Steve Neale's Genre Theory To The First Episode of Humans

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Steve Neale’s genre theory to the first episode of Humans.

Genre theory - Steve Neale

 the idea that genres may be dominated by repetition, but are also marked by difference, variation, and change
 the idea that genres change, develop, and vary, as they borrow from and overlap with one another
 the idea that genres exist within specific economic, institutional and industrial contexts.

What genre is Humans?

Humans falls under the Genre category of Syfy

What sub-genre does Humans belong to?

Humans could be categorised as falling under the Syfy-Drama sub-genre

Why is genre repetition important for Audiences and Producers?

Genre repetition is important to audiences as It allows for them to have a prior knowledge about and makes
for an easy transition into the shows rather than being dropped suddenly into unfamiliar territory, following
from this it is also an important aspect for the producers as repetition allows for the audience to be captured
and kept in a familiar territory.

Why is difference important for Audiences and Producers

Differences are an important aspect for audiences as the audience will want a variety of shows that follows the
genre and conventions, but with this they have to be different enough so that they don’t become too similar
and makes the audience disinterested and bored. Difference is a also a positive for producers because by
making a different mark on an already pre-existing genre creates a new product that is new and will give the
product an individuality that has never been seen elsewhere further drawing in more audience members for a
new experience.

What type of characters are repeated within the sub-genre?

In humans there are a variety of characters presented within the show; for example in sci fi you have: The
Robot Who Wants To Be Human, The Heroic Scientist, The Robot Servant and in a drama setting you would
have the protagonists and antagonists, static and changing characters, Confidante (Trustworthy) characters, as
well as this there are also characters within humans that fall under the archetypal character list such as: Hero,
Carer, innocent etc.

What type of narratives are repeated within the sub-genre?

In Humans there are a variety of narratives explored: firstly, you Todorov’s ideas and theories on

Narratology, these being that the narrative structure is based around equilibrium disruption, new equilibrium.
As well as this you also have other theorists like Lévi-Strauss’ ideas and theories on, structuralism especially
present with binary oppositions in Humans; for instance humans vs synths (Technology/ Humans) Real/Fake,

What type of themes are repeated within the sub-genre?

In humans the main themes that are explored are the advancements of technology, AI and sentience, new and
old, mystery and what it means to be a human.

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