MUFON UFO Journal - January 1985

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The American serviceman 's view o f the atien contact with the base commander.

(USPS 002-970)
(ISSN 0270-6822)
When grown men speak of babes, as they recently did in
103 Oldtowne Rd. connection with the Rendlesham Forest Affair, it’s time to take
■ Seguin, Texas 78155-4099 UFOs and UFO witnesses seriously. If you saw the recent CNN-TV
four-part series on Rendlesham, you heard one of the American
security officers involved in the affair say, in effect: “They were like
little children. That’s what 1 kept thinking the whole time.” What I
keep thinking is that we’ve yet to hear the last out of England on this
International Director and
Associate Editor remarkable case.' In the meantime, you’ll find two articles about
Rendlesham in this issue of the Journal.
Art Director We also have the text of a speech delivered by Charles E.
Barnum at the 1972 Midwest UFO Conference. Barnum was the
Contributing Editor editor of the Quincy, Illinois, “Herald-Whig,” and the recipient of the
1972 Wells Memorial Key Award presented by Sigma Dellta Chi, the
Contributing Editor professional journalism society. His was the keynote speech at the
conference, but since it was not included in the annual Proceedings,
TED BLOECHER we are reprinting it now because it is still as relevant as when it was
DAVE WEBB first presented.
Co-Chairmen, We hope you enjoy the present issue of the Journal and look
Humanoid Study Group forward to your comments and criticisms. Coming up soon, pictures
PAUL CERNY and an interview with Dr. J. Allen Hynek, James McCampbell’s
Promot ion/Publicity "Hum and Whistle a UFO Tune,” and Michael Sword’s intriguing
MARGE CHRISTENSEN “Ufonauts: Homo Sapiens of the Future?”
Public Relations
Religion and UFOs
B oolts/Pe riodicals/History
In this issue
Promotion/PubRcity NEWS‘N’ NOTES, By Dennis S ta c y ................................................................ .3
GREG LONG ESTIMATE O F THE SITUATION, By Marge C h risten se n .......................... 4
Staff Writer EARTHUGHTS REVIEWED, By Gregory L ong.............................................. 7
SIMONE MENDEZ WHAT HAPPENED IN RENDLESHAM FO R E ST ?.................................... 10
Staff Artist UFOS & THE MEDIA, By Charles E. B a rn u m ................................ ........... 13
TED PHILLIPS THE RENDLESHAM FOREST AFFAIR, By Walt A ndrus, Jr................... 17
Landing T race C ases LETTERS.............................................................................................................. 18
JOHN F. SCHUESSLER DIRECTOR'S MESSAGE, By Walt Andrus, J r ................................................20
Medical C ases
UFO Crash/RetHeval
WALTER N. WEBB ~~ ■— — 1 1— ■
The Mutual UFO Network, Inc. is exempt from Federal Income Tax under
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The MUFON UFO JOURNAL i s ' The contents of the MUFON UFO JOURNAL are determined by the editor, and do
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M em bership/S ubscription rates: Articles may be forwarded directly to MUFON. Responses to published articles may
$15.00 per year in the U.S.A.; $16.00 be in a Letter to the Editor (up to about 400 words) or in a short article (up to about
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Oldtowne Rd., Seguin, Texas 78155. statement “C opyri^t 1984 by the Mutual UFO Network, 103 Oldtowne Rd., Seguin,
Texas” is included.
Barker, IFOs, and a Bullfight
—Dennis Stacy

GRAY BARKER DIES Those wishing more information expose a 36-frame roll of color slide film,
should write to: Hobart Gregory Baker, using primarily a 35-105mm Zoom.
1984 saw the passing of another C1FOS, 113 E. Northwood Avenue, At first we thought the bullfight
early member of the original UFO Columbus, Ohio, 43201. was a sham, a comic fair to go hand in
movement. Kenneth Arnold, whose hand with the religious festivities of the
sighting initiated the modern era, died MISSING BLOOD? week before. After all, the “matadors”
in January of last year, and ' on were dressed in yellow rain-capes!
December 6th, after a lengthy illness, The following subject would not Then suddenly the bull stood back,
G ray B arker passed away in normally come up except that it is not two bandilleras protruding from his
Charleston, West Virginia. A longtime every day one gets to attend a right shoulder. Blood had been drawn
devotee, publisher and writer of UFO mutilation, as I was recently privileged, and was plainly streaking down his
and related- material, Barker will if that is the word, to. One of the most flank. A young matador approached,
probably be best remembered by his compelling factors of the animal surely less than fifteen. He fluorished a
“ S au cerian ” m agazine and the mutilation mystery was the supposed red cape in his hands, supported by a
controversial book, They Knew Too absence of copious amounts of blood hidden sword. He plunged the sword in
Much About Flying Saucers. either at the mutilation site or in the the bull’s shoulder, aiming for the heart,
The latter recounted the exploits carcass of the victimized animal itself. but apparently missed. An older man
of UFO investigator Albert K. Bender Where did the missing blood go? finally made the kill with several stabs of
and his allegations that he had been Was it drained through pencil-sized his own sword.
hushed up by “three men in black,” a holes in the jugular vein by But the bullfight was only a mild
theme which has since recurred in the extraterrestrial vampires? Or was it prelude to what was to follow. As we
writings of John Keel, among others, extracted by terrestrial scientists made our way down and outside, the
and firmly ensco need itsel f, for be tter or conducting supersecret germ and/or dead bull was roped .and drawn from
worse, in the modern UFO lexicon. genetic warfare experiments? There the ring by its neck. It was deposited
Like Arnold, Barker was a legend in his were other bodies of thought between virtually at our feet and to our
own time and will be missed by his circle the two extremes as well. amazement two men set to butchering
of friends. This problem took on a less the carcass immediately.
abstract and more concrete realism last To my further amazement, they
IFO RESEARCH December when an old friend, now a drew hardly any bjood. Not that there
reporter with one of the major were not visible amounts of, ,blood,
On another front Hobart Gregory ' Canadian dailies, and I vacationed in there were, rather there was not nearly
Baker writes to announce the the Yucatan and Quintana Roo states as much as I might have expected. Each
formation and goals of the Center for of Mexico. December, of course, in man had an approximately 10-inch long
Identified Flying Object Studies. Baker, Mexico is a month long celebration. butcher knife and sharpening tool and
a graduate in physiology from Ohio Each community has its own Saint, time another man later applied a hacksaw to
State, says the new organization is and mode of fiesta. In Isla Mujeres, some of the leg bones.
independent of other established UFO w h ere we w ere stay in g , the The first cut, however, went from
groups but will co-operate freely with celebrations ran from the, first of stern to stem of the bull’s tender
both them and individual parties. December until the eighth, were underbelly. With deft, short strokes.of
Baker, director of the Center, says devoted to the Virgin of the Immaculate .•their knives, the two peeled back the
the organization “will study the Conception and culminated in a skin from both flanks. Now the bull was
reliability of testimony of UFO and IFO Sunday bullfight (the traditional lying on its back, all four legs in the air,
observers, the factors that enhance, bullfight season in Mexico is the middle and a good yard of soft hide spread on
suppress and distort the testimony of of the summer). either side for use as a butchering
UFO and IFO observers, and We had seen the crude ring of blanket.
determ ine the sim ilarities and corrugated tin and sticks before, but Underneath its skin the bull looked
differences of UFOs and IFOs.” The now it was crowded with a mob of like some mutant albino. The second
Center will support a data base of screaming spectators. We scrunched layer appeared to be a white sheath of
sighting reports of both UFOs and IFOs our way in and made it up to the second subcutaneous fat that was almost
upon which statistical analyses can be level, composed of a precarious, tree-
performed. limb floor. From here, I was able to (continued on page 19)
Marge Christensen


In the October, 1984 issue of the

MUFON Journo/, editor Dennis Stacy,
in his column, “From the Editor,’’
quoted Rodney Dangerfield in saying
(regarding UFOlogists), "We don’t get
no respect.”
If you think that UFOlogists "don’t
get no respect,” try public school
teaching for awhile. It’s no secret that
public education in the U.S. is under fire
from critics in every aspect of society.
In fact, I often find that 1 get more
resp ect when introduced as a
UFOIogist, than when I am introduced
as a teacher!
Morale in teaching is so poor that
the entire teaching staff of our school
system has been instructed by the
Supt. of Schools to list as our #1 goal for
this year, that we will be positive. As
simplistic a prescription as this sounds
for combatting the forces of negativism,
it is not such a bad idea.
If one manages to maintain a Marge Christensen (center) ort the Speakers' Panel a t the 1984 MUFON Symposium
positive outlook, it will enable him/her —D e m is S ic f y

to keep sight of the fact that it is the UFOlogy. Fortunately, in my fervor to National Newsletter has begun to
students and the education process be positive as a teacher, I recently bring about a much more active
itself which are of prime importance, unconsciously let some of that communications network and a great
not the public regard for teachers. This uncontrolled enthusiasm spill over into deal more active participation on the
stance, can only result in increased the UFOIogist side of me. The results part of State Directors across the
public, respect for educators. were not only eye-opening, but quite country. People who were previously
UFOlogists would do well to take a heartening and very promising. simply names on a piece of paper are
lesson from this analogy. If we can Rather than risk being accused of a now communicating with one another
manage to be positive about the UFO “Polyanna attitude,” I should mention and sharing information and providing
subject, and our role in researching it that as your PR Director, I have a mutual assistance. This has brought
and increasing public awareness of the distinct advantage over most of you, about a greater sense of cohesiveness
phenomenon, we will then expend less and that is that I have established a very in the organization, as well as a greater
of our valuable energies combatting active and extensive communication degree of efficiency in getting the job
biased, venomous dribble from the system with several State Directors and done.
skeptics, and perhaps we will Asst. State Directors, so I am able to Also, there is a movement toward
accom plish a great deal more view the operations of our mutual accountability and professionalism on
constructive work in the field as a network from a com prehensive the part of all’of us, and that movement
result. Our “respect rating” by the vantage point. is rapidly gaining momentum. Dan
public would very likely risea few points While I have observed that it is true Wright, Michigan State Director, has
also. * that apathy abounds among our compiled a comprehensive examin­
During the past months, many of membership, there are also clear ation for field investigators, and has
us (notwithstanding this author) have indications that this situation is invested a great deal of time and
tended to take note primarily of the beginning to slowly give way to a new
negative side of the state of affairs in “conscientious activism.” The MUFON (continued next page)
SITUATION, CONTINUED researchers, as long as these materials effort. Dr. Bruce Maccabee has
are used for instructional purposes, and indicated that the Fund will handle all
thought into revising the exam to reflect not for profit. The computer print-out publicity in the Washington, D.C. area.
input from co n su ltan ts, S tate (book) of resources, as well as any Dr. J. Allen Hynek and Mr. John
Directors, field investigators, and items to be reproduced will be available Timmerman of CUFOS have been
members who have responded to Dan’s to interested researchers at minimal extremely gracious in their offers to
request for feedback. The overall cost. It is further planned that Doug assist in this endeavor. Mr. Timmerman
reaction to initiating such an exam has Labat’s listings will eventually be added will be working on some public service
been entirely favorable. This, in itself, is to the computer file, so that we will have announcements for radio stations, and
a clear indication of a widespread desire a more complete listing of available Dr. Hynek is, hoping to put together a
for upgrading our standards and materials. It is also hoped that other UFO documentary for television. This
preparedness. archivists will volunteer to serve as genuine spirit of cooperation among
In an attempt to promote efforts to regional collection centers. our three organizations has always
inform the public on the UFO subject, An additional cause for optimism existed, but it is particularly heartening
and to provide standardization for our about our current situation is that there to be able to work together on such a
various State organizations, Barry are faily widespread indications of State project and to see tangible results.
Greenwood, Dan Wright, and Tom organizations expressing a willingness It is our sincere belief and hope
Gates are currently compiling two slide to become actively involved in public that with increased public awareness of
presentations — one for the public, and education endeavors. At the San the reality of the UFO phenomenon,
one for training field investigator Antonio MUFON Symposium, it was it will be incumbent upon the media
trainees — which will be made available announced that in mid-August, 1985, to offer more responsible, serious
to all MUFON State organizations at a we will hold our first NATIONAL UFO coverage of UFO news events. Also, it
minimal price in the very near future. INFORMATION WEEK, and will ask will be much more difficult for the govt,
the participation of every State to withhold information from the public
ARCHIVES organization. In a recent questionnaire because the public will see through any
sent to all State Directors, each half-baked debunking explanations of
Attempts to better equip our State organization was asked about its genuine UFO cases. The bottom line is
organizations do not stop there. At the potential preparedness to contribute in that we will never know unless we make
1984 MUFON UFO Symposium at San some way to such an endeavor. the effort. No one else is going to do it
Antonio, TX, a proposal was presented Twenty-one State Directors have for us. The important thing to note here
for the establishment of regional UFO responded to date. is that we are going to make that effort
resource collection centers in order T he following S ta te s have in the summer of 1985, and that effort
that the wealth of data in our indicated a willingness to participate in will be a group effort on the part of
possession be made more readily at least three of the following projects: numerous States.
accessible to researchers. To date, two UFO display at shopping mall or On an entirely different front, there
such regional centers have been county fairs; one-day UFO conference; is reason to be optimistic about the
estab lish ed . B arry G reenw ood, p re ss re le a se s to new spapers; information we have been able to obtain
Massachusetts MUFON Asst. State appearances on radio or television: from government agencies recently
Dir., has offered to serve as a regional North Carolina, Northern California, under the provisions of the Freedom of
collector, as has DougLabat, Louisiana S o u th e rn C alifornia, M ichigan, Information Act, It was recently
State Director. A Massachusetts Nebraska, Utah, Iowa, Massachusetts, learned, for example, that “A UFO by
MUFON member is compiling an Maine, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, any other name might result in
extensive computer file of* Barry’s Connecticut, New Mexico, Texas, and document releases.” A document
archives, which comprise one of the Missouri. received recently referred to sightings
most extensive collections of UFO Additional projects suggested of unidentified flying objects as
material in North America. The catalog, include seminars in schools; printed “irregular sighting reports.” Requests
which already numbers hundreds of posters; one-day teach-in; speakers on are already being filed for documents
pages, will be made available to college campuses; independent study regarding “ ISRs.” An additional
researchers immediately upon its project with academic credits for document just received refers to the
completion, hopefully by the end of college students. “agency of the Air Force responsible for
D e c e m b e r, 1984. In a d d itio n , investigating UFO sightings.” This
M a s s a c h u s e t t s M U FO N h a s UFO WEEK opens still another door to requests for
purchased a tape cassette copying additional documents. The Citizens
machine, and thus has the capability to F u rth erm o re , an im portant Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) have
reproduce audio tape cassettes in large development in the preparation for the revived their newsletter, “Just Cause,”
numbers with relative ease. It will also National UFO Information Week has and have begun making subscriptions
be possible to reproduce other items been the desire of the Fund for UFO available to persons who wish to
such as videotapes and to make Xerox Research and the Center for UFO
copies of paper items if so requested by Studies to join us in this important (continued next page)

support their endeavors to file requests

under the FOIA for additional
documents. This organization warrants
our support, and is getting a great deal
a c c o m p lish e d in th e a re a of
government documents. The annual
subscription fee for the CAUS
Newsletter is $10, and should be sent to
JUST CAUSE, Box 218, Coventry, CT
Despite the negative aspects such
as the dropouts from our ranks, the
constant, unconstructive attacks from
the ever-persistent fanatical skeptics,
the relative dearth of media coverage
on the UFO subject, and the petty
squabbling among UFO organizations
which sometimes occurs, there does
appear to be a ray of optimism
beginning to penetrate the cloud cover.


When one considers the various

—D ennis S ta c y
points of this article, in addition to the
following summary of events of 1984, 6) The N.Y. Times published two pro- the cooperation of those States yet
one gets a rather new and hopeful UFO articles, an unusual occurrence u n h e a r d fro m . T h o s e S ta te
perspective of the estimate of our for that newspaper. o rganizations in which apathy
situation: dominates, need to do some self­
1984 SUMMARY 7) A new research institute was assessment and attempt to get their'
donated to the Center for UFO acts together. The members of the
1) Congressional Research Service Studies, in Phoenix, Arizona, and this Committee on Public Information and
published The UFO Enigma, an promises to herald a new era of Public Education are prepared to
amazingly accurate depiction of the meaningful research into the subject. provide assistance wherever possible.
UFO subject, even including a copy of Specific regions of the U.S. are the
the Kirtland AFB document. 8) Closing ceremonies of the 1984 responsibility of various members of
Summer Olympics included the landing the committee, and these persons will
2) Clear Intent was published, and sold of a giant UFO modeled after the one in be in contact with the “silent States” in
out rapidly. The book is already into its the movie, “Close Encounters of the the near future. It is also up to you to
fourth printing. Third Kind.” This is indicative of the help yourselves to a certain extent. If
popularity of the UFO subject with the you h av en ’t already done so,
3) MUFON 1984 UFO Symposium in public. purchasing a copy of the 1984 MUFON
San Antonio was a smash hit with a Symposium Proceedings is a must.
greater financial profit than the There are other positive events of There are step by step instructions
previous 14 symposia combined. 1984, but to say that there is included for State Directors to use in
clear cause to believe that the current getting their various organizations off
4) UFO Forum in Beverly, MA, played estimate of the situation is beginning to the ground. Also, make use of the
to a standing-room only crowd, and will reflect a distinct hint of optimism. telephone. It tends to be a rather
now become an annual event. effective means of communication. In
NEW ERA many cases, help is only a phone call
5) UFO Conference in Brewster, NY, away. Take advantage of low weekend
attended by 1000 persons, most of This may be only the beginning of rates.
whom were witnesses of the strange an exciting new era in UFOIogy, only if If everyone pulls his or her share of
objects seen over NY and CT. Also, as we work to make it happen. Although the job, we can effect a change in the
a result of the conference, there was the response we have had for the situation in UFOIogy as mentioned
widespread media coverage of the National UFO Information Week has
subject. been very positive to date, we still need (continued on page 19)
Gregory D. Long

A new school of thought is Unusual Events (Nelson-Hall, New subtitled Towards an Explanation of
emerging in UFOlogical speculation. York, 1977); and Dr. William Brandy of the UFO Enigma, the most ambitious
The school is attempting to explain the U.S. Bureau of Mines in Denver, attempt so far to develop a drum-tight
UFOs as the product of geophysical who has demonstrated that quartz­ explanation of UFOs as a form of ill-
processes that generate high-energy bearing rock subjected to high pressure observed, although not so rare, form of
luminous balls of light at faults. These will, upon cracking, release shortlived electromagnetic energy produced
“earth lights’’ seem to behave balls of energy. Supposedly, if this through tectonic stress. Devereux
intelligently, which is spurious (these electromagnetic phenomenon can differs from Persinger and Lafreniere in
th i n k e r s b e lie v e ) s in c e th e occur jn the laboratory, it can occur as that he does not subscribe to the
“intelligence” behind them results well on the grand scale of nature. stimulus/hallucination principle of UFO
either from common misperception, or Persinger and Lafreniere suggest that sightings. Devereux agrees that UFOs
even more, from reactions the lights these balls of energy can, in proximity originate from geophysical processes,
make to some heretofore unknown to witnesses, stimulate the portion of but he also believes that the ancient
“psychic” energy transmitted by the the brain involved in deep-rooted Neolithic peoples of Britain knowingly
unwitting witnesses. a r c h e ty p a l im a g e ry , s p a rk in g erected megalithic stones (such as
Spokesmen for the school include hallucinations and “UFO experiences.” those of Stonehenge) at places in
M. Persinger and G. Lafreniere, Paul Devereux, who lives in Great
authors of Space-Time Transients and Britain, is the author of Earth Lights, (continued on next page)
—artwork by Simone Mendez

Britain near UFO-producing faults.

The shamans of the Neolithic
trib es p racticed an “ elem ental
tech n o lo g y ,” using a form of
psychokinesis (PK) in which imagery of
the mind interacted with the external
e n e rg y -fo rm s of n a tu re . This
interaction occurred, and apparently
still d o e s to d a y — alth o u g h
. unconsciously — in the presence of
psychically predisposed individuals
because the UFO acts as “a carrier of
imagery,” its substance accommodat­
ing the form of the image. Devereux

The menta/ signals affecting some

UFOs wilt, presumably, come from
different levels of consciousness, and
the intensity with which a UFO is likely
to respond to such an input into its
system wilt vary with a number of
conditions — the proximity of the
human ‘‘transmitters,’’ the phase of
development in the UFO, its level of
plasticity and stability at that phase, around the third millenium B.C., appearance includes portholes, domes
th e ‘a m b i e n t e l e c t r o m a g n e t i c Devereux states, and fragments of The a n d th e o th e r “ c r a f t ” like
conditions, the strength of the PK, and Knowledge exist today although the appurtenances, such as antennae,
so on. means of linking the consciousness common to many daylight objects.
with the physical world seem to be Additionally, Devereux is careful
Devereux supplies an answer to com pletely forgotten. However, to choose only those sightings of
why ancient stone sites were built (he contemporary UFO sightings are of nocturnal lights that could conceivably
believes more was involved than “shape-shifting” earth lights that display be taken as the product of earth stress
predicting astronomical events and “the elements from the common — yet oddly, the selected cases have
erecting a large-scale calendar from cultural ethos,...If the UFO pageant enough "high strangeness” about them,
stone). The interaction of mind with the today resembles nothing more than the and the reported objects display such
energy forms was ‘‘an outward incoherent ravings of a fevered mind, undeniably intelligent behavior, that it is
representation o f, ■profound ^ mental then that is the true reflection of our hard to believe that we are dealing with
processes...” These mental processes current collective mental situation." a nonsentient form of energy that is
contained the ancient myths: Simply expressed, the earth lights either coincidentally behaving in an
theory proposes a terrestrial source of intelligent manner as a result of natural
So/ar heroes, Earth Mothers, demons UFOs, a “profoundly sensitive energy effects, or is somehow being shaped by
and giants — all the representations of form” that can sustain a humanly the force of psychokinesis acting at a
the forces of physical and mental transmitted mental image. Or as I distance of miles in some cases.
Nature may actually have taken on would put it: We have met the UFO— Despite this farfetched approach
tenuous form in the ancient world. It is and he is us...under our feet. to explaining the rich variety of UFO
easy to understand how the vague, All of this is heady stuff. One appearances as reported by thousands
inchoate racial memories o f this time obvious problem with the theory is the of witnesses all over the world,
have come to be misinterpreted in our place of apparently structured, metallic Devereux does manage to present a
day and age as references to ancient objects in the scheme—and especially compelling argument for the UFO-fault
astronauts. those seen under daylight conditions by connection in Part 3 of the book:
multiple witnesses. Devereux seems to “UFOs As Earth Phenomena.” In this
In short, the ancient shamans knew think that the reports of daylight discs section, Devereux correlates stone
how to “activate the outer mechanisms are of earth lights which take on a <■sites, meteorological and seismic
(the earth lights) to present their inner metallic appearance due to “some phenomena, the incidence of UFOs,
visions.” refractive process” or “some kind of
This powerful psi ability peaked electrical ‘sh een ’ e ffect.” This (continued next page)
EARTHL1GHTS, CONTINUED “entities” are formed from the earth challenged current thinking in the UFO
lights themselves, which may form from field which still considers questions of
alleged paranormal events and a columnar “terrestrial discharge the extraterrestrial or ultraterrestrial
geological features of the landscape to event” mistaken by observers as a source of UFOs. Devereux has taken
arrive at convincing patterns that ghost or otherworldly being. If so, what the time to seek correlations between
UFOs derive from faults and that the do we do with all the detailed CEIN geological events and lights that are
ancients may have known of their reports in which beings are directly undeniably real. The patterns do exist.
origin. associated with landed UFO “craft’? But do they exist in nonfaulted areas of
Studying records of these events How does an earth-light divide itself up the world as well? And if the earth lights
for England and Wales, Devereux into several humanoids who scoop up have always been with us, why has their
graphically dem onstrates strong soil samples and leap into their vehicle presence been so little recognized until
c o r r e la tio n b e tw e e n all th e and speed away? How do we explain now? Has the observation and
components. As an example, he the rich d etails of hum anoid reporting of these lights been the result
analyzes the strange lights observed in appearance and behavior? CE1U of a “raised consciousness” on the part
Barmouth from Christmas 1904 to July witnesses must be either extremely of a public newly awakened to the
1905, where “The phenomena mainly stupid or mad. ■ natural world around it due to the
took the form of lights of all colours, Devereux also never touches on expanisve spirit of the Space Age? If so,
usually globular though sometimes in the problem of the light characteristics then sociologists and psychologists
columnar form...” During the sightings, of nocturnal UFOs. Why do some have a rich arena in which to explore
a religious revival was taking place in nighttime UFOs seem to undergo color the mechanisms of human perception
the district. Devereux notes that in transformations? Why is it that some and social knowledge because the
1903 an earthquake occurred along the witnesses report UFOs that seem to general lack of reports of strange lights
great Bala Fault which dominates the bear several different lights that blink before the modern era of UFOs
Barmouth area. Devereux wonders if and flash? Why do some nocturnal requires an explanation.
“electromagnetic elements accom­ lights divide and reform?
panying tectonic events may have It is safe to predict that readers of Earth Lights is published by Turnstone
triggered mental processes producing Earth Lights will ask even more .P ress Limited, W ellingborough,
the contagious zeal (that the religious questions. Devereux has- directly Northamptonshire, England.
leader of the m ovem ent) was
experiencing” at the time?
Devereux also notes that other
prominent UFO “window” areas having
faults, such as Warminster and Dyfed,
have had reports of UFO sightings that
suggest that the phenomena originate
from the earth itself. For example, Cley
Hill on the Warminster Fault is “a
generating and earthing point for the
phenomena we call flying saucers or
UFOs,” he states.
Naturally the Earth-Lights school
m u st p re c is e ly d e s c r ib e th e
m echanism s of luminous-display
production. How is it that the earth-
lights sustain their form up to 15
minutes, or even hours at a time? How
can the lights travel thousands of feet
into the air? Why do the earth-lights
approach energy sources such as
vehicles and power lines, including
animals and people? Devereux
proposes “energy fields” around people
that "attract” UFOs. But what are
these fields? Can they be detected?
How do> they attract earth-lights from
thousands of feet away? It is nice to
hypothesize “personal energy fields,”
but what does the term really mean? PAUL DEVEREUX
Devereux asserts that some UFO - D t i V t f i SklCy
A DRAMATIC tape that based on the evidence
of UFO
recording, allegedly made available, those guys
by panic-stricken American
servicemen during a close
encounter with an alien
space craft in a Suffolk
forest, is authentic, their
definitely saw something
which cannot be explained.
“As for them fabricating it
former base commander
has exclusively told the
The chilling 20-minute
recording, a major new part
all and putting on an act, I do
not think they could have
pulled it off."
He gave the tape, part of
‘not hoax’
of the evidence gathered by which had since been inadver­
UFO investigators probing a tently erased, to researchers
claimed double landing in because, ‘'There was no
Rendlesham Forest, near reason not to," added Col. fied location” and was un­ several possible explana­
Morgan. available for comment. tions if the UFO landing
Woodbridge airbase, was The recording was made
given to the researchers by The book was written claims are untrue.
former base commander during the second alleged before the investigators heard
Included among the
Col. Sam Morgan. authors’ suggestions is the
The EADT has traced Col.
Morgan to the space com- Reports by John Grant alleged possibility that the
UFO story might be a blind to
maud headquarters linked to cover-up tests on weaponry
the Peterson Airbase,
Colorado and in a frank close encounter by the then the Halt tape but they had which went wrong.
transatlantic telephone con­ deputy base commander Lt. heard from witnesses about
versation he said, “ I do not Col. Charles Halt. His passages in it. They claim it Inquiry
think it is a hoax." report to the Ministry of tells of a "red, sun-like
Defence on both incidents light” which flies through Or, they say, the Ameri­
The tape recording is due to gave the book’s authors a the forest and silently ex­ cans might even have
be played at a London Press
conference today to launch major breakthrough when it plodes into multiple recovered by helicopter part
was leaked. coloured lights. of the Russian satellite Cos­
"Sky Crash — A Cosmic mos 749 under cover of dark­
Conspiracy," a book on the A small craft, similar to ness when it was accidentally
alleged incidents which took Stricken
the one in the first alleged en­ dropped into the forest.
place on the nights of As previously reported by counter, was seen on or close
December 27 and 29/30, the EADT, it was the first to the ground. In any event, they are call­
1980. time there had been official ing for a full public inquiry
confirmation that unusual Col. Halt and a small and say they are fully pre­
Frightened lights and objects had been number of men with him pared to make all their evi­
The incidents were first seen, and traces of radiation quickly retreat amid panic dence available to one.
reported in the EADT and the had been found in imprints on and shouting.
the ground and on a tree at the The book is published by
book’s authors, Dot Street, site. The book concludes that Neville Spearman Ltd, of
of Blackberry Way, Oulton incidents undoubtedly did Friars Street, Sudbury, and.
Broad; Brenda Butler, of take place and puts forward costs £7.50.
Mafeking Place, Leiston, Shouting
and national UFO investiga­
tor Jenny Rendles, claim In subsequent evidence
there has been a conspiracy to given to the investigators,
cover up the truth about what witnesses claimed that in the
happened. first encounter three silver-
Col. Morgan told the suited "entities" were seen
EADT, "I think the men repairing their stricken space’
really were out there that craft and some witnesses
night and they saw something claimed that contact was
which frightened them. established with them.
"You can hear their excited When his base in
conversations and references Oklahoma was contacted by
to frightening strange lights. the EADT, Col. Halt was The December 27, 1980, UFO on the ground based on a
The only opinion 1 have is, said to be on duty at a "classi­ sketch by an A merican serviceman.
'i Brenda Butler,
Dot Street &
jenny Randles

■ V. . ' ,V ;

a Cosmic conspiracy

Two o f the authors, Brenda Butter, left, and D ot Street, on the site o f the alleged landing
o f the spaceship in Rendlesham Forest.
The cover o f the new hook which claims UFOs landed in

‘Like the one that got away...’

THE Rendlesham Forest “Sky Crash” incident has been off-duty personnel. Asked why they went to the site unofficially
entered in the files of officialdom as “unexplained.” and at night he said, “Your guess is as good as mine.”
USAF and Ministry of Defence officials accept that some­ The USAF would not comment on any of the speculation in the
thing took place... but both say they have no interest in the matter. “Sky Crash” book. But of the incidents in general, he said, “I do
The “Sky Crash” story is tike the fisherman’s tale of the one not get the feeling that there has been any cover-up in any sense of
that got away. . . it gets bigger each time it is told. the.words.”
That is the view of Capt. Victor Warzinski, in command of the
USAF pubfic affairs department on the Bentwaters/Woodbridge Remembered
twin airbase.
He told the EADT, “I do not think there was ever any doubt He added, “It is like the old fisherman’s tale of the one that got
that something happened which we cannot explain.” away. . . it gets bluer each time ft is told. The fish in reality does
not get any nigger but the story sure as hell does.”
Off-base incident The case was instantly remembered by both Ministry of
Defence officials contacted by the EADT yesterday.
I But. he said, there was “not the slightest shred of documenta­ Spokesman Mr. Dermod Hill said the Ministry’s DS8
tion” beyond the report by Col. Hah which is headed department had investigated the incidents and had found no
“unexplained lights.” defence or military significance or implication and had therefore
Any incident which tookptace off-base did not come under the taken no further action,
isdiction of the USAF. The Hah report was
jurisdiction w therefore sent to
the Ministry of Defence and the matter was left to them to handle ‘Reasonable people ’
“as they felt most appropriate.”
The USAF had no other course of action open to it beyond “It was looked into and there being no military explanation we
making the report available “as a matter of courtesy.” Any other lost interest in it.
action would W e been “fike sending out our cops to enforce “I can see perfectly well that reasonable people who are in­
British law,” he said. . terested in such things would find it very . interesting.
_ 1 am not in
Asked specifically about the traces of radiation allegedly any way saying that the these people" must ‘be crankish
‘ ‘ ‘ or anything
- - of-
found at the site, be said that these were “only normal background that sort. . . I am simply saying that the MoD was satisfied there
counts—the sort you or I would get if we went out anywhere and was oo mifitap’ significance.”
took readings.” CoL Halt’s report was “thorough” and it was “basically all
The readings were not officially taken. They were obtained by we hare on our files about it ”
"SKY CRASH" materia]
“East Anglican Times”
October 25, 1984


an immediate story may be in order and

should be reported by someone like
Walt Andrus who is level-headed about
the phenomenon.
Other ways in which yousmay aid
the news media in keeping the public
informed of UFO happenings include:
1. P ro v id in g in te rv ie w s w ith
recognized scientists like Dr.
Hynek and Dr. Saunders.
2. Holding conferences such as this
which pull together the views of
experts in the field.
3. Making ap p earan ces before
groups such as luncheon clubs,
always making sure speakers
provide reporters with adequate
summaries of their remarks.
4. Releasing pictures of sightings if
they tell a significant story.
5. Assisting reporters and editors in
pulling together isolated reports
and facts so that they may be
presented in a total context
possessing meaning. A good
example here is the significance of
the events in 1954 as pointed out
by Jacques Vallee.
These are some suggestions I leave
with you in the hope that by obtaining
your cooperation we in the news media
can present a clearer picture of the
UFO significance. Additionally, let me
say that I’m sure you’ll find news media
representatives willing to give our field
objective treatment if you’ll make
yourselves available for providing
answers which newsmen may need to
handle information about UFO’s
As your so-called keynoter, I’m
privileged to welcome you to Quincy,
an open-minded city, a truly great city
that welcomes new ideas and a city
wherein scientific research in many
fields has reached a high level of
sophistication. Thus, the scientific
trend in our exploration”of UFO’s will
attract to its echo a warm welcome
M ap o f the path taken fro m USAF W oodbridge to the site o f the alleged encounter with the from all of us here to all of you.
apace cruft.
Charles E. Barnum

My good friend, Walt Andrus, conference as you are now engaged in that needs, not sniggering, but
asked me to discuss news media- in was contemplated here, I felt a sense of downright enlightened interest by the
relation to UFO sightings — and then gratitude to the conference planners. scientific community.” And I might add,
bombshelled me by remarking, “We’ll We now have an opportunity to use the something referred to needs our
call your talk the keynote speech.’’ conference 'materials as a basis for news media’s careful attention and
Inserting me as a keynoter in a giving our readers a coherent, more handling.
scientifically oriented gathering such as comprehensive and authoritative look
this is much like asking a lifelong at the UFO experience. ’ UFO FOCUS
birdwatcher to deliver a paper at a Additionally, such a conference
meeting of NASA scientists on a has educational advantages for news I also will acknowledge, on the
subject such as: media representatives, as well as basis of a somewhat superficial survey,
“Location of the engine frame into others, to learn more about the UFO as I did not have available a wide
an airplane’s wing, just ahead of the activity in the context of deliberate assortment of papers, that some of us in
leading edge of the wing, produces the consideration and discussion, apart the newspaper business have not done
greatest propulsive efficiency while from emotional, even traumatic enough to bring proper focus on the
maintaining the best aerodynamic response to inexplicable strangeness. UFO mystery.
results.” . Such knowledge should enable all Bringing the UFO experience into
Frankly, I’m here, as most of you of us in media work to handle news of a sharp focus entails much more than
are, to learn something; and hopefully UFO activity more intelligently, and doing as we have generally done,
to discover that the study of UFO perhaps with less skepticism. Our need reporting occasional sightings by
phenomena may be off and running on — and this arises somewhat from the individuals in our reading areas.
a scientifically guided course. fact we’ve been susceptible to stories Even Jesus realized that the folks
As a' newspaperman whose arising from misperceptions—is to at home do not a prophet recognize,
skepticism is representative, I believe, achieve perspective on the whole that one becomes an expert only when
of journalists generally, I have complex subject. Moreover, we need to he travels far from home. So it is with
approached the problem of handling be helped by better screening of reports the credibility of sighters in their own
news of UFO sightings gingerly, even reaching us, so that we can provide our backyards. Their neighbors, and their
apprehensively. ' .. readers a better, more coherent picture hometown editors, don’t credit them
of what is happening on the UFO front. with the qualities necessary for expert
FEAR * -At least for several colleagues and observation. In this connection, Dr.
i myself, now that you are in town, a Hynek’s suggested method of rating
It’s a scary subject; it ‘requires quote from Jack Taylor, of Missouri, credibility makes a lot of sense'.
mature handling. seems apropos. He remarked about the The study I made of reports in the
The Orson Welles broadcast in new minister at his church: “Our new press of UFO sightings impressed me in
1938 based on H.G. Wells’ “War of the pastor is doing a wonderful job. We the same way that reports of the late
Worlds” seriously disturbed more than didn’t know what sin was until he came Senator Joseph McCarthy’s charges
one million persons, many of them to to town.” did. As one read the McCarthy blasts—
the point of panic, according to a study 1 must acknowledge that as a all isolated—one had a growing feeling
conducted by Hadley Cantril. The story skeptic I’ve had my skepticism blunted of unease, and an undeniable fear that
was told in the form of a newscast, but and my interest aroused by several Communists were taking over the
announcements were made before, books on UFO’s and one book in government. As each story unfolded,
during, and after the presentation particular. It is “The UFO Experience, a the nation experienced a nervous
stating it was a play based on Wells’ Scientific Inquiry,” by Dr. J. Allen binge.
novel about an invasion from Mars. Hynek, Chairman of the Department of What'was lacking in the McCarthy
And because “humanoids” are A stro n o m y of N o r th w e s te r n case was this: A blockbuster wrapup of
also involved in the UFO picture, University, your 1970 Conference the whole McCarthy story, pulling all
editors and newsmen generally must headliner. facets together so- that the country
develop ways of presenting reports of After reading Dr, Hynek’s book could get a look at the complete
sightings which they receive so as not to and some other material on UFO’s, I’m McCarthy case. If his charges were
cause uneasiness, or, indeed, fear. prepared to acknowledge, “You’re
Thus, when 1 learned such a undoubtedly dealing with something (continued on next page)

solid, the wrap-up would have shown

them to be so and would have made him
a national hero. But when such a
compilation was done by a press
association, the McCarthy story
exploded and he faded from the
national scene. There was no
documentation of his charges, and
nothing was found to substantiate his
As for the UFO phenomenon, l
consider the Dr. Hynek book an
essential blockbuster wrap-up of the
UFO sto ry —pulling together all
relevant facets and offering the route to
a scientific appraisal of available data.
The UFO story obviously is not
going to explode, for Dr. Hynek shows
that it has tremendous significance for
us and our time, and possesses enough
s u b s ta n c e to w a rra n t g reatly
accelerated scientific inquiry.
It was impossible for me to trace a
consistent pattern of UFO handling by MUFON Director Walt Andrus. Jr , at 1984 Symposium
—CVwifi Sw v
the news media. I found that some UFO
sighters concluded they had been book that it’s his opinion “that data that major magnitude. It might call for
treated too lightly in stories detailing now lie scattered about, if properly reassignment and rearrangement of
their reports. p ro c e sse d , could estab lish the many of our established concepts of the
For our part locally, I can say that substantive nature of the UFO physical world, a far greater event than
both the electronic and print media phenom enon beyond reasonable the rearran g em en ts that were
have treated UFO stories as straight doubt,” I believe him. necessary when relativity and quantum
news events, never minimizing their He refers to these data as akin to mechanics demanded entrance into
importance, nor overinflating their low grade ore which must be processed our formerly cozy picture of the world.”
significance, or casting aspersions on and refined before it is of value. Dr, Hynek, as you may know,
the persons involved. Also we have Let m e q u o te him m ore concludes his book with these words:
r e p o r te d ta lk s by y o u r local extensively at this juncture in order for “When the long awaited solution to
spokesmen, particularly Walt Andrus, me to make a point. the UFO problem comes, I believe that
fully and accurately.' it will prove to be not merely the next
As I study available materials on PITCH BLENDE small step in the march of science but a
U F O ’s, l have reached several mighty and totally unex p ected
conclusions which might be the same Writing of this ore, he adds, “Or quantum jump.”
gained by other newsmen after perhaps a more appropriate analogy Now here is my point in quoting
studying the same documents. I might be the case of Marie Curie and Dr. Hynek:
cannot, of course, speak for any other the tons of pitchblende that she had to Our news media have and will give
newsman, but I can speak for myself. process before they yielded a mite of space to comments like these coming
My skepticism, which incidentally radium. Those of us who have spent from such an authoritative source. I cite
never reached the point of negative time on the UFO problem are you as an example the article on Dr:
reaction for I tried to be objectively convinced that the probability is very Hynek and his views in the Chicago
skeptical (whatever that is), has given high that there is ‘radium in the Tribune Sunday magazine of June 4,
way to deep interest in the whole pitchblende’ in the quantities of 1972.
subject of UFO’s. I credit this change of reports. Although it will be a Herculean The article in terested me
attitude principally to Dr. Hynek’s task to cull and refine existing UFO particularly because it opens with the
book. While I was at Northwestern data, I feel a rich reward awaits a person following paragraphs and I quote them
University teaching journalism, 1 kept or a group that assumes this task with for a reason. Before reading them,,
abreast of this noted astronomer’s dedication. For if there is indeed ‘pay however, let me say that if support on a
activity, and I gained respect for him as dirt’ in the ore of UFO data, it might well
a great scientist. So when he says in his represent a scientific breakthrough of (continued next page)

massive scale is ever to be obtained to

do the kind of research that Dr. Hynek,
and obviously many of you, are
interested in, then material like the
magazine article will do much to
establish credibility and authority for
the project. ,


Now may I quote:

“Hanging on the wall of Dr. J. Allen
Hynek’s office at N orthw estern
University is a framed cartoon. It shows
a flying saucer parked on a college
campus and five small creatures
confronting a passerby. With antennae
sprouting from their helmets and ray
guns at their sides, they are asking,
‘Could you direct us to that chemistry
professor who called us ‘swamp gas?”
“ It w as D r. H y n e k — an
astronomer, not a chemistry professor, D r , J. Allen Hynek
who said that strange lights sighted —Oertn.t $w y
near Ann Arbor, Mich., in 1966 were
nothing more than swamp gases Hynek and Dr. David R. Saunders are It is worth noting here that the
released by unseasonably warm lending their prestige to find scientific Condon Report’s stature was most
weather. Despite his debunking of answers to the problem. certainly enhanced when the National
these sightings, Hynek is not ready to And while we have a duty to report Academy of Sciences fully endorsed it
discount all reports of flying .saucers. much of what is happening on the UFO and its methodology.
He believes there is a possibility we are front—and to a limited degree we do— Were we to put the UFO picture in
being visited by strange craft—and we also must keep our eyes open to the true perspective, therefore, a story is in
even 'little people’—from another interrelationships that may exist order reporting continuous UFO
planet. He believes that flying saucers between the UFO mystery and other sightings of various degress of
or UFO’s—unidentified flying objects— scientific fields of inquiry. credibility—all over the globe. In other
,may be something more substantial One of our journalistic difficulties, words, there’s a story here that some of
than - mere hoaxes or the results of or perhaps shortcomings might be a us haven’t reported' and I haven’t seen
traumatic experiences. better way to express what 1 mean, is it elsewhere, though I may have missed
“Dr. Hynek is an astronomer of our reluctance—with some notable and it.
impressive credentials,1a scientist of as laudatory exceptions—to seek out and But there’s another story of
much skepticism as intelligence—and report the context of events, or simply greater significance and im port
that is considerable. His list of degrees, to put isolated reports, as for instance involving the National Academy of
affiliations, and accomplishments is UFO sightings, in meaninful context. Sciences. And this story’s dimensions
more than suitable reference for his Let me illustrate. Since the 1969 enhance a subject closely akin to the
credibility—and sensibility,” Condon Report, whose authors, I subject matter engaging your attention
It is, of course, our job in'news suppose, throught they were banishing at this conference.
media to bring before our readers all the UFO phenomenon from any further The story was handled deftly and
relevant happenings on our planet, serious consideration, and the closing imaginatively by John Lear, Science
provided we can get adequate of the Air Force Blue Book, UFO Editor of Saturday Review, in the June
information about them. 1don’t know of reports persist in tantalizing the 10; 1972, issue. Lear’s piece is a fine job
any newsman who doesn’t try to do imagination of scientists and others of reporting, and is good journalism, for
this. • interested in the mystery of space and he has given scope in depth of another
We cannot ignore the UFO extraterrestrial life. developm ent of great scientific
phenomenon for one reason because Indeed, the UFO phenomenon potential. You here could with justice
many responsible people have become persists like our peculiar style of hail the revelation contained in a
involved, and for another reason downtown' architecture—contempor­
because responsible scientists like Dr. ary neglect. (continued next page)

document released by the Committee

on Science and Public Policy of the
National Academy of Sciences that a
special panel of two dozen astronomers
believes that there is such a thing as
extraterrestrial intelligence. The
astronomers, in short, believe life exists
on the planets of many stars other than
the sun, and that the extraterrestrial
creatures involved may be trying to
communicate with other beings in the
universe. .
Lear’s article was headlined,
incidentally, “The search for man’s
relatives among the stars.”
Lear introduced his article by
'posing an imaginative want-ad that
reads as follows:
' “ Historic opportunity: Is a
generous person who can afford to
spend $70 million of his own money
Charles £ Barnum, Keynote Speaker
willing to spend it in hunting for man’s
long-lost relatives far out among the them, and try to engage them in UFO’s can muster. In fact, you’ll have
stars? Will this person please contact co n v ersatio n , pending the still to go way beyond the motivation of a
Prof. Melvin Calvin, chairman, unforeseeable time when discovery of certain doctor in our town who doesn’t
Committee on Science and Public new physical laws may allow us to visit operate unless it’s necessary. If he
Policy, National Academy of Sciences, them or permit them to visit us.’’ doesn’t need the money, he doesn’t
Washington, D.C.” The NAS report said in addition operate.
Because I believe it has intense that “at this instant through this very Meanwhile, back on the farm. I’ve
interest here, I am picking up Lear’s document are perhaps passing radio been forgetting my purpose here. I’m a
paraphrase of the NAS document, a waves bearing the conversations of feeble keynoter; in fact, I’ve wandered a
liberty I’m sure the Saturday Review distant creatures, which we could bit from the so-called topic Walt
will forgive, for it should whet your record if we but pointed an existing assigned me. ,
appetite to buy the magazine and read radio telepscope in the right direction Strictly hewing to our performance
the entire article: and tuned it to the proper frequency.” r e c o r d to d a t e —with s o m e
“During the last few years so many The articles I have quoted from are exceptions—our job is to remain
of the primitive molecules from which excellent examples of good press objectively interested, reporting UFO
the building blocks of life on earth are coverage of man’s search to unlock the sightings without bias.
made have been seen in the distant sky doors to the unknown and thus enrich In closing, I have several
that the existence of life on the planets the destiny of all of us here on earth. suggestions concerning the way UFO’s
of many stars other than the sun can be Dr. Hynek expressed the wish for should be reported—these suggestions
taken for granted. The inhabitants of a massive scientific investigation of the come from many of us in the news
some of these planets must be at least U FO p h e n o m e n o n . S u c h an media.
as intelligent as we are, and it is logical investigation would take the same kind Rushing to news rooms with
to assume that they use the of money Lear seeks for NAS’s probe stories of isolated sightings by one or
e l e c t r o m a g n e t i c s p e c t r u m to for extraterrestrial life—a goal believed two individuals will neither serve the
communicate with each other over long entirely achievable if sufficient cause of UFO scientific inquiry, nor the
distances, as we do. We could resources are forthcoming. public’s need to know. You realize only
eavesdrop on their messages now if we too well that sometimes you take
tried hard enough. Because our own UFO COVERAGE months to verity the substance of such
fate as a species ultimately depends on reports, so hasty publication might be
our willingness to recognize ourselves Unraveling of the UFO mystery, misleading and present the whole UFO
as evolving creatues in an evolving too, is possible, in my view after an picture in a bad light.
environment, we cannot afford to wait altogether too brief study of press and Certainly, if a UFO is witnessed by
much longer before beginning to listen book coverage of UFO’s. But this will several, say 5 or more, reliable persons,
seriously for clues to the whereabouts take time, effort, and all the enthusiastic
of these remote civilizations, locate persistence you who are studying (continued, page 12)
Wait Andrus, Jr.

SKV CRASH: A Cosmic latter part of January, 1981. In February and conclude that something strange
Conspiracy 1981, Jenny Randles became part of did not take place in Rendlesham
By: Brenda Butler, Jenny Randles and th is int rig u in g m y s t e r y and Forest on the nights in question.
Dot Street subsequently summarized the entire Since I consider this book and
Published by: ■ case, as it was then known, into the its investigation one of the most
Neville Spearman Limited book SKY CRASH. significant cases of the modem era, I
The Priory Gate, Friars Street The credentials for these three will make no attempt to review it in
Sudbury, Suffolk, England “super-sleuths” are as follows: Brenda depth, but will instead recommend it to
Published: October 25, 1984 Butler — housewife and independent all serious UFO investigators and
Price: 7.50 pounds investigator of strange phenomena researchers. SKY CRASH is probably
from Leiston, Suffolk, and family friend the finest example of how a rumor
SKY CRASH is a culmination of of Steve Roberts; Jenny Randles — about a UFO landing is diligently
nearly three and one-half years of fulltime author from Warrington, pursued, and how three competent and
research on one specific UFO case that Chesire, and Director of Investigations experienced investigators unearthed
involves close encounters of the first, for the British UFO Research clues and solved an insurmountable jig­
second and probably the third kind. Association (BUFORA); and Dot saw puzzle over a three year span.
The question posed is: “what really Street — housewife and accredited
happened in the Rendlesham Forest in regional investigator for BUFORA from CREDIT
close proximity to the east gate of the Oulton Broad, Suffolk. As a full-time
U.SA.F. Base at Woodbridge on the freelancer with several books, Jenny We must give the majority of the
nights of December 27 and December Randles was able to tie all of the loose credit to the three tenacious English
29/30, 1980?" Starting from a rumor, ends together and write SKY CRASH investigators for their “never-say-die"
Brenda Butler, through her personal with the research aid of Brenda and ’ attitude when they were confronted
contacts at two major U.S. Air Force Dot. with government secrecy by both
bases, discovered an event like the plot The three author/investigators British and United States officialdom.
from a science-fiction movie. For who have written SKY CRASH in a At the same time, we must also
could believe in tales of contact chronological sequence which follows acknowledge the outstanding work by
between the authorities of this world their unrelinguishing search for the Barry Greenwood, Larry Fawcett- and
and the explorers of another alien truth to the initial rumor. It is not the Lucius Farish in the U.S., who provided
realm? “It was like something out of typical UFO story, since it contains all numerous pieces of the puzzle.
Star Wars," one witness has explained. • the ingredients of a spy thriller: fear Without this cooperative investigation,
Even though the plot for SKY spiced with mystery, intrigue and tr a n s a t l a n t i c t e le p h o n e calls,
CRASH reads like science-fiction; if devastating consequences. Using the utilization of the Freedom of
what the authors have been told by writing techniques of Sir Arthur Conan Information Act, etc., the key evidence
several different sources was even Doyle and Earle Stanley Gardner, would probably not have been
remotely near the truth, then Jenny Randles has the reader forthcoming, since it was indeed a U.S.
Rendlesham Forest has played host to - anticipating what new clue will unfold as Air Force event and not a Royal Air
one of the most significant events in the the persistent investigation continues. *Force incident. The authors have
history of this planet. The format is clearly that of a detective acknowledged credits and expressed
thriller, though SKY CRASH is backed their gratitude to each of the key
BREAKTHROUGH up by documented testimony and participants in their book by name
demonstrates an official cover-up from where permitted. Pseudonyms have
Steve Roberts, a security officer in the very beginning. been used throughout and are so
the U.S.A.F. stationed at Bentwaters/ identified to protect the witnesses; in
Woodbridge, provided the first clue to CONFIRMATION addition, the book clearly depicts the
Brenda six days after the December unfortunate treatment dealt U.S.
27th monumental event. Realizing one The evidence is undeniable, airmen and British civilians when they
person was inadequate to investigate a su p p o rted as it is by official were subsequently exposed.
sighting with this potential, Brenda confirmation from both the Pentagon Practically all U.S.A.F. personnel
shared her information with Dot Street. and the British Ministry of Defense. It is
The two worked as a team during the impossible to confront this evidence (continued next page)
SKY CRASH, CONTINUED From the very beginning the term
‘UFO was intended to indicate an
object, apparently manufactured, UFO NEWSCUPPING
witness to the events on December 27
and December 29/29, 1980, were whose design seems to exhibit a level of
promptly transferred from the technology higher than our own and The UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
whose motions seem to defy our will keep you informed of all the latest
Bentwaters/Woodbridge base to other
United States and World Wide UFO
assignments throughout the world to commonly accepted laws of physics. activity, as it happens! Our service was
make them more difficult to locate and This is not to imply that a UFO must be started in 1969, at which time we
interview. ‘nuts and bolts’, but that it is a device! c o n tra c te d w ith a rep u ta b le
It is conceivable that several of the Presently the term ‘UFO’ seems to be international new spaper-clipping
base officers, who were also witnesses, thrown into any situation where an bureau to obtain for us, those hard to
were later promoted in rank as a means observer cannot readily identify what find UFO reports (i.e., little known
of obtaining their cooperation and he is seeing. If such a sighting then turns photographic cases, dose encounter
and landing reports, occupant cases)
silence. out to have a conventional or natural
and all other UFO reports, many of
Accolades to" everyone involved in explanation it only serves to detract which are carried only in small town or
the research and writing of SKY from the reality of the UFO foreign newspapers.
CRASH for their quest in search of the phenomenon as a whole. "Our UFO Newsdipping Service
truth. In the prologue to the book, the I would like to see field issues are 20-page monthly reports,
authors briefly state their own feelings investigators concentrate their efforts r e p r o d u c e d by p h o t o - o f f s e t ,
in this regard: “We concluded that we on investigating ‘high-strangeness’ containing the latest United States and
Canadian UFO newsclippings, with
had no more fight to the facts than you incidents, UFO reports that fit the our foreign section carrying the latest
have. Since we collected them in our criteria! This is not to say that reports of British, Australian. New Zealand and_
long fight for truth, they were nocturnal lights or otherwise should not other foreign press reports. Also
potentially available to anybody who be recorded and checked, but the case included is a 3-5 page section of
tried hard enough. Consequently, this for UFO’s would be best served by "Fortean" clippings (i.e. Bigfooi and
provided the obvious course of action. concentrating on those sightings that other "monster” reports). Let us keep
We should set down all the facts that we stand the best chance of yjelding you informed of the latest happenings
■in the UFO and Fortean fields "
collated, and let you sift through them significant results: .
For subscription information and
and judge according to your own fair As for the articles published on this sample pages from our service, write
appraisal.” topic, 1 would prefer to read in-depth today to: ”
Brenda, Dot and Jenny have interviews with persons influential in
demonstrated the persistence and this field of study, or updates on recent UFO NEWSCLIPPING SERVICE
courage that few investigators could events. Perhaps one page with a simple ’ Route 1 — Box 220
mount against such seemingly break-down of extremely current Plumerville, Arkansas 72127
impossible odds. This superb work, reports by day, date, location, and
aided by the outstanding research of category would be simple and
fellow investigators in the United informative as far as general sightings
States, should shine like a beacon for all are concerned. Far too often I have
of international ufology. read a step-by-step account of a
nocturnal light that indicated nothing
that truly qualified it as a UFO.. Too
many articles on this phenomenon turn
out to be ‘stories’ instead of informative
LETTERS TO At times it appears that the area of
THE EDITOR ‘UFO phenomenon’ has been made so
broad that anyone wanting to take a
Dear Editor, figurative ‘shot’ at it will be assured of
hitting something. The phenomenon
As a subscriber to the Journal and itself has come to encompass a
one fully aware of the paradoxical hodgepodge of Fortean elements and
nature of the UFO phenomenon 1 therefore it becomes even more crucial
would like to express some thoughts I that we remember that what we are
have had after reading several articles trying to establish is not the existence of
presented in recent issues. Basically I a UFO phenomenon,but the existence
would like to address this letter to those of a UFO!
individuals who consider themselves
field investigators and/or write articles Sincerely;
on this group of phenomenon. Christian P. Lambright
NEWS ‘N’ NOTES CONTINUED Several people have asked which the expenses had been greater
Stanton T. Friedm an and MUFON in than anticipated (i.e., $1.00 per minute
nowhere touched by the butchering. Seguin how they might obtain video of connect time to the computer plus
The men clearly knew what they were copies of his movie “UFOs Are Real,” about $ .10 per minute telephone long
doing and worked rapidly, pausing only since FOTOMAT no longer carries it in distance expenses). Over the past four
to sharpen their tools. They shared a their stock. Stan hasadvised that he is months the expense had averaged
single bucket of water into which they pleased to provide a videotape of the several hundred dollars per month with
occasionally dipped their hands. 93-minute, full-length documentary for only about a dozen active participants.
On a whole, the operation was a price of only $50.00 U.S. funds which The Fund has estimated that it would
remarkably bloodless, even when they includes first class postage. As cost as little as $12.00 per month per
cut into the chest cavity and later technical advisor for the film, Stan tried user to maintain UFONET at a low level
removed the legs. In less than an hour very hard to keep out the last two of operation; that is, participants would
the entire bull was history, having been minutes dealing with the Bill Meier hoax check in several times a month. In view
field-dressed, hung on hooks and sold in Switzerland, but was unsuccessful. of the expenses described, the Fund
off. On the ground itself there was People who would like to purchase a has invited interested people to write a
hardly any blood at all, the great copy of this very good documentary letter indicating whether or hot they
majority being contained by the bull’s (originally produced for motion picture would be willing to pay part of the
flayed hide. theatres but not used) should specify UFONET costs, and if so, at what rate
The point 1am trying to make here VHS or Beta format and write to — $10.00 per hour, $5.00 per month,
is that incredibly deft and devastating Stanton T. Friedman, 110 Kings etc.
violence can be wrought on a fresh College Road, Fredericton, New In the meantime, Michael D.
carcass by skilled hands, in the field, Brunswick E3B 2E7, Canada. Hart, Director of the COMPUFON
and leave only an amazingly small Stan has also been using the NETWORK, 803 5th Place S.E., Duvall,
residue of blood behind. It does not “Access to Information Law” in Canada WA, 980i9 has set up a computer
require covert funding or extra­ to secure UFO documents, clearly network as of November 20, 1984.
terrestrial spacecraft, and I might not indicating tha t the C a n a d i a n Anyone in MUFON or elsewhere that
have believed it myself if I had not seen Government has also been deceiving would like access to the new Network
it with my own eyes. the public just as 4000 pages of docu­ should contact Michael at the above
ments obtained under the Freedom of address or by telephone during the day
SITUATION, CONTINUED Information Act (FOIA) confirm in the at (206) 788-5307 and he will supply
United States. Even though the them with the pertinent information.
earlier. If people simply don’t care Canadian law is relatively new, and There is no charge for the use of the
enough, perhaps then we deserve to get costs $5.00 per submission, Stan has system, although there is the cost of the
“no respect.” 1, for one, strongly object found that many of the documents that long distance call made by each user.
to that statement. 1 think that history he most wanted have been destroyed in The system allows access by any of the
will show that we deserve the public’s the past, but there are plenty still present computers on the market such
respect and gratitude for our available. as Apple, I.B.M., Kaypro, Commodore,
farsightedness and determination in Atari, Texas Instruments, etc. Mr. Hart
researching one of the most important * * * is the State Section Director for King
enigmas of our time, and one which will County.
someday impact just about every facet During a recent telephone
of earthly life. conference call with host members of ★ +★
Let us hope that the next time that the MUFON 1985 UFO Symposium in
someone submits an estimate-of the St. Louis, they corrected a previous MUFON has obtained one
situation to the Journal for publication, statement in the Journal in my hundred additional copies of the third
that it will not be of the pressimistic Director’s Message. Ken Hanke is the p r i n t i n g of CLEAR INT EN T
nature of those we have seen in the' Assistant Chairman for the 1985 (paperback) which are available for
past. Only we can make the difference. Symposium. I had listed both he and his $8.95 plus $1.50 for postage and
Think about it. And, think POSITIVE, wife, Helen, as Assistant Chairpersons. handling in U.S. funds. Foreign
Helen is heading up one of the subscribers must use an International
committees. Postal Money Order or a check drawn
upon a bank in the U.S.Ai, since
DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE, CONT. collection costs of other checks
exceeds the face value of the check.
Atlantic Ocean has been an ongoing Bruce Maccabee and the Fund The MUFON Journal Staff would like
detective case for the authors and for UFO Research announced on to take this opportunity to extend our
researchers in the U.S.A. September first' that UFONET had best wishes for the new year to our
been placed on "temporary hold”-after friends around the world.
★ ★ ★ ’ ' a four month period of operation rin

Walt Andrus

Thomas P Deuley has become When speaking of ambitious and

the new State Director for Texas sig nificant p r o je c ts , David
replacing the Reverend G. Neal Hern Christensen had embarked on a
who resigned due to increased computerized file listing all books,
responsibilities within the Episcopalian periodicals, audio and video cassettes,
Church in the Dallas Diocese. In microfilm and books of news clippings
addition to serving as the MUFON at the MUFON resource centers
Corporate Secretary and Art Director across the country. Starting with the
for the MUFON UFO JOURNAL, Tom extensive library of Barry J.
is also a member of the Board of Greenwood, Staff Historian, and
Directors of the Fund for UFO Doug Labat in New Orleans,
Research. He was the Host Chairman Louisiana, the computerized file
for the MUFON 1984 UFO Symposium already has 600 books, 700 periodicals,
in San Antonio and just completed two 415 audio and video cassettes, 120 rolls
terms as President of MUFON of San of microfilm and 30 books of news
Antonio. clippings. We will be entering the
MUFON library in Seguin, Texas, into
this file early in 1985. At this stage,
David Christensen is not tabulating
... .Bob Grattan, State Director for U F O c a s e s or G o v e r n m e n t
V/irginia, recently received a Fulbright Documents, however plans have been
Scholarship to teach library automation TOM DEULEY
made to do so. This started out as a
and computer literacy in Tunis, Africa, the “UFO Hotline” telephone number joint venture with Barry Greenwood
at the University of Tunisia from where available. and MUFON of M assachusetts,
December 1984 to August 1985. Mr. however, it will eventually become a
Grattan has been alerted to seek a , * ★ ★ series of national resource centers,
professional ufologist in Tunisia to designating where information is
represent MUFON in this north African Dorothy Soultanokis, office manager available. For those of you who haven’t
nation, during his teaching scholarship. for SBI, has advised their members and met David personally, he is the
associates concerning the health status congenial husband of Marge, and an
+* ★ of Peter Mazzola, International integral member of the Christensen
Director. As many of Pete’s friends UFO team.
Marge C h risten sen , Public know, he is retired from the New York
Relations Director, has announced City Police Department as a result of * +* -
plans for the National UFO Information injuries sustained that caused
Week to be held from August 18 to 25, permanent nerve damage. Compoun­ The Cable News Network (CNN)
1985 in the MUFON P.I.P.E. Line ding this situation, on the morning of has been working for several months on
newsletter to State Public Relations November 9, he was involved in a the Rendlesham Forest UFO incident
Directors. Each local group should serious automobile accident requiring for a TV documentary. December 27,
start now to make plans for public UFO hospitalization and remained in serious 1984, marks the fourth anniversary of
exhibits, one day seminars, publicity in condition. After nearly three weeks’ this intriguing event and could be the
th e local news media, video confinement in the Intensive Care Unit, date of showing on national television.
documentary displays, lectures, etc. in he developed pneumonia. As of ABC-TV News sent a film crew to
order to be prepared for this ambitious December 5, his doctors say he is England on December 5, 1984, to also
nation wide public education event. recuperating and is expected to be film this case known by the title of the
MUFON will provide printed handouts released prior to Christmas to rest and new book, SK Y CRASH, by Brenda
on UFO information (8y2 x 11"), one recuperate further at home. It has been Butler, Dot Street and Jenny
sheet, both sides, with the MUFON suggested that “Get Well” cards be R a n d l e s . Fe rretin g out more
address (international) and space for sent to Pete at P.O. Box 193, Staten eyewitnesses on both sides of the
stamping the name of the local Island, NY 10312. We wish Pete a
organization sponsoring the event and speedy recovery. (continued on page 19)

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