Solid Modeling: Principles and Practice. Chapter 12
Solid Modeling: Principles and Practice. Chapter 12
Solid Modeling: Principles and Practice. Chapter 12
B. Sources:
A. Local Operations
1. Only affect one (local) portion of the solid.
2. May need to ensure validity – some local
operations have global consequences.
3. Example operations
a. Beveling
b. Rounding
c. Filleting
d. Face extrusion
B. Global Operations
1. Affect the overall solid.
2. Example operations
a. Translation
b. Rotation
c. Scaling
d. Operation undo
e. Offset surface
f. Boolean operations
Boolean Operations
A. Primitive Instancing
1. A certain (limited) set of predefined
primitives is allowed.
2. Each primitive may be governed by
3. Set of operations is minimal (e.g. just
translation, scale, rotation).
4. Useful when domain is limited – e.g.
furniture placement in home design.
B. Sweeps
1. Start with a 2D “slice” or a 3D “tool”.
2. Define a path to sweep along.
3. The volume traced out by moving the slice
or tool along the path defines the solid.
4. Suffers from many practical problems –
few operations, possible invalid objects.
5. Common examples are solid extrusion,
rotational sweep, CAM tool paths.