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Today’s education evolved in a more complex and competitive concept

because of the need of society of a more skillful worker who are not just nationally

but globally competitive. Through education individuals are being honed to be

better individuals. It is also the key to a better life and person’s future. According

to Arroyo (2010), education opens minds and open doors. And in today’s world, a

strong education must be accompanied by a strong backbone of technology.

Typically, education involves learning to read, write, do math, understand

history, etc. With the fast paced scientific and technological developments in

society, it is a challenge for educators and institutions on how the three tool

subjects (English, Mathematics and Science) will be delivered among their

students efficiently for effective learning and how extent does students learned the

skills in the tool subjects.

The need to address this problem is highly recognized by the government

so measures have been wilfully adopted to improve the learning of the English

language. For this reason, many orders and memoranda were issued providing for

the need to strengthen the use of English as a medium of instruction in the

secondary level. DepEd Order No.74, s. 2009 stipulated that Filipino and English

shall be primary medium of instruction (MOI). English shall be used as a medium

of instruction in Science and Mathematics. This is strengthened by DepEd Order


No. 31, s. 2012 which maintains the use of English for the abovementioned

subjects. This specifically points out the indispensable role of the English

language as a springboard in the teaching of the content areas.

The need for students to be competitive in the English language has been so

pronounced based on the orders issued by DepEd. In spite of the initiatives and

efforts of the higher authorities to provide a solution to the problem in learning the

second language, still many students remain with low proficiency in English. With

this low proficiency, understanding and solving word problems in Mathematics

and Science became difficult.

In connection with this, methods and approaches matter most within the

tool subjects so that the transmission of learning is attained and appreciated by

learners. Each approach that a teacher should be guided by the principles of

teaching-learning to impart concepts properly as to what should be learned, and

why they should be learned.

In the educational perspective, the teacher, student and the subject matter

plays an important role, so the transfer of learning through teaching comes up in

the most effective and efficient way. As Castillo (2001) pointed out, these three are

interdependent of each other. Transmission of the subject matter from the teacher

to the student is done through the strategies and methods. Through these, the

students are guided to learn the concepts of the tool subjects, appreciate it and

develop positive attitudes towards learning. The learning of students is anchored

to methods and strategies.

To meet the challenges and new trends in learning, curricular revisions

were made by the Department of Education, the K to 12 Curriculum or the

Enhance Basic Education Program. In the K to 12 Curriculum which was launched

two years ago by the government with its heading department the Department of

Education with the purpose of enhancing the basic education program in the

Philippines by adding Kinder as compulsory education and two years in the

secondary level which was called senior high. The program aims to enhance not

only the mind but the different competencies of the learner for each subject that

will serve as the basis for evaluation if they have acquired the needed

competencies to cope with the demanding needs of society. Through the K to 12

program, it will help to develop and enhance the potentialities, capabilities and

skills of every human being to become productive citizens of the whole nation.

Toward this end, the government provides legal basis and educational aims which

could be utilized in answering the national development goals.

State law requires that the State Board of Education establish competencies

that each student shall master prior to completing public school education and

adopt a uniformly sequenced curriculum for grades kindergarten through grade 12

based on these competencies. The state board shall also establish optional

competencies that each student shall be provided opportunities to master. Students

shall master these competencies as they relate to their program of study.

The Education Act of 1982 Sec. 4, No. 1 stipulated provisions for a broad

general education that will assist each individual in the peculiar ecology of his

own society. Moreover, it also aims to help them attain their potential as a human

being, enhance the range and quality of group and individual participation in the

basic functions of society and acquire the essential educational foundations of his

development into a productive and versatile citizen.

The second provision intends to train the nation’s manpower in the middle

level skills required for national development. Along the same vein, it aims to

develop the professions that will provide leadership for the nation in the

advancement of knowledge for improving the quality of human life and respond

effectively to changing needs and conditions of the nation through a system of

educational planning and evaluation.

In order to achieve the aforementioned aims, the government continues to

labor against the ignorance and unskilful individuals that serve hindrances to the

pathways of successful ends. This may be acquired only by designing educational

means and empowering them. Effective measures will likewise help towards the

realization of national goals in the near future.


No less can be expected of education and learning, which are essentially

future-looking concerns. The quality of the world that the future generations will

live in depends on the quality of preparation we have undertaken for today’s

children and globalization is yet a factor that is shaping education’s future. The

changing economic trends all over the world trigger new demands on education

services. Not only will the Filipino worker have to be ready for current demands,

but different orders of competencies are required in the global market place. The

trends in the future may require equivalent knowledge and competencies.

(Pefianco, 2010)

Transitioning away from seat time, in favor of a structure that creates

flexibility, allows students to progress as they demonstrate mastery of academic

content, regardless of time, place, or pace of learning. Competency-based

strategies provide flexibility in the way that credit can be earned or awarded, and

provide students with personalized learning opportunities. These strategies include

online and blended learning, dual enrolment and early college high schools,

project-based and community-based learning, and credit recovery, among others.

This type of learning leads to better student engagement because the content is

relevant to each student and tailored to their unique needs. It also leads to better

student outcomes because the pace of learning is customized to each student.

By enabling students to master skills at their own pace, competency-based

learning systems help to save both time and money. Depending on the strategy

pursued, competency-based systems also create multiple pathways to graduation,

make better use of technology, support new staffing patterns that utilize teacher

skills and interests differently, take advantage of learning opportunities outside of

school hours and walls, and help identify opportunities to target interventions to

meet the specific learning needs of students. Each of these presents an opportunity

to achieve greater efficiency and increase productivity.

Knowledge and skills may be acquired by teaching and learning process

and through different activities they experienced the students potentials are

upgraded and highly developed. Which is then, goals are almost or nearly


Learning skills are something they must learn through training and through

certain educational programs. If they studied to become a doctor, they should

know how to diagnose an illness or to determine which drug to be prescribed so as

to cure this illness. If they do not have the knowledge and the know-how, they will

not be able to practice their profession as a doctor. As grade 7 students, they must

acquire and master the basic competencies especially in the tool subjects because

this is very important in their future careers or goals in life.

Effective learning skills or competencies are vital to one’s education and it

can be attained with the help of different learning activities and training program.

With this, every student can improve attitudes towards himself, including their

skills and potentials. It is indeed the belief of the researcher, along with the aspects

of life such as moral, social and intellectual development, that the enhancement of

skills or physical development are very important in the achievement of success of

each individual.

Statement of the Problem

The study aimed to determine the extent of the learning skills of Grade 7

students in the tool subjects.

Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions:

1. What are the basic learning competencies required in the tool subjects of

Grade 7?

2. How do the students perform the different learning skills in the tool

subjects such as:

2.1 English

2.2 Mathematics

2.3 Science

3. How do the teachers and students differ in their responses regarding the

assessed learning skills?

4. What exercises maybe proposed to enhance the learning skills of

Grade 7students in the tool subject?


This null hypothesis was tested

Ho: There is no significant differences on the responses of Teachers and

student regarding the assessed extent of learning skills of Grade 7 students in the

tool subjects.

Conceptual Framework

Learning is not one, simple activity as what every educator say, it is

a life-long process. It takes place at different levels of consciousness, and in

different ways, in everything we do. Moreover, individual people learn in different

ways and have their preferred learning styles.

This study is anchored on the concept of the learning competencies of

the grade 7 students on the tool subjects such as English, Mathematics and Science

on how extensively they have acquired their needed competencies for the next

grade. Such is its importance to not only the mental development of students but

also to needs of development and progress of society. For this reason the K to 12

Curriculum of the Department of Education (DepEd) specifies the different

learning competencies to ensure that the relevant skills needed by students to be

productive are acquired.

The flow of the study is best presented in the conceptual paradigm in Figure

1. The first box shows students data with regard to their performance in the tool

subjects. This serves as the input data. The gathered data were subjected to

analysis and evaluation as shown in the next box represented by the use of

questionnaire and statistical analysis. These serve as tools in the gathering of data.

The third and last box is the output of the study, which is the proposed exercise to

enhance the learning skills of Grade 7 students in the tool subjects. Its bases came

from a thorough research, shared insights and the responses provided in the

researcher’s questionnaire.


1. Basic learning
competencies Different
required in the tool Exercises to
subjects of Grade 7. enhance the
learning skills of
2. Students Questionnaire
Grade 7 students
performance in the Statistical Analysis in the tool subjects
different learning
skills in the tool
subjects such as:

2.1 English
2.3 Science

Figure 1

Conceptual Framework of the Study on the Extent of the Learning Skills of

Grade 7 Students in the Tool Subjects

Scope, Delimitation and Limitation of the Study


The study focused on the extent of the learning skills in the tool subjects of

40 grade 7 students of Maximo T. Hernandez Memorial National High School in

Ibaan, Batangas, school year 2013-2014. It also covered the perception of the

teachers on the extent of performance of the students in the three tool subjects. The

study proposed exercises to enhance the learning skills of grade 7 students. The

exercise was adopted to the internet.

The study utilized the descriptive research design with grade 7 students and

teachers as respondents, using the researcher- made questionnaire in gathering the

needed data.

It was delimited to the other important variables in the study specifically

the profile of the respondents.

This is limited to the responses of the grade 7 students and teachers

provided accomplished questionnaire. The study did not utilize observation and

interviews to justify their answers.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be beneficial to administrators, teachers,

students and future researchers.

Administrators. They can derive basis for evaluating the prevailing

condition of the students learning and determine the problems carried out that may

affect the improvements of learning skills gain by the students, it also


encompasses their effectiveness for the improvement of the school facilities

specifically for enhancing the learning skills of the students.

Teachers. The study can equally benefit teachers as they may also utilize

the developed exercises to address the need for diagnosis and recommendation of

grade 7 students with low performance in the subject tools. As well as to improve

their teaching methods and techniques to supply the needed skills or competencies

that must acquire by students to be a productive individuals.

Students. The developed exercises can help students gauge their

proficiency in the subject tools, thereby making them aware of their performance

and become more determined to perform better. It will also help them to enhance

their learning skills and in the future become globally competitive individuals.

Current and future researchers. The study may highly motivate

researchers to study and develop other exercises which can serve the purpose of

enhancing the different skills and competencies in the tool subjects.

Definition of Terms

For proper and closer understanding between the researcher and the readers

the following terms are operationally and conceptually defined:

Curriculum. This refers to the aggregate of subjects which is sequentially

and systematically grouped and arranged required for graduation or certain

certification from a course or major of field (Gonzales, 2003). In this study it

refers to the K to 12 Curriculum.


Basic skills – In this study, it refers to skills or abilities that serve as tools

for acquiring and applying other skills and knowledge, such as reading, writing,

speaking, viewing, listening, mathematics, and computer technology. These skills

are interdependent and shall be included in all academic subjects and disciplines.

Learning Competencies – This are the abilities and qualities necessary for

students to reach their potential as individuals and citizens (Wikipedia). In this

study, it refers to the different learning competencies in English, Mathematics and

Science that should be enhanced.

Tool subjects – in this study it refers to English, Mathematics and Science


English- It is the study of language, grammar, communication, spelling and

pronunciation of words or sentences. In this study, it refers to the tool subjects of

Grade 7 students.

Mathematics- It is the study of topics such as quantity (numbers),

structure, space, and change.In this study, it refers to the tool subjects of Grade 7


Science- It is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge

in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. In this

study, it refers to one tool subject of Grade 7 students.

Competencies in Mathematics - In this study, it refers to understanding of

mathematical concepts and processes, skills in computing, estimating and solving


Competencies in Science - In this study, it refers to the measure

knowledge, understanding, and application of the fundamental concepts of science


Competencies in English – In this study, it refers to the five macro skills

(listening, reading, writing, speaking and viewing) in English subject.



This presents the research design, subject of the study, data gathering

instrument, data gathering procedure, and the statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

A descriptive method of research was utilized in this study. The researcher’s

concern was to find out what exercises will be of great help to the grade 7 students

to enhance their learning competencies in the tool subjects.

According to Best (2000), descriptive research design is an exploratory

design which seeks to gather data and have them analyzed using appropriate

statistical tools. Two types of questionnaires applying survey process were given;

the first questionnaire was for the grade 7 students that deals with their level of

performance based on the learning competencies they have acquired for the tool

subjects and the other questionnaire was for the grade 7 teachers that deals with

their extent of observation on the learning competencies based on the students’


Questionnaire was used to the respondents to gather important data that

was used in the problem.

Subject of the Study


The subjects of the study were 40 grade 7 students and 3 grade 7 teachers

from Maximo T. Hernandez Memorial National High School, District of Ibaan

from a total population of 100 grade 7 students and 9 grade 7 teachers. There is no

sampling used in the study, but the researcher get at least 40 percent of the total

population in order to have reliable data or information for the study.

Table 1 shows the Distribution of the Respondents

Grade Level Frequency Percentage Rank

G7-Iris 14 35 2

G7-Zinnia 16 40 1

G7- Rose 10 25 3

Total 40 100

As shown, majority of the student-respondents were 16 G7 students of

Zinnia or 40 percent out of 40 students. 14 students came from G7- Iris with 35

percent which ranked 2nd and 10 of the students were from G7-Rose with 25

percent which ranked 3rd.

In addition, three (3) grade 7 teachers answered the teachers’ questionnaire

because they are the only teachers that handled grade 7 students in the tool


Data Gathering Instrument


The researcher-made questionnaire was used to determine the extent of the

learning skills in the tool subjects acquired by the respondents. The first part is for

the students’ evaluation of their performance in the different learning

competencies in the tool subjects and the second part is for teachers’ perception on

the extent of improvement of the learning skills of the students.

Construction of the Questionnaire. The researcher had read, searched and

reviewed of literature studies related to the problem and browse through the net

and also seek help with the teachers teaching the subjects and practitioners to

come up with the good constructions of questions. After a thorough reading and

with the help of the teachers teaching the different subjects the researcher

conceptualize the draft of the questionnaire.

Validation of Questionnaire. To validate the construction of the

questionnaire, the researcher showed it to their professor to check if the made

questionnaire was correct. The approved questionnaire was submitted to the

teachers teaching the subjects who have long years of experience in teaching. They

were asked to evaluate the contents if properly stated and give more suggestions.

Their comments were considered by the researcher in framing the new draft. For

the purpose of grammatical accuracy and clarity of direction, the copy was

submitted to English teacher. After correction were considered.


Administering the Questionnaire. After the thorough validation of the

questionnaire, it was ready to be administered. But before administering the

questionnaires, the researcher first send a letter to the principal of the school for

the approval of gathering data through the use of questionnaire. After being

approved the researcher administered the questionnaires to the Grade 7 students

and teachers who were the respondents of the study. The administration of the

questionnaires became successful in the part of the researcher.

Scoring of Responses. The questionnaire items were rated using a Likert

value of 1 to 5 with 1 as lowest and 5 as highest. Verbal descriptions were given to

qualify the numerical assessments.

To interpret the weighted mean the researchers used the following continuum:

Option Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

Performed and Observed to a…

5 4.51 – 5.00 Very Great Extent (VGE)
4 3.51 – 4.50 Great Extent (GE)
3 2.51 – 3.50 Moderate Extent (ME)
2 1.51 – 2.50 Less Extent (LE)

1 1.00 – 1.50 Least Extent (LstE)

Data Gathering Procedure

After the approval of the adviser for the administration of the questionnaire,

letters of request made by the researcher were prepared requesting for the approval

from the school principal of Maximo T. Hernandez Memorial National High


School, District of Ibaan to have grade 7 students and grade 7 teachers to serve as

the respondents of the study. With the approval of the school principal, the

researcher distributed the questionnaires to the respondents who were at the said

school on May 19, 2014. The questionnaires were personally administered to the

respondents. The researcher explained in detail what to do in answering the

questionnaire. After an hour, the results were retrieved. And 40 students and 3

teachers accomplished the questionnaire. After such, the data were tallied,

analysed, tabulated, and interpret.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To analyse and interpret objectively the data and results of the study the

following statistical measures were used:

Relative Frequency. This was used to determine the percentage

distribution of the respondents.

Weighted Mean. This was used to determine the typicality of responses

chosen from options similar with the likert scale.


This presents the data gathered, their analysis and interpretation on the

extent of learning skills of grade 7 students in the tool subjects.

1. Basic learning competencies required in the tool subjects of Grade 7.


Basic learning competencies were the foundation of knowledge,

skills abilities and attributes needed by students to cope up with the

different subjects that they were taking. With these competencies students

will be able to perform task based on the standards needed.

Learning Competencies in English. English as a subject is concerned with

the five macro skills or competencies in listening, speaking, reading, writing and

viewing. Listening is an information – processing act. It includes skills in

auditory discrimination and cognitive comprehension. Speaking includes skills

in using the language expressions and grammatical structures correctly

in oral communication. Reading is getting meaning from the printed

page. It includes skills for vocabulary development, levels

of comprehension namely, literal, interpretative, critical analysis

and application, literary appreciation and study skills. Writing includes

readiness skills, mechanics, guided writing, functional, and creative writing.

Viewing is to understand or interpret ideas through what an individual saw.

Learning activities to develop competence in these phases of communication

should be varied, meaningful and realistic.

Learning Competencies in Mathematics. Mathematics twin goals in the

basic education levels, K-10 are Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. The

definition of critical thinking was adopted to Scriven and Paul (1987): Critical

thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully

conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information


gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or

communication, as a guide to belief and action.

On the other hand, using Polya’s (1945 & 1962) definition of Problem

Solving in mathematics: Mathematical problem solving is finding a way around a

difficulty, around an obstacle, and finding a solution to a problem that is unknown.

These two goals are to be achieved with an organized and rigorous

curriculum content, a well-defined set of high-level skills and processes, desirable

values and attitudes, and appropriate tools, recognizing as well the different

contexts of Filipino learners.

The specific skills and processes to be developed are: Knowing and

Understanding; Estimating, Computing and Solving; Visualizing and Modelling;

Representing and Communicating; Conjecturing, Reasoning, Proving and

Decision-Making, and: Applying and Connecting.

Mathematics from K-10 is a skills subject. By itself, it is all about

quantities, shapes and figures, functions, logic and reasoning. Mathematics is also

a tool of science and a language complete with its own notations and symbols and

“grammar” rules, with which concepts and ideas are effectively expressed.

(MATHTED & SEI, 2010).

Learning Competencies in Science. Science education aims to develop

scientific literacy among students that will prepare them to be informed and

participative citizens who are able to make judgments and decisions regarding

applications of scientific knowledge that may have social, health, or environmental


impacts. The science curriculum recognizes the place of science and technology in

everyday human affairs. The K to 12 science curriculum envisions the

development of scientifically, technologically, and environmentally literate and

productive members of society who manifest skills as a critical problem solvers,

responsible stewards of nature, innovative and creative citizens, informed decision

makers, and effective communicators. This curriculum is designed around the

three domains of learning science: understanding and applying scientific

knowledge in local setting as well as global, context whenever possible,

performing scientific processes and skills, and developing and demonstrating

scientific attitudes and values. As a whole, the K to 12 science curriculum is

learner-centered and inquiry-based, emphasizing the use of evidence in

constructing explanations. Concepts and skills in Life Sciences, Physics,

Chemistry, and Earth Sciences are presented with increasing levels of complexity

from one grade level to another (spiral progression), thus paving the way to deeper

understanding of a few concepts. These concepts and skills are integrated rather

than discipline-based, stressing the connections across science topics and other

disciplines as well as applications of concepts and thinking skills to real life.

2. Students Performance On the Different Learning Skills in the Tool


2.1 English. Table 2 presents the Extent of the Performance of Grade

7 students in English subject and the extent of observations of their English


Table 2

Performance on English 7

Learning Competencies Students Teachers Average


1. Decode unknown 3.73 GE 3 3 ME 6 3.37 ME 5

words automatically and
determine word meanings
using word recognition
skills and/or contextual
2. Explain the main and 3.50 GE 7 3 ME 6 3.25 ME 7
subordinate ideas in
written work, whether the
ideas are directly or
indirectly stated.
3. Interpret written 3.68 GE 4 4 GE 2 3.84 GE 2

4. Use dictionaries, parts 4.10 GE 2 2 LE 9.5 3.55 ME 4

of books, electronic
technologies and other
reference sources to
locate information.
5. Write explanations, 3.13 ME 10 3 ME 6 3.07 ME 9
descriptions, narration,
and persuasion
6. Select and organize 3.35 ME 9 2 LE 9.5 2.68 ME 10
ideas and information into
7. Use standard language 3.40 ME 8 3 ME 6 3.20 ME 8
patterns and mechanical
conventions in spelling,

punctuation, grammar and


8. Follow oral 4.43 GE 1 4 GE 2 4.22 GE 1

9. Interpret oral messages. 3.55 GE 6 4 GE 2 3.78 GE 3
10. Evaluate and explain 3.60 GE 5 3 ME 6 3.30 ME 6
the intentions and
messages of media.
Composite Mean 3.65 GE 3.10 ME 3.43 ME

It can be gleaned from the table, the highest weighted average with the

verbal interpretation of great extent is learning competency no. 8 which is

following oral instruction with a weighted average of 4.22. This affirms that the

respondents understood instruction or can follow instruction when it is orally or

verbally given.

Ranked second is learning competency no.3 which is interpreting written

instruction with a weighted mean of 3.84, this assessed to a great extent. This

indicates that the respondents can also understand instruction even if it is given in

written form.

Writing explanations, descriptions, narration, and persuasion with a

weighted mean of 3.05, assessed by the respondents as moderate extent which

ranked ninth. These reflect that the respondents agree that they have experience

difficulties in constructing sentences or ideas in written form.

The least learning competency performed is selecting and organizing ideas

and information into paragraphs, which assessed by the respondents. The lowest

weighted mean is 2.68. This reveals that the respondents have weak performance

in selecting and sequencing ideas and making it into paragraph form.

Performance as observed by grade 7 teachers in the learning competencies

gained a composite mean of 3.43 and was verbally interpreted as moderate extent.

This data showed that those learning competencies were performed and observed

in moderate extent and needs to be enhanced further by the grade 7 students of

Maximo T. Hernandez Memorial National High School of Malainin, Ibaan,


2.2 Mathematics. Table 3 presents the Extent of the Performance of Grade

7 students in Mathematics subject and the extent of observations of their

Mathematics teacher.

Table 3

Performance on Mathematics 7

Learning Competencies Students Teachers Average


Mathematics WM VI R W VI R WM VI R
1. Represent and use 3.83 GE 3 4 GE 2.5 3.92 GE 3
numbers, and number
concepts in a variety of
forms (including whole
number, fraction, decimal,
integer, rational, percent,
ratio, proportion,
exponential, and scientific
notation) and in everyday
and mathematical
problem situations.
2. Make and use 3.85 GE 2 4 GE 2.5 3.93 GE 2
measurements and
estimates of
measurements in
everyday and problem
situations and select and
use appropriate units and
tools to measure to the
required degree of
3. Use mathematical 3.63 GE 7 3 ME 7 3.33 ME 7
expressions, equations,
inequalities, tables, and
graphs to represent and
interpret situations that
involve variable
quantities; and apply
methods to solve a variety
of everyday and
mathematical problems.
4. Recognize and use 3.95 GE 1 4 GE 2.5 3.98 GE 1
geometric shapes,
properties, and
relationships; and apply
geometric concepts and
relationships to form and
function in the physical
world and in problem

5. Use language and 3.60 GE 8.5 4 GE 2.5 3.80 GE 5

symbols to communicate
mathematical concepts,
procedures, and problem-
solving processes, and to
read, write, listen to,
discuss, and represent
mathematical ideas.
6. Connect ideas and their 3.60 GE 8.5 3 ME 7 3.30 ME 8
representations within
mathematics and between
mathematics and other
disciplines, such as
science, art, music, social
studies, language arts, and
7. Develop and apply 3.50 GE 10 3 ME 7 3.25 ME 9
strategies to solve a wide
variety of problems.
8. Select and use 3.73 GE 5 3 ME 7 3.37 ME 6
appropriate approaches
and tools in solving
problems (mental
computation, paper-and-
pencil techniques,
calculator, and computer).
9. Use problem-solving 3.70 GE 6 2 LE 10 2.85 ME 10
approaches to investigate
mathematical content;
recognize and formulate
problems from
mathematical and
everyday situations.
10. Apply the process of 3.75 GE 4 3 ME 7 3.88 GE 4
mathematical modeling to
everyday problem
Composite Mean 3.71 GE 3.30 ME 3.56 GE

It can be shown in the table of mathematics learning competencies, the

highest weighted average with the verbal interpretation of great extent is learning

competency of recognizing and using geometric shapes, properties, and

relationships; and applying geometric concepts and relationships to form and

function in the physical world and in problem situations with a weighted mean of

3.98. This implies that the respondents are engaged in geometric concepts and its

application in the real world which will help them developed their learning skills

in geometry.

As assessed by the respondents as to a great extent is knowing how to

make, use measurements and estimates of measurements in everyday and problem

situations and select and use appropriate units and tools to measure to the required

degree of accuracy with a weighted mean of 3.93 which ranked second. This

means that the respondents learned the importance in knowing how to use

measurements in everyday life.

The respondents also assessed to a moderate extent the learning

competency of developing and applying strategies to solve a wide variety of

problems with a weighted mean of 3.25 which ranked ninth. This shows that

students of grade7 need more exercises that will develop their solving skills

especially when it is word problems.

As shown also on the table of mathematics learning competencies which is

using problem-solving approaches to investigate mathematical content;

recognizing and formulating problems from mathematical and everyday situations,

as assessed by the respondents in moderate extent with a weighted mean of 2.85


which ranked tenth. This further indicates the respondents had weak performance

when it comes to solving problems in everyday situations.

Performance as observed by grade 7 mathematics teachers in the learning

competencies gained a composite mean of 3.56 and was verbally interpreted as

great extent. This data showed that those learning competencies were performed

and observed in a great extent and needs a little supervision to further or

extensively enhanced their skills in mathematics subject.

2.3 Science. Table 4 presents the extent of the Performance of Grade 7

Students in Science subject and the extent of observations of their Science teacher.

Table 4

Performance on Science 7

Learning Competencies Students Teachers Average


1. Use critical thinking 3.70 GE 2 3 ME 5 3.35 ME 3

and process skills in
effective decision-making
as outlined in the
scientific method of
2. Demonstrate a basic 3.68 GE 3 3 ME 5 3.34 ME 4
understanding of the
geological and
atmospheric processes
that create our natural
3. Demonstrate an 3.58 GE 5 2 LE 9 2.79 ME 9
understanding of the
composition of the
universe and the

relationship among
celestial objects.

4. Demonstrate an 3.78 GE 1 3 ME 5 3.39 ME 2

understanding that matter
is composed of solids,
liquids and gases of a
definite structure and that
these physical states are
composed of atoms and
molecules that combine
according to established
5. Demonstrate a basic 3.40 ME 6.5 3 ME 5 3.20 ME 6.5
understanding of energy,
its various forms, its
nature, its sources, its
limits and its uses.
6. Understand that 3.40 ME 6.5 3 ME 5 3.20 ME 6.5
machines extend the
physical capacity of
human beings to do work
and make measurements.
7. Understand the need to 3.60 GE 4 3 ME 5 3.30 ME 5
protect the interdependent
relationship between
people and the
8. Demonstrate a basic 3.33 ME 9.5 3 ME 5 3.17 ME 8
understanding of the
geological and
atmospheric processes
that create our natural
9. Exhibit a basic 3.35 ME 8 4 GE 1 3.68 GE 1
scientific understanding
of various organisms, the
interactions among them,
and their own interaction
with their environment.

10. Demonstrate 3.33 ME 9.5 1 LstE 10 2.13 LE 10

knowledge of the
structure, function, and
processes of cells.
Composite Mean 3.52 GE 2.8 ME 3.16 ME

It was clearly seen in table 4 that the highest weighted mean with the verbal

interpretation of great extent is learning competency no. 9 which is exhibiting a

basic scientific understanding of various organisms, the interactions among them,

and their own interaction with their environment with a weighted mean of 3.68.

This implies that the respondents are having clear understanding when it comes to

organisms in the environment.

How to demonstrate an understanding that matter is composed of solids,

liquids and gases of a definite structure and that these physical states are

composed of atoms and molecules that combine according to established principle

with a weighted mean of 3.39. Assessed by the respondents to a moderate extent

and which ranked second. This means that the respondents had a great interest in

the different kinds of matter.

Assessed to a moderate extent is demonstrating an understanding of the

composition of the universe and the relationship among celestial objects with a

weighted mean of 2.79 which ranked ninth. This reveals that the respondents

needs more engaging activities or exercises where they can extensively understand

the composition of universe and its relationship among celestial objects.


When it comes in demonstrating knowledge of the structure, function, and

processes of cells, assessed less extent with a weighted mean of 2.13 which ranked

tenth. This indicates that the respondents need a lot of improvement in this

learning competency for them to perform it in a very great extent.

Performance as observed by grade 7 science teacher in the learning

competencies gained a composite mean of 3.16 and was verbally interpreted as

moderate extent. This data showed that those learning competencies were

performed and observed in a moderate extent and needs an extensive observation

for the students to identify the weak competencies that needs to be enhanced or




Name________________ Date________________

Word Construction #1

Directions: Use the letters below to form as many words as you can in 5 minutes.


may only use each letter in the list once to form a word.

Example: T O _ “to”, not “too”


1) _______________________

2) _______________________

3) _______________________

4) _______________________

5) _______________________

6) _______________________

7) _______________________

8) _______________________

9) _______________________

10) _______________________

Name________________ Date________________

“The Fair”

Writing Practice – Finish the Story

Directions: Read the story below. Then finish it with your own writing.

Today is the opening day of the state fair. I am going with my dad. We go together

every year. I always have fun at the fair. We wait until the evening, when it is

cooler outside. Then, we get in the car and drive to the fairgrounds. We have to

park far away because it is very crowded. We walk for a long time. Then, we

finally arrive at the fair! We are both very hungry. We look for someone selling

food. Then, we find someone selling hamburgers. I eat a hamburger and my dad

eats a slice of pizza. I want an ice cream cone, too. But, my dad tells me to wait

until later. Next, we go to the petting zoo. I pet a sheep and a goat. I ride a pony

around a ring. It is scary at first, but I have a lot of fun. Now it is time to ride the

carnival rides. Which one should I ride first!







Name________________ Date________________

Beginning Paragraph Correction 1

Directions: Read the passage below. Then answer questions about errors in the


My name is 1) Jay Hammond I am a firefighter. 2) I live in 128 Pine Lane,

in Jackson, Mississippi. 3) I have two childs. One is a girl named Clair. 4) The

other 5) is boy named Thatcher. 6) His name after my father. I also have a wife

named Jenna. She is 7)beutiful. She has long, dark, soft hair. 8) We also got a dog

named Buck. He is very obedient but sometimes he barks at night and it upsets our


1) A. Jay. Hammond I am 2) A. on 128 Pine Lane, on

B. Jay Hammond. I am B. in 128 Pine Lane, on

C. Jay Hammond I’m C. at 128 Pine Lane, in

D. Jay Hammond, I am D. in 128 Pine, Lane in

3) A. two child 4) A. Other

B. two children B. Another

C. two childrens C. The another

D. Correct as is D. Correct as is

5) A. is boy name 6) A. He is named after

B. is boy of name B. He has name from


C. is a boy named C. His name is same

D. is a boy who name D. He is same named

7) A. butiful 8) A. got dog named Buck.

B. beautyful B. got a dog name Buck.

C. beautiful C. got dog name of Buck.

D. beautifull D. have a dog named Buck.


Name________________ Date________________

Intermediate Making a Formal Argument – Practice

Directions: Argue for or against the statement below using a formal argument. In a

formal argument, you must:

1) State your position.

2) Provide point(s) that support your position.

3) Support each point with specific reasons/examples.

Statement: Practice makes perfect.

Example Answer: I agree with the statement above. Research has shown that

practice is more important that talent in gaining expertise. People with just a little

natural talent can gain mastery with daily practice and the desire to improve their

performance. For example, by practicing writing everyday, there is a good chance

that your writing will drastically improve. However, all the practice in the world

cannot instill passion for an activity a person doesn’t like. So, while practice can

improve performance, it cannot replace the desire to do well.







Name________________ Date________________

Answer Me, Color Me!

Directions: Color the answers in the picture using the corresponding key.

Name________________ Date________________

Area of the Circle- Topic #4

Find the area of the given circles. (Use π as 3.14)



Name________________ Date________________

Stages of Mitosis

Name _______________ Date _____________

Bank On It! Worksheet


Work Bank
tissues photosynthesis, plant the important of transport.
perform cells, They tissues for

Simple ____________ are also referred to as ground tissues. ____________

include the tissues known as parenchyma, collenchyma, and sclerenchyma.

Parenchyma tissue is composed ____________ parenchyma ____________ which

are found throughout ____________ plant. They are particularly abundant in the

stems and roots. The leaf cells that carry out photosynthesis are also parenchyma

cells. Unlike many other plant cells, parenchyma cells are alive at maturity and

retain the ability to divide. They ____________ many functions. Some are

specialized ____________ ____________ others for storage, and still others for

secretion and ____________ An ____________ class of parenchyma cells makes

growth tissues called meristem and cambium. These ____________ give rise to all

other tissues in the ____________ body.


Name _______________ Date _____________

Cells Acrostic Poem

An acrostic poem is one where you choose a word or name and use each letter in

the name as the beginning of a word or line that tells something about that person

or topic.

Example: An acrostic poem using the word "Sun."

Sometimes when we go to the beach, I will get sun burn.

Usually if I put Sun block on my skin I will not burn.

Noon is when I'm really prone to burning.

Write an Acrostic Poem using the word below.


Name _______________ Date _____________

Cells Maze Worksheet


Help the DNA find the cell.


Name _______________
Date _____________

If I Were A.... ? Worksheet


1. Choose a
organelle from the
cell. Pretend you
are this organelle
for the remaining Organelle Name

2. What's your

3. How others of
you are there in _________________________________________________
your cell?

4. Do have any
co-workers who's
job and
appearance is
different from _________________________________________________

5. When food gets
taken into the cell, _________________________________________________
what do you do?



Each tool subjects of grade 7 students has its own unique learning

competencies but then it is also correlated to each other. In the tool subjects, the

students can understand verbal or written instruction in terms of English learning

competencies but they have difficulties in noting details, sequencing of

ideas/events, making inferences, forming conclusions and predicting outcomes.

While students are not quite good in solving wide variety of problems brought

about by their inability to formulate equations when it comes to mathematical skill

and they have difficulty in demonstrating their knowledge and understanding

about certain events or topics when it comes to scientific skills. And with this the

researcher proposed exercises to each subject namely English, Science and

Mathematics to enhance the learning skills of Grade 7students in the tool subjects.


Based on the foregoing finding and conclusions, the following

recommendations are offered:

1. Teachers must clearly identify what is the weakest competency of each

student for them to find ways on how to develop and enhance it.

2. Reading comprehension skills should be given emphasis by teachers not

only English teachers but all teachers in the subjects tool because it is

related to problem solving. Find out effective ways on how to develop the

reading skills such as making inferences, forming conclusions and solving

mathematical or science problems.

3. That there is an affective effort to enhance the positive attitudes of students

towards the subject tools by presenting the subject in a new light; that

which is a necessity to the students’ personal and future career and not

simply a discipline to be graded.




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MA: Manpower Development Project, UP-ISMED, Japan International
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Calderon, Jose F. Ed. D. Foundations of Education, Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon
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Manila: SEI & MATHTED. 2010
Navarro et. al., Principle of Teaching and Instructional Technology,(Katha
Publishing Co., Inc.) 388 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City.1988
Padilla, Corazon P. and Nem Singh, Rosario P. Innovative Teaching and
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Polya, G. How to Solve It. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. 1945
Polya, G. Mathematical discovery: On understanding, learning and teaching
problem solving: Volume I. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1962


Castillo, Florencia (2001). “Comparative Effectiveness of Modular and Lecture

Discussion Method in Teaching Araling Panlipunan Among First Year High
School Students of St. Michael College of Laguna”, St. Michael College of
Libario, Ofelia M (2003). “Reading Comprehension Skills and Mathematical
Problem Solving Ability of Sophomore Students of the Extension
Campuses of BSU”. Unpublished Masteral Thesis, BSU Batangas.
Chavez, Shiela A (2005). “Mathematical Word Problem Solving Difficulties of
Freshman College Students Basis for Enhancement Activities”. Masteral
Thesis/math, BSU Batangas.
Seco, Liela M (2012). “Integrative Exercises for Enhancing Language Proficiency
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Arroyo, Gloria M (2010). Policy Statement Vol. 19. Bureau of Communication`s.



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