Mufon Ufo Journal - June 1991
Mufon Ufo Journal - June 1991
Mufon Ufo Journal - June 1991
CROP CIRCLES: THE MYSTICAL VIEW ...... ........................................... Vince M igliore 3
N o p a n o f th is d o c u m e n t m a y b e r e p r o d u c e d in a n y f o r m w ith o u t th e w ritte n p e r m is s io n
ASSOCIATE EDITOR o f th e C o p y r ig h t O w n e r s . P e r m is s io n is h e r e b y g r a n te d t o q u o te u p to 2 0 0 w o rd s o f a n y o n e
a r tic le , p r o v id e d th e a u th o r is c r e d ite d , a n d th e s ta t e m e n t, “ C o p y r ig h t 1991 by th e M u tu a l
Walter H, Andrus, Jr. U F O N e tw o r k , 103 O ld to w n e R d ., S e g u in , T e x a s 7 8 1 5 5 ," is in c lu d e d .
T h e c o n te n ts o f th e M U F O N U F O J o u r n a l a r e d e te r m in e d b y th e e d ito rs a n d d o n o t n e c e s s a rily
r e f le c t th e o f f ic ia l p o s itio n o f th e M u tu a l U F O N e tw o r k .
Walter N. Webb
Robert Gribble T h e M u tu a l U F O N e tw o r k , In c . is e x e m p t fro m F e d e r a l I n c o m e T ax u n d e r S e c tio n 501 (c )
( 3 ) o f th e I n te r n a l R e v e n u e C o d e . M U F O N is a p u b lic ly s u p p o r te d o r g a n iz a tio n o f th e ty p e
Lucius Farish d e s c r ib e d in S e c tio n 5 0 9 (a ) (2 ). D o n o r s m a y d e d u c t c o n tr ib u tio n s f r o m th e ir F e d e r a l In
c o m e I h x . B e q u e s ts , le g a c ie s , d e v is e s , tr a n s f e r s o r g if ts a r e a lso d e d u c tib le f o r e s ta te a n d
g i f t p u r p o s e s , p r o v id e d th e y m e e t th e a p p lic a b le p r o v is io n s o f S e c tio n s 2 0 5 5 ,2 1 0 6 a n d 2 5 2 2
o f th e In te r n a l R e v e n u e C o d e ,
(USPS 002-970)
(ISSN 0270-6822)
T h e M U F O N U F O JO U R N A L is published m onthly by the M utual U FO
103 Oldtowne Rd. N etw o rk , In c ., S eguin, Texas. M em b ersh ip /S u b scrip tio n rates: $25 p e r year in
Seguin, TX 78155-4099 th e U .S .A .; $ 3 0 foreign in U.S. funds. S econd class postage paid at S eguin, T X .
Telephone: (512) 379-9216 P O S T M A S T E R : Send form 3579 to ad v ise change o f address to:
M U F O N , 103 O ldtow ne R d ., S eg u in , T X 78155
Sister Mary Michael, has studied both taining many linked patterns) appeared removed without a trace of disturbance
the events at Medjugorje and the crop on April 6, 1990. Haddington suggests to the surrounding ground. There is no
circles. She feels the markings are this pictogram may be a precursor for spilled dirt, and the evacuations occur
something evil. Most other researchers the June 1991 event. unseen in the middle of the night.
disagree. Likewise, there are a series of holes
One of the Medjugoije predictions is in the earth appearing in Switzerland. UFOs
that the BVM will leave a permanent The holes may be related to crop
mark on the earth on June 6,1991. One circles, as there are no footprints The favored refrain among mystical-
particularly symbolic pictogram (con around, yet many cubic yards of soil are minded researchers is that UFOs are
1. Locate the north as accurately a T
2. Relate the figure to some !
immovable object i.e., permanent
fence, large tree etc, by means of
tuio dimensions. (This will not
always be possible).
3. Two measurements are required
at each circle to ensure an
accurate record of the diameter.
i.e., dimensions R. B and J to be
approx 90 degrees to dimensions
C , □ and H.
L. Dimension L is to be taken at the
mid point of the chord, dimension
K. ^
Looking Back
Bob Gribble
J u n e 1951 ■ About 10:37 a.m. on tilted to an approximate 45-degree angle about 3:30 a.m. on the 24th, when he
the 15th, several French Air Force jets and went straight up until it disap noticed some lights hanging low in the
encountered a UFO over Orange, peared.” (Source: Flying Saucer Review sky. He approached to investigate and
France. Flying a Vampire jet on the — Sept.-Oct. 1966) observed a light-colored, dirigible
training flight were Lieutenants Prio shaped craft with a string of alternating
Jrence and Raymond Gallibert who ■ Mrs. Gordon M. Avery, of Mt. yellow and white lights around the edge.
were in constant radio communication Sunapee, New Hampshire, said she saw When he tried to get close, the object
with the tower at Orange Field. In an a white-aval-shaped object about 4 a.m. started moving away, stopping until he
interview, Lt. Prio declared: “We were on the 16th while investigating the caught up, then moving again. Stevens
flying in an absolutely cloudless sky source of a brilliant light illuminating was soon chasing the craft at more than
when right over Orange we perceived her living room. To the east, she saw 100 m iles per hour along the
an object of bright metallic appearance the craft apparently hovering a few feet Richmond-Henrico Turnpike. The
at an altitude of between 1600 and 1700 above the utility wires. As she watched, UFO kept ahead of him, following
feet. The object was circular and ap a jagged extension protruded from the every twist and turn of the road. “ I
peared to be of aluminum and was object and seemed to touch the wires. trailed it across the Chickahominy
perfectly motionless. Naturally in It had no apparent physical effect. After River into Hanover County about six
terested, we made toward it, the disc about five minutes, the rod retracted miles,” Stevens said. “Out in Hanover
‘see-sawed’ for a moment and then took and the craft began moving northeast, it kind of stopped for a little bit, then
off at a rapidly increasing speed. We accelerating and disappearing over a went into a high speed vertical climb.
chased it as far as Aspes-sur-Buech mountain at high speed. (Source: The It didn’t just disappear all of a sudden,
without being able to catch up, the UFO Investigator — Oct .-Nov. 1966) it climbed out of sight.” The pursuit had
climbing speed of our Vampire being lasted about 15 minutes. (Source:
inadequate. After we had pursued it for H Julian Sandoval, an Apollo Space Mysteries o f the Skies; The News
six minutes, the object disappeared, still Project engineer, a pilot and former Air Leader — Richmond, \A — 7 / 21 /66)
climbing at a speed of about 600 miles Force navigator, spotted a large UFO
per hour.” (Source: UFOs: A History over Placitas, New Mexico — about 18 ■ Peter Rasmussen was standing
1951) miles north of Albuquerque — about watch aboard a ship some 800 miles
3:45 p.m. on the 23rd, and watched it southwest of Hawaii about 3:40 a.m.
1 9 6 6 ■ State Police and Air Force in for about an hour and a half. Sandoval on the 26th, when he noticed an
telligence officers joined forces in pro said the craft appeared to be stationary unusual light on the starboard quarter.
bing the story of a New Bedford, at about 12,000 feet, was about 300 feet After watching it for about 10 minutes,
Massachusetts motorist who said his long, that its main body had a blunt end it flared up very bright and started mov
car was “buzzed” at treetop level by a and was “ incandescent” like a regular ing toward the ship. It stopped and
UFO on the 11th. The episode occurred light bulb. “It’s like nothing we have,” hovered directly above the ship. The
at 3:45 a.m. in suburban Westport. “An Sandoval said. The object finally disap light soon became a huge disc-shaped
object whose illumination seemed to peared in a northeasterly direction after object (“bigger than the 465-foot ship”)
vary between an amber-green and a making a vertical climb and increasing which hovered silently over the ship for
bluish-yellow, came up from behind its speed to about six Machs (six times several minutes. Rasmussen described
and I gradually became aware of it the speed of sound). Sandoval had the craft as having a solid center —
hovering over my car,” Ronald Petit logged 7000 hours of flying time, was possibly metal — with a pulsating white
said. “Then it moved ahead and 1 could employed by North American Aviation light. “The outer rim or halo seemed
see it quite clearly. I slowed my car and and was in charge of electrical power to be some sort of force field. It was
the object appeared to stop. I drove to and environmental control with the semi-transparent, as I could see stars
within about 100 feet, stopped, got out Apollo Project. (Source: The Christian through it.” Three other long-time
and took a close look.” Petit said he Science Monitor — 7/11/66; also seamen, including the ship’s captain,
stared at the “thing” for at least two Aliens From Space) also saw the object. They estimated the
minutes before leaping back into the height above the ship to be around
safety of his car. “When I slammed the H Richmond, Virginia Police Officer 10,000 feet and the diameter of the craft
door,” he said, “the glowing object William L. Stevens, Jr., was on patrol (the solid portion) to be about 600 to
New Officers
The Night Sky
Shirley A. Coyne, Michigan State
Director, appointed Elmer V. Bean, in Walter N. Webb
(Marcellus, MI) to be State Section
Director for Van Buren, Allegan and July 1991
Cass Counties. John E. Combest Bright Planets: (Evening Sky)
(Spring, TX) is the new State Section The unusual planet parade continues in the early evening western sky. Mer
Director for Harris County (Houston, cury joins the original trio low in the WNW, while Saturn rises in the op
TX area). Two new consultants posite sky (ESE).
volunteered their expertise this month; July 9 & 10 Venus, Mars & the star Regulus form a compact group in
Tom Joldersm a, Ph.D. (Vashon, WA) a field 3° across. Venus less than 1° below Regulus.
in Physics, and C arol A. Ferguson, July 13 Lunar crescent between and below Venus, Mars, Jupiter and
Ed.D. (Springfield, MO) in Education. Mercury.
Joseph V. Zonfrelli, M.S. (Boulder, July 14 Crescent Moon below Venus while Mars and Regulus only
CO) became a new Research Specialist 2/3° apart and Jupiter/Mercury only 1/3° to 1/10° apart (de
in Electronic Engineering. pending upon your location in the U.S.).
Mid-July At dusk view all five naked-eye planets at the same time (plus
State and Provincial the other three planets telescopically). Four are in the west.
D irector’s Meeting From right to left, they are Jupiter, Mercury, Mars and Venus.
Saturn rises in the ESE about 8:45.
On Friday, July 5, 1991, the annual July 16 Venus (magnitude -4 .5 ) at maximum brilliancy. Shows a cres
State /Provincial Director’s Meeting cent phase in a telescope.
will be conducted starting at 10 a.m. July 21 Venus 4° below Mars.
and continue until 4 or 5 p.m. All July 25 Mercury 1.7° below Regulus.
Assistant State Directors are invited to July 26 Saturn (0.1), in Capricomus, is opposite the Sun, rising at
attend. If a State or Provincial Direc sunset and remaining visible all night. The ringed planet also
tor is unable to attend, he/she may is near the full moon.
designate a person to represent
him/her, preferably a State Section Bright Planets: (Morning Sky)
Director. Saturn is low in the SW at dawn.
The four Regional Directors will Total Solar Eclipse:
preside at the meeting with George
On July 11 the nearest new moon of the year and its alignment with the Sun
Coyne as the moderator.
create North America’s longest total eclipse of the Sun (nearly seven minutes)
this century and the longest one worldwide until the year 2132. As the Moon
No Video o r Audio
Taping Permitted crosses the face of the Sun, the tip of our satellite’s shadow cone sweeps across
Hawaii (the Big Island), southern Baja California, mainland Mexico, Central
America, Colombia and Brazil. Persons within this narrow zone (up to 160
No video or audio tape recording will
be permitted within the confines of the miles wide) will experience varying durations of totality, reaching maximum
lecture auditorium during the speeches in Baja and western mainland Mexico. At Kailua Kona, Hawaii, partial phases
on July 6 and 7. Tapes will be available begin at 6:31 AM. The eclipse is total from 7:28 to 7:32. Partial eclipse ends
at 8:37.
for purchase after the Symposium from
Illinois MUFON, the host organiza Meanwhile, all of the U.S. except Alaska and the northern half of New England
tion. Still cameras without flash are will see a partial eclipse, weather permitting. The closer one is to the path
acceptable. of totality, the more the Sun is obscured. Percentages and local times of max
imum eclipse follow for some sample cities: Atlanta, 28% at 3:32 PM; Chicago,
13% at 2:16; Denver, 37% at 12:51; Honolulu, 96% at 7:30 AM; Houston,
60% at 2:18; Miami, 44% at 3:50; New Vbrk, 2% at 3:35; San Diego, 74%
at 11:30; Seattle, 20% at 11:23; Tticson, 72% at 12:44; Washington, 7% at 3:34.
Electronic Bulletin Board Warning! While it is perfectly safe to view the totally eclipsed Sun with the
naked eye, do not look at any p a rt of the partially covered Sun! Permanent
8-N-l 300-14,400 Baud
eye damage can result from eVen short exposures to our star’s visible, infrared
901-785-4943 or ultraviolet rays. Instead, project the Sun’s image through a telescope or
binocular eyepiece, or through a 1/16-inch hole in a card, onto a white sur-