DLL - July 22-26
DLL - July 22-26
DLL - July 22-26
area. Explain the guidelines for
the activity.
4. Each group will identify the
possible benefits and
beneficiaries of each research
area for 5 mins.
5. Call out the representative per
group and present their output.
6. Commend the students very
after group add an inputs.
C. Presenting examples/Instances of Discuss the scope and Present more importance and 1. Why we need to know the• Present to the students the Ask related questions about the
the new lesson delimitation of the sample paper significance of the study. outline or guideline in making a
benefits and beneficiaries of a previous activity.
given last meeting. research? research.
Lecture-Discussion of Key • Explain to the students on
Concepts: what are the guidelines in writing
statement of the problem.
*benefits of the study
• Explain to the students on the
*Beneficiaries of the study
usefulness of writing statement
of the problem as part of the
Note: Discuss to them the research study?
possible answer if they were
not able to present the correct
D. Discussing new concepts and The teacher asks the students of The class will be divided into 5 Present through PowerPoint a The teacher asks: 1. Present to the class the
practicing new skills # 1 what they observed in the groups. Each group will be sample significance of the study • How are you going to importance of statement of the
picture. Answers vary but the asked to read a sample study of of some authors. Call three present your statement of the problem.
teacher concludes with this: Cuenca,2008 “The Effects of learners to discuss what they problem? 2. Discuss the important
“Just like these carpenters in the Computer- assisted Instruction observe in the presentation. • What is the importance elements in the statement of the
picture, they have their own in the Performance of Students Note: The sequence of the of having presented a statement general problem and the criteria
specific responsibility to do, in Asian History and beneficiaries of the research of the problem? for specific problem.
finish it accordingly as how and Civilization”. Let the students starts from the most benefited to 3. Give examples of statements
it was assigned to them.” read it thoroughly and analyze the least benefited. The benefits of the problem.
the paragraph. must be specific and arranged
according to the degree of
E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher introduces the new Let the learners answer an • Presents to the
practicing new skills # 2 lesson with a short concept exercise wherein they will be students the actual quantitative
notes which the students copy. given titles and will identify the studies done that showcase all
beneficiaries and benefits to the parts of the statement of the
them. problem
Example: Goles, Alain Marc.
(2016). “ Perpetuity of family-
owned business in the
Philippines: A causal model.”
• The teacher illustrates
the different parts of the
statement of the problem
F. Developing mastery Develop a significance of the Let the students brainstorm on
(leads to Formative Assessment study that includes the benefits the statement of the problem of
3) and the beneficiaries of the the given research titles and
research to be conducted. share it to the class.
G. Finding practical application of In your household, what chores With the same grouping, the Let the students read the works • The students go to their Have the class formulate the
concepts and skills in daily living could you do and chores that students will list the benefits and of Thomas Edison and its group and discuss with their statement of the problem of their
you can’t/shouldn’t do? the beneficiaries of the study contribution to the society. group mates about formulating proposed study.
taken from the study of Reyes, statement of the problem.
H. Making generalizations and 1.What is the meaning of the The benefits for students The teacher will discuss how the • The teacher discuss Have the assigned group share
abstractions about the lesson scope of research? engaged in research and Significance of the Study is the Meaning of Statement of the what they have learned during
2.What is the meaning of the creative work are numerous. properly constructed. Problem discussions and activities.
delimitation of research? > It states clearly the purpose or
interest of the study.
> It poses specific questions
about the research problem.
I. Evaluating learning The teacher strictly requires Seatwork Who are the beneficiaries of Talking to Learners/ Let the students present their
each group to produce the final your study and what will they Conferencing final output to the class. Use a
copy of their Scope and the receive from the results of your rubric to assess their outputs.
Delimitation of the Study part . study. Cite at least two benefits
The final copy though not yet for each beneficiary.
printed for checking is to be
collected upon entering the
classroom on the next session.
J. Additional activities for application
or remediation
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for
you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in There are __________ out of ____________ students earned 80% in the evaluation.
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require There are __________ out of ____________ students earned below 80% in the evaluation and required additional activities.
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ________ YES (_______ students) _________ NO (_________ students)
No. of learners who have caught ________ No learners needed remedial lessons
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to There are __________ students who continue undergo remediation.
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other