Correction To f16 Pulse Doppler Radar Anapg66 Performance - 1983

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Corrections to "Noise Angle Accuracy of Several Corrections to "Product Device Analysis for

Monopulse Architectures" Radar Applications"

The following corrections should be made in [I]. The following corrections should be made in [1].

On page 712, the second line above title of Section II: On page 740, the second line of eq. (1) should read:
matched filter should read "matched filter". *exp (-jwlt - jW2r) dt dr
On page 716, the second line after eq. (35): and the second line of eq. (2) should read:
(S,/N]} should read (SI/N)]}. * exp UM 1t + jW2T) dw1dW2
On page 717, in the first line after eq. (48):- On page 741, in the second line of equation in the top
delete words to noise ratio left column, place a product dot to left of integral
replace with word power. sign; add missing number (8) to the end of equation at
top of left column; in the second line of eq. (14): re-
On page 717, the sixth line of eq. (46): place 8 by ot; and remove product dots at left ends of
P (- ) should read P(f - ).
lines 17 and 20 of eq. (14).
On page 721, the last line of reference [10] should read: On page 742, add missing number (15) to first equation
Correction in July 1978, AES-14, 698. on page; remove product dots at left ends of lines 5
On page 721, the first line of reference [16]: and 8 of eq. (15); add a product dot at left end of line
(1983) should read (1982). 4 of eq. (15); and the last line of eq. (22) should read
(WI - mwR, W2 - flWR) e jMi)RTT.
[I] Peebles, Peyton Z., Jr., and Wang, T.K. (1982) On page 743, the first line of reference [4]:
Noise Angle Accuracy of Several Monopulse Architectures. (1983) should read (1982) and the last line of refer-
IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Nov. 1982, ence [4] should read: this issue, 712-721.
AES-18, No. 6, pp. 712-721.

[11 Peebles, Peyton Z., Jr.

Corrections to "Self-Noise Produced by Product Device Analysis for Radar Applications.
Quadrupling of QPSK Signals' IEEE Trans. Aerospace and Electronic Systems, Nov. 1982,
AES-18, No. 6, pp. 739-743.
Line 22 in the right column of page 702 should read:
"6) In the specific case of the full cosine roll-off with
k= I and v = 4, the input . . .'
The figure caption of Fig. 2 in page 703 should read:
"Fig. 2 (A) Case of input spectra being half cosine
roll-off. (B) Case of input spectra being full cosine Correction to "F-16 Pulse Doppler Radar (AN/
roll-off. Quadrupler input . . .' APG-66) Performance" I
(As for Fig. 2 in page 703, the upper group of figures
and the lower one are transposed with each other, al- On page 147 the author's correct postal zip code is
though the same figure in the galley proof was cor- 21203.
[I] Fujino, T., et al [11 Ringel, M.B., et al
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Elec. Sys. IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Elec. Sys.
Vol. AES-18, Sept. 1982, pp. 701-704. Vol. AES-19, Jan. 1983, pp. 147-158.

0018-9251/83/0300-0330 $00.75 © 1983 IEEE


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