Gravity Dam Forces Summary

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Gravity Dam: Forces, Qawdhan 2014

Summary Hand out


A gravity dam is a solid structure, made of concrete or masonry, constructed across a river to
create a reservoir on its upstream. The section of the gravity dam is approximately triangular
in shape, with its apex at its top and maximum width at bottom. The section is so proportioned
that it resists the various forces acting on it by its own weight. Most of the gravity dams are
solid, so that no bending stress is introduced at any point and hence, they are sometimes known
as solid gravity dams to distinguish them from hollow gravity dams in those hollow spaces
are kept to reduce the weight. Early gravity dams were built of masonry, but now-a-days with
improved methods of construction, quality control and curing, concrete is most commonly
used for the construction of modern gravity dams. A gravity dam is generally straight in plan
and, therefore, it is also called straight gravity dam. However, in some cases, it may be
slightly curved in plan, with its convexity upstream. When the curvature becomes significant,
it becomes on arch dam. The gravity dams are usually provided with an overflow spillway in
some portion of its length. The dam thus consists of two sections; namely, the non-overflow
section and the overflow section or spillway section. The design of these two sections is done
separately because the loading conditions are different. The overflow section is usually
provided with spillway gates. The ratio of the base width to height of most of the gravity dam
is less than 1.0. The upstream face is vertical or slightly inclined. The slope of the
downstream face usually varies between 0.7: 1 to 0.8: 1. Gravity dams are particularly suited
across gorges with very steep side slopes where earth dams might slip. Where good
foundations are available, gravity dams can be built upto any height. Gravity dams are also
usually cheaper than earth dams if suitable soils are not available for the construction of earth
dams. This type of dam is the most permanent one, and requires little maintenance. The most
ancient gravity, dam on record was built in Egypt more than 400 years B.C. of uncemented
masonry. Archeological experts believe that this dam was kept in perfect condition for more
than 45 centuries. The highest gravity dam in the world is Grand Dixence Dam in Switzerland,
which is 285 ill high. The second highest gravity dam is Bhakra Dam in India, which has a
height of 226 m.
Basic Definitions
1. Axis of the dam: The axis of the gravity dam is the line of the upstream edge of the top (or
crown) of the dam. If the upstream face of the dam is vertical, the axis of the dam coincides
with the plan of the upstream edge. In plan, the axis of the dam indicates the horizontal trace
of the upstream edge of the top of the dam. The axis of the dam in plan is also called the base
line of the dam. The axis of the dam in plan is usually straight. However, in some special
cases, it may be slightly curved upstream, or it may consist of a combination of slightly
curved RIGHT portions at ends and a central ABUTMENT straight portion to take the best
advantages of the topography of the site.
2. Length of the dam: The length of the dam is the distance from one abutment to the other,
measured along the axis of the dam at the level of the top of the dam. It is the usual practice
to mark the distance from the left abutment to the right abutment. The left abutment is one
which is to the left of the person moving along with the current of water.
3. Structural height of the dam: The structural height of the dam is the difference in
elevations of the top of the dam and the lowest point in the excavated foundation. It, however,
does not include the depth of special geological features of foundations such as narrow fault
zones below the foundation. In general, the height of the dam means its structural height.

Gravity Dam: Forces, Qawdhan 2014

4. Maximum base width of the dam: The maximum base width of the dam is the
maximum horizontal distance between the heel and
the toe of the maximum section of the
dam in the middle of the valley.
5. Toe and Heel: The toe of the dam is
the downstream edge of the base, and the
heel is the upstream edge of the base.
When a person moves along with water Structural
current, his toe comes first and heel
comes later.
6. Hydraulic height of the dam: The
hydraulic height of the dam is equal to
the difference in elevations of the
highest controlled water surface on the
upstream of the dam (i. e. FRL) and the
lowest point in the river bed.
Forces Acting on Gravity Dam
A gravity dam is subjected to the following main forces:
1. Weight of the dam 2. Water pressure 3. Uplift pressure
4. Wave pressure 5. Earth and Silt pressure 6. Ice pressure
7. Wind pressure 8. Earthquake forces 9. Thermal loads.
These forces fall into two categories as: a) Forces, such as weight of the dam and water
pressure, which are directly calculable from the unit weights of the materials and properties
of fluid pressures; and b) Forces, such as uplift, earthquake loads, silt pressure and ice
pressure, which can only be assumed on the basis of assumption of varying degree of
reliability. It is in the estimating of the second category of the forces that special care has to
be taken and reliance placed on available data, experience, and judgment.
It is convenient to compute all the forces per unit length of the dam.
1. Weight of the dam
The weight of the dam is the main stabilizing force in a gravity dam. The dead load to be
considered comprises the weight of the concrete or
masonry or both plus the weight of such appurtenances as
piers, gates and bridges. The weight of the dam per unit
length is equal to the product of the area of cross-section
of the dam and the specific weight (or unit weight) of the
material. The unit weight of concrete and masonry varies
considerably depending upon the various materials that
go to make them. It is essential to make certain that the
assumed unit weight for concrete/masonry or both can be W2
obtained with the available aggregates/ stones. The
specific weight of the concrete is usually taken as 24
kN/m3, and that of masonry as 23 kN/m3 in preliminary
designs. However, for the final design, the specific weight W1
is determined from the actual tests on the specimens of
materials. It is essential that the actual specific weight of concrete during the construction of

Gravity Dam: Forces, Qawdhan 2014

the dam should not be less than that considered in the final design. Attempts should be made
to achieve the maximum possible specific weight. The factors governing the specific weight
of the concrete are water-cement ratio, compaction of concrete and the unit weight of the
aggregates. For high specific weight, the aggregates used should be heavy. For convenience,
the cross-section of the dam is divided into simple geometrical shapes, such as rectangles and
triangles, for the computation of weights. The areas and controids of these shapes can be
easily determined. Thus the weight components W1, W2, W3 etc. can be found along with their
lines of action. The total weight W of the dam acts at the C.G. of its section.
2. Reservoir and Tailwater loads (Water pressure)
The water pressure acts on the upstream and downstream faces of the dam. The water
pressure on the upstream face is the main destabilizing (or overturning) force acting on a
gravity dam. The tail water pressure helps in the stability. The tail water pressure is generally
small in comparison to the water pressure on the upstream face. Although the weight of water
varies slightly with temperature, the variation is usually ignored. In case of low overflow
dams, the dynamic effect of the velocity of approach may be significant and will deserve
consideration. The mass of the water flowing over the top of the spillway is not considered in
the analysis since the water usually approaches spouting velocity and exerts little pressure on
the spillway crest. If gates or other control features are used on the crest they are treated as
part of the dam so far as application of water pressure is concerned. The mass of water is
taken as 1000 kg/m3. Linear distribution of the static water pressure acting normal to the face
of the dam is assumed. Tailwater pressure adjusted for any retrogression should be taken at
full value for non-overflow sections and at a reduced value for overflow sections depending
on the type of energy dissipation arrangement adopted and anticipated water surface profile
downstream. The full value of corresponding tailwater should, however, be used in the case
of uplift.
The water pressure intensity p (kN/m2) varies linearly with the depth of the water
measured below the free surface h (m) and is expressed as
p   wh
where γw is the specific weight of water (=
9.81 kN/m3 for ρw =1000 kg/m3). For
simplification, the specific weight of water
may be taken as 10 kN/m3 instead of 9.81
kN/m3. The water pressure always acts normal
to the surface. While computing the forces due PV1
to water pressure on inclined surface, it is
convenient to determine the components of the PH
forces in the horizontal and vertical directions
instead of the total force on the inclined PV2
surface directly.
(a) U/s face vertical: When the upstream
face of the dam is vertical, the water pressure diagram is triangular in shape with a pressure
intensity of γwh at the base, where h is the depth of water. The total water pressure per unit
length is horizontal and is given by
P   h2
2 w
It acts horizontally at a height of h/3 above the base of the dam.

Gravity Dam: Forces, Qawdhan 2014

(b) U/s face inclined: When the upstream face ABC is either inclined or partly vertical and
partly inclined, the force due to water pressure can be calculated in terms of the horizontal
component PH and the vertical component PV. The horizontal component is given as earlier
and acts horizontal at a height of (h/3) above the base. The vertical component PV of water
pressure per unit length is equal to the weight of the water in the prism ABCD per unit length.
For convenience, the weight of water is found in two parts PV1 and PV2 by dividing the
trapezium ABCD into a rectangle BCDE and a triangle ABE. Thus the vertical component PV
= PV1 + PV2 = weight of water in BCDE + weight of water in ABE. The lines of action of PV1
and PV2 will pass through the respective centroids of the rectangle and triangle.
3. Uplift pressure
Water has a tendency to seep through the pores and fissures of the foundation material. It also
seeps through the joints between the body of the dam and its foundation at the base, and
through the pores of the material in the body of the dam. The seeping water exerts pressure
and must be accounted for in the stability calculations. The uplift pressure is defined as the
upward pressure of water as it flows or seeps through the body of the dam or its foundation.
A portion of the weight of the dam will be supported on the upward pressure of water; hence
net foundation reaction due to vertical force will reduce. The area over which the uplift
pressure acts has been a question of investigation from the early part of this century. One
school of thought recommends that a value one-third to two-thirds of the area should be
considered as effective over which the uplift acts. The second school of thought, recommend
that the effective area may be taken approximately equal to the total area. The code of Indian
Standards recommends that the total area
should be considered as effective to account
for uplift.
According to the Indian Standard (IS :
6512-1984), there are two constituent
elements in uplift pressure: the area factor or
the percentage of area on which uplift acts
and the intensity factor or the ratio which the
actual intensity of uplift pressure bears to the
intensity gradient extending from head water
to tail water at various points. Effective
downstream drainage, whether natural or
artificial, will generally limit the uplift at the
toe of the dam to tail water pressure. Formed
drains in the body of the dam and drainage
holes drilled subsequent to grouting in the
foundation, where maintained in good repair,
are effective in giving a partial relief to the
uplift pressure intensities under and in the
body of the dam. The degree of effectiveness
of the system will depend upon the character
of the foundation and the dependability of the
effective maintenance of the drainage system.
In any case, observation of the behaviour of
the dam will indicate the uplift pressures
actually acting on the structure and when the
uplift pressure are seen to approach or exceed
design pressures, prompt remedial measures

Gravity Dam: Forces, Qawdhan 2014

should necessarily be taken to reduce the uplift pressures to values below the design
This following criteria are recommended by IS code for the calculating uplift forces :
(a) Uplift pressure distribution in the body of the dam shall be assumed, in case of
both preliminary and final designs, to have an intensity which at the line at the formed drains
exceeds the tailwater pressure by one-third the differential between reservoir level and
tailwater level. The pressure gradient shall then be extending linearly to heads corresponding
to reservoir level and tailwater level. The uplift shall be assumed to act over 100 percent of
the area.
(b) Uplift pressure distribution at the contact plane between the dam and its
foundations and within the foundation shall be assumed for preliminary designs to have an
intensity which at the line of drains exceeds the tailwater pressure by one-third the differential
between the reservoir and tailwater heads. The pressure gradient shall then be extended
linearly to heads corresponding to reservoir level and tailwater level. The uplift shall be
assumed to act over 100 % area. For final designs, the uplift criteria in case of dams founded
on compact and unfissured rock shall be as specified above. In case of highly jointed and
broken foundation, however, the pressure distribution may be required to be based on
electrical analogy or other methods of analysis taking into consideration the foundation
condition after the treatment proposed. The uplift shall be assumed to act over 100 % of the
(c) In absence of line of drains and for the extreme loading conditions F and G, the
uplift shall be taken as
varying linearly from
the appropriate
reservoir water pressure
at the u/s face to the
appropriate tailwater
pressure at the d/s face.
If the reservoir pressure
at the section under
consideration exceeds
the vertical normal stress (computed without uplift) at the u/s face, a horizontal crack is
assumed to exist and to extend from the u/s face towards the d/s face of the dam to the point
where the vertical normal stress (computed on the basis of linear pressure distribution without
uplift) is equal to the reservoir pressure at the elevation. The uplift is assumed to be the
reservoir pressure from the u/s face to the end of the crack and from there to vary linearly to
the tailwater pressure at the d/s face. The uplift is assumed to act over 100 % of the area.
(d) No reduction in uplift is assumed at the d/s toe of spillways on account of the
reduced water surface elevation (relative to normal tailwater elevation) that may be expected
immediately downstream of the structure.
(e) It is assumed that uplift pressures are not affected by earthquakes.
4. Earth and Silt Pressures
Gravity dams are subjected to earth pressures on the downstream and upstream faces where
the foundation trench is to he backfilled. Except in the abutment sections in specific cases and
in the junctions of the dam with an earth or rockfill embankment, earth pressures have usually
a minor effect on the stability of the structure and may be ignored.

Gravity Dam: Forces, Qawdhan 2014

The present procedure is to treat silt as a saturated cohesionless soil having full uplift
and whose value of internal friction is not
materially changed on account of
submergence. Experiments indicate that silt
pressure and water pressure exist together in
a submerged fill and that the silt pressure on
the dam is reduced in the proportion that the PH1
weight of the fill is reduced by PV1
submergence. IS code recommends that a)
Horizontal silt and water pressure is
assumed to be equivalent to that of a fluid PH2
with a mass of 1360 kg/m 3, and b) Vertical
silt and water pressure is determined as if PV3
silt and water together have a density of A
1925 kg/m3.
5. Ice Pressure
The problem of ice pressure in the design of dam is not encountered in India except, perhaps,
in a few localities. Ice expands and contracts with changes in temperature. In a reservoir
completely frozen over, a drop in the air temperature or in the level of the reservoir water
may cause the opening up of cracks which subsequently fill with water and freezed solid.
When the next rise in temperature occurs, the ice expands and, if restrained, it exerts pressure
on the dam. In some cases the ice exerts pressure on the dam when the water level rises. For
ice sheets of wide extent this pressure is moderate but in smaller ice sheets the pressure may
be of the same order of magnitude as in the case of extreme temperature variation. Ice is
plastic and flows under sustained pressure. The duration of rise in temperature is, therefore,
as important as the magnitude of the rise in temperature in the determination of the pressure
exerted by ice on the dam. Wind drag also contributes to the pressure exerted by ice to some
extent. Wind drag is dependent on the size and shape of the exposed area, the roughness of
the surface area and the direction of wind. Existing design information on ice pressure is
inadequate and somewhat approximate. Good analytical procedures exist for computing ice
pressures, but the accuracy of results is dependent upon certain physical data which have not
been adequately determined. These data should come from field and laboratory. Till specific
reliable procedures become available for the assessment of ice pressure it may be provided
for at the rate of 250 kPa applied to the face of dam over the anticipated area of contact of ice
with the face of dam.
6. Wind Pressure
Wind pressure does exist but is seldom a significant factor in the design of a dam. Wind loads
may, therefore, be ignored.
7. Wave Pressure
In addition to the static water loads the upper portions of dams are subject to the impact of
waves. Wave pressure against massive dams of appreciable height is usually of little
consequence. The force and dimensions of waves depend mainly on the extent and
configuration of the water surface, the velocity of wind and the depth of reservoir water. The
height of wave is generally more important in the determination of the free board
requirements of dams to prevent overtopping by wave splash. An empirical method based
upon research studies on specific cases has been recommended by T. Saville for computation
of wave height hw (m). It takes into account the effect of the shape of reservoir and also wind

Gravity Dam: Forces, Qawdhan 2014

velocity over water surface rather than on land by applying necessary correction. It gives the
value of different wave heights and the percentage of waves exceeding these heights so that
design wave height for required exceedance can be selected. Wind velocity of 120 km/h over
water in case of normal pool condition and of 80 km/h over water in case of maximum
reservoir condition should generally be assumed for calculation of wave height if
meteorological data is not available. When maximum wind velocity is known, the same shall
be used for full reservoir level (FRL) condition and 2/3 times that for MWL condition. The
maximum unit pressure pw in kPa occurs at 0.125 hw, above the still water level and is given
by the equation:
pw  24hw
The wave pressure diagrams can be approximately represented by the triangle l-2-3 as in Fig.

The total wave force Pw, (in kN) is given by the area of the triangle,
P  20h2
w w

The centre of application is at a height of 0.375 hw, above the still water level. Sometimes the
following Molitor’s empirical formulae are used to estimate wave height
hw  0.032 Vw F  0.763  0.271(F )1/ 4 for F < 32 km

hw  0.032 for F > 32 km

where Vw = wind velocity in km/hr and F = fetch length of reservoir in km.

8. Thermal Loads
Measures for temperature control of concrete in solid gravity dams are adopted during
construction. Yet it is noticed that stresses in the dam are affected due to temperature
variation in the dam on the basis of data recorded from the thermometer embedded in the
body of the dam. The cyclic variation of air temperature and the solar radiation on the
downstream side and the reservoir temperature on the upstream side also affect the stresses in
the dam. Even the deflection of the dam is maximum in the morning and it goes on reducing

Gravity Dam: Forces, Qawdhan 2014

to a minimum value in the evening. The magnitude of deflection is also affected depending
on whether the spillway is running or not. It is generally less when spillway is working than
when it is not working. While considering the thermal load, temperature gradients are
assumed depending on location, orientation, surrounding topography, etc.
9. Earthquake Forces
The following assumptions shall be made in the earthquake resistant design of
structures: a) Earthquake causes impulsive ground motion which is complex and irregular in
character, changing in period and amplitude each lasting for small duration. ‘Therefore,
resonance of the type as visualized under steady state sinusoidal excitations will not occur as
it would need time to build up such amplitudes. b) Earthquake is not likely to occur
simultaneously with wind or maximum flood or maximum sea waves. c) The value of elastic
modulus of materials, wherever required, may be taken as for static analysis unless a more
definite value is available for use in such condition.
Permissible Increase in Stresses: Whenever earthquake forces are considered along with
other normal design forces, the permissible stresses in materials, in the elastic method of
design, may be increased by one-third. However, for steels having a definite yield stress, the
stress be limited to the yield stress; for steels without a definite yield point, the will stress will
be limited to 80 percent of the ultimate strength or 0.2 percent proof stress whichever is
smaller and that in prestressed concrete members, the tensile stress in the extreme fibres of
the concrete may be permitted so as not to exceed 2/3 of the modulus of rupture of concrete.

above equation.
The vertical seismic coefficient (αv) may be taken as half of the horizontal seismic
coefficient i.e.
 v  0.5 h
In important structures where there is a possibility of amplification of vertical seismic
coefficient, dynamic analysis is preferable.
Effect of Horizontal Acceleration: Horizontal· acceleration causes two forces: (1) Inertia
force in the body of the dam, and (2) Hydrodynamic pressure of water.
Inertia forces: The inertia force acts in a direction opposite to the
acceleration imparted by, earthquake forces and is equal to the product
of the mass of the dam and the acceleration. For dams up to 100 m
height the horizontal seismic coefficient shall be taken as 1.5 times
seismic coefficient αh at the top of the dam reducing linearly to zero at
the base as shown in Fig. This inertia force shall be assumed to act
from upstream to downstream or downstream to upstream to get the
worst combination for design. It causes an overturning moment about
the horizontal section adding to that caused by hydrodynamic force.

Gravity Dam: Forces, Qawdhan 2014

where C’v and C’m, are given in Fig.

Hydrodynamic Effects Due to Reservoir: Due to horizontal acceleration of the foundation
and dam there is an instantaneous hydrodynamic pressure (or suction) exerted against the
dam in addition to hydrostatic forces. The direction of hydrodynamic force is opposite to the
direction of earthquake
acceleration. In 1952, Zanger
presented formulae for computing
the hydrodynamic pressure exerted
on vertical and sloping face by
horizontal acceleration. The
formulae were derived by electrical
analogy, based on the assumption
that water is incompressible. The
pressure variation is elliptical-cum-
parabolic. The hydrodynamic
pressure at depth y below the
reservoir surface shall be
determined as follows:
pey  Cs h w h
where pey = hydrodynamic pressure intensity (Pa) at depth y, h = depth of reservoir (m) and
Cs = coefficient which varies with shapes of u/s face and depth of water. Approximate values
of Cs, for dams with vertical or constant upstream slopes may be obtained as follows:
C y y 
C  m   2   
2   

h  h  
2 h h
 
   
where Cm = maximum value of Cs,
which can be read from Fig. or
obtained from
 
C  0.735 1  
 
 90 

where θ = angle, in degrees the u/s

face of the dam makes with vertical.
For dams with combination of
vertical and sloping faces, an
equivalent slope may be used for
obtaining the approximate value of
Cs,. If the height of the vertical
portion of the upstream face of the
dam is equal to or greater than one-
half the total height of the dam,
analyze it as if vertical throughout. If
the height of the vertical portion of
the upstream face of the dam is less
than one-half the total height of the
dam, use the pressure on the sloping
line connecting the point of
Gravity Dam: Forces, Qawdhan 2014

intersection of the upstream face of the dam and the reservoir surface with the point of
intersection of the upstream face of the dam with the foundation.
Effects of Vertical Acceleration: The effect of vertical earthquake acceleration is to change
the unit weight of water and concrete or masonry. Acceleration upwards increases the weight
and acceleration downwards decreases the weight. Due to vertical acceleration a vertical
inertia force F = αVW is exerted on the dam, in the direction opposite to that of the
acceleration. When the acceleration is vertically upwards, the inertia force F = αVW acts
vertically downwards, thus increasing momentarily the downward weights. When the
acceleration is vertically downwards the inertia force F = αVW acts upwards and decreases
momentarily the downward weight. For methods of design (seismic coefficient up to 100 m
and response spectrum over 100 m) Vertical seismic coefficient (αV) shall be taken as 0.75
times the value of αh (of the respective method) at the top of the dam reducing linearly to
zero at the base.
Effect of earthquake acceleration on uplift forces: Effect of earthquake acceleration on uplift
forces at any horizontal section is determined as a function of the hydrostatic pressure of
reservoir and tail-water against the faces of the dam. During an earthquake the water pressure
is changed by the hydrodynamic effect. However, the change is not considered effective in
producing a corresponding increase or reduction in the uplift force. The duration of the
earthquake is too short to permit the building up of pore pressure in the concrete and rock

Gravity Dam: Forces, Qawdhan 2014

Effect of earthquake acceleration on dead silt loads: It is sufficient to determine the increase
in the silt pressure due to earthquake by considering hydrodynamic forces on the water up to
the base of the dam and ignoring the weight of the silt.
Earthquake Forces for Overflow Sections: The provisions for the dam as given earlier will
be applicable to over-flow sections as well. In this case, the height of the dam shall be taken
from the base of the dam to the top of the spillway bridge for computing the period as well as
shears and moments in the body of the dam. However, for the design of the bridge and the
piers, the horizontal seismic coefficients in either direction may be taken as the design
seismic coefficient for the top of the dam (1.5 αh) and applied uniformly along the height of
the pier.


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