Higher Education Student Dropout Prediction and Analysis Through Educational Data Mining

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Higher education student dropout prediction and analysis

through educational data mining

Published in: 2018 2nd International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC)
Date of Conference: 19-20 Jan. 2018
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 28 June 2018
ISBN Information:
DOI: 10.1109/ICISC.2018.8398887
Publisher: IEEE
Conference Location: Coimbatore, India, India

In past years the number of student dropout from the educational institute is increasing rapidly. The high
rate of student's dropout in a registered course has been a major threat to many educational institutions or
universities. The student enters the institution with lots of dreams and expectations. When their
expectations are not fulfilling or certain factors like demographics will effect and makes them drop from
their registered program. It is a major threat to all educational institution. The various technique of the
dimensionality reduction, which includes feature selection and feature extraction. Feature selection is step
by step procedure that is used to select the right attribute from a given attribute sets. For the feature
extraction process, it involves the transformation of higher dimensions' data in corresponding lower
dimensions. Feature selection consists of factors like Academics, demographical factors, psychological
factors, health issues, teacher's opinion, student behavior. In this paper, we introduce a methodology to
predict the student dropout using Naive-Bayes Classification Algorithm in R language. And also examine
the reason for student drop out at an early state and predict whether the student will drop or not. There are
many factors that affect a student to commit dropout as we mentioned above. Early dropout prediction
helps the organization to retain the students from the respective academic program.

A preliminary proposal of a conceptual educational data mining framework for science

education: Scientific competences development and self-regulated learning


The present paper is part of a wider study, focused on the development of a digital educational resource
for Science Education in primary school, integrating an Educational Data Mining framework. The
proposed conceptual framework aims to infer the impact of the adopted learning approach for the
development of scientific competences and students' self-regulated learning. Thus, students' exploration
of learning sequences and students' behavior towards available help, formative feedback and
recommendations will be analyzed. The framework derives from the proposed learning approach, as well
as from the literature review. Before introducing it, the authors present an overview of the digital
educational resource learning approach and the adopted Educational Data Mining methods. Finally, we
present the proposed conceptual Educational Data Mining framework for Science Education, focusing its
relevance on the development of students' scientific competences and self-regulated learning.

Published in: 2017 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE)

Date of Conference: 9-11 Nov. 2017

Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 18 January 2018

ISBN Information:

INSPEC Accession Number: 17506982

DOI: 10.1109/SIIE.2017.8259644

Publisher: IEEE

Conference Location: Lisbon, Portugal

Use data warehouse and data mining to predict student academic performance in schools: A case

The real facts in the education institute is the significant growth of the educational data. Basically
the main goal of this paper is to propose a model that can be applied in data warehouse and data
mining techniques to predict student performance (academic) in schools. Data mining techniques
was used to extract the essential information from the data warehouse and to explore the
relationships between variables stored in the data warehouse. In this study we will discuss how data
mining and data warehouse model can help the low achiever students, evaluate the course or
module suitability, and tailor the interventions to increase student academic performance in

Published in: Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and
Learning for Engineering (TALE)

Date of Conference: 26-29 Aug. 2013

Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 07 November 2013

Electronic ISBN: 978-1-4673-6355-6

INSPEC Accession Number: 13887717

DOI: 10.1109/TALE.2013.6654408

Publisher: IEEE

Conference Location: Bali, Indonesia

study (perspective application and benefits)


This article describes the models and the use of data mining techniques applied to Learning
Management Systems (LMS) which allow institutions to offer the student a personalized education.
It considers the ways in which the concepts of educational data mining (EDM) are applied to the
information extracted from the LMS. The data from these systems can be evaluated to convert the
information collected into useful information to provide an education tailored to the needs of each
student. This approach seeks to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of education by
recognizing patterns in student performance. This article presents an analysis of the data mining
techniques that fit LMS, specifically in terms of a case study applied to the e-learning platform
Moodle. The objective is to provide stakeholders with guidance on the use of EDM tools.

Published in: 2017 IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE)

Date of Conference: 19-22 March 2017

Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 04 May 2017

ISBN Information:

INSPEC Accession Number: 16863931

DOI: 10.1109/EDUNINE.2017.7918188

Publisher: IEEE

Conference Location: Santos, Brazil

nalysis of data mining techniques applied to LMS for personalized education

 Enhancing E-learning through data mining in the context of education data

In 21 century, medium of learning has been changed. Electronic learning is becoming a part of
everyday usage and everyone is participating in this with full zest to learn and is not very much
apart from E-learning. Learning do not comes with any age; learning is now dependent on how
much we want to learn from the heaps of abundant knowledge that is being buried under the
aegis of E-learning. E-learning is yet to develop, but now to build up the technology for E-
learning we have to collect the data and manage in such a way that everyone can take advantage
of this, be him a learner, educationist, businessman, socialist or any novice. To overcome the
challenges to using data mining in E-learning [18] we have to correlate the situation with the
fact. In this paper we will do the perfect research on data mining for educational contents to learn
about trends and changes in E-learning. In this synopsis, I will try to make a model which helps
us to overcome the challenges to using data mining in E-learning [24]. This model will works on
preprocessing and post processing of educational data. The value of this research not only lies
within the contemporary research findings, but also on the author's personal experience as a
teacher engaged in this form of E-learning [25]. According to research of the researcher after
applying review and recommendation techniques in E-learning model we can remove challenges
and maintain data in such a manner that every learner will get appropriate data.
Published in: 2016 3rd International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global
Development (INDIACom)
Date of Conference: 16-18 March 2016
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 31 October 2016
ISBN Information:
INSPEC Accession Number: 16426107
Publisher: IEEE
Conference Location: New Delhi, India

bjectives of Research Studies

 It provides interactive environment for user's studies.

 All aged learner will get information from the common source.
 While searching irrelevant data will go unprocessed.
 Quality of learning will grow with the realistic fact like a complete process of searching and
researching comes under an automatic systematic approach.
 A Complete framework has been adopted as shown in Fig 1.1 which is suitable for all
without any consequences.
 As you know the popularity of online learning has been on an increase worldwide by this
fact we want to cover each and every type of E-learning medium trying to cover in a
centralized way.

Increasing quality of education using educational data mining

Data Mining is necessary in organizations to enhance competitive advantage and decision
making. Through Data Mining, we can share, develop and apply this knowledge for
organizational growth. The Purpose of this paper is to elicit knowledge from the information
collected from faculty and students of educational institutions so that in-house training on skills
and quality programmes required for training purpose can be planned. Through Data mining
educational data can be analyzed and it helps in developing model for improving institutional
effectiveness. Educational Data Mining is key area in mining students performance and helpful
in predicting educational institutions performance taking parameters like Teaching skills, Course
content, Infrastructure etc. In this paper, we have extracted useful knowledge from students of
two different educational institutions taking their feedback on teaching skills.
Published in: 2013 2nd International Conference on Information Management in the Knowledge
Date of Conference: 19-20 Dec. 2013
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 02 October 2014
Electronic ISBN: 978-81-920249-7-4
INSPEC Accession Number: 14649387
Publisher: IEEE
Conference Location: Chandigarh, India

Conclusion and Future Scope

Using this Algorithmic Approach, we get the refined data. It increases the potential, resources,
training work within the organization and improvement in teaching practices, content work as
well as infrastructure. In this paper we have gathered data in the form of feedback related to
teaching practices adopted in 2 different institutions and using data mining techniques we can
achieve refined data from distributed databases. Data Mining is an efficient tool for improving
institutional effectiveness and student learning. Knowledge acquired by Educational Data
Mining not only help teachers to manage their classes, improves their teaching skills, students
learning processes but also provide feedback to institutions to improve their infrastructures and
quality. For making this approach successful and to increase its scope, more data can be
collected from Educational Institutions and queries can be performed on it.

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