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Do you ever wonder where the money comes from to clean up the Chesapeake Bay? It doesn't come from the
government or from city funds. It comes from organizations like ours. Every day we use that money to pay for crews
to travel to polluted regions of the waterway to remove litter, saw apart large debris and work to prevent soil runoff
and erosion. Our organization has successfully removed 200 tons of waste in the past two months alone.

So how do we get the funds we use? That's easy - through the financial support of people like you. As a nature
lover, we know you support keeping our waterways clean. Would you help us further our efforts with a tax
deductible donation of $50 or more? With this donation, you will finance an entire day of cleanup and help us buy
desperately needed supplies, such as gloves and water test kits.

You can either donate online or by returning the attached reply envelope with a check made out to "Clean the Bay."
Please give me a call at 555-555-5555 if you'd like additional information on our organization or its mission. We are
rated highly by the Better Business Bureau and are a registered 501 (c)(3) charity. Thank you in advance. We
appreciate your support.


Sally Sue, Executive Director

Clean the Bay

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