The Effects of Verbal Bullying To The Selected Senior High School Students in The Valley High Academy in The Year of 2019-2020

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The Effects of Verbal Bullying to the Selected

Senior High School Students in the

Valley High Academy

In the year of


Rubi, Jhana

Sarono, Celine

Sayat, Venus

Velasquez, Cristine Rose

Yanos, Dave



Bullying is the use of force, coercion, or threat, to abuse, aggressively

dominate or intimidate. In our current generation, kids were mostly
impulsive, insensitive and selfish. They don’t care how others may feel
and what others will say. According to the consolidated report of
Department of Education (Dep Ed), bullying cases on elementary and
high school of both private and public schools on 2014 rose by 21% or a
total of 6,363 cases, compare with the 5,236 on 2013. Bullying is linked
to many negative outcomes including mental health and emotional
breakdown. Bullying is usual cases or problem here in our counrty
especially verbal bullying. Verbal bullying use of words to hurt someones
feeling. Verbal bullying includes name-calling, insulting or making some
jokes that are bellow the belt. Kids who are bullied can experience
negative effect. Those are depression, anxiety, sadness or even
loneliness. Some of students who are bullied are more closely to skip or
drop out of school.

Statement of the Problem

In this study, the research aims to determine the different effects of

verbal bullying to senoir high school students. It specially seeks to

answer the following questons.

1. What are the effects of verbal bullying to the victim?

2. Does verbal bullying affects students performance in school?
3. Does verbal bullying is a seroius issue?

Scope and Limitation

This study will be conducted to the selected Senoir High School students
in Valley High Academy.
As a total of 20 respondents of selected students from different strand
of Valley High Academy.



Local Literature
As stated by Miguel_Baquilod (2006) of the Department of Health Manila
made a nationwide survey on secondary students health. Including in the
survey is violence among youth. It has been reported that of the students
surveyed, half of them were involved and victimized than third year and
fourth year students. One third of the students were bullied one or more
times in a one-month period. And about three in ten victims reported
that they were most often physically bullied. Boys were significantly
more likely than girls to have experienced such.

According to Yoneyama & Rigby (2006) bullying behavior has an effect

on the student’s perception of the school environment. Research has
shoen that lesser quantities of bullying behavior are found in schools
with positive school environment. “It was hypothesized that judgements
of classroom climate would be less positive among students who were
identified as (a) bullies, (b) victims, (c) bully-victims than others who are
not onvolved in bully/victim problems.”

Foreign Literature

Bullying and harassment were not new issue that students and schools
face. In fact, over the year, it had been viewd as being so commonplace
in school that it had been overlooked as a threat to students and reduced
to a belief that bullying was developmental stage that most youth
experience and give over. ( Ross, 2002).

But not everyone give over the perasonal trauma that can come with
bullying both for the victim and the bully. This was why it was seen
happening by adults in work place, in homes, and in the community.
Therefore, this harassment was not isolated to scahoold alone. But
schools were the best place to actively intervence. Teachers,
administrators, counselors, and even students had the greatest access to
the most students through a school system. It was here that staff can
intervence, support and educates students about ending bullying
behaviors directly and indirecty; breaking the bullying cycle. This paper
address bullying in a general at all grade levels,but its intervence focus
be at the high school levels. (Harris & Hathom,2006)

According to Longwood (2012) most people may thunk of physical

bullying as the most damaging type of bullying to a person; however,
verbal bullying can be just as harmful as physical bullying, if not worse.

According to Fraser-Thrill (2012), verbal bullying is when someone uses

language to gain power over his or her peers. The bully may use insult or
teasing to get his or her point across. Although the effects of verbal
bullying are not physical, the psychological and amotion damage can be
extremely dangerous. This type of bullying can leas to low self-esteem,
as well as depression and other problems.

Local Study
A specific study on relational aggression which is otherwise related to
indirect bullying was investigated by Carvalho Filho et. al. (2006). The
effects of different social ebvironments, degrees of friendship, and
individual sociability on students’ usage different types of relational
aggression were explored. To their study, links between types of
relational aggression and levels of sociability were found to have
marginally significant effect,the result showed that individuals with low
sociabilty reported that they are as likely to sread rumors and likely to
use backstabbing compared to individuals with high sociability.

Foreign Study

Policies regarding bullying are now implemented in most of the schoo;s

in many countries. The formulationo an anti-bullying ancidents were
handled consistently by all school staff. Studies had found that schools
with easily understood rules of conduct and fair disciplinary practices
report less violence. (Cohn and Canter, 2014).


Research Design
This chapter presents the research design, population and sampling of
the study, research instrument,data gathering procedures and statistical
treatment of the data.

Research Instrument
The researcher will use the questionnaire for gathering data to
determine the effects of Verbal Bullying cases and problems. The
questionnaire contains question if the respondents are aware or
exprerienced Verbal Bullying.

Sampling and Respondents

The respondents of the study were all classified taken from seniors
students in Valley High Academy with 20 students.
Data Gathering Procedure

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