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Power Generation by Exhaust Gases On Diesel Engine

Article · December 2015


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Kranthi Kumar Guduru

National Institute of Technology Raipur


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Kranthi kumar G ,INDIA / International Journal of Research and Computational Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.5 Page:06-13
ISSN: 0975-5662, Dec, 2015

Power Generation by Exhaust Gases On Diesel Engine

# Kranthi Kumar Guduru1,Asst.Professor, E-mail: [email protected]
# Yakoob Kol ipak2, Associate Professor, ME Dept, E-mail:yakoob.cjits
# Shanker. B3, N. Suresh4

# Christu Jyoti Institute of Technology & Science,T.S state ,India

Abstract-In this research work the modification of stationary diesel engine for producing power using turbine.
Nowadays in automobile field many new innovating concepts are being developed. We are using the power from
vehicle exhaust to generate the electricity which can be stored in battery for the later consumption. In this
project, we are demonstrating a concept of generating power in a stationary single cylinder diesel engine by the
usage of turbines. Here we are placing a turbine in the path of exhaust in the silencer. An engine is also placed
in the chassis of the vehicle. The turbine is connected to a dynamo, which is used to generate power. Depending
upon the airflow the turbine will start rotating, and then the dynamo will also starts to rotate. A dynamo is a
device which is used to convert the kinetic energy into electrical energy. The generated power is stored to the
battery. It can be stored in the battery after rectification. The rectified voltage can be inverted and can be used
in various forms of utilities.

Keywords: Diesel engine, dynamo, exhaust and turbine, revolutions per minute (r. p. m).

Corresponding author: kranthi kumar Guduru

Email: [email protected]


generators (TEG) will become one of the most

I n recent years the scientific and public awareness important and outstanding devices in the future.
A thermoelectric power generator is a solid state
on environmental and energy issues has brought in device that provides direct energy conversion from
major interests to the research of advanced thermal energy (heat) due to a temperature
technologies particularly in highly efficient internal gradient into electrical energy based on
combustion engines. Viewing from the socio- “Seebeck effect”. The thermoelectric power cycle,
economic perspective, as the level of energy charge carriers (electrons) serving as the working
consumption is directly proportional to the fluid, follows the fundamental laws of
economic development and total number of thermodynamics and intimately resembles the
population in a country, the growing rate of power cycle of a conventional heat engine[2,3].
population in the world today indicates that the One potential solution is the usage of the exhaust
energy demand is likely to increase.Substantial waste heat of combustion engines. This is possible
thermal energy is available from the exhaust gas in by the waste heat recovery using thermoelectric
modern automotive engines. Two-thirds of the generator. Tthermoelectric generator converts the
energy from combustion in a vehicle is lost as temperature gradient into useful voltage that can
waste heat, of which 40% is in the form of hot used for providing power for auxiliary systems
exhaust gas. The latest developments and such as air conditioner and minor car electronics.
technologies on waste heat recovery of exhaust gas Even it can reduce the size of the alternator that
from internal combustion engines (ICE). These consumes shaft power. If approximately 6% of
include thermoelectric generators (TEG), Organic exhaust heat could be converted into electrical
Rankine cycle (ORC), six-stroke cycle IC engine power, it will save approximately same quantity of
and new developments on turbocharger technology. driving energy. It will be possible to reduce fuel
Being one of the promising new devices for an also. For example, the heat of the car's exhaust can
automotive waste heat recovery, thermoelectric be used to warm the engine coolant to keep the
engine running warm, even when the motor has

All rights reserved, [email protected]

Kranthi kumar G ,INDIA / International Journal of Research and Computational Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.5 Page:06-13
ISSN: 0975-5662, Dec, 2015

been turned off for a significant length of time. A combustion engine, they're particularly important
vehicle's exhaust can actually be used to generate to hybrid vehicles, which need to produce
electricity. Although these technologies can be maximum fuel efficiency (Graph.5)
used in any car, truck or SUV with an internal

Graph.1.World fuel consumption levels from 1990-2040

Fig.1. Engine temperature losses

About 35% of the fuel is converted to

useful crankshaft work, and about 30% energy is 2. APPLICATIONS
expelled with the exhaust. This leaves about one-
third of the total energy that must be transmitted Power generation using vehicle exhaust gas system
from the enclosed cylinder through the cylinder can be used in most of the Two wheelers and Four
walls and head to the surrounding atmosphere. wheelers

All rights reserved, [email protected]

Kranthi kumar G ,INDIA / International Journal of Research and Computational Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.5 Page:06-13
ISSN: 0975-5662, Dec, 2015

 It is applicable for all stationary and  It is a simple non – conventional energy

moving vehicles. process.
 It is applicable for all Automobiles.  This generating power can reduce the need
 The generating power is applicable for of power.
house hold uses.  To generate the power no need of fuel
 Auxiliary uses like indicators, horn etc. input.
 No problems of discharge in the batteries.

Power is generated by using automobile exhaust

gas is very simple and easy non-conventional
process. Energy generation using vehicle silencer
needs no fuel input power to generate the output of
the electrical power. This project using simple
mechanism same as wind energy power generation.
For this project the main Working Principle is
Conversion of the forced kinetic energy into
electrical energy. In this the exhaust gases released
from the automobile Silencer is used to rotate the
turbine (fan blades) by arranging it is very
conveniently. The nozzle is attached to the silencer
is used to proper flow of exhaust gases with high
velocity and steady flow with uniform direction Fig.2.Turbine
torotate the turbine. The dynamo attached to the
turbine with shaft is used to convert the forced DYNAMO-Dynamo is an electrical generator. This
kinetic energy(K.E) into electrical energy(E.E) is dynamo produces direct current with the use of a
by rotating dynamo[2,3]. commutator. Dynamo were the first generator
capable of the power industries. The dynamo uses
The main components used in this process is rotating coils of wire and magnetic fields to convert
 Turbine mechanical rotation into a pulsing direct electric
 Dynamo current. A dynamo machine consists of a stationary
structure, called the stator, which provides a
 Battery
constant magnetic field, and a set of rotating
 Nozzle windings called the armature which turn within that
field. On small machines the constant magnetic
TURBINE-A steam turbine is a mechanical device field may be provided by one or more permanent
that extracts thermal energy from pressurized magnets, larger machines have the constant
steam, and converts it into rotary motion. It has magnetic field provided by one or more
almost completely replaced the reciprocating piston electromagnets, which are usually called field coils.
steam engine primarily because of its greater
thermal efficiency and higher power-to-weight
ratio. Because the turbine generates rotary motion,
it is particularly suited to be used to drive an
electrical generator – about 90% of all electricity
generation in the United States is by use of steam
turbines[2]. The steam turbine is a form of heat
engine that derives much of its improvement in
thermodynamic efficiency through the use of
multiple stages in the expansion of the steam,
which results in a closer approach to the ideal
reversible process.


All rights reserved, [email protected]

Kranthi kumar G ,INDIA / International Journal of Research and Computational Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.5 Page:06-13
ISSN: 0975-5662, Dec, 2015

NOZZZLE- Jet nozzles are also use in large rooms proper flow of exhaust gases with high velocity and
where the distribution of air via ceiling diffusers is steady flow with uniform direction to rotate the
not possible or not practical. When the temperature turbine .the dynamo attached to the turbine with
difference between the supply air and the room air shaft is used to convert the forced kinetic
changes, the supply air stream is deflected energy(K.E) into electrical energy(E.E) is by
upwards, to supply warm air, or downwards, to rotating dynamo[1,3,4].
supply cold air. Nozzles can be described
as convergent or divergent (expanding from a
smaller diameter to a larger one). A de Laval
nozzle has a convergent section followed by a
divergent section. and is often called a convergent- The main calculations include in this process is,
divergent nozzle.
 Engine Exhaust Flow Rate Calculations
 Brake Power Calculations on Engine

4.1 Engine Exhaust Flow Rate Calculations:

Exhaust flow rate [5,6] may be calculated using the
following formula. Exhaust temperature and intake
airflow rate must be determined to calculate the
exhaust flow rate. Exhaust temperature and
manufacturers maximum back pressure may be
approximated using the Table.1.
Fig.4. Nozzle and Turbine
BATTERY- It is a device user to store the power. ( Exhaust Temp .(°F) + 460 )
*Intake Airflow = Exhaust
The power is stored in the form of DC current only. 540

There are many types of batteries are used Lead

acid , lithium fluoride and in this work 8Amp Engine Airflow Calculations CFM intake rate is
current and 12 voltage specification is used. available from the engine manufacturer. If CFM
specifications are not available, use the volumetric
efficiency calculation. A simple calculation for cfm
is to multiple the horsepower of your engine by 2.
Engine Size (CID ) x RPM 3456
. X Volumetric Efficiency
= Intake Airflow (CFM)
2-Cycle Engine Airflow Calculation:
Engine Size (CID ) x RPM 3456
X Volumetric Efficiency
= Intake Airflow ;
Volumetric Efficiency is
4 Cycle GAS Engine Naturally Aspirated = 0 .70 -
0.80; 2 and 4 Cycle DIESEL Engine Naturally
Fig.6. Battery Aspirated= 0.90 Turbo* = 1.50 - 3.00

4.2 Brake Power Calculations On Engine:

3.1. Power Generation Brake Power: It is the delivery power of the engine
In this the exhaust gases released from the It is the only power used by the engine.
automobile Silencer is used to rotate the turbine
(fan blades) by arranging it is very conveniently. 2𝜋𝑟𝑛
B.P =
The nozzle is attached to the silencer is used to

All rights reserved, [email protected]

Kranthi kumar G ,INDIA / International Journal of Research and Computational Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.5 Page:06-13
ISSN: 0975-5662, Dec, 2015

And also the torque and the angular speed 1000 ∗𝜋∗0.0875 ∗1500
= 6.87 KW
measurement of engine are involved in
Exhaust flow calculation:
measurement of break power. Dynamometer is Engine Size (CID ) x RPM 3456
used for torque measurement. The rotor of the X Volumetric Efficiency
engine which is under state is connected to stator. = Intake Airflow
0.0875 ∗0.11∗1500 ∗3456
Rotor moves through distance 2πr against force F. X 0.75 = 10.82
Hence work done is W=2 πrF.
( Exhaust Temp .(°F) + 460 )
*Intake Airflow (Cfm)
4.3. Power generation by exhaust gases: =Exhaust Flow
Power is generated by using automobile exhaust 1000 +460
X 10.82 = 29.25 m/s.
gas is calculated as in sample calculations 540

by(Table.2), B.P of dynamo:

𝑊∗𝜋𝑑𝑁 B.P = = 10 W
B.P = 60000
500 ∗𝜋∗0.0875 ∗1500
= = 3.43 KW
Table.1. Exhaust temperature and manufacturers maximum back pressure

S.No Engine Temperature Backpressure

1 Diesel 2-Cycle
900ºF 4" Hg
Naturally Aspirated
2 Diesel 2-Cycle
750ºF 3" Hg
3 Diesel 4-Cycle
1000ºF 3"Hg
Naturally Aspirated
4 Diesel 4-Cycle
900ºF 3" Hg
5 Gasoline (All types) 1200ºF 4" Hg

Table.2. Power is generated by using automobile exhaust gas calculated at constant engine speed 0f 1500 r. p. m

Load Load
B.P of Exhaust B.P of Power
on Speed of on
S.No Engine Velocity Exhaust generation
Engine Turbine(r.p.m) Turbine
(KW) (m/s) gas (W) Voltage(v)
(W) (W)
1 500 3.43 600 38 12 9 24
2 1000 6.87 450 32 15 7.7 18
3 1500 10.30 300 29.5 24 7 14


All rights reserved, [email protected]

Kranthi kumar G ,INDIA / International Journal of Research and Computational Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.5 Page:06-13
ISSN: 0975-5662, Dec, 2015

BP(KW) vs load(W)

5 BP(KW)

500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Graph.2.Plotted for Break power (KW) of engine to Load on Engine (W)

From the graph.2, the highest break power value (10.30KW) is obtained at the load 1500 watts at the constant
engine speed is 1500 revolutions per minute (r.p.m).

Turbine speed(r.p.m) vs Exhaust

Velocity (m/s)
Exhaust velocity(m/s)


20 Exhaust Velocity
0 (m/s)
0 200 400 600 800
Turbine speed(r.p.m)

Graph.3.Plotted for turbine speed (r. p. m) to exhaust velocity (m/s)

From the graph.3, the turbine speed at the 600 r. p. m the exhaust velocity is 50m/s at the constant engine speed
is 1500 revolutions per minute (r. p. m).

All rights reserved, [email protected]

Kranthi kumar G ,INDIA / International Journal of Research and Computational Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.5 Page:06-13
ISSN: 0975-5662, Dec, 2015

Exhaust velocity vs Voltage(V)

Voltage(V) 20
0 10 20 30 40

Exhaust velocity(m/s)

Graph.4. Plotted for voltage (V) generated from the exhaust velocity (m/s)

From the graph.4, it is observed that the maximum voltage (24 volts) is obtained at exhaust velocity 38 m/s at
the engine speed 1500 r. p. m.

Efficiency(%) vs Turbine
Efficiency (%)

0 200 400 600 800
Turbine speed (rpm)

Graph.5. Plotted for efficiency to the turbine speed (r. p. m)


From the study, it has been identified that there are large potentials of energy savings through the use
of waste heat recovery technologies. Waste heat recovery entails capturing and reusing the waste heat from
internal combustion engine and using it for heating or generating mechanical or electrical work[7,8,9]. It
would also help to recognize the improvement in performance and emissions of the engine if these
technologies were adopted by the automotive manufacturers.

The study also identified the potentials of the technologies when incorporated with other devices to
maximize potential energy efficiency of the vehicles[10]. The project carried out by us made an impressing
task in the field of mechanical department. It is used for to produce the current in vehicle exhaust unit.

All rights reserved, [email protected]

Kranthi kumar G ,INDIA / International Journal of Research and Computational Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.5 Page:06-13
ISSN: 0975-5662, Dec, 2015


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