High-Melting Materials For Rockets A N D Cosmic Missiles
High-Melting Materials For Rockets A N D Cosmic Missiles
High-Melting Materials For Rockets A N D Cosmic Missiles
The author contends that with the given h a r d n e s s value particularly in r e g a r d to strength c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s because
mechanical p r o p e r t i e s determined by tensile t e s t s are not impact toughness is not clearly correlated to h a r d -
affected by the initial s t r u c t u r a l composition (see Fig. 5 ) , hess.
*~R. Sassner, Metal P r o g r e s s , No. 5, 1960. Review of
p a p e r s submitted to the Conference of Metallurgists in the
United States, 1960 f r o m data of E k s p r e s s - i n f o r m a t s i y a .
~,~Mach number is the speed of sound as it depends on the
medium, t e m p e r a t u r e , etc. -Z40 -f~ 2JJ~ r ,~r 17~ ~
~,~Specific strength is the ratio of ultimate tensile strength
in k g / m m 2 to specific weight in g / c m 2. Fig. 2. Plasticity v e r s u s t e m p e r a t u r e .
t u r e would range f r o m 3300 to 6200~ calling for r e g e n e r a - either etched away or polished off. At t e m p e r a t u r e s of
tive cooling even for high-melting m e t a l s . Regenerative 1300 to 1400~ 63 m m nozzles with a diameter of 100 m m
cooling cannot be introduced to the new engine with a can be produced f r o m 1.8 m m thick tungsten sheet.
service t e m p e r a t u r e of 1650 to 220~ Both types of engine
will require great amounts of electric power which can be Even small amounts of additives affect plasticity. Niobium
obtained f r o m an atomic t u r b o g e n e r a t o r with a t e m p e r a t u r e alloy F48, for instance, can be bent into p a r t s even at a
of the heat c a r r i e r f r o m 930 to l l 0 0 ~ t e m p e r a t u r e of minus 70~ with a content of 0.003% C but
with 0.05 to 0.08% C the t e m p e r a t u r e of transition into the
The yearly r e q u i r e m e n t of high-melting m e t a l s in the plastic state is 150~ Before submitting a niobium or molyb-
United States is relatively small due to their limited use denum sheet to appreciable deformation the contaminated
(about 500 ton) If n e c e s s a r y the following quantities may 0.075 to 0.125 m m thick surface layer m u s t be removed by
be produced: 10,000 ton tungsten, molybdenum and niobium; sand blasting to avoid the development of cracks d.uring
100 to 1000 ton tantalum and 100 ton r h e n i u m . However, deformation.
cost will r e m a i n high.
R. Frank of the General Electric Company contends
A r e s e a r c h project for high-melting sheet m a t e r i a l s that welding by electronic beam is the basic future method
has been developed. The project includes the development of welding high-melting m e t a l s . In using electronic beam
of alloys, coating methods, quality standards and analyti- welding the searas are endowed with increased plasticity as
cal determinations. At the initial stage of r e s e a r c h the a r e s u l t of degassing the metal under vacuum and grain
conditions and production methods of high-quality sheet will refinement.
be determined. At the second stage mechanical c h a r a c t e r -
istics and other p r o p e r t i e s of these m a t e r i a l s will be Seams in tantalum, niobium and niobium alloys were
established. At the third stage, production p r o c e s s e s of plastic at r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e w h e r e a s s e a m s in tungsten
sheet p a r t s on an industrial scale and the design of instal- and in molybdenum in molybdenum alloys proved brittle
lations will be investigated. although somewhat m o r e plastic than the base metal.
Attempts are being made to enhance the plasticity of s e a m s
At the p r e s e n t time, the r e s e a r c h project is in its by method of hot deformation applied to the s e a m zone after
initial stage. The Universal--Cyclops Steel Company welding. E. Waisert of the Marquardt Corporation found that
concluded a contract for the production of 3500 kg/high- by using a molbydenum alloy with 0.5% Ti as an additive
quality molybdenum sheet (up to 910 x 2400 ram). The during the welding of wire rod made of a molybdenum alloy
crucible Steel Company of A m e r i c a will manufacture highly with 35 atomic % Re, the s e a m is plastic and r e s i s t s an 80%
plastic niobium sheet with an ultimate tensile strength of bend at r o o m t e m p e r a t u r e along a radius which is equal to
70 k g / m m 2 while Sylvania Electric Products Inc. is working the thickness of the sheet. However, the s e a m becomes s o m e -
on a molybdenum alloy sheet made by powder metallurgical what brittle and is applied to a h e a t - r e s i s t a n t coating which
method. A r m o u r R e s e a r c h Foundation investigates the p o s - may be due to the formation of the alpha-phase. This
sibility of producing molybdenum by KroU p r o c e s s . The undesirable effect may be modified by decreasing the rhenium
Wah Chang company studies the effects of admixtures on the content to 25 atomic %.
quality of molybdenum sheet. Contracts are being prepared
for the production of tungsten sheet. In welding molybdenum the contamination of the s e a m
by residual gas is a m a j o r factor. As long as their contents
According to R. Dnykin (Ladish Company) forging is does not exceed 0. 007% the quality of the s e a m r e m a i n s high.
used as an intermediate operation in the production of high- With a content of about 0.1% c r a c k s and other imperfections
melting m e t a l s . Molybdenum forgings, for instance, are develop in the s e a m . Insofar as residual gas is usually
as complex as titanium forgings. P a r t s with a surface a r e a located along grain boundaries, c o a r s e - g r a i n e d material is
of about 950 cm 2 have a m i n i m u m thickness of 9 to 12 ram. m o r e susceptible to contamination.
The sizes of the forgings a r e limited by the ingot sizes. In the welded s e a m s of niobium alloys it is important to
Ring-shaped molybdenum forgings for nozzle a p p a r a t u s e s attain optimal m i c r o s t r u c t u r e by way of subsequent heat
have a 350 to 380 m m diameter. Nozzle p a r t s f r o m tungsten treatment. Heat treatment of the welded p a r t c a r r i e d out at
were produced by closed-die forging and heated by electrical 1065 produces seam b r i t t l e n e s s in Fasteel-82 alloy, for
induction, their diameter not exceeding 215 ram. A 1100 kg instance. In o r d e r to have a plastic seam, annealing m u s t be
forging was produced f r o m a niobium ingot with 1% Zr and applied at 1150 to 1200~ and only then should the part be
a diameter of 380 m m . The cost of the forging is high -- submitted to hardening at 1065~ By analogy, the seam of
a "J7 ~' molybdenum turbine blade came to $280 per kilogram. F-48 alloy can only be bent by 10 ~ after welding whereas a
105 ~ bend is achieved after annealing at 1370~ (the radius
To d e c r e a s e oxidation during forging the use of f u r n a - is equal to the tripled thickness of the sheet).
ces which allow heating to 1870 in protective a t m o s p h e r e
is recommended. F o r tungsten the t e m p e r a t u r e of initial High-melting m e t a l s are also satisfactorily joined by
heating during forging is 1850~ As forging p r o g r e s s e d contact welding.
(and the recrystallization t e m p e r a t u r e was lowered) the
heating t e m p e r a t u r e was decreased so that the high p r o p e r - F o r continuous hard soldering of molybdenum and its
ties are retained as obtained in the " w a r m " deformation of alloys a Cr - Ni - P d alloy was developed to serve as an
high-melting m e t a l s . additive (instead of a Si = B alloy which f o r m s brittle
l a y e r s in soldering). In soldering high-melting metals with
In using the above forging techniques oxidation poses no Ni alloys, plastic contact l a y e r s are only produced by using
p r o b l e m s even during heating in air; m o r e o v e r , the oxides a Cu - Pt alloy.
act as effective lubricants. However, in forging niobium and
tantalum special coatings are employed for protection against It is noteworthy that in determining the plasticity of
oxidation. a high-melting metal the rate of load application is v e r y
important. A molybdenum alloy specimen, for instance,
According to the practice of the Aerojet General shows almost no elongation when submitted to tension for
Company the bending of p a r t s manufactured f r o m high- 100 seconds (or l e s s ) . The s a m e alloy tested at a tensile
melting sheet does not involve any difficulties. Plasticity speed of about 0. 005 r a m / r a m x rain (total testing time about
is enhanced in some c a s e s by heating with an oxygen- 600 seconds) is elongated by almost 42%. However, elonga-
acetylene flame. L o s s e s are negligible and the scale is tion does not increase despite slower load application. The
kg/mm ,
ultimate strength of an N-155 alloy at 1150~ is 1.4; 4.2
and 7.7 k g / m m 2 , respectively, at a rate of load application
of 10 -5 x 10 -3 and 10 -2 r a m / r a m x s e c .