Course Plan: Environment and Solve Business Problems
Course Plan: Environment and Solve Business Problems
Course Plan: Environment and Solve Business Problems
Course Plan
Name of the Faculty : Dr. Elgin Alexander / Ms. Sumina Susan Kochitty
Email Id : [email protected] / [email protected]
Mobile No : 9894436282 / 7736606677
The objective of the course is to familiarize the students with the basic theories, concepts,
models and principles of Organizational Behavior as well as to make them aware of the
applications of OB Concepts which will be useful for them when they enter the corporate
world. On completion of the course, the students are expected to learn what actions are
appropriate for different situations and apply the theory in order to be effective leaders in
the context of organisational behaviour theories, models and concepts.
1. The student is aware of the basic concepts and theories in Organizational Behavior.
2. The student develops the ability to make decisions and solve problems through the
application of the theories in Organizational Behavior, when faced with situations.
3. The student will demonstrate the ability to participate effectively in group activities,
nurture relationships within the group and take leadership roles.
4. The student will be capable of adapting his behavior as well as capable of changing
other employee’s behavior in an organizational setting applying the theories he has
learnt in OB.
Team Player
ECO1 3 1 1 1 0 1 0 0
ECO2 3 1 1 2 0 2 0 1
ECO3 2 0 3 3 0 2 0 1
ECO4 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 1
Assessment of Course Outcomes
Students are expected to come prepared for each class session i.e., having read all the
assigned readings and analyzed the assigned cases.
Students are expected to adhere to the Academic Conduct and Discipline mentioned in
Students' Handbook
Any form of malpractice like plagiarism will lead to reduction in marks and in extreme
cases or cases of repetition of offense, can lead to disallowing a student to write university
exam. Such cases the student will have to redo the subject.
In order to achieve the objectives of this course, your learning experiences will include
three different elements:
- Brief lectures
- Analysis of case studies using concepts from your assigned readings
- Student presentations
Total Marks = 100
External evaluation = 60
Internal evaluation = 40
Out of which,
Assignments = 10
Test Papers = 15
Project Presentations = 15
Text Book
Reference Books
Allocation of Sessions
Module 1 2 3 4 5
Sessions Allotted 5 6 8 7 7
Syllabus - Detailed
Unit 1
Disciplines contributing to OB - Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Social Psychology,
Economics & Political Science Approaches to the study of OB - Human Resource
Approach, Contingency Approach, Productivity Approach, and System Approach -
Fundamental principles, theories and concepts in organization design and development
Unit 2
Unit 3
Individual differences and work behaviour - Why individual differences are important, The
basis for understanding Work Behaviour, Individual differences influencing Work
Behaviour. Personality - Sources of personality differences, Personality structure,
Personality and Behaviour, Measuring Personality Attitudes - The nature of Employee
Attitudes, Effects of Employee Attitudes, Studying Job satisfaction, Changing Employee
Attitudes. Perceptions, Attributions and Emotions - The perceptual process Perceptual
grouping, Impression management, Emotions, Emotional Intelligence. Motivation -
Concept of Motivation, Content approaches, Process approaches, Motivation and
psychological contract.
Unit 4
Managing Individuals at Work: Measuring personality attitudes; managing employee
attitudes Managing Teams at Work: Definition of Group – group development- group
structure - teams -Formal Organization and Informal Groups and their interaction,
Developing high performance teams - turning individuals into team players, developing
interpersonal awareness - Johari Window- Transactional Analysis - leadership - theories –
developing leadership skills
Unit 5
Managing Power, Politics and Conflict: Power - basis of power - power tactics - Politics –
consequences of political behavior - Conflict Management: Different views of conflict -
conflict process - levels of conflict – Constructive and Destructive conflict - Conflict
process - strategies for encouraging constructive conflict - Conflict resolution strategies
Session Plan:
Session Main Topic for the Main Concepts Unit Resources Teaching Remarks
No. session No. Methodology
33 Learning Theories in
34 Course revision and
Wrap Up
MBA 2018-20