Sampling Methods
Sampling Methods
Sampling Methods
Valve Method
Install valves upstream of any filter in order to capture wear particles. Make sure the valve is
clean and adequately flushed. Using a sample valve, such as the 1/8” NPT Push Button
Valve, helps in producing reliable test results. Install valve properly on a pressurized oil line
or oil galley. Avoid areas where oil does not circulate as freely, such as the bottom of a sump.
Taking an Oil Sample Using the Valve Method:
Pasang katup di bagian hulu setiap filter untuk menangkap partikel aus. Pastikan katup bersih
dan cukup bilas. Menggunakan katup sampel, seperti NPT Push Button Valve 1/8 ",
membantu dalam menghasilkan hasil pengujian yang andal. Pasang katup dengan benar pada
saluran minyak bertekanan atau galai minyak. Hindari area di mana minyak tidak bersirkulasi
dengan bebas, seperti bagian bawah bak.
Mengambil Sampel Oli Menggunakan Metode Katup
Pump Method
It is important that vacuum pumps are used with appropriate tubing. Make sure that new
tubing is used for each sample in order to avoid cross contamination. Cut the tubing to the
same length each time you sample. Avoid scraping the tubing along the sides or bottom of the
tank or reservoir.
1. Measure and cut new tubing to the length of the dipstick. Tubing must reach half way
into the depth of the oil (or long enough to reach the midpoint of the reservoir).
2. Insert the tubing through the head of the vacuum pump and tighten the retaining nut.
The tubing should extend about 1/8 inch beyond the base of the vacuum pump head.
3. Install a new sampling bottle onto the vacuum pump and insert the end of the tubing
into the oil – do not allow the tubing to touch the bottom of the compartment.
4. Pump the vacuum pump handle to create a vacuum. Hold the pump upright to avoid
oil from contaminating the pump. If oil enters the pump, disassemble and clean it
before taking the sample. Fill the oil sample bottle at least 3/4 full.
Metode Pompa
Adalah penting bahwa pompa vakum digunakan dengan pipa yang sesuai. Pastikan bahwa
tabung baru digunakan untuk setiap sampel untuk menghindari kontaminasi silang.
Potong tabung dengan panjang yang sama setiap kali Anda mencicipi. Hindari menggaruk
pipa di sepanjang sisi atau dasar tangki atau reservoir
1. Ukur dan potong tabung baru hingga panjang dipstick. Tubing harus mencapai
setengah jalan ke kedalaman minyak (atau cukup panjang untuk mencapai titik tengah
2. Masukkan pipa melalui kepala pompa vakum dan kencangkan mur penahan. Pipa
harus memanjang sekitar 1/8 inci di luar dasar kepala pompa vakum.
3. Pasang botol sampel baru ke pompa vakum dan masukkan ujung tabung ke dalam
minyak - jangan biarkan tabung menyentuh bagian bawah kompartemen.
4. Pompa pegangan pompa vakum untuk membuat ruang hampa. Pegang pompa tegak
agar minyak tidak mencemari pompa. Jika minyak memasuki pompa, bongkar dan
bersihkan sebelum mengambil sampel. Isi botol sampel minyak setidaknya 3/4 penuh.
Maximize Data Density: The oil sample must be representative of the condition of the
lubricant (viscosity, additive depletion, oxidation, nitration) and the condition of the
component (wear metals, contamination, corrosion) at the time of sampling.
Minimize Data Disturbance: Sampling should be done to minimize contamination.
Maximize Consistency: Consistent sampling procedure and timing provide more
representative samples and accurate data and trending.
Maximize Relevance: Sampling and testing frequency are based on your particular
equipment and needs of your operation. Samples are submitted immediately to ensure
data and results are as relevant as possible.
Analisis oli adalah metode yang ekonomis dan sangat efektif untuk memantau kondisi mesin
dan mendeteksi tanda-tanda peringatan dini masalah dan kegagalan. Namun, hasil dan
diagnosis analisis oli hanya sebagus kualitas sampel oli. Untuk memaksimalkan efektivitas
program analisis minyak Anda, pengambilan sampel minyak harus dilakukan dengan
beberapa tujuan penting dalam pikiran.
• Maksimalkan Kerapatan Data: Sampel oli harus mewakili kondisi pelumas (viskositas,
penipisan aditif, oksidasi, nitrasi) dan kondisi komponen (memakai logam, kontaminasi,
korosi) pada saat pengambilan sampel.
• Minimalkan Gangguan Data: Pengambilan sampel harus dilakukan untuk meminimalkan
• Memaksimalkan Konsistensi: Prosedur pengambilan sampel yang konsisten dan pemilihan
waktu memberikan sampel yang lebih representatif dan data akurat serta tren.
• Maksimalkan Relevansi: Frekuensi pengambilan sampel dan pengujian didasarkan pada
peralatan khusus Anda dan kebutuhan operasi Anda. Sampel dikirim segera untuk
memastikan data dan hasilnya serelevan mungkin
When To Sample
The system should not be idle or “cold”. To maximize data accuracy, the oil sample needs to
be representative of the oil as it flows through your equipment during normal operation. The
equipment should be running under normal working conditions and operating temperature, so
the sample can be taken under conditions that would cause normal wear. Ideally, the
equipment should have been running about one hour prior to sampling.
Depending on the system, taking an oil sample while the equipment is operating may not be
possible or safe. In this case, oil samples should be extracted as quickly as possible after the
equipment has stopped to minimize loss of data from the effects of settling. Have all
sampling accessories and equipment ready prior to shut-down, so sampling can be done as
soon as possible. Ideally, oil sampling should be done within 10-15 minutes of shut-down.
Sampling from a turbulent part of the system will ensure that the oil is well mixed. This
provides the most representative sample. The sampling valve should be located at elbows,
T’s, or sharp bends rather than simply along a long straight section.
Ideally, samples should be taken on the fluid return or drain line, downstream of the
component you are monitoring. The collection point should also be upstream of filters and
separators so valuable data is not lost. Sampling downstream of filters should only be done if
filter performance is being tested.
Establish consistent oil sampling procedures to ensure repeatability and accuracy of oil
analysis results. It also ensures accurate historical trending. All maintenance personnel
should follow the same procedure for sampling, sample from the same location, and sample
at the set frequency.
Sampling points should be located where particles and moisture cannot enter. Sampling
valves and devices should be properly flushed prior to extraction. Flush the dead space
between the sampling point and the active system with 10 times more volume than oil in that
dead space. If your dead space holds 1 ounce of oil, then 10 ounces are required to properly
flush. Use clean sampling equipment and accessories and new tubing. If a permanent tube is
installed at the sampling point, be sure that the end of the tube is as close to the middle of the
reservoir as possible. Avoid contamination by not allowing the end of any tubing to touch
Oil Sampling Method: Sampling Valve
Sample Valve
Wide variety of options available to suit your system’s and oil analysis program’s
For high-pressure systems, pressure reducing valves, sample port adapters, and tubes
are needed.
For low-pressure systems, a vacuum pump with a special valve adapter may be
needed to draw the fluid.
Prevent leaking and sample contamination
Don’t interfere with machine’s operation
Cause little flow restriction with higher viscosity fluids
Low-cost, simple and one of the most commonly used methods of oil sampling
Vacuum pumps can be used with dipstick retaining tubes and other non-pressurized
system points, such as installed sampling valves, oil level plugs, oil fill ports, and
radiator caps
A tube is inserted through a fill port or dip stick port and sample is taken about
midway into the oil level and should be drawn at the same level each time
Tubing must be inserted carefully to avoid scraping debris along sides of the casing or
other interior surfaces
Quick-connect sampling valve can be installed to improve sampling
A large volume of oil is required for proper flushing to obtain a representative sample
(5-10:1 ratio)
Systems are often shut down for this method, requiring samples to be taken as quickly
as possible to minimize the effects
Oil Sampling Method: Reservoir
Reservoir Sampling
Oil is drawn from a sump or reservoir as close to the return line, gear set, or bearing
as possible
Sumps and reservoirs will hold historical sediment and contaminants not
representative of the current state of the lubricant in the system so steps must be taken
to obtain the most representative sample possible
Sample tubes can be installed in the most appropriate locations of sumps or reservoirs
Tubing should be inserted into the sump toward the active moving zone of the sump,
at about 50% of oil level, and away from walls and rotating elements
For more viscous or challenging fluids, a sampling valve and vacuum sampler can be
installed to draw out a sample
Condition Monitoring Pod – The Multi-Parameter Fluid Inspection Tool
Your equipment will come with an OEM recommended maintenance schedule, which should
always be the foundation of your PM schedule. In addition, your operation and production
demands should help determine the frequency of sampling and monitoring for your machine.
Important factors to consider include:
The more critical your equipment is to your business, the more frequently you will want to
sample and monitor its condition. If the above factors indicate that your equipment’s oil
should be sampled more frequently, it may seem like excessive cost and time in the
beginning. However, the more frequent oil testing will result in healthier equipment and
lubricants and earlier warning signs for impending degradation and failures.
ASTM – the oil sampling standard – has
been updated
remotemonitoring, fluidintelligence, oilsampling
Sampling is the most critical phase when an oil sample is traveling from the system to the
laboratory, to finally create an analysis. The oil sample should of course be representative of
the oil batch and contain material only from the desired object. External materials in the
sample produce extra work.
ASTM – the oil sampling standard D8112-17 – was updated in the end of 2017. The updated
standard deals with making sampling standardized in energy industry’s more demanding
targets like turbines and oil systems. The standard can be applied as a good foundation for
proper sampling in different operating environments.
I go briefly through the most interesting sections of this standard about sampling. Naturally, a
short blog post is not intended as a complete manual but rather as a wake-up call. You can
also ask help from us in order to do more accurate sampling and self-sampling. It is also
worth noting that the standard and the writing do not take into account the security issues that
must always be addressed when applying best practices.
Based on the oil sample, the aim is to be able to verify the usefulness and performance of the
oil in its planned function. The sample must be well representative of the oil generally
circulating in the system and also comparable to other samples taken from the system. If
samples are used to determine oil performance trends, ensuring the representativeness and
timeliness of samples is even more important.
The aim of sampling is often as simple as detecting already occurring but not yet escalated
damage in the system, determing the operating condition of the oil at the sampling time or
determining need for oil change. Today, oil samples can also be used to predict oil and
system condition factors and oil life cycle factors.
Sampling equipment
The sample complying with the above requirements is taken into pure sample flasks. In the
D8112-17 standard ISO 4406 9/7/4 is definied as the minimum sample cleanliness level. A
good sample is never taken into a used bottle.
It is recommended to use a clear polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle for mineral oils.
High density polyethylene (HDPE) or polypropylene bottles (PP) can also be used. The
sample size is recommended to be at least 125ml and its multiples.
Borosilicate glass is recommended for phosphate ester oils. If the sample is not analyzed for
its cleanliness and the specimen is not particularly hot, low density polyethylene (LDPE) or
polypropylene bottles (PP) can also be used.
If the oil is analyzed for gas concentration, it is recommended that the sample is taken with a
sampling syringe that has a 3-way valve. This way the sample is recovered without direct
contact with the atmosphere.
A vacuum pump capable of yielding at least 0.34 (34 kPa) absolute vacuum for at least 30
seconds can be used for sampling. It is essential that the structure of the vacuum pump used
for sampling is not able to touch the sample oil.
Samples must be marked individually so, that the sample, target, time and sampler can be
• The sample bottles are always new and clean, not reused
• PET, HDPE or PP bottles for mineral oils
• Borosil glass bottles for phosphorus ester oils
• Samples should be individually marked
Sampling sites must be selected so that sampling objectives can be achieved. Often the
sampling point has already been installed as a part of the system, but sometimes adjustments
need to be made in order to get samples that serve a purpose.
In separate sampling points it is recommended to use materials that are not oxidized or react
with the environment or the liquid in use. Of course, the sampling point must withstand the
stress of use without damage. The sampling valve should close properly and the sampling
tube head must be protected by cap.
The sampling point in the non-pressurized state shall be designed so that standard 125 ml
sampling from the oil at a temperature of 40 °C through a 1200 mm long sampling tube
should not take more than 4 minutes. In practice the sampling must be arranged in such a way
that the sampling can be done representatively and the oil left in the piping from the previous
samples can be drained in a separate container. The pressure must not be too high and the
flow may not be too hard. These objects often use a mini-MESH type valve, from which the
sample can be taken with the above conditions.
• Durability
• Sufficiency (size)
• Security
Sampling site
Extensive systems may include several different sampling points, which representativeness to
the entity may vary. The primary sampling point selection depends on the chosen level of
representativeness, the desired sample quality and purpose, and, of course, access to the
sampling point. Secondary sampling points are used for specific troubleshooting purposes or
for other purposes. The variation should be taken into consideration when comparing the
results of the different sampling points.
Sistem yang luas dapat mencakup beberapa titik pengambilan sampel yang berbeda, yang
keterwakilan terhadap entitas dapat bervariasi. Pemilihan titik pengambilan sampel primer
tergantung pada tingkat keterwakilan yang dipilih, kualitas dan tujuan sampel yang
diinginkan, dan, tentu saja, akses ke titik pengambilan sampel. Titik pengambilan sampel
sekunder digunakan untuk tujuan pemecahan masalah tertentu atau untuk tujuan lain. Variasi
harus dipertimbangkan ketika membandingkan hasil dari titik pengambilan sampel yang
Return oil line - The return oil line provides a representative sample of the oil entering the
system if all the oil comes through the return line. A sample from return oil may give early
hints about the potential damage to the system.
Jalur oli balik memberikan sampel yang representatif dari oli yang masuk ke sistem jika
semua oli melewati garis balik. Sampel dari minyak kembali dapat memberikan petunjuk
awal tentang potensi kerusakan pada sistem
After the pump / Main oil filter - The sample taken after the main pump or main line filter
can detect the condition of the oil entering the system. For example the functioning of filters
can be seen by comparing the samples taken between those sampling points.
Sampel diambil setelah pompa utama atau filter saluran utama dapat mendeteksi kondisi oli
yang masuk ke sistem. Misalnya fungsi filter dapat dilihat dengan membandingkan sampel
yang diambil antara titik-titik pengambilan sampel.
Oil tank bottom valve - A sample from the bottom valve can be represententative of the oil
in the tank. This may be useful, for example, to test the presence of microbial growth or free
water in the oil.
Sampel dari katup bawah dapat mewakili minyak di dalam tangki. Ini mungkin berguna,
misalnya, untuk menguji keberadaan pertumbuhan mikroba atau air bebas dalam minyak.
Oil reservoir sampling valve - A sample valve specifically designed for taking a
representative sample from the tank.
Sebuah katup sampel yang dirancang khusus untuk mengambil sampel yang representatif dari
Sample taken from off-line circulation - You may also have to take a sample from a off-
line circulation, for example from a sample check valve after the pump. In this case the
representativity of the sample shall be assessed on the basis of the position of the suction line
of the off-line circulation.
Anda mungkin juga harus mengambil sampel dari sirkulasi off-line, misalnya dari katup
periksa sampel setelah pompa. Dalam hal ini, representativitas sampel harus dinilai
berdasarkan posisi garis hisap sirkulasi off-line.
It is advisable to document the sampling method in each organization. At least the sampling
points for the different sampling purposes, the method and equipment to be used and the
sampling interval, should be documented.
Sampling methods must be applied so that sampling serves the objectives of maintenance and
objectives of the organization. They also must allow the analysis of the oil sample to the
desired extent. It is advisable to consult the sample analyzer for the application of sampling
Metode pengambilan sampel harus diterapkan sehingga pengambilan sampel melayani tujuan
pemeliharaan dan tujuan organisasi. Mereka juga harus memungkinkan analisis sampel
minyak ke tingkat yang diinginkan. Dianjurkan untuk berkonsultasi dengan penganalisa
sampel untuk penerapan metode pengambilan sampel.
Representative and purposeful sampling methods and locations are the basic requirement of
the above organization's objectives.
Metode dan lokasi pengambilan sampel yang representatif dan bertujuan adalah persyaratan
dasar dari tujuan organisasi di atas.