Syllabus Construction II III 2019-2020
Syllabus Construction II III 2019-2020
Syllabus Construction II III 2019-2020
Course Objective:
To build upon the basic construction foundation from Construction I. Students will assist
in designing a house, and build it. A full set of house prints will be provided and the
students will build the two story structure in the tech lab. Layout, masonry, floor and wall
framing, electrical, plumbing, door and window installation, insulation, green building
techniques, wood flooring, tiling, bathroom and kitchen installation, siding, cement and
solar technology will all be utilized. The classroom instruction and lab projects will be
supplemented by guest speakers from building inspectors and zoning professionals, trades
representatives along with construction management professionals and college
representatives to construction management superintendent’s.
We will also have opportunities to visit local construction sites as well as large
commercial sites in Southeast Michigan. Students will also complete OSHA 10
Support Materials:
Pen, pencil Hard soled Chromebook
Note taking folder Sweatshirt/jacket
Materials Provided:
- Safety glasses
- Hardhat
- Tools
Grade calculated through a combination of classroom projects,
quiz/tests and participation in the construction lab. Work is
expected to be handed in on time. Late work will be marked down
with a 3 day grace period with points deducted each day.
1) Students must be in the classroom when the bell rings – tech lab does not
count. Students not in the classroom will be marked tardy.
3) Student must pass the appropriate safety tests before they are allowed to use each
tool. Students are also required to complete an on-line OSHA safety training (II, III).
4) Appropriate clothing and shoes will always be worn while working in the lab per our
safety test protocol.
5) Safety glasses must be worn in the lab. Non-compliance will result in parent
meeting and/or removal from the class. Class lockers are the best location for
6) If you need to use the bathroom, you must get permission from the instructor and
sign out.
8) Failure to clean up the lab will result in lost lab privileges and a reduction in points.
All students are expected to clean the lab until cleared to enter the classroom for
9) If you are not feeling well, notify the instructor immediately (especially if we are
working in the lab). You will not work with power tools if you are ill.
10) Chromebooks will be required to bring to class every day. We may refer to web sites
assignments and announcements on a daily basis. Pencil or pen required every day.
11) No food or beverages other than water are permitted in the classroom or lab. Peanut
free school. Nuts etc. NOT permitted.
12) Permission from the instructor, a hall pass and signing out are required to leave the
classroom. If you leave without permission, you will be marked absent and receive
disciplinary action.
13) Hoodies on your head are not allowed in the classroom/lab. Ear buds, personal
listening devices or electrical wires are not permitted in the lab or classroom.
14) Cell phones will be placed in the cell phone pouch located in the back of the room. If
you choose not to place your phone in the pouch, it must remain in your pocket with
the volume off. A “voucher” will be place in your cell phone pouch so attendance can
be taken. If I see or hear your phone, I will take it and you will receive an automatic
Tech Lab
Shop Foreman
Foreman will be in charge of the tech lab. Main responsibility will be to keep the
tech lab clean; organize and facilitate clean-up. Along with the instructor, the foreman
will keep materials and projects organized.