068 Mining Magnesite at Jelsava
068 Mining Magnesite at Jelsava
068 Mining Magnesite at Jelsava
450 m a.s. 4
400 m a.s.
1 5 6
323 m 2
Main Level 220 m a.s. 5
Idealised section of the mining operations and process plant at SMZ (Industrial Minerals).
1. Ventilation (in) raises or airway raises 2. Ventilation (out) raises or exhaust airway
3. Ore passes (raises 4. Re-fill raises 5. Inner pillar 6. Re-fill
diabase, comprises graphitic slate, 1,000 m-wide and 400 m-thick, but is source of ferric magnesium, this being
bench-like dolomite, and the dolomite irregular in shape and contains cavities one reason why it is imported by con-
which hosts the magnesite. Graphitic often filled with ochre. However, it is sumers so far away. SMZ estimates a
slate also overlies the dolomite. structurally sound, to the extent that it reserve sufficient for 150 years’ mining
Magnesite formation has been dated could be mined with pillar support and at the present production rate of 1.2 mil-
at 320 million years and the mechanism no rock reinforcement. The raw mag- lion t/y.
is thought to have been hydrothermal nesite analyses 36-44% MgO, 48-50%
alteration of a fine-grained Carboni- CO2, 0.1-12% CaO, 0-2.3% SiO2 and Room and pillar
ferous limestone bioherm. The orebody 3.2-6% Fe2O3. The specific mineral-
is estimated to be 4,000 m-long, ogy makes Jelšava magnesite a unique Around 35% of the ore is mined by the
room and pillar method in blocks which
Sequence of room and pillar mining. are up to 100 m-long, 50 m-high and 30
m-wide, with 10 m-wide pillars along
the short and long walls of the chamber,
2 and a crown pillar at the top. Within
these blocks, it is impossible to avoid
mining some lower grade material, and
4 this is stored in surface dumps.
Parallel uphole and inclined hole
3 drilling up to 30 m was initially used
for blasting the chambers, but the mine
later switched to fan drilling in order
to achieve better mining efficiency and
6 This method again allows the mining
5 of long, high blocks of magnesite up to
200 m x 300 m x 60 m, mined in up to
five ascending slices.
The technique provides much greater
1. Fresh air ventilation raises 2. Exhaust airways 3. Ore passes stability in the rock mass because, not
4. Re-fill raises 5. Pillars 6. Re-fill only are the rooms lower at 4.8 m to
Front New level development
stopes In 2000-2001 SMZ started to develop a
boundary new mining level at 220 m asl. Whereas
extraction had thus far all been above
n sto the local erosion base level, providing
natural drainage at 287 m asl, this new
c ros
din t drif
ts level is below the water table. The am-
w ith nspo
tra ount of water to be pumped out is equal
Pill and
to the amount of ore to be extracted.
For initially driving the access ramp,
and later development, plus some pro-
duction drilling, Atlas Copco offered
SMZ a new Rocket Boomer M2 C twin-
Overhand stoping room and pillar system at SMZ. boom rig, and helped train six Simba
operators to use it.
5.0 m-high, but also the voids are filled, rock drill. This rig achieved the expect- Work on the ramp and some lateral
providing a bench for drilling the next ed performance improvement, and was development started in 2001 and was
slice as mining proceeds up each block. bought by SMZ, together with a Rocket scheduled to take 3-4 years. The Rocket
Pillars are 5 m x 5 m at 12 m spacing. Boomer 281 and a Simba H357, for pre- Boomer M2 C normally works either
The smaller rooms allow more selective cise and rapid pillar recovery. The latter one or two of the mine’s three eight-
mining, producing a higher proportion unit was equipped with a COP 1838 rock hour shifts on the ramp, but also works
of processable magnesite, while the 4.4 drill. Switching from pneumatic to hy- on production. The new level will be
million t of waste material dumped on draulic drilling using the two Rocket worked in 10 m-high slices, improving
surface during chamber mining can Boomers increased overhand stoping geotechnical conditions and saving on
now be used as fill. The fill rate is up magnesite output by a factor of four. primary development costs. However,
to 300,000 t/y. In the overhand stoped sections muck although many blocks of high quality
In 1971, a new rail haulage was in- is loaded by a fleet of three LHDs and magnesite are directly accessible using
stalled, equipped with locomotives and two wheel loaders. The LHDs typically overhand stoping from the new level,
20 t-capacity bottom-dump wagons.
The rail system still handles ore from
Rocket Boomer 281 drilling a crosscut entry.
the core area of the mine, but it is more
cost effective to use truck haulage from
more peripheral parts.
Overhand stoping
Chamber and pillar mining has created
a huge void within the mine, now total-
ling 13 million cu m, and undercut sec-
tions of the hanging wall have collapsed
in places.
Studies resulted in an overhand stop-
ing method being introduced in some
of the mining blocks above the 323 m
level from 1990 onwards, and this now
accounts for 65% of production.
By 1998, SMZ was looking to increase
production and productivity in the over-
hand stoping blocks. In consultation with
Atlas Copco, the mine trialled a Rocket
Boomer 282 equipped with a COP 1432
Graphitic slate
Bench-like dolomite
some ore is located between access levels, approximately 700,000 t. Back in 2001, Including the units at SMZ, ISOP
some is distant from the core facili- chamber and pillar mining supplied presently supports nine Atlas Copco
ties, and some occurs as layers too thin 430,000 t, overhand stoping 705,000 underground drill rigs in mines. Other
for overhand stoping. Extraction tech- t and development 28,000 t. By 2002, customers include Siderit, which has
nology for all these various sources 70% of drill/blast production came two Boomer H104 drill rigs and several
will require new drilling, loading and from overhand stoping with the Rocket Atlas Copco hydraulic breakers work-
hauling equipment. Boomers, 20% from pneumatic drilling ing at its iron-manganese ore mine at
Although the new mining level is be- in chamber and pillar sections, and 10% Nižná Slaná, not far from Jelšava. ISOP
low the rail haulage, and ore will prob- from pillar recovery with the Simba modified these Boomer H104 rigs at
ably be delivered directly to the primary H357. The improvement in average the workshop in Zvolen so they could
crusher, SMZ expects the rail system to grade achieved by the more selective over- work as longhole drilling rigs. Siderit
remain in use for another 10 years. hand stoping with hydraulic drills has delivers ore to the US Steel plant in
increased the output of clinker, despite Košice, and to the Novy Huta works at
Grade improvement lower gross output. Ostrava in the Czech Republic.
There are also six Atlas Copco sur-
Secoroc equipment supplied through Atlas Copco face drilling rigs in the country, five of
ISOP is used for the Atlas Copco rigs representation which are DTH machines and the sixth
at Jelšava. Despite the very abrasive a Coprod-fitted hydraulic rig. This latter
nature of the magnesite, bit life ranges Atlas Copco has a Customer Center in machine yields 500,000 t/y limestone
from 600 m to 1,500 m. The three Prague, serving the Czech Republic and for supply to US Steel Košice.
Rocket Boomers use 51 mm bits, and adjacent countries. In 1992 ISOP, based
the Simba H357 drills with 64-65 mm at Zvolen in the centre of the country, Acknowledgements
bits. The mine does 80% of its blasting was appointed as its sole distributor in
with ANFO, and uses plastic explosive Slovakia. The Rocket Boomer 282 Atlas Copco is grateful to the manage-
for wet holes. provided for trials in 1998 was the first ment of SMZ for its assistance with the
Of the annual mine production of two boom hydraulic rig supplied to production of this article.
1.2 million t, around 1.16 million t is a Slovakian mine, and the Rocket
magnesite, and concentrate output is Boomer M2 C was also a first.