Professional Programme: (Relevant For Students Appearing in December, 2019 Examination)
Professional Programme: (Relevant For Students Appearing in December, 2019 Examination)
Professional Programme: (Relevant For Students Appearing in December, 2019 Examination)
(Relevant for students appearing in December, 2019 examination)
This document has been prepared purely for academic purposes only and it does not
necessarily reflect the views of ICSI. Any person wishing to act on the basis of this document
should do so only after cross checking with the original source.
Students appearing in December 2019 Examination shall note the following:
Students are also required to update themselves on all the relevant Notifications, Circulars,
Clarifications, etc. issued by the Competent Authorities to relate to Law covering Information
Technology and Systems Audit & Central Government on or before six months prior to the date
of the examination.
These Updates are to facilitate the students to acquaint themselves with the amendments in
laws relating to Information Technology and Systems Audit upto June, 2019, applicable for
December, 2019 Examination. The students are advised to read their Study Material (2016
Edition) along with these Updates. In the event of any doubt, students may write to the Institute
for clarifications at [email protected]
FDI Policy on E-Commerce ...................................................................................................................... 4
The Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2019 .......................................................................... 5
National Policy on Software Products – 2019......................................................................................... 7
FDI Policy on E-Commerce1
In order to ensure due compliance of the FDI policy on e-Commerce, Press Note 2 (2018) has
been issued. It puts in place certain conditions. These conditions include:
i. An entity having equity participation by e-commerce marketplace entity or its group
companies, or having control on its inventory by e-commerce marketplace entity or its
group companies, will not be permitted to sell its products on the platform run by such
marketplace entity.
ii. e-Commerce marketplace entity will not mandate any seller to sell any product
exclusively on its platform only.
This Press Note is effective from February 01, 2019. The details Press Note containing the FDI
Policy on e-commerce is available at:
Representations have been received to defer the implementation of Press Note 2. The FDI
policy on e-Commerce, first pronounced through Press Note 2 of 2000, permitted 100% FDI
in B2B e-commerce activities. With a view to provide clarity to the extant policy and after
extensive stakeholder consultations, guidelines for FDI on the e-commerce were issued vide
Press Note 3 (2016). To provide further clarity to FDI policy on e-commerce, Press Note 2
(2018) was issued.
Stakeholder consultations on creating a framework for National Policy on e-Commerce with
representatives from Government Ministries, Departments, Reserve Bank of India, industry
bodies, e-commerce companies, telecom companies, IT companies and payment companies
have been held. Issues regarding the e-commerce sector are regularly reviewed by the
The e-commerce sector is expected to keep growing in future because of a number of reasons.
The FDI policy on e-commerce has remained unchanged. Better enforcement of this policy
will contribute significantly to growth of this sector over medium and long term.
Available at:
The Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Bill, 20192
The Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2019 was introduced in Lok Sabha by the
Minister of Electronics and Information Technology, Mr. Ravi Shankar Prasad on June 24,
2019. It replaces an Ordinance promulgated on March 2, 2019.
Offline verification of Aadhaar number holder: Under the Aadhaar Act, an individual’s
identity may be verified by Aadhaar ‘authentication’. Authentication involves submitting the
Aadhaar number, and their biometric or demographic information to the Central Identities Data
Repository for verification. The Bill additionally allows ‘offline verification’ of an individual’s
identity, without authentication, through modes specified by the Unique Identification
Authority of India (UIDAI) by regulations.
During offline verification, the agency must (i) obtain the consent of the individual, (ii) inform
them of alternatives to sharing information, and (iii) not collect, use or store Aadhaar number
or biometric information.
Voluntary use: The Act provides for the use of Aadhaar number as proof of identity of a
person, subject to authentication. The Bill replaces this provision to state that an individual
may voluntarily use his Aadhaar number to establish his identity, by authentication or offline
verification. The Bill states that authentication of an individual’s identity via Aadhaar, for the
provision of any service, may be made mandatory only by a law of Parliament.
The Bill amends the Telegraph Act, 1885 and the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
to state that persons with a license to maintain a telegraph, banking companies and financial
institutions may verify the identity of their clients by: (i) authentication or offline verification
of Aadhaar, (ii) passport, or (iii) any other documents notified by the central government. The
client has the choice to use either mode to verify his identity and no person shall be denied any
service for not having an Aadhaar number.
Entities using Aadhaar: Under the Act, usage of Aadhaar number for establishing the identity
of an individual, by the State or a body corporate under any law, is permitted. The Bill removes
this provision. An entity may be allowed to perform authentication through Aadhaar, if the
UIDAI is satisfied that it is: (i) compliant with certain standards of privacy and security, or (ii)
permitted by law, or (iii) seeking authentication for a purpose specified by the central
government in the interest of the State.
Aadhaar number of children: The Bill specifies that at the time of enrolling a child to obtain
an Aadhaar number, the enrolling agency shall seek the consent of his parent or guardian. The
agency must inform the parent or guardian of the manner in which the information will be used,
the recipients with whom it will be shared, and of their right to access the information. After
attaining eighteen years of age, the child may apply for cancellation of his Aadhaar.
Disclosure of information in certain cases: Under the Act, restrictions on security and
confidentiality of Aadhaar related information do not apply in case the disclosure is pursuant
to an order of a District Court (or above). The Bill amends this to allow such disclosure only
for orders by High Courts (or above). Further, under the Act, an officer not below the rank of
a Joint Secretary may issue directions for disclosing information in the interest of national
security. The Bill amends this to allow such disclosure on directions of officers not below the
rank of a Secretary.
Redistributed from the source:
UIDAI Fund: Under the Act, all fees and revenue collected by the UIDAI will be credited to
the Consolidated Fund of India. The Bill removes this provision, and creates the Unique
Identification Authority of India Fund. All fees, grants, and charges received by the UIDAI
shall be credited to this fund. The fund shall be used for expenses of the UIDAI, including
salaries and allowances of its employees.
Complaints: Under the Act, courts can take cognizance of an offence only if the UIDAI
registers a complaint. The Bill amends this to allow the individual to register complaints in
certain cases, including impersonation or disclosure of their identity.
The Bill defines the Aadhaar ecosystem to include enrolling agencies, requesting agencies, and
offline verification-seeking entities. It allows the UIDAI to issue directions to them, if
necessary, for the discharge of its functions under the Act.
Penalties: Under the Bill, the UIDAI may initiate a complaint against an entity in the Aadhaar
ecosystem for failure to (i) comply with the Act or the UIDAI’s directions, and (ii) furnish
information required by the UIDAI. Adjudicating Officers appointed by the UIDAI shall
decide such matters, and may impose penalties up to one crore rupees on such entities. The
Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal shall be the appellate authority against
decisions of the Adjudicating Officer.
National Policy on Software Products – 20193
On February 28, 2019, the Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi
has approved the National Policy on Software Products - 2019 to develop India as a Software
Product Nation. The Detailed National Policy is available at
Major impact
The Software product ecosystem is characterized by innovations, Intellectual Property (IP)
creation and large value addition increase in productivity, which has the potential to
significantly boost revenues and exports in the sector, create substantive employment and
entrepreneurial opportunities in emerging technologies and leverage opportunities available
under the Digital India Programme, thus, leading to a boost in inclusive and sustainable growth.
Expenditure involved
Initially, an outlay of Rs.1500 Crore is involved to implement the programmes/ schemes
envisaged under this policy over the period of 7 years. Rs1500 Crore is divided into Software
Product Development Fund (SPDF) and Research & Innovation fund.
Implementation strategy and targets
The Policy will lead to the formulation of several schemes, initiatives, projects and measures
for the development of Software products sector in the country as per the roadmap envisaged
To achive the vision of NPSP-2019, the Policy has the following five Missions:
V. In order to evolve and monitor scheme & programmes for the implementation of this
policy, National Software Products Mission will be set up with participation from
Government, Academia and Industry.
The Indian IT Industry has predominantly been a service Industry. However, a need has been
felt to move up the value chain through technology oriented products and services. To create a
robust software product ecosystem the Government has approved the National Policy on
Available at:
Software Products - 2019, which aims to develop India as the global software product hub,
driven by innovation, improved commercialisation, sustainable Intellectual Property (IP),
promoting technology startups and specialized skill sets. Further, the Policy aims to align with
other Government initiatives such as Start-up India, Make in India and Digital India, Skill India
etc so as to create Indian Software products Industry of USD ~70-80 billion with direct &
indirect employment of ~3.5 million by 2025.