The document provides rubrics for evaluating a performance on reporting parts of liturgy. It includes 5 criteria: depth of content research, organization, presentation style, communication aids, and collaboration. Each criterion is scored from 1-10, with 10 being "excellent" and detailed descriptions provided for score levels 7, 8, 9, and 10. The performance will be evaluated based on how well the presenters demonstrate knowledge of important issues, organize their presentation clearly, communicate appropriately for the audience, use information aids to enhance understanding, and collaborate as a group.
The document provides rubrics for evaluating a performance on reporting parts of liturgy. It includes 5 criteria: depth of content research, organization, presentation style, communication aids, and collaboration. Each criterion is scored from 1-10, with 10 being "excellent" and detailed descriptions provided for score levels 7, 8, 9, and 10. The performance will be evaluated based on how well the presenters demonstrate knowledge of important issues, organize their presentation clearly, communicate appropriately for the audience, use information aids to enhance understanding, and collaborate as a group.
The document provides rubrics for evaluating a performance on reporting parts of liturgy. It includes 5 criteria: depth of content research, organization, presentation style, communication aids, and collaboration. Each criterion is scored from 1-10, with 10 being "excellent" and detailed descriptions provided for score levels 7, 8, 9, and 10. The performance will be evaluated based on how well the presenters demonstrate knowledge of important issues, organize their presentation clearly, communicate appropriately for the audience, use information aids to enhance understanding, and collaborate as a group.
The document provides rubrics for evaluating a performance on reporting parts of liturgy. It includes 5 criteria: depth of content research, organization, presentation style, communication aids, and collaboration. Each criterion is scored from 1-10, with 10 being "excellent" and detailed descriptions provided for score levels 7, 8, 9, and 10. The performance will be evaluated based on how well the presenters demonstrate knowledge of important issues, organize their presentation clearly, communicate appropriately for the audience, use information aids to enhance understanding, and collaborate as a group.
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Chirstian Living Formation 10
Reporting on some parts of liturgy
Rubrics for Performance 1
Categories: 10- Excellent 9-Above 8-Average 7- Below Score average average Criteria: 1. Depth of Content They presented They presented They fairly They minimally Research: well on the well most of the presented the presented the Deals with an important issues important issues w/ important issues w/ important issues important issue in the w/ goals and goals and goals and w/ goals and field of study, includes motivating motivating motivating motivating goals/motivating questions solely questions solely questions solely questions solely questions that provide from the main from the main idea from the main idea from the main the audience with a idea which caught which caught a lot which caught a lot idea which caught sense of the audience’s of audience’s of audience’s a lot of audience’s project’s main idea. attention. All attention. Most attention. At the attention. At the Information is accurate information is Information is same level, same level, most and includes a accurate, accurate, complete information is information is complete explanation complete explanation of accurate, complete inaccurate, of key concepts and explanation of concepts, clear explanation of incomplete theories drawing upon concepts, clear description of concepts, clear explanation of relevant literature, as description of results and the description of concepts, absurd well as a clear results and the importance. results and the description of description of the importance. Applications are importance. results and the results and the Applications are clearly included. Applications are importance. importance of the clearly included. fairly included. Applications are results. Applications of minimally theory are included to included. illuminate issues. 10- Excellent 9-Above 8- Average 7- Below average average 2. Organization: All parts of the Most mart The presentation is Most of Presentation is clear, presentation is presentation is fairly clear, logical presentation is logical and organized. clear, logical and clear, logical and and organized. Half unclear, illogical Listener can follow line organized. All the organized. Majority of the listeners can and disorganized. of reasoning. listener can follow of the listeners can follow line of At the same level, line of reasoning. follow line of reasoning. listeners can’t reasoning. follow their line of reasoning. 10- Excellent 9-Above 8- Average 7- Below average average 3. Presentation style: Level of The level of Level of Level of Level of presentation is presentation is just presentation is presentation is presentation is appropriate for rightly appropriate fairly appropriate minimally appropriate for the the audience. for the audience. for the audience. appropriate for audience. Presentation is a Presentation is a Presentation is just the audience. Presentation is a well-planned majorly planned simply planned Least part of the planned conversation, conversation, conversation, conversation, presentation is a paced for audience rightly paced for rightly paced for paced for planned understanding. audience audience audience conversation, Speaker is understanding. understanding. understanding. paced for clearly comfortable in Speaker is clearly Speaker is clearly Speaker is fairly audience that led front of the comfortable in comfortable in front comfortable in front to difficult group and can front of the group of the group of the group understanding. be heard by all. And can be heard And can be heard And can be heard Speaker is by all. by all. by all. uneasy in front of the group And difficulty heard by all. 10- Excellent 9-Above 8- Average 7- Below average average 4. Communication Information are Most information Information are Most information Aids: well-organized to are organized to fairly organized to are disorganized Information is maximize maximize audience maximize audience which lead the organized to maximize audience understanding. understanding. audience to audience understanding. Majority of the Details are fairly misunderstanding understanding. All details are details are minimized so that . Details are Details are minimized minimized so that minimized so that main points stand maximized so that so that main points main points stand main points stand out. main points stand out. out. out. hardly stand out. 10- Excellent 9-Above 8- Average 7- Below average average 5. Collaboration: The group The group showed The group showed The group The group shows showed a very very good a fair coordination, showed mostly coordination, well coordination, coordination, communication, incoordination, communication, communication, communication, synchronized effort miscommunicatio synchronized effort synchronized synchronized effort even from the n, even from the making effort even from even from the making to the desynchronized to the presentation of the making to the making to the presentation of effort even from their work. presentation of presentation of their work. the making to the their work. their work. presentation of their work. Total /40