Analisa Penawaran Dan Permntaan Lele
Analisa Penawaran Dan Permntaan Lele
Analisa Penawaran Dan Permntaan Lele
Antika Fahriatul Fauziah, 2Titin Agustina dan 2Yuli Hariyati
Alumnus, Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember
Staf Pengajar, Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Jember
Email: [email protected]
Mojomulyo village Subdistrict of Puger one of the contres of catfish cultivation in Jember
regency. In this prosess of growing up the catfish, the woof is the largest cost at all the process.
The result of producing catfish should be in mutual accord with the marketing efficiency
because the price of selling would give the impact to the cultivators income. This study aims to
the income of catfish cultivator, the factor influencing the income catfish, and marketing of
catfish in Mojomulyo village Subdistrict Puger. The research method is descriptive , analytical,
and corelational method. The method of collecting the data used Proporsional Cluster Ramdom
Sampling and Snowball Sampling . The results showed (1) The income of this business catfish
cultivation is profitable; (2) The factors that signifantly the income of catfish cultivators are the
cost of seed, the cost of woof, total production, the price of selling, the cost of labor, the cost of
vitamins and another supplement; (3) The are 3 channels of marketing catfish. Based on value
of marketing efficiency, the marketing channel of catfish is efficient. The 1st channel is the most
efficient channel to profit share that received the highest cultivator fo 84,38% and distribution
margin value, the 1st channel showed value of profit share and cost share more proportional.
66,73% 33,26% 33,27%
Pedagang Besar Tengkulak/PedagangPengumpul
Pedagang Pengecer
Konsumen Konsumen
Konsumen Akhir
Rumah Makan Pabrik Sekar Bumi
Gambar 2. Persentase Saluran Pemasaran Ikan Lele Dumbo Segar di Desa Mojomulyo
Kecamatan Puger Pada Masing-Masing Lembaga Pemasaran
Tabel 3. Komparasi Nilai Margin Pemasaran, Share Pemasaran dan Distribusi Margin
Pemasaran Ikan Lele Dumbo Di Dusun Getem Desa Mojomulyo Kecamatan Puger
Harga Jual Distribusi Margin Harga Beli
Share (%) Margin
Saluran Pembudidaya (%) Konsumen
(Rp/Kg) Biaya Keuntungan Biaya Keuntungan (Rp/Kg)
I. Pembudidaya
Tengkulak 13.500 84,38
Pabrik Sekar Bumi 3,35 12,28 21,44 78,56 16.000 2.500
II. Pembudidaya 13.890,91 64,52 21.528,57 7637,66
Tengkulak 3,39 8,77 9,56 24,72
P.Besar 2,30 21,02 6,48 59,24
Rumah Makan
III. Pembudidaya 13.798 60,64 22.755 8957
Tengkulak 4,10 4,85 10,40 12,33
P.Besar 1,39 15,13 3,52 38,43
P.Pengecer 1,70 12,20 4,31 31,00
Konsumen Akhir
Sumber : Data Primer, Diolah 2015
Tabel 4. Hasil Efisiensi Pemasaran pada Saluran Pemasaran Ikan Lele Dumbo di Dusun Getem
Desa Mojomulyo Kecamatan Puger
Biaya Nilai
No. Saluran Pemasaran Pemasaran Produk
(Rp/kg) (Rp/kg)
1 Pembudidaya - Tengkulak - Pabrik
0,0335 536 16.000
Sekar Bumi
2 Pembudidaya - Tengkulak –
0,0569 1224,89 21.528,57
P. Besar - Rumah Makan
3 Pembudidaya - Tengkulak –
0,0718 1633,73 22.755
P. Besar - P. Pengecer-Konsumen
Sumber : Data Primer, Diolah 2015
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Pola Pembiayaan Usaha Kecil Penelitian Edisi 1. Bandung :
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