EAPP Reviewer

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or did he/she just disprove one side without going into

the details?
 What is the writer’s position on the issue?
 What is he/ she arguing that we, readers, should or
should not do about it?
 What are the writer’s reasons to his/her opinions?
Ria Ellaine C. Lachica  How well does the writer support the recommended
Grade 11 Galileo course of action?
 Did the writer see the objectives to or weaknesses in
his/her own argument? Did s/he argue strongly for a
particular point of view or direction?
English for Academic and Professional Purposes  Was the paper persuasive?why or why not?

Strategies For Structuring Your Position Paper

 Define the issue and provide as thorough a background
Topic: Concept Paper as possible, state your position
 Discuss and analyze the various positions you have
searched. Ensure that both strengths and weaknesses are
 A concept paper defines an idea or concepts and explains taken into account
its essence in order to clarify the “whatness” of that idea  Discuss your position and analyze its strengths and
or concept.( Saqueton and Hychoco, 2016) weaknesses. Discuss its relevance to other positions and
 It answers the questions: what is it and what about it why you have chosen it
(Dadufatza, 1996:183)  Provide counters against potential criticism of and
 Deals with a topic and define it uniquely weaknesses in the argument
 Starts with a definition, either formal or informal, of the  Give reasons why your position and/or suggested course
term or the concept and proceeds with an expanded of action is the optimum one for all parties involved
definition and analytic description of the aspects of the  A successful position paper is one that persuades its
concepts audience towards its argument. Reading your paper
PURPOSE: objectively and asking the same questions of it as you
 To stipulate (mentions) the meaning of term by limiting, asked of the ones you researched, will help you avoid the
extending, redirecting the reference or sense in which the same weaknesses in argument that you may have
term is commonly understood or to use in a special way a noticed in the paper you analyzed
term borrowed from another field in which it is made to
apply (Dadufalza 1996, 184)
 Ethos – Challenge people what morality is all about
 Pathos – appeal to emotions, what emotion brings you at
Topic: Position Paper the moment
 Logos – logic
 Kind of academic writing in which the student researches
a controversial issue and writes a paper that explains his/
her view point on it. TECHNIQUES IN PERSUASION ( Bulusan, 2019. Pp 134-136)
Main Goal:
 To take part in the larger debate on the issue by stating
1. Appeals
and supporting your opinion or recommended course of  Appealing to the audience’s emotions, fears
action nead to protect their family, desire to fit in to
be accepted, desire to protect animals, and the
The student is required to: environment,pride in our country and others
 Research other papers on the issue Examples:
 Analyze them in depth  “it would be a world not sustaining life soon if
 And formulate his/her own argument on the matter these human practices continue to proliferate.”
 Our future sons and daughters would have no
trees to climb and play at.”
Guide Questions in analyzing Position Paper
 Did the writer analyze the controversy and discuss what 2. Evidences
others have said about it?  Providing statistics, expert’s opinions, research
 What are the various positions on the issue? findings and anecdotal evidences
 What are the strengths and weaknesses of each? Did the Examples:
writer cite sources of information and provide a  “According to UP Population Analysis, tye prime
reference list? cause of over population is...”
 How deeply into the argument was the writer able to go?  The latest study shows that 46.9% women
 If there were only two different opinions, did the writer students marry at the age of 15-19.”
carefully explore the strengths and weaknesses of each,
 The words “kill” and “slaughter” means the
same thing but have different connotations
3. Attacks causing readers to imagine what is horrific and
 Attacks on opposing views on the people who what is more hprrific
hold them can persuade the readers by  “health issue” vs. “health crisis”
portraying views and beliefs which are contrary
to the editorial board’s contribution as foolish, 9. Imagery and Figurative Language
dangerous and uncaring or deceitful  Metaphor and simile can paint a word picture
Examples: for audience, making the point visually or may
 “No politician will allow promulgation of such appeal to emotions
law for it might be pro-poor and against them.”
 “Only a fool agrees to such implementation.”

4. Rhetorical Questions
 Questions asked for effects only, they engage
the readers and encourage them the issue and
accept the editorial board’s answer or imply
that the answer is so obvious that anyone who
disagrees is foolish
 “Do we want that we will only be higher
learning institution in the country which
doesnot change its opening of classes.”

5. Cause and Effect

 Arguments may claim that there is a cause-and-
effect relationship when really there is just a
relationship, and other factors should be
 What causes this tragedy among the poor, is
not the system of politics and corruption, it is
the lack of education.”

6. Humor
 The use of humor, such as puns, irony, sarcasm,
satie, and jokes can be persuasive by dismissing
opposing views , providing a more engaging and
friendly tone, and sway an audience by having
them enter into a joke
 “Molice in Wonderland” instead of “ Alice in

7. Hyperbole
 Emphasizes points by exaggerating, it can be
used to mock opposing opinions, as a shock-
tactics techniques or an appeal to fears
 “One presidential candidate said that when he
becomes the President, every Filipino will eat
three times. Yes, with his record and
background married by corruption and plunder
cases, every Filipino might just eat 3 times...
Three times a week.”

8. Connotations
 Emotional meaning associated with the word,
persuasive editorial writers often choose their
words carefully so that the connotation suits
thir purpose

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