Cervical Cancer Screening and HPV Vaccine Acceptability Among Rural and Urban Women in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania

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Open Access Research

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828 on 10 March 2015. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on September 11, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Cervical cancer screening and HPV
vaccine acceptability among rural and
urban women in Kilimanjaro Region,
Melissa S Cunningham,1 Emily Skrastins,1 Ryan Fitzpatrick,2 Priya Jindal,2
Olola Oneko,3 Karen Yeates,1,2 Christopher M Booth,4 Jennifer Carpenter,1,2
Kristan J Aronson1,4

To cite: Cunningham MS, ABSTRACT

Skrastins E, Fitzpatrick R, Strengths and limitations of this study
Objective: To determine cervical cancer screening
et al. Cervical cancer
coverage and the knowledge, attitudes and barriers ▪ This population-based sample was large and
screening and HPV vaccine
acceptability among rural and
toward screening tests among women in rural and facilitated valid comparisons between rural and
urban women in Kilimanjaro urban areas of Tanzania, as well as explore how they urban women in the Kilimanjaro region where
Region, Tanzania. BMJ Open view the acceptability of the HPV vaccine and potential cervical cancer is the leading cause of death.
2015;5:e005828. barriers to vaccination. ▪ Multivariable modelling was used to identify
doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014- Setting: A cross-sectional study using interview- factors associated with being screened.
005828 administered questionnaires was conducted using ▪ The survey results were self-reported and this
multistage random sampling within urban and rural may have compromised the validity of answers
▸ Prepublication history for areas in Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania. to sensitive questions.
this paper is available online. Participants: Women aged 18–55 were asked to
To view these files please participate in the survey. The overall response rate was
visit the journal online 97.5%, with a final sample of 303 rural and 272 urban
(http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/ dwelling women. INTRODUCTION
bmjopen-2014-005828). Cervical cancer is the third most common
Primary and secondary outcome measures:
Descriptive and simple test statistics were used to cancer among women worldwide, with
MSC and ES are cofirst
authors. compare across rural and urban strata. Multivariate approximately 500 000 new cases occurring
logistic regression models were used to estimate ORs annually.1 Nearly 86% of these cases occur in
Received 2 June 2014 and 95% CIs. low-income and middle-income countries.1 In
Revised 11 February 2015 Results: Most women (82%) reported they had heard addition to the burden imposed by its high
Accepted 13 February 2015 of cervical cancer, while self-reported cervical cancer morbidity and mortality, the disease largely
screening among women was very low (6%). In urban affects women in their childbearing years and
areas, factors associated with screening were: older leads to significant losses for communities.2 3
age (OR=4.14, 95% CI 1.86 to 9.24 for ages 40–49,
Cervical cancer is the largest cause of poten-
and OR=8.38, 95% CI 2.10 to 33.4 for >50 years),
tial years of life lost (PYLL) to cancer in the
having health insurance (OR=4.15, 95% CI 1.52 to
11.4), and having knowledge about cervical cancer developing world, in some areas making a
1 (OR=5.81, 95% CI 1.58 to 21.4). In contrast, among greater contribution to PYLL than competing
Department of Public Health diseases such as tuberculosis and AIDS.4
women residing in rural areas, only condom use
Sciences, Queen’s University,
Kingston, Ontario, Canada (OR=6.44, 95% CI 1.12 to 37.1) was associated with Cervical cancer is preventable primarily
Faculty of Medicine, Queen’s screening. Women from both rural and urban areas through prophylactic HPV vaccination and
University, Kingston, Ontario, had low vaccine-related knowledge; however, most screening for precancerous lesions.5
Canada indicated they would be highly accepting if it were The widespread use of the Papanicolau
Kilimanjaro Christian readily available (93%). (Pap) screening test for over 50 years has pro-
Medical Center, Moshi, Conclusions: The current proportion of women
Tanzania, Africa
gressively reduced the mortality of disease
screened for cervical cancer is very low in Kilimanjaro by 50–60% in high-resource countries.6
Division of Cancer Care and
Region, and our study has identified several modifiable
Epidemiology, Cancer However, in developing countries, due to
factors that could be addressed to increase screening
Research Institute, Queen’s inadequate personnel and deficiencies in
University, Kingston, Canada rates. Although best implemented concurrently, the
availability of prophylactic vaccination for girls may health system infrastructure, cervical cancer
Correspondence to provide an effective means of prevention if they are prevention remains largely opportunistic,
Dr Kristan J Aronson; unable to access screening in the future. often relying on low-resource visual inspec-
[email protected] tion methods using acetic acid (VIA), or

Cunningham MS, et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e005828. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828 1

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828 on 10 March 2015. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on September 11, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Lugol’s iodine (VILI) with a ‘see-and-treat’ same-day representative samples of rural and urban living environ-
approach.7 Reported uptake of even these screening ser- ments in the Kilimanjaro Region. A power calculation
vices remains low, suggesting that there are barriers pre- was used to estimate a required sample size of 300
venting women from being screened.8 9 women from both areas. The study questionnaire was
Infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) is a designed in English, translated and interviewer-
necessary though not sufficient cause of cervical cancer. administered in Kiswahili, the official language of
HPV strains 16 and 18 are responsible for approximately Tanzania. Questions included were modified from previ-
70% of invasive cervical cancer cases worldwide while ous studies, newly designed using best survey practices
types 6 and 11 are responsible for 90% of anogenital by the research team, and guided by health behavioural
warts cases. A quadrivalent vaccine protecting against theories to address the research objectives.14–16 Back
these four strains is commercially available from Merck translation and cognitive interviewing with a translator
& Co. (Gardasil) and a bivalent vaccine against the cer- were conducted after the questionnaire was translated to
vical cancer strains is available from GalxoSmithKline establish content validity and clarity. The questionnaire
(Cervarix). Although organised cervical cancer screen- was pilot-tested among 60 women in Moshi Rural and
ing and educational campaigns are recognised as revised to reflect the population’s sociodemographics.
important prevention methods for women today, com- Surveying took place on weekdays in May–July 2012,
bining these efforts with prophylactic vaccination of pre- using a stratified multistage sampling strategy. Within
adolescent girls is expected to substantially reduce the each district, five wards were randomly selected, followed
future burden of disease in low-resource countries.10 by random selection of three villages and systematic sam-
Unfortunately, the cost of the three-dose series (nearly pling (with replacement) of houses. If more than one
US$400) has made the vaccine largely unavailable to woman was eligible in a house, a random selection was
individuals who would be expected to benefit the most. made. Trained Tanzanian female research assistants
In Tanzania, cervical cancer is the most common paired with study investigators gave a brief introduction
female cancer with an estimated age-standardised inci- to the purpose of the study before both voluntary oral
dence rate of 54 per 100 000 women per year, a rate and written consent was obtained. Participants received
nearly five times higher than the incidence rate of the no incentive to participate and the questionnaire took
next most common cancer among both sexes com- approximately 30 min to complete. Most questions were
bined.11 The comorbid epidemic of HIV/AIDS in the closed-response, consisting of Likert-type scales or
region and lack of screening has contributed to the high Yes/No/Don’t Know response choices. Brief education
incidence of cervical cancer, and late detection and lack on the location and function of the cervix was provided
of treatment availability have resulted in a high cancer- during the survey for women who said they had never
related mortality rate of 32 per 100 000 women per heard the word before.
year.11 The questionnaire was divided into nine sections, cov-
Formative research surrounding current screening ering health and sociodemographic factors; cervical
practices and attitudes towards vaccination is important cancer awareness/knowledge, attitudes and barriers; and
for the success of prevention programmes and accept- vaccination awareness, attitudes and barriers. In order to
ance of the vaccine.12 In developed and developing clarify survey motives and reiterate confidentiality some
countries, rural and urban regions tend to have different sections had brief narratives that were read to partici-
social and physical environments that contribute to dif- pants. For example, before the vaccination sections the
ferences in health outcomes. Inhabitants of rural following was read: “Human Papillomavirus (HPV) can
regions are typically less able to access health services, cause cervical cancer. HPV is not the same as HIV.
an inequity that is particularly apparent in developing Vaccines are medications given to prevent the develop-
countries due to poorer overall healthcare infrastruc- ment of disease or illness.”
ture.13 The purpose of this research was to determine Participants were considered to have an adequate
the knowledge, attitudes and barriers toward cervical knowledge of cervical cancer if they answered ‘yes’ to
cancer screening as well as explore the acceptability and “Have you heard of (1) cancer and, (2) the cervix?” and
perceived barriers toward HPV vaccination in a “Have you heard of cervical cancer?” and ‘women’ to
population-based sample of rural and urban women “Who can develop cervical cancer?” Awareness of cer-
living in the Kilimanjaro Region that has not been for- vical cancer was ‘yes’ to the question, “Have you heard
mally sensitised with an education programme. of cervical cancer?” Acceptability of the HPV vaccine was
evaluated by asking, “If the HPV vaccine became avail-
able in Tanzania, would you give permission for your
METHODS daughter to receive it (or receive it yourself )?” ( possible
Study design and data collection responses: definitely yes, probably yes, do not know,
A cross-sectional survey was conducted among women probably no and definitely no). For the purpose of this
aged 18–55 years old in Moshi Rural and Moshi Urban, study, the outcome was conceptualised into a binomial
two districts in the Kilimanjaro Region of Tanzania. response. Acceptors are those definitely accepting
These districts were chosen in order to obtain the vaccine (definitely yes (=1)) and those considered

2 Cunningham MS, et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e005828. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828 on 10 March 2015. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on September 11, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
non-acceptors are those who gave less-accepting/hesitant ‘Good’, very few were smokers, and 1% reported them-
responses (all other responses: probably yes, probably selves HIV positive. More women in the rural stratum
no, definitely no, don’t know (=0)). The preamble to reported ever having intercourse, although the mean
this question asked women to consider their daughters age of sexual debut at about age 20 years was not differ-
or hypothetical daughters/girls in the community, or if ent for rural and urban women. The majority (69%
they were in the age range 10–25 they could answer con- rural and 59% urban) reported to only have had one
sidering themselves. sexual partner in their lifetime.

Statistical analysis
Rural and urban sample data were stratified a priori, Knowledge, attitudes and beliefs toward screening and
and a purposeful selection strategy was used to select vaccination among rural and urban women
exploratory multivariable models identifying covariates As presented in table 3, few women had ever been previ-
that were independently associated with screening ously screened for cervical cancer (4% rural, 9%
status.17 Comparisons for rural and urban strata were urban), while acceptability of screening among never-
conducted using Pearson’s χ2, Cochran-Armitage test for screened women was very high (90%). Of these women,
trend (modified χ2 for ordinal data) and Fisher’s exact a large proportion would be willing to travel over 2 h to
test (n<5). Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used to compare access a screening clinic, and this proportion was signifi-
between rural and urban continuous, non-normally dis- cantly higher in the rural group than in the urban
tributed variables. Generalised estimating equations with group (60% vs 49%, p<0.001). Many thought that cer-
a logit link and exchangeable working correlation vical cancer was fatal, with significant differences
matrix were used to estimate ORs and 95% CIs while between strata (91% rural, 83% urban, p=0.004), and
accounting for the clustering within villages. Bivariate fewer thought that cervical cancer could be treated
associations were calculated and variables associated at (63% rural, 67% urban, p=0.32). There was a significant
p<0.25 were included in preliminary models and were difference ( p=0.02) in perception of their own personal
subsequently removed until all remaining variables were risk for cervical cancer among strata (62% rural, 71%
significant, p<0.05. No variables had more than 5% urban).
missing data. Collinearity diagnostics and overall The primary source of cervical cancer awareness was
goodness-of-fit measures were assessed for each model. through the media, with 73%, 22% and 13% indicating
All statistical analyses were performed using SAS V.9.3 the radio, television and newspaper, respectively.
(SAS Institute Inc, Cary, North Carolina, USA). A higher proportion of rural women had heard of cer-
vical cancer through the radio, while television was a
more frequent source for urban women. Word-of-mouth
RESULTS was also a common route of information (21%) and
The survey achieved a 97% and 98% response rate for awareness through church members was more often
rural and urban areas, respectively. Interviewer-reported reported by rural women. Relatively few women had
validity and quality measures were collected for each heard of cervical cancer from a healthcare provider
survey, and those identified as invalid surveys by inter- (13%), and far fewer had heard of it through their edu-
viewers were excluded (n=11). Eight participants were cation or schooling (1%). Almost 30% of women had
excluded for being outside the targeted 18–55 age ever directly known someone with cervical cancer, which
group and women were categorised based on their was similar among rural and urban women.
reported living environments rather than sampling loca- Few women had heard of the HPV vaccine, with sig-
tion, leading to a final study sample size of 272 urban nificant differences in the proportion between rural and
and 303 rural women. urban strata (table 4). Of those that had heard of the
vaccine, the majority had awareness through the radio
Sociodemographic and health characteristics (70%), television (20%) or healthcare interactions
of the sample (12%). Despite low awareness, most believed (80%) that
Characteristics of the participants are shown in table 1. their friends or family would support HPV vaccination.
Mean age was 34 years (SD: 9.7, range 18–55), and most A similar proportion believed that they would have
were married (66%) and in monogamous relationships access to clinics or doctors to receive the vaccination,
(96%). Urban women were younger, with greater educa- although this was significantly different ( p=0.03)
tion and higher socioeconomic status than women in between rural and urban women (75% and 83%,
rural areas. Most rural women (77%) worked as farmers, respectively). In terms of general vaccination attitudes,
while most urban women (65%) worked or owned small nearly all women (98%) believed that vaccinations were
businesses related to tourism, dining/restaurants and tai- beneficial, and a moderate proportion (65%) were
loring. Approximately 14% of women said that they had willing to pay for vaccines if they were not offered free.
health insurance, with no differences between strata. Women were willing to travel to receive vaccinations,
Health characteristics of participants are shown in with many women agreeing to travel for longer than 2 h
table 2. Most women rated their health status as ‘Fair’ or (55% rural, 42% urban).

Cunningham MS, et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e005828. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828 3

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828 on 10 March 2015. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on September 11, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 1 Sociodemographic characteristics among rural and urban women in the study population
Characteristic Total (n=575) % (n) Rural (n=303) % (n) Urban (n=272) % (n) p Value
Mean (±SD) 33.8 (9.7) 36.2 (9.7) 31.2 (8.9) <0.001*
<30 38.0 (215) 27.5 (82) 49.6 (133) <0.001†
30–39 32.9 (186) 34.2 (102) 31.3 (84)
40–49 21.4 (121) 26.9 (80) 15.3 (41)
≥50 7.8 (44) 11.4 (34) 3.7 (10)
Marital status
Single 13.7 (78) 10.3 (31) 17.6 (47) <0.001†
Partner 8.6 (49) 4.3 (13) 13.5 (36)
Married 65.6 (373) 74.2 (224) 55.8 (149)
Separated 6.7 (38) 4.6 (14) 9.0 (24)
Divorced 0.4 (2) 0.7 (2) 0.0 (0)
Widow 5.1 (29) 6.0 (18) 4.1 (11)
Partnership type
Monogamy 95.8 (406) 97.7 (31) 92.8 (47) 0.015†
Polygamy 4.3 (18) 2.3 (6) 7.2 (12)
Christian 82.9 (474) 95.0 (287) 69.3 (187) <0.001†
Muslim 17.1 (98) 5.0 (15) 30.7 (83)
Chagga 68.2 (391) 84.8 (256) 49.8 (135) <0.001†
Pare 12.4 (71) 5.6 (17) 19.9 (54)
Other 19.4 (111) 9.6 (29) 30.3 (82)
Monthly household income (TSH)
<20 000 42.7 (241) 62.2 (184) 21.2 (57) <0.001‡
20 000–39 999 22.5 (127) 22.6 (67) 22.3 (60)
40 000–59 999 11.2 (63) 7.4 (22) 15.2 (41)
60 000–79 999 4.4 (25) 0.7 (2) 8.6 (23)
80 000–99 999 3.2 (18) 1.7 (5) 4.8 (13)
≥100 000 16.1 (91) 5.4 (16) 27.9 (75)
Housewife/farmer 51.0 (284) 76.6 (226) 22.1 (58) <0.001§
Small business 38.4 (214) 15.0 (44) 64.6 (170)
Professional 2.0 (11) 1.4 (4) 2.7 (7)
Student 4.3 (24) 4.1 (12) 4.6 (12)
Teacher 2.3 (13) 1.7 (5) 3.0 (8)
Health professional 2.0 (11) 1.0 (3) 3.0 (8)
Educational attainment
Primary or less 8.4 (48) 10.9 (33) 5.5 (15) <0.001‡
Secondary (to Form 4) 65.8 (377) 74.5 (225) 56.1 (152)
Secondary complete 21.6 (124) 11.9 (36) 32.5 (88)
College/University 4.2 (24) 2.7 (8) 5.9 (16)
Health insurance
No 86.0 (485) 85.8 (254) 86.2 (231) 0.896†
Yes 14.0 (79) 14.2 (42) 13.8 (37)
Number of births
Mean (±SD) 2.7 (2.1) 3.5 (2.2) 1.9 (1.5) <0.001*
None 14.7 (84) 7.6 (23) 22.6 (61) <0.001‡
1–2 36.8 (211) 30.7 (93) 43.7 (118)
3–4 31.1 (178) 34.3 (104) 27.4 (74)
>4 17.5 (100) 27.4 (83) 6.3 (17)
Daughter aged 10–25
No 60.4 (347) 51.5 (156) 70.2 (191) <0.001†
Yes 39.7 (228) 48.5 (147) 29.8 (81)
*Wilcoxon rank-sum test.
†Pearson’s χ2 test.
‡Cochran-Armitage test for trend.
§Fisher’s exact test.

4 Cunningham MS, et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e005828. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828 on 10 March 2015. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on September 11, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 2 Health characteristics among rural and urban women in the study population
Characteristic Total (n=575) % (n) Rural (n=303) % (n) Urban (n=272) % (n) p Value
Self-reported health status
Excellent 3.2 (18) 2.7 (8) 3.7 (10) 0.001*
Very good 6.4 (36) 6.7 (20) 5.9 (16)
Good 34.7 (197) 26.3 (78) 44.1 (119)
Fair 51.3 (291) 58.6 (174) 43.3 (117)
Poor 4.4 (25) 5.7 (17) 3.0 (8)
No 99.1 (564) 99.3 (298) 98.9 (266) 0.671†
Yes 0.9 (5) 0.7 (2) 1.1 (3)
HIV positive
No 99.0 (567) 99.3 (300) 98.5 (267) 0.429†
Yes 0.9 (5) 0.7 (2) 1.1 (3)
Currently using contraception (any)
No 57.5 (319) 55.6 (164) 59.6 (155) 0.339‡
Yes 42.5 (236) 44.4 (131) 40.4 (105)
Ever had intercourse
No 7.0 (40) 3.3 (10) 11.1 (30) <0.001‡
Yes 93.0 (533) 96.7 (292) 88.9 (241)
Age of sexual debut
Mean (±SD) 19.8 (3.2) 19.6 (3.2) 19.9 (3.3) 0.794§
<16 6.4 (32) 6.5 (18) 6.5 (14) 0.973‡
16–23 82.1 (409) 82.4 (229) 81.8 (180)
≥24 11.5 (57) 11.2 (31) 11.8 (26)
Lifetime number of sexual partners
None 7.2 (41) 3.3 (10) 11.7 (31) 0.201*
1 64.1 (363) 68.8 (207) 58.9 (156)
2–3 25.6 (145) 24.9 (75) 26.4 (70)
≥4 3.0 (17) 3.0 (9) 3.0 (8)
*Cochran-Armitage test for trend.
†Fisher’s exact test.
‡Pearson’s χ2 test.
§Wilcoxon rank-sum test.

Perceived barriers to cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccine’s safety as compared to urban women (11% rural,
vaccination among rural and urban women 6% urban, p=0.03).
Women were asked to select all reasons why they had not
yet been screened for cervical cancer (table 5). The largest Determinants of cervical cancer screening status
barrier reported by women was being unaware that pre- In a multivariate model of women in the rural stratum,
ventative screening tests exist (67%). In addition, about condom users had higher odds of being screened for
half anticipated not being able to afford the test or the cervical cancer (OR=6.44, 95% CI 1.12 to 37.1). Among
travel costs associated with it, and a quarter considered the urban women, older age groups had significantly higher
opportunity cost of taking time off work to be a barrier. odds of being screened (OR=4.14, 95% CI 1.86 to 9.24
Travel distance to healthcare facilities was also a prohibitive and OR=8.38, 95% CI 2.10 to 33.4 for the 40–49 and
factor and was more frequently reported among rural than >50 age groups, respectively) and we found a marginal
urban women (27% vs 12%, p<0.001). The greatest association that single women had lower odds of being
concern (50% rural, 46% urban, p=0.40) among women screened than married women (OR=0.11, 95% CI 0.01
regarding the HPV vaccine was the perceived costs asso- to 1.04). Health insurance (OR=4.15, 95% CI 1.52 to
ciated with the vaccination. This was followed by shared 11.4) and knowledge of cervical cancer (OR=5.81, 95%
concerns among women in strata regarding the unknown CI 1.58 to 21.4) were strongly associated with being
future side effects (41%), short-term side effects (20%), screened among urban women.
safety of the vaccine’s administration (19%), social accept-
ability (16%), availability (13%), effectiveness (11%) and Acceptability of HPV vaccination
conformity with religious beliefs (6%). The concern of In rural and urban strata, acceptance of the HPV
promiscuity/encouragement of early sex was significantly vaccine among participants was very high, with 93% of
different between strata (p<0.001), with more women in participants intending to definitely accept the vaccine if
rural areas concerned. Significantly more women in rural it were to become available in Tanzania. Women were
areas were also concerned about previous testing of the also asked to predict their husband or partner’s

Cunningham MS, et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e005828. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828 5

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828 on 10 March 2015. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on September 11, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 3 Cervical cancer knowledge and attitudes among Table 4 Human papillomavirus (HPV) knowledge and
rural and urban women in the study population attitudes among rural and urban women in the study
Total Rural Urban population
(n=575) (n=303) (n=272) Total Rural Urban
Variable % (n) % (n) % (n) p Value* (n=575) (n=303) (n=272)
Variable % (n) % (n) % (n) p Value*
Aware of the disease†
No 17.6 (101) 17.5 (53) 17.7 (48) 0.96 Heard of the HPV vaccine
Yes 82.4 (474) 82.5 (250) 82.4 (224) No 91.0 (523) 88.5 (268) 93.8 (255) 0.027
Source of awareness Yes 9.0 (52) 11.6 (35) 6.3 (17)
Church 8.44 (40) 13.6 (34) 2.68 (6) <0.001 Willing to definitely accept the HPV vaccine
Family/ 20.5 (97) 20.4 (51) 20.5 (46) 0.97 No 6.8 (39) 7.0 (21) 6.6 (18) 0.904
friend Yes 93.1 (532) 93.0 (280) 93.3 (252)
Healthcare 12.7 (60) 13.6 (34) 11.6 (26) 0.51 Believes husband/partner will definitely accept HPV
Studies 1.27 (6) 0.80 (2) 1.79 (224) 0.43‡ vaccine
Newspaper 12.7 (60) 10.8 (27) 14.7 (33) 0.20 No 36.3 (205) 37.9 (113) 34.3 (92) 0.375
Radio 72.8 (345) 80.4 (201) 64.3 (144) <0.001 Yes 63.8 (361) 62.1 (185) 65.7 (176)
Television 22.2 (105) 8.00 (20) 40.0 (85) <0.001 Believes family/friends will support the HPV vaccine
Adequate knowledge cervical cancer† No 19.9 (114) 21.6 (65) 18.1 (49) 0.294
No 86.9 (411) 91.2 (277) 82.1 (184) <0.001 Yes 80.1 (458) 78.4 (236) 81.9 (222)
Yes 13.1 (62) 8.82 (22) 17.9 (40) Believes they are able to access a clinic/doctor for
Known someone with cervical cancer vaccination
No 73.8 (417) 71.7 (213) 76.1 (204) 0.235 No 21.0 (120) 24.6 (74) 17.0 (46) 0.027
Yes 26.2 (148) 28.3 (84) 23.9 (64) Yes 79.0 (451) 75.4 (227) 83.0 (224)
Ever screened for cervical cancer Believes vaccines are beneficial
No 93.7 (538) 95.7 (290) 91.5 (248) 0.040 No 1.6 (9) 1.0 (3) 2.2 (6) 0.319†
Yes 6.8 (39) 4.3 (13) 8.5 (23) Yes 98.4 (564) 99.0 (299) 97.8 (265)
If not, would accept cervical cancer screening Willing to pay for vaccines
No 10.2 (55) 10.9 (32) 9.4 (23) 0.557 No 35.2 (201) 33.9 (102) 36.7 (99) 0.488
Yes 89.8 (485) 89.1 (262) 90.7 (223) Yes 64.8 (370) 66.0 (199) 63.3 (171)
Max distance willing to travel Max. time willing to travel for vaccination
<30 min 18.5 (72) 16.7 (35) 20.7 (37) <0.01 <30 min 25.7 (146) 20.8 (62) 31.1 (84) <0.001‡
1h 26.5 (103) 23.3 (49) 30.2 (54) 1h 25.7 (146) 24.2 (72) 27.4 (74)
≥2 h 55.0 (214) 60.0 (126) 49.2 (88) ≥2 h 48.6 (276) 55.0 (164) 41.5 (112)
Believes cervical cancer is fatal *Pearson’s χ2.
No 12.8 (73) 9.0 (27) 17.0 (46) 0.004 †Fisher’s exact test.
Yes 87.2 (498) 91.0 (273) 83.0 (225) ‡Cochran-Armitage test for trend.
Believes cervical cancer can be treated
No 34.9 (197) 36.9 (108) 32.8 (89) 0.317
Yes 65.1 (367) 63.1 (185) 67.2 (182) prevalence of screening for cervical cancer was
Believes they are at risk for cervical cancer extremely low at 6%, in close agreement with the 5-year
No 33.4 (192) 37.6 (114) 28.7 (78) 0.023 screening prevalence estimated for developing countries
Yes 66.6 (383) 62.4 (189) 71.3 (194) by the WHO (5%).6 Screening in rural and urban
Believes their daughter is at risk for cervical cancer women in this study was lower than the 23% figure
No 35.1 (80) 38.8 (57) 28.4 (23) 0.116
reported among rural women in one previous study of
Yes 64.9 (148) 61.2 (90) 71.6 (58)
the Kilimanjaro region18; selective or clustered sampling
*Pearson’s χ2.
†Adequate knowledge of cervical cancer was ‘yes’ to “Have you may have biased estimates in other studies. In terms of
heard of (1) cancer and, (2) the cervix?” and “Have you heard of personal risk for cervical cancer, the majority of women
cervical cancer?” and ‘women’ to “Who can develop cervical in this study perceived that they were susceptible to the
cancer?” Awareness of cervical cancer was ‘yes’ to “Have you
heard of cervical cancer?” disease. This finding is encouraging, as some studies in
‡Fisher’s exact test. the developing world have reported that a large propor-
tion of women do not believe they are at risk.19
Despite differences on several measures, and findings
acceptance of the vaccine: while there was no difference
of low vaccine-related knowledge, both rural and urban
across urban/rural strata, women’s predictions of their
groups reported high acceptance of the HPV vaccine if
husband or partner’s intention to definitely accept the
it were to be available. This is consistent with other low-
vaccine was lower (64%).
resource countries in sub-Saharan Africa, and due to low
knowledge may represent a general attitude towards vac-
DISCUSSION cinations or an attitude toward a vaccine preventing
In this population-based sample of rural and urban cancer. Tanzania currently vaccinates against six diseases
women from the Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania, the through the Expanded Programme on Immunisation

6 Cunningham MS, et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e005828. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828 on 10 March 2015. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on September 11, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Table 5 Self-reported barriers or concerns toward cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination among rural and urban
women in the study population
Barrier or concern Total (n=478) % (n) Rural (n=258) % (n) Urban (n=220) % (n) p Value*
Cervical cancer screening
Unaware of screening tests 66.5 (322) 63.4 (166) 70.3 (156) 0.108†
Cannot take time off work 25.6 (124) 25.6 (67) 25.7 (57) 0.979†
Other priorities in household 3.72 (18) 6.11 (16) 0.90 (2) 0.003‡
Husband would not approve 4.13 (20) 5.75 (15) 2.25 (5) 0.067‡
Does not have someone to go with 7.02 (34) 8.78 (23) 4.95 (11) 0.101†
Cannot afford to pay for a test 49.3 (239) 48.3 (127) 50.5 (112) 0.635†
Travel distance is too far 20.0 (97) 26.6 (70) 12.2 (27) <0.001†
HPV vaccination§
Safety of the vaccine’s administration 19.1 (110) 18.8 (57) 19.5 (53) 0.840†
Short-term side effects 19.7 (113) 18.2 (55) 21.3 (58) 0.339†
Unknown future side effects 40.7 (234) 42.2 (128) 39.0 (106) 0.425†
Risk of encouraging earlier sex 14.3 (82) 19.8 (60) 8.1 (22) <0.001†
Conformity with religious beliefs 6.3 (36) 7.9 (24) 4.4 (12) 0.080†
Effectiveness of vaccine 10.6 (61) 12.9 (39) 8.1 (22) 0.063†
Cost of vaccination 47.8 (275) 49.5 (150) 46.0 (125) 0.395†
Availability 13.0 (75) 13.9 (42) 12.2 (33) 0.538†
Previous testing of vaccine’s safety 8.2 (47) 10.6 (32) 5.5 (15) 0.027†
Social acceptability 15.5 (89) 16.2 (49) 14.7 (40) 0.628†
*Note: choosing multiple barriers/concerns were allowed.
†Pearson’s χ2 test.‡Fisher’s exact test.
§Note: sample size for HPV vaccination portion of the survey was the follows: total (n=575), rural (n=303), urban (n=272).
HPV, human papillomavirus.

(EPI) and uptake of these vaccinations has been high, their partner; however, in general it has been suggested
reaching 75% of children aged 12–23 months.20 that women make the majority of health decisions for
Our findings suggest that popular media sources, such their children in these contexts.26 28 Nevertheless, when
as the TV and radio, are important sources for cervical asked about decision-making, women expected that the
cancer and HPV-related knowledge dissemination, con- decision to vaccinate would be made by both parents
sistent with findings from other low-resource areas.21 together, and so investigating vaccination attitudes
The content or accuracy of these messages was not inves- among men may be of interest to future studies.
tigated in the present study and may be a future In general, reported barriers to cervical cancer screen-
research direction; empirical studies examining message ing were similar among rural and urban women. Similar
framing of the HPV vaccine have been studied mostly to findings from other studies in developing coun-
within the USA,22–24 and there may be cultural prefer- tries,40–42 the primary barrier to being screened was not
ences to be explored. Community-based routes of infor- knowing that preventative screening tests existed, along
mation, such as church, were also common in rural with socioeconomic factors. Our findings on perceived
areas. barriers towards vaccination suggest that financial bar-
Within the past few years there has been a growing riers are an important concern among both groups, con-
body of literature on the psychosocial aspects of HPV sistent with other studies.27 30 Although the vaccine is
vaccination within sub-Saharan African countries,21 25–38 expected to be administered for free, the financial
revealing that HPV vaccine-related awareness and knowl- burden associated with access to the vaccination should
edge is quite low, however intention to vaccinate with be minimised, and further reductions at the policy level
the HPV vaccine is high. Most studies were conducted in may be important towards increasing access for those
urban or semiurban environments, and were conveni- outside the age range who wish to vaccinate.43 Concerns
ence samples collected from clinics, communities and of the vaccine’s safety and side effects are also important
schools/universities. Recommendation from a health- barriers to address; and, history has shown that misinfor-
care provider and endorsement by the government were mation generated by publicity campaigns, such as that
two important cues to action for vaccine acceptance, during the tetanus toxoid vaccination in Tanzania,
and perceived barriers such as cost and accessibility present major barriers toward acceptance.44
appeared to be important.39 In terms of the determinants of screening status,
Although women themselves reported their intention among the urban strata, older women were more likely
of high acceptance of a HPV vaccine, their husband/ to have ever been screened for cervical cancer, which
partner’s acceptance of the vaccine was lower. Women may reflect more lifetime contact with health services
may not have felt confident to speak on their behalf of and opportunities to be screened. Marital status was

Cunningham MS, et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e005828. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828 7

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828 on 10 March 2015. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on September 11, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
marginally associated with screening; independently of pilot-tested, a limitation of this study is the use of a
age, single women were less likely to be screened than survey that has not been tested for validity or reliability.
partnered or married women. This association is consist- The survey results were self-reported and social desirabil-
ent with several other studies in developing settings, ity may have influenced answers to sensitive questions,
including an analysis of World Health Survey data in 14 such as those on sexual behaviours.
low-income countries.45–47 Lack of social support may Cervical cancer screening programmes that are afford-
manifest as a screening barrier in women who do not able, acceptable, and effective remain a priority, and the
want to visit screening clinics alone, particularly when ethics of implementing such programmes should be
they have to travel long distances to access them.41 42 considered in light of the availability of treatment. The
Studies of cervical screening have also observed that introduction of a quadrivalent vaccine that protects
women are often encouraged to be screened by against 70% of cervical cancer cases is a promising and
members of their social network, including family important shift toward prevention of this disease and
members, partners and friends.47–49 Cervical cancer recently announced demonstration plans by Global
knowledge was a strong predictor of screening status, Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) repre-
though only among urban women. While directionality sent an important step toward national introduction of
of the association cannot be assessed in this cross- the HPV vaccine in Tanzania.
sectional study, knowledge of the disease and its pre- Our findings suggest that acceptance of screening and
vention may motivate women to seek screening them- HPV vaccination are high; however, public education on
selves and has been noted as an important determinant both are required, and there are particular concerns
in most studies of cervical screening uptake.48–50 that could be addressed within campaigns in order to
Health insurance was associated with being screened, ensure high, widespread acceptance, including empha-
which is consistently supported as an important pre- sising the safety of the HPV vaccine and the importance
dictor of screening status in developed and developing of screening even in asymptomatic women. In the
countries.39 40 50 future, research may focus on conducting in-depth inter-
In contrast, in rural areas, access barriers may prevent views or focus groups to study the attitudes of men
women from being screened even if they have previous towards the HPV vaccine or assessing general attitudes
knowledge of screening and/or health insurance. A pre- towards the vaccinations of boys; it may also be of inter-
vious study of screening uptake in the Moshi Rural dis- est to reassess attitudes and barriers once educational
trict of Kilimanjaro noted that when all factors were and social mobilisation campaigns have occurred in
examined simultaneously, only living close to a screening these areas, as well as studying vaccine message framing
facility and knowledge of cervical cancer were signifi- and effectiveness in Tanzania.
cantly associated with screening status, and this knowl-
Twitter Follow Karen Yeates at @yeatesk
edge may have been gained through the screening
Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge and thank the
procedure itself.18 Condom use was associated with
women who participated in this study. The authors also acknowledge the
increased likelihood of screening in the rural sample. work of our research assistants and colleagues at Pamoja Tunaweza Women’s
Women who rely on condoms as a contraceptive method Center (Moshi, Tanzania), and would like to especially thank Peter Kivumbi for
may be more empowered, health conscious, have sup- his work on this project.
portive partners and/or regular access to healthcare Contributors MSC, ES, RF and PJ performed data collection under the
clinics. guidance of all other authors. MSC and ES performed the statistical analysis
These findings are timely given the recent announce- and drafted the manuscript with the support of KJA. All authors contributed
ments of upcoming vaccine demonstration projects in to the conception, study design and review of this paper.
Tanzania. Strengths include the use of a multistage Funding This work was supported by the Pure Art Foundation and the
sampling strategy to investigate a population-based authors of this study.
sample that was large enough to make valid rural and Competing interests None.
urban comparisons. Comparison of the demographic Patient consent Obtained.
characteristics of participants to findings from the
Ethics approval Health Sciences Research Ethics Board (Queen’s University,
nationwide Demographic Health Survey (DHS) con-
Canada), the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Center Ethics Board and the
ducted in Tanzania in 2010 illustrates that our sample National Institute for Medical Research (Tanzania).
has concordant findings on education, parity, smoking
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
status and sexual behaviours such as contraception
use.20 Although the sample is believed to be representa- Data sharing statement Additional data collected during this survey are
available on request to KJA.
tive of the Kilimanjaro Region, the findings may not be
generalisable to other regions with different sociodemo- Open Access This is an Open Access article distributed in accordance with
the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license,
graphic characteristics. Another strength of this study is
which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this work non-
the use of multivariable modelling to identify associa- commercially, and license their derivative works on different terms, provided
tions with screening status while taking into account the the original work is properly cited and the use is non-commercial. See: http://
clustered nature of the data. Although the survey was creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/

8 Cunningham MS, et al. BMJ Open 2015;5:e005828. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828

Open Access

BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005828 on 10 March 2015. Downloaded from http://bmjopen.bmj.com/ on September 11, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
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