Effects of Using Cell Phone On Academic Performances

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First City Providential College

Brgy. Narra, Francisco Homes Subdivision, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan 3023

Understanding the Effects of using Cell Phone on Academic

Performances of the Senior High School Students of First City
Providential College

A research Paper presented to

First City Providential College

In Partial Fulfilment of the

Requirements for the subject
Research in Daily Life

Research conducted by
Evan Karl S. Flores
Grade 11 STEM 6

Submitted to
Mrs. Annelie I. Bravo
Research Teacher

Academic Year 2018-2019

2nd Semester

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DESCRIPTIVE STUDY presented and submitted by Evan Karl S. Flores is
hereby accepted as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject
Research in Daily Life in First City Providential College was approved by the

Mrs. Annelie Bravo

Research Teacher


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The research would like to express their utmost gratitude and appreciation

to those who shared and give their efforts for the completion of this research.

This research will not be successful without their support.

To Mrs. Annelie I. Bravo, Research Teacher, for her patience, unselfish

guidance, criticism, and helpful pointers

To senior high school students, for their support in conducting our

interview and in giving their comments and suggestions

To the respective parents of the researchers, for their undying love and

unending support emotionally and financially and for their patience and


Above all, to God Almighty, for giving life, love, wisdom, and knowledge

to the researchers for them to continue in searching for what is factual and

what is real needed to accomplish this research.

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The researcher wishes to dedicate this work to students who are looking

for reason why their cellphone causes different effects to their behaviour, health,

and academic performance; for them to seek for ways on how they can cope

with those reasons.

To the researcher’s families who always support them emotionally and

financially, encourage and understand them as they go through this work.

To the students and other future researchers who might conduct similar

studies about language communication that will enhance the teaching and

learning process.

And above all to God Almighty whose love and wisdom are essential to

make this research possible.

The researcher wishes that this research will enlighten the students about

the reason why cellphone causes bad effects and how it will be solved as they

go through this research to search some tips and advices.

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Title page ..........................................................................................1
Approval Sheet .................................................................................2
Acknowledgement ............................................................................3
Dedication ........................................................................................4
Background of the study ..................................................................6
Review of Related Literature ...........................................................8
Conceptual Framework ...................................................................10
Statement of the Problem ................................................................11
Significance of the Study ................................................................11
Scope and Delimitation ..................................................................12
Definition of Terms ........................................................................12
Methods of Research
Methods of Research Used .............................................................14
Description of Research Method ....................................................14
Result ..........................................................................................15-20
Conclusion ......................................................................................22
Recommendation ............................................................................23
Bibliography ....................................................................................24
Interview Questions .........................................................................25
Summary 1 ...................................................................................26-34
Summary 2 ...................................................................................35-39
Letter of Consent .............................................................................

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A. Background of the Study

In this new era, technology made a great change in every

people’s lives. Technology is a machine, equipment, etc., that is created

by technology. It can be also a useful things or device that can solve

problems and makes life better. Every year thousand of new

technologies were made and one of these technologies is the telephone.

Back in 19th century writing a letter is only way to send a message for a

long distance to someone but this method takes up a long time before the

receiver receives the letter. Researchers created a technology that will

solve the problem of this kind of communication so researchers ended

up inventing telephone. Telephone is a technology that can use two or

more users and easily communicate to someone who is far from each

other with the use of wires and radio signals to send the voice of the

users to another telephone user.

Researchers do some further researches about communication that

leads to create a technology that can be carry anywhere and it was called

cellphone. Cellphone is a portable telephone that can be carry anywhere.

This device can send and receive a messages and it can also make calls

or answer incoming calls from a long distance of communication. Later

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on cell phone upgraded to smart phone. Smart phone is a cell phone that

performs like a computer. Furthermore, smart phones have a feature of

touch screen, internet access and operating system capable of running

downloaded apps.

Internet gives entertainment to the world that’s why people become

totally entertained to the internet and leads them to addiction. Internet

consists of different social media websites, different entertainment

platforms, and online games such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.

Addiction is bad for everyone because it can leads to different health


With this matter, it is given that all of the needs of a teenager who’s

also a student are being feed by using social media and other related

technology inclined sources. Also the people specifically the students of

First City Providential College have already used to rely on technology

when it comes on school works that is why it can’t be avoided for the

students to use gadgets and social media. The role of this research is to

answer the question of what are the effects of using cell phone on

academic performances of the students because the author of this

research noticed that 99% of students have a cell phone and at all event,

students were using it.

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B. Review of Related Literature and Studies

Based on the theory “Planned Behaviour and the Use of Cell/Mobile

Phone in the Classroom” proposed by Lawali Ya’u and Bashir Idris, the

use of cell phone in classrooms not for academic purposes has been

detrimental towards classroom management as well as student

performances. Distractions in the classrooms are usually avoided in order

to achieve the learning objective. Many Students remain busy sending or

receiving calls without adversely attending to the on-going class, texting,

or using social networks like Facebook, twitter, WhatsApp, etc. while in

class, when other students listens to the lecture or attending the on-going

class activity. Students who are kin to listen to the lesson were distracted

with phone ringtones, messages alerts reminder alerts and other forms of

sudden disturbances generated from cell phone.

i. Foreign Literature

Constant usage and sort of addiction to cell phones has affected the

people physically and psychologically by making them have aches and pains

and in some a disability too; lose their required number of hours of sleep;

get angry and scrap over trivial matters, and so on and so forth. Effects of

overuse of cell phone devices in the general population have been carried

out by many, but few on specific groups like the teenagers, younger

generation or say college-students (Acharya, 2013).

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ii. Local Literature

Addiction to cell phone will affects people physically, psychologically,

and socially. Therefore, much mobile phone use has been found to be

associated with health problems. Furthermore, inappropriate use of cell

phone/mobile phone by students presents many harmful effects. For

example, the use of cell phone during lectures causes classrooms’

disturbances affecting the academic performances of the students (Bastida,


iii. Foreign Study

Students are distracts and disrupting by the cell phone which is cause to

the students to fail their academic work. The cell phone has the power to

weaken the authority of schools and impair their control over the students as

well as affect their level of academic performances (Soyemi, Oloruntoba,

Okafor, 2015). The use of cell phone in classrooms not for academic

purposes has been detrimental towards classroom management as well as

student performances (Lawali & Bashir, 2015).

iv. Local Study

Cell phones device or technological device refers to any device that helps

you to do school work as and as for entertainment. But, Using cell phone or

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other technological device can lead to positive and negative effects. In

positive effects, students improve and enhance the learning performance by

using technological devices. In the other hand, the negative effects degrade

the learning performance of the students (Lolong, 2013).

C. Conceptual Framework


Positive Negative

Behaviour of Health of the
Performance of
the students Students
the Students

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D. Statement of the Problem

The main objective of this research is to know the main effect of allowing

cell phones to the students and to solve the problem of the student’s

academic performance.

The study aims to:

1. Identify the cause of having a cellphone to the students

2. Determine the health problem that possibly get

3. Analyze how cell phone affects the behaviour of the students.

4. Identify why students obsessed to their cell phone.

5. Provide some tips on how to avoid over used of cellphone

E. Significance of the Study

The result of the study will benefit to the following:

1. Students - to know the problems why their academic performances are

getting low and help them from it. It will give the student’s a realization

that the excessive use of cell phone can cause them a serious problem to

their academic performances and their own health.

2. Teachers - will gain some knowledge about the topic and teach the

students that must be limited the use of cell phones or other device.

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3. Parents - result will be advice the parents to advice and control the usage

of electronic devices such as cell phone.

4. Future Researcher – to get some more information and to support his/her


F. Scope and Delimitation

In general, the focus of this study will include the effects of using cell

phone on academic performances of the students. The study will be

conducted through a specific time of January 2019 to February 2019. The

targeted respondents of this research are the students who are in grade 11

and 12 of First City Providential College. The respondents of this research

are specifically random grade 11 and 12 students.

G. Definition of Terms

1. Technology - is a machine, equipment, etc., that is created by


2. Telephone - is a technology that can use two or more users and it can

now easily communicate to someone who is far from each other with

the use of wires and radio signals to send the voice of the users to

another telephone user.

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3. Cell phone - is a portable telephone that can make and receive calls.

4. Smart phone - is advance technology that has operating system capable

of running downloaded apps

5. Internet - a global computer network providing a variety of

information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected

networks using standardized communication protocols.

6. Distraction– a extreme agitation of the mind or emotion.

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A. Methods of Research Used

This qualitative research used the descriptive method and utilized

the action approach. Descriptive research use to identify and classify the

elements or characteristics of the subject. It does phenomenology a type

of qualitative research that based on lived experiences about concept or a

phenomenon for several individuals.

B. Description of Research Method

The research intends to explore the effect of using cellphone on academic

performances.20 respondents, aged 15 – 19, will be chosen for the study.

Almost of the student have their cellphones at all events. As per the basic

principles in human research all persons shall be provided anonymity, be

treated fairly, and be chosen objectively in accordance with equitable

selection of participants.

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The researcher conduct a study to determine the effect of the

cellphone on academic performance of the students through a research

entitled "A Phenomenology: Understanding the Effects of Using

Cellphone on Academic Performances of the Senior High School

Students in First City Providential College"

This part will show the summary of the information gathered

through an interview with ten respondents.

Question # 1: Do you have a cellphone? If yes, for what purpose do you

use it? If its no, Why?

All of the respondents have a cellphone. According to them the

purpose of their cellphones is to entertain, to communicate, and educate

themselves by watching videos, texting with other, learn something new,


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Question # 2: What are the advantages of having your own cellphone in


The answers of the respondents are the following:

 Helps to communicate easily

 Improves academic performances

 In case of emergencies

Question # 3: What are the disadvantages of having your own cellphone

in school?

The answers of the respondents are the following:

 Temptation by the social media

 Temptation by the games

 Being disrespectful to the teachers

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Question # 4: What are the reasons why you use your cellphone?

The reasons of the respondents are the following:

 To help from the academic performance

 To search information

 To easily communicate

 To entertain ourselves

Question # 5: Do you use your cellphone during class hours? Why?

18 of the respondents said no. According to them they use only

their cellphone during vacant time, if the teacher allows it, educational

purposes, and when it comes on emergencies. 5 of them said that might

be confiscate by the teacher because it is against the rule, and distraction

at the study. The 2 respondents say yes. According to them they use their

cellphone when the teacher is tedious.

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Question # 6: How does cellphone affects your academic performance?

11 out of 20 respondents said that cellphones can help their

academic performance such as prompt, advance reading, and research

purposes. On the other hand the remaining 9 respondents said that

cellphones is not helping their academic performance because of

improper usage of cellphone, and the distraction given by the cellphone

that leads to procrastinate.

Question # 7: How does cellphone affects your behaviour in class?

All the respondents said that they are affected by their behaviour

in class such as affects the analyzing and memorizing skills,

disrespecting teachers, stress, violent, anxious, absent mindedness and

Irritate. Most of them are absent minded, which is inattentive in class.

Least of them are anxious and violent behaviour in class.

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Question # 8: Does over use of cellphones cause health problems? Give


All of the respondents agreed that over use of cellphone cause

health problems such as poor eyesight, headache, epileptic seizure, lack

of sleep, addiction, and for worse is cancer. 15 of them stated that could

be possible cause of over using of cellphone is having poor eyesight,

lack of sleep, and epileptic disorder, and 5 of them said headache,

addiction and cancer are the possible cause of over using of cellphone.

Question # 9: Will you limit yourself about using cellphones at all


16 out of 20 respondents said that limitation of using cellphones

is very important. Most of them state that if you will not having limit to

your cellphones it could be possibly cause you health problems. And 4

of respondents said no because cellphone is their life.

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Question # 10: As a student of First City Providential College give some

tips or advices to the students about over using their cellphone inside the


All of the respondents gave some tips and advices one of them is

be responsible and learn to control yourself to avoid procrastination that

will cause your grades low. Another one is you, help yourself too. Use

your cellphone outside the school so you can study well inside the


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A. Findings

Based on the gathered information all of the respondents have a

cellphone and stated that the benefits of having a cellphone will help the

student’s academic performance such as prompt, research purposes, etc.

In the other hand, cellphone can cause distraction to the students because

of the social media, and games that will result to procrastinate and leads

the student’s academic performances low. Furthermore over used of

cellphone causes health problems such as poor eyesight, headache,

seizure, cancer, addiction, and lack of sleep that can leads depression,

obstructive sleep apnea, hormone imbalances, and other chronic


The study showed that over usage of cellphone can be result to

abnormal behaviour such as absent mindedness during class hours,

irritable, anxious, stress, and becoming violent that can cause classmates

or teachers harm. Also, using cellphone during class hours is a kind of

disrespect from the teacher. Students were obsessed because of the

entertainment gives of the cellphone. Students from First city

Providential College states everyone should limit the use of cellphone

because of the harm given by the cellphone to its user.

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The result from the interview supported the theory related to the

study. Lawali Yu’u & Bahir Idris (2015), Theory of Planned Behaviour

and the Use of Cell/Mobile Phone in the Classroom, stated that the

cellphone causes distraction to the students because of busy sending or

receiving calls without adversely attending to the on-going class because

of without adversely attending to the on-going class. This study found

that cellphones are harmful to the society. The cellphone is useful that

can help a lot of by using it in searching information, prompt, etc. But,

cellphones are very harmful.

B. Conclusion

The study concludes that cellphones are harmful that can cause

abnormality to the behaviour of the students and making the academic

performances low by the temptation given by the cellphone with the

power of the internet that can be use to play games, social media, and

other apps that connects to cellphone and to the internet from the

students of First City Providential College. However, it gives great

benefits when it comes to educational purposes and correct usage of


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C. Recommendation

Using the data from the findings and conclusion, it is suggested to put

the following recommendation:

Cellphone affects the grades, and behaviour of the student; therefore, it

is recommended that:

STUDENTS – should be care when having an own cellphone

TEACHER – should be aware from the distraction given by the

cellphone and give tips or advices to the students that will limit the

students from using much of cellphone.

PARENTS – should be aware when buying their child a cellphone or

other technologies.

FUTURE RESEARCHER – should conduct some more research to help

the world about the technology is taking over us humans.

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Lawali, Y. & Bashir, I. (2015). Theory of Planned Behaviour and the Use of
Cell/Mobile Phone in the Classroom. International Research Journal of
Electronics & Computer Engineering, 1(1)

Soyemi, J., Oloruntoba, S.A., Okafor, B. (2015, January). Analysis of

Mobile Phone Impact on Student Academic Performance in Tertiary
Institution. Retrieve from

Archarya, J. (2013, Apri 05). A Study on Some of the Common Health

Effects of Cell-Phones Amongst College Students. Retrieve from

Lolong, K. (2010, October 07). Impact of Technological Changes to the

Behavior of College Students. Retrieve from

Bastida, R.(2018). Review of Related Literature. Retreive from


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Interview Question

Question # 1: Do you have a cellphone? If yes, for what purpose do you use it?
If it’s no, Why?

Question # 2: What are the advantages of having your own cellphone in school?

Question # 3: What are the disadvantages of having your own cellphone in


Question # 4: What are the reasons why you use your cellphone?

Question # 5: Do you use your cellphone during class hours? Why?

Question # 6: How does cellphone affects your academic performance?

Question # 7: How does cellphone affects your behaviour in class?

Question # 8: Does overuse of cellphones cause health problems? Give


Question # 9: Will you limit yourself about using cellphones at all events?

Question # 10: As a student of First City Providential College give some tips or
advices to the students about over using their cellphone inside the classroom.

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Summary I

Participant # 1
1. Yes, For Educational Purposes
2. Way to search information
3. It will tempt you to use social media and play games
4. Educational Purposes
5. Yes when the teacher is boring
6. It helps for academic performance
7. Affects my skill in memorizing
8. Yes, poor eyesight
9. Yes, Limit is important because it may lead on addiction
10. Be responsible and help yourself

Participant # 2
1. Yes, for communicating to other people
2. Makes your academic performance good
3. Temptation of social media and games
4. To communicate and search some information
5. No, but only when needed yes
6. Helps your academic performance easier
7. Disrespect to the teacher
8. Yes, poor eyesight and epileptic seizure
9. Yes, Limit yourself is important
10. Use your cellphone to help yourself not to disrespect teacher

Participant # 3
1. Yes, for academic purposes and communication

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2. Helps me to follow discussion

3. Might be distract by social media
4. Educational purposes and communication
5. No, but when it comes on emergency yes
6. Makes your grades low
7. Absent mindedness
8. Yes, Poor eyesight and seizure disorder
9. Yes, because all too much is bad
10. Use your phone only in free time

Participant # 4
1. Yes, for educational purposes and social media
2. Prompt will be going easy
3. Distracts on academics
4. Interact to other people and academic purposes
5. No, but if needed yes
6. Bad effects, it causes my grades low
7. Obsessed to cellphone that cause absent mindedness
8. Poor eyesight
9. Limit is needed because overused of cellphone is bad to health
10. Limit is important, that is for your own good

Participant # 5
1. Social media and studies
2. Can be use for searching and calculation
3. Disrespect to the teacher who are teaching

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4. Social media, Academics

5. No, but if there’s a free time yes
6. Waste of time instead of doing educational purposes
7. Stress, at school and Irritable
8. Yes, like headaches
9. Yes, limit is important
10. Use it for something educational

Participant # 6
1. Yes, for communication
2. To know some new information
3. Distracted by playing games
4. Communication
5. No, but in vacant time yes
6. Cellphone distracts all the time so result is bad grades
7. Absent mindedness
8. Yes, unable to sleep
9. Yes, but not now
10. Do it in positive way

Participant # 7
1. Yes, school works and entertainment
2. Way to find some information to the internet
3. Tempt by playing games that leads to procrastination
4. School works and entertainment
5. No, but to comply the things that needed in specific subject, yes

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6. Helps to gather some information

7. Academic stress
8. Yes, poor eyesight
9. Yes, because it can destroy your life if you overuse it
10. Be aware and learn to control yourself

Participant # 8
1. Yes, to search some information to the internet
2. Does not need to borrow from your classmate
3. Chance of stealing your phone
4. To browse on the internet
5. No, might be confiscate by the teacher
6. Helps my academic performance
7. Obsessed to my phone that cause me absent mindedness
8. Yes, lack of sleep
9. Yes, to prevent addiction
10. Don’t use it when does not really needs

Participant # 9
1. Yes, for studying, reading, browsing the internet
2. Always updated on topics
3. Tempt to use cellphone because of games and social media
4. Educational purposes and entertainment
5. No, but when teacher says an unfamiliar words yes
6. Provide the way of getting information to the internet
7. Analyze, Synthesize, synchronize
8. Yes, radiation that causes poor eyesight

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9. Yes, limit is important

10. Overused of phones might get low academic performance

Participant # 10
1. Yes, for entertainment and educational proposes
2. In case of emergencies
3. Temptation of playing games
4. Education purposes and entertainment
5. No, but when there are no teacher around yes
6. Helps on study
7. Can’t control of myself to use my cellphone cause to disrespect
8. Yes, lack of sleep, poor eyesight
9. Yes. limit is needed
10. Learn to discipline ourselves and respect who is talking in front

Participant # 11
1. Yes, for communication
2. It has can help you in your academic performance
3. None
4. Communication and educational proposes
5. No, so I can focus on my lesson
6. Good, it can review advances in lesson
7. Anxious
8. Yes, like cancer
9. No, because I can multi task
10. Just leave it at home

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Participant # 12
1. Yes for research purposes and entertainment
2. You can communicate to the other people
3. It might tempt you during class hours
4. Entertainment and educational purposes
5. No, but If teacher allow it yes
6. Helps you to do your prompt
7. Absent mindedness
8. Yes, poor eyesight because of radiation
9. Yes, other events are important that should not use cellphone
10. Must know what is the cellphone purposes

Participant # 13
1. Yes, for chatting, browsing and videos
2. You can search some answer if you don’t know
3. Tempt to play games
4. Social media, entertainment, and educational purposes
5. Yes, playing games
6. It is not helping on me
7. Absent mindedness
8. Yes, cellphone addiction
9. Yes, limit is very important
10. Know the priorities in school

Participant # 14
1. Yes, to interact other people, social media

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2. Easy to search information

3. Temptation of social media and games
4. Communication
5. No, but when needed yes
6. Good, helps me to access some information
7. Absent mindedness
8. Yes, the radiation that result to poor eyesight
9. Yes, because you need some rest
10. Control yourself to not tempt to the cellphone

Participant # 15
1. Yes educational purposes
2. Way of communication
3. It will distract you all the time
4. Educational and social media
5. No, but when we are not busy yes
6. It can cause you low grades
7. Mental issues such as disrespecting teachers
8. Yes, poor eyesight
9. No, cellphone is my life
10. Cellphone is very dangerous so you much limit the usage of

Participant # 16
1. Yes, for communication and entertainment
2. You can communicate to your love ones

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3. It will distracts you by playing games and social media

4. Communication and entertainment
5. No, because it will distract my academic performance
6. Good, because it helps a lot, like source of information
7. Violent
8. Yes, poor eyesight
9. No, cellphone is everything to me
10. Use cellphone outside the school so you can study well

Participant # 17
1. Yes, for communication
2. Way to communicate other people
3. You might be distract by social media and games
4. Communication
5. No, but when I don’t know what the teacher says yes
6. Makes me procrastinate, lack of time management
7. Stress
8. Yes, poor eyesight
9. Yes, there’s a time for cellphone and academic
10. Don’t let cellphone controls you

Participant # 18
1. Yes, to learn something new from the internet
2. It can be helpful to advance reading
3. It can distract you by playing mobile games etc.
4. Entertainment and educational purposes
5. No, it’s against the rules
6. Good, helps me to do my prompt easily

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7. Academic stress
8. Yes, poor eyesight
9. Yes, to avoid addiction
10. You might be dumb if you use it daily

Participant # 19
1. Yes, for gaming
2. In case of emergencies
3. Obstacle or distraction when you are studying
4. Gaming and communication
5. No, but for educational purposes yes
6. Bad, can be result you to procrastinate
7. Absent mindedness
8. Yes, radiation the gives you poor eyesight
9. No, because it is my life
10. Learn to control yourself

Participant # 20
1. Yes, for communication and entertainment
2. Easy to search information
3. Distraction when you study
4. Communication and entertainment
5. No, because might be confiscated
6. Causes you low grades
7. Absent mindedness
8. Yes, in your eyesight that could be result on poor eyesight
9. Yes, because cellphone is bad to our health
10. Know your cellphone’s purpose

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Summary II

Question #1

Participants 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, - Yes, for educational purposes

to learn something new information

Participants 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20 – Yes, for communication to

communicate with the other people

Participants 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20 – Yes, for entertainment like

playing games, watching videos, etc.

Question #2

Participants 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20 – helps to our academic


Participant 8 – Do not need to borrow cellphone to your classmate

Participants 10, 14 – In case of emergency

Participants 11, 12, 15, 16 – Helps to communicate to others

Question #3

All participants – temptation by the social media and games

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Question #4

Participants 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, - Yes, for educational purposes

to learn something new information

Participants 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20 – Yes, for communication to

communicate with the other people

Participants 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20 – Yes, for entertainment like

playing games, watching videos, etc.

Question #5

Participants 1 – Yes, when the teacher is tedious

Participant 13 – Yes, playing games

Participants 2, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16,17,19 – No, but for academic purposes, yes

Participants 3 – No, but for emergencies only

Participant 6, 10, 15 – No, but if have vacant time, yes

Participant 8, 18, 20– No, might be confiscated because of against the rules

Participant 12 – if the teacher allows it

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Question #6

Participants 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18 – good, it helps on academics

purposes very well

Participants 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 15, 17, 19, 20 – Bad results – it will cause your

grades low

Question #7

Participants 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20 – Absent mindedness

Participants 5, 7, 17, 18 – Irritable, stress, and violent

Participants 2, 10, and 15 – disrespecting teachers

Participants 1, 9 – problems from memorizing and reading skill

Participant 11 – anxious

Question #8

Participants 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 – Yes, poor


Participant 8 –Yes like headache

Participants 2, and 3 – Yes, epileptic seizure

Participants 6, 8 and 10 – Yes, lack of sleep

Participant 13 – Yes, addiction

Participant 11 – Yes, cancer

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Lifelong Education

Question #9

Participants 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 20 – Yes, Limit is

needed and very important

Participants 6, 15, 16, 19 – No, cellphone is their life

Question #10

Participant 1 – Be responsible and help yourself

Participant 2 – Use your cellphone to help yourself not to disrespect the


Participant 3 – Use your phone only in free time

Participant 4 – Limit is important, that is for your own good

Participant 5 – Use it for something educational

Participant 6 – Use it in positive way

Participant 7 – Be aware and learn to control yourself

Participant 8 – Don’t use it when does not really needs

Participant 9 – Over used of phones might get low academic performance

Participant 10 – Learn to discipline ourselves and respect who is talking in


Participant 11 – Just leave it at home

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Lifelong Education

Participant 12 – Know the phone’s purposes

Participant 13 – Know the priorities in school

Participant 14 – Control yourself to no temp to the cellphone

Participant 15 – Cellphones are very dangerous so you much limit the usage

of cellphone

Participant 16 - Use cellphone outside the school so you can study well

Participant 17 - Don’t let the cellphone controls you

Participant 18 – You might be dumb if you use it daily

Participant 19 – Learn to control yourself

Participant 20 – Know the cellphone’s purpose

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Lifelong Education

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