A Survival Guide To Landsat Preprocessing
A Survival Guide To Landsat Preprocessing
A Survival Guide To Landsat Preprocessing
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Abstract. Landsat data are increasingly used for ecological monitoring and research. These
data often require preprocessing prior to analysis to account for sensor, solar, atmospheric,
and topographic effects. However, ecologists using these data are faced with a literature con-
taining inconsistent terminology, outdated methods, and a vast number of approaches with
contradictory recommendations. These issues can, at best, make determining the correct pre-
processing workflow a difficult and time-consuming task and, at worst, lead to erroneous
results. We address these problems by providing a concise overview of the Landsat missions
and sensors and by clarifying frequently conflated terms and methods. Preprocessing steps
commonly applied to Landsat data are differentiated and explained, including georeferencing
and co-registration, conversion to radiance, solar correction, atmospheric correction, topo-
graphic correction, and relative correction. We then synthesize this information by presenting
workflows and a decision tree for determining the appropriate level of imagery preprocessing
given an ecological research question, while emphasizing the need to tailor each workflow to
the study site and question at hand. We recommend a parsimonious approach to Landsat pre-
processing that avoids unnecessary steps and recommend approaches and data products that
are well tested, easily available, and sufficiently documented. Our focus is specific to ecological
applications of Landsat data, yet many of the concepts and recommendations discussed are
also appropriate for other disciplines and remote sensing platforms.
Key words: atmospheric correction; change detection; decision tree; ecology; image; normalization;
radiometric correction; remote sensing; review; satellite; topographic correction; workflow.
Terminology adds to the challenge of determining the example, the spectral range of many bands have changed,
most appropriate preprocessing workflow. The remote which can create issues for time series analyses (e.g.,
sensing community has made efforts to standardize its Holden and Woodcock 2016). The Landsat satellites have
terminology (Schaepman-Strub et al. 2006), but terms are been organized into three groups based on their sensor
often conflated in more applied studies published in eco- and platform characteristics (Chander et al. 2009) and in
logical journals. This contributes to the continued use of the following section, we modify this framework and
outdated or redundant terms, which creates confusion include recent and upcoming Landsat missions.
for researchers attempting to reproduce or expand on The first group, Landsat 1–3, were equipped with the
published research methods. Multispectral Scanner (MSS), which recorded data in four
Our purpose is to clarify and synthesize the preparation spectral bands; two visible and two near-infrared (NIR;
of Landsat imagery for ecological applications. We begin Table 1). The next group, Landsat 4–7, carried either the
with a concise overview of the Landsat missions. We then Thematic Mapper (TM) or Enhanced Thematic Mapper
describe the different levels of preprocessing and the (ETM+) sensors, which featured finer spatial resolution
sequence in which preprocessing steps should be applied, (i.e., pixel size), and increased radiometric resolution (i.e.,
while clarifying inconsistent remote sensing terminology bit depth) than the MSS. This group also had expanded
(Appendix S1: Table S1). Finally, we present a decision tree spectral coverage, adding bands in the middle-infrared and
to help analysts determine the level of preprocessing nec- thermal-infrared wavelengths. It is worth noting that the
essary for their study, and provide examples of its imple- middle-infrared is now often referred to as the shortwave
mentation in common ecological analyses. We stress that infrared (SWIR). While middle-infrared and SWIR gen-
this paper does not contain the only available or appro- erally cover different, but largely overlapping, spectral
priate approaches for all circumstances, nor is it meant to ranges, the relevant Landsat bands fall within this overlap.
serve as an introduction to the field of remote sensing. Our For these reasons, we use the term SWIR.
aim is to address common questions that have repeatedly The satellites in the TM/ETM+ group have slightly dif-
been raised during our collective experience as scientists ferent characteristics from one another. In addition to the
Fig. 1. A timeline of Landsat satellites and sensors. Landsat 9 launch date is based on recent congressional appropriations
922 NICHOLAS E. YOUNG ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 98, No. 4
Table 1. Summary of band designations and pixel size (m) for all Landsat satellites (LS) and sensors.
Landsat sensor LS 1–5 MSS LS 4–5 TM LS 7 ETM+ LS 8 OLI/TIRS Pixel size (m)
Notes: The table shows each band number and the corresponding wavelength range (in parentheses, micrometers). The exact spec-
tral range of each band varies among sensors, but are comparable for many applications. The MSS bands were originally numbered
4–7, but were relabeled 1–4 with the launch of Landsat 4. Empty cells occur where a particular sensor was not present in a satellite.
This table was adapted from USGS (2015a).
† Data are recorded at a coarser pixel size, but upsampled and delivered at the size listed in table. Native pixel size of MSS data was
79 × 57 m. Native pixel size of thermal data has changed with the sensors: 60 m (TM), 120 m (ETM+), 100 m (TIRS).
‡ Landsat 7 thermal data are acquired at both high and low gain settings. The data are therefore delivered with two Band 6 files
(USGS 2015a).
Concepts & Synthesis
studies (Pasquarella et al. 2016). The multispectral bands that exists on the ground, while the image is the collection
enable local to regional-scale mapping of vegetation type of spatially arranged measurements (i.e., bands) captured
and condition (Jones and Vaughan 2010). The NIR and in the scene at a single time. Each scene has an assigned
SWIR bands are particularly useful for mapping plant location that is defined by the Worldwide Reference
and soil moisture characteristics, as well as water quality System (WRS). This system assigns a path determined by
in wetlands, rivers, and coastal environments (Roy et al. the satellite’s orbit (i.e., vertical, latitudinal) and a row
2014). The thermal infrared bands play an important role (i.e., horizontal, longitudinal) for each scene, providing a
in mapping and understanding wildfire ecology (Wang global index for database cataloging, querying, and dissem-
et al. 2010), managing of water resources and monitoring ination. Landsat data are distributed in two WRSs; Landsat
of evapotranspiration (Anderson et al. 2012), and land 1–3 follow WRS1, while Landsat 4–8 follow WRS2 due to
cover classification (Sun and Schulz 2015). The majority the differing orbit altitudes of the satellites.
of Landsat data are delivered at a pixel size of 30 m The USGS manages Landsat data and disseminates
(Table 1). This pixel size prevents fine-scale mapping of them via a number of online portals (e.g., EarthExplorer;
surface features; however, it is often beneficial in ecology, USGS 2015b). Although a number of Landsat- based
as it accurately captures landscape-scale characteristics data products are available at various levels of preproc-
while avoiding the significant computational require- essing (e.g., WELD; Roy et al. 2010), we focus on the
ments associated with hyper-spatial and hyper-spectral current and primary Landsat archive processed by the
sensors. This pixel size also tends to correspond well with USGS, with particular emphasis on the Level- 1 and
many management-level activities. Landsat 4–8 have a higher- level Climate Data Records (CDR) products.
revisit interval of 16 d (Schowengerdt 2007), which facil- Level-1 products are a part of the Collection 1 data sys-
itates studies of landscapes through time (for a review, see tematically processed by the USGS to standardized tiers
Hansen and Loveland 2012, Willis 2015). Additionally, based on data quality and processing level, while higher-
ecologists have increasingly incorporated Landsat level CDR products provide additional levels of preproc-
imagery, Global Positioning System (GPS) field data, essing. These products are explained further in the
topographic data, and other ancillary variables in correl- following sections. At this time, former Landsat products
ative spatial models over the last decade. (e.g., L1T) are being reprocessed to be included in the
Collection 1 Level-1 data archive.
The USGS is working on a project to provide data in an
Data coverage and dissemination
alternative format called Analysis Ready Data (ARD) as
Landsat satellites record data as they orbit the Earth; an addition to the products already available. The initial
these data are then systematically partitioned into images purpose for these data is to provide standardized products
based on scene location and date. The terms scene and for users of large data amounts over space and/ or time
image are often confused in the literature when referring to and to reduce or eliminate the need for preprocessing.
these data. We use the framework provided by Strahler These efforts may provide a reasonable alternative to
et al. (1986) who define the scene as the extent, or footprint, some or all of the preprocessing steps described below for
certain users, but understanding the motivation and steps (Chander et al. 2009). Landsat Level- 1 products are
of preprocessing will still be valuable in determining delivered as digital numbers, which can be converted to
whether Level-1 or ARD is appropriate. absolute units of radiance or reflectance. Reflectance is a
unitless measure of the ratio of radiation reflected by an
object relative to the radiation incident upon the object.
Ecological studies most commonly use DN and reflec-
Images acquired by Landsat sensors are subject to dis- tance. For the thermal bands, studies often use DN or
tortion as a result of sensor, solar, atmospheric, and top- temperature (degrees Kelvin).
ographic effects. Preprocessing attempts to minimize Preprocessing to these specific units, along with cor-
these effects to the extent desired for a particular appli- recting for radiometric artifacts, typically follows a
cation. However, preprocessing steps are time-consuming, general workflow (Fig. 3). Most of the steps can be clas-
imperfectly address the artifacts to be removed, and have sified into three broad groups: geometric, absolute, and
the potential to introduce additional sources of error. relative. Some steps convert the imagery from one unit to
Many ecological applications require further preproc- another (e.g., at-sensor radiance to top-of-atmosphere
essing than that provided by Level-1 products or even reflectance via solar correction), while others specifically
CDR products before performing an analysis. These pre- address potential artifacts (e.g., topographic correction).
processing steps can significantly impact analysis results We present the workflow assuming the analyst is starting
(Sundaresan et al. 2007) and have a general order in with either Level-1 or high-level surface reflectance CDR
which they should be performed. While methods sections products. Although other products (e.g., Level 0 raw
in the literature commonly mention these steps, the justi- imagery) may be desired for a particular analysis, they are
fication or reasoning for performing them are often vague rarely used in ecological studies and require additional
or omitted, creating confusion about which steps should expertise and understanding to process. Note that Level-1
be considered and what they accomplish for a particular products have assumptions (e.g., the use of cubic convo-
application. In this section, we provide a description of lution resampling vs. alternative resampling methods)
Fig. 2. The common units of Landsat imagery used in ecological analysis. The units change as each step of absolute correction
is performed: conversion to radiance, solar correction/thermal calibration, and atmospheric correction.
924 NICHOLAS E. YOUNG ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 98, No. 4
Concepts & Synthesis
Fig. 3. Sequential workflow of potential preprocessing steps. Steps are presented in the recommended sequence, but not all
steps are necessary for all analyses. Boldface type indicates preprocessing level. The two flowcharts show (a) general preprocessing
steps for visual and shortwave infrared (vis-SWIR) data from both high-level data products (dashed line; e.g., Landsat surface
reflectance CDR) and Level-1 Landsat products (solid line) and (b) the general preprocessing steps for thermal data. Note that a
high-level land surface temperature product is not currently available, but is expected to be available soon. Refer to the section
Preprocessing in the text for more detail and discussion of each step.
Geometric correction model (DEM). The Landsat Level-1 products are termed
“terrain-corrected” and the majority of images can be
The processes of georeferencing (alignment of imagery used as delivered by the USGS (2015c). Collection 1
to its correct geographic location) and orthorectifying images are classified into tiers based on quality and pro-
(correction for the effects of relief and view direction on cessing level (USGS 2016c). Tier 1 products are consist-
pixel location) are components of geometric correction ently georegistered within ≤12 m radial root mean square
necessary to ensure the exact positioning of an image. error, making them suitable for time- series pixel-
Imagery can be positioned relative to the datum, topog- analysis. The other tiers (currently Tier 2 and Real-Time)
raphy, or other data types, including reference data and may not necessarily be as accurate and should be eval-
additional geospatial layers that might be used in the uated on a case- by-
case basis. Comparatively, the
analyses. Landsat Level-1 products are precision regis- geometric accuracy of Pre-Collection L1T products is
tered and orthorectified through a systematic process that approximately 30 m within the United States and about
involves ground control points and a digital elevation 50 m globally but the relative geolocation within an image
is much better (Loveland and Dwyer 2012). A small acquisition dates to a common scale for consistent Earth
fraction of Tier 2 and Pre-Collection L1T images contain monitoring through time (Chander et al. 2009, Markham
errors and there may be cases where specific Landsat and Helder 2012). Digital numbers cannot be used to
images require additional georeferencing. For example, compare spectral values across time due to sensor degra-
additional georeferencing is more likely to be needed dation and differences between sensors. While DNs can
when working across large spatial extents or timeframes, be used effectively for many single- image analyses,
working with older imagery in the Landsat archive, or absolute correction is needed to bring the values to a com-
working in areas of the world where the USGS has not parable scale. As described above, the DNs provided in
been able to obtain sufficient ground control points Level-1 products are calibrated radiance values that have
(although the USGS is continually improving its ground been scaled to varying bit depths. Conversion to radiance
control; Bodart et al. 2011, Avitabile et al. 2012). When a is the preprocessing step whereby the DNs are converted
workflow involves stacking multiple images, mosaicking back to radiance (often termed at-sensor radiance) by
adjacent images, compositing ancillary spatial layers, or using rescaling factors (i.e., calibration coefficients) asso-
using georeferenced ground data, the alignment of fea- ciated with each band for a given sensor. The rescaling
tures in the images should be checked quantitatively with factors are stored in the metadata file associated with each
ground control points or, at the very least, through visual image. Often this preprocessing step is described as sensor
assessment. Discrepancies should be corrected prior to calibration, which specifically refers to the determination
analysis using a process known as co-registration (often of the coefficients used to conduct the conversion, not the
referred to as just registration). Registration involves conversion itself. The conversion to radiance step is nec-
aligning data layers relative to one another, while georef- essary before additional absolute correction steps;
erencing involves aligning layers to the correct geographic however, this level of preprocessing alone should rarely be
location. Registration is a critical step in preprocessing used for analysis because the conversion is linear and
Landsat imagery for ecological analysis, since a misregis- therefore little additional information is gained relative to
tration can result in significant errors, especially in change using DNs. Many of the available software programs will
Fig. 4. Dichotomous decision tree for determining the level of preprocessing necessary for most ecological applications, guided
by the spatial and temporal extent of the study. The graphics on the tree branches represent images (gray squares) and the project
study area (dashed lines). “Single time” refers to images captured on the same day (or closest day if adjacent paths) to represent one
period in time, or images made into a mosaic to represent a single date. Normalization for multi-scene and multi-temporal studies
should be done in two steps: horizontal (images from across multiple with same/similar dates) relative correction then vertical
(images from across different times) relative correction.
gases, water vapor, and aerosols). Atmospheric correction such, we recommend not performing atmospheric cor-
attempts to account for these effects. However, some rection unless necessary (discussed in Determining the
atmospheric effects are highly variable over the Earth’s appropriate level of preprocessing and in Fig. 4) and to use
surface and can be difficult to correct in Landsat imagery. freely available high- level products when needed
While it is not always necessary to atmospherically correct (e.g., Landsat CDR; discussed in High-level products).
Landsat data to surface values, there are instances where
this level of correction is needed. In general, absolute
Topographic correction
atmospheric corrections are needed when (1) an empirical
model is being created for application beyond the data Solar correction does not account for illumination
used to develop it, (2) there is a comparison being made to effects from slope, aspect, and elevation that can cause
ground reflectance data such as a field-based spectroradi- variations in reflectance values for similar features with
ometer, or (3) as an alternative to relative correction when different terrain positions (Riaño et al. 2003). Topographic
comparisons are being made across multiple images. All correction is the process used to account for these effects.
atmospheric correction methods have associated assump- While this correction is not always required, it can be
tions about the target and the nature of the atmospheric especially important for applications in mountain systems
particles or emissivity (for land surface temperature). or rugged terrain (Colby 1991, Riaño et al. 2003, Shepherd
There are numerous atmospheric correction methods and Dymond 2003), which are common settings for sat-
available, ranging from simple approaches that use only ellite monitoring due to the difficulty of accessing these
within-image information such as dark object subtraction environments for field measurements.
(Chavez 1988), to more complex and data- intensive An important distinction should be made between top-
approaches such as the method used for the Landsat ographic and terrain correction. Topographic correction
Ecosystem Disturbance Adaptive Processing System is a radiometric process while terrain correction is
(LEDAPS) products (Masek et al. 2006). The complex geometric in nature. Although Landsat Level-1 products
methods are generally more accurate than simpler are terrain corrected, this does not account for the same
methods; however, they often require ancillary data about effects as a topographic correction. Terrain correction
atmospheric conditions at the time of image collection ensures each pixel is displayed as viewed from directly
and can be difficult to implement, especially for non- above regardless of topography or view angle, and, while
remote sensing experts. Further, these corrections can important, does not account for the same effects as top-
introduce additional errors (Schroeder et al. 2006). As ographic correction.
Numerous methods exist for performing topographic transformed. Two general approaches are used to
correction. Band ratios are a simple way to partially compare these overlapping regions. The first is histogram
reduce impacts from illumination effects without the use matching (also referred to as equalizing), which uses
of a digital elevation model (DEM; Holben and Justice information from all pixels in the overlapping regions.
1981, Colby 1991, Hale and Rock 2003). This method We do not recommend histogram matching Landsat
assumes reflectance will increase or decrease propor- data, as this approach is generally used for relatively cor-
tionally in both bands being used, however this recting multiple images from the same day when there is
assumption is demonstrably false for indirect radiation little variation in the solar and atmospheric conditions.
(i.e., diffuse irradiance; Leprieur et al. 1988, Conese et al. Adjoining Landsat images collected on the same day (i.e.,
1993). Conversely, more complex approaches can be used along the same path) can be mosaicked without a relative
with a DEM to model the illumination effects by taking correction.
into account the specific slope and aspect of the terrain. The second approach uses pseudo invariant features
Several methods are commonly used in the literature (PIF; generally consisting of one or more pixels) or pseudo
(Riaño et al. 2003, Vanonckelen et al. 2013), and invariant targets (PIT; generally a single pixel), where non-
numerous studies comparing these methods have been changing features or targets in the overlapping area are
published with varying results depending on study used to bring the images to a common scale (Schott et al.
location and application (e.g., Meyer et al. 1993, Lu et al. 1988). These pseudo invariant features/targets can be
2002, Hale and Rock 2003, Riaño et al. 2003, Richter selected manually or automatically through statistical
et al. 2009, Hantson and Chuvieco 2011, Vanonckelen algorithms (Du et al. 2002, Bao et al. 2012). Comparisons
et al. 2013, Adhikari et al. 2015). While no specific topo- have shown that performing a relative correction might
graphic correction method is superior in all cases, the provide more accurate results than an absolute atmos-
Minnaert Correction (Minnaert 1941) and C-correction pheric correction, especially when comparability is more
(Teillet et al. 1982) methods have shown consistently important than the pixel value (Schroeder et al. 2006).
good performance for removing topographic effects Furthermore, some studies have performed relative cor-
atmospheric differences between bands. Therefore, when factors; USGS 2016b). These are available through the
comparing spectral indices across multiple images (time USGS EROS Center Science Processing Architecture
or space), we recommend a correction to eliminate such (ESPA) on demand interface (USGS 2016d). Fur
effects. There are potential exceptions; notably, some thermore, at the time of this writing, the USGS has
indices have correction factors that are dependent on the expressed that they will deliver essential climate variables
data being in a specific unit, such as the soil adjusted veg- (ECVs) that will include land surface temperature,
etation index (reflectance) or the tasseled cap transfor- burned area extent, dynamic surface water, and snow
mation (varies by sensor/method). Further, if image cover area as additional high-level products in the near
correction is not feasible, atmospherically resistant future. While these products will provide the data
indices may be used to reduce some atmospheric effects required to perform large extent and accurate ecological
(Pinty and Verstraete 1992, Huete et al. 1997). analyses with only a fraction of the preprocessing time,
users will benefit from understanding the concepts and
assumptions that are inherent in their creation.
High-Level Products
High-level Landsat products are data that have been
Determining the Appropriate Level of Preprocessing
preprocessed to a level beyond the specifications of
Level-1 products and are directly available for download. While understanding the levels and appropriate order
These products eliminate the need for the user to com- of preprocessing steps provides a necessary foundation,
plete certain preprocessing steps, a welcome advancement the analyst is ultimately left with the question, “What
that simplifies the preprocessing workflow. level of correction is ‘good enough’ for my study?” To
The USGS Landsat Surface Reflectance Climate Data help answer this question, we start with the guiding prin-
Records (CDR) are the most notable of the current high- ciple that only the preprocessing steps necessary for a
level data products. These are surface reflectance products given analysis should be applied because each step may
Concepts & Synthesis
that can be downloaded from multiple USGS sources risk introducing artifacts and/or error into the data (Song
(USGS 2015b, 2016a). The Landsat surface reflectance et al. 2001, Riaño et al. 2003, Kennedy et al. 2009). Even
CDRs are processed to calibrate raw DNs to TOA reflec- with this core tenet, it can still be challenging to identify
tance (also available for download), and then corrected the appropriate level of preprocessing.
to surface reflectance using atmospheric parameters and We designed a flexible decision tree to help navigate
a DEM. Furthermore, TOA brightness temperature, as these choices (Fig. 4). The first row of the tree refers to
well as masks for clouds, cloud shadows, adjacent clouds, analyses that require the data be converted to a specific
land, and water are also available as high-level products value type, such as a parameter for an existing model.
from the USGS. Land surface temperature and MSS Beyond these scenarios, we recommend the analyst guide
data are not currently included with the Landsat surface their decision by identifying how the spatial and temporal
reflectance CDRs, however, the USGS has publicly extent of their analysis relates to the existing scene bound-
stated its intent to release a land surface temperature aries. The questions in the decision tree specifically refer
product (Laraby 2016). The quality of the surface reflec- to when and where the analysis of spectral values is taking
tance CDR products can be adversely affected by low sun place within the broader workflow. Row two of the
angle, excessive clouds, high latitudes (>65 degrees north decision tree focuses on analyses taking place within a
or south), or locations that are very arid or snow/water single image, and thus calls for the use of DNs to avoid
dominated (USGS 2015d). Moreover, the process to unnecessary preprocessing. Row three considers analyses
develop surface reflectance CDR products contains non- using multiple images. This could be multi-temporal (i.e.,
linear elements, which can introduce error and unwanted multiple images from different dates analyzed as separate
data artifacts. Nevertheless, these data are the products time steps, also referred to as multi-date), multi-scene
of high-quality, well-documented approaches that are (i.e., images with different path/row designations), or a
likely as reliable as any approach readily available to combination of the two. This row calls for either surface
ecologists. Quality assurance layers are available as an or relative units to account for differences between
additional USGS high-level product for pixel-level con- images resulting from sensor, solar, atmospheric, and
dition and validity flags. topographic effects. In such cases, we recommend per-
The USGS continues to release additional high-level forming a relative correction to normalize values.
data and make improvements to the existing products. In Nevertheless, because relative corrections typically
addition to surface reflectance, the USGS has made require more expertise than obtaining surface reflectance
available some of the most widely used spectral indices CDR products, these products can be a valid and con-
derived from Landsat Surface Reflectance high- level venient alternative with high accuracy (Vuolo et al. 2015),
products (Masek et al. 2006). These products are gen- especially if the images are similar in time, phenology, or
erated from the surface reflectance data and therefore growing degree days. Caution should be exercised with
have the same caveats. However, they also carry addi- this approach when the analysis spans different sensors
tional assumptions inherent to the derivation of the (e.g., Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 8 OLI) since sys-
indices themselves (e.g., coefficient values and correction tematic biases appear among their surface reflectance
values, and these biases can be magnified in products Although multiple times are used, the spectral values are
such as the normalized difference vegetation index being analyzed independently to create two categorical
(NDVI; Roy et al. 2016). maps of forest cover because only one image is used for
We illustrate these concepts in the following section by each classification. The analysis is detecting changes in
walking through three examples commonly encountered the cover classes from each image, not the spectral val-
by ecologists working with Landsat data: specific value ues. It is therefore appropriate in this case to classify each
type, change detection, and correlative modeling. These image using its respective DN values (Fig. 4, row 2) and
examples are not intended to be exhaustive, but demon- subsequently perform the change detection. If the anal-
strate the use and flexibility of the decision tree. ysis involved multiple scenes for each time period, then
this would bring the user to the third row of the decision
tree and preprocessing to relative values or u sing surface
Example scenario 1: Specific value type
reflectance would be required (Fig. 4, row 3).
Landsat data are often used to measure specific
physical properties of the Earth’s surface. For example, a
Example scenario 3: Mapping with correlative models
researcher may want to use Landsat data to measure
surface albedo to evaluate post fire dynamics in a forest Landsat bands and derived spectral indices are
environment. Because surface reflectance is used to derive increasingly used as variables in correlative models (e.g.,
surface albedo, the researcher would require a specific regression tree analysis, random forests, MaxEnt). These
value type (Fig. 4, row 1) and preprocess the data to are used to map continuous responses (e.g., percent
surface reflectance. Another example is the tasseled cap cover, biomass, habitat suitability) as well as discrete
transformation. The coefficients used for the tasseled cap classes (e.g., land cover type; He et al. 2015, Lawrence
transformation vary between Landsat sensors; some are and Moran 2015). In such cases, if the study area is
intended to be used with reflectance data, while others encompassed within a single image, DN is an appro-
require DNs. In this case, the researcher would again priate preprocessing level to use (Fig. 4, section 2).
to critically evaluate the approaches described in the Baker, C., R. Lawrence, C. Montagne, and D. Patten. 2006.
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value (Song et al. 2001, Riaño et al. 2003, Kennedy et al. and Z. K. Bai. 2012. Comparison of relative radiometric nor-
2009). When analyzing across multiple images, we rec- malization methods using pseudo- invariant features for
ommend performing a relative correction to normalize change detection studies in rural and urban landscapes.
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programs, such as the European Space Agency’s Sentinel-2 nique for atmospheric scattering correction of multispectral
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Concepts & Synthesis
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