1st Quarter Examination Rws
1st Quarter Examination Rws
1st Quarter Examination Rws
4. It has a structure which requires the ideas in the discourse be more relevant.
a. Definition b. Discourse c. Message d. Text
5. Your short conversation with your friend is classified as _____________.
a. Definition b. Discourse c. Message d. Text
6. The following are the features of written connected discourse, except:
a. Assimilation b. Elision c. Introduction d. Linking
7. How is discourse similar to a text?
a. Text and discourse can both be read
b. Text and discourse is the use of language in a social context.
c. Text and discourse is blueprint of your writing, as they are the summary, or breakdown, of main and supporting ideas.
d. Text and discourse are two terms that are commonly used in linguistics, literature, and language studies. .
9. Making the list is a technique for organizing information. On the list you write down any idea related to your topic. What do
you call the list?
a. Brainstorming b. Graphic Organizer c. Sentence Outline d. Topic Outline
13. What technique for selecting and organizing information uses visual displays to show relationships between or among
a. Brainstorming b. Graphic Organizer c. Sentence Outline d. Topic Outline
2. Read the statement below and analyze what pattern of development is used in the passage.
“A vacation to La Union is an experience you will never forget, offering sun, fun and beautiful beaches. Book your trip today.”
a. Comparison & Contrast b. Description c. Persuasion d. Problem-solution
3. Which pattern of development is appropriate to use in writing the product specifications of a new Smartphone model?
a. Comparison & Contrast b. Description c. Persuasion d. Problem-solution
4. The gray swivel chairs are on display. They have adjustable backrests. With these, users can easily recline on the chairs
and take a quick nap. Also, the chairs are cushioned with memory foam. This material molds to the user’s body helps
relieve back pain. Identify the pattern of development used in this paragraph.
a. Comparison & Contrast b. Description c. Persuasion d. Problem-solution
5. Supposed a witness is making report on the fire that broke out in a foot wear factory. Which pattern of development can he
or she use in writing the report?
a. Comparison and Contrast b. Cause and Effect c. Narration d. Classification
6. Which pattern of development presents the similarities of two or more persons, things, places, situations, events, or ideas?
a. Comparison and Contrast b. Cause and Effect c. Narration d. Classification
9. A business news article aims to highlight the differences between an old cell phone model and a newly launched one.
Which pattern of development is the most appropriate to use in the text?
a. Problem-Solution b. Comparison and Contrast c. Description d. Exemplification
10. This requires the use of examples to show, prove, or explain a general idea or point.
a. Classification b. Comparison and Contrast c. Description d. Exemplification
12. Which pattern of development would best suit a text that aims to discuss the taxonomy of a group of fossils that were
recently discovered by a palaeontologist?
a. Exemplification b. Classification c. Description d. Definition
13. All of the following can be good exemplification essay topics except:
a. Can a person have a successful career without education?
b. Until what should parent help children with their homework?
d. What are ways of protecting environment?
d. Should all schools offering Senior High School have the same minimum admission requirements?
15. This refers to the outcome or result of a certain action or event. It tells “What happens?”
a. Because b. Cause c. Effects d. Result
1. Which of the following does not signal cause and effect relationship?
a. Maria didn’t follow the recipe correctly, so the cake did not come out as expected.
b. Because of excise tax, sales are down.
c. John made a rude comment, so Elise hit him.
d. Maria and John are both Grade 11 learners of Naguilian Senior High School.
2. Suppose you are going to write about the reasons why crops in a field are dying. Which is the best way to present the
information in your writing?
a. Problem-Solution b. Cause and effect c. Exemplification d. Persuasion
3. Which of the following types of paragraphs intends to convince readers to do or believe in something?
a. The waves crashed and danced along the shore, moving up and down in a graceful and gentle rhythm like they were
b. If you vote for me, I will make sure that your taxes are low and that you get the government services that you depend
upon. Cast your vote today.
c. Surely you will like my present for you.
d. The soft fur of the dog felt like silk against my skin and her black coloring glistened as it absorbed the sunlight,
reflecting it back as a perfect, deep, dark mirror.
4. Which of the following persuasive techniques is done by criticizing someone or an opposing idea?
a. Appeal to Authority b. Appeal to Emotion c. Appeal to Reason d. Appeal to Trust
6. Which of the following persuasive techniques is usually used in a TV or newspaper ad that aims to convince viewers or
readers to use Brand A instead of Brand X?
a. Bandwagon b. Repetition c. Reason d. Appeal
7. Ability to recognize it will help you distinguish major details from minor ones and predict ideas.
a. Selecting and Organizing Information
b. Well – Written Text
c. Text as connected Discourse
d. Patterns of Development
8. If you want to write a paragraph describing how to change a flat tire on a car, which pattern of development in writing would
you be most likely to use?
a. List b. Sequence c. Comparison-contrast d. Definition
9. If you want to explain to someone what rain forest is, which pattern of development in writing is probably the most logical
one to use?
a. List b. Sequence c. Comparison-contrast d. Definition
10. Your criminal justice professor tells the class he is going to present the differences between misdemeanour crimes and
felonies. You expect that he will organize the information using which pattern?
a. List b. Narrative c. Comparison-contrast d. Definition
11. If you tell your younger sibling how senior high school is different from junior high school, you would use which pattern?
a. Sequence b. Descriptive c. Comparison-contrast d. Definition
12. Suppose you are asked on a history test to explain the causes of the American Revolution. Which pattern of development
in writing would you be likely to use to organize the information?
a. Comparison-contrast b. Definition c. List d. Cause – Effect
13. If you write a paper explaining the most common reasons employees lose their jobs, you would probably organize your
thoughts using which pattern?
a. Definition b. Sequence c. Comparison-contrast d. Cause – Effect
14. A paragraph in a health textbook has the heading “Types of Food Additives.” What pattern do you anticipate the author will
use to present the information?
a. Classification b. Narration c. Comparison d. Exemplification
15. On an English class, you are asked to explain the term discourse. Which pattern would you use?
a. Definition b. Description c. Comparison-contrast d. Cause – Effect
1. When beginning to write, it’s helpful to determine the _________ that are most effective for your purpose and audience.
a. Techniques in Organizing information
b. Patterns of Thesis Writing
c. Patterns of Development in Writing
d. Techniques in Writing
2. Evaluate the statement below and determine what pattern of development in writing is used by the writer.
It seems like there has been a surge in teen pregnancies these days. Teen pregnancies make it very difficult for young
mothers to pursue their dreams and meet the demands of an infant. Fortunately, most teen pregnancies can be easily
prevented using birth control; however, even birth control is not 100% effective. The most effective way to prevent teen
pregnancies is abstinence, which is 100% effective.
a. Comparison-contrast b. Definition c. Problem-Solution d. Cause – Effect
4. The use of this increases credibility; strengths arguments and keeps audience.
a. Organization b. Coherence and cohesion c. Language Use d. Mechanics
5. Kierre wanted to focus on grammatical aspects of the novel he is currently writing where the sentences are connected.
a. Organization b. Coherence c. Mechanics d. Cohesion
6. It refers to the connection of ideas and connection between sentence and paragraphs.
a. Organization b. Coherence and cohesion c. Language Use d. Mechanics
7. It refers to the conventions of writing which includes capitalizations, punctuations, spelling, numerals, abbreviations,
acronyms, and contraction.
a. Proper Mechanics b. Proper Grammar c. Appropriate Language d. Appropriateness
9. Your English teacher tasked you write an example of formal written text, which among the following will best suit to your
a. Essay b. Novel c. Research d. Short Story
10. How will you classify a formal written text into an informal written text?
a. A formal written text uses contractions to make it complex.
b. A formal written text makes you a professional writer.
c. A formal written text is academic and professional sounding.
d. A formal written text has an italicized font.
11. A type of organizational pattern which follows an order based on time, procedure or spatial.
a. Chronological b. Sequence c. Procedural d. Spatial
12. Which of the following does not fall under mechanics as an aspect of a well written text?
a. Spelling b. Punctuation c. Diction d. Capitalization
13. Which of the following statements are true of a well written text?
a. A series of sentences that are organized and coherent, and are all related to a single topic.
b. A series of sentences that are related to each other.
c. A series of sentences that has fourteen syllables.
d. A series of sentences that text has an italicized font.
15. In a text with cohesion, what is the “glue” that holds ideas together?
a. Central Concept b. Clear Outline c. Specific Title d. Coherent Form
Before you give up, think about why you held on so long…
Prepared by:
Principal I