2 - Brain Plasticity After Stroke FINAL PDF
2 - Brain Plasticity After Stroke FINAL PDF
2 - Brain Plasticity After Stroke FINAL PDF
Born: Bandung, 8 February 1969
DR. dr. Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih, SpKFR-K, MSc
DR. dr. Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih, SpKFR-K, MSc
Source: S, Irawan, MD, PhD., Prof Guest lecture: Update on neuroscience research MMP: matrix metallo-proteinase
Mei, 2017. IMERI FKUI BBB: blood brain barrier
DR. dr. Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih, SpKFR-K, MSc
The brain is not only about the weight!
Human brain consist
more gyrus and sulcus
compared to elephant’s
brain neurons and
synaps are more dense
and complex higher
cortical function
DR. dr. Widjajalaksmi Kusumaningsih, SpKFR-K, MSc Source: Evidence based review for stroke rehabilitation, 2016
Principles of recovery after stroke
• Patients tend to improve over time after an acute stroke
• Gains occur in motor impairments, with the larger increass in
strength occuring in patients who are not initially paralyzed
(Hendricks et al, 2002)
• Six months after a non-hemorrhagic stroke ± half of
patients have no significant motor impairment better
daily activities better functioning better quality of life
Barnes, Michael. et al. Recovery after stroke. 2005
Mang CS. Promoting Neuroplasticity for Motor Rehabilitation After Stroke, December 2013