Ensemble Teamwork: Greek Myth
Ensemble Teamwork: Greek Myth
Ensemble Teamwork: Greek Myth
Greek Myth
Excellent Good Fair Poor
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts 1 pts
Ensemble Teamwork Excellent Good Fair Poor
How does the student
work with others?
Student's sense of Student's sense of Student's sense of Student
responsibility and responsibility and responsibility and demonstrates little
empathy towards empathy towards empathy towards sense of
other cast members is other cast members is other cast members responsibility and
very apparent. quite apparent. is developing. empathy towards
Student's attainment Student's attainment Student seems to other cast members.
of teamwork and of of teamwork and have some concept Student has little
the goal to work fruition of goal to of how to work as a concept of how to
effectvely together is work effectively team. work as a group
outstanding. together is good. member.