Hydrate Formation and Plugging Mechanisms in Different Gas-Liquid Flow Patterns
Hydrate Formation and Plugging Mechanisms in Different Gas-Liquid Flow Patterns
Hydrate Formation and Plugging Mechanisms in Different Gas-Liquid Flow Patterns
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hydrate particles and the other one without hydrate particles. systems, hydrate would first form at the oil−water interface as a
Through the comparison between these two flow pattern maps, hydrate shell. Then, the hydrate plug formed mainly due to the
they confirmed that the hydrate formation would cause three shell growth and the decrease of hydrate transportability, which
main changes of the flow pattern map: (i) the area of the was dependent on the pump speed and water cut. In addition,
stratified smooth flow decreases, and the stratified smooth flow they simplified and improved the hydrate formation model and
will transform into the slug flow or the stratified wave flow at found that the effective diffusivity and the hydrate−oil slip ratio
smaller gas/liquid velocities; (ii) the boundary of the annular were the most sensitive parameters with respect to the plugging
flow moves a little to the left, meaning that the slug flow and tendency.32 For water dominant systems, Joshi et al.33 divided
the stratified wave flow will transform into the annular flow at the hydrate plug formation process into three stages based on
smaller gas velocities; (iii) the boundary between the slug flow their experimental results: stage I consists of constant pump
and the bubble flow slightly moves down, and it is easier for the ΔP, stage II consists of a sharp increase in the pump ΔP, and
slug flow to transform into the bubble flow. Besides, in the stage III consists of large fluctuations in the pump ΔP. Then,
model research aspect, Zerpa et al.24 established a hydro- they pointed out that the hydrate plug formation in water
dynamic slug model that considered the gas−liquid-hydrate dominant systems was a consequence of the increase of hydrate
flow in the gas−water system. Their results indicated that the concentration, which would further lead to the formation of
hydrate formation would induce a flow regime transition from hydrate bed and wall deposit. The mechanism of hydrate plug
the stratified flow to the slug flow, which was consistent with formation in gas dominant systems has been studied by Rao et
the experimental observation of Joshi.21 Then, Hegde et al.25 al.34 They found that, in gas dominant systems, hydrate would
used the model established by Zerpa et al.24 to predict the deposit on the pipe wall, starting from nucleation to dendritic
effects of hydrates on the slug characteristics, such as the slug growth to annealing/hardening of the deposit. Also, they
length distribution, number of slugs, and slug frequency. Their proposed a model to predict the hydrate deposition process,
results showed that the liquid-hydrate slip, hydrate volume and results indicated that the hydrate thickness and the distance
fraction, and hydrate aggregation affected the slug character- of plug formation length were significantly affected by the water
istics significantly. Then, Rao et al.26 used a hydrodynamic slug saturation and fluids velocity. Hydrate plugging mechanisms in
model coupled with a transient hydrate formation model to these three systems are briefly shown in Figure 1.
simulate the gas−liquid flow in subsea pipeline. This model can
predict the flow regime transition among the stratified flow, the
stratified wave flow, the slug flow, and the bubble flow, both
with and without hydrate particles.
The above studies have uncovered the mechanisms of how
hydrate formation influences the multiphase flow properties,
and effective models have been proposed to predict the flow
property variation. However, for the influence of different
multiphase flow factors on hydrate formation kinetics, there are
very few relevant studies.
Lv et al.22 studied the influence of gas/liquid flow rates on
gas-slurry flow pressure drop and found that the influence of
liquid superficial velocity on the pressure drop was more
obvious than that of the gas superficial velocity in the stratified
flow; but they did not clarify the influence of gas/liquid flow Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the hydrate plugging mechanism in
rates on hydrate formation kinetics, which is very important in different systems.
modifying the hydrate growth model in multiphase flow
systems. Lorenzo et al.27,28 investigated the hydrate formation
process in annular flow systems; their results confirmed that the Based on the above studies, mechanisms of how hydrate
hydrate growth rate in a gas dominant system was significantly formation affect the multiphase flow properties have been well
larger than that in the water or oil dominant systems. This addressed; however, in turn, the influence of different
indicates that changing the gas/liquid flow rates (or gas/liquid multiphase flow parameters on hydrate formation kinetics is
volume fractions) can influence the hydrate formation rate. In still unclear, especially the influence of different flow patterns
addition, they also pointed out that, in the annular flow, the on hydrate agglomeration and deposition properties. In the
plugging mechanism was dependent on the supercooling present work, a series of experiments were conducted using a
degree of the experimental system. Then, Cassar et al.29 high pressure flow loop. Hydrate agglomeration and deposition
conducted hydrate formation experiments in both the annular properties were studied, and the plugging mechanisms in
flow system and the stratified flow system. They found that in different flow patterns were proposed.
both systems the line blockage was reached after three steps:
(1) rapid hydrate formation and growth, (2) hydrate formation 2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION
rate slowdown, and (3) the increase of the formation rate, and 2.1. High Pressure Hydrate Flow Loop. The experiments
they also found that the gas−water flow pattern affected the in this work were conducted using a high pressure flow loop,
hydrate formation rate and plugging time apparently. which was constructed by the State Key Laboratory of Pipeline
The hydrate plug formation mechanism is different in Safety in China University of Petroleum (Beijing). The loop
different flow systems, which has been studied by many consists of a centrifugal pump, a gas compressor, four test
researchers. Davies and Boxall et al.30 improved the hydrate sections, a data acquisition system, and several data sensors.
formation and plugging mechanism proposed by Turner31 for The test section is 30 m long in total, and the internal diameter
oil dominant systems. They pointed out that, in oil dominant is 2.54 cm. It is made from carbon steel, and the design pressure
4174 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b02717
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2017, 56, 4173−4184
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
Figure 2. Top - schematic diagram of the high pressure hydrate flow loop; bottom -photograph of the flow loop test section.
is 15 MPa. The working temperature of the flow loop ranges equipped with two flow meters, one for the liquid flow rate and
from −20 to 100 °C, which is controlled by four Julabo water the other one for the gas flow rate. On the test section, a
baths with a precision of 0.01 °C. Besides, the loop is equipped focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) probe and a
with 5 pressure sensors and 8 temperature sensors, with the particle video microscope (PVM) probe are quipped, which can
precision of 0.01 bar and 0.1 °C, respectively. It is also help to study the size and behaviors of hydrate particles from a
4175 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b02717
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2017, 56, 4173−4184
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
Figure 6. Changes of the slurry density and particle number in Exp. 15.
3.1. Results in Stratified Flow. Exp. 1−4 were carried out liquid phase as we can see the total number of particles
in stratified flow conditions, and the results of these four increased during this period; and finally, the loop was blocked,
experiments were similar. Here we use the results of Exp. 4 as which is shown in Figure 8 (b). We can notice that the slurry
an example to show the typical results in the stratified flow. density changed very little after hydrate formation, indicating
As shown in Figure 7, the relative DP is the pressure drop of
the flow loop divided by the liquid flow rate. When hydrate
began to form at about 1.7 h, the total number of hydrate
particles/water droplets decreased rapidly, indicating the
hydrate agglomeration occurred at this time. Due to the
hydrate formation and violent agglomeration, the liquid flow
rate decreased and the relative DP increased rapidly. After this
period, both the relative DP and the liquid flow rate kept
constant for about half an hour. Then again the liquid flow rate
began to decrease and the relative DP began to increase. This Figure 8. (a) Hydrate formation and (b) hydrate plugging in the
was caused by the hydrate growth and accumulation in the stratified flow.
that the hydrate deposition degree in the stratified flow was factors such as the breaking of hydrate-coated bubbles, the
very small. In addition, the total number of hydrate particles in breaking of hydrate agglomerates, or the hydrate continuous
the liquid phase increased continuously after the initial growth in the liquid phase. Figure 11 shows the changes of the
agglomeration, which also meant the hydrate particles tend to
grow in the liquid phase instead of depositing on the pipe wall
surface. So the plugging in this experiment was mainly caused
by the continuous growth and accumulation of hydrates in the
liquid phase, as shown in Figure 8 (b).
Based on the above analysis and the recorded picture, a plug
formation mechanism in the stratified flow is proposed, as
shown in Figure 9: (i) The system stays at the gas−liquid
stratified flow with the water dispersed in the oil phase as water
droplets; (ii) When the system runs into the hydrate stable Figure 11. Changes of mean chord length and number of particles in
Exp. 5.
region, hydrate nucleation onset occurred; (iii) Hydrate
particles and water droplets begin to agglomerate with each
other; (iv) After the rapid agglomeration, the agglomerates square-weighted mean chord length of the particles, which
grow continuously; (v) Hydrates accumulate in the liquid phase shows the similar trend with the change of total number of
and then bedding on the pipe wall, and then the pipeline is particles. This indicates that the increase of particles number is
blocked. not caused by the agglomerate breaking or bubble breaking,
3.2. Results in Bubble Flow. Exp. 5−8 were carried out since this would cause reduction of the mean chord length. So
with very small gas flow rates in order to form bubble flow in this stage, hydrate grew continuously in the liquid phase.
conditions. Results in these experiments are similar, and here Then, the total number of particles began to decrease, along
we use the results of Exp. 5 as an example, which is shown in with the slurry density and the liquid flow rate. From the
Figure 10. reduction of the slurry density and particles number, we
As shown in Figure 10, after the hydrate formation onset at deduced that this was caused by the hydrate deposition on pipe
about 1.7 h, the total number of particles/droplets/bubbles wall surface. Then, the deposition process ceased, and the
decreased rapidly, indicating that hydrate agglomeration system kept a stable state. No plug formed in this experiment.
occurred at this period. Due to the hydrate formation and Based on the above results, the hydrate formation and slurry
agglomeration, the liquid flow rate decreased gradually and the flow process in the bubble flow is proposed, as shown in Figure
relative DP increased rapidly. Then the total number of 12: (i) Water disperses in the oil phase as water droplets, and
particles began to increase, which could be caused by several the system maintains at a stable bubble flow; (ii) When the
Figure 14. Changes of mean chord length and number of particles in Exp. 5.
as water droplets, and some distributes as water film covering Figure 17. (a) Hydrate layer formed on the glass window and (b)
the pipe wall; (ii) Hydrates begin to form on the pipe wall or hydrate film sloughing.
on the water/oil interface, forming a thick hydrate layer
covering the pipe wall; (iii) The thick hydrate layer begins to including the factor of hydrate agglomeration degree fa and f′a,
slough due to the intense flow shear force; (iv) The sloughed the factor of hydrate deposition degree fd, and the hydrate
hydrate fragments accumulate at some uneven section and volume fraction φH. Detailed results are listed in Table 2.
block the flow section. The volume fraction of hydrates formed in each flow pattern
3.5. Comparison of the Results in Each Flow Pattern. is shown in Figure 19. We can see that the hydrate volume
In section 2.3, several methods were proposed to estimate the fraction (or hydrate formation amount) in the bubble flow and
hydrate agglomeration degree and deposition degree. In this the slug flow has the maximum value, both of which are about
section, results in different flow patterns are compared, 4.4%; but the error range in the slug flow is larger. The hydrate
Figure 18. Schematic diagram of the plugging mechanism in the annular flow (adapted from the diagram proposed by Sum et al.36).
volume fraction in stratified flow is about 3.8%, and the hydrate Figure 20. Factors in different flow patterns.
volume fraction in the annular flow is only about 1.6%. We
should mention here that all the experiments in stratified flow
and annular flow conditions were blocked at last. The plugging calculated based on the critical chord length, and f′a is calculated
process in the annular flow was very rapid, while the plugging based on the square-weighted mean chord length. We can see
process in the stratified flow occurred gradually. Because of the that, for each flow pattern, the ratio of fa′/fa is almost a constant
plugging, the length of the hydrate growth period is different in of 3, which demonstrates that both of the above two methods
different flow patterns. Thus, the blockage is likely to be the are valid for estimating the agglomeration degree. The results
reason for the difference of the hydrate formation amount. As show that these two factors have the same change tendency: the
we know, the hydrate formation amount is mainly affected by slug flow > the stratified flow > the bubble flow > the annular
the experimental pressure, temperature, and the water cut. So as flow. This indicates that hydrates in the slug flow have the
long as the flow system keeps a good flow stability, the hydrate largest agglomeration degree, which may be due to the unstable
formation amount in each flow pattern should be very close to flow condition. Because the slug flow has violent flow
each other. fluctuations, hydrate particles in the slug flow can contact and
4182 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b02717
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2017, 56, 4173−4184
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article
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Corresponding Authors agglomeration and linear pressure drop. Proc. 13th International
*E-mail: [email protected]. Conference on Multiphase Production Technology, Edinburgh, UK, 23−15
*E-mail: [email protected]. June 2007.
(17) Sun, M.; Firoozabadi, A. Natural gas hydrate particles in oil-free
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Jing Gong: 0000-0002-3722-5778 Fuels 2014, 28, 1890.
Notes (18) Sinquin, A.; Palermo, T.; Peysson, Y. Rheological and flow
The authors declare no competing financial interest. properties of gas hydrate suspensions. Oil Gas Sci. Technol. 2004, 59,
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS concentrated hydrate slurries. 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference
This work was supported by the National Science Foundation and Exhibition: Production Operations and Engineering - General,
for Young Scientists of China (Grant 51306208), National Houston, TX, 3−6 Oct., 1999; p 39310.2118/56567-MS.
Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant 51274218 & (20) Lv, X.; Shi, B.; Wang, Y.; Tang, Y.; Wang, L.; Gong, J.
51534007), National Science and Technology Major Project Experimental Study on Hydrate Induction Time of Gas-Saturated
(No. 2016ZX05028004-001), and Science Foundation of China Water-in-Oil Emulsion using a High-Pressure Flow Loop. Oil Gas Sci.
University of Petroleum-Beijing (No. 2462014YJRC006, No. Technol. 2015, 70, 1111.
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