The Plan
In an academic year, we have 180 teaching period for 8 units. Out of 220 working days each unit
can be taught in 21 periods / 23 periods, and remaining 12 periods for revision. Further we can
divide these 21/23 periods among the NINE academic standards. Here is a scheme of work.
Depending upon the complexity of section, the No.of periods for each section can be increased /
Plan of a lesson also differ from teacher to teacher, so according to your convenience, you can
frame your own plan. Proforma of a plan also not rigid. It is flexible, so we can frame a
descriptive model or tabular model to prepare. Here we are providing you a tabular model lesson
1. To read the passage and understand the picture then sharing of their views and respect of
other views.
2. To understand the reading passage and express their view or opinions on the passage in
written form. As comprehension questions.
3. To understand and use various words. Idoms, Phrasal verb, proverbs etc., in orval and
4. The competence to the language in a proper word order, use of words contractually and
also awareness on grammatical points and to appreciate the beauty of literature.
5. The competency to construct oral and written discourses.
6. The competency to write their own descriptions dialogue writings, essay writing (based
on hints) letters, addressing of messages, mind mapping and concept mapping ideas.
7. The competency to use the language for knowledge construction.
8. The competency to express the views / ideas in a creative manner.
9. The competency to apply the learning experience to their real life situations.
10. The competency to use self assessment, by him/her self, his/her groups assessment and to
improve their group linguistic competence in a collaborative learning environgment.
Objectives and specifications are common for all units at all levels of academic standards. Here
we are informing, objectives and specifications of each academic standards.
A) Pre-reading / Picture Reading / Motivation / Trigger / Face Sheet
To elicit of their inner passion, what they think about the picture.
They talk about the picture.
To make them an intelligent prediction on the passage.
To develop their ability to describe the picture.
B) Reading: -
Read the passage individually and tune to own reading.
To Make them understand the passage them to get the responses from the text
book question.
To minimize the list of new words with the help of peers.
To share their ideas / views in groups.
To analyse the information and link it with their personal experience.
To develop the ability to generate own text.
C) Vocabulary: -
To make the child to use the word in different contexts.
To learn the words non-consciously
To use the words contextually in their read life.
To encourage them to refer the meanings and pronunciation of the words through
D) Grammar: -
To make the children use grammar in different contexts.
To learn the always beyond the text books / sentence.
To use the given structure in a right context for example_________________
To apply the experience concepts in creative writing.
E) Writing: -
To ensure the learner to write by their own.
To make the learner to use correct pronunciations, punctuations makes.
To express their ideas freely in written from.
To take active participations in groups.
To apply the suitable discourses, according to the unit nature.
F) Study Skills: -
To develop their creative ability
To brushup their innovative thinking.
To think in different angles.
To read and express their ideas according to the text example ________________
G) Listening and speaking: -
To enable the students to listen the passage.
To understand the passage and speak/talk/respond.
To use correct English, while they respond.
To develop their abilities in speaking the language fluently.
H) Poem: -
To enjoy the poetry.
To understand the theme of the poem
To feel the images in poetry
To appreciate the poem.
To develop the concept of rhyming words.
I) Project: -
To develop the preparation of the questionnaire.
To collect the data by locating the right area.
To analyse and presentation of a data.
To make them self experience by doing the work.
To use the language contextually.
To present the data in a different models such as graphical presentation, bar
diagrams tabular formats, description manner, etc.,
J) Extensive Reading: -
To develop the extensive reading the passage.
To understand the passage individuals and share their views in groups.
To express their ideas for given questions.
To develop the habit of reading.
To understand the passage without help of the teacher.
Now I shall ask the Pupil will try to 1. Can you prove who does
following questions to test attempt the answer refere to you?
their understanding of the 2. What did swamy father
passage (Questions in ask him to do to prove his
evaluation column) courage?
3. Where did swamy always
4. Pick our the meaning “an
angry look of expression”
Day- I shall ask them to They read/listen Text Book
3 listen the passage while I read the passage carefully.
loudly then they will try to
read the passage loudly (If
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Day-4 Reading Segment – On 4th day I shall Pupil will follow 1. Curled
3 (Don’t cover continue the reading segment 3 the previous days 2. Snoring
………………. to continue the process, I shall instructions and 3. Ghost
Spread the boy) remind them the previous days suggestions, they 4. Semi-darkness
reading segment 1 & 2 continue the same they 5. Groaned
processes. I will suggest them submit the list of group 6. Hesitated
to follow the same. wise new words list, 7. Scorpion
and they present the 8. Pained
data 9. Cursed
10. Cruelty
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Day-5 Reading segment Today i.e., on 5th day I They follow 1. Remembered. Text
– 4 The night shall ask them to open the the previous days 2. Faint book, note
………….. text book page No. 88 to read procedure to continue 3. Hurriedly book,
swamy thought the selected passages. Then I the present day 4. Safer dictionary,
shall instruct them to process also. 5. Encased teacher’s
continue the process as usual 6. Chasing dairy
like previous days process. So They will 7. Groaned
when they go to individual submit list of new 8. Despair
collaboration reading I shall words list as per the 9. Rustling
work like a facilitate and group. 10. Gazing
round the class.
1. …Bitten me who does
After reading the Pupil will try to ‘Me’ refer to!
passage by the pupil answer to the 2. What awakened everyone
individually, collaboratively I questions. in the house?
shall ask them comprehensive 3. Who came running with a
questions relating to selected light?
passages. 4. Where and how did the
burglar die?
After day-5 in this component 5. Was the burglar caught?
i.e., reading segment-5 pupil
will develop their reading
ability and usage of
vocabulary contextually
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Day-6 Reading segment-5 On day 6 in reading Pupil will follow 1. Crawled Note
As it came segment 5 I shall ask them to the instructions of the 2. Clutched books,
……………….. read the passages from page teacher and they will 3. Amidst group
giving him up no. 89 & 90 in reader, to prepare the list of new 4. Burglar reports,
continue this process, I shall words individually and 5. Bleeding teacher’s
remind them to go through collaboratively. 6. Patted dairy,
the previous day process to 7. Notorious text
complete the individual and 8. Scout book
group reading activity. 9. Faint
10. Encased
11. Wink
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
DAY- Vocabulary Today I shall ask Pupil will read Read the word and pick out
7&8 exercises them to open the text book the exercise on Page synonyms from the story. (Page No.
page No. 91 & 92 to read the No. 91 & 92 they will 91).
passage. I shall ask them to try & they present the
read the exercise No. I & II in answers in groups. Read the conversation and
7th day individuals, after their Finally I will make box words, then fillup is
responses, then I shall allow them is a correct way conversations with suitable words.
them to go to groups, then
after they should go to the
groups to discuss, then finally
they should respond with
answer, atleast I will fewup
their responses, after proper
Day-8 Vocabulary After presentation I Pupil will Read the clues to complete Note
exercise (III & shall rectify the solution in rectify their errors the word ladder gooks,
IV exercises) proper way. with the teacher’s individual
Page No. 92 & version. L Y / group
93 I shall encourage the reports,
pupil to do the exercise in teachers
peaceful manner. dairy, text
I shall verify their R Y
work after individual / Pupil will do
collaborative presentation I the exercise from the
shall ask them to go for other text book page No. 92
exercise which are very & 93. W W
similar. Read the problem and match the
following exercise (use the clues
which are given in brackets)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Day-8 Grammar I shall ask them a Pupil will read Pick out 5 sentences Text
&9 discussion on the pas the sentences under from the story that use the book,
continuous and the simple past grammar and understand simple past sentence and 5 note
tenses, and gives some time to the concept of past sentences past continuous, write books,
read and understand continuous tense work down in your note book page work
individually first and in groups individually and No. 93. sheets.
next. I shall consolidates the collaborates then they
understanding of the learners, will get right answer Read the para and fill in
writes their ideas on the chart from their teacher. the blanks with suitable past
and helps them in completing forms page No. 94 in text book.
the exercises given under
grammar (Page No. 93 & 94
from text book)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7