First Periodical Exam English 10 Name: - Score: - Encircle The Letter of The Correct Answer
First Periodical Exam English 10 Name: - Score: - Encircle The Letter of The Correct Answer
First Periodical Exam English 10 Name: - Score: - Encircle The Letter of The Correct Answer
11. Why did Perseus need to snatch the eye of the Gray 25. How did Perseus’ quest enable him to prove himself a
Women? hero?
a. So the Gray women would give him the magic a. He brought the head of Medusa.
wallet. b. He saved Andromeda from the monster.
b. So the Gray women would tell him where to find c. He killed all his enemies.
the Gorgons. d. He killed his grandfather.
c. So the Gray women would tell him the way to the
Nymphs on the North. 26. Kevin was disappointed because he ______________ get
d. So the Gray women would bring him to the palace tickets for the football game.
a. is able to b. doesn’t able to
12. This refers to the student who experiences the acts of c . wasn’t able to d. must to
a. bullied b. bully 27. He was the king of the underworld.
c. social bullying d. gender-based bully a. Hades b. Perseus
c. Zeus d. Venus
13. The artists _____________ made the scenery.
A.himself b. themselves 28. Why was the head of Medusa beneficial to Perseus?
c. theirselves a. He killed his grandfather by showing the head.
b. He defeated the monster by showing the head.
c. His enemies turned to stone after he showed them
the head. 40. What were the teeth of Gorgons?
d. both B and C a. needles b. tusks of a boar
c. spears d. daggers
29. __________________you play volleyball when you were
7? 41. I {The Analects} refers to a model character who has
a. Would b. Could c. Can made significant progress in self-cultivation. What term does
d. Were able to the book use when referring to this model?
a. The Truest Ruler b. The Lord
30. Jody is the only woman working in a shipyard. The men c. Superior Man d. Advanced Man
do not think that a shipyard is an appropriate place for a
woman to work and are constantly telling Jody that she should 42. Is the “Superior Man” or “Gentleman” still capable of
not be doing a "man's job." They have made it difficult for making mistakes?
Jody to do her job by hiding her tools and leaving her the most a. Mistakes are not a basis for judgment.
difficult work in an attempt to prove to her that she can't do b. No, such a person is infallible.
the work. Jody, who has a Black Belt in karate, sees Butch as c. Yes, but he corrects the immediately.
the ringleader and thinks that if she can put Butch in his place d. Mistakes are no longer of consequence.
she can get the other men to respect her. So the next time that
Butch starts in on her, she gives him a karate kick. 43. Hades said that he would bring back Eurydice on what
Who is subject to disciplinary action? conditions?
A. Butch. a. That she shall be mute till his death.
B. Jody. b. That his lyre shall only play sounds of death
C. Both Butch and Jody. from then on.
c. That he’ll no longer recognize her as the person
D. Neither Butch nor Jody.
he once loved.
31. How does imagery help us understand a story? d. That Orpheus shall not look at her until he leaves
a. It doesn’t. the Underworld.
b. Imagery helps us see, touch, taste, smell and feel what the
characters fee and see. 44. What age group do most people fall into when they are
c. By expressing how the author is feeling most exposed to peer pressure?
d. By telling the mood. a. toddler b. teenager
c. adult d. elder
32. How did Orpheus convince Hades to bring back Eurydice?
a. He tried exchanging hi life for hers. 45. It is the use of the internet to frighten or upset someone,
b. He had the will of Zeus behind him. usually by sending them unpleasant message.
c. He played his lyre. a. cyberbullying c. online dating
d. He wasn’t able to. c. Facebook threat d. personal threat
33. The kids planned the party _________. 46. Republic Act No. _____________is also known as Anti-
A. ourselves b. themselves Bullying Act of 2013.
c. yourselves d. myself a. 10623 b. 10267
c. 10376 d. 10627
34. What type of imagery is this? The thunder clapped
47. It refers to the attitude of the writer towards his subject.
loudly shaking the house.
a. sight b. touch a. opinion b. tone
c. sound d. taste c.theme d. mood
35. Give an example of how peer pressure is commonly 48. Which of the following helped Perseus to look at Medusa
spread. without him turning into a stone?
a. verbally b. Philippine Mail Seervice a. bright mirror b. bright shield
c. Social Media d. verbally and social media c. bright armor d. bright helmet
36. I _______get here earlier because of the traffic on the 49. Why did Athene turn Arachne into a spider?
freeway. a. Because Arachne was better than her.
A. shouldn’t b. couldn’t b. Because Arachne showed greater skills that her.
c. might d. can’t c. Because of Arachne’s prideful nature.
d. Because Arachne looked like a spider.
37. . What did Daedalus build on the south coast of Sicily?
50. It contains the body of evidence used to support a point of
a. house of worship b. temple of Apollo view.
c. Court of Kings d. Camicus a. opinion b. tone
c.theme d. mood
38. What was said about Orpheus’ music?
a. That nothing could resist his music.
b. That people would travel from afar to listen to him.
c. That it could reverse even death itself.
d. That it would foreshadow important events.