Mendones Angel 11-ICT: Social Media Education Education Social
Mendones Angel 11-ICT: Social Media Education Education Social
Mendones Angel 11-ICT: Social Media Education Education Social
The use of social media in education provides students with the ability to get more useful
information, to connect with learning groups and other educational systems that
make education convenient. Social network tools afford students and institutions with multiple
opportunities to improve learning methods.
Here are some of the educational approaches and benefits of social media to improve the
academic performance of students:
• Communication And Collaboration. ...
• Finding Concrete Information Online. ...
• Parental Involvement. ...
• Distance Learning Opportunities.
• The use of social media in education provides students with the ability to get more useful
information, to Improved Literacy, Communication, And Reading Skills. ...
connect with learning groups and other educational systems that
make education convenient. Social network tools afford students and institutions with multiple
opportunities to improve
• Using social media, teachers can able to improve the involvement of their students in studies
and education, improve technological ability, provide a great sense of collaboration in the
classroom and
• Social media plays an important role in every student's life. It is easier and convenient to
access information, provide information and communicate via social media. Teachers and
students are connected to each other and can make good use of these platforms for the working
of their educationve learning methodsmake good communication skills
Some of the positive effects of social media on education: ... It is easy for students to
collaborate on various team project using social media. They can create Facebook groups or
even just use Twitter hashtags to communicate about a project and share ideas.
Besides, their ability to concentrate on their task at hand gets significantly reduced due to the
distraction that is brought by all these social media sites. The other negative effect on
students is that they are spending too much time on social sites, and much lesser time on
socializing in person
In fact, anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorders in the United States. It
seems that the more technology we acquire, the more stressed out we become. According to
the experts, almost 20% of people with social media accounts cannot go more than three hours
without checking them. So, what is social media anxiety disorder?
Most people who have social media accounts do not get nervous or stressed out when they are
not able to check their notifications every five minutes. However, for those who have social
media anxiety disorder, just being away from their Facebook or Twitter account for a few
minutes can cause severe anxiety. Here are some of the most common symptoms of social
media anxiety disorder:
Spending too much time online has been proven to cause illnesses such as eye strain, neck
pain, and lower back problems. In addition, the sedentary way we sit around and “talk” to people
on Facebook can cause physical illnesses such as obesity, heart disease, nutrition problems,
and a risk of stroke and certain kinds of cancers.
First of all, just realize that many people who post all that great stuff on Facebook have a normal
life just like you and me but they only put the good stuff on Facebook. If your life is not as
awesome as some of the people you see on Facebook, it is not going to get any better by sitting
there obsessing over it. You have to get out and enjoy your real life, not your social media “life”
because that is not a real life. If you are having trouble doing this or you just need to talk to
someone, there are people who can help you with this. You do not have to have an appointment
or even leave your home to do it. Talk to an online therapist or counselor now and you can feel
better by tomorrow.