A Reflection Paper
A Reflection Paper
A Reflection Paper
Happiness is very crucial in one’s life, but acquiring it genuinely is very much
difficult especially, if you are still addlepated to what really makes you so. In this matter,
we must really know the things which could make us happy, because our choices and
decisions in life will depend upon it.
Love and Marriage. According to an empirical analysis, this is one of the roots of
happiness of human beings. Indeed, it is true because as a student, since I am not yet
married, I had only experienced entering the kingdom of love, in other words being in a
relationship. Honestly, nothing can compare to the feeling of happiness of being in love
— the fact the you have loved and truly loved by someone. A very magical feeling of
joyfulness when you are together, even in just hearing his voice over the phone. Also,
you have your inspiration to keep on going in life. However, having a good relationship
towards your partner is a must so theat positive happenings will always occur which leads
you into genuine happiness, otherwise, you will experience the opposite.
Work. It is also said that this is one the roots of our happiness. Truly, it is. As for
me, since I have not gotten my dream degree in college for we cannot afford it, I am still
bearing this burden which saddens me the most. I could really anticipate that I cannot be
a good teacher soon, when I continue to be in this field. Just thinking of having this kind
of career really annoys me, thus I really felt sad. In this matter, I honestly asked God for
guidance, as well as the Holy Spirit, to enlighten my mind and to encourage my heart. So,
I have accepted everything eventually, because I believe that everything happens for a
particular reason including why I ended up in this career. Therefore, I gradually feel the
happiness I have not felt before and someday, when I become a teacher, I will surely
continue to feel it genuinely in my heart, since I have the pleasure and satisfaction of my
work which I always plead to God.
Genetics and Personality. Actually, I do not believe that happiness is a genetic
depending upon your personality. Truth is, it is always our choice to have one because
we are born free. As for me, I was born in a broken family, and most of the people said
that I must be sad. Indeed, it is really a sad life story of mine, but as what I have mentioned
earlier, we have a free will to choose in enormous choices we have in life. And yes, I have
chosen to be happy despite of being born in a broken family. I motivated myself and keep
on thinking positive thoughts including my future that soon If I were to build my own family,
I will seek guidance to Almighty Father that hopefully it will come up to a good one.
In every decisions in life we have, we must anchor it to the will of God. Always bear
in mind and heart that true happiness is not in the material things, rather having the
presence of God in our lives. Be grateful as always because everyday is a gift so we must
be blissful knowing we are blessed.