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Britannia Industries | Standalone Balance Sheet > Food Processing > S...

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Britannia Industries Previous Years »
Standalone Balance Sheet ------------------- in Rs. Cr. -------------------
Mar '19 Mar '18 Mar '17 Mar '16 Mar '15

12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths

Sources Of Funds
Total Share Capital 24.03 24.01 24.00 24.00 23.99
Equity Share Capital 24.03 24.01 24.00 24.00 23.99
Reserves 4,015.42 3,211.27 2,557.98 1,676.16 1,211.63
Networth 4,039.45 3,235.28 2,581.98 1,700.16 1,235.62
Secured Loans 0.26 0.30 0.44 3.35 4.30
Unsecured Loans 0.00 9.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Debt 0.26 9.31 0.44 3.35 4.30
Total Liabilities 4,039.71 3,244.59 2,582.42 1,703.51 1,239.92
Mar '19 Mar '18 Mar '17 Mar '16 Mar '15

12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths

Application Of Funds
Gross Block 1,392.51 1,305.04 997.67 1,176.06 986.66
Less: Accum. Depreciation 0.00 288.76 173.60 536.67 460.71
Net Block 1,392.51 1,016.28 824.07 639.39 525.95
Capital Work in Progress 0.00 215.27 45.02 0.00 48.22
Investments 1,645.67 1,186.13 599.91 894.88 661.04
Inventories 718.89 594.58 602.61 384.01 345.74
Sundry Debtors 350.96 230.32 126.41 106.70 70.98
Cash and Bank Balance 40.48 97.25 53.55 24.80 186.67
Total Current Assets 1,110.33 922.15 782.57 515.51 603.39
Loans and Advances 1,504.46 1,287.47 1,444.57 942.98 623.39
Total CA, Loans & Advances 2,614.79 2,209.62 2,227.14 1,458.49 1,226.78
Current Liabilities 1,424.74 1,211.66 939.24 871.67 811.16
Provisions 188.52 171.05 174.48 492.08 410.91
Total CL & Provisions 1,613.26 1,382.71 1,113.72 1,363.75 1,222.07
Net Current Assets 1,001.53 826.91 1,113.42 94.74 4.71
Total Assets 4,039.71 3,244.59 2,582.42 1,629.01 1,239.92

Contingent Liabilities 0.00 295.08 355.58 389.87 324.22

Book Value (Rs) 168.10 269.47 215.16 141.71 103.03

Source : Dion Global Solutions Limited

1 of 1 07-06-2019, 20:13

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