Imaging Informatics:: Essential Tools For The Delivery of Imaging Services
Imaging Informatics:: Essential Tools For The Delivery of Imaging Services
Imaging Informatics:: Essential Tools For The Delivery of Imaging Services
There are rapid changes occurring in the health care environment. Radiologists face new challenges but also new opportunities. The
purpose of this report is to review how new informatics tools and developments can help the radiologist respond to the drive for safety,
quality, and efficiency. These tools will be of assistance in conducting research and education. They not only provide greater efficiency
in traditional operations but also open new pathways for the delivery of new services and imaging technologies. Our future as a specialty
is dependent on integrating these informatics solutions into our daily practice.
Key Words: Radiology Informatics; PACS; RadLex; decision support; image sharing.
ªAUR, 2013
he health care environment is undergoing rapid A BRIEF LOOK BACKWARD
change, whether secondary to health care reform
Radiology information systems (RIS) and picture archiving
(1–3), natural organic changes, or accelerated
and communications systems (PACS), commonplace tools,
technological advances. The economics of health care,
are relatively recent developments. In 1983, the first American
changes in the demographics of our population, and the
College of Radiology (ACR)–National Electrical Manu-
rapidly evolving socioeconomic environment all contribute
facturers Association (NEMA) Committee met to develop
to a world that presents the radiologist with new challenges.
the ACR-NEMA standard (5), first published in 1985. In
New models of health care, including accountable care
1993, the rapid rise in the number of digital modalities
organizations, are emerging (4). Our profession must adapt;
and the parallel development of robust networking technol-
the traditional approach to delivering imaging services may
ogy prompted the development of digital imaging and
not be viable. Despite the challenges, there are new opportu-
communications in medicine (DICOM) 3.0 (6).
nities presenting themselves in parallel. There are new and
Before RIS and PACS, consider how one viewed images,
exciting information technologies (ITs) to offer our patients
including cross-sectional exams of several hundred images.
that can contribute to improving their health and that can
How were they displayed, archived, and moved about a
position our profession to better tackle the challenges that lie
department? We had film, dark rooms, light boxes, multi-
changers, and film libraries requiring numerous personnel.
We will argue that new informatics tools and developments
How were copies provided for consultation? How did
can help the radiology profession respond to the drive for
clinicians see the exams they ordered? Historical exams were
safety, quality and efficiency. New research realms, both
often stored off site and not available for days. Exams were
clinical and molecular, require sophisticated informatics tools.
often ‘‘borrowed’’ and out of circulation or out right lost.
The health of the individual and an emerging focus on popu-
How did one manage an office or a department, schedule
lation health require IT solutions. We will start with a descrip-
exams, and bill for one’s services? These steps took place at
tion of some fundamental informatics building blocks and
a much slower pace than today.
progress to explore new and rapidly evolving applications
Our new technologies have been ‘‘disruptive’’. Certain jobs
of interest to radiologists.
have disappeared (eg, file room clerks). The number of
‘‘schedulers’’ has usually diminished. The number of radiol-
ogists required to read a defined volume of exams has
Acad Radiol 2013; 20:1195–1212
diminished, as PACs has resulted in increased productivity.
From the Department of Radiology, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai,
The Mount Sinai Medical Center, 1 Gustave L. Levy Place, New York, NY
10029 (D.S.M.); Department of Radiology and Medicine (Biomedical
Into the Future!
Informatics), Stanford University, Stanford, CA (D.L.R.). Received May 22,
2012; accepted July 11, 2013. Based on a lecture delivered at the Annual
meeting of the Associations of University Radiologists 2012 titled: Imaging We are in the midst of another paradigm shift. The rapid
Informatics: Essential Tool for Regional Models and Increased Efficiencies emergence and improvement of networking technologies
(Clinical Environment in 2020). Address correspondence to: D.S.M. e-mail:
[email protected]
are fostering this change. ‘‘Cloud computing’’ encompasses
ªAUR, 2013 new technologies and services that are often the basis for the developments that we will discuss here (7–9). This term
MENDELSON AND RUBIN Academic Radiology, Vol 20, No 10, October 2013
encompasses a wide variety of services that are available over a existed, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic reso-
network, often the Internet, and can include access to nance imaging, before the firm entrenchment of DICOM.
hardware platforms and applications. In health care, security However, the archival and transport of those images were
and confidentiality are of particular importance. Cloud manual and chaotic until vendors uniformly subscribed to
computing has started to strongly influence the world of this standard. The same applies to radiology information
radiology. In addition, wireless technologies, including systems (RIS). Health Level Seven (HL7) is the means of
smartphones and tablets, are quickly becoming tools used communicating much of the textual and numeric data,
daily by radiologists and clinicians. Though we will not deal including demographics and reports. One vendor’s system
extensively with portable devices, one should recognize that can be interfaced to another’s because of these standard
many of the applications we describe here will find their protocols.
way onto such platforms. While HL7 and DICOM 3 are probably the best known
There is also a rapid increase in processing power available standards in our industry, there are other standards that systems
at a reasonable cost. This has enabled several technologies use to provide interoperability. Sometimes there are multiple
to appear at our desktops as well as on portable devices. standards available to accomplish a given task. Engineers
A standard desktop computer can deploy voice recognition are familiar with all the relevant standards but historically
dictation systems with self-editing. Postprocessing solutions have needed to build custom interfaces to allow systems
can be run on off-the-shelf equipment. These are services to exchange information because the standards were not
that required extremely expensive processing 15 years uniformly adopted. Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise
ago and were affordable to only a few. Many applications (IHE) (10) is an organization with the goal of achieving
are being delivered as ‘‘server-side’’ solutions. Here, the transparent interoperability. IHE has multiple domains that
workstation (or local client computer) almost becomes a examine common health care workflows and the available
‘‘dumb terminal,’’ with most of the processing performed standards. Voluntary collaboration on the part of vendors
on a more powerful central server. The end-product is and end-users results in the development of ‘‘IHE profiles.’’
distributed to the local workstation. Server technology These profiles describe a means of applying a group of stand-
itself is rapidly changing. We are in the era of the ‘‘virtual ards to a given workflow. When vendors agree to follow these
machine’’; one server hosts the equivalent of multiple stand- profiles, the result is transparent interoperability between
alone servers, optimizing the processing power of that single systems (11). This is true plug-and-play functionality resulting
device. in reduced costs for everyone.
Academic Radiology, Vol 20, No 10, October 2013 IMAGING INFORMATICS TO DELIVER IMAGING SERVICES
Order and schedule Electronic medical record: radiology order The right exam for the right reason
entry clinical decision support
RadLex Playbook Standard exam dictionary
Interpretation Postprocessing Thin client; integrated into picture archiving and
communications systems
Cloud-based postprocessing High-end shared services
Computer-assisted diagnosis
Radiologist decision support Online tools: point of service
Reporting Structured reporting Common reproducible ways of ensuring certain
pieces of information are always present
Natural language processing (NLP) Data mine free text
Annotation and image markup Discrete information within the Image rather than the report
Archive Local
Cloud Economies of scale; disaster recovery
Vendor-neutral archive Multiple sources
Image/report exchange Images/reports securely anywhere, anytime
Health information exchange
Personal health record
Quality Peer review
Radiation dosimetry
Regulatory reporting/certification
Research Comparative effectiveness
Data mining: metadata, NLP
Education Interactive: audience participation
Shareable Content Object Reference Model Repurposed, tailored to individual
Real-time: during the interpretation
MENDELSON AND RUBIN Academic Radiology, Vol 20, No 10, October 2013
(annotation and image markup)—that represent efforts to near future, the modality would recognize the exam name
capture and expose metadata. These three solutions represent and by convention would launch a preprogrammed protocol
a transition from predominantly displaying graphics and consisting of a standard set of imaging sequences. Consistent
measurements (DICOM GSPS) to not only displaying but naming of exams would also make the entire billing process
easily exposing these elements in a form that enables ana- more straightforward, with the development of relatively
lytics, data mining, and application development (AIM). standard chargemasters.
AIM is arguably the most information rich of the three,
because it is built on a semantic model. The semantic model Radiology Order Entry Clinical Decision Support
is the essence of AIM, specifying the types of image meta-
data contained in an image, the value types of the metadata, Tools that assist the clinician in ordering the appropriate test
and relationships among those types. We will explore this have the potential to change the practice of medicine (20–
further when considering the specifics of image interpreta- 24). When the clinician gets it right, the patient benefits!
tion and reporting. There is a tremendous amount of information available for
clinicians to absorb and integrate into their medical practices.
Radiology order entry clinical decision support (CDS) is
IT INFRASTRUCTURE: THE UNDERPINNINGS OF quickly emerging in the era of the EMR as the IT solution to
RADIOLOGY OPERATIONS bring this information forward to the clinician when needed.
Ordering, Scheduling, Exam Protocols, and Billing Safety, quality, and cost are the drivers that have prompted
introduction of this technology. There has been extensive
These processes are hardly new, but they continue to evolve analysis of the inappropriate utilization of imaging services
in the face of new technologies that can make them simpler in the United States. It results in a significant economic
and more efficient. IHE profiles are just one approach to burden (25–28) and, more importantly, exposes the patient
better orchestrating the use of IT tools in these domains. and the population to unnecessary radiation (29–34), which
There are parallel efforts. One such notable effort is that of is potentially harmful. An increased rate of neoplasia is a
the Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM). Its concern. Radiologists need to be the solution to this
TRIP (Transforming the Radiological Interpretation Process) problem based on their professional expertise.
(18) initiative and, most recently, its offshoot SWIM There are several causes of inappropriate utilization
(SIIM Workflow Initiative in Medicine) (19) are focused on (25,26,35). Physician fear of malpractice litigation (defensive
addressing this problem. SIIM and other professional associa- medicine), patient demand, financial incentives for
tions and societies are all trying to take existing and new IT inappropriate utilization, pressures to minimize an overall
technologies and apply them to the daily operational issues cost of an episode of care, and simply lack of knowledge
faced in radiology practice. (36) are all contributors. Repeat exams, initiated by clinicians
There is growing recognition that there should be some but not necessarily recommended by the radiologist (37), and
standardization of imaging procedures. For instance, a CT of self-referral on the part of nonradiologists (38) are issues.
the liver to exclude neoplasia is expected to include a partic- Duplication of exams, because a recent result and set of images
ular mix of sequences. How might we automate the ordering, are not available is an additional factor (26).
scheduling, and billing processes to achieve this expectation? Several pilot programs have demonstrated that CDS at the
Most imaging departments and offices start with a chargemas- time of order entry can diminish inappropriate exams
ter, which includes an exam dictionary. A clinician orders (32,39–44). A pilot study in Minnesota (32) demonstrated
from within an electronic medical record (EMR), which that imaging growth was curbed while simultaneously
could use a radiology ordering module that includes a ‘‘stand- improving the rate of indicated examinations. An added
ardized’’ exam dictionary. The RadLex Playbook is a project benefit was that while radiology benefit manager (RBM)
directed at developing an exam dictionary with an associated precertification required an average of 10 minutes of interac-
procedure-naming grammar, all based on the RadLex termi- tion, the CDS only required 10 seconds.
nology. This dictionary can be directly tied to a chargemaster.
The result should be some harmonization of exam diction- Making CDS Operational
aries and chargemasters across enterprises. The RadLex
Playbook encompasses terms to describe the devices, imaging CDS support requires a set of rules. The ACR Appropriate-
exams, and procedure steps performed in radiology. ness Criteria (ACR-AC) (45) represent one such source.
Once we all agree on a standard exam dictionary, much effi- When a clinician enters an order, certain pieces of evidence
ciency follows. There would be consistency across all of health are collected to justify the exam (Figs 1a and 1b). Some
care as to how we name exams. The order can be passed to a information is manually entered, often the ‘‘reason for
scheduling system and then to a specific modality through a exam.’’ Some of the information can be transparently
DICOM service, the ‘‘Modality Worklist.’’ This is commonly collected from the EMR, including age, sex, problem list,
used to provide demographic information to a modality, etc. This information is electronically compared to the rule
eliminating the need for manual, error-prone input. In the set and it is determined if the exam is appropriate. Some
Academic Radiology, Vol 20, No 10, October 2013 IMAGING INFORMATICS TO DELIVER IMAGING SERVICES
Figure 1. The workflow (a,b) starts when a clinician enters an order for an imaging exam into the electronic medical record (EMR). In the past,
the order would have been sent directly into a radiology information system (RIS) and scheduled. In the new workflow, the EMR first sends the
order to another module or system, the radiology clinical decision support (CDS). Here, the order is evaluated to determine if it is appropriate,
using a reference source such as the American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria. If the evaluation results in a high score, the order
is sent directly to the RIS. If the order receives an intermediate or a low score, a message is returned to the EMR (c* or d*), indicating that this
might not be the best choice. Alternative examinations may be suggested, and in some systems references may be provided. (c,d) Different
styles of returning this information. The clinician may continue with the original order or choose one of the suggestions. MR, magnetic reso-
nance; CT, computed tomography; MRA, MR angiography; CTA, CT angiography; IV, intravenous. (Figures 1c and 1d courtesy of the National
Decision Support Company [ACR Select]). (Color version of figure is available online).
applications return a yes/no answer; others provide a utility the rules and evolving guidelines. This is an evolution of
score (Figs 1c and 1d). If the exam is indicated, the order is our traditional role as consultants to the clinician.
accepted and sent from the EMR into an RIS for scheduling.
If the score suggests that the exam is not ideal or is inappropri-
ate, several actions can be taken. Alternative exams may be INTERPRETING THE IMAGE
offered with their utility scores noted. The clinician may be Decision Support for the Radiologist
given the option of proceeding with his or her original order,
even if it has a low utility. When interpreting a set of images, a radiologist occasionally
Throughout this process, information is collected in the turns to a reference book or journal for further information
background. A physician’s performance and ordering practi- before delivering the final report. Many have added the Inter-
ces can be analyzed and compared to those of his or her peers net as a source of information. A simple search engine, be it
or to established norms. This information can be used as part Google, Bing, or one of the many other generic services, often
of an education and quality improvement process. Sometimes can quickly provide the needed information. There are dedi-
an outlier may be fully justified because of the nature of the cated radiology services available, including myRSNA (Fig
practice. At other times, the ordering pattern may be truly 2a), a radiologist’s portal, and ARRS GoldMiner (Fig 2b)
inappropriate and education may be offered. (46). Many of these search services are evolving to not only
This system is directed at the ordering clinician, yet the provide the radiologist with quick up-to-date information
radiologist is of central importance. It is our expertise, with but will also credit the radiologist for the educational activity
consultation from other specialties, that should determine occurring simultaneously by awarding CME credit.
MENDELSON AND RUBIN Academic Radiology, Vol 20, No 10, October 2013
Figure 2. (continued)
Academic Radiology, Vol 20, No 10, October 2013 IMAGING INFORMATICS TO DELIVER IMAGING SERVICES
Figure 2. There are a variety of tools that provide the radiologist with decision support. These include online search tools and point of
service tools, integrated into the radiology reporting process. (a) myRSNA is a radiology portal hosted by the Radiological Society of North
America (RSNA). It offers a variety of services including a robust search function. One can bookmark references and even read some for
continuing medical education credit online. (b) ARRS Goldminer offers a unique approach in searching. It has indexed the text of figure cap-
tions. It can search for terms included in the captions and brings back the figures, captions, and articles in which they are included. (c) This
figure is taken from the interface of a voice recognition dictation product. It embeds a ‘‘wizard’’ to search terms on the fly. The user interface
provides a list of the internet sites it has available to search. Some of these may require the user to have an additional license. (Figure 2c is
courtesy of Nuance, taken from their Powerscribe 360 product). (Color version of figure is available online).
Here, we see the value of a lexicon such as RadLex in dimensional technology to better depict and assess pathology
searching. Free text queries have been mapped to RadLex (47). Advances in the processing power available at the desk-
terms. This in effect helps to refine the user’s search and focus top, advances in graphics processors, and algorithms have all
the search results on the true subject of interest (14). contributed to making these tools affordable.
Paid knowledge services are also growing. A dictation/ Another form of postprocessing is computer-assisted diag-
transcription vendor has incorporated a semiautomatic search nosis (CAD). These applications attempt to directly identify
wizard (Fig 2c) into the dictation interface so that pathology. The greatest availability is for breast imaging
the radiologist in the midst of reporting can quickly access a (47,48), but applications are quickly emerging for the
rich array of information services. One can expect to analysis of lesions in a variety of organs (49,50). Figure 3
see this kind of ‘‘point of service’’ solution appearing in a includes images from a lung CT nodule CAD. It identifies
growing number of applications that are part of the reporting potential lung nodules, shows them in a three-dimensional
cycle. rendering of the chest (Fig 3a), exports a series of axial images
The goal is to make the correct knowledge available as containing the identified nodules to PACS (Fig 3b), and
easily and efficiently as possible. Tools currently in develop- provides detailed information regarding the dimensions and
ment are ‘‘watching’’ the radiology dictation in real-time density of the nodules. If sequential exams are available, this
and using natural language processing (NLP) to identify key system will calculate temporal changes and doubling times
trigger words, search Internet resources in the background, (Fig 3c).
and bring back relevant information transparently. These solutions are not perfect. Many suffer from a high
number of false-positives. Changing parameters for sensitivity
Computer-Assisted Diagnosis will alter the specificity. However, there is a growing literature
that suggests these tools, used as a second read, increase the
Postprocessing of our image data is now routine. Cross- accuracy of the radiologist. The radiologist is the owner of
sectional imaging has leveraged multiplanar and three- the final report. These systems are tools that require the
MENDELSON AND RUBIN Academic Radiology, Vol 20, No 10, October 2013
Figure 3. Computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD): a sample set of images is provided from a computed tomography (CT) lung nodule CAD. A
volumetric representation is provided indicating where the potential nodules are located (a). Each individual axial section that includes a nodule
is also presented (b). The candidate nodule is circled, and volumetric and density measurements are provided. If an historical exam is present,
this system can perform temporal comparisons (c). Each of these images is sent as part of a series to picture archiving and communications
systems (PACS) (d). If there are multiple axial images, they are included as a single series. A table (report) listing all the nodules is also sent as a
series to PACS. (Color version of figure is available online).
knowledge and judgment of the radiologist in understanding keywords, which are then searched by an engine that is look-
how to use the information provided. ing for those words, without context. Watson may improve
on this scenario. It has a sophisticated NLP engine that
A New Level of Decision Support removes the task of selecting the key words, speeding the
overall process. Watson takes the keywords it has chosen, in
Probably everyone is aware of IBM’s Watson, which IBM the context they are presented, and generates hypotheses
represents as a new model of CDS. IBM is working to from an extensive knowledge base. It then evaluates each
leverage this technology in health care (51). Existing systems hypothesis by searching for more supporting evidence. The
perform a key word search. The user selects and enters ability to ingest enormous amounts of free text information
Academic Radiology, Vol 20, No 10, October 2013 IMAGING INFORMATICS TO DELIVER IMAGING SERVICES
about a given patient and mine exhaustive knowledge resour- The structured report provides the opportunity to consis-
ces may lead to a level of decision support barely entertained tently include and hence discover, with IT data mining tools,
just a few years ago. The time-consuming manual processes specified data elements. We are enabling our quality assurance
that we perform today may be replaced by systems that almost and research missions while simultaneously improving patient
instantaneously direct our thinking to a focused differential care by ensuring that the right data elements are always
diagnoses with supporting documentation. IBM is establish- present. Standardized ways of reporting and communicating
ing research relationships with academic health care sites to ‘‘critical results’’ can be launched by including ‘‘triggers’’ in
tailor its proposed solution to the health care environment. the report. These triggers can spawn communication applica-
tions that ensure notification has taken place and record the
receipt of the message by the clinician (53,55–58).
The RSNA has established a Radiology Reporting Initia-
The New Narrative Report tive, a committee that includes domain experts to develop
templates. This committee will promote best practices in
The radiology report is our primary vehicle for communi- reporting, including fostering structured reports when
cating results. Expectations for the information elements appropriate (53).
that comprise a report are changing (52). While the fore- As much as structured reports can facilitate quality and
most mission of the report has been to provide a diagnosis research initiatives, we should not lose sight of innovative
to the clinician, there has been an increasing demand to opportunities that new technologies offer. Although not
expose other pieces of information within a report for qual- routine, we now have the capability to include significant
ity and financial purposes. Payers wish to know the reason images in the report, with image annotations. NLP applica-
for exam, as do the radiologists and clinicians. Historically, tions, such as Watson and Leximer (58), are emerging, which
the provider could express this in a somewhat whimsical can derive meaning from free text (51,52,58). In the future, a
form, yet successfully communicate the desired intent of combination of structure and free text mined by NLP tools
the exam. Payers have demanded a more regimented indica- will enable automated actions triggered by text.
tion. Other kinds of information that are expected today
include contrast type and volume and radiation exposure. Reporting the Metadata: AIM
Notification of a critical alert should be documented in
the report. Clinicians are looking for particular positive In addition to the radiology report, a radiologist commonly
and negative observations in the assessment of potential indicates the location of a lesion by drawing an arrow or using
disease processes. the measurement tool (quantitative data) and dictates a state-
The idiosyncratic tomes provided in the past are disappear- ment in the report to describe the lesion (semantic data).
ing and being replaced with ‘‘structured’’ reports (53) with Recorded as graphical overlays and free text in the radiology
predefined, expected elements. The report may be based on report, these data are not easily accessible to computer
a template. They may be populated by the radiologist, but applications.
information of interest may already be present electronically AIM was developed to address this issue (59). It provides (1)
and can automatically populate the report. The basic elements a ‘‘semantic model’’ of image markups and annotations, (2) a
that should comprise a report have been identified in the syntax for capturing, storing, and sharing image metadata,
ACR’s Practice Guideline for Communication (54). and (3) tools for serializing the image metadata to other
Structured reports appeared many years ago, but the tool formats such as DICOM-SR and HL7-CDA (60). The types
sets available were limiting. Today there are more robust of image metadata encoded by AIM include imaging observa-
applications available, primarily voice recognition tran- tions, anatomy, disease, and radiologist inferences (61). AIM
scription systems. These offerings are now pervasive, with distinguishes between image annotation and markup (Fig 4a).
recognition engines that can approach 99% accuracy or better Image annotations are descriptive information, generated by
for some users. They often include macros, that are templates humans or machines, directly related to the content of a ref-
that can be triggered with a word or automatically populated erenced image. Image markup refers to graphical symbols
by recognition of an exam type. No matter the mechanism, that are associated with an image and its annotations. Accord-
they provide the means to ‘‘structure’’ a report. Structured ingly, all the key image metadata content about an image is in
fields may be mandatory or optional; they may be filled in the annotation; the markup is simply a graphical presentation
verbally or automatically from other systems. Not all this of some of annotation image metadata.
information needs to be displayed for all readers of a report. AIM is complementary to DICOM-SR with respect to
The presentation state of the report can vary depending on providing a syntax for storing and exchanging image meta-
the individual reading the report (52), exposing only the data. DICOM-SR however lacks a semantic model of the
information that is valuable to the end-user, but always having image metadata, which is the major reason AIM was developed.
the potential to display the complete information set. A pro- AIM makes the semantic contents of images explicit and
vider view of the report might be different than that provided accessible to machines, thereby providing a framework that
to the patient or a billing office. can be leveraged by a variety of emerging applications,
MENDELSON AND RUBIN Academic Radiology, Vol 20, No 10, October 2013
including image search, content-based image retrieval, (62). AIM-compliant image annotation tools that streamline
just-in-time knowledge delivery, imaging information sum- the summarization and review of prior imaging studies are
marization, and decision support. AIM enables systems to being developed (63). All the data needed by applications to
search for information that was either hidden or not directly process from images are available in a compact, explicit, and
linked to the relevant images. In clinical practice AIM will interoperable manner.
make it possible to directly retrieve prior images for compar- A number of image-viewing workstations adopt AIM
ison, rather than simply prior studies. Today, reviewing (64–66). These tools provide an annotation palette with
the prior studies, particularly to identify lesions being drop-down boxes and text fields the user accesses to record
followed for assessing cancer response, slows the workflow semantic information about the images (Fig 4b). They save
Academic Radiology, Vol 20, No 10, October 2013 IMAGING INFORMATICS TO DELIVER IMAGING SERVICES
the image metadata in AIM format. The latter can be trans- Imaging has been relegated to a position of lower priority
formed into DICOM-SR using the AIM toolkit, or users challenged by the bandwidth required to move images
can store AIM in a relational database, enabling access for a across the Internet. Image data sets are exponentially larger
variety of applications such as lesion tracking and reporting than the text and discrete lab information that comprises
(65,67) (Fig 4c). The process by which radiologists view most of health care data. The storage and transmission require-
images and create AIM annotations is similar to the current ments over consumer and small business Internet services
process by which radiologists perform this task—by drawing have been gating elements. This is all quickly changing as
or notating directly on images. technology advances and costs diminish.
Internet-based image exchange has arrived in a spectrum of
‘‘cloud services’’ including research-sponsored trials and some
RADIOLOGY IN THE CLOUD innovative private vendor services.
Image and Report Exchange Internet image exchange commenced a few years ago
when enterprises extended image and report viewing outside
We have entered an era where patients are extremely mobile their local four walls. PACS viewers, often Web based, would
and their longitudinal record is often comprised of documen- connect from the external offices of clinicians to a PACS,
tation dispersed across numerous sites. Health care data often through a ‘‘virtual private network (VPN)’’ connection.
exchange, including imaging (68–70), is fundamental to The key is that the individual with the external connection is
maintaining the integrity of the patient’s longitudinal usually well known to the enterprise.
medical record. When presented with an abnormal exam, The next generation of connectivity has been targeted at
the first question asked by a radiologist is whether there is large extended enterprises and/or a few independent enter-
an historical exam available for comparison. Unfortunately, prises with legal arrangements to share data. A growing
historical exams are often difficult to obtain. number of businesses provide proprietary exchange solutions.
Lack of availability of an historical exam is a contributor They use the Internet to permit the linked partners to
to inappropriate utilization through redundant imaging. share information. They provide patient identification serv-
Easy accessibility to historical exams on either CD or via ices and Medical Record Number (MRN) reconciliation,
the Internet can diminish this phenomena (71,72). CDs, record locator services, and connect disparate systems so
representing a significant improvement beyond sharing on that data originating at one site can be seen at another.
film, remain fraught with problems (69,70), ranging from But this is not full exchange. There are limiting boundaries
damaged discs to proprietary formats not readable present. Full transparent interoperability occurs when anyone
universally. Last, one needs to have the physical media on with proper patient authorization, provider or other, no mat-
their person. ter their location or employer, can view the data. There are
We share many things on the Internet, with music, photos, several models. The first is the HIE. Many enterprises on a
and videos being among the most common. We shop there, regional level or beyond agree to share information that passes
and it is not unusual to perform banking activities. Why not through a central repository. Safeguards are put into place to
extend such service to health care, enabling your medical ensure that patients have consented for such exchange. IHE
record to be available anytime and anywhere? We have seen provides the Cross Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS)
the beginning of an explosion of Internet-based health care (76) profile, a well-described technical and workflow solution
information exchange. This has included regional health to support such exchange. Documents arise at a ‘‘source’’ and
information exchanges (HIEs), personal health records are ‘‘consumed’’ at the other end of the chain. In the middle
(PHRs), peer-to-peer sharing, vendor-based sharing (sharing are a set of services to (a) identify the patient through recon-
limited to the customers of a single vendor), and a multitude ciliation of his or her demographic information as the patient
of variants. The federal government is fostering exchange moves through the system, (b) register and store data in
through the National Health Information Network a common repository and provide record locator services,
(NHIN) as well as several National Institutes of Health (c) confirm patient consent, and (d) send the data to a properly
(NIH)-sponsored pilots (73–75). An early federally authenticated recipient. Audit trails are maintained. HIEs
sponsored foray into sharing is a project known as NHIN built on solutions other than IHE usually provide a similar
Direct, which promotes information exchange through a set of services. An advantage of IHE is that these are
secure email mechanism. standards-based solutions and thus nonproprietary. For imag-
There have been successes and failures. Challenges include ing, IHE describes XDS-I (77) (Fig 5), which addresses the
establishing a firm economic basis for this service. Economic large bandwidth issues that accompany imaging.
models are being tested, including costs underwritten by Another solution is putting control of sharing data, includ-
government, patients, providers, and payers. Most agree that ing images, into the hands of the patient, through a PHR.
such exchange should improve quality and is likely to drive Several early proprietary image-enabled PHRs have arisen,
down overall costs. The HITECH Meaningful Use program but attaining a critical mass of patients has been limited
includes such exchange and clearly sees it as one of the most by the proprietary nature of those solutions. The RSNA,
important long-term outcomes. along with vendor partners, launched a PHR service, the
MENDELSON AND RUBIN Academic Radiology, Vol 20, No 10, October 2013
Figure 5. Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) describes a series of profiles known as XDS or Cross Enterprise Document Sharing. There
is a variant to accommodate the large files that comprise images, known as XDS-I. IHE describes sets of transactions based on common stand-
ards so that multiple parties can design systems that can easily interact—true interoperability. The XDS profiles describe a ‘‘document source,’’
where a piece of patient data is created, and a ‘‘document consumer,’’ which is the destination for the data when exchanging with a remote site.
There are set of intermediaries that handle the exchange.
RSNA Image Share (73), under NIH sponsorship using the MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS IN A RADIOLOGY
XDS-I profile. The goal is to leverage standards and enable PRACTICE
the critical mass to be attained. The same standards based
infrastructure can enable other forms of sharing. This project
is live and enrolling patients. We are increasingly facing a regulatory environment where
Another solution is peer to peer networking, usually performance is measured and meeting certain thresholds is a
between providers. In this scenario, physicians take ownership requirement for practice. Next, we cite several scenarios
of their patients’ images and can share the images with other where IT tools are providing solutions that enhance the deliv-
physicians. All these methods represent early incarnations, ery of and measurement of quality in radiology practice.
constantly undergoing modification in their technology and Image quality is already being measured, often breast imag-
business models in parallel to government incentives to ing and CT. In addition to inspection by local municipalities,
promote sharing. The ultimate goal is to make the patient’s the ACR provides certification of these modalities. Currently,
image and report available anywhere and anytime when images are shipped on film and/or CD to demonstrate that a
proper consent and authentication are provided. practice meets quality measures. This process can be complex
and time consuming. It can be simplified by implementing
CAD Everywhere Internet-based solutions that aggregate the data from a prac-
tice and export it to the regulatory authority.
We described how the current state of postprocessing will Limiting the radiation exposure of the individual patient
advance. Postprocessing workstations, often at high cost, and the overall population has become one of the highest
have been available for many years, first introduced as priorities of our profession. Best practices are being actively
standalone workstations. There has been a trend to move to promulgated through efforts such as ‘‘Image Gently.’’ In paral-
thin-client and/or Web-based applications. In this confi- lel, there are evolving IT solutions that will contribute to this
guration, a ‘‘lite’’ application or Web link resides on a local effort. The ability to measure radiation exposure is cardinal to
workstation that connects to a central server, possibly in the addressing this issue. The IHE Radiation Exposure Monitor-
‘‘cloud’’ where intensive processing takes place. The appli- ing (REM) profile (Fig 6) describes the steps and associated
cation can easily be distributed to numerous distributed standards required to accomplish this task. Several vendors
workstations. Purchasers acquire these services through have introduced products that follow this profile, aggregate
concurrent user licenses. An end-user no longer needs to be the exposure data from a variety of modalities, and provide
at a single location to obtain a postprocessing result. Location analytics so that a radiology department or imaging center
is almost meaningless; availability is ubiquitous. Cost and can easily monitor their performance. Some solutions permit
implementation models are drastically modified. an extremely detailed analysis. Performance of individual
Academic Radiology, Vol 20, No 10, October 2013 IMAGING INFORMATICS TO DELIVER IMAGING SERVICES
devices, protocols, and the personnel operating the equip- software application collects information, deidentifies it
ment can all be measured. The practices of each individual with regard to patients, specifies what exams were done,
radiologist can also be analyzed. and at which practice. It is exported to the ACR. The
The ACR Dose Index Registry (DIR) (78,79) is a project ACR provides back an analysis including how your
that has leveraged informatics tools since its inception to practice performs compared to others. A number of
make the regulatory process easier. In its first incarnation, vendors can also provide this data to the ACR and provide
CT scanners provide the dosimetry information, exam even more detailed analytics, as described earlier, for an
by exam, to a local aggregation point (computer). A individual site.
MENDELSON AND RUBIN Academic Radiology, Vol 20, No 10, October 2013
The DIR is another example of where the availability of a the existing evidence based studies, comparing the modal-
standardized terminology can enhance an application. Earlier ities evaluated, and synthesizing this information into
in this report, we noted that many ‘‘brain CTs’’ were identi- a utility index, the ACR-AC. The initial methodology of
fied by a large variety of names. The ACR has developed a establishing the ACR-AC uses the RAND/UCLA
mapping tool permitting a site to map its exam dictionary Appropriateness Method (43, 84–86), based on both
to the RadLex Playbook ID, harmonizing the exams evidence and consensus. The ACR criteria provide a
conducted in different offices under different names. comparative utility score for relevant modalities for varied
Another example of a quality improvement program, clinical indications. There is an explanation of the
built to leverage informatics tools, is RADPEER (80), rationale with documentation of the relevant literature. For
the ACR program to encourage peer review. There are a some of the ACR-AC categories, there is an ‘‘evidence-
variety of means of entering the peer review score, including table’’ provided in which the ACR identifies studies that
manual data entry. Several vendor applications foster were comparative, though the comparison is not always
peer review during the course of daily interpretation, between imaging studies, and sometimes reflects
collecting the necessary data electronically. The scores are the comparison of a single modality to clinical or surgical
aggregated by the application and electronically submitted assessment. There are few controlled studies in the literature
to the ACR. related to the clinical impact of the various modalities
Residents and residency programs are being measured by in many diseases, so CER evidence is generally lacking.
metrics identifying what types of exams have been seen and The ACR-AC is a hybrid, with primary CER probably
reported. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical represented in only a minority of the criteria.
Education accreditation programs require reporting this The combination of decision support tools such as the
data. Many sites are aggregating that data by mining their ACR-AC, along with data mining tools that can extract
RIS or reporting systems. Vendors are delivering new the results and outcomes from a combination of radiology
products to enable such data mining. reports and the EMR, can create a closed cycle directing a
These early efforts are laying down the fundamental metho- patient into particular imaging studies and determining
dology to enable the collection of all kinds of performance which of those studies alters patient outcome, for better or
indicators from data in our radiology IT systems, permitting worse. Ideally, prospectively designed randomized controlled
measurement, comparison, feedback and remedy when studies comparing imaging strategies can be implemented
problems are identified. In parallel, quality assurance officers with the data mining tools in place to better understand
are exploring ways to make this educational rather than outcome. Additional methodologies can be considered
punitive. when prospective studies are not feasible. Using the tools
discussed, we can begin to retrospectively examine large
volumes of data (87), which was not possible in the past,
and compare the performance of modalities. While less
Comparative Effectiveness Research. Our profession has an ideal than the carefully constructed prospective trials, the
ongoing research mission. How should our modalities be aggregation of large volumes of patients opens the door to
employed in the management and treatment of patients; statistical analyses that may provide reasonable comparative
how do we assess clinical impact? Comparative effectiveness analysis.
research (CER) has emerged as the dominant approach, going
forward. When possible, clinical trials should compare pro- Research Recruitment
posed imaging solutions, to others, and even to managing
the patient without imaging. The recruitment and identification of appropriate patients
The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for clinical trials are often challenging. Data-mining tools
(ARRA) substantially extended federal support for CER and running in the EMR or in the enterprise’s data warehouse
created the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative now offer a solution. Investigators can run real-time algo-
Effectiveness Research (FCC) (81), which has issued a report rithms in their EMR to look for trigger events that suggest
laying out a process for promoting CER (81,82). The report a patient might be a candidate to participate in a clinical
provides this definition of CER: ‘‘Comparative effectiveness trial. These tools usually provide notification to the pro-
research is the conduct and synthesis of research comparing vider, who can then choose to inform the patient of a
the benefits and harms of different interventions and trial.
strategies to prevent, diagnose, treat and monitor health As clinical trials are conducted, there is a desire to recruit
conditions in ‘‘real world’’ settings..’’ Currently, the patients from a broader number of sites, rather than just
minority of radiology research is directly comparative in academic campuses. The Internet provides an opportunity
nature. In the CER-FCC report, imaging was cited as a to efficiently collect data, deidentify it at the local site, and
domain where there is potential to have high impact (83). almost instantaneously provide it to a central site. The ACR
The ACR has a formal mechanism to determine the Triad server has been repeatedly used to accomplish this in
utility of imaging exams to diagnose disease, by evaluating ACR Imaging Network (ACRIN) trials. The RSNA Clinical
Academic Radiology, Vol 20, No 10, October 2013 IMAGING INFORMATICS TO DELIVER IMAGING SERVICES
Trial Processor (CTP) is another such solution. There are also Big Data
proprietary solutions.
Patients may enter trials that at times leverage technology Perhaps the most exciting frontier is that of ‘‘big data,’’
far from home, without the cost of travel. Some advances involving genomics and proteomics (88,89). Molecular
are based on new technologies not available in every local data need to be analyzed in the context of phenotypic
environment. Data sets obtained on local instrumentation data. This requires high-performance computing solutions.
can be exported to sophisticated postprocessing environments These computing environments are searching for relation-
in the ‘‘cloud’’ and results returned to the local environment ships between these data elements to understand the etiology
and study center. This may be an extremely effective mecha- and predictors of disease. Medicine may well switch from
nism of efficient resource utilization. a reactive practice to a proactive preventative paradigm
MENDELSON AND RUBIN Academic Radiology, Vol 20, No 10, October 2013
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