Puzzles 1
Puzzles 1
Puzzles 1
1)One who is the shortest among the group was chosen Miss
Delhi recently.
2)No one occupies the same place when they are arranged in
descending order of their heights as they do in descending
order of their weights.
3)Kamala is taller than Krishna, and Shyam is taller than both
but not as tall as Ram.
4)When the persons are arranged either in ascending or in
descending order according to their weight or height,
Shyam doesn’t occupy the third position.
5)One who is the shortest is the heaviest among the group. One
who is the lightest is Miss Bombay.
6)Rahul is neither the tallest nor the shortest. But at least two
males are heavier than him.
7)No male is heavier than Krishna. No male is shorter than