistance of 0.5 W is connected in series to ^t = 0 to t = 1 sh in region ABCD is
the junction of two parallel resistors of 4 W and 2 W
and then to common terminal of battery through H1 = I 12 Rt1 = ^3 h2 # 2 # 1 = 18 J
each resistor as shown in figure. What is the current Amount of heat produced in second interval
flowing through 4 W resistor? ^t = 0 to t = 2 sh in region DEFG is
H2 = I 22 Rt2 = ^2 h2 # 2 # 1 = 8 J
Amount of heat produced in third interval
^t = 2 s to t = 3 sh in region GHIJ is
H3 = I 32 Rt3 = ^1 h2 # 2 # 1 = 2 J
Total heat produced,
H = H1 + H2 + H3
= 18 + 8 + 2 = 28 J
(a) 2 J (b) 18 J
(c) 28 J (d) 10 J
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of the conductor.
Ans : Length, area of cross-section, material
4. 1 volt #1 conductor.
Ans : Joule
6. 1 kWh = .........
22. An electric kettle consumes 1 kW of electric power Ans : 3,600, 000 J
when operated at 220 V. A fuse wire of what rating
must be used for it? (Potential difference) 2
7. Electrical power =
(a) 1 A (b) 2 A ..........
Ans : resistance
(c) 4 A (d) 5 A
Ans : (d) 5 A 8. The alloy which is used for making the filament of
bulbs is .........
23. What is the current through a 5.0 ohm resistor if the Ans : Tungsten
voltage across it is 10 V
(a) zero (b) 0.5 A
9. Power transmission is carried out at high .......... and
(c) 2.0 A (d) 5.0 A low ........ .
Ans : (c) 2.0 A Ans : Voltage, current
24. The length of a wire is doubled. By what factor does 10. Rate at which electric work is done is called .........
the resistance change Ans : Electric power
(a) 4 time as large (b) twice as large
(c) unchanged (d) half as large 11. Copper is a preferred material for making wire because
Ans : (d) half as large of its low ..........
Ans : Resistivity
25. A circular conductor is made of a uniform wire of
resistance 2 # 10-3 ohm/metre and the diameter 12. The S.I. unit of resistivity is .......... .
of this circular conductor is 2 metres. Then the Ans : Ohm-meter
resistance measured between the ends of the diameter
is (in ohms) 13. Physical quantity represented by coulomb per second
(a) p # 10-3 (b) 2p # 10-3 is .......... .
(c) 4p # 10-3 (d) 4 # 10-3 Ans : Electric current
Ans : (c) 4p # 10-3
14. ......... is a property that resists the flow of electrons
26. A 24 V potential difference is applied is applied across in a conductor.
a parallel combination of four 6 ohm resistor. The Ans : Resistance
current in each resistor is
(a) 1 A (b) 4 A 15. The rate of flow of electric charge is called ..........
(c) 16 A (d) 36 A Ans : Current
Ans : (b) 4 A
16. If there is no current, a voltmeter connected across a
resistor will register ......... voltage.
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19. In a parallel circuit, each circuit, each circuit element 34. Energy converted per unit charge is measured with an
has the same .......... instrument called a (n) ..........
Ans : Potential difference Ans : Voltmeter
20. Potential difference is a .......... quantity. 35. The .......... is always connected in parallel across the
Ans : Scalar points between which the potential difference is to be
21. Materials whose resistivity suddenly becomes .......... Ans : voltmeter
at a particular critical temperature is called as ...........
Ans : zero, superconductor 36. The electrical energy dissipated in a resistor is given
by W = ..........
22. Two resistances of 2 W each are connected in parallel. Ans : V # I # t
The equivalent resistance is .......... .
Ans : 1 W 37. In an electric circuit, the direction of electric current
is taken as .......... to the direction of the flow of
23. Current is considered as .......... along the direction of electrons, which are of .......... charges.
flow of .......... charge and opposite for ........... charge. Ans : opposite, negative
Ans : positive, positive, negative
38. The unit of power is ..........
24. The resistance of a wire is ......... proportional to the Ans : watt (W)
square of its radius.
Ans : Inversely 39. One watt of power is consumed when 1 A of current
flows at a potential difference of .........
25. Kilowatt is the unit of electrical ......... but kilowatt- Ans : 1 V
hour is the unit of electrical .........
Ans : Power, energy 40. Current = Charg e #
Ans : time
26. Energy spent in kilowatt-hour
41. Tungsten wire is used in the electrical bulb due to
= volt # .......... # ......... ...........
Ans : Ampere, hour Ans : high
28. Fuse wire has a ......... melting point and is made of 1. When a metallic conductor is heated the atoms in the
an alloy of ......... and ......... If the current in a circuit metal vibrate with greater amplitude and frequency.
rises too high, the fuse wire ......... Ans : True
Ans : Low, lead, tin, melts
2. Two wires of resistances 2 W and 4 W are connected
29. The fuse is placed in .......... with the device. in parallel. The combination is connected to a 220 V
supply. The power dissipated in 2 W resistor is more.
Ans : series
Ans : True
30. A fuse is connected in .......... to the .......... wire.
3. The reciprocal of resistance is called specific
Ans : Series, live
Ans : False
31. The .......... reaction within the cell generates the
potential difference between its two terminals that 4. Two wires of resistances 2 W and 4 W are connected
sets the .......... in motion to flow the current through in series. The combination is connected to a 220 V
a resistor. supply. The power dissipated in 2 W resistor is more.
Ans : chemical Ans : False
32. Electric energy is produced by the ........ of charges. 5. The focal length of a given lens depends on the
surrounding medium.
Ans : Separation
Ans : True
33. In the series combination of resistors, the current is
the .......... in very part of the circuit. 6. In the circuit to verify Ohm’s law, ammeter and
voltmeters both are connected in series with resistance
Ans : same
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and cell in the circuit. 21. When two resistances 1 W and 3 W are connected in
Ans : False parallel, their equivalent resistance is less than 1 W .
Ans : True
7. One kilowatt is equal to 10 horse power.
Ans : False 22. The sun looks red at sunset because most of the blue
light in sun rays is scattered leaving behind red yellow
8. Fuse is a thin wire which melts and breaks the electric lights.
circuit due to only high voltage. Ans : False
Ans : False
23. Clouds look white because water droplets of clouds
9. A copper wire of length L and cross-sectional area A scatter all colours of light equally.
carries a currentI . If the specific resistance of copper Ans : False
is S , then electric field in the wire is Is/A.
Ans : True 24. The sun is visible two minutes before the actual
sunrise due to atmospheric refraction.
10. The equivalent resistance of several resistors in series Ans : True
is equal to the sum of their individual resistances.
Ans : True 25. The commercial unit of electrical energy is kilowatt-
hour (kWh).
11. In parallel combination, the reciprocal of equivalent Ans : True
resistance is the sum of the reciprocal of individual
resistance. 26. Pure tungsten has high resistivity and a high melting
Ans : True point (nearly 3000cC ).
Ans : True
12. The series arrangement is used for domestic circuits.
Ans : False
13. A dentist uses a convex mirror to view the inner parts
of a patient’s mouth. DIRECTION : (Q.No. 1-3) : Each question contains statements
given in two columns which have to be matched. Statements
Ans : True (A, B, C, D) in column I have to be matched with statements (p,
q, r, s) in column II.
14. The resistivity of a wire is directly proportional to
cross-sectional area. 1. Match the Following
Ans : True
Column I Column II
15. The temperature coefficient of resistance of a wire is (A) Ohm (p) rL
0.00125/cC . The resistance of the wire is 1 ohm at A
300 K. The resistance will be 2 ohm at 1100 K.
Ans : False (B) Resistance (q) 1 volt
1 ampere
16. The quantity of charge flowing past a point multiplied (C) Resistivity (r) zero resistance
by time is a current.
(D) Super conductor (s) ohm-meter
Ans : False
Ans : A-q, B-p, C-s, D-r
17. The resistivity of all pure metals increases with the
rise in temperature. 2. In the figure shown, the value of each resistance is
Ans : True R. match the entries of column I with the entries of
column II.
18. Ohm’s law is a relation between the power used in a
circuit to the current and the potential difference.
Ans : False
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Ans : r
(D) (s) ? 1
3. Column II gives name of material use for device given
i column I
Column I Column II
(A) Resistance of resistance box (p) R/2+6
(B) Resistance between a and c (q) 5R
(C) Resistance between b and (r) R
d r A B C D
Ans : A-q, B-r, C-p, D-s (a) p p s, q r
DIRECTION : Following question has four statements (A, B, (b) p, q q, s r q, r
C and D...) given in Column I and 5 statements (p, q, r and s) in
Column II. Any given statement in Column I can have correct (c) p p s, q r
matching with one or more statement (s) given in Column II. (d) s, r r p, q r, s
Match the entries in column I with entries in column II.
Ans : (a) A-p, B-p, C-s, q, D-r
Column I Column II
Column I Column II
(A) Ohm’s Law (p) Direct proportional
to area (A) Ohm (p) 1 Volt/1 Amp
(B) Resistivity (q) Voltage a current (B) Current (q) Depends on matter
of conductor
(C) For Ohmic- (r) ch arg e
time (C) Resistivity (r) ch arg e
(D) Electric current (s) V = IR
(D) Super conductor (s) Resistance
(a) q, s p q, s D
(b) p, q q, s r q, r
(a) p, r p r, s, r
(c) p, s q r, s, t r
(b) p q, r q s
(d) p q, r r r, s
(c) s, q p, s r q
Ans : (a) A-q, s, B-p, C-q, s D-r (d) s, r r p, q r, s
Column I Column II 7. For the circuit shown in the adjoining figure, match
(A) (p) Req = 1 W , the entries of column I with the entries of column II.
I = 12 A
Column I Column II
(A) (p) Current drawn
from the battery
is maximum
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(a) q r p, s s
(b) p, q q, s r q, r
(c) s, r r p, q r, s
(d) p p s, q r
Ans : (a) A-q, B-r, C-p, s, D-s
B-q : RAB = 5R
8. Consider a network of resistances each of value of R
as shown in figure. DIRECTION : Column A contains some electrical devices
and Column B contains the material used for making these
devices. Match Columns A and B.
Column I Column II
1. Filament of electri- (a) Copper
cal bulb
2. Heating elements (b) Lead-tin alloy
3. Connection wire (c) Tungsten
4. Fuse wire (d) Nichrome
Ans : 1-(c), 2-(d), 3-(a), 4-(b)
Column I Column II
(A) Equivalent of net (p) same
work between A
DIRECTION : In the following questions, a statement of
and C is
assertion (A) is followed by a statement of reason (R). Mark
(B) E q u i v a l e n t (q) 5/8 R the correct choice as:
resistance between
(a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true and
A and B
reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
(C) Potential of B and (r) R (A).
D when voltage (b) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true but
source is applied reason (R) is not the correct explanation of
across A and C is assertion (A).
(D) Potential of B and (s) 2R (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
D when voltage (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
source is applied (e) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
across A and B is
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1. Assertion : The connecting wires are made of copper. 7. Assertion : Wire A is thin in comparison to wire B of
Reason : The electrical conductivity of copper is high. same material same length then resistance of wire A
Ans : (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true is greater than resistance of wire B.
and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion Reason : Resistivity of wire A is greater than resistance
(A). of wire B.
Copper conducts the current without offering much Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
resistance due to high electrical conductivity. Resistivity is a material property.
2. Assertion : When the length of a wire is doubled, then 8. Assertion : A voltmeter and ammeter can be used
its resistance also gets doubled. together to measure resistance but not power.
Reason : The resistance of a wire is directly Reason : Power is proportional to voltage and current.
proportional to its length. Ans : (e) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
Ans : (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true
and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion Resistance,R = V
Power, P = VI
The resistance of wire,
We can measure both resistance and power by
R =r1 measuring the V and I simultaneously in circuit. So
option (e) is correct.
i.e. R ?l
9. Assertion : All electric devices shown in the circuit
Since, the resistance of a wire is directly proportional are ideal. The reading of each of ammeter (a) and
to its length, i.e. when the length of a wire is doubled/ voltmeter (V) is zero.
halved then its resistance also gets doubled/halved.
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27. Assertion : In a simple battery circuit the point of 33. Assertion : 40 W tube light give more light in
lowest potential is positive terminal of the battery. comparison to 40 w bulb.
Reason : The current flows towards the point of the Reason : Light produced is same from same power.
lower potential as it flows in such a circuit from the Ans : (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true.
negative to the positive terminal. In tube light majority portion of radiation comes under
Ans : (d) Assertion (A) is false but reason (R) is true. visible region while bulb radiation consists of visible,
It is quite clear that in a battery circuit, the point of ultraviolet, infrared radiation giving less visible part.
lowest potential is the negative terminal of the battery
34. Assertion : Alloys are commonly used in electrical
and the current flows from higher potential to lower
heating devices, like electrical iron, toasters etc.
Reason : Alloys do not oxidise (burn) readily at high
28. Assertion : A resistor of resistance R is connected to temperatures.
an ideal battery. If the value of R is decreased, the Ans : (a) Both assertion (A) and reason (R) are true
power dissipated in the circuit will increase. and reason (R) is the correct explanation of assertion
Reason : The power dissipated in the circuit will (A).
Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false. 35. Assertion : A resistor of resistance R is connected to
an ideal battery. If the value of R is decreased, the
Here, P = E , so P ? R only when I is power dissipated in the circuit will increase.
R Reason : The power dissipated in the circuit is directly
proportional to the resistance of the circuit.
Here I increases as R is decreased. Hence the reason
is wrong. Ans : (c) Assertion (A) is true but reason (R) is false.
29. Assertion : The value of the current in the ammeter Here, P = E , so P ? R only when I is
is the same, independent of its position in the electric constant.
circuit. Here I increases as R is decreased. Hence the reason
Reason : In a series combination of resistors the is wrong.
current is the same in every part of the circuit or the
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r = r 0 (1 + aTT)
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