Public Service Regulaion
Public Service Regulaion
Public Service Regulaion
Public Service
Public Service
An attempt has therefore been made, through the Public Service Regulations 2001,
to depart from management practices of an era long gone and to herald in a new public
management, one free from rules and regulations that to date constrain rather than sup-
port management.
Managerial paradigm shifts are taking place in line with the socio-economic devel-
opment of our country. The cheese has Moved! As Minister with responsibility for the
Public Service, I am satisfied with these efforts which have been made to improve on the
Public Service Regulations 1997 and in this regard express thanks and appreciation to
the Joint Staff Relations Council for the commendable work it did to bring about a set of
regulations more conducive to modern management practices.
I am confident that these Regulations will assist managers and supervisors to more
effectively cope with the challenges of human resource management and lend to greater
overall effectiveness of the Public Service.
Minister for the Public Service
His Excellency the Governor General, in accordance with Section 106 (3) of the
Constitution, has, on the advice of the Minister responsible for the Public Service, signed
into Law the Public Service Regulations 2001. These Revised Regulations are intro-
duced five (5) years after the Public Service Regulations 1997 came into effect.
The Regulations govern the conditions of service of public officers appointed un-
der Sections 106, 110D and 110F of the Constitution. They are, however, not intended to
supplant entirely, departmental instructions of a technical nature issued by Heads of De-
partments, providing such instructions are not inconsistent with these Regulations.
A new feature of the Regulations is the absence of the powers of the Public Ser-
vices Commission as provided for in Section 106 (1) of the Constitution. Provisions
emanating from these powers are embodied in the Public Services Commission Regula-
tions 2001.
The Public Service Regulations 2001 reflect a more modern, decentralized approach
to the management of the Public Service. Nevertheless, one is ever mindful of the need
for continuous improvement. The revision process will therefore be an ongoing one in
keeping with the changing environment. Public officers are encouraged to contribute to
the process by making recommendations for further improvements to the Ministry of the
Public Service from time to time.
1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.
3. Application.
4. Affirmation of Secrecy.
129. Advances.
130. Nominal service charge on advances.
131. Requirements on approval of motor vehicle advance.
132. Other advances.
133. Grounds for refusal of advance application.
134. Repayment of advances.
135. Vehicles not to be sold or disposed of without permission.
136. Advance not to be granted within three years of previous advance.
137. Repayment of debt when officers leave the Service.
Residential Quarters
Disaster Management
Use of Telephone
Public Service Regulations, 2001 Belize Constitution 1
of the Constitution;
“Head of Department” –
3. (1) Subject to subregulations (2), (3) and (4) below, the pro- Application.
visions of these Regulations shall apply to all public officers.
(c) an open vote worker to whom the Government S.I. 145 of 1992.
S.I. 111 of 1993.
(Open Vote) Workers Regulations apply; S.I. 37 of 1995.
S.I. 41 of 1997.
(d) an ambassador or High Commissioner;
(e) offices to which sections 107, 108 and 109 of the CAP. 4.
Constitution apply;
Regulations apply (3) Where an officer appointed under section 106, 110D or
to officers acting
in 107 positions.
110F of the Constitution is acting in the office of an officer appointed
CAP. 4. under section 107, 108 or 109 of the Constitution, the provisions of
these Regulations shall apply to that officer.
Affirmation of 4. Every public officer shall, if and when required by his Head
of Department, but as far as possible, immediately after joining the
Public Service, subscribe to the affirmation of office and secrecy set
Schedule. out in the Schedule to these Regulations.
7. When a vacancy occurs in a post, the Chief Executive Of- Procedure for
filling vacancies.
ficer of the Ministry where the vacancy occurs shall report it to the
Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of the Public Service and state his
recommendations for filling the post.
any children of the officer, including legally adopted children and step-
children of the person appointed who are below the age of eighteen
years, unmarried and wholly dependent on the person. The term “pas-
sage” means a passage by a route approved by the Chief Executive
Officer, Ministry of the Public Service, as a normal route which may
include journeys necessarily undertaken in any process of trans-ship-
Signing of bond 10. Persons appointed from overseas to established posts who
or contract.
have received the entitlement outlined in Regulation 9 above, shall
sign a bond or contract to work in the Public Service for a minimum
period of two years.
Criteria for 11. (1) No officer shall be appointed or promoted to a post for
appointment and
promotion. which he is not qualified.
(a) Performance/Merit;
(b) Integrity/Professionalism;
(c) Experience/Employment History.
Clerical examina- 12. (1) Officers in the clerical grade shall be required to sit the
clerical examinations.
Public Service Regulations, 2001 Belize Constitution 7
(2) Officers eligible to sit the clerical promotional examina- Clerical promo-
tion must be confirmed in their appointment and have been successful tional examina-
in the clerical examination.
13. To become eligible for promotion to the post of First Class Promotion to
First Class Clerk.
Clerk, an officer shall:-
(c) meet the criteria set out in paragraphs (a) and (b) of
subregulation (2) of Regulation 11.
Vacation leave 16. An officer shall utilize or be paid in lieu of all vacation leave
earned prior to
earned prior to his departure on secondment.
19. In accordance with section 121 of the Constitution, all public Conduct of
officers gener-
officers shall conduct themselves in such a way as not to:- ally.
CAP. 4.
(a) place themselves in positions in which they have or
could have a conflict of interest;
Substance abuse. 21. (1) The use of alcohol, controlled drugs, intoxicants, narcot-
ics or any other illegal substance is prohibited at the workplace.
Hours of duty. 22. (1) The hours of attendance at work for the various catego-
ries of public officers shall be as determined by the Minister for the
Public Service, and the following applies in respect of hours of duty:-
Absence from 23. (1) No officer may absent himself from duty during working
work during duty
hours without the permission of the Head of the Department in which
he works or such other officer as may be deputed for this purpose by
the Head of Department.
Public Service Regulations, 2001 Belize Constitution 11
24. (1) An officer shall make every effort to contact his Head of Absence from
duty without
Department in the case of illness or other unavoidable circumstances permission.
on the first day of his absence.
26. (1) Every officer, except those who may be exempted by the Attendance
Head of Department, shall sign his name in the Attendance Register
kept in the Department for this purpose and insert the time of his ar-
rival and departure from duty. The Head of Department shall deputize
an officer to examine and initial this Register every day and bring to
his notice any case of habitual or frequent unpunctuality or absentee-
ism on the part of any officer. The Head of Department or such senior
officer as he may designate shall examine this Register at least once
every month.
12 Belize Constitution Public Service Regulations, 2001
Strict punctuality 27. (1) Strict punctuality shall be observed at the workplace. Any
by public officers.
officer who is late without an adequate reason to the satisfaction of the
Head of Department may be subject to a deduction from his salary.
Use of govern- 29. Public Officers are prohibited from using Government
ment vehicles.
vehicles for private purposes.
Public Service Regulations, 2001 Belize Constitution 13
30. The Financial and Stores Orders, together with the Finance Conduct in
financial matters.
and Audit Act, shall govern the conduct of officers in connection with CAP. 5
the receipt, custody and disbursement of public funds and the custody
of Government stores and other assets.
31. (1) Public officers are forbidden to be editors of newspapers Public officers
and the media.
or to take part in the management of newspapers, directly or indirectly.
They may not contribute to any media in Belize or elsewhere on ques-
tions, which may be regarded as party-politics, though they may con-
tribute articles upon subjects of general interest.
33. Public officers shall have access to records personally relat- Access to
personal records.
ing to themselves with the prior permission of their Head of Depart-
ment. The Head of Department may require the public officer to in-
spect the records in his presence or in the presence of some other se-
nior officer.
34. (1) Public officers who may wish to make a representation Representation
from public
regarding matters affecting their conditions of service, should do so officers to
personally or through their accredited union representatives to their members of the
National Assem-
Head of Department and should not directly approach a Member of bly.
the National Assembly. Upon receipt of the representation, the Head
of Department shall:
(3) When the officer has not received a reply within fourteen
(14) working days he shall forward a copy of his representation di-
rectly to the Chief Executive Officer in his Ministry, the Chief Execu-
tive Officer in the Ministry of the Public Service or the relevant Com-
mission, as the case may be.
Legal proceed- 36. (1) Where legal proceedings are instituted against a public
ings against
public officers.
officer in respect of any act or omission committed in the performance
of his duties, such public officer shall be entitled to the cost of legal
assistance if the Director of Public Prosecutions or the Solicitor Gen-
eral advises the Attorney General that it is a proper case for legal assis-
tance and the Attorney General is of the opinion that it is in the public
interest for such assistance to be given.
37. Disputes in the Public Service, which may involve or give Industrial action.
rise to industrial action, shall be determined in accordance with any
law or enactment, which makes provision for the determination of such
38. (1) Without prejudice to the laws relating to essential services, Strikes by public
if an industrial dispute results in a strike, salaries and wages of officers
who go on strike shall not be paid for any day or portion of a day
during which they are on strike.
(3) Any public officer who engages in a strike not arising out
of, or not resulting from an industrial dispute with the employer, ren-
ders himself liable to disciplinary action, including dismissal.
41. (1) Public officers shall conduct themselves with decorum Officers to
conduct them-
while at work so as not to disturb others, and so as to maintain an selves with
atmosphere of efficiency and purposefulness at the workplace. In par- decorum.
ticular, officers shall not engage in loud conversations, sing or play
radios above a barely audible level at the workplace. They shall not
eat or drink in areas to which the public has access.
43. (1) Sexual harassment at the work place is forbidden. Public Sexual harass-
ment forbidden.
officers who engage in sexual harassment shall be liable to disciplin-
ary action, including dismissal.
44. Subject to the exigencies of the Service and to these Regula- Public officers
entitled to leave
tions, officers shall be entitled to leave, as set out in this Part, as of as of right.
45.(1) Authority for grant of vacation leave to individual public Authority for the
grant of leave.
officers is vested in the Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of the Public
Service. General authority is delegated to Chief Executive Officers.
Application for 46. (1) Officers wishing to apply for vacation leave shall do so at
leave and leave
roster. least one month before the date on which they intend to proceed on
such leave.
(4) Where an officer applies for vacation leave, but does not
give at least one month’s notice, such application shall be considered
only where it is in conformity with the roster, or where the Head of
Department is satisfied that the leave is required on the grounds of
urgent private affairs.
Deferment of 47. (1) The granting of vacation leave to an officer may be de-
ferred if it is in the interest of the Service to do so.
Mandatory leave. 48. (1) It is mandatory that officers take at least fifteen (15) days
vacation leave annually in the case of senior officers and ten (10) days
vacation leave in the case of junior officers.
Compulsory 49. When an officer is about to reach his maximum leave entitle-
ment, the Head of Department shall request the officer to take leave.
Public Service Regulations, 2001 Belize Constitution 19
51. Heads of Department are expected to make every effort to Leave not to
entail extra staff.
arrange for performance of an officer’s duties while that officer is on
leave for fourteen (14) consecutive days without extra cost to Govern-
52. (1) Officers applying for leave on the grounds of urgent pri- Leave on urgent
private affairs.
vate affairs must satisfy the person authorized to grant such leave that
the leave is unavoidable. This may be done confidentially if neces-
53. An officer who is retiring from the Public Service may be Payment in lieu of
paid salary in lieu of all vacation leave earned prior to the effective leave prior to
date of his retirement.
54. An officer who resigns from the Public Service may be paid Payment in lieu of
salary in lieu of all vacation leave earned prior to the effective date of leave prior to
55. An officer who is dismissed from the Public Service or whose Payment in lieu of
leave prior to
services are terminated on disciplinary grounds may be paid salary in dismissal or
lieu of all vacation leave earned prior to the effective date of dismissal termination.
or termination.
56. Vacation leave shall be granted on full salary at the rate of:- Vacation leave
1. 27 x 30 = 67.5
1 12
2. 17 x 30 = 1.4
30 12 68.9
1. 27 x 20 = 45
1 12
2. 17 x 20 = .94
30 12 45.94
Periods during 58. Officers shall not earn vacation leave while on:-
which leave is not
(a) study leave exceeding twelve weeks;
(d) secondment;
59. Officers shall not be granted vacation leave until they have Minimum service
for vacation
served for six consecutive months from the date of first appointment, leave.
except on the grounds of urgent private affairs.
60. Officers who earn thirty working days vacation leave per year Maximum
may accumulate up to a maximum of seventy days; officers who earn leave.
twenty days vacation leave per year may accumulate leave up to a
maximum of fifty days.
61. In the event of the death of an officer there shall be paid to his Payment of leave
eligibility on
legal representative or beneficiary, a sum equivalent to the salary that death of officer.
the officer would have received had he been granted all vacation leave
to his credit, at the date of death. Payment should be at the rates pre-
vailing at the date of death.
62. (1) A Head of Department may grant sick leave to officers in Sick leave
his Department, up to sixteen days with full pay in any one calendar
(2) Sick leave for more than one day on any occasion shall
not be granted without a medical certificate.
(3) No more than six days paid sick leave without a medical
certificate shall be allowed in any one calendar year.
63. (1) An officer who has exhausted his sick leave entitlement Sick leave in
excess of
in any one year and requires further sick leave for a period of ten (10 ) entitlement to be
days or less shall be required to utilize vacation leave. treated as
vacation leave.
(2) If the officer has exhausted all vacation leave, the leave
shall be treated as leave without pay.
64. (1) Should the protracted illness of the officer necessitate his Extended sick
continuous absence beyond his normal sick leave eligibility, applica-
tion accompanied by the relevant medical evidence, shall be made to
the Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of the Public Service who may
grant extended sick leave up to a maximum of 180 days on full pay.
22 Belize Constitution Public Service Regulations, 2001
Sick leave on (2) If the illness of the officer exceeds 180 days, the question of
half pay.
his fitness for further service shall be taken up with the Director of Health
Services. On substantial evidence from a Medical Board that full recov-
ery and return to duty is probable, the officer may be granted extension of
sick leave up to a further 180 days on half pay.
Sick leave (3) Sick leave applied for under subregulation (1) above shall be
contingent on
granted only on receipt of a prognosis by the Director of Health Services,
of the officer’s eventual recovery and return to duty.
Retirement (4) If the illness of the officer exceeds 360 days, the officer shall
on medical
be retired from the Public Service on medical grounds.
Sick leave for 65. Sick leave provided for in Regulation 62 may be used by officers
use in case of
illness of
in the case of illness of their spouse or children up to a maximum of five
spouse or (5) calendar days per year.
Officers 66. Where an officer has been frequently absent on sick leave, a Head
absent on sick of Department may, at any time, request the Director of Health Services to
leave may advise on the nature of the officer’s illness or whether the officer should
appear before
a Medical appear before a Medical Board to consider his fitness to continue in Ser-
Board. vice.
Sick leave 68. If an officer falls ill while on vacation leave, and he produces
satisfactory medical evidence to his Head of Department, he shall be cred-
leave. ited with vacation leave equivalent to the number of days not utilized as
vacation leave due to illness.
Maternity 69. (1) All female public officers are entitled to the grant of mater-
nity leave.
(5) Maternity leave shall not be considered as sick leave and Sick leave not a
substitute for
sick leave shall not be granted as a substitute for maternity leave. maternity leave.
70. A public officer is entitled to a total of twelve weeks mater- Maternity leave
nity leave which shall be on full pay. Maternity leave shall be granted
as follows:-
(c) the six weeks before and the six weeks after the date
of confinement shall be mandatory.
71. An officer who has completed less than one hundred and fifty Maternity leave
without pay.
(150) days service and requires maternity leave shall be granted leave
without pay. Such leave shall not be considered as “service” for pen-
sion purposes.
72. Fathers may be granted paternity leave up to five (5) calendar Paternity leave.
days at the time of the birth of their child. The grant of this leave will
be based on the presentation of the certificate of birth.
73. In the event of the death of the mother before the expiration Post natal leave
on death of
of the post natal leave, the father of the child shall be entitled to take mother of child.
leave of a duration equal to the unexpired portion of the post natal
maternity leave.
24 Belize Constitution Public Service Regulations, 2001
Special leave. 74. (1) Special leave on full salary up to one month in any one
year, may be granted by the Head of Department for purposes as he
may deem to be in the public interest such as:-
Special leave in (2) The Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of the Public Ser-
other circum-
vice may grant special leave in other instances to enable officers to do
such things which are considered to be in the Public and National in-
Time off in (3) A Head of Department may grant time off to an employee
interest of the
appointed by the recognized Union to represent its interest.
Leave without 75. Authority for the grant of leave without pay is vested in the
Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of the Public Service, and the fol-
lowing principles shall apply:-
Duty leave. 76. Chief Executive Officers may grant duty leave to officers who
have to be away on official duty.
78. The general direction of training policy for the Public Ser- Training policy
for the Public
vice, including the types and levels of training, is hereby vested in the Service.
Minister responsible for the Public Service.
79. (1) The Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of the Public Ser- Authority for the
grant of study
vice, may grant study leave to an officer where the training is consid- leave.
ered to be of benefit to the Public Service.
80. Officers who have served the Government for a period of Minimum period
of service for
less than two (2) years shall not normally be eligible for the grant of study leave.
study leave.
81. Study leave shall not be approved to an officer to pursue train- Non-approval of
study leave.
ing at a level equivalent to a qualification already possessed by the
82. (1) An officer may be granted study leave on full pay where Study leave on
full pay.
the course of training is:-
83. (1) It is mandatory that all officers, who are granted study Training agree-
leave, sign a bond with the Ministry of the Public Service to serve on
completion of their training.
Duration of (3) The duration of service required by the bond shall vary
service required depending on the duration of the course of training in accordance with
by bond.
the following table:
Amount of bond. (4) The amount of an officer’s bond shall be the estimated
cost of his training, including the salary and allowances payable dur-
ing the period of training. The total amount of such expenditure shall
be the extent of an officer’s indebtedness, and the bond shall be se-
(6) If the officer fails to complete the requisite amount of years Payment to
Government for
in the service of the Government, he shall pay to the Government the failure to com-plete
sum of money which is proportionate to the period of service for which requisite amount of
years in Govern-
he is in default. ment service.
86. (a) The Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of the Public Ser- Study leave
without pay.
vice, may grant leave without pay, for the purpose of training, to an
officer who, on his own initiative, gains entry to or is registered as a
student at an institution of learning and whose course of training is not
based primarily on the needs of the Public Service. Such approval is
subject to the exigencies of the Service.
Study leave for 88. Where an officer wishes to undertake a course of study, at an
more than two
days per week. approved tertiary institution, that would require his absence from duty
for three or more days per week, the officer shall be required to utilize
full time study leave.
In-service 89. (1) The Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of the Public Ser-
programmes. vice, shall notify each Ministry of all in-service training programmes
organized and managed by the Department of Management Services
to be conducted during the following year, and invite nominations of
officers for such training.
Annual report 90. An annual report from the institution of learning shall be sub-
from institution of
learning. mitted on behalf of an officer on study leave to ensure that the officer
is making good use of the leave granted to him and is pursuing with
success the course of training for which leave has been approved.
Obligations while 91. (1) Officers to whom study leave has been approved shall be
on training.
required to:-
(2) Officers who complete their course of training prior to Failure to resume
the expected completion date and who fail to resume duty immedi- duty upon
completion of
ately, providing vacation or other leave has not been approved, will be studies subject to
subject to disciplinary action. disciplinary
92. (1) Every officer shall, within a reasonable time after suc- Officers to
submit copies of
cessful completion of his course of study, submit a copy of his final final reports, etc.
report, dissertation, thesis, etc. to his Chief Executive Officer and an-
other to the Chief Archivist. The reasonable cost for said copies shall
be borne by the Government.
(2) Every officer who has been the recipient of formal train- Officers to
ing may be requested to disseminate the knowledge and skills acquired. disseminate
knowledge and
skills acquired.
93. The Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of the Public Service, Suspension or
termination of
may suspend or terminate study leave if:- study leave.
94. Offers of training awards from international or other organi- Training awards.
zations shall be dealt with on a service basis and not on an ad hoc or
individual basis.
30 Belize Constitution Public Service Regulations, 2001
Penalty for 95. An officer who prematurely terminates his course of training
without prior approval from the Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of
the Public Service, shall be required to pay the Government a sum of
money equal to the commitments he received prior to the premature
termination, and any other amounts actually spent by the Government
in connection with his training.
Nature of (2) (i) The nature of the financial assistance shall be in re-
financial assis-
spect of tuition and cost of books and materials for the course. One
half of the cost, up to a maximum of one thousand five hundred dollars
($1,500) shall be paid to the officer after approval of his application.
Training at local 97. Officers who attend an approved course of training at a local
institution shall be eligible for a tuition grant, subject to the availability
of funds.
Non-refundable 98. A public officer, who on his own initiative applies for and is
expenses for self-
initiated training.
approved study leave to pursue a self-funded course of study, shall not
be considered post facto, for a refund or grant for any portion of the
expenditure incurred for the training.
Public Service Regulations, 2001 Belize Constitution 31
99. Heads of Department are required to follow the guidelines Guidelines for
study leave.
shown in the First Schedule of these Regulations whenever they are First Schedule.
recommending officers for study leave.
100. (1) A scholarship holder shall be provided with half the cost Paid travel costs.
of travel, to the place of study, for the spouse and unmarried children
below the age of eighteen years, up to a maximum of four passages if
they accompany him abroad within a period of one year. Full cost of
travel shall be provided from the place of study to Belize.
101. An officer, on return from study leave, is entitled to the grant Grant of normal
increment on
of a normal increment for each successful year of study. return to duty.
102. An officer who is promoted immediately on his return from Grant of increments
on promotion
study leave shall receive salary in accordance with Regulations 101 immediately on
and 109. return from study
(2) The grant shall not be awarded in cases where the officer
resumes duty after having been unsuccessful in his examinations.
32 Belize Constitution Public Service Regulations, 2001
Salaries for 105. The salaries attached to public offices are and shall be as
public officers. specified in circulars and Regulations, which may from time to time be
issued or made for that purpose.
Officers to 106. (1) Where the salary of any post is scalar, subject to the
receive salary at
provisions of these Regulations, it shall be normal for an officer ap-
scale. pointed to a post to be paid initially the minimum salary of the scale
and for his salary to be increased by annual increments, subject to per-
formance, at the rate provided in the scale until he reaches the maxi-
mum salary.
Incremental date. 107.(1) The incremental date shall be the first day of a month if
an officer’s date of appointment or promotion falls within the first to
the fifteenth day of the month. An officer whose date of appointment
or promotion is after the fifteenth day of the month shall have his in-
cremental date on the first day of the following month.
Salary payable on 109. (1) An officer, on promotion, shall receive a salary the mini-
promotion. mum salary of the post to which he is being promoted; provided that
the difference between his salary and the minimum of the higher post
is not less than two increments on the higher scale.
110. The grant of increments for the various types of qualifica- Increments for
tions shall be as outlined in the Second Schedule to these Regulations. Second Schedule.
111. An officer whose service has been outstanding may be Merit awards.
granted a merit award by the Merit Awards Committee, in accordance
with the approved policy.
113. If the salary of an officer’s post is revised, the officer shall Salary conversion
on revision of an
enter the new scale at a salary which corresponds to the salary he had officer’s post.
reached in the old scale, subject to the condition that where the salary
of the officer is not reflected on the new scale, he shall enter the new
scale at the next highest point to his existing salary. In this case the
officer’s incremental date shall remain unchanged.
114. (1) The payment of an acting allowance shall be approved if Acting allowance.
an officer is required to act for a period of more than fourteen (14)
consecutive days.
116. (1) An officer recruited from abroad shall be entitled to a Housing allow-
monthly Housing Allowance equivalent to thirty percent of his basic
salary for the life of his contract.
34 Belize Constitution Public Service Regulations, 2001
Subsistence and 117.(1) Subsistence allowance and meal allowance shall be pay-
meal allowances.
Third Schedule.
able in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation and an of-
ficer wishing to claim such an allowance shall do so on the form pre-
scribed in the Third Schedule of these Regulations. Subsistence or
meal allowance shall be computed as follows:-
(2) Where an officer on duty is away from his station for more
than twenty-four hours, the payment of subsistence allowance or, as
the case may be, meal allowance, for the period of absence in excess
of twenty-four hours shall be calculated on a pro rata basis as set out
in subregulation (1) above.
Allowance for (3) Absence of more than thirty calendar days shall be gov-
absence of more
than 30 days. erned by Regulation 119.
Bush allowance. 118. Officers holding posts listed in the Fourth Schedule, when
Fourth Schedule. engaged in operations in the bush requiring them to camp away from
Public Service Regulations, 2001 Belize Constitution 35
Allowance in 121. Subsistence and other allowances which may be paid to of-
respect of
traveling on duty ficers, for travel on duty overseas, shall be approved by the Ministry of
abroad. Finance and shall be in accordance with circulars which may from
time to time be issued by the Ministry of Finance for that purpose.
Warm clothing 123. (1) A warm clothing allowance at a prescribed rate shall be
payable to an officer who is required to proceed to a temperate or frigid
country or region, for purposes of duty or study.
Travel allowance. 124. A travel allowance not exceeding the prescribed rate may
be paid to an officer for necessary travel and in transit expenses in
connection with a required duty or study abroad. This allowance shall
be in addition to the allowances referred to in Regulations 121 and 122
Mileage allow- 125. A public officer, who uses his private motor vehicle or mo-
torcycle on approved official travel outside his station, shall be entitled
to mileage allowance at the rates prescribed by the Ministry of Finance.
Transfer grant. 127. Public officers shall be entitled to a transfer grant at the pre-
scribed rate, before assumption of duty at their new station, to assist
with costs incurred when relocating from one station to another, pro-
vided that the tour of duty is for not less than two (2) years.
Officers not 128. The following officers shall not be eligible for a transfer
eligible for
transfer grant.
130. All advances shall carry a nominal service charge, to be Nominal service
charge on
determined by the Ministry of Finance, recoverable at the time of issue advances.
of the advance.
(a) a receipt to show that the money was used for the
purpose for which it was advanced; and
132. Advances may be granted for any purpose not elsewhere Other advances.
provided for, which the Financial Secretary considers to be in the pub-
38 Belize Constitution Public Service Regulations, 2001
Vehicles not to 135. A vehicle, on which any part of an advance remains out-
be sold or
disposed of standing, may not be removed from Belize, sold or disposed or in any
without permis- way without the prior written consent of the Financial Secretary.
Advance not to 136. An advance for the purchase of a vehicle shall not be ap-
be granted within
three years of
proved within three years of the grant of a previous advance for a
previous advance. similar purpose, save in exceptional circumstances such as destruction
of the vehicle by accident. Such an advance shall be granted based on
the merits of each case.
Public Service Regulations, 2001 Belize Constitution 39
Residential Quarters
138. Public officers may occupy official residential quarters where Occupation of official
quarters is subject to
available. availability.
140. When an officer is transferred or dies while officially occu- Transfer or death
of officer
pying residential quarters, the officer’s family may be permitted, by occupying official
the Head of Department, to continue occupying the quarters for a pe- quarters.
riod not exceeding three months from the date of such transfer or death.
ters, officers shall ensure that the quarters are in a clean and sanitary
In the event of 143. When official residential quarters, furniture, electrical ap-
damage, officers
to make good
pliances, fixtures or the grounds have been damaged, and such dam-
such damage. age, in the opinion of the Head of Department, is due to carelessness
or negligence on the part of the occupier, an account of the charges for
making good such damages shall be rendered to the occupier by the
Head of Department concerned and the amount of such account shall
be paid by the occupier to Government.
Yearly reports on 144. The Chief Executive Officer in the Ministry of Works shall
forward to the Financial Secretary yearly reports on the condition of
all Government buildings.
Disaster Management
Disaster pre- 146.(1) Chief Executive Officers shall ensure that an adequate
paredness. emergency plan, including simulations and training, is developed, cir-
culated and undertaken throughout Ministries and Departments under
their control. The emergency plan should be in a standard format, as
determined by the National Emergency Management Organization
(NEMO). Such an emergency plan should cover the following threats
and hazards:-
(a) hurricanes;
(b) floods;
(d) earthquakes;
Public Service Regulations, 2001 Belize Constitution 41
147. (1) Heads of Departments shall ensure that all members of Disaster Coordi-
staff are conversant with the disaster plan, procedures for their Depart-
ments and their assigned responsibilities.
Purchase of 148.(1) Stationery and supplies shall be purchased from the most
economic sources. Every effort shall be made to minimize wastage in
Departments. Wherever possible, Departments shall reproduce forms,
etc., for use in such Departments. Forms, which are common to all
Departments shall be available on requisition from the Government
Care of statio- 149. All stationery shall be carefully put away and its use, which
must be confined to the Public Service only, shall be closely super-
vised by the Head of Department. It shall be placed under the custody
of the Finance Officer who shall be responsible for its safekeeping and
distribution to ensure economy in usage.
Use of Telephone
Use of telephone. 152.(1) Chief Executive Officers and Heads of Departments are
responsible for ensuring that due economy is exercised in the use of
the telephone and in particular that it is not used by officers for their
private affairs except in cases of real necessity.
(2) Where it is alleged that an officer has abused the use of the
telephone he shall be given an opportunity to exculpate himself. If the
Public Service Regulations, 2001 Belize Constitution 43
Chief Executive Officer and Head of Department are not satisfied with
the explanation given, he may subject the officer to a surcharge.
153. Telephone calls from public officers to addresses abroad Prior permission
for overseas
shall have the prior approval of their Chief Executive Officers and communications.
Heads of Departments who should be absolutely satisfied that it would
not be possible to expeditiously deal with the matter by airmail letter,
e-mail or facsimile.
154. All letters, minutes, reports and returns must be dated, num- Identification of
bered (where appropriate) and signed in full, with the official designa-
tion of the officer signing being added. Plans and other attachments
must be signed and dated and bear a numerical reference to the docu-
ments (if any) which they accompany.
157. All Gazettes, Acts and other printed matter, which have been Officers to
acquaint them-
or may be issued from time to time to Heads of Departments, shall be selves with
carefully bound. Officers are expected to make themselves acquainted Gazettes, Acts,
with notices published in the Gazette and Acts, etc., affecting their
duties. The fact that special notification or instructions have not been
received from the Ministries shall not be accepted as an excuse for
inattention to notices in the Gazette. Publication of any matter in the
Gazette shall be sufficient notice to every Department of the facts pub-
lished therein.
Other Matters
Funeral grant 159.(1) When an officer dies in the Service, the beneficiary of
payable on death
of officer.
the officer shall receive a funeral grant of one thousand dollars
(2) The grant shall be payable from the Ministry in which the
officer was serving at the time of his death.
Official seals or 160. Official seals and stamps shall be kept secured and not be
supplied to private persons.
Franking stamp. 161. Public officers shall not make use of any stamp for franking
letters, or frank letters without the authority of the Head of Depart-
ment, and are required to keep such devices under lock and key, ex-
cept when in actual use.
Copyright and 163. Any works produced by public officers as part of the duties
for which they are engaged shall result in the copyright in respect of
such works being vested in the Government. Any such work required
for the use of the Public Service shall produce no financial benefits to
the author, but the author may be allowed the royalties that might arise
from sale of any such work outside of the Public Service or outside
Safety equipment 164.(1) Public Officers required to work under hazardous cir-
and clothing.
cumstances shall be provided with appropriate safety equipment and
clothing which shall be the property of the Government.
Public Service Regulations, 2001 Belize Constitution 45
165. Field workers and office assistants shall be provided with Inclement
weather gear.
inclement weather gear, which shall be the property of the Govern-
166. Where damage or loss occurs to Government property pur- Surcharge in case
chased under Regulations 164 and 165, and where such damage or of damage or
loss is proved to be the result of an officer’s negligence, such officer
shall be subject to a surcharge.
167.(1) The Public Service Regulations 1996 are hereby repealed. Repeals and
S.I. 153 of 1996.
(2) These Regulations shall come into force on the 15th day
of November, 2001.
46 Belize Constitution Public Service Regulations, 2001
[Regulation 99]
1. Relevance To Needs
(i) The training being requested must be relevant to the Department’s development
needs and the officer’s career intentions.
2. Academic Eligibility
(i) Nominees for a proposed training programme must possess the requisite
academic qualifications that will enable acceptance into tertiary level
(ii) Mature officers who may not possess the requisite academic qualifications
must obtain acceptance into the institutions.
3. Overall Performance
Nominees should have above average performance records, display positive job attitudes
and proficiency in the use of language.
4. Age
Officers being nominated for training should normally not be more than forty years old
by the end of the proposed training programme and be physically and mentally capable
of undertaking the course of studies.
Public Service Regulations, 2001 Belize Constitution 47
[Regulation 110]
1. Certificate Courses
A public officer who has pursued an approved course of studies, the minimum of
which is one academic year, and at the end of which a certificate is awarded will be
eligible for the award of one additional increment.
2. Diploma Courses
A public officer who has pursued an approved course of studies, the minimum of
which is two academic years, and at the end of which a diploma is awarded, will be
eligible for the award of two additional increments.
3. Bachelors Degree
(i) A public officer who has pursued an approved course of studies at the end of
which a first degree is awarded will be eligible for the award of three additional
increments. This applies to those persons who acquire additional qualification
but remain in their substantive post. Where the superior qualification is required
for promotion, the officer will be elevated to the higher scale and the matter of
placement on the scale will be dealt with in accordance with Regulation 109
(ii) The above does not, however, apply to persons who graduate with a diploma,
degree or certificate, which they intend to use in order to gain admission to
another course of studies in the same or a related field of study.
4. Masters Degree
(i) A public officer who was approved study leave to pursue a Masters Degree
will be eligible for the award of two additional increments on successful
(ii) A public officer who was approved study leave to pursue a First Degree but
who returns with a Masters Degree will be eligible for the award of four
additional increments.
48 Belize Constitution Public Service Regulations, 2001
5. Doctorate Degree
(i) A public officer who holds a Masters Degree and on approved study acquires
a Ph.D., will be eligible for the award of three additional increments.
(ii) A public officer who was approved study leave to pursue a course of studies
leading to a Masters Degree and who returns with a Ph.D., will be eligible for
the award of four additional increments.
All increments will be awarded with effect from the date of expiration of study
leave and with the approval of the Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of the Public
(i) Where an officer successfully completes a course of training for which a degree,
diploma or certificate was awarded and for which the officer received additional
increments(s) and subsequently successfully completes an equivalent or lower
level course, the officer shall not be entitled to additional increment(s) for
such equivalent or lower qualification.
(ii) Where an officer obtains the required qualification for his current post after
the fact, no additional increment(s) shall be awarded.
Public Service Regulations, 2001 Belize Constitution 49
DATE: _____________________
Archaeological Commissioner
Deputy Archaeological Commissioner
Archaeological Assistant
Principal Surveyor
Senior Surveyor
Principal Lands Officer
Lands Officer
Assistant Lands Officer
Lands Inspector
Geological Draughtsman
Mineral Surveyor
Public Service Regulations, 2001 Belize Constitution 51
1. All public officers are required to familiarize themselves with these Regulations
and any amendments or additions thereto which may from time to time be issued. It
is the duty of the Head of Department to ensure that a sufficient number of copies is
always on hand to meet the needs of his own Department.
2. All new entrants to the Public Service will be provided with a copy of the Public
Service Regulations. Those copies issued to public officers for use in their official
duties are not to be regarded as the property of any individual officer. Heads of
Departments should therefore ensure that the officer who is in possession of any
official copy of these Regulations surrenders it in the event of his transfer to another
Department or his retirement or resignation from the Service. Copies of these Regu-
lations are available for sale from the Government Printery.
3. Public officers are required to make themselves acquainted with all Government
notifications and regulations, whether published in the Government Gazette or con-
veyed by circular or any other means of communication, and Heads of Departments
shall be held responsible for seeing that this is done.
4. Subject to the provisions of Section 106 (3) of the Constitution, the Governor Gen-
eral, acting in accordance with the advice of the Minister or Ministers responsible
for the Public Service, given after consultation with the recognized representatives
of the employees or with other persons or groups within the Public Service as may
be considered appropriate, may make regulations on any matter relating to:-
(d) the principles governing the promotion and transfer of public officers;
(e) measures to ensure discipline, and to govern the dismissal and retirement of
public officers, including the procedures to be followed;
52 Belize Constitution Public Service Regulations, 2001
(f) the procedure for delegation of authority by and to public officers; and
(g) generally for the management and control of the Public Service.