Sample Study
Sample Study
Sample Study
Chapter 1
Office-related works follow the time of having to work for eight hours
observed not just in the office but also in school. Teachers have it rough by
organizing and scrutinizing every part of their work for the betterment of the
also gets intense. Work overload can be considered when teachers have to do
There are many ways to alleviate the stress that the employees
that behavior being repeated in the near future. Uplifting feedback at work
environment and perform for longer periods on the off chance that they are
In this case, there is a need for teachers to receive a quick break from
the burden that they are carrying and the amount of stress that has built up in
the course of time. These teachers also need to receive encouragement from
towards teachers’ stress. Results of this study will be the basis to come up
with programs that will enhance the teachers’ motivation to stay longer in
the teachers alleviate the stress from their day to day activities.
Theoretical Background
who have very demanding jobs will feel a lot of stress especially when they
cannot decide when to do the work. As soon as the employees would feel
that they have less or no control at all, the workload that they have will feel
heavier which leads to stress. Employees who are able to control their own
on the job but with a lot of personal control will lead to employees feeling
far less stressed. In conclusion, those employees who have more control over
their own time schedule and are given deadlines have lesser stress compared
to those who still have deadlines but having no control at all on their own
time schedules. Giving the employees control over their own time would let
This theory supports the study in a way that it helps in determining the
factors that might influence the stress that the employees are experiencing.
which are workers meeting the set deadlines of their projects. It is inevitable
as they are complying with the employers’ needs. As for the employees, they
are working incessantly to give the expected outputs even in the means of
upon several stress theories. This model shows that one will need to get and
energies. Stress is a result if one of these resources will be lost, not acquired
conditions and states. From this aspect, it is said that if a person has a loss on
one of his most valued objects he/she will suffer from different levels of
stress. The levels differ from low, moderate, and high (Hobfoll, 1989).
relationship with others and one’s performance will cause a lot of stress to
that person. Stress becomes the effect of any loss of the different resources
(Thompson, 2010).
the sum of cognitive and behavioral efforts that aims to handle particular
for help. The theory suggests that the person resolves stress by themselves.
Each coping method relieves stress but differ in their ways of relieving it.
One is done after being stressed and the other being done before the person
emerge because of our stressors. There are two types of coping methods.
complete tasks, the results showed that it was significant. For older workers,
however, the interactions between time deadlines and having sufficient time
to complete the tasks, and the interaction between problem solving and
process at work but it nullifies each other in the relation of age and stress.
happy at work and were composed mostly of women in the age range of 30-
39 years old who were tenured and secured with their job status (Famacion-
quinco, 2012).
the job satisfaction and work performance among employees. The study
resulted that age is the primary factor affecting the job satisfaction and work
work was done. The results showed that age will affect the kinds of affective
Hill et al. (2008) stated that the gender, life stages, and their
of occupational stress compared to men. But when marital status, age, and
Uyar (2013) found out that marital status can affect the performance
among employees that were not grouped by their profile factors but only by
performance and achievements to decrease their job stress and increase the
Nicdao (2016) found out that salary and promotion and job security
were the most motivating factors for the employees’ job satisfaction.
salary increase and working in a school setting, which gave them a sense of
security for their future and their family. However, rewards, promotions and
been more likely to be upset with their job, be less dedicated to the agency
and extra probable to be taking into account leaving the enterprise (Brown et
al., 2010).
as the workplace stressor is the workload of the employees, while the most
relationship between relationships with others and job stress. However none
of the coping strategies moderated the work routines, role clarity, and
According to Lim et al. (2010), the job stressors may include work
may include seeking support from family and friends, problem solving skills
Golparvar and Abedini (2014) found out that there were significant
positive affect and job satisfaction. They also stated that spirituality at work
similar, work in similar positions, and have similar beliefs about the fairness
of the system and the likelihood of being rewarded for ultimate overall
Tippet and Kluvers (2009) added that the findings of their study were
In the study of Linz and Semykina (2012) found out a strong positive
link between job satisfaction and the reward variables often is observed,
even if the expected reward is not highly desired. While own earnings
recognition have a nice impact on the motivation of the workers (Danish &
Usman, 2012).
Aktar et al. (2012) suggested that both the intrinsic and extrinsic
their tasks, the higher will the organizational performance and success be.
Koffarnus et. al. (2013) showed that monetary incentives can increase
cash bonuses does not have an effect on the employees’ performance. On the
other hand, the companies should focus more on the intrinsic nature and the
relationship with the way the organization changes. It was also noted that
Wei and Yazdanifard (2014), stated in their study that results showed
that cash rewards led to higher performance via their effects on the
environment given that the facilities of the company were great. It confirms
and recognition; hence, the employees exerted extra effort to gain salary
job pleasure and performance typically elevated the most when each
and job security. Employee who were appeases with their jobs were greater
probably to perform better at their jobs. Increased job satisfaction and job
The cited theories and studies helped the researchers in knowing what
factors cause the stress in a workplace. These studies will guide the
measure their variables. The theories cited will be used to strengthen the
claims in our studies. Moreover, these theories and studies will help in
the teachers’ stress of Toledo City Division for school year 2018-2019.
a. age;
b. gender;
with stress?
done; and
Reinforcements done?
the available body of knowledge the improvement of the stress that the
increasing stress that the teachers are experiencing. This study is significant
to the following:
Teachers. The findings of this study will benefit the teachers because
the administrators would help the teachers cope up with their stress by
implementing programs that would somehow alleviate the stress that the
improving the teachers’ stress, the teachers would then work in best quality
DepEd Personnel. The findings of this study will help the Human
roles they play in ensuring the emotional, mental, and physical health of the
teachers. They will develop effective programs that would help the teachers
developed by the Human Resource Management. They will ensure that there
aspirants because they will be made aware of the incentives that they would
receive once they get into the institution. They would also be able to choose
the best company that would provide them with good incentives.
study because this study may serve as their reference and may use this for a
Research Design
Figure 2.
Research Respondents
Research Environment
department in the following schools: (1) Don Andres Soriano National High
School which is located at DAS, Toledo City and was founded on 1970; (2)
Luray II National High School located at Luray II, Toledo City. It was
Research Instrument
respondents. These questionnaires have four parts. The first part of the
terms of age, gender, civil status, number of years of teaching and average
teaching load.
The second part of the questionnaire aims to find out the factors that
their stress.
Research Procedure
will be done to validate the data gathered by the researchers. First, the
National High School (DAS NHS), and Luray II National High School, and
will prepare a letter of consent to the principal of the school for the approval
to allow the study to be conducted. After the approval, researchers will also
prepare a letter to the school heads for the approval that the employees of
addition, the researchers will inform the respondents of the objectives of the
study and let the respondents answer the questionnaire. Lastly, the
researchers will collect, tabulate, analyze, and interpret the data that will be
Statistical Treatment
These are the statistical tools that will be used to interpret the data
their stress.
of each specific profile to the factors that contribute to employees’ stress, the
Action Plan. This refers to the activities that needs to be done based on
Home-Based Stressors. This refers to factors from home and personal life
Oh, S. S., & Lewis, G. B. (2009). Can performance appraisal systems inspire
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Rauschenbach, C., Krumm, S., Thielgen, M., & Hertel, G. (2013). Age and
work-related stress: A review and meta-analysis. Journal of
Managerial Psychology, 28(7/8), 781-804. Retrieved on July 2018
Scheibe, S., &Zacher, H. (2013). A lifespan perspective on emotion
regulation, stress, and well-being in the workplace. In The role of
emotion and emotion regulation in job stress and well being (pp. 163-
193). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Retrieved on July 2018
July 2018 from
Shultz, K. S., Wang, M., Crimmins, E. M., & Fisher, G. G. (2010). Age
differences in the demand—control model of work stress: An
examination of data from 15 European countries. Journal of Applied
Transmittal Letter
Research Instrument
Dear Respondents,
Good Day!
These questionnaires are made to determine whether the positive
reinforcement that the administration is using is effective in alleviating the
stress of the employees.
Rest assured that your response will be kept in confidentiality and will
be used for the purpose of the study itself. Thank You!
The Researchers
Part 1 Profile of the Respondents
Name:______________________________________________ (optional)
Age: ____
Gender: ____ Male
____ Female
Civil Status: ____ Married
____ Single
____ Widowed
____ Annulled
Length of Service as a teacher: _______
Average Teaching Load: ____
5. Unrealistic targets
7. Work Overload
17.Lack of experience
Indicators 4 3 2 1
Location Map
Curriculum Vitae