Pulse Diagnoses
Pulse Diagnoses
Pulse Diagnoses
Cover Image
Notes for the reader
Chapter 1. Contextualising pulse within contemporary clinical practice
1.1. Contextualising the learning environment
1.2. Addressing misconceptions
1.3. Why is a reliable system of pulse taking important? The evidence
2.4. Summary
3.5. Historical perspective: regional pulse assessment and the Cun Kou pulse
4.2. Pulse diagnosis, subjectivity and the need for reliable assessment methods
4.4. The normal pulse
4.5. Reliability and validity of the pulse diagnosis process
5.10. Comparison of the overall force of the left and right radial pulse
5.11. Pulse method
5.12. Other considerations when assessing the pulse and interpreting the findings
5.13. Summary
6.3. Rate
6.5. Rhythm
6.7. Depth
6.8. CM pulse qualities defined by level of depth
6.11. Width (latitude)
6.12. CM pulse qualities defined by arterial width
6.13. Summary
7.5. CM pulse qualities defined by arterial wall tension and ease of pulse occlusion
8.3. Blood
8.4. Qi
8.5. Yin vacuity
8.7. Health
9.5. Nine Continent pulse system
It should be self evident: the pulse reflects life, and so the development of an expert
knowledge of pulse must be a key task for practitioners in assessing health. It should also
come as no surprise that medical practitioners, from all parts of the world and throughout the
course of history, have considered the pulse to reflect or infer aspects of an individual's state
of health. Information obtained from measurement of the pulse flow wave still plays a role in
contemporary biomedical clinical practice but is supplemented, if not superseded, by
measurement procedures using sophisticated medical devices developed specifically for
measuring these changes. Similarly, Chinese medicine continues to also employ pulse
assessment in the clinical examination process. For the practitioner of Oriental medicine,
interpretation of the pulse characteristics depends on manual palpatory discrimination of
changes in pulse variables and their relation to health and disease. This practice relies on a
complex system of theories, developed over the past 1800 years, that link changes in arterial
characteristics and blood flow to health and pathology, taking into account circadian
rhythms, an individual's environment and personal traits.
In recent years attention has focused on the use of objective measurement techniques to
attempt to record the ‘CM’ pulse objectively and consequently address some of the problems
associated with manual pulse assessment. Yet, in spite of the many claims regarding success in
this area using various types of electronic apparatus, to date there is no evidence that these
measurements are recording the pulse in the same way that it is palpated manually. This
means that pulse diagnosis continues to be a subjective process dependent upon a
practitioner's palpatory skills and ability to discriminate changes in the pulse contour. Clearly,
the application of pulse diagnosis in practice, and the teaching and learning of pulse
assessment techniques, require clear detailing of pulse changes to avoid confusion; pulse
diagnosis becomes an inherently unreliable assessment tool if this is not so. Without this
clarity, it is difficult to learn and apply pulse palpatory technique in practice. Clear,
unambiguous instructions are vital.
Needless to say, the body of literature written on pulse palpation as a diagnostic technique is
extensive. It expands across centuries and across cultures, from Galenic traditions practiced
until recent times in Europe to the theoretical medical constructs of Imperial China and
Oriental medicine. Prognostic and diagnostic directions for the use of the information
derived from pulse palpation are extensively discussed in the diverse body of pulse literature.
The literature on pulse diagnosis is also eclectic. The literature details both diverging and
conflicting theoretical constructs for interpreting pulse findings. These coexist side by side
within the same and differing medical systems.
Often, then, for the practitioner to embrace the use of the pulse as part of the examination
process requires an acceptance of what is written in the literature as clinically relevant. The
only alternative often seems to be to reject the literature and pulse diagnosis altogether.
Irrespective of which approach is taken, one thing is for certain: interpreting and
understanding the literature and mastering of pulse palpation for diagnostic use can be
overwhelming for established practitioners as well as for leamers.
Therefore, the aim of this book is to discuss, develop and provide guidelines to assist in the
reliable application of pulse palpation and interpretation of any findings within the CM
diagnostic framework. As such, we shall start by examining the pulse itself, its mechanisms
and formation and the essential pulse components ‘felt’ when palpated. This is the basis of
Chapter 2, which provides an overview of ‘pulse’ and contextualises its use within both
biomedicine and CM clinical practice. In addition, Occidental or Greek medical traditions
also attributed enormous importance in reading the pulse within the diagnostic process,
echoes of which are evident today in modern cardiology units. Because of this, we will briefly
examine the importance of pulse taking within the Western traditions and its use within
today's biomedical system of practice. In addition to providing comparisons to Oriental
medicine, the biomedical traditions bring unique perspectives and mechanical measurement
devices which can enrich the practice of pulse-taking within Oriental medicine.
Chapter 3 continues this process, with a focus on CM, discussing four important historical
texts as a basis for fostering an understanding of when and how certain pulse assumption
systems developed and their related claims to clinical relevance. These texts are an important
point of reference for the many difficult issues with the pulse terminology and clinical
interpretation of pulse findings affecting the use of pulse diagnosis within a contemporary
practice. For these reasons the pulse procedures and terminology used to assess the pulse need
to be sufficiently explicit and detailed to ensure that pulse diagnosis is been done correctly.
This is termed reliability, and how it is achieved and factors that affect it form the central
theme of Chapter 4.
Chapter 5 focuses specifically on the pulse diagnosis process itself, detailing the necessary
procedures, techniques and methods for undertaking pulse assessment and the relevance of
these issues in developing skills in the leamer and practitioner.
Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 focus extensively on identifying variations in the different pulse
aspects, termed parameters, and detail instructions on interpreting any perceived changes
within a diagnostic context with their related indications. This includes instructions on
identifying the 27 traditional pulse qualities (or 28 when the Racing pulse is considered
separate from the Rapid pulse). The approach taken is flexible for interpreting pulse findings
into a diagnostic framework and is equally applicable whether the pulse presents as a
recognisable pulse quality or, as is often the case, when the pulse ‘characteristics’ do not
resemble any of the traditional pulse qualities. The information can still be used to interpret
diagnostically relevant information from the pulse.
A clinical complication in the use of pulse diagnosis is that there can be several potentially
very different pulse qualities that form in response to apparently the same illness or
dysfunction. To address this, Chapter 8 discusses the traditional CM pulse qualities
presented in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 in a comparative manner with respect to the
pathologies, dysfunction or health states that they reflect.
Chapter 9 concludes the book with a look at other pulse assumption methods used within
CM clinical practice and the application of pulse assessment findings to these systems.
The seeds of this book were sown many years ago, and it results in no small part from the
encouragement we received when we enrolled in the Chinese Medicine (CM) postgraduate
program at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). Deirdre Cobbin in particular was
instrumental in guiding us towards the investigation of the underlying foundations and
assumptions of CM theory and its relevance to practise, an essential but often neglected area
of research. Our gratitude and thanks go to Deirdre for her effort, dedication, time and
support of those engaged in this necessary research.
We would like to thank our colleague, Liz Allison, who played an integral part in the initial
development of the pulse parameter system. Karen Bateman and Chris Zaslawski also made
early contributions to the series of pulse studies using student research subjects, and special
thanks must go to Chris for the further opportunities he provided to implement the pulse
parameter system in the teaching curriculum at UTS.
Thanks also to our professional colleagues, the teaching clinics and the CM students (past
and present) at UTS who were generous with their support, time and participation in our
research projects and who became the sounding board for our pulse parameter system.
Chunlin Zhou was gently patient in providing valuable advice and Cong Xing Yang gave
generous assistance with the Chinese characters throughout the book.
Many people outside UTS made valued contributions to the writing of this book in a variety
of ways. The work of Michael O'Rourke, Raymond Kelly and Alberto Avolio contributed
significantly to our understanding of the arterial pulse. From a CM perspective, while we
found inspiration from a wide number of literature sources, both classical and modern, Yubin
Lu's approach to pulse diagnosis was particularly relevant.
Our publishers, Elsevier, gave us the opportunity to unleash our work upon a wider audience
and their editorial team have made it look good. Thanks go to Stephen Birch for his support
of research in Oriental medicine and valuable advice to those engaged in it. Staff at Lush
Bucket Café provided us with much needed caffeine and lastly, but certainly not least, we
would like to thank our respective partners (Greg and Peter), family and friends for their
unending support and patience throughout this project.
I would like to thank my colleague, Sean Walsh, for his vision, encouragement and depth of
knowledge, without which this book would not have reached fruition.
I in turn would like to thank Emma King, also for her encouragement and for her attention
to detail. The book would not have been without her substantial effort, contribution,
knowledge and support.
Notes for the reader
Purpose of this book
The purpose of this book is to provide a clinically useful approach to using information about
the changes in pulse parameters and the relation of these to health and disease within a CM
context. It may be used as a guide when the parameters present as a traditional pulse quality
and, equally, when they do not. It provides directions for using pulse palpation findings
within different systems and models of acupuncture and CM. Accordingly, the authors
assume a solid introductory level of knowledge in health and/or medical sciences and in the
foundations of CM and related theoretical concepts, treatment and scope of practice. The
main body of the text describes the changes in pulse characteristics and the relation of these
to ‘patterns’ of dysfunction or illness.
Pinyin and Chinese characters have been used where appropriate to qualify the use of English
terms used to describe Chinese medical concepts. This is done to differentiate the translated
Chinese medical term from the generic use of the same term in English. Additionally, this
will assist in reconciling differences in English terminology used amongst different CM texts.
Where used, translated terms from Wiseman & Ye's A Practical Dictionary of Chinese Medicine
have been used for consistency. Where a common alternative name is used for pulse terms,
this is included in brackets. For example, Wiseman & Ye describe the Stringlike pulse, which
is commonly known as the Wiry pulse; we refer to this as the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse.
Unfortunately the translated term does not always convey the actual original meaning of the
term in a CM framework, so pinyin terms are used to assist understanding. For example the
Stringlike (Wiry) pulse is also designated Xiá;n mài. A succinct list of terms and their
meanings is also available in the WHO publication: WHO International Standard
Terminologies on Traditional Medicine in the Western Pacific Region, compiled by WHO
Regional Office for the Western Pacific, published 2007.
Content structure
The book has been structured to provide information about the pulse from several different
perspectives. This includes overall pulse qualities as well as using simple units of pulse
assessment known as parameters. It has been constructed for individuals with a range of
knowledge and experience levels. Guidelines are provided for using the information obtained
from pulse palpation in several different pulse assumption systems or theoretical models.
Thus it is the same pulse, but can be interpreted diagnostically in several ways. Our intention
is to be as inclusive as possible of the diverse range of systems of practice that are
encompassed within the term Oriental medicine. The authors do not advocate one approach
over another.
Pulse parameters
In writing this book and developing the pulse qualities within a parameter framework, we
consulted over 20 CM texts in order to compile an appropriate methodology. Information
pertaining to the location of the three pulse positions on each wrist, finger positioning and
the examination of the individual depths at each position was also derived from many sources,
to assist in the development of a consistent method of pulse assessment. These methods are
clearly detailed in Chapter 5, Chapter 6 and Chapter 7. Additionally, the compilation of CM
indications and designation has been developed from a combination of a wide range of
sources of material including the varying experiences of CM practitioners.
Chapter 1. Contextualising pulse within contemporary clinical
Chapter contents
Apprentices learn in the workplace setting, by studying the ‘master's art’, from
simple, highly supervised tasks to more complex and independent tasks, until
they become independent practitioners and finally masters themselves. The focus
of the apprenticeship system was on the practical knowledge, craft and art of the
practice role of a health care worker. At its best, this model offered individual
tuition, direct demonstration and supervision at the hands of an expert role
model. At worst, this process incorporated poor role models, limited quality
control, limited knowledge of the field and lack of foundation in relevant
biomedical, clinical and human sciences
Traditional apprentice systems also have a tendency to focus on traditions to the exclusion of
new innovations. Knowledge associated with the rapid and ongoing development in both
CM and biomedical fields of health may additionally be excluded from such systems of
training. Thus, as a sole model of education, it is probably unsuitable for providing the basic
foundational training required of CM practitioners in the modern context. This is because
the contemporary or modern practitioner requires knowledge attained from the biomedical
system, in addition to the CM system, in order to practice within an increasingly regulated
environment. Such knowledge and regulatory requirements for individuals entering the CM
profession today render the traditional apprenticeship model of training as either an adjunct
to structured degree courses, or suitable for neophyte practitioners as a postgraduate study
Within the modern context of CM education, most practitioners receive their foundational
training from attending structured tertiary courses rather than the craft or apprenticeship
system. There are a number of reasons for this. Primarily, there are relatively large numbers of
individuals entering the profession with too few established practitioners willing to participate
in the training of neophyte practitioners. For example, the British Medical Association noted
a 36% increase in acupuncture practitioners and a 51% increase in allied health practitioners
using acupuncture from 1998 to the year 2000 (BMA 2000). Such an increase in practitioner
numbers within a short time frame could never have been catered for by established CM
practitioners using traditional apprenticeship training methods (assuming that the ‘new’
practitioners were all appropriately trained).
Courses have been created to meet the demand for CM education in many countries, with
sound programs structured to produce competent CM health professionals. In some
educational sectors, this has meant developing courses and course content to meet specific
criteria developed by regulatory or accreditation bodies. For example, the Australian state of
Victoria has a Chinese Medicine Registration Board that requires benchmarks in knowledge
and associated skills to be met by graduates from university and other tertiary programs in
acupuncture and CM in that state in order to practise in that state. The process for
developing such courses is not solely driven by educators but is often in response to CM
industry directives. For example, a joint working party representing educators and industry
bodies developed guidelines for education of primary CM practitioners in Australia, making
reference to similar documentation prepared by the World Health Organization (NASC
2001, WHO 1999). In the US the Acupuncture Examining Committee and the National
Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturists (NCCA) set industry entry exam
requirements for those wishing to be licensed to practice (BMA 2000). Other countries have
set minimum competency benchmarks for the safe and knowledgeable practice of
acupuncture, such as New Zealand's National Diploma of Acupuncture. In addition to
educational requirements, many countries are moving to a regulatory model for the practice of
CM and acupuncture on concerns of potential risks of harm to patient health and safety.
Accordingly, this book addresses knowledge and skill guidelines for developing a solid
foundation in pulse diagnosis. It is as relevant for those from a range of training methods as it
is for those from academia. It is a flexible modulated guide to pulse diagnosis and is relevant
to regulatory requirements for CM education in pulse diagnosis. It is also an appropriate basis
for further learning in other systems of pulse diagnosis such as the family lineage teachings or
for further study of other complex systems of pulse diagnosis such as described in the Mai
Jing(Wang, Yang (trans) 1997).
Lay and less experienced practitioners may complicate pulse taking by attributing a mystique
to pulse palpation, enshrouding the technique in deliberate obscurity. The notion that pulse
diagnosis in the hands of an expert practitioner is unparalleled in the diagnosis of illness, in
some literature sources, does nothing to discourage such associations. Veith, in translating the
Nei Jing highlights the emphasis placed on pulse diagnosis in that ‘all other methods of
determining disease are only subsidiary to palpation and used mainly in connection with it’
(p. 42)
Hence it is said: Those who wish to know the inner body feel the pulse and have
thus the fundamentals for diagnosis. Those who wish to know the exterior of
the body observe death and birth. Of the six (the pulse and the five colors) the
feeling of the pulse is the most important medium of diagnosis
The Veith translation, first published in 1965, was the first widely available translation of any
classical CM text in English. Considering the dearth of information on the practice of CM at
the time, and China's closed-door policy, it was widely read and the contents of the book
soon integrated into teaching curriculum. Clearly, the Veith translation of the Nei Jing soon
gripped the imagination of the neophyte professional group emerging in non-Asian countries
at this time. Combined with concepts of Eastern spiritualism and the unique nature of
acupuncture as the flagship technique that espoused CM, it was not inconceivable for this
diagnostic technique to be soon valued over the other methods of clinical examinations by
some practitioners. Ironically, in spite of the distinct dichotomy that some proponents of CM
pursue between the biomedical and CM systems of health, this view of pulse diagnosis was
not dissimilar to that held by practitioners of Western medicine throughout the early modern
period and into the late nineteenth century.
In spite of the publishing and refinement of pulse theory over time, theories that have been
shown to have little application within the CM framework for over 1000 years continue to be
reiterated as the practice of CM has moved beyond its original cultural, demographical and
environmental location. Whether through reiteration of previous pulse literature or derived
from clinicians’ need or desire to conform to traditional theoretical constructs even though
they have had little basis in the diagnosis or treatment of illness, such information has been
retained in the pulse diagnostic framework. Here research is required to illuminate clinically
useful information on pulse diagnosis from clinically irrelevant information. However,
research and ready enquiry of the pulse assumptions and theories should be tempered with
respect for a body of accumulated learning and knowledge acquired through clinical
observation and empirical practice: just because something is old doesn't mean it is outdated.
It would be folly to disregard valid empirical knowledge. Conversely, however, because
something is simply old doesn't mean it is necessarily clinically useful. A balance needs to
attained — the grain sorted from the chaff.
In this context, this book seeks to address some misconceptions about pulse, and its practice
within CM, through examination of the available literature and evidence. The book also
seeks to provide a clear guide to the practical use of pulse assessment and diagnostic
techniques. To this end, we have attempted to use unambiguous terms, define obscure
concepts as we use them and provide instruction on pulse diagnosis as a component of the
diagnosis approach for best practice outcomes. This book seeks to promote critical appraisal
skills useful in differentiating clinically relevant knowledge from non-clinically relevant claims
within the literature.
• Are there differences in the pulse characteristics between the three radial arterial pulse
positions Cun, Guan, and Chi?
• Are practitioners capable of discerning the minute features of quality that are said to be
present in the arterial pulses?
• Can practitioners reliably discern these changes and agree with each other in their
interpretation of the pulse?
It is the last of these questions that most notably impacts on the legitimacy of pulse palpation
as a valid examination technique. Reliability is important in establishing whether the findings
are valid, and for purposes of communication. That is, is the practitioner interpreting changes
in the pulse validly as representing a particular disease? Is the practitioner consistently reliable
in measuring these changes? For any examination technique, establishing that there are high
levels of inter-rater reliability underpins the usefulness of the approach. In relation to pulse
diagnosis, this takes on extra importance because of the inherent subjectivity of pulse taking.
In light of the subjective nature of pulse diagnosis, Dharmananda (2000) in his essay on the
modern practice of pulse diagnosis claims that there is always the danger of practitioners
‘fantasising’ that the pulse being felt is providing diagnostically valuable information. That is,
reading or interpreting something in the pulse when in actual fact there is nothing there.
Conversely, and equally dangerous, the practitioner may fail to recognise the presentation of a
diagnostically distinct pulse quality or a change in a particular aspect of the pulse which
should be used for diagnosis. Both situations may occur from either poor education or poor
observational skills. It is also common for experienced practitioners to disregard pulse
findings simply because these did not correlate with findings from the other methods of
diagnosis. In all situations, diagnoses and hence appropriate treatment may be compromised
and practice will consequently suffer.
Because of the subjective nature of pulse assessment using manual techniques this book
proposes the ‘pulse parameter’ system of pulse identification that has been previously shown
to have reliability yet retains relevance within the CM diagnostic framework.
It is anticipated that the information presented in this book will assist in reversing this trend.
To understand any field of medicine one needs to understand its composite parts and the
relationship of each to the examination process. Pulse palpation in CM contributes to this
process. In CM pulse diagnosis sits within the four examination categories as part of the
palpation rubric. The other categories are questioning, listening and observation. Each,
including pulse diagnosis, has its strengths and weakness. Some are more appropriate to use
for different conditions, situations or with different patients, yet each contributes information
for arriving at a diagnosis or understanding of the individual's condition. Too often however,
the practitioner may favour one approach over another or set greater store on one technique
above all else. Pulse diagnosis is too often viewed in such a fashion. It is eschewed by some
for its subjectivity, yet favoured by others as being the technique with almost mystical
properties. Little has been written on the practical application of this technique, and less is
recorded on the intricate system of haemodynamics that is the pulse. To truly appreciate and
understand pulse diagnosis one needs to understand the vessels, the blood, pressure waves and
flow waves and the interaction of these in the presence of illness and health. In this book we
will examine in detail what the ancient Chinese practitioner termed the mài, the ‘vessels’ or
‘pulse’ and explore the anatomical basis of the arterial system and the complex formation that
is the pulse. Biomedical knowledge contributes to our understanding of pulse and will be
included when relevant in tandem with information from the CM pulse literature. Together
they will provide a firm foundation for the reliable and ongoing practice of pulse diagnosis.
BMA, Acupuncture: efficacy, safety and practice. British Medical Association report. (2000)
Harwood Academic Publishers, London .
S Clavey, Fluid physiology and pathology in traditional Chinese medicine. 2nd edn. (2003)
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh .
S Dharmananda, The significance of traditional pulse diagnosis in the modern practice of Chinese
medicine. (2000) Institute for Traditional Medicine, Portland, OR ; Online Available:
J Higgs, H Edwards, Educating beginning practitioners: challenges for health professional
education. (1999) Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford .
NASC, National Academic Standards Committee for Traditional Chinese Medicine. The
Australian guidelines for traditional Chinese medicine education. (2001) AACMA, Brisbane
M O'Rourke, R Kelly, A Avolio, The arterial pulse. (1992) Lea & Febiger, Philadelphia .
V Scheid, Chinese medicine in contemporary China. (2002) Duke University Press, London .
J Swart, C Mann, S Brown, et al., Human resource development. (2005) Butterworth
Heinemann, Oxford .
P Unschuld, Nan-Ching: the classic of difficult issues. (1986) University of California Press,
Berkeley ; (translator).
I Veith, The Yellow Emperor's classic of internal medicine. (1972) University of California Press,
Berkeley ; (translator).
SH Wang, S Yang, The pulse classic: a translation of the Mai Jing. (1997) Blue Poppy Press,
Boulder, CO ; (translator).
WHO, Guidelines on basic training and safety in acupuncture. (1999) World Health
Organization, Geneva .
Chapter 2. The pulse: its place in contemporary biomedical and
CM practice
Chapter contents
2.3 Blood 10
2.4 Summary 13
This chapter introduces the concepts of blood flow and pressure waves, and looks at the radial
artery and its essential features, and its relationship to pulse diagnosis. The chapter is
intended as a brief summary of a complex and diverse body of literature that is available on
the topic, and is presented here to support further discussions on CM pulse diagnosis
presented later in this book. It should not be considered definitive but may be used as a basis
for further investigations into understanding the physiological basis of the pulse from other
literature sources.
(vasoconstriction), the surface area of the blood vessel exposed to the environment also
decreases and body heat is retained while concurrently reducing blood flow to the superficial
and peripheral regions of the body. Increasing blood vessel diameter (vasodilatation) increases
the surface area of the blood vessel, thus increasing the rate at which body heat is lost to the
environment. The supply of nutrients circulating to the tissue cells is regulated by this same
vasodilatation/vasoconstriction mechanism. Chemical transmitters, hormones and other
chemical markers produced by the body and required for regulating homeostasis are similarly
distributed in this manner.
The body's organs and tissues have varying nutritional and blood flow requirements for their
health and normal functioning. Such requirements also vary depending on the time of day
and level of activity. This is reflected in the differing density and type of blood vessels found
in different regions of the body. For example, the skin has small requirements for copious
blood flow and so the capillary network is fine but densely distributed; useful in times of
tissue repair due to trauma or for dispersing body heat during exercise. On the other hand,
the brain has a high and constant requirement for blood flow and several large arteries serve
this purpose by maintaining a continuous supply of blood flow to the organ, while the lungs
are rich in small capillary beds to assist in the transfer of metabolic waste for oxygen.
Similarly, other organs vary in both the density of blood vessels present and anatomical
structure of the vessels depending on function and purpose. The kidneys in particular have a
unique circulation, using specialised arterial structures to increase partial blood pressures to
filter toxins from the blood.
These concentrations of blood vessels that serve such a specialised function can be termed a
microcirculation. Berne & Levy have noted that some chemicals, whether intrinsic or
introduced by therapeutic interventions, may have differing affects on the microcirculation
and on arterial smooth muscle:
In studies on this interesting and important type of muscle, great care should be
taken in extrapolating results from one tissue to another or from the same tissue
under different physiological conditions. For example, some agents elicit
vasodilation in some vascular beds and vasoconstriction in others (1981: p.
mean that the circulatory requirements, and hence the microcirculation of that organ, would
be affected.
Extrapolating about Chinese medical ideas then, it is not inconceivable to link such
microcirculatory changes posited by Berne and Levy to Chinese medical ideas on pulse
diagnosis. In this sense, it can be that such microcirculatory changes when applying CM
theory, are detectable elsewhere in the body, and in particular in the radial artery, via signals
carried in the haemodynamic pulse wave. Dai et al (1985) hypothesised and demonstrated
that disturbances in the arterial blood flow in one region of the body can be detected
elsewhere in the body using the arterial pulse wave. They did this through intermittent
occlusion of blood flow in the right leg, showing a corresponding reduction in the force level
of the pulse in both left and right radial arteries (using pressure transducer measurements).
Therefore, it is not illogical to state that changes in an organ's microcirculation would
similarly affect arterial haemodynamics detectable elsewhere in the circulatory system.
At any given point in time, the pulse should reflect the circulatory system's ability to
undertake the distributing and regulatory functions described above. What is described as a
‘pulse’ in the clinical context is foremost, and always, a product of the circulatory system,
generated by pressure changes which occur with heart movement. In this context, pulse
diagnosis is used to assess heart movement, measuring the rate or frequency of pulse
occurrence and whether this is occurring in a rhythmic fashion. From the assessment of pulse
movement, it is inferred that the heart is moving and functioning in a particular fashion. Yet
these two ‘movement’ characteristics, rate and rhythm, do not adequately explain or describe
the range of information that CM literature, or indeed biomedicine, claim as being able to
obtain from assessment of the pulse. Thus, in addition to pulse rate and rhythm, there are
several other characteristics of the pulse that are assessed. (These are discussed in Chapter 6
and Chapter 7.) In a CM diagnostic framework, each is used to infer the function of a
particular aspect of the body via the degree of change occurring in each of the pulse
characteristics. The practitioner aims to determine whether the perceived changes in the pulse
have arisen due to internal organ function, compromised blood flow, or external conditions
such as viruses, bacteria or other environmental factors. It is the body's response to these
factors or attempt to maintain homeostasis or balance which is of interest in the process
termed ‘pulse diagnosis’. Investigation and observation of changes in the pulse and their
attribution to health is the aim of pulse diagnosis. This leads us to the next question —
exactly what is the pulse?
2.2. The pulse
The pulse is a physiological phenomenon propagated throughout the arterial system. It is
generally viewed as a travelling pressure wave caused by the rhythmic contraction and
relaxation of the heart. Thus the pulse can be described in terms of systole, when the pulse
amplitude increases or the heart contracts; and diastole, when the amplitude decreases or the
heart relaxes (Box 2.1). A pulse can also be thought of in terms of any regular movement or
change in differential pressure that manifests as a rise and fall of fluid in a vessel. In terms of
clinical practice, a ‘pulse’ is usually associated with a palpable pressure movement. For
example, the radial artery, located at the wrist overlying the radius, is a major site at which to
feel the pulse.
Box 2.1
Some definitions
• Systole: The period when the left ventricle of the heart is in contraction forcing
blood into the aorta. Systolic pressure is the maximal pressure exerted in the arteries
by the heart during systole.
• Diastole: The period when the left ventricle of the heart is in relaxation following
systole, when it is refilling with blood. Diastolic pressure is the baseline or resting
pressure during diastole, when the heart is at rest. Diastole is the constant pressure
that is always present in the artery.
• Blood pressure: The pressure exerted on the walls of the blood vessels. Blood
pressure measurements describe the maximal systolic pressure over the resting basal
diastolic pressure. Pressure is measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg).
Average blood pressure is 120/80 mmHg.
The pressure wave produced with heart movement is often considered the ‘pulse’, but for
purposes of pulse diagnosis using manual palpation the pulse encompasses more than the
pressure wave alone. In addition to pressure waves, O'Rourke et al. (1992) note the pulse also
encompasses flow waves; the actual movement of blood. They note there is even a third type
of wave called diameter waves produced with vessel diameter changes, but these waves are
very similar to the pressure wave (O'Rourke et al 1992: p. 17) and, as such, will not be
discussed any further in this book. Each of these waves is distinctly different when looking at
objective measurements of their contours. Therefore, what is regarded as a single ‘pulse wave’
is in fact a composite of at least two different types of waves. There is the pressure wave, the
actual force caused by heart movement, and there is the flow wave, determined by how the
pressure wave acts on the actual flow movement of blood. How each contributes to the overall
pulse formation probably determines the spectrum of diverse pulse qualities in the CM
In the context of health, it is important to understand that the pulse wave is not a static
artefact of heart movement, nor does the pulse remain in constant shape as it moves through
the arterial system. It is rather in a constant state of change, acted on by the characteristics of
the vessel conduit, the functional state of the organs and tissue and the quality of blood itself,
which is in turn determined by the state of health of the individual. It is the cumulative effect
of the whole range of these factors that moulds the pulse wave into the pulse that eventually
arrives at the radial artery as felt by practitioners. Therefore, the essential characteristics of
how the pulse presents to the practitioner when palpating the pulse infer the nature of illness
and an individual's state of health, an intimate ‘record’ of the bodily environment. Pressure
waves, flow waves and blood are discussed in further detail below.
The pressure wave has two distinctive components. The first or systolic component has a rise
to maximum pressure, followed by a slow decline with a notch or slight increase in pressure
from aortic valve closure when the backflow of blood in the aorta overcomes the expulsion
force of blood from the heart (Fig. 2.1). According to O'Rourke et al. (1992: p. 40) the
second component of pulse formation is due to the phenomenon of wave reflection.
Reflective waves are an echo of the initial primary wave that travels from the heart to the
periphery. As the arteries narrow in the periphery this results in increased arterial resistance,
which causes the pulse wave to rebound, causing a reflective wave to move back towards the
heart. Reflective waves occur from the lower and upper body regions. Because the blood
vessels of the lower body are larger, the reflective wave affect is also larger than the reflective
wave resulting from arterial narrowing in the upper limb. However, both the lower and upper
reflective waves have systemic effects and are not confined to the limb in which they were
generated. In this way, reflective waves from the lower body interact with the pressure waves
in the upper part of the body.
Reflective waves are visualised as a secondary pressure peak in the pulse pressure wave, usually
occurring in the diastolic component of the pulse period. Depending on the degree of arterial
stiffness, reflective waves can augment the initial primary pressure wave, moving from
diastole into the systole component due to arterial hardening (Fig. 2.2). When this occurs the
reflective wave merges with the primary pressure wave moving away from the heart, resulting
in a greater and longer
duration of pressure during systole than would normally be seen. This often occurs in
individuals with illness and conditions in which the arteries become stiff or inflexible. This
causes a maximal systolic blood pressure rise above the usual pressure range regarded as
healthy for that individual's age. (An increase in arterial tension also increases the overall flow
rate of blood through the arteries).
Figure 2.2The radial arterial pulse wave and augmentation by reflective waves.(After Fig. 3.3.1 in AtCor Medical 2006, A
clinical guide: pulse wave analysis, with permission of AtCor Medical Pty.)
Figure 2.1 illustrates the pressure wave contour typically measured at the radial artery. This is
considerably different from the same pressure wave if measured in another part of the
circulatory system such as the carotid artery (Fig. 2.3). This is because the anatomy of the
arteries varies throughout the circulatory system and this in turn impacts on how the pulse
moves through the artery. For example, some arteries are more elastic than others, so their
rate of expansion is greater under pressure. This difference is noticeable with palpation when
comparing the pulse in the carotid artery in the neck with the pulse in the radial artery in the
wrist. The carotid artery has a broader expansive movement because it is more elastic than the
radial artery, which has a more distinct arterial wall because it has a large proportion of
smooth muscle and thus is not as expansive. The arteries’ capacity to expand with pressure is
termed capacitance. The capacitance of a blood vessel is not constant.
Figure 2.3Features of the carotid arterial pulse wave. Note the rounded contour of the peak pulse pressure due to the
carotid elastic properties and relative large diameter.
and decreasing blood volume has the reverse effect (assuming the arterial width remains
The major blood vessels are elastic and relatively wide contributing to smooth and unimpeded
flow of blood (Stettler et al. 1986). This means the pressure wave remains similar to that at
the aorta and throughout all major arteries until the periphery. At the periphery, the arteries
begin to narrow. A decreasing arterial width means the force of the pressure and blood flow
are compacted together and the pressure exerted from within the artery increases. This is
evident in blood pressure measurements between peripheral vessels such as the brachial and
radial arteries and the aorta. Maximal pressure in the peripheral arteries such as the radial
artery can be 30% greater than maximal pressures in the aorta. However, the force exerted by
the pulse pressure wave on the blood vessels falls substantially on entering the smaller
capillaries and other vessels beyond the radial and other arteries. Here, Guyton and Hall
(2000) note the combined diameter of all these small vessels is greater than that of the arteries
and so the force exerted by the pressure wave decreases because of the relative increase in
surface area, and the force of the pressure wave is diluted. It should be noted that it is the
pressure differential between the aorta and these small capillary networks which causes blood
flow; blood flows from an area of high pressure into an area of low pressure (Guyton & Hall
In CM it is often said that the ‘Qi moves the Blood, and the Blood follows the Qi’. That is,
function acts on the blood and the blood responds. In this sense, the pressure wave causes the
blood to flow and the blood flow responds accordingly, producing a tidal flow through the
vessels. This tidal flow is termed a flow wave and is quite distinctly separate from the pressure
easily, with a noticeable surface movement. Because of the thickness of the honey this would
not be as noticeable, most likely producing only sluggish movement. In this way, blood can
also vary, becoming more viscous or fluid depending on the relative ratio of cells and fluid
that make up the blood. However, assuming sufficient blood volume and appropriate viscosity
flow waves are determined by two additional factors. These are ventricular contraction and
mechanical characteristics of the arterial wall.
Ventricular contraction determines the amount of momentum imparted into the blood
forcing it to flow through the vessel. The strength of ventricular contraction also has a
relationship to the volume and speed at which blood is expelled from the left ventricle of the
heart during systole (Opie 2004). For example, if the heart were to contract strongly, and
assuming sufficient time and blood volume for the heart to have refilled during diastole, then
the peak systolic pressure would be achieved more rapidly resulting in a sharper incline to the
peak if recorded by a sphygmogram. This would cause a greater volume of blood to flow into
the aorta at a given point in time. This volume output is referred to as stroke volume (SV)
(see Box 2.3). Obviously, if blood volume is diminished or heart contraction slowed then the
flow wave would be similarly affected.
Box 2.3
Cardiac output
The total volume of blood flow in 1 minute is termed cardiac output (CO). CO
depends on the blood volume expelled by the heart during systole of each heartbeat,
termed stroke volume (SV), and the total number of heartbeats per minute or heart
rate (HR). Thus:
This relationship is commonly used in biomedical practice for determining the heart's
pump function in maintaining adequate blood flow for tissue perfusion. Blood
pressure and resistance to blood flow also have a direct bearing on cardiac output.
The second additional factor in flow wave formation involves mechanical properties of the
arterial wall. When the heart contracts, a pressure wave moves into the aorta causing it to
expand. When the pressure is removed during heart relaxation (diastole) the aorta returns or
recoils to its normal shape. The recoil releases this potential energy stored during expansion
back into the blood, causing the blood to flow forward. In conditions in which the elasticity
of the arteries is compromised, recoil is diminished and the blood flow becomes retarded,
which compromises circulation and the associated functions of the circulatory system. For
example, if the arteries were relatively stiff, then a secondary fluctuation or reflective wave
would move from diastole into systole, augmenting the initial flow wave, whereas a relaxed or
elastic artery would not produce augmentation of the initial wave. Conditions affecting the
arterial wall affect the flow wave. This relationship between arterial properties and
characteristic of ventricular contraction is described as vascular impedance.
2.3. Blood
Blood is an important component of the formation of the pulse. It is a complex fluid,
composed of a plasma liquid base and several formed particles, the most prominent of which
are red blood cells, which make up 99% of all particle types found in blood. Other
components include:
• Platelets
For these reasons blood is referred to as a liquid tissue. Blood is the medium in which the
pulse wave propagates from the heart to the periphery. Therefore, changes in the blood
medium — that is, changes in any of the ratio of its components — will affect the
propagation of the pulse wave. Changes can occur in a number of ways. They can arise due to
illness, from trauma producing blood loss, or from diet where an individual's inadequate
intake of appropriate food groups adversely affects the quality and quantity of the blood. In
this way, the ratio of the different cell components of blood can vary between people and can
vary within the same individual over time. Blood may consequently ‘thicken’ or ‘thin’. The
relative degree of ‘thickness’ is termed viscosity.
Blood viscosity depends on the ratio of cells to plasma in the blood. The higher the
proportion of cells, the denser or more viscous is blood. This means that blood becomes more
difficult to move through the blood vessels as resistance to its smooth flow increases. For
example, polycythemia is a state in which the red blood cell ratio is raised, causing blood to
become more viscous. In this state blood flow fluidity is affected, flow velocity slows and
blood pressure becomes raised due to increased resistance to its flow in the vessels. Chronic
smoking, athletic training and high altitudes can all cause an increase in the ratio of red blood
cells. An increased demand for oxygen by the body causes an increased number of red blood
cells to assist with oxygen transportation. The concentration of red blood cells can also
increase when fluid is lost from the blood plasma through dehydration or burns.
Alternatively, dietary intake of iron may fluctuate depending on food sources. Eventually, this
also affects blood through changes in the red blood cell ratio and changes in blood viscosity,
and changes in the pulse wave will consequently also occur. For example, the decreasing iron
levels and haemoglobin associated with anaemia are often accompanied by regulatory changes
in blood pressure via vasodilatory mechanisms in an attempt to maintain homeostasis as red
blood cell ‘quality’ and ratio decrease. This in turn affects the propagation of the pressure
wave and resultant flow wave. Additionally, sudden loss of blood volume due to haemorrhage
(cells and fluid) also affects pressure and flow waves. Interestingly, blood volume can also
decrease when fluid moves out of the blood plasma, as occurs in dehydration.
The velocity of blood flow also depends on arterial width. When an artery is wide the blood
velocity slows in comparison to blood flow in a narrow artery, in which the velocity hastens.
The velocity of blood flow is inversely related to arterial width. Tortora & Grabowski (1996)
This means that blood flows slowest where the cross-sectional area is greatest,
just as a river flows more slowly as it becomes broader. Each time an artery
branches, the total cross-sectional area (diameter) of all its branches is greater
than that of the original vessel. On the other hand, when branches combine, for
example, as venules merge to form veins, the total cross-sectional area becomes
smaller … Thus the velocity of blood flow decreases as it flows from the aorta to
arteries to arterioles then capillaries and increases as it leaves capillaries and
returns to the heart (p. 620).
For pulse diagnosis purposes the relative degree of arterial wall tension also influences blood
flow velocity (arterial wall tension can increase without arterial narrowing). Blood velocity
hastens because the artery resists the pressure being exerted by the pulse wave, no longer
expanding as it usually would. Consequently, this energy is redirected back into the forward
movement of blood. This is likely to be seen in conditions where arterial tension increases via
the contraction of the arterial muscle layer (the tunica media), as in cases of psychological or
physical stress (‘fright, flight or fight’ response). It is hypothesised that the Stringlike (Wiry)
pulse may be attributed partly to this action and the consequent change in blood velocity and
resultant diminishing of pulse wave contour. Additionally, pulses which have a distinct
amplitude/contour or shape, such as the Slippery pulse, could be associated with a decrease in
arterial hardening in which the pressure pulse easily expands the vessel wall, shaping it to the
flow wave, assuming there is sufficient blood volume for this to occur.
2.3.2. Arteries
The two primary subdivisions of the arteries are the central and peripheral subdivisions. The
central subdivision encompasses all arteries in the region of the torso. Circulatory activity in
this region is collectively referred to as the central haemodynamics. The arteries located in the
central region are wide and relatively elastic, to deal with the high volume flows and the
relatively large pressures that are exerted from within. Examples of central arteries are the
carotid artery and the aorta. Their elastic properties also assist in the propagation of the pulse
signal further along the arterial trunk to the peripheral blood vessels.
The peripheral subdivision encompasses all arteries located in the limbs. Circulatory activity
in this region is collectively referred to as the peripheral haemodynamics. Examples of
peripheral arteries include the brachial and radial arteries. The arteries in the periphery are
described as muscular arteries, having a greater proportion of smooth muscle relative to elastic
fibres in the inner layer of the blood vessels. Consequently, Tortora and Grabowski (1996)
note the peripheral arteries have a greater vasodilatory and vasoconstricting function than is
found with centrally located arteries such as the aorta (see Box 2.4).
Box 2.4
Elastic and muscular properties of arteries
Differences in the elastic qualities versus the muscular properties of the central and
peripheral arteries can be felt by comparing the carotid arterial pulse with the radial
arterial pulse. The carotid artery is located lateral to the larynx, medial to the
sternocleidomastoid muscle. By gently palpating one of the arteries it can be felt that
the carotid arterial pulse has a noticeably larger amplitude from the base pressure to
the maximum pressure. In comparison, it will be found that the radial artery has
noticeably less amplitude difference and is not as expansive across the fingers. Note
also that the difference in width between the carotid and radial artery also influences
how the pulse feels when palpated.
The radial artery commences at the bifurcation of the brachial artery, just distal to the elbow
crease, following the lateral portions of the forearm into the hand (Strandring et al 2005). It
is the wrist portion of the radial artery, approximately 3–5 cm in length, which is often used
for pulse assessment. At this region the radial artery sits superficially, supported by the styloid
process of the radius and local tendons such as the brachioradialis. The radial artery is covered
by a thin layer of collagen fibres, fat and keratinised cells which form the dermal and
epidermal fasciae (Lanir 1986). The radial artery forms two distinct arterial branches. The
first is the dorsal carpal branch which meets the ulna dorsal carpal branch and forms the
dorsal carpal network that eventually feeds to the middle, ring and little fingers. The second
branch is the first dorsal metacarpal artery which supplies blood to the thumb and index
finger (Strandring et al 2005) (Fig. 2.4).
Figure 2.4Position of the radial artery relative to other structures of the forearm.
• Tunica externa: The external connective tissue which supports the vessel
• Tunica media: The middle smooth muscle layer that constricts and dilates arterial width
• Tunica intima: The internal elastic layer and thick layer of endothelial cells in contact
with the blood. This elastic layer makes the vessel wall smooth for frictionless blood flow
and stretches with pulsatile flow during systole and diastole.
Figure 2.5Structural layers of the radial artery.(After Fig. 7.4 in Gray's anatomy: the anatomical basis of clinical practice,
39th edn, with permission of Elsevier.)
The relative proportions of the three wall layers differ depending on the location and
associated function that the artery undertakes. For example, the radial artery has a relatively
greater proportion of smooth muscle (tunica media layer) than centrally located arteries, such
as the aorta, to assist in its distribution and regulation of blood flow.
For the practitioner, it is important to understand that each vessel layer can contribute its
own unique ‘signature’ to the presentation of the pulse wave and how it is felt when palpated
at an arterial site. The tunica media and tunica intima are particularly important in the
practice of pulse diagnosis. These distinct arterial composites of the arterial wall are
identifiers of disease and are just as important as the actual pulse movement. A loss of the
smooth internal wall through plaque formation in arteriosclerosis will also affect blood flow.
This in turn may activate platelet aggregation and formation of clots, or simply affect the
smooth flow of blood causing turbulence. In this way, pulse diagnosis is not simply just about
the ‘pulse’, it also encompasses the assessment of the blood vessel wall.
2.4. Summary
The pulse is a physiological phenomenon propagated throughout the arterial system and can
be viewed as an indication of the circulatory system's capacity to undertake the distribution of
essential substances required for metabolism to body tissue and organs. In the context of
health, the pulse is a complex physiological sign and can be described in terms of systole and
diastole. It is primarily composed of pressure waves (including reflective waves), and flow
Once produced, a pulse wave undergoes a series of changes as it moves from the heart or
central regions of the body into the peripheral blood vessels of the arms and legs. By the time
the pulse wave arrives at the radial artery it may have a distinctly different shape and contour
than it had when initially produced by the heart. Variables that influence the presentation of
the pulse as felt with palpation at the radial artery include:
– Arterial width
– Arterial tension
• Blood volume
• Stroke volume of blood flow
• Heart function.
These, in turn, are influenced by the neural, hormonal and chemoregulatory systems for
blood pressure and maintaining blood flow for purposes of homeostasis or balance in health
and illness. A change in health status affects homeostasis balance, which in turn affects the
The principles of sphygmology are derived from the works of ancient Greek physicians, in
particular Galen (131–199 CE) (Naqvi & Blaufox 1998), but can be traced back even further
to Hippocrates (approximately 450–350 BCE). Other important historical figures in the
development of pulse in the health assessment process included Aegimius, whose writings
founded the concept of pulse as a diagnostic technique; Rufus of Ephesus and his treatise
Synopsis on Pulses; and Herophilus of Alexandria, the reputed founder of sphygmology
(Bedford 1951, Hsu 2005, Kuriyama 1999, Lloyd 1996). But it was Galen's prolific discourse
on the use of pulse in assessing health, including commentaries on the pulse writings of his
predecessors, which meant his thinking on pulse would dominant the practice of pulse by
subsequent occidental medical healers.
Galen's interpretations and descriptions of pulse characteristics have more in common with
the CM view of the pulse than with modern biomedical principles. They include
differentiating pulse speed, length, width and depth to the body's homeostasis, and describing
them in terms of excess or deficiency depending on the presenting pathology. Variables
affecting the pulse presentation were listed as including age, seasons, food, pregnancy and the
environment. The pulse was also referred to in terms of organic pulses; authors later
interpreted organic pulses as an extension ‘by which each organ imparted its personality to the
pulse’ (Bedford 1951: p. 428). That is, specific pulse types were specifically seen as arising
from different organs.
Pulse diagnosis in the intervening centuries since Galen's time remained largely dependent on
his books on the pulse, even in times when a more ‘scientific’ or physiologic basis for
circulation of the pulse was described by Harvey in the 16th century. For example, Naqvi &
Blaufox (1998: p. 24) note Theophile Bordeu (1722–1776) in his 1756 publication Recherches
sur le pouls describing the ‘gastric pulse’, ‘renal pulse’ and ‘uterine pulse’ as arising specifically
from the organs. Unfortunately, Galen's extensive writings were plagued with descriptive
anomalies which meant clinical interpretation was variably successful with physicians just as
often disagreeing on the meaning of a pulse as agreeing (Kuriyama 1999).
As an aside, with reference to Chinese medicine, Hsu notes that the language of pulse
remained descriptive, even in later centuries as pulse knowledge accumulated. Pulse qualities
continued to be likened to descriptive imagery; practitioners associated pulse sensations to
what they saw in the environment around them (Hsu 2005). Such an observation regarding
the descriptive use of language in Chinese medicine is equally applicable to pulse terminology
in the Western traditions and even into contemporary times. For example, the Steel Hammer
pulse is compared to the resounding ring of a hammer blow. This perhaps describes the lack
of expansion of the artery on pulsation and the resonance felt by the practitioner's palpating
fingers. These descriptions used by these classical occidental practitioners to describe the
various presentations of the radial pulse would have had a resonance for contemporary CM
practitioners. For example, terms such as tense, wiry and thready were variously used to
describe different qualitative aspects of the pulse (Table 2.1). Some of these pulse terms
continue to be used in modern cardiology units and for general health assessment.
Table 2.1 Examples of pulse descriptions for five pulse types from the Western literature as noted in Chapter VII of Amber
& Babey-Brooke (1993)
Pulse name Pulse description
Jarring Jerky and sharp 139
Steel Abrupt and energetic as the rebound of a blacksmith's hammer; observed in arteries near a joint in
Hammer rheumatism 142
From the 16th/17th centuries, the traditional practice of pulse diagnosis, still based on
Galen's work, was radically challenged in two ways. The first was the emerging
understanding of blood flow as a single circulatory system, as established by Harvey in the
early 17th century. The second was the increasing experimentation of recording pulse waves
objectively using mechanical devices. Objective measurements were free from the observer's
personal bias; this meant a recording of the pulse wave could be simultaneously observed and
discussed by several practitioners, thereby removing the ambiguity of pulse interpretation that
had plagued the technique in past centuries.
By the late 19th century the arterial wave form was being regularly recorded using
sphygmograms. For example, Figure 2.6 illustrates such a recording originally published in
1906. Such recordings of the radial arterial waveform were made by mechanisms attached to
the wrist region over the radial artery. The pulsations would displace these mechanisms and
produce tracings, which were referred to as sphygmographs. In the context of clinical practice,
the physician concentrated on deciphering the sphygmograph and its relationship to a
patient's health and any disease present.
Figure 2.6A sphygmograph trace recorded by Lewis showing the interaction of respiration in a subject with a dicrotic
pulse(After Figure 1, p. 415 in Lewis 1906.)
Yet while objective pulse measurements were obtainable using these mechanical devices,
quantitative measurement was not the primary purpose of these recordings. Rather the
measurements were obtained to visualise the contour of the pulse waveform being palpated
(Fig. 2.6).
However, at the end of the 19th century, the pulse and its use in clinical practice was radically
changed when Riva-Rocci introduced into clinical practice the indirect method by which
arterial blood pressure was objectively measured. This involved using a mercury manometer,
the forerunner of the present-day brachial cuff sphygmomanometer (Naqvi & Blaufox 1998).
Eventually, the focus on the sphygmomanometer, as described by O'Rourke et al (1992), saw
the descriptive terms diastolic and systolic supplant a range of ‘qualitative’ variables that, until
that time, had had high clinical significance placed on them.
This changed perception of the significance and relevance of the pulse wave qualities in
clinical diagnosis was not so surprising, according to Kuriyama (1999), since there had always
been doubt within the medical fraternity concerning the use of pulse diagnosis to inform
diagnosis. The subjective nature of pulse diagnosis, and the inability of the physicians to agree
on pulse interpretation, were clearly seen as reasons for this.
one would have to concede that basic information presently available on the
arterial pulse not only is sparse but also confusing and contradictory. It is
surprising that so little is known about the arterial pulse, given the
sophisticated knowledge of other bodily functions (p. vii).
is apparently healthy.
This discrepancy in pulse classification in the biomedical model may be explained by the
focus of biomedicine on cardiac and arterial health as the central variable in the origin of
pulse formation. That is, if arterial compliance and cardiac competence are not compromised
then the pulse wave is often classified as healthy, irrespective of pathology occurring
elsewhere in the body.
Figure 2.7Location of the pulse sites.(From Funnell et al 2005, Tabner's nursing care: theory and practice, 4th edn, with
permission of Elsevier.)
In addition to arterial pulsations, the jugular venous pulse is examined. The jugular venous
pulse is synchronous with pressure changes in the right atrium (which receives blood from the
vena cava). In this way, it is used as an indicator of heart and lung function. Variations in the
usual contour and strength of the jugular pulse indicate that the right atrium is contracting
against increased resistance associated with tricuspid stenosis, pulmonary hypertension or
pulmonary stenosis.
Additionally, the clinician attempts to identify ‘thrills’ or vibrations associated with heart
murmurs. O'Rourke & Braunwald (2001) state:
The point at which the pulse is felt most strongly usually dictates the arterial site used for
palpation within a given segment of artery. Anatomically, this may very from person to
person or within the same person, from day to day. For the radial artery, it is generally the
region situated between the wrist crease and medial to the styloid process.
maintained in a relaxed position, ideally being supported by the practitioner's arm and using
the forefinger to palpate the pulse.
Once the pulse is located, the practitioner uses different increments of pressure to assess the
diastolic and systolic components of the pulse pressure wave, assessing variations in pulse
contour and pulse strength. This includes assessing the strength of cardiac contraction and
consequent pulse pressure rise and amplitude during systole, the duration of the maximum
pulse amplitude and the downward diastolic slope. For the radial pulse there is often no strict
rule for positioning of the patient and palpation can occur at any time during the examination
process. As with the brachial arterial pulse, a similar range of contour variables would
probably be assessed in addition to rate and rhythm.
Conditions where pulse assessment alone provides an important diagnostic tool include heart
disease, aortic coarctation, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and aortic regurgitation (Tortora &
Grabowski 1996). Funnel et al state that the pulse is assessed primarily on three factors: pulse
rate, rhythm and volume (2005: p. 267). These three factors inform about peripheral
perfusion and cardiac function. For example, comparative assessment of the strength of the
radial and femoral pulses can identify aortic coarctation and is also used as a general
assessment of circulatory blood flow to the periphery. Pulse rate identifies conditions
involving bradycardia and tachycardia, and the ease of occlusion can identify anaemia.
Occasionally, the pulse is examined for blood flow and can be useful in detecting aortic
regurgitation as with the Corrigan's or Water Hammer pulse (see Box 2.5). The arterial
structure may also be assessed for plaques, imperfections or abnormalities affecting blood
Box 2.5
Examples of some distinct pulse types recorded in the biomedical literature
• Pulsus tardus: Has a slow rate of climb to the systolic pressure peak, thus a late
systolic peak and a similar slow pressure decline. Due to left ventricular ejection
obstruction; blood flow is impeded from the left ventricle to the aorta.
• Hyperkinetic pulse: has an increased systolic stroke volume and large pulse
amplitude. The peripheral blood vessels are dilated. It is seen during exercise, fever
and anxiety.
• Bisferiens pulse: A pulse that has two palpable peaks during systole. It can occur
in any condition affecting heart contractility.
• Bigeminal pulse: A variation of the previous pulse, but occurs regularly and is due
to premature ventricular contraction following a regular heartbeat. Manifests as,
one strong beat, a weak beat, then a strong beat.
• Dicrotic pulse: Two pulse waves for each heartbeat: a pressure wave from the
heart during systole and a reflective pulse wave from the limbs detected during
(Descriptions derived from Amber & Babey-Brooke 1993, O'Rourke & Baunwald 2001a, O'Rourke et al 1992).
Drzewiecki et al (1986) assert that manual palpation cannot detect diastolic pressure — the
constant, baseline pressure in the blood vessels that is always there — but can be used ‘to
determine systolic pressure as long as a palpable pulse is present. Thus it finds application
where other occlusive cuff methods fail, e.g., in children, with patients in shock, or with
hypotensive patients’ (p. 2). In most cases, however, the pulse is viewed as an extension of
heart function and used for obtaining measurements of heart rate.
A wide range of views regarding the importance of pulse in clinical practice is expressed by
various authors. Contrary to the emphasis placed on pulse in the diagnostic process by some
modern CM authors (Hammer 2001, Maciocia 2004, Porkert 1983), its importance in the
modern CM clinic appears to be changing. Some practitioners regularly take the patient's
pulse throughout the treatment session when administering acupuncture in order to gauge the
effect of treatment on the patient, and this will influence the duration of needling, the points
needled and the degree of needle manipulation. In this case, treatment would continue until
the pulse characteristics presented in a desired formation (Birch & Felt 1999). For other
practitioners, the pulse is relegated to playing a ‘minor, confirmatory role’ (Flaws 1997: p. 7).
In the experience of two modern CM authors (Flaws 1997, Hammer 1993), the use of pulse
as a diagnostic skill has been declining worldwide and particularly in China. In Flaws’
experience as a student in China as long ago as the 1980s, the pulse was examined only
briefly, utilising fewer than 10 of the basic CM qualities, such as slow, fast or deep, and rarely
discussed in terms of pulse positions. In his opinion, the low importance placed on the pulse
in the diagnostic process appeared to stem from the fact that pulse was unable to be validated
from a Western physiological perspective, at a time when the focus appeared to be on
scientific validation of CM theories.
The changing role of pulse diagnosis was also evident in the results of a questionnaire
completed by a selection of Australian university CM students, which evaluated the use of
pulse diagnosis by student practitioners (Smith 1996). The study found that while 82% of the
students surveyed rated the pulse as ‘important’ or ‘very important’ in formulating a diagnosis,
in practice they often used pulse solely as a confirmatory tool and not to establish diagnosis.
In spite of this apparent change in the role of pulse diagnosis observed in students, an
Australian survey of CM practitioners found that traditional diagnostic methods are
seemingly still being utilised in clinical practice. In 1996 the Victoria State Department of
Human Services commissioned a review of the practice of CM in Australia, resulting in a
published report called Towards a Safer Choice (Bensoussan & Myers 1996). The authors
noted that in a survey of both non-medical and medical practitioners who use CM, 90% of
those practitioners who identified CM as their major form of practice said that they relied
mainly on CM theory for diagnostic purposes.
Therefore, it can be seen that, amongst the numerous practitioners who utilise CM, there
seem to be wide ranging differences in the emphasis placed on the use of traditional theory,
such as pulse or tongue diagnosis, in clinical practice. The duration of CM education appears
to play some role in determining the importance that allied health practitioners (who
incorporated CM practices such as acupuncture into their treatments) give to the traditional
theoretical framework. A survey of physiotherapists in the United Kingdom who utilised
acupuncture found that:
Respondents who had undertaken long acupuncture courses were more likely (p
< 0.001) to use pulse diagnosis, tongue diagnosis and five element theory when
compared with those who had not. They placed more importance on traditional
diagnosis (p < 0.001) and less on Western diagnosis (p = 0.004).
wrist crease, directly above the pulsation of the radial artery. This area is divided into three
sections referred to as the three pulse positions: Cun(closest to the wrist crease), Guan(medial
to the styloid process of the radius) and Chi (furthermost from the wrist crease) in a region
approximately 5 cm in length (Fig. 2.8). Each pulse site can be further divided into two levels
(superficial and deep) or three levels of depth (superficial, middle and deep). During
assessment the wrist is always placed at the level of the heart to avoid pressure variations that
may distort the pulse wave. (Pulse assessment techniques and method are discussed in detail
in Chapter 5.)
Figure 2.8Finger placement at the three pulse positions. The distal placement corresponds to Cun, the middle to Guan
and proximal to Chi.
Various theoretical systems may be used in the interpretation of the radial pulse information
obtained during palpation. (These theoretical systems are termed pulse assumption systems.)
For example, each of the positions can be considered as a reflection of the flow of energy
through specific pathways in the body (known as channels or meridians), or each position
may be associated with a particular internal organ. Alternatively, the Cun, Guan and Chi
positions may be seen to reflect the upper, middle and lower regions of the trunk of the body
respectively (Maciocia 2004). Birch & Felt (1999) describe a number of other interpretations:
for example, Worsley's traditional acupuncture system in which the relative strength of each
pulse position is classified, the Japanese keiraku chiryo system which only uses the 6 deep
positions to identify 4 general patterns of weakness and lastly, the use of specific pulse
qualities that attempt to classify the pulse in terms of the 27 or so traditional pathological
pulse types.
examinations: the basic structure from which a practitioner garners information from
patients. The four examinations consist of observation, listening/smelling, asking and
palpation. The last category, palpation, usually involves applying pressure to sensitive
acupuncture points and tender muscles around the body as well as examination of the pulse.
The three distinct finger positions at the radial pulse have an important diagnostic value.
Each position has a theoretical connection to an internal organ structure and therefore each
position reflects the relative health or function of that organ. This idea of function permeates
all aspects of CM. The concept's origins can be traced back to the Nei Jing, the earliest extant
book on Chinese medical theory. In reference to health, the book emphasises the individual
as being in direct influence with their surrounding environment and of that environment
being reflected within that individual's physiology. This micro/macrocosmic dichotomy
formed an important foundation for the development of present-day CM diagnostic
principles, with disease categorisation based on functional relationships and interactions in
addition to actual organic pathology.
Contemporary theories explain this relationship in terms of fluid dynamic principles. The
position of each organ in the body is situated at a specific distance from the wrist.
Subsequently, this imparts a distinct signature or harmonic to the overall haemodynamic flow
wave, which through amplification in the long arteries of the arm can be uniquely palpated
distinctly at each of the three positions (Dai et al 1985, Xue & Fung 1989a, Xue & Fung
In addition to disease states, there are several variables that are traditionally assumed to
influence the pulse, including age, gender, weight, seasons, circadian cycles, personal traits
and environmental conditions. These are explored further in Chapter 5.
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B Flaws, The secret of Chinese pulse diagnosis. 2nd edn. (1997) Blue Poppy Press, Boulder, CO
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A Guyton, J Hall, Textbook of medical physiology. 11th edn. (2006) Elsevier, Philadelphia .
L Hammer, Contemporary pulse diagnosis: introduction to an evolving method for learning
an ancient art – part 1, American Journal of Acupuncture 21 (2) (1993) 123–139.
L Hammer, Chinese pulse diagnosis: a contemporary approach. (2001) Eastland Press, Seattle .
WP Harvey, Cardiac pearls, Disease-a-month XL (2) (1994) 43–113.
E Hsu, Tactility and the body in early Chinese medicine, Science in Context 18 (1) (2005)
S Kuriyama, The expressiveness of the body and the divergence of Greek and Chinese medicine.
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Y Lanir, Skin mechanics, In: (Editors: R Skalak, S Chien) Handbook of bioengineering (1986)
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G Lloyd, Aristotelian explorations. (1996) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge .
G Maciocia, Diagnosis in Chinese medicine: a comprehensive guide. (2004) Churchill
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L Opie, Heart physiology: from cell to circulation. 4th edn. (2004) Lippincott, Philadelphia .
RA O'Rourke, E Braunwald, Physical examination of the cardiovascular system, In: (Editors:
E Braunwald, A Fauci, D Kasper, et al.) 15th edn Harrison's principles of internal medicine,
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M O'Rourke, R Kelly, A Avolio, The arterial pulse. (1992) Lea & Febiger, Pennsylvania .
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Chapter 3. Historical pulse records and practice
Chapter contents
3.5 Historical perspective: regional pulse assessment and the Cun Kou pulse 27
The classics constitute an important source of information for our understanding of when and
how certain pulse assumption systems developed and their related claims to clinical relevancy.
They equally provide an important point of reference for the many difficult issues that affect
the use of pulse diagnosis in the contemporary context: indeed, the information they contain
may be seen as directly contributing to these issues (discussed in Chapter 4). This is because,
unlike contemporary biomedical practices, where new ideas and developments supersede the
outdated or disproved theories, in CM, both the old and new are retained. In the words of
Unschuld, the new is seen as merely adding to the old. This means that the contemporary
practice of pulse diagnosis often remains linked with its literary past.
There are four major literary texts available in English which document the development and
use of pulse diagnosis in Chinese medicine:
• Nei Jing
• Nan Jing
• Mai Jing
3.1. Nei Jing
One of the earliest references to pulse palpation in CM as a systemised diagnosis technique
emerges from the The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine or Nei Jing, one of the oldest and
additionally described as one of the most important Chinese medical texts, compiled in 300–
100 BCE. The Nei Jing is arranged as two distinct books, the Suwen and the Lingshu, the
former being the primary source of information on pulse diagnosis. The Nei Jing is seen as an
eclectic book of writings, representing the collation of knowledge representative of a range of
different lineage medical teachings extant at its time of writing, and in particular that of
systematic correspondences (Hsu 2005) (Box 3.1).
Box 3.1
Nei Jing
• Introduced the concept of discrete circulations associated with both Qi and Blood
influences, and discussed the normal pulse
• Documents a range of different arterial pulse sites linked with different systems of
pulse assessment including:
– channel/artery assessment
In the context of the radial artery and pulse assessment, the sites of the radial artery were
briefly discussed in Chapter 17 of the Nei Jing, described as three positions located above the
radial artery, used to ‘detect [the] subtle quality of pulse patterns’ (Lingshu, treatise 74: Ni
(trans) 1995: p. 68). These positions, situated at the wrist, adjacent to the radial styloid
process and proximal to it, were named Cun, Guan and Chi respectively and were divided
into deep and superficial levels of depth. These positions were viewed as representing
different regions of the body and some of the positions were linked to specific organs. This
meant that a change in the pulse character at the site meant a corresponding change occurring
in the related organ.
For using the pulse diagnostically, the Nei Jing introduced two important concepts; that of
circulation and the normal pulse . The first of these concepts, circulation, was described as the
movement of substances (a vapour called Qi, in various forms, and Blood) throughout the
body in 12 linking vessels, located in different regions of the body (Unschuld 1986). The
concept of the ‘normal’ pulse was also introduced and this was used as a standard with which
to compare the features of an abnormal pulse.
For example in reference to pulse rate the normal pulse was described as:
In man,
Therefore distinguishing health by the pulse required comparison of the patient's pulse with
the normal pulse frequency, deviation in the patient's rate from the normal rate representing
Even this oldest of CM texts borrowed from yet older writings incorporating two distinctly
recognisable manuscripts termed the ‘vessel texts’ from the Mawangdui scrolls (Harper 1998,
Hsu 2005). These texts include a series of case studies compiled by Chunyu Yi, a Chinese
physician, in which Hsu notes in her study of the scrolls that there is ‘sufficient detail to
recognize in them a particular form of pulse diagnostics, a form that in many aspects was later
discontinued’ (2005: p. 11). In particular, Hsu mentions Chapter 10 of the Lingshu as
recording the vessel texts ‘in a strongly modified form, yet in places also verbatim’.
Further evidence of the Nei Jing as a compilation of writings, rather than as a discrete text, is
seen in the reference to the use of pulse diagnosis in various forms, including:
• Nine Continent pulse diagnosis: Pulse sites on the head, lower and upper limb
• Channel assessment by regional pulses: Arterial pulses congruent with each of the
channel pathways occurring in all regions of the body
• Heaven, Humanity and Earth: Three permanent pulses located at the carotid, radial and
dorsalis pedis arteries.
In this sense, pulse assessment in the Nei Jing was undertaken from a range of anatomical
regions and not exclusively from the wrist.
• Generic information about replete (excess) and vacuous (deficient) conditions, but not
necessarily information about the specific nature of the illness
The Nei Jing notes each of the channels as having movement; a distinct pulse associated with
its location. In this sense, the coursing movement of the artery was inseparable from the path
of the channel: the artery, the pulse and the channel were as one (a linked vessel); an
interdependent relationship of function and form, embodied in the concepts of Qi and Blood.
Hence, the assessment of the pulse or form reflected the state of the channels or function. For
the early Chinese medical practitioner the axiom Qi leads the Blood and Blood nourishes the Qi
was clearly apparent in the coupling and movement of the pulse sites and channel locations.
In this way, each artery/channel was viewed as having a discrete circulation.
• Rén yíng (man's prognosis): The carotid artery located in the neck — associated with the
stomach channel (stomach Qi, sea of grain)
• Cùn kôu (inch opening): The radial artery located in the wrist and reflects the lung Qi
(rules the Qi)
• Fū yáng (instep Yang): Dorsalis pedis artery in the feet (could also be the tibial artery
according to p. 85 of the Jia Ji Jing) (penetrating vessel, sea of blood).
However, although the Nei Jing incorporated pulse palpation into the diagnostic framework,
the pulse characteristics and qualities were described in obscure and difficult concepts that
had little clinical relevancy for diagnosing disease (Unschuld 1986). It was in this
environment that the central message of the Nan Jing's approach to pulse diagnosis was
Box 3.2
Nan Jing
• Focuses solely on the use of a single pulse position: the Cun Kou position on the
• Associated the Zang and Fu organs with a particular pulse position and level of
Collated some time in the 1st or 2nd century CE, the first 22 chapters provide instructions on
the practical application of pulse assessment, describing a number of palpatory techniques and
methods of assessment. The Nan Jing author(s) introduced innovative conceptual ideas for
applying the pulse techniques, noting two extraordinary divergences from preceding pulse
knowledge. The first was that the circuitous route or cyclic ebb and flow of the ‘Qi and Blood
influences’ in the individual channels/vessels logically inferred that these were in fact a single
linked circulatory system rather than several discrete circulatory systems as noted in the Nei
Jing . Further, if the Qi and Blood flow were linked, then it was only necessary to examine
movement at one area along the flow (Unschuld 1985). The ‘inch-opening’ or Cun Kou pulse
in the radial artery at the wrist was chosen as the site for assessment because it was thought to
be the point at which all the vessels intersected. These ideas were profound to the thinking of
Chinese medical practitioners as the time, as noted by Unschuld:
The message offered by the Nan-ching must have been quite convincing in at
least one respect. Vessel diagnosis concentrating on the wrists was adopted not
only by many physicians (who were criticized by Chang Chi — or by a later
commentator to his preface — for an all too simplistic practice both of diagnosis
in general and of wrist diagnosis as well) but also by the leading pre-Sung
authors of medical works with sections on diagnosis that have been transmitted
to us from pre-Sung times
With the publication of the Nan Jing in the 2nd century CE, the regional assessment of the
pulse/channel, described extensively in the Nei Jing, was radically challenged with the novel
concept of a single or linked circulatory system embodied in the wrist pulse site posited in the
book's ‘first difficult issue’. In doing this, the Nan Jing discussed various methods of
examining the pulse at the radial artery. One method of assessment involved each wrist
division, Cun, Guan and Chi, divided into two levels of depth, superficial and deep, for the
left and right arm radial arterial pulses. This gave 12 pulse positions in total. An acupuncture
channel was associated with each of these positions: Yin and Yang organs of each phase
respectively associated with the deep and superficial levels of the pulse. Collectively, the 12
pulse positions and ‘pulses’ were termed the Cun Kou or ‘inch opening’. The name and
channel arrangement at the pulse positions, and the two depths developed at this time,
remain in use (Table 3.1).
TABLE 3.1 Association of the pulse positions and two levels of depth with the organs
Left Superficial Left Deep Right Deep Right Superficial Jiao Torso region
Small intestine Heart Cun Lung Large Intestine Upper Jiao Thoracic cavity
Gallbladder Liver Guan Spleen Stomach Middle Jiao Abdominal cavity
Bladder Kidney Chi Pericardium Triple Heater Lower Jiao Pelvic cavity
Another method of pulse depth examination described in the Nan Jing involved assessing
three levels of depth at a single position on the wrist, while another system identified five
different levels. The pulse positions were also attributed to different regions of the torso. For
example, the Cun positions of the left and right wrist respectively related to the heart and
lung. As each of these organs occurred in the thoracic cavity, the upper Jiao, then the Cun
positions could be used alternatively to infer the function of the upper Jiao. In this way, one
pulse assumption system was overlaid on another.
• Advice on treatment protocols according to the presentation of the pulse.
Box 3.3
Mai Jing
• Names 24 specific pulse qualities and associated the formation of each with the
simultaneous changes in several pulse characteristics
An interesting development in pulse terminology occurred in the Mai Jing . Wiseman and Ye
(1999) note that Wang applied a specific pulse ‘name’ to a collective group of descriptive
terms, recognising that it is different characteristic features of the pulse such as depth,
rhythm, rate, width and length that combine to produce a particular pulse quality. For
example, rather than ‘sinking and frail, and one can palpate it only deeply’ (Ni 1995: p. 74)
found in the Nei Jing, the Mai Jing attributed this group of descriptive terms to the Weak
pulse (ruò mài). With the introduction of specific pulse names, this meant that the
identification of a specific pulse quality now hinged on the recognition of all aspects of the
pulse (Wiseman & Ye 1998).
The Mai Jing details 24 specific pulse qualities and the description of pulse qualities
associated with specific disease states. Variations of strength, rhythm, speed and contour of
the presenting pulse are discussed in terms of organ function and in terms of the channel
The Mai Jing is particularly well regarded for its lengthy commentary on the interpretation of
these pulse qualities relating to pathology. There is an extensive discussion of the clinical
significance of abnormal pulse qualities occurring in each of the specific pulse positions of
Cun, Guan and Chi and the symptoms accompanying them. For example, Vacuity and
Repletion patterns affecting the Lungs were diagnosed by the simultaneous increase or
decrease in strength at the Lung position of the pulse (this being the deep level of depth at
the Cun position on the right wrist). Additionally, the 24 pulse qualities had different
diagnostic meaning when occurring at the individual pulse positions. For example, a Floating
pulse at the right Cun position meant fever and headaches, the Tight pulse meant cold
damage and the Rapid pulse meant vomiting (Table 3.2). At the Guan position, the Floating
pulse meant there was abdominal fullness and no appetite, the Tight pulse meant fullness
below the heart with acute pain and the Rapid pulse meant guest heat in the stomach.
Floating pulse in the Chi position meant wind heat in the lower Jiao with difficult urination,
Taut pulse meant pain due to cold and the Rapid pulse here meant aversion to cold and wind
and pain below the umbilicus. In this way, Wang Shu-He constructed a comprehensive and
detailed approach to the clinical interpretation of pulse. From the time of the Mai Jing
throughout the centuries till today, authors continue to reiterate the definitions of the pulse as
stated in this book.
TABLE 3.2 Variation in the diagnostic meaning of pulse qualities relative to their presentation at different pulse positions,
as stated in the Mai Jing
Position Floating pulse Tight pulse Rapid pulse
Cun Fever and headaches Cold damage Vomiting
Guan Abdominal fullness Fullness below the heart/pain Stomach heat
Chi Difficult urination Pain due to cold Aversion to wind, cold below umbilicus
Box 3.4
Bin Hue Mai Xue
• A collated summation of all pulse knowledge extant at the time of its writing
The book was meant for memorisation, so it was written in a series of rhymes, detailing the
pulse description and related indications. These rhymes would also have doubled as a
mnemonic in clinical practice; the practitioner would feel the pulse and recite the rhymes, so
identifying the pulse type being felt.
The book is significant in the history of pulse diagnosis in that it was collated as a summation
of all pulse knowledge extant at the time of its writing. Li Shi Zhen organised this knowledge
into a comprehensible and accessible format. The book has been an important educational
tool and a guide for CM students learning pulse in China since the 16th century and is still
used today.
3.5. Historical perspective: regional pulse assessment and the Cun Kou pulse
Although the supremacy of wrist diagnosis is argued clearly in the historical record of CM
with the Nan Jing, the theoretical and logical argument presented was counter to the notion
that the circulatory system serves more than just the organs. The circulatory system
distributes blood and fluid to the muscles, skin, tissue and into the periphery in addition to
the organs; both localized and systemic requirements are placed on the circulation. In this
sense it is logical that pulses in other regions of the body should also play a vital role in the
assessment of an individual's health, and historically, this is what happened.
In the early centuries of the first millennium CE, pulse assessment encompassed examination
of the pulse at numerous regions throughout the body. This was the basis of what is termed
regional pulse assessment : the assessment of arterial pulse sites that occurred in regions of the
body other than the Cun Kou. In the Nei Jing and other CM literature classics, there is
reference to at least three distinct groupings of regional pulses. There are the three permanent
pulses, of which the Cun Kou is one; the pulse sites linked with the actual anatomical
location of each of the channels; and the Nine Continent pulses. Of the three groupings it is
the only the Nine Continent system that is still regularly covered in contemporary CM
literature, as the system provides clinically relevant information not gained from the Cun Kou
system (Box 3.5).
Box 3.5
Common features unifying the regional pulse sites
• Located in regions easily accessible to the practitioner
Interestingly, Kuriyama (1999) notes that in spite of the Nan Jing, the use of other
regional/anatomical pulses other than that of the wrist was never totally discarded by ancient
Chinese practitioners. Vestiges of the regional assessment system of pulse were retained in
the Shan Han Lun, Mai Jing and Jin Gui Yao Lue (Kuriyama 1999: p. 45). For example, the
Jia Ji Jing (Systematic classic of acupuncture and moxibustion), which was written
approximately two centuries after the Nan Jing, incorporated segments of the Nei Jing
(Lingshu, Chapter 9) speaking specifically of using the assessment of different pulses around
the body from the regional pulse sites to assess health through the similarity of pulse strength
occurring at all these sites. The Jia Yi Jing clearly states that the Mai Kou and Ren Ying
pulses are used to determine the presence of ‘surplus’ or ‘insufficiency’ of Yin and Yang and
determine balance or imbalance (p. 301: in a postscript note from the translators, the chapter
was derived from Chapter 9 of the Lingshu):
Those who are considered normal are without disease. Those who are without
disease are characterised by a congruity of their mai kou and ren ying pulses
with the four seasons and by congruity (between the pulses) in the upper and
lower parts of the body which are synchronous with one another (p. 301).
Additionally, the Mai Jing, another text postdating the Nan Jing's discussion on the use of a
single arterial site for pulse assessment, also incorporated regional pulse assessment. Chapter
28 of the Mai Jing states:
When a person is ill, if the Cun opening pulse and the ren ying pulse are the
same in terms of their size and depth, the disease is difficult to cure.
(The translator's note to this chapter points out that ordinarily the wrist and carotid pulses
should vary in strength, size. For these to be congruent represents serious disturbances to the
Qi and blood flow.)
There are two explanations as to why the authors of the Mai Jing and Jia Ji Jing included
regional pulse site assessment. The first is they did this through reverence of the older text.
The second is that the regional pulse sites did in fact provide clinically useful information,
probably information that could not be obtained or provided by the assessment of the Cun
Kou pulse alone.
It is also apparent that the regional channel/pulse assessment system lingered into later
centuries with commentators of the Nan Jing, Lu Kuang (3rd century CE) and Yang Hsuan-
ts'ao (7th/8th century CE), linking the channels with regional pulses located in anatomical
regions other than the wrist. That is, the knowledge was still extant. For example, in their
commentaries on the first difficult issue, they state:
These are the twelve vessels of the conduits in the hands and feet. The
movement of the foot-great-Yang [conduit can be felt] in the bend [of the knee].
The movement of the foot-minor-Yang [conduit can be felt] in front of the ear.
This is the ch'ung-Yang hole which is located above the instep, hence its name.
[This conduit's] movement can also [be felt] in the neck at the jen-Ying [hole]
and also the ta-Ying [hole].
Lu and Yang respectively refer to the popliteal, temple(?), dorsalis pedis (ch'ung), carotid
(jen-Ying) arteries in addition to the radial artery (ta-Ying). All sites were distinct from other
anatomical regions as having a movement present. In this sense, there were several circulatory
Yet, as Unschuld noted, the argument presented by the Nan Jing was convincing, for by the
11th century the Nan Jing commentaries distinctly changed, with only minor references to
the regional pulses in the text mainly in ‘gentle’ condemnation of antecedent medical scholars’
comments (Yu Shu, in Unschuld 1986: p. 96). It appears these later medical scholars
accorded little value to the region pulse system, beyond interest as a curious historical artefact.
Additionally, rather than the assessment of arterial segments these authors linked these pulse
sites with discrete points or sites. These were increasingly being cited as acupuncture points
rather than the channel artery coupling located in the holes or grooves provided by the
anatomy. For example, the tibial arterial pulse was discretely located at KD 3 (Taixi).
Interestingly, the commentaries of the Nan Jing as compiled by Unschuld chart the fracturing
relationship between the arterial pulses and the channels with the course of the channel being
separated from that of an associated arterial segment.
What is certainly apparent in the commentaries of the Nan Jing and reflected in the classics
generally, is the temporal change in authors’ attitudes to the regional pulse system: from a
necessary skill in the time of the Nei Jing to a historical relic by the end of the first
millennium and finally forgotten by the time of the European Renaissance in the 16th
century. In the Bin Hue Mai Xue, published in 1564, there is no reference to the regional
pulse system in spite of the book being a summation of historical pulse literature.
In some ways, the loss of regional pulse assessment according to Hsu (2005) probably reflects
the integration of philosophical doctrines of Confucian ideology into Chinese society in the
first millennium, where modesty constraints meant body palpation, whether pulse or
anatomically related, was condoned only within the confines of discrete, and socially
acceptable, anatomical regions (Hsu 2005). In contemporary times, the societal context of the
practise of CM means minor surgical procedures once associated with the practice of
acupuncture, in which regional pulse assessment probably served an important purpose, are
no longer carried out.
There are also major differences in the division of the variable depth between texts. For
example, the Nei Jing mentioned only two pulse depths, superficial and deep, while the Mai
Jing and Bin Hue Mai Xue listed three, with the addition of a middle level of depth. The Nan
Jing listed anywhere from three to five levels of depth; individual organs, organ systems and
body substances such as Blood were simultaneously assigned to each position. Alternatively,
the Cun, Guan and Chi pulse positions may be seen to reflect the upper, middle and lower
(Heaters) portions of the torso (Maciocia 2004, Ho & Lisowski 1997) or may reflect
individual organs (Flaws 1997). The positions can be used to assess overall pulse qualities or
used individually for specific organ characteristics.
According to Birch (1998) the apparent conflicts in the classics stem from the historical (and
contemporary) diversity of CM practice and the conceptual systems they reflect. This reflects
the syncretistic tendency, throughout the history of CM thought, for many different theories,
often conflicting, to exist side by side (Unschuld 1985). Accordingly, this meant the
reconciliation of opposing ideas rather than a resolution of the contradictory views. This is
apparent in assumption systems used to interpret radial pulse information and in the specific
pulse terminology itself. Unschuld, in his commentaries on the Nan Jing, perhaps best
describes the coexistence of theoretical variation:
The reasons for the great degree of conceptual confusion and for the absence of a
stringent, technical terminology … are to be seen in the fact that at no time in
the first or second millennium did more recent conceptual insights replace older
views for good … When an author introduced a new meaning of an ancient
term, this meaning did not eventually replace the older meaning(s) but was
merely adding to the existing range of meanings (p. 283).
Unschuld's view has been borne out by the attempts of some commentators on the CM
literature to reconcile the ‘occasional’ conflicting information contained in different texts
through tenuous theoretical linkages rather than direct questioning of theoretical foundations.
Others have refuted it altogether, maintaining their conservative views in relation to the
original source texts. However, the old is often retained with the new, to the point of conflict.
This is demonstrated by Unschuld's translation of the commentaries of Hsu Ta-ch'un, an
influential physician scholar and medical writer of the 18th century CE. Unschuld notes that
while Hsu's commentaries focused extensively on the Nan Jing, he did not acknowledge the
book's ideas and contribution to the development of pulse diagnosis. Instead he criticised the
Nan Jing in favour of the ideas originally presented 200 years earlier in the Nei Jing, not
because they were more clinically relevant (in fact they were very ambiguous), but rather
because they were simply ‘older’ (Unschuld 1990). This resolution of theoretical differences
has never been a strong point of CM theoreticians.
In contemporary CM practice, not much has changed. Today, a number of different systems
are still used to interpret variations in the pulse, and they invariably incorporate a number of
untested assumptions from the classics concerning the normal presentation of the pulse.
Some of these systems are related, and so the interpretation and understanding of the theory
can be reconciled. Other pulse assumption systems appear quite contradictory, and
reconciling the opposing interpretation is difficult if not impossible. Further complication
arises from the development of new and novel pulse systems in recent years. Old problems
thus continue to appear in the modern context.
reasons. The first is Li's Bin Hue Mai Xue . The second is Harvey's Exercitatio Anatomica de
Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus [Anatomical Essay on the Movement of the Heart
and Blood in Animals] (1624). The texts were published in the late 16th and early 17th
century CE respectively and were deemed important works by the authors at those times.
Harvey proved the circulation of blood and described the pulsations as the impulse or
pressure flow of blood, an event of cardiac contraction (Naqvi & Blaufox 1998). Li focused
on collating and annotating earlier CM texts relating to pulse diagnosis, providing a summary
of extant works of his time and expanding on some specific pulse qualities. However,
although both these works concentrate on the pulse they are starkly contrasted in one very
important way. Where Harvey endeavoured to inform practice of pulse diagnosis through
ongoing exploration of the underlying principles of pulse, Li Shi-Zhen revisited the books of
earlier scholars and reinforced classical methods of pulse diagnosis. Li Shi-Zhen's writing was
in effect the embodiment of a culture that revered and respected its past, while Harvey's
embodied the deducted logic of practice based on cause and effect that was to become the
defining element of biomedical practice.
Interestingly, although there were conceptual links between the heart and vessels described in
the CM classics such as the Nei Jing, the pulse continued to be viewed in terms of the flow of
Qi influences; ‘there is no indication as to a conceptualisation of either the heart or the lung
as fulfilling any kind of a pump like or bellow like function in the classics’ (Unschuld 1985: p.
Overall, and in spite of the conflicting views, CM has maintained throughout its history and
into contemporary practice a focus on the significance of each individual radial pulse site as
being reflective of a specific part of the body. The Cun, Guan and Chi pulse sites are
associated with information unique to its location within a given segment of artery.
Theoretically, this is associated with palpatory differences in the pulse characteristics between
the three pulse positions for each arm. This is in contrast to ancient Greek diagnosticians
such as Galen, and even modern biomedical practices that envisage no difference in the pulse
and the information obtained when feeling it at different places on the same arterial segment.
S Birch, Diversity and acupuncture: acupuncture is not a coherent or historically stable
tradition, In: (Editor: A Vickers) Examining complementary medicine: the sceptical holist
(1998) Stanley Thornes, Cheltenham, pp. 45–62.
B Flaws, The secret of Chinese pulse diagnosis. 2nd edn. (1997) Blue Poppy Press, Boulder, CO.
SZ Li, B Flaws, The lakeside master's study of the pulse. (1998) Blue Poppy Press, Boulder, CO.
; (trans).
Hammer, Tradition and revision, Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine 3 (2002) 59–71.
D Harper, Early Chinese medical literature: the Mawangdui medical manuscripts. (1998) Kegan
Paul International, London .
H Harvey, 1624 An anatomical essay on the movement of the heart and blood in animals, In:
(Editors: N Naqvi, MD Blaufox) Blood pressure measurement: an illustrated history (1998)
Pantheon, New York.
P Ho, F Lisowski, A brief history of Chinese medicine. 2nd edn. (1997) World Scientific
Publishing, Singapore .
E Hsu, Tactility and the body in early Chinese medicine, Science in Context 18 (1) (2005)
S Kuriyama, The expressiveness of the body and the divergence of Greek and Chinese medicine.
(1999) Zone Books, New York .
G Maciocia, Diagnosis in Chinese medicine: a comprehensive guide. (2004) Churchill
Livingstone, Edinburgh .
HF Mi, S Yang, C Chance, The systematic classic of acupuncture and moxibustion. (1994) Blue
Poppy Press, Boulder ; (trans).
NH Naqvi, MD Blaufox, Blood pressure measurement: an illustrated history. (1998) Pantheon,
New York .
MS Ni, The Yellow Emperor's classic of medicine (Huang di nei jing su wen ling shu). (1995)
Shambhala, Boston ; (trans).
P Unschuld, Medicine in China: a history of ideas. (1985) University of California Press,
Berkeley .
P Unschuld, Nan-Ching: the classic of difficult issues. (1986) University of California Press,
Berkeley ; (trans).
P Unschuld, Forgotten traditions of ancient Chinese medicine: a Chinese view from the eighteenth
century (I-hsueh yuan liu lun of 1757 by Hsu Ta-ch'un). (1990) Paradigm, Brookline, MA ;
P Unschuld, Huang di nei jing su wen. (2003) University of California Press, Berkeley .
SH Wang, S Yang, The pulse classic: a translation of the mai jing. (1997) Blue Poppy Press,
Boulder ; (trans).
N Wiseman, F Ye, A practical dictionary of Chinese medicine. 2nd edn. (1998) Paradigm,
Brookline, MA .
N Wiseman, F Ye, Translation of Chinese medical pulse terms: taking account of the
historical dimension, Clinical Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine 1 (1999) 55–60.
Chapter 4. Issues of reliability and validity*
*Some of the information in this chapter is adapted from King (2001) and Walsh (2003).
Chapter contents
4.1 Pulse diagnosis and the need for clear and unambiguous terminology 34
4.2 Pulse diagnosis, subjectivity and the need for reliable assessment methods 37
In their guidelines for providers of CM education, the World Health Organization (WHO
1999) regarded pulse diagnosis as a core component of the CM diagnostic framework and
integral to the curriculum of quality degree programs in acupuncture and Chinese herbal
medicine. This view is similarly reflected in curriculum guidelines by accreditation and
regulation authorities in various countries (BAC 2000, BMA 2000, NASC 2001). These
recommendations are largely founded on the premise that pulse assessment is a clinically
reliable diagnostic technique. The antiquity of the use of the technique and historical roots
are seen as proof of this; if a technique has been in use for so long, then who is to question
the practice of pulse diagnosis? Unfortunately, a ready acceptance of what is written in the
classics and contemporary texts, combined with the diversity of CM practices, means the
pedagogical framework for using pulse diagnostically is readily compromised, so questioning
its reliability for this task (Birch 1998, Hammer 2001, King et al 2002, Wiseman & Ye
At the core of this problem is the actual nature of pulse diagnosis: it is dependent first and
foremost on touch. Consequently, the literature and descriptions of the pulse qualities are
enshrouded by tactile imagery constructed from a range of literary devices including
analogies, similes and metaphors. For example, Wang Shu-he describes the Tight pulse
(Jiu/Jing Mai) as being ‘an inflexible pulse like a tensely drawn rope’ (1997: p. 3). At times,
writing involved prose as a learning aid. Notably, Li Shi-Zhen's Bin Hue Mai Xue is written
entirely in rhyming format. Yet it is this very use of descriptive imagery that makes pulse
diagnosis a doubly difficult technique to apply in a clinical context. Not only is pulse
diagnosis dependent on an individual's perception of touch, but there are no clear and
unambiguous guidelines for interpreting these literary images in a practical sense.
With these factors in mind, a reliance on the practitioner's skills to discriminate between
pulses means pulse diagnosis is often regarded as highly subjective. When the pulse diagnosis
process is viewed objectively, the lack of sound scientific evidence to support it can be seen as
contributing to its questionable validity, if not complicit in perpetuating the aura of
mystification often associated with the technique. It is for this very reason that the pulse
procedures and terminology used to assess the pulse need to be explicit and detailed enough
to ensure that the diagnosis is done correctly. This is termed reliability . How this is achieved,
and the factors that affect it, is the central theme of this chapter.
4.1. Pulse diagnosis and the need for clear and unambiguous terminology
Formulating terminology to describe the different pulse types only happened after
implementation of pulse in the CM diagnosis process itself (Wiseman and Ye 1999).
Originally, pulses were defined descriptively, often using metaphors with particular relevance
to everyday life at the time of their development. For example:
When man is sick the pulse of the liver moves more fully, and it is large and
long and slightly tense, felt on both light and heavy pressure; but it is also
slippery like the sound of many long bamboo rods strung together, then one can
speak of a sick liver.
At the point of death the pulse of the liver moves with increased speed and
strength, like a new long bow of a musical instrument — and then one can
speak of the death of the liver.
When man is tranquil and healthy the pulse of the spleen flows softly, coming
together and falling apart like a chicken treading the earth — and then one can
speak of a healthy spleen
Yet, despite recognition of the need for more detailed and informative definitions of pulse
qualities as undertaken in Mai Jing, the old descriptive terms remained in subsequent
writings. For example, in his classic text on pulse diagnosis, Li Shi-zhen describes the Rough
(choppy) pulse (Sè mài) with descriptive terms in addition to more informative details from
the Mai Jing:
Fine and slow, going and coming difficult, short and scattered.
Possibly one stop and again comes [description from the Mai Jing].
Like a light knife scraping bamboo [description from the Mai Jue (Pulse
Wiseman and Ye (1999) note interpreting pulse qualities is not helped by complications
arising from authors over the centuries attempting to expand and further define the pulse
types listed in older CM texts and adding their own interpretations while doing so. A further
complicating factor with the use of pulse terminology derived from a different cultural
context, and indeed, a temporal context as well, is that it is difficult to determine the exact
definition and context of the original author's use of a pulse word or term. Agdal (2005) notes
the ‘Language is not a neutral tool describing realities but is embedded with cultural meaning;
it is a formative principle which constitutes objects as much as it describes them’ (p. S-68).
According to Manaka, Itaya and Birch (1995) this problem is further accentuated when
authors do not reference the sources from which they obtained the pulse terminology used, so
negating the benefits of a standard system of terminology.
Confusion also arises when terminology is used in a descriptive manner but also to identify
specific CM pulse qualities. The Replete pulse is a good example of this dichotomy. The
term ‘replete’ is often used in the CM literature to convey the idea of excess, and thus is used
as a general descriptor of any pulse that hits the finger with considerable strength on
palpation. However, the term is also used to name one of the specific CM pulse types, the
Replete pulse (Shí mài), traditionally meaning a pulse that ‘arrives dynamically, it is hard and
full, and its movement is large and long. With light touch it remains; with heavy pressure it
has force. Its arrival and departure are both exuberant, and it can be perceived at all three
levels’ (Deng 1999: p. 125). Further adding to this confusion is the existence of a number of
different definitions for the same stated pulse quality, while there may be differently named
pulse qualities with the same pulse definition (see TABLE 4.1 and TABLE 4.2).
TABLE 4.1 Comparison of pulse names for the Skipping, Rough and Stirred pulses
Stirred pulse (Dòng
Author and source Skipping pulse (Cù mài) Rough pulse (Sè mài)
Cheung & Belluomini (trans) (1982) Accelerated Difficult Agitated
Deng (1999) Skipping Rough Stirred
Skipping, rapidly, irregularly
Flaws (1997) Choppy Stirring
Kaptchuk (2000) Hurried Choppy Spinning Bean
Li (Huynh, trans) (1981) Hasty Choppy Moving
Lu (1996) Running Choppy Tremulous
Maciocia (2004) Hurried Choppy Moving
O'Connor & Bensky (trans and ed)
Hasty Rough Not mentioned
Porkert (1995) Agitated Grating Mobile
Hesitant Astringent
Morant (1994) Accelerated Turbulent
Wiseman & Ellis (1996) Skipping Interrupted Uneven Stirred
TABLE 4.2 Comparison of pulse quality definitions for the Replete pulse (Shí mài)
Author and Page
source no.
A replete pulse …arrives dynamically, it is hard and full, and its movement is large and long. With
Deng (1999) light touch it remains; with heavy pressure it has force. Its arrival and departure are both exuberant, 125
and it can be perceived at all three levels
Chinese Medicine Felt at Cun, Guan and Chi forceful, long and large, on both light and heavy pressure 18
College (1991)
Li (Huynh, trans)
Sinking, firmer than the firm pulse, and has a strong beat 15
When a pulse is felt both superficially and deeply, and has big, long, wiry, strong beats 73
Kaptchuk T
Is big and also strong, pounding hard against the fingers at all three depths 199
The Full pulse feels hard, full and rather long; it is felt easily at all levels and it has a springy quality
Maciocia (2004) 475
resistant to finger pressure” Also notes the term as a description of a ‘broad range of full pulses…’
Strong pulse manifesting on at least two levels. Still, the pulse shows its greatest strength and
Porkert (1995) 38
deployment on one particular level, “its specific level’
Wiseman & Ellis Similar to the forceful except it is forceful on both rising and falling 120
Although the traditional pulse qualities have been named for the distinct set of features or
characteristics that manifest in the pulse, the names of these specific pulse qualities are
sometimes used as general descriptive terms. This arises because the changes in the pulse
characteristics cluster in such a way that when a pulse quality ‘appears’ to occur as described in
the literature, it may be further complicated by an additional change in another pulse
characteristic, and so does not satisfactorily fit the usual description of a particular CM pulse.
For example, Maciocia (2004: p. 485) describes a possible formation of a Stringlike (Wiry)
(xián mài) and Slippery pulse (Huà mài) occurring with Full Liver pattern and Phlegm,
which appears quite contradictory. That is, the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse is defined by the
tension in the arterial wall which constrains the arterial contour from manifesting, whereas
the Slippery pulse is defined by the arterial contour deforming the arterial wall, which is quite
distinctly rounded as it moves under the fingers, and it is the relative lack of arterial tension
which allows the pulse wave to form in this way. (There are additional changes in other pulse
characteristics that further differentiate the two pulses.) So the question is, why have these
two distinctly different terms been used in this way?
The answer is that they have been used in this way because the focus has been on the most
apparent or distinctive change occurring in the pulse, rather than on all the information
available. By focusing on the apparent changes, the increased arterial tension has been termed
the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse. Yet, the classical definition of the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse notes
this pulse without a distinct contour, and so by definition the pulse described by Maciocia is
not the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse. Similarly, the pulse described is not the Slippery pulse either,
despite the presence of Phlegm.
Yet in undertaking the process of pulse diagnosis it is hard for the practitioner not to think of
the terminology of the traditional pulse qualities, if only because they have dominated any
discourse of pulse diagnosis in Chinese medicine for so many years. However, it soon
becomes apparent that there are limitations to the use of the pulse names when used in this
way, as evidenced in the example above.
The pulse diagnosis process is further complicated when the traditional pulse names are used
to discretely classify the pulse when this is not warranted (that is, when the pulse is
categorised or termed as one of the traditional CM pulse qualities but not all aspects or
characteristics of its presentation actually fit the traditional definition). In doing so, the other
being felt, are excluded. Such an approach means all available clues about the pathogenesis
are not considered in diagnoses, and so a practitioner may underestimate or overestimate the
pathology against incorrectly ‘recognised’ pulse qualities rather than using all the information
that is available. The obvious problem with this is that the lost pulse information may signal
the difference between treatment that aims to tonify against one that aims to disperse.
which lack clarity.
Consequently, Birch & Felt (1999: p. 235) proposed that the pulse literature was intended as
a supportive adjunct to practice-based teaching, and so explains its apparent failings when
used as the only form of teaching. Accordingly, they claimed, it was never meant to be the
primary means of imparting knowledge in this area. Birch & Felt based their claims on
historical texts that documented the traditional teaching methods of pulse diagnosis. The
repetitive practice of pulse palpation under a teacher's guidance in clinic was once the
mainstay of education in this area.
Yet even this explanation of the failings of the pulse pedagogy warrants questioning. For
example, even as far back as the second century CE, where traditional master—apprentive
teaching methods for learning pulse diagnosis were used, Wang Shu-he (author of the Mai
Jing) wrote of the difficulty in distinguishing between pulse qualities, even when having
memorised the definitions. He used an example in which the Bowstring, Tight, Floating and
Scallion Stalk pulses could be seen to share some common characteristics. This, he observed,
made these pulses easy to mistake for one another, even with the use of a standard pulse
The mechanisms of the pulse are fine and subtle, and the pulse images are
difficult to differentiate. The bowstring and the tight, the floating and the
scallion-stalk confusingly resemble one another. They may be readily distinct at
heart (that is, their verbal definition may have been memorized), but it is
difficult for the fingers to distinguish them. If a deep pulse is taken as a hidden
one, the formula and treatment will never be in the right line. If a moderate
pulse is taken as a slow one, crisis may crop up instantly. In addition, there are
cases where several different kinds of pulse images appear all at the once or
several different categories of disease may exhibit the same type of pulse
Other CM authors argue that pulse taking should not be difficult to learn (Porkert 1995,
Flaws 1997), stressing the importance of the theories and of learning the standard textbook
definition of each pulse quality (King 2001: p. 37). However, it can be strongly argued that it
is precisely the lack of clarity of the standard definitions that cause problems. Wiseman and
Ye (1999) note a lack of precision and non-standardised definitions arise when authors and
Ye (1999) note a lack of precision and non-standardised definitions arise when authors and
practitioners have failed to identify exactly what they mean when stating or describing pulse
characteristics (Wiseman & Ye 1999).
4.2. Pulse diagnosis, subjectivity and the need for reliable assessment methods
A subjective procedure is one in which an observation or outcome arises from the individual;
it is dependent on the individual's own interpretation and therefore cannot be objectively
measured or confirmed. The pulse diagnosis method, by definition, is such a procedure.
Subjective procedures are prone to ambiguity, and this is clearly reflected in the pulse
literature where there may be two quite contradictory descriptions for the same pulse quality.
Subjective procedures are also prone to variability in their application; different practitioners
may interpret the same patient's pulse in different ways. Alternatively, the same practitioner
may interpret the same patient's pulses differently on subsequent examinations at the same
sitting, as was reported by Craddock (1997).
In part, it is thought that such variability is due to the pulse's sensitivity to external temporary
influences such as physical activity and emotions (Maciocia 2004). In this respect, rather than
responsible for pulse reading discrepancies (King 2001: p. 37). However, this is somewhat
tenuous, particularly in the absence of any standardised terminology or pulse taking
procedure, as differences in a patient's pulse characteristics may be due to inconsistent pulse
technique or the pulse taker's own subjective interpretation of the pulse changes.
Because of the perceived subjectivity not only of pulse diagnosis but also of other aspects of
the CM diagnostic procedure, there has been debate about whether the treatment and choice
of acupuncture points should be based on conventional medical diagnostic procedures rather
than CM theories (Bensoussan 1991, Hammerschlag 1998, Smith 1998, Ulett 1992 cited in
King 2001: p. 38). This has particular relevance for CM research involving clinical efficacy,
where diagnostic procedures need to be shown to be objective, reliable and reproducible, and
also have validity.
(As an aside, the term ‘objective’ refers to information that is uncoloured by the practitioner's
perceptions and interpretation. In the context of pulse diagnosis, the parameters of pulse rate
and rhythm are two common CM pulse characteristics that can be objectively verified and the
measurements validated by others. Interestingly, this is also reflected in the literature, in
which the pulse descriptions for pulses defined by rate or rhythm have a higher consensus
among different authors (Table 4.3). Yet many other variables remain subjective, reinforcing
the need for unambiguous terminology and concrete operational definitions for applying the
pulse taking procedure.)
basic assumptions underlying radial pulse diagnosis. These assumptions include the
relationships between pulse and age, gender, season and body types. For example, it is
assumed that the left side pulse in men is stronger than the right side pulse, while in women
the reverse is the case. This is stated in the CM classics Nan Jing, Mai Jing and Bin Hue Mai
Xue, in addition to similar claims by modern authors such as Hammer (2001: p. 95) and
Rogers (2000: p. 88). The claims regarding this and other relationships first appeared over
2000 years ago in a society that was fundamentally very different in terms of culture, society,
geography and economics from contemporary modern society. As Hammer (1993: p. 125)
noted: ‘Much of what has come down to us as Scripture does not stand the test of time.’
The veracity of long-held CM assumptions may change over time for many reasons. For
example, temporal changes in diet, lifestyle, environmental pollution and the changed pace of
modern life may impact on the general health of a population, generating different health
problems. Similarly, technological advances in biomedical practices and medication have seen
the eradication of some diseases and the control of others. Conditions once considered
incurable or terminal are now treatable or manageable, and so it can be strongly argued that
the related pulses are no longer seen in individuals presenting in primary CM practice in the
developed countries. Conversely, conditions once rarely seen in east Asia are occurring with
greater frequency in modern society. For example, in Western countries the rise of
cardiovascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis and hypertension has been linked to genetic,
lifestyle and environmental factors, and these diseases are now occurring more often in Asian
Any of these factors may indeed impact in some way on the pulse characteristics of the
general population. Some clinical support for this was provided by the report of the existence
of a new pulse quality, tentatively termed the Fluctuating pulse (Zhou & Rogers 1997). Rather
than an oversight of the ancient CM practitioners and scholars, they suggested that the
appearance of this additional quality was: ‘A pulse quality that developed in modern times in
response to a changed, and changing, environment’ (p. 91).
Obviously, the recognition of new pulse qualities may equally mean that some of the
traditional pulse qualities may no longer manifest as frequently in the population as may have
happened in centuries past. While applying the knowledge and skills contained in older CM
texts, modern practitioners should also continue to broaden their knowledge base to
encompass changing environment and demographic factors.
encompass changing environment and demographic factors.
Confusion concerning the features of a normal pulse is not limited to CM practice. In their
text on arterial pulses O'Rourke et al (1992: p. 47) point out that it is difficult to define the
normal pulse since: ‘The arterial pulse shows a range of patterns under normal conditions.
Different patterns are seen … in the same artery at different ages, in the same artery under
different physiological conditions.’
This view is similar to that of the CM theory regarding pulse, where it is claimed that a range
of pulse qualities constituting the normal pulse may be seen, according to the influence of
age, gender, body type or season. Although the classical literature notes the effects of these
variables on the pulse, in a modern context there are no data demonstrating these effects or
evidence of exactly how they manifest in a clinical setting.
How one chooses to answer this question probably depends on one's ideological perspective
on the practice of pulse diagnosis. From an evidenced-based perspective, the answer is
ambivalent as so few studies have been undertaken to confirm or disprove the palpatory
technique and its associated assumptions. For example, there are insufficient empirical data
practitioners can reliably and consistently discern these changes (Walsh et al 2001: p. 25).
While accepting there is not a large body of firm evidence, there are ways of ensuring that the
reliability of pulse taking is maximised, which is the point of this book. This entails ensuring
that all abstractions concerning measurement of the pulse are made concrete and the pulse
measurement procedure must be shown to be reliable. Stern & Kalof (1996) note that this
should involve the development of appropriate operational definitions to determine which
variables are being measured and how they will be measured. For pulse diagnosis, it is
essential to use concrete operational definitions to ensure that the correct finger positions are
located and that consistent methods of palpation are adopted for identifying variations in the
pulse wave. If pulse assessment is undertaken the same way every time, then any perceived
changes are likely to be the result of illness rather than being variations introduced through
inconsistent application of palpatory technique by the practitioner.
Reliability also refers to relating any identified changes in pulse characteristics to pathology
through a consistent means of interpretation. This largely depends on the use of the body of
literature, the pedagogy, used for categorising any such pulse changes felt. In this sense,
reliability can apply not only to the consistent use of a technique by the practitioner but also
to the intrinsic validity of the technique. Reliability is, in effect, a product of the literature,
theories and systematic clinical use of pulse diagnosis in practice.
CM diagnostic procedure. Clinical research into acupuncture and CM focuses primarily on
determining the mode of action of acupuncture (involving identification of neurological and
biochemical pathways), and herbs (receptor interactions and physiological effects on function)
(Lewith & Vincent 1998). Relatively few studies have been carried out to evaluate the
reliability of CM diagnostic processes. The existing studies concerning pulse diagnosis have
generally reported low levels of inter-rater reliability in relation to the agreement about pulse
and the perceived differences in pulse characteristics.
The effect of non-standardised pulse terminology and methodology is also reflected in the
results of Cole's British study (1977) of the use of pulse diagnosis in Britain. This research
also reported generally low levels of inter-rater agreement between CM practitioners. In
addition, a tendency for individual practitioners to favour particular pulse patterns when
recording pulse information was also identified: in examining the same group of subjects one
practitioner recorded a higher number of ‘normal’ pulses while another practitioner, recorded
approximately equal numbers of ‘normal’ and ‘unbalanced’ pulses. Cole surmised that this
could have been due to both the practitioners’ preconceived notions about what to expect in
the pulse (possibly influenced by other diagnostic criteria available) and to their individual
subjective interpretation of the presentation of the pulse characteristics, but unless specific
pulse terminology and detailed methodology was provided, it could be equally interpreted as
subjective interpretation of the presentation of the pulse characteristics, but unless specific
pulse terminology and detailed methodology was provided, it could be equally interpreted as
the result of differing measurement techniques and pulse terminology used to evaluate the
In a study using 5 practitioners and 26 subjects, Birch & Ida (1998, personal communication)
found a range of inter-rater reliability agreement in the pulse assessment component of
research undertaken to examine diagnostic assessment methods. However, all practitioners
had the same access to each subject's medical history and the raters were able to see the
subjects whose pulses they were palpating, which may have had some influence on their
evaluation of pulse assessment. The pulse qualities of depth, strength and rate were rated on a
1–5 scale. Using Spearman rank correlation, results ranged from zero (r = −0.004) or no
agreement to near-perfect correlation (r = 0.93) or agreement, with most results lying
between 0.38 and 0.45.
Because the diversity of the pulse diagnosis systems used in the above studies, it is difficult to
compare the findings. However, the generally low levels of inter-rater reliability may be
perceived to reflect a systemic weakness: poorly defined pulse definitions and pulse palpation
methodology. It is assumed that all practitioners in the same study were purportedly using the
same pulse taking system and definitions of pulse qualities. However, unless the exact pulse
taking method was prescribed and the pulse qualities clearly defined, the assessors may well
have used their own interpretations of the pulse qualities and their own methods of pulse
palpation. This is likely, given the wide range of definitions for each of the pulse qualities
found in the pulse literature. This also applies to the pulse taking techniques, most notably
differences in finding the levels of pulse depth or the traditional pulse positions. These studies
reinforce the need for standardisation of both terminology and method when conducting
research into aspects of pulse diagnosis.
The relationship between unambiguous, concrete definitions and reliability was clearly
demonstrated in a study by King et al (2002), in which levels of inter-rater agreement were
statistically significantly better than chance alone. In this study, the descriptive terminology
often used to describe the specific CM pulse qualities was not used. Instead, the pulse was
broken down into simple components, termed parameters, that related to the actual tactile
sensations perceived under the fingers during palpation, but which, when reconstructed, also
form the traditional pulse qualities. By operationally defining each parameter, the reliability
Subsequent studies have shown this parameter method is reliable for pulse characteristic
evaluation when used in the context of CM, limiting the source of variability between
assessors (King et al 2002, King et al 2006, Walsh 2003, Walsh & Cobbin 2001). In this way,
developing a pulse pedagogy that is unambiguous and clearly defined assists in achieving
reliability of pulse measurement.
The inconsistent interpretation of pulse types by students, and even practitioners, may be
attributed primarily to pulse descriptions that are open to subjective interpretation. Finch &
Crunkilton (1993) describe this as ‘constraints of content’ (p. 164); stating that it is content,
rather than the inability of the students or the practitioners to integrate information, that
inhibits the learning process. This view was supported by a study to assess the inter-rater
agreement levels among CM students (Walsh et al 2001), where student participants failed to
maintain the number of pulse characteristics for which statistically significant agreement
levels were achieved from the initial baseline measures over the following 12 month period.
Using a single-blind study design and large sample size, students were tested on three
occasions, at the beginning of pulse diagnosis classes (C1), at the completion of the 14 week
pulse classes (C2) and one year later (N = 35, 29, 20). Surprisingly, the last collection showed
the lowest level of inter-rater agreement among the students. In addition, of the three
collections, the second collection alone showed a level of agreement greater than that
expected by chance. Walsh found that overall levels of agreement about some basic pulse
characteristics (such as depth, speed and length) differed very little from those obtained by
chance alone. The study's findings showed a decrease in the number of pulse characteristics
for which inter-rater agreement levels were achieved over time with exposure of the cohort to
further curriculum studies (C3) as compared to frequency levels achieved at C2. Significantly,
in C1 and C2, the participants used pulse descriptions from a single source in their CM
course: the class notes. A further 12 months’ exposure to a set curriculum and extracurricular
reading of the CM literature may have contributed to an increased variance in the students’
ability to reach consensus in discriminating differences in the pulse at C3. It was surmised
that, rather than stemming from an inability to learn pulse diagnosis, low levels of agreement
reflected the conflicting and subjective information about pulse diagnosis in the available CM
Wiseman & Ye (1999) emphasise the necessity for a standard terminology for unequivocal
communication in Chinese medicine. However, this may result in overclassifying pulse
terminology to the point where it no longer has any clinical relevance to the practitioner or to
aspects of the pulse wave being palpated. As O'Rourke et al (1992) quoted Broadbent who
was referring to Galen's pulse descriptions, ‘it is easy to confuse the essential features of the
important variations in the pulse by overwhelming them in minute distinctions of no practical
significance’ (p. 5). It is necessary then, when developing appropriate terminology, to ensure
that it remains clinically relevant, so not adding more confusion to the process.
In developing an unambiguous terminology for use with pulse palpation, it is first necessary
to determine the essential parameters or the characteristics that are involved in the physical
manifestation of the radial pulse. This approach is equally applicable to all pulse assumption
systems used in CM; whether founded on lineage teachings, on instructions recorded in the
classics or on those found in more contemporary constructs such as Five Phase acupuncture.
• position (wèi) at which the pulse could be felt (Cun, Guan or Chi, that is length)
• position (wèi) at which the pulse could be felt (Cun, Guan or Chi, that is length)
• dynamic (shì), i.e. the strength of the pulse on arrival and departure.
In this way, some specific CM pulse qualities could be defined by a single parameter, whereas
others are defined by two or more parameters. This method of pulse assessment has been
partially touched on by contemporary authors such as Lu (1996) and Townsend & De Donna
(1990) and a range of other contemporary texts from various sources. The terminology
applied to describing pulses and identification of pulse types used throughout this book
employs a similar approach to that detailed by Zhou Xue Hai. We have termed this the pulse
parameter method.
From an extensive examination of pulse terminology, it was determined that it is the varying
combination of the presence or absence of changes in these parameters that forms the basis of
the specific CM pulse qualities. For example, the Sinking pulse (Chén mài) is noted for being
felt most forcefully at the deep level of depth (regardless of the overall pulse force) and its lack
of presence at the superficial level of depth.
The specific CM pulse qualities can be further categorised into simple and complex CM
pulse qualities, according to the number of pulse parameters involved in their presentation.
The Intermittent pulse (Dài mài) is categorised as a simple CM pulse quality, as rhythm is
the only parameter involved. Conversely the Scallion Stalk (hollow) (kōu mài) pulse is classed
as complex because of the involvement of changes in a number of parameters including pulse
force, depth, arterial wall tension and width. These parameters and associated CM pulse
qualities are discussed in further detail in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7.
Townsend & De Donna (1990) proposed that the superficial pulse could be found by
increasing light pressure until a definite pulse could be felt. Other texts suggested placing the
fingertips lightly on the skin surface without applying pressure (Deng 1999Li (Huynh trans)
1981, Wiseman & Ellis 1996). The methods of examining the deep level of the pulse were
also varied, with simplistic instructions such as ‘felt by pressing firmly’ (Wiseman & Ellis,
1996) or ‘the physician presses quite hard’ (Kaptchuk 2000). Townsend & De Donna (1990)
suggested compressing the pulse until it vanished and then decreasing the pressure slightly
until the pulse returned, while another author suggested pressing down to the area between
the tendon and bone (King 2001).
Generally, CM texts tend not to fully define all aspects of the pulse taking procedure. Instead
emphasis is placed on the clinical indications of the different CM pulse qualities and
associated disease patterns, while neglecting the very methods used to identify them. This is
reflected in the ambiguous and often contradictory pulse definitions. Confusion often occurs
over terms used to name specific CM pulse qualities and others that are used as descriptive
terms. For example, the Firm pulse (Lílo mài) is described in one text (Lu 1996) as being
deep, forceful, large, wiry and long and the indications of its solitary presence in each of the
individual positions is described. Yet in the same text, the Long pulse (Chíng mài) is defined
as being longer than the normal length of Cun, Guan and Chi, therefore raising the question
of how a pulse that is ‘long’ could possibly be present only in a single pulse position.
The subjective methods of the CM classical literature and the use of analogies to define the
amount of pressure exerted to find specific levels also have little relevance to modern-day
experience, and only confuse the application of techniques further. For example, in the Fifth
Difficult Issue of the Nan Jing, the pressure needed to distinguish between the five different
levels of depth is described in terms of the weight of a number of beans. In commentaries on
the Fifth Difficult Issue discussing how to palpate the different levels of the pulse, there is a
comment about the difficulty of understanding the ‘bean method’ (Unschuld (trans) 1986: p.
114), another referenced using pressure to the bone, so it is apparent that there have always
been difficulties associated with the various methods of palpation when using descriptive
palpate the pulse. A consistent method refers to:
• How and when to apply the pulse taking method: the order of gathering information
from the pulse.
• The different techniques (depth, length, strength of application) and required body part
(pulse position)
A consistent method of application is vital, as many of the specific CM pulse types are
dependent on the measurement of pulse parameters in specific positions. For example the
Long pulse is defined as the presence of pulsations at the three traditional pulse positions
Cun, Guan and Chi and beyond these positions, distally and/or proximally. Therefore, it is
crucial that the practitioner understands precisely how to locate these positions, in order to be
able to identify the CM pulse quality correctly if it is present. This has particular importance
in specific methods of radial pulse diagnosis such as the Five Phase method, where the pulses
in each of the three traditional pulse positions at the superficial and deep level are rated in
terms of overall force: either as deficient, excessive or ‘normal’ (appropriate strength). This is
significant because the resulting treatment protocol is primarily based on this diagnostic pulse
pattern. Other examples of such systems requiring precise palpatory methods include the
Japanese keiraku chiryo system which interprets the organ (Zang Fu) pulse positions into four
primary diagnostic categories of organ pairings (Birch 1998: p. 45) and the San Jiao or Three
Heater method for looking at a comparative strength differences. Consequently, if the
traditional pulse positions are not located in a similar fashion or if there are differences in the
methods used to palpate the pulse at different levels of depth, there will be no reliability. The
development of a correct and consistent pulse method is detailed in Chapter 5.
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Chapter 5. Getting started: pulse techniques, procedures and the
development of a methodical approach to pulse assessment
Chapter contents
5.10 Comparison of the overall force of the left and right radial pulse 58
5.12 Other considerations when assessing the pulse and interpreting the findings 61
5.13 Summary 68
The ordering of these techniques and procedures is described as the pulse method. As we
established in Chapter 4, pulse method refers to:
• The order of gathering information from the pulse using the different techniques (depth,
length, strength of application) and required body part (pulse position)
• The consistent application of the pulse method and techniques used in the same way
every time.
This chapter focuses extensively on the first stage of the pulse diagnosis process — the
application of correct technique and procedures. A further stage of the pulse diagnosis
process, interpreting pulse assessment findings diagnostically, is dealt with extensively in
Chapter 6 and Chapter 7. We also investigate the organization of the techniques and
procedures and their order of application, and discuss the benefits of developing a pulse
method that is systematic in its application.
The pulse is most commonly taken when the patient is seated, but assessment can also occur
when the patient is lying supine (Box 5.1). Irrespective of the positioning approach used, the
arm is always placed at the level of the patient's heart. Holding the arm lower or higher than
the heart level affects the pulse pressure, causing changes in the pulse wave. Ensuring that the
arm is level will minimise these postural related pressure differences. Pulse examination is
undertaken on both the left and right arms (Fig. 5.4).
Box 5.1
Positioning the patient for assessing the pulse
Figure 5.4Bilateral hand palpation. The practitioner's left hand is palpating the right pulse and the right hand is palpating
the left hand the pulse.
If sitting, the patient's legs should be uncrossed with feet placed flat on the floor. Their
posture should be relaxed but upright so that the thorax region is not constricted during
respiration, allowing the lungs to expand and contract freely. The wrist should be extended
straight with the palm facing upwards (Fig. 5.1). Similarly, when lying supine, the patient
should have their legs uncrossed, wrist extended with the palm facing upwards (Fig. 5.2).
Figure 5.1Positioning of the practitioner taking the pulse when the patient is sitting. The patient's legs uncrossed, feet flat
on floor, with palms upwards. The patient should be in a comfortable upright position and their wrists supported.
Figure 5.2Positioning of the practitioner taking the pulse when the patient is supine. Note that the patient's arm is by
their side and the wrist is supported for maximal access to the artery.
A folded towel or small cushion can be used to support the wrist if necessary in either the
supine or sitting positions. This ensures that the radial artery is easily accessible and that the
blood flow is unimpeded. Additionally, such support limits any movement in the wrist that
maybe introduced by the practitioner when applying finger pressure to assess the pulse at
different levels of depth.
5.1.1. Speaking
Ideally there should be no speaking between the practitioner and patient during the pulse
assessment process. When the patient speaks this will change their respiration, position of the
diaphragm and oxygen requirements, also changing the pulse contour and pulse rate.
When the practitioner speaks during the pulse assessment, this often is a sign that they are
not focused on the assessment process. Occasionally, speaking is required and is usually done
in response to further elucidation of any pulse findings. For example, the presence of missed
beats requires further questioning to determine whether the patient was aware of this. This
should be kept to relevant questions if concurrently assessing the pulse.
The portion of the radial pulse used for assessment is located proximal to the wrist crease
directly above the pulsation of the radial artery adjacent to the styloid process of the radius.
This is known as the Cun Kou pulse, and from the time of the Nan Jing it was considered to
be the convergence point of movement through all the conduit vessels. The Second Difficult
Issue in the Nan Jing discusses the length of the Cun Kou position, describing it as 1.9 Cun
in length. Proportionally, this is about one sixth of the area between the transverse elbow
crease and the wrist crease, assuming the length of the forearm is 12 Cun (or anatomical
units) (see Fig. 5.3). In metric measurement this is approximately 3–5 cm. However, exact
measurements are not necessarily applied because locating the pulse positions primarily
depends on the location of the styloid process and the relative size of the patient.
Figure 5.3Styloid process, the radial artery and location of the three pulse positions Cun, Guan and Chi and other related
anatomical structures. The Cun (inch) measurements indicate the portion of the artery used for pulse assessment.
A clear and discernable rhythmic movement should be apparent at this region when palpated.
If there is no pulse detectable then this can indicate:
• Correct location and finger placement but the radial artery is not located at the wrist.
This is termed a deviated artery.
5.2.2. When to look for a deviated radial artery
If the pulse appears to be absent or extremely faint, look for the presence of a pulsation on the
posterior or lateral part of the wrist, in the vicinity of the radial styloid process. If there is a
significant pulsation, this indicates a deviated radial artery. In this case, the radial artery runs
very superficially and both the artery and pulsations can be easily observed. When the artery is
located at this region, the pulse cannot be used for palpation purposes except for assessing
rate and rhythm.
• Ganglions
• Surgical procedures for carpal tunnel syndrome rearranging soft tissue structures
• Other surgical procedures for arthritis in which carpal bones can be removed
Because the three pulse positions are determined proportionally according to an individual's
size, this means that the same procedure needs to be followed every time to ensure exact
location of these positions within the same physique and between different physiques (Box
5.2). Of the three positions Cun, Guan and Chi, it is the central position Guan which is
associated with a specific surface anatomical landmark; the styloid process. For this reason,
the Guan position should always be located first as the locations of the Cun and Chi
positions depend on the initial location of Guan.
Box 5.2
Locating the three positions
The actual finger placement is proportional to the size of the wrist: on a tall person the wrist
is larger, and so the three positions and fingers are spaced further apart. Conversely, on a
shorter person the wrist is proportionally smaller and so the three fingers are positioned closer
together. However, for all patients the positioning of the fingers on the pulse should always
be undertaken in reference to the styloid process and the location of the Guan position. Using
either the Cun or the Chi position for this purpose will lead to incorrect placement of the
fingers. (This doesn't work with children.)
With the practitioner's thumb resting lightly on the back of the patient's wrist the fingers
should be arranged so that the tips are level with one another. It is the tips of the fingers
which should be used for palpation, exerting equal pressure to feel the three pulse positions
simultaneously. The fingers can be used:
• For comparative purposes, assessing the overall pulse in one side with the other
5.3.3. The anatomy of the radius and support of the radial artery
Because of the shape of the radial bone and the depression formed between it and the styloid
process, the support provided by the styloid to the radial artery at the wrist varies. For
example, at the Guan position the pulse wave and arterial structure are both felt more
distinctly than at the Cun or Chi position alone. Because of the support offered by the styloid
bone at the Guan position, the artery sits relatively superficial. Less skin, and thinner
epidermal/fasciae layers, mean a ‘clearer’ pulse image when palpating and facilitates better
detection of arterial parameters such as tension.
At the Chi position the radial bone sinks away from the surface with the artery similarly
becoming deeper. In order to detect pulses clearly it is often necessary to provide support
under the artery. Having the artery supported means it can be compressed and so the pulse is
detectable for diagnostic purposes. If no support is provided then the artery and pulses remain
indistinct. For this reason palpation of the Chi positions often results in a pulse that is felt
deeper or less strongly when compared to the pulse at the Guan positions. It is only after
pressure is applied and the artery is supported by the bone that the pulse is felt distinctly.
Sometimes the direction of finger pressure needs to be adjusted to ensure that the artery is
being compressed into a firm surface, such as the tendons located medially to the radial
artery. (This may account for the traditional description of the pulse at this position, the
Kidney pulse, being located like a ‘pebble at the bottom of a stream’ or described as ‘insects
crawling around the bone’.)
The Cun pulse positions are in a depression between two bony structures. These structures
are the styloid process and the scaphoid bone. For this reason, the pulse and artery are less
supported at the Cun position than at the Guan position, but are felt more distinctly than the
Chi positions because of the stabilisation offered to the artery by these bones. However, as at
the Chi position, the lack of direct underlying support under the cun positions often means
the pulse and artery are not felt as distinctly at the Guan position, but are not as deeply
located as the Chi position.
Box 5.3
Fingertips and fingernails
• The fingertips are the most sensitive regions of the finger. Individuals who play
the guitar will find that the skin thickens at the tips of the fingers and for this
reason, sensitivity to the pulse is often substantially lessened, if not absent. In such
instances the finger pads rather than the tips should be used for assessing the pulse.
• The length of the fingernails can also prevent the use of the fingertips for pulse
assessment. In such circumstances, the finger pads can be used or the nails
regularly trimmed.
Box 5.4
• The fingers of the right hand are used to palpate the left wrist pulse.
• The fingers of the left hand are used to palpate the right wrist pulse.
Assessment of pulse depth is discussed in greater detail below, and this requires a specific
technique to locate the levels of depth. Lateral and longitude assessment of the pulse are
respectively discussed in Chapter 6 in the section on assessing the pulse parameter length and
in Chapter 7 in relation to assessment of the pulse parameter arterial wall tension.
positions are often ascribed to the upper region of the torso, the thoracic cavity, and changes
in the pulse specifically at these two positions (the left and right Cun) indicate dysfunction of
this region. Similarly, the Guan and Chi positions are ascribed respectively to the abdominal
and pelvic cavities and the pulses are said to infer the function of these regions. The thoracic,
abdominal and pelvic cavities are termed the upper, middle and lower Heaters (or Jiao)
respectively. The pulse positions Cun, Guan and Chi also are simultaneously assigned to
different channels, organs or regions of the body depending on the system used for
interpreting the pulse information. In this sense then, the left Cun position for example is
associated with the Heart and Small Intestine channel, the anatomical region of the chest, as
well as reflecting the upper Jiao when paired with the right Cun position (Fig. 5.5). Besides
associating each position to specific organ and channel entities, the three pulse positions are
used for assessing the overall pulse qualities. These qualities include specific changes in the
pulse wave and arterial structure that often occur across the three positions and are used to
infer the nature of an illness and the effect it is having on the body.
Figure 5.5Association of the three pulse positions to the three regions of the body and their relationship to the organs.
Hue Mai Xue, three levels of depth are often required for pulse assessment. There are even
systems of pulse assessment based on the writings of the Nan Jing that palpate up to five
levels of depth, and other systems state up to eight levels of depth (Hammer 2001), but these
systems are not widely used. There are three commonly used levels of depth: superficial,
middle and deep.
Figure 5.6Radial artery, the pulse and assessment of pulse depth. The pulse depth relates to either the physical presence of
the artery situated superficially or deep (A) or can be classified by the degree of finger pressure required to feel the
strongest pulsation between the three levels of depth (B). Two examples are shown. One where the pulse is strongest at
the superficial level of depth the other where the pulse is felt strongest at the deep level of depth.
The parameter of pulse depth may be interpreted in two ways. Firstly, it refers to the level of
depth where the radial arterial pulsation is found to be the strongest, regardless of the overall
intensity of the pulsation. That is, we need to determine the relative strength of each level of
depth. An integral part of determining pulse depth involves examination of the effect on
radial pulsation of differing amounts of pressure exerted on the radial artery.
Secondly, pulse depth can refer to the level of depth at which the radial artery is physically
located. This may be the result of anatomical structural variations within the subcutaneous
layer of tissue overlying the radial artery, or the anatomical variations in the musculature and
tendinous insertions around the forearm and wrist area. Diagnostically, the level of depth may
be affected by pathological processes occurring within the body, resulting in either a pulse
that can be felt strongest at the superficial or deep level of depth, or perhaps equally strong at
all three levels of depth. Other factors affecting where the pulse can be felt include the
strength of cardiac contraction.
necessary to correctly identify the strongest level. This is achieved by using consistent pressure
across all three fingers to palpate to each of the three levels of depth; the superficial level of
depth initially, followed by the deep and then middle levels of depth. Pulses at the three
depths are found as follows.
• Superficial: This is found by resting the fingertips lightly on the skin surface. No pressure
should be applied except that of the resting pressure of the fingers on the skin surface. (The
superficial level of depth is not the depth at which the pulse is first felt.) The superficial
level is defined as being located directly below the skin level. It is common not to feel any
pulse at this level of depth; this is diagnostically just as important as having felt a pulse at
the superficial level.
• Deep: This level of depth is found by occluding the radial artery (pressing the artery
firmly against the radial bone) and then releasing the pressure gently until the pulse can be
felt again. (The Mai Jing states ‘press to the bone and then release the pressure’ to feel this
level of depth; alternatively, the pressure required is greater than the weight of 12 soybeans
(Wang, Yang trans 1997).) This approach creates an initial rush in the blood flow when
pressure is released slightly after occluding the pulse. A few seconds should be allowed to
enable the pulse to equalise before assessment. It is important to take care not to release so
much pressure as to move the fingers into the middle level of depth (Fig. 5.7).
Figure 5.7Compression of the artery by finger pressure to assess the ease of pulse occlusion. In (A) compression of the
artery occurs only when heavy pressure is applied by the finger, where the bone provides a stabllising support against
which to occlude the artery. In (B) the artery is easily compressed at a more superficial level because of the lack of
arterial pressure due to vacuity (deficiency) patterns of Qi or Blood.
Note: With some pulses it may seem extremely difficult to occlude the artery, with the
pulse still felt beyond Chi. When this occurs, it is not a failure to occlude the pulse but
rather it is the continuing presence of pulse waves moving from the heart to the periphery
and hitting into the side of the palpating finger. When pulses are detected on the side of
the finger during pulse occlusion, this is usually a sign of strength in the pulse. Whether
the pulse strength reflects health or illness requires further assessment. When enough
pressure is applied to stop movement of the pulse under the fingers then the pulse is
considered to be occluded whether or not the pulse continues to be felt at the side of the
ring finger.
• Middle: This level of depth is found by applying a moderate pressure to the radial artery
(not sufficient to occlude it), somewhere between superficial and deep. It is detected by
exerting more pressure than required to palpate the superficial level but not enough to
occlude the pulse. The middle level is located after initially locating the superficial and
deep levels, which are found first in order to ascertain the amount of pressure required to
palpate to the middle level. This level is an estimate of the halfway point between the two
pulse depth extremes.
The order of finding the levels of depth is important to ensure that assessment is occurring at
the correct level of depth. It is relatively easy to observe whether assessment is occurring at
the superficial level of depth but difficult to locate the middle level of depth, located at the
‘halfway mark’, without first knowing the degree of strength required to find the deep level.
As the pulse taker moves from the superficial level to deeper within the pulse, believing that
they are at the deep level of depth, they may in fact only be in the middle level of depth. This
can occur because no baseline has been established to give a context to both the middle and
deeper levels of depth.
• The pulse is felt strongest at this level of depth; it may still be felt with less finger
pressure at the other levels of depth, superficial and middle, it is just less strong
• The pulse cannot be felt at middle or superficial and only felt at the deep level of depth.
In these scenarios, the level of depth of a pulse is the level at which the pulse is felt strongest.
Several pulse qualities are defined or identified in this manner. For example, the Floating
pulse is defined by the fact that it is felt strongest at the superficial level of depth and
sequentially less at the other levels of depth when finger pressure is increased. In this way the
Floating pulse is determined not only by the presence at the superficial level of depth but also
by its diminishing strength at deeper levels. With other pulse qualities, too, it is both the
presence of strength at one level of depth and the absence of strength or a detectable pulse at
another level of depth that is used for identifying that particular pulse. Another example is
the Scallion Stalk (Hollow) pulse which is also felt strongest at the superficial level of depth
and is absent at the middle and deep level of depth when further finger pressure is applied.
(Note, however, that for the Scallion Stalk pulse other parameters in addition to depth
assessment are of equal importance in defining the pulse.) The level of depth where the pulse
is felt strongest is also often the level of depth where the arterial wall and pulse contour are
clearly felt as well.
If the pulse is viewed from an anatomical or pressure wave perspective, then the superficial
pulse indicates an artery located near the skin surface or a pulse with sufficient force for the
flow wave to expand the blood vessel. A pulse felt strongest at the deep level of depth can also
indicate either an artery obscured by the skin and overlying tissue, or an artery with
insufficient support, or simply a pulse that is strongest at the deep level. This may reflect a
poor pulse force, which does not allow the flow wave to expand the vessel; and this may be
due to a poor heart function or dilution of pulse strength through other factors such as arterial
dilatation (see Chapter 2). The vessel wall can also constrict or be compressed by the
surrounding connective tissue, restricting clear expansion of the pulse wave. From these
examples, it can be seen that probably a number of different mechanisms are involved in the
formation of a deep pulse. However, irrespective of why a deep pulse occurs, a pulse felt
strongest at the deep level of depth is broadly categorised as Yin. The Eight Principles (Ba
Gang) approach to pulse assessment in particular categorises pulse in this way, categorising a
pulse as either Yin or Yang.
viewed from a CM perspective as the point of interchange between Yin and Yang, the fluxing
between the two ‘poles’ of form (deep level) and function (superficial level) (Box 5.5). When
the pulse is felt strongest at the middle level of depth this is viewed as a sign of balance
between Yang or function (Qi) and the interplay with Yin or form (Blood). The middle level
of depth is where the pulse should be felt strongest on most individuals. When the pulse is
felt strongest only at the superficial or only at the deep levels of depth then this more than
likely reflects ill health, dysfunction or maybe a prognostic sign inferring ill health. In this
scenario, a pulse occurring strongest at the superficial level of depth reflects Yang-type
illnesses or conditions that have caused Yang to become hyperactive. This is seen in cases of
febrile conditions producing delirium, or in conditions with dream-filled restless sleep.
Similarly, a pulse occurring strongest at the deep level of depth reflects Yin-type illnesses or
conditions that have constrained or depleted the Yang, causing the pulse to contract into the
deeper regions of the artery. Yin conditions often involve organ dysfunction.
Box 5.5
• Middle level of depth reflects the balanced interplay between Qi (function) and
Blood (form)
In their simplest form, the overall CM pulse qualities in the literature are used in this context,
identifying the nature and location of an illness, whether Yin or Yang. In this way, the
superficial level of depth reflects the Yang, the middle level of depth the action of Qi with
Blood, and the deep level of depth the organs/Yin.
to inform diagnosis and treatment. These CM pulse qualities and the associated parameters
that define them are discussed in detail in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7.
Box 5.6
Other circumstantial information gained from the process of pulse palpation
• Finger nails: Is there any cracking or deformity in the fingernails? Observe the
colour of the nails and nail bed. A pale colour indicates poor circulation and can be
related to blood vacuity. A bluish colour can indicate hypoxia and relates to poor
lung and cardiac function. White indicates complete vasoconstriction.
• Skin: Feel the temperature and texture of the skin and flesh overlying the artery.
Is the skin warm, cold or clammy? Is the skin texture rough, indicating dryness, or
soft, indicating fluid retention?
• Wrist size: Observe the size of the wrist to make a judgement on whether the
arterial width is appropriate. Is the artery proportional to individual's body size?
• Veins: Observe the colour and shape of the veins. Can they be easily observed?
Are they distended (indicates stagnation or increased arterial pressure)? Are they
blue, green or red in colour?
• Radial artery: Is the artery easily observable? Are there visible pulsations? A
visible artery can indicate an increase in arterial tension while visible pulsations
indicate pulse force or a superficially located pulse.
Yet the normal presentation for one pulse parameter does not necessarily exclude the
potential that another pulse parameter is simultaneously presenting abnormally. For example,
a pulse rate of 70 bpm is considered healthy, within the normal range, but when accompanied
by increased arterial tension, where the arterial wall becomes hard, then the pulse is not
normal. When determining whether the pulse is normal or not, all aspects of the pulse
therefore need to be considered.
There are a range of additional variables specific to the individual that also need to be given
consideration when determining if the pulse is normal or not. They include body size,
physique, exercise levels, age, gender and seasonal variables. In this sense, the normal pulse
refers to an individual's usual pulse.
• Shen: This refers to the relative strength of the pulse, which has a constant rate and
regular rhythm. The Shen is used in this sense to refer to physical heart function: the
parameters associated with the strength of pulsation and regularity of heart contraction. It
represents the functioning of Qi of the Heart. Assessment of this attribute or factor should
occur at any level of depth and any position. What constitutes healthy and unhealthy
presentation of the parameters for this pulse attribute is discussed in Chapter 6 and
Chapter 7 in the discussion on pulse rate, pulse rhythm and pulse force.
• Stomach Qi: This refers to the rate of rise and decline in the blood flow wave as it passes
under the fingers, where the contour of the pulse reflects Stomach Qi. The attribute or
factor refers to adequate levels of Qi and blood and their interaction. There is an obvious
relationship to dietary factors and adequate intake of appropriate food to produce blood
and Qi. Ni's (1995) translation of the Nei Jing states that the Yang pulses reflect the health
of the Stomach Qi. Pulses lacking strength, arterial expansion and are short are therefore
classified as Yin or as pulses which lack Stomach Qi (p. 30). This relates to the blood
quantity filling the artery and sufficient Qi to motivate blood expansively.
• Root: This is used to refer to the Kidneys (assessed at the Chi pulse positions) or
assessment of the Kidneys at the deep level of depth across all three positions. (The
association of the Kidneys with the deep level of depth is discussed at length in the Mai
Jing .) The concept is used to refer to a pulse with foundation. That is, there should be at
least some presence of the pulse in the deeper levels of the artery. This is not always the
case with certain illnesses, but in health, presence of Root means the Yin is anchoring the
Yang. In this way, a pulse overly strong at the superficial level of depth indicates the lack of
Yin anchoring the Yang.
Of the three concepts, the Root is of most importance. The Shen level may be transient and
more affected by moment-to-moment changes than the other two levels. Poor sleep will
result in decreased strength at the Shen level, yet the Root should remain unaffected. The
Root reflects the foundation of health in the body. As long as the Root is present then
prognosis is good, as it is when the pulse has a regular rhythm and a constant strength.
When the pulse rhythm, strength or contour begins to fluctuate, whether from moment to
moment, or within the same individual over a longer period of time, then the outlook is
indicative of potential and/or actual dysfunction.
– Rhythm: Regular
– Depth: Felt at all three levels of depth but relatively strongest in the middle or deep
level of depth
– Length: Felt at the three pulse positions Cun, Guan and Chi, and/or beyond Chi
• Arterial structure
– Width: Appropriate to the individual's physique and the circulation reaching the
periphery to warm the skin, toes and fingers
– Arterial tension: There should be some tensile strength in the arterial wall, but it
should be capable of being externally indented when moderate finger pressure is applied,
or internally expanded by the arterial pulse wave
– Pulse occlusion: With increasing finger pressure the pulse should be felt at least at two
levels of depth before being occluded. Pulsation on the body side of the ring finger is
likely to be present when occluded
• Pulse waveform
– Force: Pulse hits the fingers with strength with a distinct rise and fall in the pulse
amplitude — pulse rises against the fingers
There are various arrangements of the organs or channels at the wrist pulse positions that
have been described in the CM literature in the past. Variations in arrangement of the organs
and channels are discussed extensively in many texts and are not repeated here. However,
listed below are two most commonly used arrangements which are relevant to contemporary
clinical practice. Each of these arrangements is described in the Nan Jing and Bin Hue Mai
Xue . The first relates to the arrangement of channels, the other to the organs. The channel
arrangement at the wrist pulse positions is often used in acupuncture, while the organ
arrangement at the wrist positions is often described for use in herbal medicine. There is also
a third arrangement that blends aspects of the acupuncture channel and herbal organ
arrangements together. These distinctions can be further described as follows:
TABLE 5.1 The pulse positions and their relationship to the 12 main acupuncture channels as noted in the Nan Jing
Left side Superficial Deep Deep Superficial Right side
Small intestine Heart Cun Lung Large intestine
Gallbladder Liver Guan Spleen Stomach
Bladder Kidney Chi Pericardium Triple Heater
Yang Yin Yin Yang
• Herbal organ anatomical arrangement: This places the SI and LI respectively at the
superficial regions of the left and right Chi positions. This is done as the SI and LI organs
are located in the lower regions of the body and so the pulse arrangement of the organs at
these positions reflects this arrangement. This model is often explained by the focus in
herbal medicine on organic disease. Herbs traditionally interact with the organs (Table
TABLE 5.2 The pulse positions and the relationship to the organs as listed in the Bin Hue Mai Xue
Left side Superficial Deep Deep Superficial Right side
Chest Heart Cun Lung Chest
Gallbladder Liver Guan Spleen Stomach
Small intestine Kidney (Yin) Chi Kidney (Yang) Large intestine
Yang Yin Yin Yang
Secondary English sources of the classics further distinguish the Kidney pulses in the Bin Hue
Mai Xue model, with the Kidney pulse on the Left side reflecting Kidney Yin and the Kidney
pulse on the right side reflecting Kidney Yang. The division of the Kidney pulse in this way
appears to be a contemporary adaptation. For example, Birch (1992) in his literature review
on radial pulse positions notes the division of the pulse into Kidney Yin and Kidney Yang as
not occurring in the classical pulse literature he reviewed, whereas secondary English
translations often denote this division.
There are more ways of associating the different levels of depth than these mentioned above.
Further information can be found in the Nan Jing, Mai Jing and various other contemporary
texts on the topic.
5.10. Comparison of the overall force of the left and right radial pulse
In addition to the techniques for locating the pulse positions and different pulse depths, pulse
assessment and some associated theoretical pulse assumption systems require examination of
the relative differences in pulse strength, irrespective of the actual degree of strength or overall
force in the pulse. Whether a pulse is forceful or forceless is irrelevant when assessing relative
strength differences, as assessing relative differences in strength is achieved by:
• Comparing one position to another position (within and between different sides)
• Comparing one level of depth to another (also within and between different sides)
• Comparing the overall pulse on the left with the right side pulse
constitutional acupuncture.
Pulse diagnosis is viewed in the literature at one extreme as a technique that can be used for
diagnosing any condition and used in all situations, through to the other extreme where it is
useful only for assessing heart function. The decision to incorporate pulse into diagnosis into
the examination process therefore rests largely with the consulting practitioner and relates to
their personal views and perception of health, their education, practise of CM and experience.
Situations derived from the various views of authors where pulse diagnosis is considered an
appropriate assessment technique to use generally include:
• Dysfunction in the movement, production or storage of Qi, Blood, Essence and Fluids
• Psychological based illnesses including some forms of addictive behaviour and substance
needs to guard against assessing increased pulse rates due to any exertion undertaken by the
patient before the consultation. If pulse is taken at the beginning of consultation, it is
advisable that the patient be left to rest before pulse assessment commences.
• At the end of consultation: The end of the examination process is often when radial pulse
diagnosis takes place, often as a confirmatory process, to further corroborate what the other
signs and symptoms have already revealed. However, taking pulse at this stage can present
problems: there is the danger of trying to fit the assessed pulse pattern into the diagnosis
determined by the other diagnostic processes such as questioning, looking and listening. At
this stage of consultation, it can be argued that it is easy to ignore certain characteristics
that do not fit in with diagnosis, or to perceive changes that do not really exist. This may
especially occur when a specific CM quality is not clearly present in a definitive form. (By
using the pulse parameter system, we can take into account the various degrees of all
changes that are occurring within the pulse.)
Despite the two contradictory views there are some general guidelines regarding the
appropriate time to take the pulse.
• When the patient has rested and introductions have been made (make sure the heart rate
is not effected by extensive conversation, exertion, exercise or prior movement).
• Use pulse diagnosis at the beginning of the assessment process rather than at the end to
ensure that the reading is not being biased by other information.
• It is important to remember that the patient may provide responses to questions that are
contradictory, or they may be elusive. In this case, the pulse may give a better indication as
to what is occurring than the patient's answers. Questioning can be guided by the pulse
findings, and at least used to gain a better perspective in broad terms about what may be
• Consuming food will disturb the pulse. Assessment should therefore occur at the end of
the consultation if the patient has eaten beforehand.
Once it is established that pulse assessment is appropriate and when to take the pulse, the
practitioner then needs to use a methodical approach in gathering the information by pulse
• Establishing a routine which will lend itself to heightened focus when assessing pulse
• Ensuring that all aspects of the pulse are assessed and none are missed.
It should be clearly noted that there are a number of different methods described in the
literature, and different practitioners will inevitably favour one approach over another. Some
practitioners also develop their own methods to gather information about the different
parameters of the pulse. There is no right or wrong approach to gathering the information.
However, the practitioner should always aim to develop a consistent method for pulse
Step 1: Locate the pulse positions and place the fingers on these
Step 2: Feel the overall pulse with all fingers on the three pulse positions Cun, Guan and
Stage 1 is about overall impressions of the pulse, so it isn't strictly necessary to locate the
three levels of depth exactly. Rather, simply move the fingers towards the bone, occlude the
pulse and gently raise the fingers back towards the superficial level of depth.
When arriving at an overall impression of the pulse it is useful to consider the following
• Is the pulse felt clearly?
• Are there any distinct or unusual presentations of the pulse and related parameters? That
is, is the pulse noticeably superficial, or is there noticeable tension in the arterial wall?
• Does the pulse have a contour or does the arterial wall dominate?
• Does the pulse rebound against the finger when pressure is released?
• Do your first impressions correlate with the individual's physical build and apparent state?
• Does the pulse feel fast or slow? (Note that this initial stage of assessment is about your
first impressions of the pulse and it is not necessary to actually take the actual measure of
pulse rate at this stage).
When first feeling the pulse it is important not to be swayed by your first impressions into
making a premature diagnosis. When feeling the pulse, what often occurs is that a particular
change in one of the pulse parameters is quickly apparent when illness is present. For
example, there may be an increase in arterial tension, or the pulse is noticeably strongest at
the superficial level of depth, or pulse force is greatly reduced or pulse rate increased. In this
instance caution must be used not to classify the pulse into a CM pulse quality based on the
most apparent change in the one parameter alone. For example, it would be easy to call any
pulse that has an increase in arterial tension a Stringlike (Wiry) pulse. This would be
incorrect, as there are several distinctive pulse qualities that all manifest with an increased in
arterial tension and the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse is simply one of these. Also, the Stringlike
(Wiry) pulse is associated with changes in other pulse parameters and not simply based on
arterial tension alone. If a pulse is forcibly classified into one of the overall qualities, then
important information is lost that can mean the difference in making a correct diagnosis and
formulating appropriate treatment.
• Length: Is the pulse long or short?
• Force: What is the overall force of the pulse? How does the strength vary between
positions and at different levels of depth?
• Contour and flow wave: Are there any changes in the contour and texture of the flow
By following a set of procedures and methods in this way, the practitioner is able to build a
diagnosis based on the pulse by adding the assessment of one pulse parameter to another. As
a picture of the parameters builds up, it may become apparent that the parameters are
presenting in such a way that they form one of the traditional CM pulse qualities described in
the literature. However, if the pulse parameters do not combine to form an easily identified
pulse quality, this need not be a cause for concern. Often, the pulse doesn't present as
described in the literature, so assessing the individual aspects or parameters of the pulse, such
as depth, width and length, is still just as informative. Table 5.3 is a summary of the
parameters listed in Stage 2 and gives a diagnostic context of the parameter and related
changes within a CM framework when using the parameters in this way.
TABLE 5.3 Summary of the pulse parameters, variations in their presentation and the relationship to CM theory
Description CM theory How the pulse is affected
May indicate:
A pulse felt strongest at the deep level and unable to be felt
1. Where disease is
superficially can indicate:
located. The superficial
level generally refers to 1. Deficiency of Qi and Blood
Depth the pulse can be felt the refers to internal A pulse felt strongest at the superficial level of depth can
strongest Yang Qi's ability to indicate:
move outwards 1. External attack
The strength of Yin Qi 2. Floating of Yang Qi due to deficiency of Yin (Yang loses
and its ability to anchor the anchoring effect of Yin) Width Diameter of the artery
Yang Qi
Increased width:
Diameter of the of factors: Blood, causing them to expand and fill the artery
artery The volume of Yin Floating of Yang due to deficiency of Yin not restraining
Width The area that the fluids and Blood Yang, whose nature is to move outward and upward
arterial wall displaces Relates to the arterial Lack of volume to fill artery pulse feels ‘hollow’, easily
laterally on the tension occluded
palpating finger
Affected by Damp Decreased width:
pulsations at Cun, Blood Hyperactivity of Yang: Yang excess disturbing Qi and Blood,
Guan, Chi, beyond Presence of heat causing them to expand and fill the artery
Cun and beyond Chi
Obstruction of Qi and
If the blood volume is decreased the pulse may feel ‘empty’.
If there is sufficient Qi and blood, then pulse may require
Refers to the amount of Influenced by the pulse force to occlude
pressure needed to force, volume, width and
occlusion If Yang Qi is hyperactive causing stagnation, increased
occlude the radial pulse arterial tension
tension in the pulse can make it difficult to occlude. A lack
of Yang Qi to provide the arterial wall with tone may lead
to easy occlusion
Reflects the quality and Hyperactive Yang Qi due to stagnation of Qi can cause
Flow longitudinal movement Also related to amount Deficiency of Blood/Yin fluids can cause blood flow to
wave of blood through the of Yang Qi, providing become turbulent
artery pulse with impetus to If Yang Qi is deficient then blood flow is less forceful, may
move be slower
Related to Yang Qi If blood is deficient, the pulse force will vary in intensity,
Refers to the texture of controlling the tone of unable to fill the vessels
the blood flow and the arterial wall If Yang Qi is hyperactive and the arterial walls are less
shape of the pulse Also related to volume flexible then arterial walls don't expand and contract as
of blood readily
Information pertaining to the specific assessment of the pulse parameters in Stage 2 above is
given in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7, along with a system of diagnostic interpretation of
assessment findings, including the related traditional CM pulse qualities. This chapter has
focused on the technique required to locate the positions and levels of depth for assessing the
parameters. Other techniques for assessing length, width, pulse occlusion, strength and
contour are included with the appropriate parameters to which they relate in Chapter 6 and
Chapter 7 as well.
5.12. Other considerations when assessing the pulse and interpreting the findings
In addition to the difficulties of applying different pulse assumption systems and pulse
descriptions from the literature, the complexity of the CM radial pulse diagnostic process is
heightened by other factors that must be taken into account when evaluating the pulse
according to the patient's individual characteristics and environment (Maciocia 1989). These
include influences such as seasonal effects, gender, age, level of fitness, occupation and body
type (Deng 1999, Maciocia 1989, O'Connor & Bensky 1981).
It has been assumed that these variables impact on the physiological presentation of the pulse,
and therefore obviously have important implications for the interpretation of an individual's
pulse qualities. As a result, it is necessary to consider these factors when examining the pulse,
to determine whether the pulse quality is appropriate for the individual rather than being
caused by a pathological disturbance. For example, the Slow pulse in CM theory is usually
associated with a Cold condition. However, if the patient is accustomed to regular exercise
(such as an athlete) then a Slow pulse may be quite normal. What might appear to be a
pathological pulse, when taken in the proper context and in the absence of any other
abnormal signs and symptoms, could be considered to be normal for the individual in
The following discussion on factors affecting the radial pulse is reproduced and modified with
permission from King (2001).
Despite the effects that such factors are believed to have on the pulse, such claims remain
untested and continue to appear unchallenged in many contemporary CM texts. As such, we
have presented these factors as a summative collection of information from the relevant
The human body was seen as a reflection of the universe, a microcosm within the macrocosm,
and therefore subject to the cyclical effects of nature. Health was dependent on living ‘in
accord with nature’ (Ni 1995: p. 53). This interaction of human beings with their
surroundings meant that changes in the environment were believed to be capable of affecting
the individual. The effect of the environment on the body is discussed at great length in the
Nei Jing . Different climatic circumstances resulted in different type of diseases. The seasons
influenced the type of illnesses that occurred, where they occurred within the body and the
way that treatment was conducted.
The weather … affects every living creature in the natural world and forms
the foundation for birth, growth, maturation, and death
The cycles of heaven and earth reflect in the constant changes in nature. Take
the example of seasonal weather changes … Every organism in nature adapts
and changes along with the seasonal cycles of germination in the spring, growth
and development in the summer, maturity and harvest of the autumn, and
storing or hibernating in the winter. The human pulse also corresponds to these
In particular, the effect of the four seasons on the pulse has been noted a number of times,
with descriptions of the qualities that the pulse reflected in each season.
In the spring, the pulse will mirror nature and become slightly wiry or round;
in the summer, it will enlarge and become flooding; in the fall, the pulse will
float to the surface; in the winter, it will sink to the interior.
The relationship between the eight winds and four seasons, the flow between
one season and another, will all determine the normal pulses in the body.
As a consequence, when diagnosing it was necessary to take the normal seasonal variations of
the pulse into consideration.
The influence of the seasons on the pulse is a concept that pervades the history of CM
literature. Chapter 15 of the Nan Jing is devoted to the discussion of the appropriate quality
for the pulse in each season. If the pulse did not reflect this quality, this indicated illness and
an explanation of the type of pathological pulse and its implications is included. Likewise, the
Mai Jing discusses the effect of season on the radial pulse in relation to the normal quality of
each season.
In both the classical and modern texts, there is some agreement concerning the presence of
seasonal variations in pulse. These changes generally relate to the depth and quality of the
pulse. For example:
These [seasons] influence the pulse, it being deeper in Wintertime and more
superficial in Summertime
The human body is subject to influence by climatic changes over the four seasons
… These changes are reflected on the pulse. During spring the tension of the
pulse gradually increases and becomes wiry. During summer … the pulse
overflows (like a hook). During autumn … the pulse becomes empty, floating,
soft and fine (like a hair). During winter … the pulse becomes deep and strong
In the spring … the tension of the pulse is enhanced and the wiry pulse appears;
in the summer … the pulse will be fully filled and thus a full pulse presents; in
the autumn … a pulse that is felt soft, light and floating, like a feather of a
bird, occurs; in the winter … Yang Qi of the human body also hides in the
depth or the interior of the body, causing the pulse to be deep and very forceful.
No matter how the pulse changes, as long as the changes correspond to the
seasons and are felt forceful and unhurried, it is a normal pulse
In moderate climates, the regular change of the seasons and their typical
weather produces slight inflections of the pulse on healthy individuals which
may be described in spring as an inflection in the direction of a stringy pulse, in
summer … a flooding pulse, in autumn … a superficial pulse and in winter …
submerged pulses … Yet none of these inflections, taken in isolatedly, may be
interpreted as a symptom of disease
In The Practical Jin's Pulse Diagnosis, a modern Chinese pulse text utilising a pulse diagnostic
system based on a combination of CM and biomedical knowledge, the influence of seasonal
change is still acknowledged. Changes in the pulse are attributed to physiological changes in
the body coping with the extreme changes of temperature through the four seasons. For
example, the pulse is ‘deep and solid’ in winter and ‘full … strong when it rises and weak
when it sinks’ in summer, as a result of the body's attempt to regulate its temperature (Wei,
Lu (trans) 1997: p. 108). Elsewhere in the text, changes in the rate of the pulse are noted in
winter (slow) and summer (rapid), while the spring pulse is said to be slightly wiry.
The wiry pulse, which is strong, thick, hard and wiry, is often felt in the
spring; the full pulse, which is felt strong when it rises and weak when it sinks,
is usually seen in summer … in autumn … the pulse is often felt full and
feather-like in shape; and in winter, the pulse is usually deep and solid …
5.12.2. Gender
The notion of a gender-based difference in pulse strength has persisted from early CM
teachings. Statements regarding the comparative strength of men and women's pulses can be
found in many classical and modern CM texts. This includes various differences in the
strength of the left and right hands, in the relative strength of the Cun, Guan and Chi
positions and an overall difference in strength (and sometimes pulse quality) between
The difference in strength according to gender appears to have its basis in Yin—Yang theory.
According to this theory, the left side of the body is considered Yang and the right side Yin.
Males should have more Yang energy, therefore males should have a stronger left side.
Women, being associated with Yin, should have a stronger right side. This follows for the
difference in the relative strength of the positions. In Yin Yang theory the upper position,
equated with Cun, is Yang and the lower position, equated with Chi, is Yin. Therefore, in
men the Cun position should be slightly stronger than Chi and vice versa for women.
The Nei Jing, one of the oldest extant Chinese medical classics, devotes a number of chapters
to the methodology, pathology and significance of the palpation of arteries around the body.
Differences in the pulse are noted in relation to pregnancy.
When examining the pulses, if one finds the Yin pulses are distinctly different
from the Yang pulses, this indicates pregnancy
The Nineteenth Difficult Issue in the Nan Jing introduces the concept of gender difference
regarding movement of energy in the vessels throughout the body. Gender was to be taken
into account when feeling the pulse to determine whether the pulse was normal. It was
considered normal for a male pulse to be ‘stronger above the gate’ (corresponding to the Cun
position) and in a female for the pulse to be stronger ‘below the gate’ (corresponding to the
Chi position). Using this system, doctors could identify the gender of their patient by pulse
alone. Patterns that would be considered normal in one gender would be, if found in the
other, pathological.
In males [a strong movement in] the vessels appears above the gate; in females
[a strong movement in the] vessels appears below the gate.
(Furth 1999: p. 50).
Differences in the overall force and qualitative aspects of the pulse are noted in relation to
gender. The Mai Jing describes the differences in quality and strength between female and
The pulses in females are inclined to be more soggy and weaker than in males
… For males, the left (pulse) being larger is favourable, while for females the
right being larger is favourable’
The left is Yang and the right is Yin. Men have more Yang Qi … their left
hand is stronger. Women have more Yin blood … their right hand pulse is
However, although this was disputed by Flaws (1995), a modern TCM author, in his book
The Secret of Chinese Pulse Diagnosis, he neglects to elaborate further his own findings.
‘[Bin Hu says] … it is normal for men's pulses to be larger on the left and
women's to be larger on the right. I have not found this to be the case in my
clinical practice
Personally, I would say women's pulses are smaller on the left, at least in the
bar and cubit positions, due to their monthly loss of blood
In another translation of Li Shi Zhen's classic, The Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse (Li,
Flaws (trans) 1998) the relative strength of the Cun and Chi according to gender is discussed.
As long as the pulse remains normal in number of beats (and/or size and shape)
throughout the four seasons, it is normal for a woman's pulse to be sunken in the
inch and a man's pulse to be sunken in the cubit
In men, the Front [Cun] position should be very slightly stronger, while in
women the Rear [Chi] position should be so. This also follows the Yin-Yang
symbolism according to which upper is Yang (hence male) and lower is Yin
(hence female)
Alternatively, a ‘somewhat hook-like pulse’ is considered to be normal for everyone, with the
pulse starting off deep in the Chi position and then rising to become relatively floating in the
Cun position (Flaws 1997: p. 61). This would appear to correlate with the physiological
positioning of the radial artery which is situated deeper at the Chi position and then becomes
more superficially located due to support of the radial bone at Guan (refer to section 5.6.1).
Gender specificity in relation to pulse strength differences between right and left appears to
be abandoned in some modern Chinese texts, with references instead to overall differences in
strength. In particular, women's pulses are generally said to be weaker and faster than men's
In adult females, the pulse is usually softer and weaker than the males, because
they have more fat covering the vessels and their constitution is relatively
weaker than males.
In general, the pulse of men will be somewhat large and women will be
relatively weak, slightly fine and somewhat fast.
A woman's pulse is usually softer and slightly faster than a man's
Contemporary Western CM texts tend to reiterate the traditional theory regarding left/right
differences. O'Connor & Bensky (1981) state that women's right sides are usually stronger
than their left, while the opposite occurs in men. In addition, such pulse information is
believed by some to be able to predict the sex of an unborn child, so that if the pregnant
woman's right side is stronger then the child is female and if the left is stronger, it is male.
In their examination of the use of the pulse across cultures, Amber & Babey-Brooke (1993)
state that the CM pulse taking procedure differed according to sex; men have their left side
examined first and women the right side. This is explained by traditional theory that the left
side corresponds to Yang (associated with males) and the right side corresponds to Yin
(associated with females). Using this theory further, the left indicates disease in males while
the right side indicates disease in females. It is also noted that:
(the) left side is positive and the right side is negative in the male; the right side
positive and the left side negative in the female
In the absence of further clarification, it is assumed that the authors are referring to
comparative strength.
• An increase in the amount of circulating blood, mostly in the form of plasma. Blood
volume can increase from 30% to 50% and starts around 12 weeks of gestation, peaking at
28–34 weeks (Estes 2006). Other sources note that plasma volume starts from about 6
weeks gestation (Blackburn 2003 cited in Coad & Dunstall 2005).
• Cardiac output is greatly increased but arterial blood pressure remains the same, mostly
due to stroke volume.
• Heart rate increases by 10–15 bpm. Basal metabolic rate usually increases by 15–25% due
to increased oxygen consumption and to foetal metabolic demands (Estes 2006).
• Peripheral resistance to blood flow is reduced and blood flow to extremities (hands and
feet) is increased due to peripheral vasodilatation resulting in warm hands and feet (Stables
& Rankin 2005).
5.12.4. Age
Differences stated in relation to age mainly concern children and adults (young and old) in
terms of pulse rate and strength, with younger people generally considered to have more
forceful pulses than older people (Fig. 5.8). This reflects the belief that Qi and Blood decline
with age and this is reflected in the pulse. An increased heart rate in children is noted in a
number of TCM texts. In children the pulse rate is significantly faster; it decreases through
childhood into adulthood. A newborn baby is likely to have an average heart rate of 140 bpm
(Estes 2006: p. 253). One author (Wei, Lu (trans) 1997) noted that in adults, the pulse is
slower in younger people and faster in older people:
Figure 5.8Variation in pulse wave form with age. Age-related differences are attributable to stiffening of the arterial walls,
causing the reflective wave to move from the diastole to systole. This causes a higher mean sustained pressure in systole in
older people.(After Figure 3.2.4 in AtCor Medical 2006, A clinical guide: pulse wave analysis, with permission of AtCor
Medical Pty.)
The Qi and blood of elderly people are vacuous and weak, and the pulse is
vacuous and without force. The Qi and blood of young, strong people are
effulgent and exuberant, and the pulse arrives replete and with force
(Deng 1999: p. 92).
(The pulse) is usually … rapid and hard in the aged, slow and forceful in the
young …
Young people with a strong constitution usually have a strong pulse beat, while
the aged usually have a weak and hard pulse because they are weak in
constitution and their elasticity of the vessels is lowered
Some of the references in the literature to body size and influence on the pulse are as follows:
Heavily built people tend to have slower pulses than slighter people
A heavy person's pulse tends to be slow and deep, while a thin person's is more
A thin body with thin muscles will have a somewhat floating pulse; a fat body
with thick layers will have a somewhat deep pulse. These cannot be taken as
A thin person with fine muscles mostly presents relatively superficial pulse; and
a fat person with thick fat in the epithelium, most presents deep pulse, or the
pulse in the lower level
Fat people mostly have a deep pulse. Skinny people have comparatively large
Obese people tend to have fine and deep pulses, while thin people have large
5.13. Summary
Although assumptions concerning the pulse and the effect of factors such as seasonal
changes, gender, age and body type are usually included in modern CM pulse literature, this
often appears cursory, with little elaboration on why or how these variables influences pulse
characteristics. While physiologically based differences may help to possibly explain, to some
degree, the influence of body type, age and gender on the pulse, the effect of the seasons
appears to be slightly more esoteric.
The seasonal effects on the pulse are described in great detail in the classical literature such as
the Nei Jing and Mai Jing, but have largely tended to fall out of favour in modern texts. This
may reflect the theoretical rather than clinical relevance of the information. It should also be
remembered that CM theory developed in a country with a wide geographical diversity,
where the seasonal differences are sharply pronounced and temperature ranges extreme. This
may indeed explain why certain disease patterns are more prevalent in certain regions of the
country and at certain times of the year. Such effects on the body would therefore be expected
to impact on the pulse. However, this may not translate into countries experiencing milder
climatic changes.
One aspect of the seasonal relationship with pulse that may have some relevance to clinical
practice is the body's response to changes in temperature. It is well documented in
biomedicine that in response to increased body temperature, there is vasodilatation of the
blood vessels close to the surface of the skin to help release heat into the surrounding
environment. Conversely, with decreased body temperature there is vasoconstriction, so that
the blood vessel walls contract inward to conserve body heat. This may partially explain the
CM assumption that the pulse is more superficial in summer and deeper in winter. Clinically,
a deep pulse presenting in a patient in very hot weather may therefore be an indication of
dysfunction, reflecting an inability of the body to regulate itself.
The information pertaining to the pulse and the effect of season, gender, age and body type
has existed from early CM literature, yet there has been very little investigation into the
validity of these relationships in a modern context. There is a paucity of demographic
information available to document the effect of any of these factors on the pulse generally and
it is therefore difficult to definitively say how these will impact on the pulse presentation in a
clinical setting. Preliminary demographic investigations into the pulse and some of these
variables, using a reliable pulse taking methodology and pulse terminology (shown to have
high levels of inter-rater reliability), have revealed some interesting gender differences in a
healthy group of subjects (King 2001). Male pulses were generally rated as more forceful than
female, with the pulse also rated as more easily occluded in females than males. Differences in
the length of the pulse were also apparent, with males classified with long pulses (90%) more
often than females (56%). There was no support for the perceived CM gender-based
difference in pulse strength between left and right sides, with a significant majority of subjects
found to have a stronger pulse on the right side regardless of gender (73% of females and 69%
of males) (King 2001: p. 85). It was surmised that this may have been due, in part, to the fact
that most subjects were right handed and therefore blood flow to the dominant hand may be
influenced by increased muscle mass; further research using a larger cohort of left-handed
subjects is necessary to examine this theory. However, CM theory states that the relative
increase in strength on one side compared to the other is influenced only by gender, not
necessarily by handedness.
This study also provided some limited support for the existence of three individual pulse
positions at the wrist area, with differences in strength perceived between Cun, Guan and
Chi. It was found that the Chi position was found to be the weakest position overall in both
males and females, while Cun or Guan were most frequently rated as the strongest (King
2001: p. 138). There was also support for the existence of three levels of depth, with the pulse
rated as strongest at the middle or deep levels of depth in the majority of subjects. This would
be expected in a healthy cohort and gives some credence to the CM theory of the healthy
pulse having Root, that is, a presence at a deeper level of depth.
Body type and the relationship to pulse depth were also examined in the study. Generally, it
was found that the pulse was less frequently found at the superficial level of depth in heavier
people (body mass index (BMI) >25), while in slimmer people the pulse was found to be
present more frequently at both the superficial and deep levels of depth.
Body type was also an important feature in the findings of an individual's pulse being
categorised as forceful or not forceful as reported by Walsh (2003). Generally, although it was
not statistically significant, there was an overall trend towards the pulse being reported as less
forceful as body weight increased (ANOVA, p = 0.06). However, when gender was
considered in analysis using correlation coefficients, women with a greater body weight were
more often reported to have ‘not forceful’ pulses in correlation assessments of tonometry and
manual palpation. Further, when objective tonometry measurements of the time taken for the
heart to contract were considered as well, there was a significant relationship between weight,
gender and increase in systolic heart contraction variables, with an accumulative 81%
explanation of the nature of the relationship for an assessor's selection of the pulse as ‘forceful’
or ‘not forceful’. Women were reported to have less forceful pulses than men.
The concept of a seasonal effect on the pulse and level of depth was given limited support by
the finding that generally the pulse was rated strongest at a relatively deeper level of depth in
winter than summer, in the same group of subjects (King 2001: p. 143). However, the sample
size was relatively small in this case, so replication of these findings in a larger sample size is
The scope for research into the most basic underpinnings of CM pulse theory is great. Many
of the fundamental concepts for the various systems of pulse interpretation such as Five Phase
and San Jiao are based on the assumption that three pulse positions exist at the wrist region,
yet very little research has been undertaken to investigate the validity of this concept. This
also holds true for the theoretical existence of different levels of pulse depth, which is
particularly relevant for Five Phase pulse diagnosis and the traditional CM pulse qualities.
Further demographic information needs to be collected about the features of the ‘normal’
pulse before the possible effects of factors such as body type, gender and seasonal effects can
be investigated. Therefore, although they are interesting, the assumptions about these factors
should be used with a degree of caution. It is more clinically valuable to examine a patient's
pulse in terms of the changes in individual pulse parameters and evaluate how these
contribute to the pattern manifesting with the other presenting signs and symptoms.
R Amber, A Babey-Brooke, The pulse in Occident and Orient. (1993) Santa Barbara Press,
New York .
S Birch, Naming the Unnameable: A historical study of radial pulse six position diagnosis,
TAS 12 (1992) 2–13.
J Coad, M Dunstall, Anatomy and physiology for midwives. 2nd edn. (2005) Elsevier,
Edinburgh .
T Deng, Practical diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine. (1999) Churchill Livingstone,
Edinburgh .
ME Estes, Health assessment and physical examination. 3rd edn. (2006) Thomson Delmar
Learning, Australia .
B Flaws, The secret of Chinese pulse diagnosis. (1995) Blue Poppy Press, Boulder, CO .
B Flaws, The secret of Chinese pulse diagnosis. 2nd edn. (1997) Blue Poppy Press, Boulder, CO
C Furth, A flourishing yin: gender in China's medical history, 960–1665. (1999) University of
California Press, Berkeley .
L Hammer, Chinese pulse diagnosis: a contemporary approach. (2001) Eastland Press, Seattle .
T Kaptchuk, Chinese medicine: web that has no weaver, revised edn. (2000) Rider, London .
E King, Do the radial qualities of traditional Chinese medicine provide a reliable diagnostic tool?:
an examination of pulse relationships stated in modern and classical Chinese texts [MSc].
(2001) University of Technology, Sydney .
SZ Li, B Flaws, The lakeside master's study of the pulse. (1998) Blue Poppy Press, Boulder, CO
; (translator).
SZ Li, HK Huynh, Pulse diagnosis. (1981) Paradigm, Brookline, MA ; (translator).
Y Lu, Pulse diagnosis. (1996) Shandong Science and Technology Press, Jinan .
G Maciocia, The foundations of Chinese medicine. (1989) Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh .
G Maciocia, Diagnosis in Chinese medicine: a comprehensive guide. (2004) Churchill
Livingstone, Edinburgh .
KL McCance, SE Huether, Pathophysiology: the biologic basis for disease in adults and children,
5th ed. (2006) Elsevier/Mosby, St Louis .
MS Ni, The Yellow Emperor's classic of medicine: (huang di nei jing su wen ling shu). (1995)
Shambhala, Boston ; (translator).
J O'Connor, D Bensky, Acupuncture: a comprehensive text. (1981) Eastland Press, Seattle ;
(translators and editors).
M Porkert, The essentials of Chinese diagnostics. (1983) Acta Medicinae Sinensis Chinese
Medicine Publications, Zurich .
In: (Editors: D Stables, J Rankin) Physiology in childbearing with anatomy and related
biosciences (2005) Elsevier, Edinburgh.
G Townsend, Y De Donna, Pulses and impulses: a practitioner's guide to a unique new pulse
diagnosis technique. (1990) Thorsons, Wellingborough .
P Unschuld, Nan-ching: the classic of difficult issues. (1986) University of California Press,
Berkeley ; (translator).
S Walsh, The radial pulse: correlation of traditional Chinese medicine pulse characteristics with
objective tonometric measures [PhD]. (2003) University of Technology, Sydney .
SH Wang, S Yang, The pulse classic: a translation of the Mai Jing. (1997) Blue Poppy Press,
Boulder, CO ; (translator).
J Wei, Y Lu, The practical Jin's pulse diagnosis. (1997) Shandong Science and Technology
Press, Shandong ; (translator).
N Wiseman, A Ellis, Fundamentals of Chinese medicine, revised edn. (1996) Paradigm,
Brookline, MA ; (translators and editors).
N Wiseman, F Ye, A practical dictionary of Chinese medicine. 2nd edn. (1998) Paradigm,
Brookline, MA .
Chapter 6. Simple CM pulse qualities and associated pulse
Chapter contents
6.1 Introduction 72
6.3 Rate 73
6.5 Rhythm 83
6.7 Depth 91
Pulse diagnosis is often complicated in the clinical context because pulse manifestations as
they present in the radial artery do not present as nice discrete ‘images’ as posited in the
literature. Indeed, expectations of always feeling a classical pulse quality are misplaced and
will lead to difficulties and frustration on the part of the pulse taker. Rather, it should be
expected that the pulse may ordinarily present as no recognisable traditional pulse quality.
This is to be expected, as each person will not always respond the same way to the same
illness: a person's constitution and the relative strength of their Qi and blood means the body
responds differently. Other factors such as lifestyle (work, exercise, dietary) and life history
only add further variability.
There may be instances when the pulse taker assesses the pulse when the immune system is
just responding to a pathogenic agent so the pulse is felt while it is moving from the
individual's normal or healthy pulse to the pulse that reflects the nature of the pathogenic
illness and the body's response to that illness. In this situation, the pulse is not yet fully
formed and may also not fit nicely into the distinctive CM pulse qualities described in the
literature. Alternatively, the body's response to the illness is such that the pulse quickly forms
a recognisable quality and it is over time as the body's energies are depleted or the pathogen
mutates that the pulse quality may assume a less recognisable form.
In this sense, the pulse can be thought of in terms of a continuum (Fig. 6.1). The idea of the
pulse as a continuum is purposely used to denote that the pulse is not a static sign, nor is the
body a static organism. In this sense, there are no ‘absolutes’ as to how the pulse should be, it
always just is . It is reflective of the relative degree of the body's ability to maintain normal
healthy function or homeostasis in response to the constant demands of living. In terms of
illness or dysfunction, the idea of the continuum refers to the changing flux of the pulse
between two points of reference. At one reference point are those pulses reflecting health,
usually assumed to be the individual's usual pulse state; at the other point of reference are
those pulses that reflect illness or dysfunction — the potential end manifestation of the pulse
flux if no treatment intervention is provided to counter the pathogen/dysfunction.
Figure 6.1Schematic of the pulse in a continuum. The pulse formation illustrated has aspects of the Firm pulse, Slippery
pulse and Floating pulse and so does not discretely fit into any of these pulse categories as they are defined within the
Sometimes the pulse palpated is in flux on a continuum between two pulse types that both
reflect illness or dysfunction; there may be a worsening or improvement in an illness, but not
necessarily resolution of the illness. Chronic inflammatory conditions such as arthritis are
examples of diseases in which there are acute periods of inflammation interspaced with
periods of generalised symptoms. In this respect, certain pulse qualities develop slowly,
progressing through stages in response to physiologic changes associated with disease
progression or resolution. Such a process is comparable to that described by Katz (2000) in
relation to the problems of defining heart failure.
… this condition is not a disease but instead represents the final common
pathway by which a number of disorders damage the heart so as to cause
disability and premature death. These disorders include coronary disease,
hypertension, valvular disorders, and a diverse group of heart muscle diseases
referred to as cardiomyopathies. Furthermore, because this syndrome establishes
a number of vicious cycles, heart failure begets more heart failure. (p. 7)
The description is particularly pertinent to pulse diagnosis. In this respect, pulses reflecting
chronic illness and dysfunction arising from the consumption of vital substances occur over
time. Some of the traditional pulse qualities are reflective of this chronological progression of
illness and will only occur as an end result of a long disease process. Other pulses occur only
in an acute situation. Some other pulse qualities occur only when fundamental substances of
Qi, Blood and Fluids are abundant; when these are depleted, then those pulse qualities will
not occur.
6.1. Introduction
The term pulse parameters refers to the fundamental variable characteristics that contribute to
the formation of the radial arterial pulse. The 27 traditional CM pulse qualities form when
there are specific changes in these parameters. A traditional pulse quality can form when
there is a change in a single parameter only; other traditional pulse qualities form when there
are changes in several parameters. In the pulse parameter system of radial pulse diagnosis, we
have identified 9 pulse parameters that determine the 27 CM pulse qualities:
• Rate
• Rhythm
• Arterial width
• Depth
• Length
• Arterial tension
• Ease of occlusion
• Force
• Pulse contour.
Where distinct changes in two or more parameters are involved in the formation of the CM
pulse quality, we have categorised the CM pulse quality by using the parameter that plays the
most important role in its formation. For example, the Skipping pulse features interruptions
to the pulse's regular rhythm and is accompanied by an increase in pulse rate. Yet it is the
rhythm changes that are its most defining parameter and it is consequently categorised under
the rhythm parameter.
However, this categorising of the pulse qualities is by no means the only way to classify them.
Some of the more complex CM pulse qualities presented in Chapter 7 could be classified
under more than one parameter. Categorising a pulse based on parameters is flexible.
In addition to presenting the traditional 27 pulse qualities with their relevant defining
parameters, we also present the pulses according to the complexity of their defining
parameter. Each of the parameters are defined, assessment techniques are detailed and the
related CM pulse qualities noted along with their clinical significance. Simple pulse
parameters and the related CM pulse qualities are presented in this chapter. Complex pulse
parameters and related CM pulse qualities are presented in Chapter 7.
• Rate
• Rhythm
• Depth
• Length
• Width.
Related changes in these five parameters are associated with 12 of the 27 traditional CM
pulse qualities. The CM pulse qualities associated with the simple pulse parameters are:
• The Skipping, Bound and Intermittent pulses (defined by rhythm and accompanied by
changes in rate)
These pulses can be classified as simple pulse qualities because they are generally defined by a
change in a single parameter. Exceptions are the Bound pulse and Skipping pulse, which
form as a result of changes in two parameters, rhythm and rate. However, the Bound pulse
and Skipping pulse are still considered ‘simple’ pulse qualities as they are defined by two of
the most objectively evaluated parameters.
These five parameters are also defined as simple because they are relatively easy to assess in a
clinical context. Indeed, these five parameters are deemed the least subjective of the nine
parameters, involving the evaluation of distinctive physiological characteristics of the artery
and the pulse wave. For example, manual palpation of the radial arterial diameter is assessed
for the parameter of width. Pulse length is assessed by the presence or absence of pulsations at
Cun, Guan and Chi pulse positions and beyond these positions. The parameter of depth
entails an appraisal of the levels of depth where pulsations are relatively strongest. The rate
and rhythm of the pulse can be calculated with standardised formulae of beats per minute in
the case of rate, and comparison of the length of intervals between beats for rhythm. Pulse
rate and rhythm can also be accurately assessed using electronic devices such as
electrocardiography, and arterial width can be measured using Doppler ultrasound.
In a biomedical context, the three parameters of rate, rhythm and width are used primarily to
provide information about the functional performance of the cardiovascular system,
particularly the heart. The parameters of depth and length are not extensively used in the
biomedical diagnostic sense, but are used as an indicator of the circulatory system's integrity.
This is best seen in acute traumatic injury of the limbs in which circulation may be
compromised through swelling and fractures causing arterial occlusion, and also occurs in
chronic conditions in which arteries narrow and blood flow is impeded. Palpating the length
of the artery is useful in identifying the point of arterial occlusion, and pulse depth is used to
assess the strength of blood flow and pressure in the vessel.
6.3. Rate
Three traditional CM pulse qualities are associated with the pulse rate parameter:
The parameter of pulse rate additionally encompasses a fourth pulse quality in addition to the
three CM pulse qualities listed under this rubric: the ‘normal’ pulse rate. This is really not a
pulse quality but rather a baseline standard for identifying abnormal pulse rate changes;
whether the pulse rate is occurring faster or slower than would normally be expected.
There are clear guidelines in the literature that detail when to interpret pulse rate measures
outside the normal stated pulse rate range as healthy. This often depends on a range of
variables including gender, age and exercise. Therefore, in clinical practise it is important to
record the pulse rate every time you palpate an individual's pulse, to establish a normal
baseline measure for their particular pulse rate.
the cardiac cycle occurs each minute.
Assessment of pulse rate involves noting the presence of pulsations and the frequency with
which these occur in one minute. Although pulse rate is expressed in beats per minute, it isn't
always necessary to assess the pulse frequency for a full minute. For example, one method for
assessing pulse rate involves counting the number of beats for 15 seconds then multiplying
this value by 4, or counting the number of beats for 30 seconds, then multiplying this value by
2, to obtain a measure of pulse rate in beats per minute (bpm).
The assessment method used for obtaining a measure of pulse rate should be repeated at least
twice and the findings averaged. This is useful in two ways. Firstly, it assists in determining
the accuracy of the value obtained for the pulse rate. Secondly, by obtaining a second measure
of pulse rate, any transient changes affecting heart rate are more readily identified by noting
any large variations between the two measured values. This also increases the reliability of
pulse rate assessment. (See Box 6.1 for further considerations when interpreting pulse rate
Box 6.1
Questions to consider when assessing pulse rate
• Does the patient exercise regularly? What type of exercise do they do?
• Has the patient consumed tea or coffee recently? Are there any other dietary
sources of caffeine, for example carbonated or energy drinks, herbal supplements?
• Is a fever present?
146 Pulse rate versus heart rate
The terms pulse rate and heart rate are often used interchangeably to mean the same thing.
This is based on the assumption that since heart contraction produces the pulse wave, all
pulse movements felt at the radial artery should correspond to the same number of heart
contractions. However, there are certain biomedical conditions affecting the heart and arterial
structures in which two distinct pulse waves can be felt for every heart contraction.
Sometimes the heart contraction can be weak and the pulse wave cannot be felt in the radial
artery. In other cases the pulse is being occluded, as in thoracic outlet syndrome. It should be
noted then that in certain circumstances, the pulse rate and the heart rate do not correspond.
• Gender
• Age
• Exercise
• Medications
• Body temperature
• Emotions.
The ‘normal’ heart rate and hence pulse rate in a healthy individual may consequently differ
from the traditionally defined normal pulse rate range of 60–90 bpm. For example, although
there are specific guidelines for identifying rapid or slow pulses, it should be remembered that
for someone with a customarily slow pulse (that is, <60 bpm), a rapid pulse for this person
might still fall into the normal range of rate (60–90 bpm). This might be seen in individuals
who undertake aerobic exercise, in whom a pulse rate of less than 60 bpm is normal. When
this individual falls ill, then the pulse rate may increase to 75–80 bpm, a normal pulse rate by
definition, but abnormally high for that individual. In this sense, determining the normal
pulse rate for an individual should be done with respect to the relevant factors affecting that
Gender-related pulse rate differences are thought to result from the relative size of the heart.
Men have relatively larger hearts than women resulting in a greater proportion of blood being
pumped through the arterial system with each cardiac contraction. In women, if the heart is
relatively smaller, to maintain the same blood volume movement as men the heart rate needs
to increase. (This gender difference is a generalisation, as commonly both men and women
will have normal resting heart rates greater than or less than the ranges listed.)
From a CM perspective this correlates to Yang Qi decreasing with age. Children and infants,
considered to have more Yang Qi intrinsically, have a significantly higher heart rate, with
newborns likely to have a heart rate of 140 bpm. Resting heart rate for a fetus can be as high
as 140–160 bpm (Marieb 2001: p. 708). Table 6.1 lists a range of normal heart rate ranges for
different age groups.
14 60–110 85–90
Adult 60–100 72
Adult men 64–72 68
Adult women 72–80 75
The relationship between age and heart rate is clinically reflected in the diagnostic
interpretation of the resting heart rate. For example, a slow heart rate occurring in a younger
person, when not associated with any form of aerobic training, is seen as a poor sign of
health. In older people, Perk et al (2003) found a strong correlation between heart rate and
all-cause mortality in elderly women in a study examining the relationship between heart rate
and mortality in the elderly (average age of subjects was 70 years). Although there was a
similar trend for elderly men, this was not statistically significant. Perk et al (2003) found that
women with a heart rate greater than 77 bpm had three times the mortality rate of those
whose heart rates were less than 77 bpm (r = 0.25, P = 0.0003). This means that a relatively
fast resting heart rate (that is, on the higher side of the normal range) in an older person is a
mortality risk sign and can be viewed as a sign of poor health (Perk et al 2003). In a CM
context, this probably reflects vacuity of the heart associated with depletion of essential
substances, notably Qi.
• Increased vagal stimulation (which slows the heart) and decreased sympathetic
• Increase venous return of blood to the heart due to lowered peripheral resistance leading
to increased stroke volume.
Stroke volume (SV) is the amount of blood pumped out by a ventricle with each heartbeat.
As the heart rate (HR) slows down, this allows longer ventricular filling, which in turn
increases stroke volume. The relationship between SV and HR is termed cardiac output
(CO), defined as the amount of blood that is pumped out by each ventricle in one minute and
dependent on the heart rate and stroke volume:
Therefore, increased SV helps to compensate for a slower rate to maintain CO.
When cardiac fitness is poor, the heart functions less efficiently and so SV is diminished,
with less blood being ejected from the heart with each cardiac contraction. In this situation,
the HR increases to maintain CO. In individuals who exercise little, or whose cardiac muscle
tone is poor, their normal resting heart rate is consequently raised.
Generally, environmental conditions associated with the seasons similarly affect the pulse. In
summer, the pulse is felt strong, relatively superficial and slightly fast, and this is seen as a
‘normal’ response to the environment rather than a pulse representing pathology. Cold
weather or seasonal conditions can cause the arterial tension to increase, and pulse width may
decrease in an attempt to maintain body warmth. The classical CM literature also described
the pulse as being deeper in winter.
Extremes of emotion may cause changes in heart rate. Anxiety may cause tachycardia,
commonly experienced as a ‘panic attack’. Depression may affect the Shen, thereby affecting
the heart's control of blood and the vessels. Stress stimulates the sympathetic nervous system
increasing production of epinephrine (adrenaline) and elevating body heat as a consequence
of increased metabolic activity (Estes 2006: p. 255). As noted previously, increase in body
temperature can increase heart rate.
• Inhibition of the vagus nerve can cause tachycardia (McCance & Huether 2006: p. 1049).
• Shock and hypovolemia (low blood pressure) due to blood loss, plasma loss or interstitial
fluid loss. Initial compensatory mechanisms include increases in heart rate and systemic
vascular resistance to elevate cardiac output, by release of catecholamines by the adrenals
(McCance & Huether 2006: p. 1628).
Box 6.2
Traditional CM method of pulse rate assessment
The objective evaluation of heart rate with a timepiece such as a watch was not
available at the time the CM classics were written. Instead, a method was devised for
the purpose of evaluating whether the pulse rate was faster or slower than it should
be. This method was based on the number of beats per complete respiration cycle of
the patient (one inhalation and one exhalation) or the respiratory rate of the
practitioner, depending on the CM literature reviewed. The following quote from the
Su Wen Nei Jing describes this approach:
In man,
Su Wen
From the pulse literature, the normal pulse rate per complete respiration cycle breath
should be 4–5 pulse beats (see Table 6.2 for age-related respiratory rates). A later
expansion of the Su Wen passage by a commentator suggested that a patient's
condition should be assessed by making a comparison with the pulse frequency of
someone who is not ill, such as the healthy physician.
• The assumption that the practitioner is in good health and therefore has a
‘normal’ rate of respiration to provide a reliable baseline comparison. This is not
always the case.
• Lack of agreement between literature sources relating to the use of the respiratory
rate of the practitioner or the patient as the baseline comparison.
• If using the patient's respiratory rate, it may be difficult to observe the complete
respiratory cycle, as it is not always easy to see inspiration and expiration clearly,
particularly if the patient's breathing is shallow or irregular.
Su Wen 7
The pulse rate is affected when the Yang Qi is affected. In this context, changes in pulse rate
occur when Yang Qi is affected by:
• External factors causing heart rate to increase or decrease depending on whether the
cause is of a hot or cold nature. External factors include dietary and pathogenic causes.
• Internal factors causing heart rate to become hyperactive (often due to Yin vacuity so the
Yang is no longer controlled) or hypoactive (through Yang Qi vacuity, in which the Yang
Qi is no longer sufficient to move the heart and blood) at its customary rate.
Additional changes in the pulse parameters of force (generally increased in replete patterns
and decreased in a vacuous patterns) and depth are used to further differentiate the pulse rate
changes and the causes. Information obtained from assessment of the pulse rate parameter is
always used with information obtained from the assessment of other pulse parameters. Pulse
rate assessment alone does not supply sufficient information to identify the location (internal
or external) or the nature (vacuity or replete) of disease/dysfunction.
• Intrinsic conduction system: The fundamental rhythm of the heart is set by the sinoatrial
(SA) node, a small area of cells that function as a pacemaker due to their spontaneous
electrical nature. They continuously depolarise and initiate action potentials that spread to
the rest of the heart, via a conduction system, causing it to contract. The conduction
system includes the atrioventricular (AV) node, the AV bundle (bundle of His), the right
and left bundle branches and the Purkinje fibres (conduction myofibres).
The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS), via the vagus nerves (vagal tone), slows down
heart rate by the release of acetylcholine. At rest the heart is predominantly under control
of the parasympathetic nervous system. In fact, it slows down the heart rate set by the SA
node so that the normal resting heart rate is about 75 bpm. Baroreceptors (located in the
aortic arch and carotid arteries) that respond to changes in blood pressure can also produce
reflex changes in heart rate.
It is characterised by a decrease in pulse rate to below the normal range of 60–90 bpm.
The Slow pulse is a pulse that beats three times for one respiration, very slow in
coming and going
‘Three beats for one respiration’ refers to the number of pulsations per one inhalation and one
exhalation or one respiratory cycle (Table 6.2).
TABLE 6.2 Resting respiratory rate: breaths per minute versus age
Age (years) Range Average Equivalent bpm using CM theory of 4 beats/breath
Newborn 30–50 40 40
1 20–40 30 120
3 20–30 25 100
6 16–22 19 76
10 16–20 18 72
14 14–20 17 68
Adult 12–20 18 72
A healthy slow pulse can be differentiated from an unhealthy slow pulse by two factors (Fig.
6.2, Table 6.3):
Figure 6.2Variation between the systolic (S) and diastolic (D) components of the pulse wave between the formation of a
healthy slow pulse and an unhealthy slow pulse.
TABLE 6.3 Summary comparison of CM patterns presenting with decreased pulse rates (<60 bpm) and their differentiation
Signs and Symptoms Physiological response
Yang Slow and Desire for warmth, no thirst, bright-pale
Long systole, small pulse amplitude
vacuity forceless face, cold limbs
Pathogenic Slow and Pain, thirst for warm drinks, pale face, cold Normal systole, increased amplitude, increased
cold forceful limbs arterial tension
Pathogenic Slow and
Heat signs such as fever, abdominal pain Normal systole, increased amplitude
heat forceful
Slow and No cold or heat signs. No aversion to cold or
Health Short systole, long diastole
forceful heat
There is also a third differential factor, but this is more subjective or sensory dependent.
Constant (1999: p. 32) describes this as the sense of a ‘tap’ against the fingers. When the
heart contracts strongly and quickly, the pulse wave also expands quickly to its peak and this
is felt as a ‘tap’ against the fingers. When the heart contraction is slower, the pulse may rise or
lift against the finger but there is no tap.
• The presence of strong pathogenic Cold may result in a decrease in pulse rate. ‘Cold leads
to the contraction of Qi’ (Flaws 1994: p. 59) and this retards the movement of Qi and
• A vacuity of Yang Qi may result in a pulse rate slower than normal, as there is insufficient
Yang Qi to propel the blood normally.
As a pathological pulse type, the Slow pulse may indicate three possible patterns:
When man exhales once and his vessels exhibit one movement and when he
inhales once and his vessels exhibit one movement, that is called ‘short of Qi’.
Yang Qi provides the momentum to the heart to initiate systolic contraction and propel
blood through the arteries. Therefore deficient Yang also reduces strength of heart
contraction, thereby affecting both the amount of circulating blood that enters the circulatory
system and the impetus with which the blood moves. This will result in a pulsation that is
lacking in force.
Pathogenic heat
Lu (1996) describes an occurrence of the Slow pulse in the presence of pathogenic Heat in
the intestines causing obstruction. Heat causes fluids to congeal, so obstruction of Yang Qi
leads to a Slow pulse, but the pulse is forceful and accompanied by signs and symptoms
associated with heat rather than cold signs.
hypothyroidism, heart problems and electrolyte imbalances (Ca2+, Na+, K+). Carotid sinus
syndrome can result in bradycardia due to hypersensitivity of the carotid artery walls to
pressure. Mild external pressure triggers a strong baroreceptor reflex which results in vagal
stimulation that has a parasympathetic effect, thus slowing the heart rate (Guyton & Hall
2006: p. 148).
Pathologically, an extremely slow pulse may be due to heart block, where there is impairment
of the normal electrical conduction pathway through the heart that causes normal cardiac
contraction. (In CM this is viewed as Heart Yuan Qi vacuity.) There are different degrees of
heart block, linked to the level of impairment of the heart's conduction system. Signs range
from delayed heart contraction through to compromised circulation and eventual heart
failure. Treatment protocols also vary, ranging from medications to physical insertion of an
artificial pacemaker to replace the heart's own natural pacemaker (SA node: see section
Note that the rate of 90 bpm for classifying a rapid pulse is different from the biomedical
definition of a rapid pulse or tachycardia, commonly listed as 100 bpm. See
Biomedical Perspective, below, for further information. Also see Box 6.3, Racing pulse.
Box 6.3
Racing pilse
There is a subcategory of the Rapid pulse called the Racing pulse. The Racing pulse
is defined by a pulse rate greater than 120 bpm, or seven or more beats per respiration
cycle. According to Deng (1999: p. 113), the pulse was first described in the Zhen Jia
Shu Yao around 1000 CE, and expanded on in the Ming dynasty text Zhen Jia Zheng
Yan . The Racing pulse is similar to the biomedical definition of tachycardia, with a
similar description of aetiology and conditions in which it manifests such as
thyrotoxicosis and high fevers reflecting an increased metabolic rate. It may be
associated with some forms of compromised cardiac function. Classical description from the Mai Jing and Nei Jing
The rapid pulse is a pulse coming and going abruptly and urgently [beating 6–
7 times in one respiration in another version; named an advancing (pulse) in
yet another]
Rapid is defined as more than five beats per breath of the doctor
In children, a rapid pulse is considered ‘auspicious’ or favourable (Li, Flaws (trans) 1998: p.
75), as children's pulses are usually more rapid than those of adults. This is attributable to
their Yang nature and so a rapid pulse is an appropriate pulse to manifest. The Mai Jing notes
specifically that ‘In children between four and five years, the pulse is fast, beating 8 times per
respiration’ (Wang, Yang (trans) 1997: p. 10). The normal pulse rate for adults is described as
4–5 beats per respiration, which means that the normal children's pulse rate is twice that of
adults when using the old respiration method.
In an adult, the Rapid pulse always indicates pathology involving heat or hyperactivity of
Yang. Any hyperactivity of Yang Qi may augment pulse movement of Qi and blood, resulting
in an increased heart rate. This may indicate the presence of pathogenic Heat or Fire, as seen
in febrile diseases. Alternatively, a rapid pulse may also result from an inability of Yin to
control Yang, allowing Yang to move without its usual constraints:
When the Yin fails to contain the Yang, the flow in the channels will become
rapid, causing the Yang Qi to become excessive and reckless.
(Ni (trans) 1995: p. 11)
This may be due to a deficiency of Yin fluids such as blood or body fluids arising from blood
loss in haemorrhage, or depletion of Yin fluids following febrile disease, through excessive
sweating or diarrhoea. Accordingly, two main patterns are associated with a pathological
Rapid pulse:
From a biomedical perspective Yin vacuity can be associated with a relative increase in the
sympathetic nervous system due to an inability of the parasympathetic nervous system to
maintain appropriate control over these aspects. For example, stress can cause palpitations
(see section 6.5.4) and digestive disturbances (Wood attacking the Earth); conditions such as
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are affected by stress, producing bouts of either constipation
or diarrhoea. Additionally, Guyton & Hall (2000) note that the ‘contractile strength of the
heart often is enhanced temporarily by a moderate increase in temperature, but prolonged
elevation of the temperature exhausts the metabolic systems of the heart and eventually causes
weakness’ (p. 106).
There are two possible effects on the pulse wave when Yin becomes vacuous. These are:
– If Yin is vacuous then it is no longer able to control (or constrain) the movement and
function of Yang. Therefore the flow rate of Qi and Blood in the arteries increases,
manifesting as an increase in heart rate.
– As Yin's function of anchoring Yang may be affected, the pulse could also present
relatively stronger (but overall is not actually forceful) at the superficial level as Yang
‘floats’, moving upwards and outwards, in addition to an increase in heart rate.
Guyton & Hall (2006: p. 147) note three general causes of tachycardia:
Tachycardia may also result from acute emotional stress such as anxiety, increased body
temperature associated with fever or exercise (Box 6.4), blood loss and anaemia reducing
effective blood volume or medication stimulating the pacemaker, or as a reflexive response
from heart disease in an attempt to maintain normal circulation. Box 6.5 lists some
conditions associated with tachycardia.
Box 6.4
Heart rate and temperature
Guyton & Hall (2006: p. 197) assert that heart rate increases by 18 bpm for each
°Celsius increase in body temperature to 40.5 °Celsius. Beyond this the heart weakens
and so pulse rate may slow. HR increases with fever because the increased
temperature stimulates the SA node's metabolic rate, excitability rate of rhythm.
Box 6.5
Conditions associated with tachycardia
• Sinus tachycardia
• Haemorrhage
• Pregnancy. In the third trimester normal resting heart rate increases by 10 bpm
and cardiac output increases by 40% due to increased stroke volume (Braunwald et
al 2001: p. 25)
• Chronic rheumatic heart disease may result in damage to the heart structure such
as heart valves, as well as conduction defects leading to atrial fibrillation
From both CM and biomedical perspectives, the conditions listed above are
accompanied by changes in other pulse parameters, not just pulse rate alone.
Hyperthyroidism increases heart rate considerably because the thyroid hormone appears to
directly cause heart excitation. Thyroid hormone may also increase cardiac output and blood
flow (Guyton & Hall 2006: p. 937).
venous blood return is increased and the heart needs to pump faster and harder to get
oxygenated blood to the body and prevent cardiopulmonary congestion (McCance &
Huether 2006: p. 929).
• Rate: There may be either an increase or decrease in rate dependent on the individual's
‘normal’ resting heart rate.
• Contour: The pulse shape is rounded (see Slippery pulse, section 7.9.1).
The Moderate pulse is initially identified by the pulse rate (Table 6.4) and further
differentiated from the standard Slow pulse by the shape of the pulse contour.
TABLE 6.4 Summary of definitions for the pulse qualities defined by pulse rate
Pulse rate (bpm) Pulse quality/category Biomedical Possible indications Traditional (Beats per respiration)
<60 Slow pulse Bradycardia Health 3
Cold EPA Heath Damp
Heath Damp
60 Moderate pulse Slow pulse Yang vacuity 4
61–80 Normal pulse rate Normal pulse rate Health 4-5
81–89 Borderline normal to rapid Health 5–6
Unhealthy heart
Blood vacuity
Recovery phase
Progression of illness
90–119 Rapid pulse Tachycardia EPA Heat 7-8
Vacuity Heat
>120 Racing pulse Heat/Fire ≥8
Extreme fevers
the palpating fingers. Classical descriptions from the Nei Jing and Mai Jing
A pulse that is neither too strong nor too weak, that comes and goes in a
rhythmic fashion, flowing like a stream … (Nei Jing)
The moderate pulse is also a pulse slow in coming and going but a little faster
than the slow pulse …’ (Mai Jing) CM indications
The Moderate pulse can be either healthy pulse or pathological, depending on the signs and
symptoms accompanying it.
It is a normal pulse rate in a healthy person if no other change in pulse characteristics
accompany it, or when there are no other presenting pathological signs and symptoms. In this
situation it is a sign of a strong constitution. When this occurs, it could be classified both as a
Slow pulse, due to the rate, but also a Slippery pulse, and would be a sign of sufficient Qi and
The Moderate pulse is often associated with the presence of Damp or vacuity of the Stomach
and Spleen, especially Spleen Yang Qi deficiency. Therefore, it would occur in conjunction
with signs and symptoms associated with such patterns. This could include digestive
symptoms such as loose stools, fatigue and tiredness, cold limbs, fluid retention and an
aversion to cold.
Pathogenic damp is broadly seen as a Yin condition and tends to injure Yang. In addition,
damp is heavy, slowing down and impeding the flow and circulation of Qi and blood.
‘Phlegm and Dampness lead to Qi obstruction; Qi obstruction leads to Qi stagnation’ (Flaws
1994: p. 79).
6.5. Rhythm
Pulse rhythm is an expression of the heart's functional capacity to contract and relax in a
consistent fashion. Rhythm as such is not how frequently the heart contracts — this is pulse
rate — rather, it is whether the heart is sufficiently contracting at all.
A normal pulse has a regular rhythm, with a consistently even interval between each
pulsation. When the intervals between pulsations vary in length or there appears to be
‘missing’ beats or an interruption, this is said to be an irregular rhythm. Any pulse occurring
with an irregular rhythm is termed an arrhythmia or dysrhythmia, or simply a pulse lacking a
regular rhythm.
Arrhythmic pulses may have an interruption to their normal rhythm occurring at irregular or
regular intervals. Interruptions range from pulses with occasional ‘missed’ beats or rapid beats,
to serious rhythmic disturbances that impair the pumping action of the heart.
Three specific CM pulse qualities are associated with the rhythm parameter:
The Skipping pulse and Bound pulses have irregular interruptions to their normal rhythms
and are further differentiated by pulse rate. The Intermittent pulse has regularly spaced
interruptions to the normal rhythm and is defined only by the rhythm parameter.
When an irregularity in rhythm is detected, such as a ‘missed’ beat, the practitioner next
needs to determine the nature and frequency of the interruption to normal pulse rhythm:
• If so, how often does this occur? (number of rhythmic beats between each interruption to
heart rhythm)
• Or, is the interruption to heart rhythm occurring only at irregularly spaced intervals: is
there a missed beat only occasionally (no regular interval or specific number of beats
between each missed beat)?
When assessing pulse rhythm, it is also important to inquire if the patient is aware of any
irregularity in their heart rate, as this may not be apparent at the time of consultation (Box
6.6). Changes in heart rhythm may include palpitations and this will be discussed in 6.5.4.
Box 6.6
Clinical questions to ask your patient
• If you have noticed changes to your HR does this occur suddenly or gradually?
Sometimes an interruption to the pulse rhythm can be due to a blockage in the conduction of
the pulse wave from the heart to the periphery (Box 6.7). It is therefore also important to
compare the left and right radial pulses. Differences in rhythm between the two sides may
indicate some type of problem with the arterial system, such as arterial blockage or aortic
coarctation, rather than specific heart-related pathology (Constant 1999).
Box 6.7
Sinus arrhythmia
• Sinus arrhythmia is a normal occurrence often seen in young adults where the
heart rate slightly speeds up during inspiration due to activation of neural input to
the brain when the lungs are expanded (for example, deep breathing), and then
slows down during expiration.
• Sinus arrhythmia often results from alteration of the strength of the nerve signal
to the heart sinus node affecting the heart rate (Guyton & Hall 2000: pp. 134-
135). Specifically, the mechanism affecting heart rate occurs during deep breathing
when neural receptors in the lungs are activated.
•McCance & Huether (2006) state that the increase in heart rate during
inspiration is caused by the stretching (activation) of vagal fibres in the lungs that
cause heart rate to speed up by inhibiting the cardioinhibitory centre of the
medulla. Inhibition of this centre allows unopposed sympathetic acceleration of
heart rate (p. 1049).
(Su Wen)
This partial description of the normal pulse appears be an early reference to sinus
arrhythmia and was clearly viewed as a variation of the normal healthy pulse rate.
Changes in heart rhythm, especially rhythm changes associated with cardiovascular damage,
can be the final common pathway for a number of diseases (AtCor Medical 2006: pp. 1-31).
These include:
• Hypertension
• Diabetes mellitus
• Renal disease
• Hyperlipidaemia.
Differentiation of the cause and aetiology are further elucidated on other presenting signs and
symptoms and medical history. In a pulse diagnosis context, the parameter of pulse rate is
used to identify aetiological factors of heat and cold affecting heart rhythm. This includes
internal aetiologies arising from vacuities of Yin and Yang, and external pathogenic factors of
heat and cold.
In CM terms, the Heart also governs the Mind or Shen. Physical heart damage will,
theoretically, affect the clear expression of the Shen and be associated with Blood stagnation.
The relationship is seen in the incidence of depression and heart disease. Severe shock or
pain, anxiety and stress also affect the Shen, which in turn can affect heart rhythm.
The pulse rhythm will be affected if cardiac function is impaired. Abnormal heart rhythm
may be due to problems with the electrical conduction system through the heart, affecting
both the rate of the pulse and the intervals between each pulsation. For example, ‘heart block’
refers to problems with the AV node, affecting the transmission of impulses to the ventricles
from the atria. Although the ventricles have their own pacemaker, it is too slow to maintain
sufficient circulation and arrhythmias may develop (Table 6.5). This is a chronic cause of
arrhythmias. Transient functional irregularities, arising from stimulants and emotions can
similarly affect heart rhythm (see section 6.5.5).
TABLE 6.5 Heart block and associated conditions affecting the normal conduction of electrical impulses through the heart
with related changes in the arterial pulse wave
Modified from Table 30–12 McCance & Huether 2006 Pathophysiology: the biologic basis for disease in adults and
Modified from Table 30–12 McCance & Huether 2006 Pathophysiology: the biologic basis for disease in adults and
children, 5th edn. Elsevier/Mosby, St Louis, p. 1137.
Effect on heart activity Cause Manual palpation
Local hypoxia, damage to heart
Atrial depolarisation becomes
conduction pathways, digitalis
First prolonged, there is a delay in the in
toxicity, Rheumatic fever, electrolyte No change to normal rhythm or rate
degree normal conduction from atria to the
imbalances such as hypo- or
ventricle but no ‘dropped beats’
Problems with AV node,
Atrial depolarisation becomes Interrupted rhythm. Occasional missed
complications of endocarditis,
prolonged or occasional loss of atrial beat followed by larger beat-ectopic
Second hypokalemia, digoxin toxicity,
depolarisation, and corresponding beats. Some transient variation in pulse
degree coronary artery disease, myocardial
loss of ventricular depolarisation, i.e. force. Severity increases as HR
infarction (MI), diabetes, antidys
‘dropped beats’ increases
rhythmics, cyclic antidepressants
Decreased cardiac output, decreased
Complete block of the normal signal
(slow) heart rate 41–59 bpm, consistent
in the heart: atrial depolarisation not Hypokalaemia, myocardial infarction,
Third decrease in pulse force.
coordinated with ventricular systole. problems with conduction pathway
degree Electrocardiogram records the atrial
Pacemaker cells in the ventricles (bundle of His)
contraction at 100 bpm and the
take over but at a much slower rate
ventricle at only 40 bpm
6.5.4. Palpitations
Palpitations are defined as an abnormal awareness of the heart beating, which may be
momentarily stronger, faster or irregular in rhythm (Box 6.8). Palpitations can be an indicator
of interruption to normal heart rhythm, an arrhythmia, but not all palpitations are necessarily
arrhythmic or cardiac related. For example, palpitations can be a prominent symptom in
fever, hypoglycaemia or thyrotoxicosis (Lee 2001: p. 64).
Box 6.8
Clinical questions to ask your patient
• Is arrhythmia occurring on a regular basis (that is, is the patient aware that this is
occurring or is this the first time that they've been made aware of this)?
• Previous history or family history of heart disease?
• Are the palpitations associated with stress, anxiety, exercise, fever, caffeine or
nicotine intake, medication, alcohol or chocolate? Or do they occur at rest?
• What medication are you taking, including vitamin and herbal supplements?
Additionally, always note the onset, duration, associated symptoms and circumstances
in which arrhythmias/palpitations occur. Also ask the patient to tap out the rhythm
of the arrhythmia or palpitations that they are feeling.
In CM, palpitations are normally associated with the Heart. They can occur in any pattern
involving Heart disharmonies, whether physiological, psychological or emotionally based.
This includes patterns ranging from vacuity patterns of Yin, Yang, Qi or Blood, to repletion
patterns involving Heat or Phlegm. In addition to palpitations, pathology is further
differentiated by:
Patients who report experiencing palpitations and have a psychiatric disorder are known to
report longer-lasting periods of palpitations and ancillary symptoms than patients without a
psychiatric disorder (Lee 2001: p. 64). In CM this is seen to be associated with conditions
affecting clear expression of the Shen. The Shen or Mind resides in the Heart; disturbance of
the Shen can disturb Heart function (Box 6.9).
Box 6.9
CM patterns associated with the occurrence of palpitations
CM Zang Fu patterns associated with palpitations usually involve the Heart:
• Heart blood vacuity
• Heart fire
Ectopic beats can be relatively benign and occur in healthy individuals with no apparent
cause. They also occur when the heart is excessively irritated through either metabolic or
chemical stimulus (see section 6.5.5 for further details).
Box 6.10
Flutters and fibrillations
Fibrillations and flutters occur when segments of the heart contract far more than
normal. Because the contraction is associated with only a certain area of the heart, or
because the contraction is not complete, this is a situation in which the pulse rate will
not correlate with what's occurring in the heart. Instead there will be changes in other
pulse parameters such as pulse force which is decreased, reflecting incomplete filling
of blood in the ventricles and subsequent volume of blood ejected into circulation.
• Atrial flutter: Rapid atrial contractions (240–360 bpm) occur in conjunction with
2nd degree atrioventricular (AV) block resulting in some missing beats due to the
electrical impulses not always reaching the ventricles.
• Atrial fibrillation: Asynchronous contraction of atrial muscle fibres, leading to
cessation of atrial contraction. Regardless, blood can still flow from the atria into
the ventricles, so cardiac output continues but is decreased by 20–30 percent. This
can occur for a number of reasons such as myocardial infarction, hyperthyroidism
or rheumatic heart disease (Tortora & Grabowski 1996).
• Ventricular fibrillation: Associated with heart rate of >300 bpm, as different areas
of the ventricles are stimulated. The ventricles do not contract properly, which
quickly leads to unconsciousness and likely death if the fibrillation is not stopped
within 2–3 minutes (Information from Guyton & Hall 2006: pp. 152-6).
Following an ectopic beat, there is a compensatory pause or a longer interval before the heart
contracts again. This can result in a stronger pulse beat because there is an increased filling of
the left ventricle; a greater volume of blood is expelled into circulation when ventricular
contraction next occurs (Fig. 6.3).
Figure 6.3Schematic of the variation in pulse amplitude and regular rhythm as occurs with an ectopic beat.
On a more serious note, ectopic beats may indicate some type of metabolic damage leading to
excessive irritability of the heart muscle. This can occur as a result of viral or bacterial
infection affecting the heart such as rheumatic fever, or may result from damage due to
myocardial infarction (Epstein et al 1992: p. 7.30).
Box 6.11
Arrhythmia: summary
• Arrhythmia: A general term to describe any irregularity in the heart rhythm, also
called dysrhythmia
The presence of arrhythmia is seen as part of a pathological process; however, the regularity
of interruptions to normal heart rhythm can indicate the severity of the process. The
increasing regularity of missed beats indicates a worsening of the condition, and a decreasing
occurrence of missing beats indicates a continuing resolution of the condition. The timing of
the commencement of missed beats also has prognostic value. If they start with the onset of a
new illness then the prognosis is better than if arrhythmia occurs during a chronic or critical
The same factors that affect heart rate may also cause arrhythmias, palpitations and ectopic
beats, including:
• Excessive intake of stimulants such as nicotine, coffee and other beverages containing
• Alcohol
• Lack of sleep
• Increased basal body temperature (Prolonged increase in the basal body temperature
eventually weakens the heart)
• Toxic reactions to some drugs and herbs which have cardiostimulatory affects and can
cause palpitations and arrhythmias
Box 6.12
Irregular pauses without changes in pulse rate
Irregular pauses in the rhythm occur in healthy people without changes in the rate.
This is often seen in individuals with high levels of tensions/stress. In these situations
the irregular pauses are transient and often resolve when the stressor has been
removed. From a CM perspective, irregular pauses accompanying stress or anxiety are
often associated with a stagnation of the Liver's physiological function of maintaining
the free flow of Qi and Blood.
The skipping pulse is a pulse coming and going rapidly with occasional
interruptions but having the ability to recover CM Indications
The Skipping pulse always indicates disharmony involving heat-related conditions affecting
the maintainence of the regular rhythm by Heart Qi, or Heart dysfunction.
There are three main CM patterns associated with the formation of the Skipping pulse:
Internal heat
Internal heat from EPAs producing fever agitate Qi and blood, supplementing Yang Qi and
increasing pulse rate. The heat agitation of the Qi and blood also obstructs the smooth flow
of these to the heart. The heart function becomes arrhythmic. Prolonged incidence of
internal heat may give rise to consumption of Yin fluids and weaken the Heart Qi (see
• Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis)
• Hypertension.
• Rhythm: There are irregular pauses in heart rhythm resulting in varying intervals between
subsequent beats.
The bound pulse is a pulse slow in coming and going with occasional
interruption but the ability to recover CM indications
The Bound pulse always indicates pathogenesis involving the Heart. Three patterns are
associated with the Bound pulse:
• Pathogenic Cold obstructing the smooth flow of Qi and blood to the heart
Pathogenic cold
The Bound pulse as a result of pathogenic Cold is probably a relatively acute onset associated
with exposure of the previously healthy individual to environmental Cold. This is described as
a Cold pathogen invasion. In a biomedical context this is termed hypothermia. The
description of the pulse type in the classical literature was probably a direct reflection of the
environmental conditions in the Chinese winter, and thus a relatively common presentation
in traditional clinical practice in China. Hypothermia is still a relatively common occurrence
at high latitudes, with children and the elderly particularly susceptible.
Physiological changes occurring with hypothermia depend on the severity of exposure to cold
and also on the individual's core body temperature. In terms of the Bound pulse, arrhythmic
changes occur when the core body temperature decreases to 32.2–28 °C (or 90–82.4 °F)
(Danzl 2001: p. 108). This is considered moderate hypothermia.
The significance of the Bound pulse occurring with Cold is not in diagnosing Cold as a
causal agent but rather that the body's Qi and Yang were weak to have allowed Cold
penetration in the first instance, and in particular, for it to have affected the heart function at
all. Irrespective of the cause, there are a considerable number of processes involved in the
underlying pathogenesis in the formation of this pulse. Lifestyle, genetic and dietary factors
all predicate towards the formation of the pulse once the appropriate causal agent activates
the triggers. As such, although the pulse can present in an acute situation, it is nearly always
preceded by other aetiologies.
The interrupted pulse is a pulse with regular interruption and inability to
recover itself, resuming to beat (only after a long pause). The bound pulse is
prognosticative of survival but the interrupted one of death. CM indications
The Intermittent pulse is almost always a sign of pathogenesis, usually involving the heart
and other vital organs. A footnote in The Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse (Li, Flaws (trans)
1998: pp. 122-123) states that this pulse is associated with serious heart disease. How
frequently the interruptions occur is used to indicate the relative severity of the condition.
The more often pauses occur with the Intermittent pulse, the more severe the condition.
TABLE 6.6 Comparison of the three CM pulse qualities defined by the rhythm parameter
Specific CM pulse
Rhythm Heart rate
Bound Irregular: occasional irregular interruption to rhythm Slow: ≤60 bpm
Skipping Irregular: occasional irregular interruption to rhythm Rapid: ≥90 bpm
Regular interruption: a interruption to rhythm between a consistent number of Normal: 60–90
beats bpm
Exhaustion of Heart Qi
This is a primary pattern specifically relating to the Heart and its physiological function. It
may be associated with congenital defects in the heart's conduction system or organic disease
of the heart muscle such as dystrophies, or may develop as a result of damage associated with
fevers and infarction.
In a sick person the Intermittent pulse is considered serious but can be treated. The logic
being that since the person is already sick then an arrhythmic pulse is a ‘natural’ progression
of prolonged illness consuming Yuan Qi and Jing Qi and so affecting visceral Qi.
The traditional pulse literature lists this pulse occurring in conditions of severe pain, usually
the result of obstruction of blood and Qi, thus affecting circulation. In light of the
involvement of the heart in the formation of this pulse, severe pain may incorporate angina as
a related cause.
6.7. Depth
The parameter of depth is a simple pulse parameter used to indicate the level of depth at
which the pulse is felt as being the strongest. Three levels of depth are used in the Cun Kou
system of pulse palpation, each found by using incremental pressure applied to the radial
artery by the palpating fingertips. (See Chapter 5 for further information on technique used
for finding and assessing the levels of depth.) The three levels of depth are termed the
superficial, middle and deep levels of depth.
A great proportion of the traditional 27 pulse qualities are felt strongest at one of the three
levels of depth and so are defined as either superficial, middle or deep level of depth pulses
(Fig. 6.4, Box 6.13). For example, several CM pulse types are located at the superficial level
of depth (which can be felt by resting the fingers on the skin) or are palpated most forcefully
at the superficial level of depth. These may be classified as superficial pulses, so this is
defining the pulse by its level of depth (Box 6.14).
Figure 6.4Diagrammatic representation of a healthy pulse and the relative pulse strength at the three levels of depth. The
middle level of depth should be strongest, representing the interaction of Qi and Blood.
Box 6.13
Normal pulse strength with level of depth
• Superficial level of depth: Often felt as the least strongest in healthy individuals
• Deep level of depth: Equal to or slightly less strong than middle level of depth
Box 6.14
Revision of assessment technique for determining pulse depth
• Superficial pulse depth: Found by resting the fingertips lightly on the skin surface
without pressure. Superficial level is not the depth at which the pulse is first felt.
• Deep pulse depth: Found by occluding the radial artery (pressing firmly on the
artery against the radial bone) and then releasing the pressure gently and slowly
until the pulse can be felt again. This pressure should be maintained. This release
of pressure creates an initial rush in blood flow; therefore a few seconds should be
allowed to enable the pulse to equalise before assessing it.
• Middle pulse depth: Found by applying a moderate pressure to the radial artery
(not sufficient to occlude it); somewhere between superficial and deep. The middle
depth is examined after palpating the superficial and deep levels to determine the
pressure required to reach each level of depth.
The Floating pulse is one such pulse that is commonly defined as a superficial pulse (but it
should be noted that not all superficial pulses are classified as Floating). Similarly, there are
several CM pulses that can be felt only with heavy pressure, or are felt strongest at the deep
level of depth and are consequently termed deep pulses.
There are three simple CM pulse qualities that are solely defined by the parameter of depth
There are other CM pulse qualities that can also be felt strongest at the superficial or deep
levels of depth; however, they are accompanied by changes in other pulse parameters and may
be more appropriately defined by that pulse parameter. For this reason, pulses found at a
particular level of depth are listed in other pulse parameter sections relating to their most
defining rubric, and are not listed here under the depth parameter.
• The level of depth where the radial arterial pulsation is found to be the strongest,
regardless of the overall intensity of the pulsation (that is, assessing relative strength)
Assessing the level of depth requires palpation at each of the three levels of depth and judging
at which level of depth the pulse wave is felt most strongly or most distinctly. Sometimes the
pulse can only be felt at one level of depth and so defining the pulse by the level of depth is
easy. At other times the pulse is felt at more than one level of depth and the practitioner
needs to make a decision about the level of depth where it is strongest. Alternatively, the
pulse may be felt equally strongly at all three levels of depth, and this is diagnostically relevant
too: this is the Replete pulse, which is discussed in section 7.7.1.
Diagnostically, the level of depth may be affected by pathological processes occurring within
the body, resulting in either a pulse that can be felt strongest at the superficial or deep level of
depth, or perhaps equally strong at all three levels of depth. Other factors affecting where the
pulse can be felt include the strength of cardiac contraction (see pulse force, section 7.6).
Pathological processes may also result in anatomical structural variations and so vary the
perceived level of depth. This arises when there are physiological changes in the subcutaneous
layer of tissue overlying the radial artery, or anatomical variations in the musculature and
tendinous insertions around the forearm and wrist area. This causes the actual arterial
structure to ‘sink’ or ‘float’, altering the level of pulse depth as well.
Generally, the radial arterial pulse should be palpable at all the three levels of depth.
However, the strength of the pulse at each of the three levels of depth may differ. In terms of
relative strength, the pulse will usually be less palpable at the superficial level of depth and
most forceful in the middle level of depth. At the deep level of depth, the pulse should be
either equally forceful or slightly less forceful than the middle level of depth. This is what
would be expected for a healthy pulse. From a CM perspective, as the pulse is formed by the
interaction of both Yang (external, movement, function) and Yin (internal, Blood, form), the
balance of these two dynamic forces results in a pulse that should be palpable at all levels of
depth but felt with most strength in the middle level of depth.
Changes in strength at individual levels of depth are used to identify pathology and provide
information about the location of disease and functional status of Yin and Yang . When
describing the level of depth with regard to a specific pulse we are talking about the level of
depth at which the pulse is felt relatively strongest (meaning that it may still be felt at other
levels of depth but it is not as strong.) Physiological response of the circulatory system to climate – when changes in the
normal level of depth are appropriate
According to the CM classical pulse literature, seasonal effects impact on the presentation of
the pulse in many aspects (see section 5.12.2). With regard to pulse depth, the classical
literature notes the level of depth where the pulse is felt strongest varies depending on the
season. For example, in summer the pulse is described as more superficial, and in winter the
pulse is deeper. The change in the level of depth where the pulse is felt strongest is explained
with respect to the body's Qi, retreating in winter and expanding in summer. This is
alternatively viewed as the body's attempt to maintain a stable core body temperature, varying
the degree of exposure the blood vessels have to the environment and so mediating the
retention or loss of body heat (Fig. 6.5).
Figure 6.5(a) Cold is associated with cutaneous vasoconstriction and normal or increased blood flow to many organs. The
white area represents the skin, which serves as a shell of insulation because it receives almost no flow. The darkest regions
(the body core) have the highest blood flows and the stippled regions (e.g. muscle) receive relatively low flows. (b) Hot
conditions cause high surface (cutaneous) blood flow (dark region), causing loss of thermal insulation and reduced flow to
the body core (stippled region) so that less heat is stored centrally and thermal insulation is lost (no white regions).(After
Fig. 5.1 in Rowell LB 1986, Human circulation regulation during physical stress, with permission of Oxofrd University
In a clinical context, a deeper located pulse in winter or a more superficial pulse in summer is
then viewed as an appropriate response of the body to climatic influences and not necessarily
always related to pathology.
• Location of disease
• Quality and quantity of Qi, particularly Yang, and its ability to move outwards
A pulse that is felt relatively strongest at the deep level of depth is usually related to an
internal disorder, affecting the interior of the body or the Yin organs. For example, a pulse
that can be felt forcefully at the deep level of depth may indicate obstruction or stagnation of
Qi and blood. In this situation the pulse cannot be felt at the superficial level of depth
because Yang is being obstructed in the interior of the body, unable to move outwards
towards the exterior of the body and so the pulse remains in the deep levels of depth (Box
Box 6.15
Levels of depth and diagnosis
A specific example of the use of level of depth as a diagnostic tool is the theory of the
Eight Principles. The Eight Principles are a foundational framework that is used in
diagnosis to determine the location and nature of a disharmony or illness. This
thereby assists in formulating a treatment plan (Maciocia 1989: p. 179). There are a
myriad of different pattern identification methods, but they are all based on the Eight
Principles: Internal, External, Replete, Vacuity, Hot, Cold, Yin and Yang. From this
perspective, the level of depth at which the pulse can be felt the strongest informs us
simply about the location of disease. Yang Qi
The superficial level of depth of the radial pulse represents the exterior or the Yang aspect of
the body. In this respect, the superficial level of the pulse also represents the quality of Qi, in
particular Yang. Where the pulse can be palpated may also inform us about the capacity of
Yang Qi to motivate the pulse and lift it to a palpable depth. If Yang is vacuous (deficient)
this can result in a deeply located pulse, with Yang insufficient to raise the pulse to the
surface. Parameters such as pulse force and rate may provide additional information about the
quality of Yang. For example, when Yang Qi becomes vacuous, it would be expected that the
pulse would present without strength, possibly with a slow rate and an increase in relative
strength at the deep level of depth.
If the pulse is strongest at the superficial level of depth, this may indicate that Yang is more
active than normal. This may occur when an external pathogenic agent (EPA) such as Wind,
Heat, Cold or Damp enters the body and lodges in the skin and muscle layers. In response to
this invasion, Wei Qi (the body's defensive Qi) rushes to the body's surface to fight this EPA.
This is reflected in the radial pulse as a relative increase in strength at the superficial
(external) level of depth. (Wei Qi is considered to be the relatively Yang manifestation of
Zhen Qi (True Qi) or meridian Qi, circulating outside the channels on the exterior of the
body, protecting and warming the body. Ying Qi (Nutritive Qi) is the Yin manifestation of
Zhen Qi, circulating in the blood vessels, channels and internal organs.)
Excess Yang, in the form of Heat, which may arise internally or externally, may lead to the
pulse being palpated forcefully at the superficial level of depth as occurs with the formation of
the Surging pulse (along with notable changes in the pulse contour, force and width. The
Surging pulse is discussed in more detail in section 7.9.3.) Yin
In terms of pulse depth, the quality of Yin energy is symbolised by the deep level of depth.
Yin has the effect of cooling and nourishing the body. It encompasses the numerous fluids
that circulate around the body such as Blood, Body Fluids (Jin-Ye) and Essence (Jing). It also
plays a role in helping to control and balance Yang; this is the ‘functional Yin’. If Yin and its
various aspects become vacuous, then Yang becomes relatively hyperactive. This results in the
pulse being felt relatively stronger at the superficial level of depth because the Yin is no longer
able to restrain Yang, so Yang moves outward to the exterior of the body.
Yin vacuity also affects other pulse parameters such as pulse force, width and rate, resulting in
a pulse that is decreased in strength and arterial width but with an increase in pulse rate
(dependent upon the strength of the deficient heat produced).
Conversely, excessive Yin in the form of pathogenic Cold or Damp (Yin pathogenic factors)
may attack the body from the exterior and enter via the skin, muscles and channels or move
directly into the interior of the body via certain internal organs such as the stomach, intestines
or uterus. In the former case, the pulse would be felt strongest at the superficial level of depth,
and in the latter example, the pulse would be strongest at the deep level of depth.
Internal Cold (also Yin in nature) may develop from qi causes such as deficiency of Yang
affecting the Yin organs, notably the Spleen, Lung, Kidneys and Heart. This may develop as
a consequence of a weak constitution, chronic illness, hypo-functioning metabolism or
inappropriate diet. The pulse would be felt relatively stronger at the deep level of depth,
indicating both an internal condition and the involvement of the Yin organs.
The ease with which the radial artery can be palpated may be affected by the person's
constitutional body type. For example, a slim person's radial artery may be more easily
accessible because of the thinner layer of subcutaneous tissue, while someone with a higher
proportion of body fat may have an artery that is more difficult to palpate because of the
thicker subcutaneous tissue layer. Alternatively, difficulty palpating the pulse may also be due
to a pathological process occurring in the body. For example, oedema or accumulation of
fluids in the connective tissue layer (in the interstitial spaces between cells and outside the
blood vessels) may affect the ease with which the radial artery can be palpated.
Arterial blood pressure and the strength of cardiac contraction equally influence the level of
depth at which the pulse is felt strongest. An increase in volume in the pulse is described as
‘full and bounding’ while a decrease in volume is described as ‘weak and thready’ (Funnell et
al 2005: p. 267). Full bounding pulses are associated with strong cardiac contraction and are
felt more readily at the superficial levels of depth where weak thready pulses may be hard to
Step 1: When the fingers are placed over the radial artery pulsation with only
the pressure of the resting fingers exerting pressure, the pulse may be easily
palpated (Fig. 6.6).
Step 2: With increasing finger pressure exerted over the radial pulsation, there
is a resulting decrease in the pulse force. With increasing finger pressure the
pulsation disappears and the pulse at the deep level of depth cannot be felt.
The term ‘floating’ is also used as a general descriptor of any pulse type that can be palpated
strongest at the superficial level (the level at which the fingers rest gently on the artery
without pressure), regardless of changes in other parameters. This should not be confused
with the Floating pulse, a distinct CM pulse quality. Describing a pulse as being felt strongest
superficially or at the superficial level of depth should help to prevent such terminological
confusion. Classical description from the Shang Han Lun and Mai Jing
A pulse that is felt when light pressure is applied is called ‘Floating’ (Shang
Han Lun) (Mitchell et al 1999: p. 34).
The floating pulse is a pulse potent when felt with no pressure applied but
impotent when felt with pressure applied CM indications
The Floating pulse is always considered to be indicative of pathogenesis (Box 6.16). There
are two primary patterns where the Floating pulse may occur:
Box 6.16
Summary of the Floating pulse
• Floating, forceless and narrow arterial diameter: Severe vacuity of Yin → Soggy
• Floating, forceless and wide arterial diameter: Qi and Blood vacuity → Vacuous
They are differentiated by changes in the pulse parameter of force, accompanying signs and
symptoms and whether the disharmony is an acute or chronic condition.
The EPA enters the body via the skin, nose, and mouth and Wei Qi (defensive Qi), which
usually circulates through the skin and muscles to defend the body, rushes to the exterior of
the body to fight off the pathogen. Where the Qi goes blood goes. Therefore, the pulse can
be felt strongest at the superficial level of depth, reflecting the location of the pathogen. If the
Floating pulse also presents with increased pulse force, this signifies the ability of the healthy
immune system (also known as the Zheng Qi or Upright Qi in CM terms) to respond
strongly to the pathogenic factor.
Clinical relevance
From a clinical perspective, the formation of the Floating pulse in response to an EPA would
be associated with the rapid onset of an acute condition such as a cold or flu-type viral
infection. Other signs and symptoms such as fever, sore throat, sweating, headache and
quesion to cold may accompany this pulse depending upon the nature of the EPA.
The Floating pulse when forceful may not occur in someone who has an underlying vacuity
condition (such as a compromised immune system or chronic illness) as their Wei Qi or
Zheng Qi is too deficient to respond strongly to the pathogenic factor. Therefore the
Floating pulse may still occur, being relatively stronger at the superficial level, but it may not
be accompanied by an increase in pulse force.
Vacuous condition involving vacuity of Yin fluids
In this pattern the formation of the Floating pulse would be accompanied by changes in other
parameters such as pulse force. In this case, the Floating pulse is forceless, reflecting the
underlying vacuity. This pulse quality may appear as a result of internal disease, manifesting
as a vacuity of Yin substances. This may take the form of deficiency of Yin, blood or body
fluids. It is the accompanying signs and symptoms that further define the disharmony.
• Mechanism: This pulse is formed when the insufficient Yin is unable to control and
anchor the relatively excessive Yang, whose natural inclination is to move outward.
Therefore, Yang rises to the surface, resulting in a pulse that is felt strongest at the
superficial level of depth. However, because Yin is deficient the pulse is lacking in force
and decreases significantly in strength as finger pressure is exerted on the artery.
• Clinical relevance: This may be the result of the consumption of Yin due to lifestyle
issues such as overwork, irregular eating patterns and insufficient sleep. The loss of body
fluids due to excessive sweating or vomiting may also result in the formation of this pulse
• A forceless, superficial and narrow pulse indicates Yin vacuity: this becomes known as the
Soggy pulse rather than the Floating pulse. (The difference is that the Soggy pulse is only
felt at the superficial region while the Floating pulse has decreasing levels of strength with
increasing finger pressure; that is, it can still be felt in the middle level but not as strongly
as the superficial level.)
• A forceless, superficial and wide pulse indicates both Qi and blood vacuity: this then
becomes termed the Vacuous pulse.
Sunken, Deep or Submerged pulse.
Figure 6.6Floating pulse and relative strength differences within the arterial pulsation relative to pressure applied by the
fingers. The pulse wave is felt strongest at the superficial region. The strength of the pressure wave is symbolised by
arrows. Note the arrows lessen at the deeper levels of depth reflecting the relative decrease in strength.
Figure 6.7Sinking pulse and relative strength differences within the arterial pulsation relative to pressure applied by the
fingers. The pulse wave is felt strongest at the deep region. The strength of the pressure wave is symbolised by arrows
moving up while the pressure of the finger pressure is symbolised by arrows moving in.
Step 1: The pulse is best identified by first placing the fingers gently on the skin
overlying the radial artery, with only the weight of the palpating fingers
exerting downward pressure. At this superficial level of depth, the radial
pulsation cannot be felt.
Step 2: The deep level of the pulse is next examined by increasing finger
pressure so that the radial artery is occluded for a few seconds and then the
finger pressure is slightly eased so that the pulsation can once again be felt. The
radial pulsation will appear at its strongest at this level of depth.
Step 3: Once the deep level of the pulse has been located, the middle level of the
pulse should then be assessed. The radial pulsation may be able to be palpated at
the middle level of depth but will be felt with less intensity than the pulsation
felt at the deep level of depth.
Once the three levels of depth are located, the fingers can be gradually moved from the
superficial level of depth to the deep level of depth. In doing this the radial pulsation will
sequentially increase in relative strength as the fingers move deeper into each level of depth. Classical description from the Nei Jing and Mai Jing
A deep pulse is where one must press all the way to the bone to find it (Su Wen)
The deep pulse is a pulse impotent when felt with no pressure applied but
potent when felt with pressure applied [said in another version to be absent
unless heavy pressure is applied] (Mai Jing) CM indications
Pulse depth provides information pertaining to where disease is located, differentiated further
by additional changes in other pulse parameters. The Nei Jing says ‘when there is an
imbalance in the body's interior, one should examine the pulse at the deepest level’. In this
sense, the Sinking pulse indicates disharmony in the interior. We have already noted that
pulse depth provides information about Yang Qi, characterised by the superficial level of
depth. Therefore, if a pulse cannot be palpated at the superficial level it may suggest that
either Yang Qi is deficient or that disharmony is occurring internally. The Sinking pulse is
always indicative of pathogenesis (Box 6.17).
Box 6.17
Summary of Sinking pulses
The Sinking pulse can indicate two primary patterns that are further differentiated by
changes in the parameter of pulse force:
The Sinking and forceful pulse may also imply the obstruction of Qi and blood. This may
result from the aforementioned pathogenic factors or from retention of food (Lu 1996). The
pulse presents forcefully and would be accompanied by some type of pain. (Pain is
symptomatic of obstruction, irrespective of the cause of the obstruction.) Pain often results in
an increase in arterial tension (another of the pulse parameters), resulting in a distinctly
palpable arterial wall (see section 7.3 for further details).
• Mechanism: The deeply located pulse signifies the location of the disease, while the
forcefulness of the pulse infers that the body's defensive Qi has responded to the presence
of the pathogenic factor and moved inwards to fight it.
• Mechanism: Yang Qi is unable to lift the pulse so that it can be palpated at the superficial
level of depth.
• Clinical relevance: Cold signs and symptoms such as aversion to cold, lethargy and cold
extremities usually accompany the Yang vacuity pattern. Clinically this may be seen in
hypothyroidism or in severe exhaustion.
Figure 6.8The Hidden pulse. The anatomical structure of the artery is located adjacent to the bone, deep in the tissue.
This means the pulse cannot be felt at the superficial or middle levels of depth simply because there is no arterial structure
for the pulse to occur in at these levels.
The Hidden pulse cannot be palpated at the superficial or middle levels of depth. It is located
very deeply, situated just above the bone, requiring extremely heavy pressure with the
palpating fingers. It is not necessarily a forceless pulse.
The formation of the Hidden pulse probably results from the actual anatomical location of
the physical arterial structure deep in the flesh next to the bone or under other anatomical
structures such tendons. In this sense, the Hidden pulse is not about the actual pulse wave, it
is about anatomy.
Step 1: First place the fingers gently on the skin overlying the radial artery,
with only the weight of the palpating fingers exerting downward pressure. At
this superficial level of depth the radial pulsation cannot be felt.
Step 3: Once the pulse is located, determine its overall strength and rate. Classical description from the Mai Jing and The Lakeside Master's Study of the
The hidden pulse is a pulse imperceptible till the fingers touch the bone with
extremely heavy pressure … (Mai Jing)
The pulse moves under the sinews (Bin Hue Mai Xue) CM indications
The Hidden pulse is always indicative of pathogenesis, representing a more severe form of
internal illness than the Sinking pulse (Box 6.18). The two patterns associated with the
Hidden pulse are:
Box 6.18
Summary of Hidden pulses
• Mechanism: The decreased Yang and resulting nature of the Cold that is produced by the
severe vacuity of Yang results in the pulse being located at a very deep level, unable to lift
the pulse to the exterior. The internal Cold may also impact on the pulse causing stasis and
decreasing the flow of Qi and blood. This may also result in a decrease in pulse rate, the
Slow pulse and potentially, an increase in arterial wall tension due to the contracting natare
of cold.
The Long and Short pulses are defined only by their length. The palpable pulse length can
also increase or shorten with other traditional CM pulse qualities, but this is in combination
with changes in other pulse parameters. For example, the Stirred pulse can also be described
as a ‘short’ pulse, commonly felt in the Guan position only. However, there are additional
changes in the pulse contour, and the Stirred pulse is consequently categorised under the
pulse contour parameter.
• Beyond Cun is defined as the area of skin on the wrist crease one finger breadth distal,
medial and lateral to the Cun position (Box 6.19).
Box 6.19
Presence of pulsations beyond Cun
The presence of the pulse beyond Cun extending into the palmar thenar eminence
on the right hand side is said to indicate a constitutional Lung deficiency. This
‘special’ Lung position is found distally and medially to the Cun position where the
Lung is represented (Maciocia, 2004: pp 503–504)
• Beyond Chi is defined as the skin region one finger breadth proximal to the Chi position,
above the radial artery (Box 6.20).
Box 6.20
Tibetan pulse diagnosis
Traditional Tibetan medicine has a form of pulse diagnosis that requires palpation
far beyond the Chi position along the radial artery. Pulse examination as a
diagnostic tool has been used by a number of different cultures (see section 2.5).
While in CM use of the radial pulse has taken precedence, this wasn't always the
case. The Nine Continents pulse system (using various pulses located on the head
and upper and lower limbs) was the main method discussed in the Nei Jing (see
section 9.5 for detailed information), until CM theoretical developments in the
Nan Jing led to focus upon the radial artery pulsation.
The three pulse positions are located according to the usual procedure. Each position is then
palpated individually at all three levels of depth and the absence or presence of pulsations
noted. The same procedure is then carried out at the positions beyond Cun and beyond Chi
(Box 6.22).
Box 6.21
Questions to consider when assessing pulse length
When looking at the length of the pulse we need to consider the following:
• Under how many fingers is the pulse felt? (exerting even pressure with all three
• Can the pulse be felt as a continuous length of pulsation under all three fingers?
• What other factors are associated with the Long and Short pulses? (Hint:
deficiency or excess?)
• Are there other signs and symptoms? In an otherwise healthy person the Long
pulse can be a sign of abundant Qi and blood.
Box 6.22
Summary of definitions of the pulses defined by the length parameter
• Long: Felt at Cun, Guam and Chi and felt beyond the three positions, beyond
the Cun and/or Chi positions (i.e. can be felt closer to thenar eminence and/ or
towards the elbow). Classified as Yang.
• Short: Felt in only one or two of the three positions. Usually felt in the guan
position plus one of the other two positions. Classified as Yin.
When examining the three traditional positions, it should be noted that there are differences
in how ‘easy’ each position may be to palpate. This is associated with the physical
characteristics of the radius, with the Cun and Guan pulse positions on the artery being
better supported by underlying bony structures than the Chi position and beyond Chi
position, so pulsations are more apparent. Note that pulsations can readily be felt beyond Chi
position and can also denote health (Table 6.7).
TABLE 6.7 Evaluation of pulse length. The ✓ indicates the presence of the pulse at a particular position
Normal Long Long Firm Wiry Short Short Stirred
Presence of pulse
length pulse pulse pulse pulse pulse pulse pulse
Possible pulse patterns Possible pulse patterns
Beyond Cun ✓
Cun ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Guan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Chi ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Beyond Chi possible ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Simultaneously felt under all three
✓ ✓ ✓
Increased arterial tension? ✓ ✓
The length of the pulse reflects the relative amount of Qi and blood and the circulation of
this within the arterial system, organs and channels. Wang noted in the Mai Jing (Wang,
Yang (trans) 1997: p. 25) ‘Since the pulse is the mansion of the blood, the Qi is in a good
state if the pulse is long, but diseased if the pulse is short’.
Accordingly, changes in pulse length occur as a reflection of health or change as the result of
disease. When pathogenic agents or internal disharmony impact on Qi and blood, then Qi
and blood can become overactive, obstructed or vacuous (deficient).
The length of the pulse can indicate:
Note: Li (Flaws (trans) 1998: pp. 85-86) describes the Long pulse as not only ‘a pulse which
extends beyond its position’ but ‘(It) is not only bowstring but full and distended.’ This
description encompasses much more than length, incorporating increased arterial tension,
width and an increase in pulse force.
Step 1: The radial pulse is examined for the presence or absence of pulsations at
the superficial and deep levels of depth and at each of three positions, using the
radial styloid process as the anatomical landmark for the Guan position (see
Box 6.21 for further information).
Step 2: The positions beyond Cun and beyond Chi are examined for the
presence or absence of pulsations at all levels of depth. Classical description from The Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse
‘The long pulse is neither large nor small, Far, far, calm and at ease.
A pulse which extends beyond its position is called long … is not only bowstring
but full and distended CM indications
The Long pulse is a simple CM pulse quality defined primarily on the presence of pulsation
beyond Cun and/or Chi pulse positions. It is not always considered to be a pathological pulse
quality, occurring in individuals with abundant Qi and blood and as well as those who are
Four patterns are associated with the Long pulse; one is a sign of health, but three represent
• Heat
• Phlegm
• Liver disharmony.
In the absence of abnormal signs and symptoms, the Long pulse indicates a normal flow of
abundant Qi and blood filling the radial artery. In someone who is not sick, it is a sign of
good health. When indicating good health, there is usually no corresponding change in other
parameters — that is, the presence of the pulse is simply there. When there is an increase in
arterial tension or contour changes then the increase in pulse length probably reflects
pathology (see below).
The Long pulse occurs when Heat agitates the blood causing the blood to expand
longitudinally. When Heat pathogens occur there are likely to be changes in other pulse
parameters and these need to be assessed in relation to the increase in pulse length. Clinically,
an increase in pulse length occurs in fever, but if the Heat is strong then the pulse rate may
also increase.
A number of authors mention the Long pulse in connection with the presence of Phlegm or
Phlegm fire, relating this clinically to epilepsy and manic symptoms: Deng (1999), Maciocia
(2004). However, this would also usually include changes in accompanying pulse parameters.
Liver disharmony
The Long pulse is associated with Liver disease by a number of authors: Deng (1999), Lu
(1996) and Maciocia (2004). However, this is not strictly a pattern that is solely associated
with the classical Long pulse, as another pulse parameter, arterial wall tension, is also
involved. If the Long pulse is accompanied by an increase in arterial tension so that the
arterial wall feels increasingly ‘harder’ than usual, and the artery retains this rigidity on
increased pressure, then this indicates that there is Liver disharmony. Associated Liver signs
and symptoms would be expected to accompany this pulse. Classical description from The Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse
(Li, Flaws (trans) 1998: pp. 87-88).
The literature records conflicting views about the application of the term ‘short’ to the radial
arterial pulse and the physical manifestation of a Short pulse. For example, authors such as
Maciocia, when defining the Short pulse, imply that the pulsation can be short within each
position. That is, even when the pulse is clearly felt at the three pulse positions, the pulse can
be simultaneously described as ‘short’ for a particular position, because it does not expand
across the whole position as it should.
In contrast, Li Shi-zhen, who often described the clinical significance of specific qualities
within the Cun, Guan or Chi pulse positions, does not attribute the term short to the pulse in
the same sense that Maciocia has. Rather, Li Shi-zhen's use of the term ‘short’ appears to
imply that the Short pulse is used only to describe the situation when there is a total absence
of a discernable pulse at one of the three pulse positions Cun, Guan or Chi. CM indications
The Short pulse indicates two main patterns:
• Vacuity of Qi
The two patterns are further differentiated by the parameter of pulse force.
One possible interpretation of the Short pulse relates to the relationship between the Cun,
Guan and Chi positions and their respective relationship to the upper, middle and lower
Heaters of the body. In a situation where pulsations are absent from both the Cun positions,
for example, and present in the Guan and Chi positions, then an upper Heater vacuity
(deficiency) would be indicated.
in one of the heaters, this can affect communication between the three regions of the body
and consequently the formation of the Short pulse. For example, a lack of a pulse in the Cun
positions with a strong pulse in the Guan positions and forceless pulses in the Chi positions
could indicate an obstruction in the middle Heater; Qi is not being distributed to the upper
and lower Heaters.
When the Short pulse only manifests on either the left or right side, and the pulse on the
other side is felt normal, then obstructive circulatory disorders disrupting the flow wave
within the artery on the affected side need to be considered. From a CM perspective, this
may also reflect an organ type disharmony or vacuity according to where the pulsation can not
be felt (see section 9.4 on Five Phase pulse diagnosis).
When the Short pulse occurs bilaterally with strength then systemic causes arising from
obstruction in the digestive tract need to be assessed.
Only one CM pulse quality is solely defined by its width; the Fine pulse. The Fine pulse is
associated with a decrease in pulse width and is defined as a ‘thin’ pulse quality. Three other
CM pulse qualities can be defined as ‘thin’:
The Fine pulse can be seen as the template or prototype pulse of these narrow pulses. It is the
presence of changes in other pulse parameters that further differentiate the Soggy pulse,
Weak pulse and Faint pulse from the Fine pulse. For example, the Weak pulse, while also a
thin pulse, is found at the deep level of depth and is defined primarily by its decrease in pulse
force (Box 6.23).
Box 6.23
Further differentiation of pulses presenting with narrow arterial diameter
Any pulse with a narrow diameter can be defined as the Fine pulse. However, if
changes in other pulse parameters are also present then this may become another CM
pulse quality. For example:
At the other extreme of the pulse width parameter are several pulse qualities that are
associated with an increase in pulse width: Replete pulse, Firm pulse, Tight pulse, Scallion
Stalk pulse, Drumskin pulse, Scattered pulse, Vacuous pulse and Surging pulse.
These pulse qualities also have important changes in other pulse parameters such as pulse
force or contour and flow wave, and are therefore discussed in the sections on the more
relevant pulse parameter to which they relate.
The arterial width is examined by using all three fingers to apply pressure simultaneously over
the three pulse positions. The pulse is examined at the deep and superficial levels.
There are two basic subdivisions: thin and not thin (Fig. 6.9).
Figure 6.9Cross-sectional schematic of the radial artery and diameter variations with finger palpation.
A pulse that is ‘thin’ is defined as having a very narrow arterial diameter, with a definite edge-
like feel to it. It does not displace a wide surface area of the fingertip laterally. A greater
proportion of the total arterial wall circumference is palpable, indenting the fingertip.
Classical descriptions often compare the narrow pulse with a piece of sewing cotton or thread,
giving the impression that the arterial wall is definitely palpable within the confines of the
fingertips, the artery does not need to be ‘rolled’ to feel the entire arterial width. Alternatively,
the artery is seen occupying a relatively small space between the styloid process and the flexor
carpi radialis tendon.
The underlying aetiology of a thin pulse means that irrespective of the degree of pressure
applied to it, the thin pulse should retain its ‘thin’ classification. For example, a thin pulse felt
superficially does not become a ‘wide’ pulse when further finger pressure is applied. If this
does occur, then this would not be categorised as a ‘thin’ pulse. It is simply the uppermost
level of a wider pulse that is not being sufficiently palpated.
Not thin
A pulse that is ‘not thin’ is any pulse with a diameter wider than the ‘thin’ pulse and this may
encompass a pulse width that is neither narrower nor wider than expected, being the norm for
that individual. It may also describe a pulse that is broader or wider than it should be, with
the pulse expanding both laterally and longitudinally. The category of ‘not thin’ includes
those pulses that displace a broad area under the fingertip and possess a distinct arterial wall.
It also includes pulses where the arterial wall is not distinctly felt, with the artery felt as an
area of pulsation with no clear separation of artery from the surrounding connective tissue, yet
the pulse displacement across the finger is wide. The artery occupies a relatively larger space
between the styloid process of the radius and the flexor carpi radialis. ‘Not thin’ pulses can
equally be forceful or forceless.
• First place the fingers on the skin surface overlying the radial artery.
• Next, feel for the level of depth where the pulsation is felt strongest.
• Maintaining the amount of pressure to locate the pulsation, move the fingers
consecutively from medial to lateral (or from left to right) ‘rolling’ the arterial structure
under the fingers.
Figure 6.10The rolling technique for assessing arterial width. (The technique is also used for assessing arterial wall
This method is also used to determine if there is any increased tension in the arterial wall.
When a thin pulse is palpated and the rolling method applied there is very little more that
can be felt of the arterial structure. When the pulse is ‘not thin’, the rolling technique further
reveals areas of the arterial wall that could not be readily palpated initially. When the arterial
wall tension is not distinct, assessment of pulse width is best done by assessing the
displacement of the pulse wave across the finger tip.
Broadly speaking, pulse width is considered normal so long as the artery is wide enough to
allow sufficient blood flow for tissue perfusion to maintain healthy normal function. In this
sense, the pulse width is described in terms of ‘appropriateness’. In terms of the radial artery,
‘appropriateness’ of normal pulse width can be assessed in two ways:
The idea of the pulse width as ‘appropriate’ occurs in a number of classical CM literature
sources. For example, the Mai Jing discusses the necessity of taking into consideration a
person's physique:
• An individual's physique
• Temperature
• Body fluids.
208 Physique
A tall person should have a wider pulse than a short person, and someone who is slim would
have a smaller arterial width than someone of a larger build. This correlates simply to the
relative size of the individual: small, slender individuals have proportionally smaller arteries
than individuals of a large build. Temperature
With increased heat in the body, the blood vessels in the skin dilate in an attempt to decrease
the core body temperature, leading to an increase in arterial width. This is controlled by
inhibition of the sympathetic centres in the posterior hypothalamus that canse
vasoconstriction (Guyton & Mall 2006: p. 895).
Variations in the environmental temperature can also cause regulatory changes in the arterial
width. For example, climatic cold may cause the blood vessels in the skin to constrict to
conserve body heat, thereby decreasing blood vessel width.
Box 6.24
Body fluids
In an average 70 kilogram person body fluids account for about 42 litres (L). This is
mainly composed of ICF (inside cells) 28 L, while BCF constitutes the remaining 14
L and is composed of interstitial fluid, plasma and transcellular fluid (fluids found in
the synovial, peritoneal, pericardial and intraocular spaces as well as cerebrospinal
fluid constituting about 1–2 L in total) (Guyton and Hall 2006: p. 292-3).
Capillary exchange between plasma and interstitial fluid takes place so that nutrients, oxygen,
ions and other nutrients can reach cells and waste material such as carbon dioxide and other
metabolic by-products can be removed. More fluid moves slowly out of capillaries by
filtration than is removed by reabsorption, so this excess interstitial fluid moves into the
lymphatic system to become lymph which eventually moves back into the blood. Lymphatic
vessels also carry lipids and lipid-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) absorbed through the
gastrointestinal tract to the blood. About 20 litres of fluid filters out of capillaries each day.
Of this, 17 litres is reabsorbed and the remaining 3 litres enters the lymphatic capillaries and
becomes lymph.
• Internal factors affecting blood volume; fluid can decrease or increase and accordingly the
pulse width may also increase or decrease
• External factors such as EPAs affecting blood volume; the Yin or Yang nature of the
pathogen determines the effect this will have on pulse width and lateral expansion of the
flow wave.
Figure 6.11Extrinsic and intrinsic mechanisms associated with the formation of pulses with a narrow (thin) arterial width.
When the pulse is large and full, there is an abundance of blood. When the pulse
is small, thready and weak, there is not enough blood. These conditions are
normal; their opposites indicate abnormality.
Blood pathologies affecting pulse width are primarily associated with vacuities (deficiencies).
Blood vacuity is associated with either increased or decreased changes in arterial width. The
body's response to blood vacuity often depends on the cause or pathogenesis of the vacuity
and the presence of complicating factors such as Damp or Qi vacuity. Primary blood vacuities
are associated with an increase in arterial width. When there are Qi and/or Damp
complications then arterial width decreases. Table 6.8 lists the association between blood and
the CM organs.
The Spleen converts food and drink into Spleen holds the blood in the vessels-easy bruising
Spleen Blood production
Gu Qi that is sent up to the Lungs occurs when this function is impaired
The Lung moves Gu Qi received from
Lung Blood production
the Spleen to the Heart
The Heart converts Gu Qi from the
Heart Blood production The Heart governs the Blood and blood vessels
Lungs into Blood
Kidney Blood production The Kidneys provide Kidney
Essence and Yuan Qi for the conversion
of Gu Qi into Blood in the Heart
Storage and
At night the Blood returns to the Liver to The Liver helps Blood to move smoothly through
Liver replenishment of
be replenished the body by ensuring the smooth flow of Qi
All the normal physiological fluids in the body, including internal fluids which
may be secreted by the Zang organs, such as tears, saliva, sweat, normal nasal
mucus and stomach or Intestinal fluids, and also the fluids which act to moisten
the various tissues within the body, such as the skin, the flesh, the tendons, the
bones and the marrow (p. 1).
Body fluids are classified as Yin, being substantial (in the form of liquids) in comparison to
Qi. They play an important part in nourishing and moistening the various tissues of the body
and maintaining the fluidity and volume of blood. They are further differentiated into Jin and
Ye, with differing functions and textures. Ye fluids have a thicker and more viscous form,
lubricating the organs, bones, joints, marrow and brain, for example the synovial fluids
lubricating the joints or cerebrospinal fluid bathing the spinal cord and brain comparable to
the transcellular component of ECF described in Box 6.24. Jin fluids are thin, clearer and
able to flow swiftly, and are responsible for nourishing and moistening the skin and muscles
of the exterior body. Sweat is a clear example of a Jin fluid. These fluids can be used for
thermoregulation and are able to be transformed into sweat or urine, in order to regulate the
level of fluids in the body. Jin fluids flow with Qi and blood within the blood vessels and can
be transformed into blood when necessary. Therefore, both blood and Jin contribute to filling
out the blood vessels and expanding the arterial diameter.
the blood to replenish tissue fluids. This is reversed in the case of haemorrhage, where fluids
move from the tissues to the blood vessels, in order to maintain a functional blood volume for
continuing blood supply to the vital organs.
Vomiting, diarrhoea and excessive sweating or urination are ways in which fluid is also lost
from the body. As Jin fluids contribute to blood volume, any loss of body fluids may also
result in decreased blood volume and thus decreased arterial width.
Fluid pathologies affecting pulse width are often vacuity related, especially in chronic
conditions, but may also result from acute viral or bacterial infections (EPAs). Of the two
fluid types, ‘thick’ or Ye and ‘thin’ or Jin, it is the Jin fluids which are primarily involved.
Vacuity of Essence affects pulse width, causing a Fine pulse. This can be seen in a vacuity of
Kidney Essence/Jing leading to problems with the production of blood or the transformation
of fluids. The natural decline of Kidney Jing occurs with age, therefore, as noted in The
Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse, the Fine pulse is not unusual in elderly people, but it
always indicates a vacuous (deficient) condition.
• Qi vacuity
• Pathogenic factors affecting Qi.
Qi vacuity
Vacuity of Qi may affect the strength of the cardiac contraction, resulting in a reduced
volume of blood being expelled into the arterial system. This causes a decreased expansion of
the radial artery and so can affect the perception of pulse width.
Qi vacuity can also play a role in the accumulation of body fluids and so affects arterial width.
Yuan Qi is an important catalyst in the transformation and transportation of Qi and fluids.
Therefore vacuity of Yuan Qi can affect any of those steps in the transformative process of
Pathogenic factors
The presence of a pathogenic factor may impact on the arterial width, causing it to be either
narrower or wider than usual.
• Decrease in width: The presence of an internal Yin pathogenic factor such as Damp can
decrease arterial width by compressing the artery so that is unable to expand laterally. This
may occur due to an abnormal increase in fluid in the connective tissues surrounding the
artery, that is, oedema. When Damp causes pulse width to narrow, there is often an
underlying vacuity of the body's Qi and blood allowing this to occur. When Qi and blood
are strong and Damp is present, pulse width will not decrease.
• Increase in width: The presence of a Yang pathogenic factor such as Heat or Fire can
affect the arterial width by agitating Qi and blood, causing it to expand and thereby
increasing the arterial diameter. Heat also affects the contractility of the heart with an
increase in cardiac contraction causing greater expansion of the vessel by the resultant pulse
The width or size of the pulse, generally speaking, is related to the circulatory
blood volume, the cardiac contractility … Insufficient filling of blood, weak
contraction of the heart and the arteries may cause lowering of blood pressure,
which will in turn lead to a small or thready pulse.
The circulating blood volume has an effect on the size of the arterial width. A decreased
decreased expansion of the arterial walls.
Other factors may also influence the arterial width by causing vasoconstriction and
vasodilatation of the arteries. This may occur as part of the normal regulation of the body's
metabolic processes known as homeostasis. Homeostasis maintains the body's internal
environment within set physiological limits (Tortora & Grabowski 2000: p. 6). There are
several factors that attempt to maintain or regulate homeostasis, including hormonal
influences and other processes regulated by the nervous system.
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) can affect blood volume especially when there has been
excessive blood or body fluid loss due to haemorrhage, dehydration, vomiting, diarrhoea or
excessive sweating. Its main action is to decrease urine output, thereby retaining extra fluid
that can be returned to the blood to maintain blood pressure. Other effects of ADH include
decreasing sweat production and constriction of arterioles, which helps to further retain fluids
and increase blood pressure.
The cortex of the adrenal gland secretes aldosterone, a hormone that also helps to maintain
body fluid balance by controlling the concentration of sodium and potassium ions. By
retaining sodium ions (Na+), this also leads to retention of water and can affect blood volume
and arterial width.
relatively hyperactive. Yang's nature is to move upward and outward and once the anchoring
effect of Yin has been eroded then Yang is more difficult to contain. This is reflected in the
pulse by the movement of Yang to the superficial level of depth and may also lead to an
increase in pulse width.
Step 1: The pulse is examined at each level of depth. The arterial width is
noted at all levels of depth. It would be expected that the pulse should be narrow
at all levels of depth where it can be palpated and probably strongest at the
middle level of depth.
Step 2: As the deep level of depth is examined, note whether the pulse is easily
occluded or whether it takes considerable pressure to stop the pulsations. This
information is used to further differentiate the pathogenesis of the pulse.
The fine pulse is a little larger pulse than the faint pulse, a pulse constantly
(Wang, Yang (trans) 1997: p. 4).
Note that the term ‘fine’ is often used in the literature to denote a specific CM pulse quality,
the Fine pulse, or, may also be confusingly used as a descriptive term meaning ‘narrow’ that is
applied to other CM pulse qualities. For example, when a pulse is fine, superficial and lacking
in force it is classified as the Soggy pulse. CM indications
The Fine pulse is always seen as a pathological pulse quality. Three main patterns are
associated with the Fine Pulse:
All three patterns are vacuity-type disorders, as the pathogenic Damp is the result of an
underlying failure of fluids to be transformed properly.
Blood vacuity arises from dysfunction in the production and storage of blood or vacuity due
to the loss of blood (Box 6.26).
• Dysfunction in the production or storage of blood: The production of blood involves the
interaction of the Spleen, Lung, Heart and Kidney (as noted in Table 6.8) and the Liver
plays an important part in the storage of blood. Therefore, although blood vacuity can
involve dysfunction any of these organs, it usually involves dysfunction of the Spleen, Heart
or the Liver (Maciocia 2004, Wiseman & Ye 1998).
• Loss of blood through abnormal bleeding: If blood vacuity continues to occur untreated
then eventually the loss in Yin fluids via blood will lead to a relative imbalance between Yin
and Yang, with Yang becoming relatively excessive. Yin is no longer able to exert a
and Yang, with Yang becoming relatively excessive. Yin is no longer able to exert a
stabilising and constraining effect on Yang, resulting in Yang following its natural
behaviour of moving outwards and upwards. This results in a pulse that can be felt wider
and at a more superficial level of depth than usual and may see a progression of the fine
pulse into a Scallion stalk or Vacuous pulse.
Box 6.25
Blood vacuity signs and symptoms
Signs and symptoms of Blood vacuity will depend on which Zang organs are affected.
In addition to changes in pulse parameters, Blood vacuity signs and symptoms may
• Dizziness
In addition to the general signs and symptoms of Blood vacuity there are other signs
and symptoms which occur when Blood vacuity involves certain organs. These are:
Box 6.26
Causes of Blood loss and vacuity contributing to the formation of the Fine pulse
• Nosebleeds
• Haemorrhage (for example, due to trauma or childbirth)
• Haemoptysis
Box 6.27
Vacuity of body fluids as a compensatory response to blood loss
• If there is excessive loss of body fluids, then fluids may leave the arterial system to
help replace the lost body fluids. This results in the blood vessels ‘empty and
deficient, a condition known as ‘jin withered and blood parched’. As Clavey notes,
this can result in severe Shen disturbances, as blood is considered to be the
residence of the Shen (Clavey 1995: p. 14).
If there is an excessive loss of body fluids this can also affect the quality and quantity of blood,
as there are insufficient body fluids to replenish blood. If severe, body fluids will move from
the blood volume to replenish the fluids in the tissue. This may also result in a decreased
arterial diameter.
A consequence of movement of fluid in and out of the arterial system would be a change in
the viscosity of the blood. An increase in the viscosity of blood can lead to changes in blood
viscosity and the smoothness of blood flow (see section 2.3).
Depletion of Kidney Essence may also result in a narrow arterial wall, due to its contribution
to the formation of both blood and body fluids via Yuan Qi and Kidney Yang. Depletion of
Kidney Essence may arise from natural decline with age, constitutional weakness, or excessive
sexual activity.
•Maciocia (2004: p. 480) describes this pulse as indicating a severe deficiency of blood and
Qi. It is seen as reflecting a more severe deficiency of blood than the Rough pulse (defined
by Maciocia as the Choppy pulse).
•Lu (1996: p. 101) describes the Fine pulse as indicating a mild deficiency while the
‘Feeble’ pulse (known in this text as the Faint pulse) indicates ‘severe deficiency’ such as
collapse of Yang due to profuse sweating or massive haemorrhage.
• Li Shi-zhen notes that this pulse would be appropriate if seen in a weak or elderly person.
A common thread linking these opinions is that a vacuity condition of Qi and Yin fluids is
the underlying mechanism for the formation of this pulse (Box 6.28). It is the presentation of
varying accompanying signs and symptoms that can assist in further differentiating the
Box 6.28
Summary of causes of change in arterial width
A decrease in pulse width or size can indicate:
• Insufficient Qi to propel the blood to the periphery of the body and expand the
• The presence of a Yang pathogen which can agitate or cause excessive movement
of Qi and Blood. Heat has an expansive quality
• Blood vacuity causing a relative hyperactivity of Yang — floating and wide due to
Yin being unable to contain or anchor Yang
6.13. Summary
This concludes the chapter on the simple pulse parameters of rate, rhythm, depth, length and
width and their associated CM pulse qualities. These are considered to be simple pulse
qualities because they are defined by changes in either a single pulse parameter or, at most,
two pulse parameters (Table 6.9).
TABLE 6.9 Summary of the simple CM pulse qualities and their related parameters and indications
CM pulse Pulse parameters
Change in parameter Indications
quality involved
Pathogenic Heat or Fire, heart
Rapid pulse Rate Increase in rate: >90 bpm
dysfunction, Yin vacuity
Pathogenic Cold or sign of health,
Slow pulse Rate Decrease in rate: <60 bpm
Yang vacuity
Rate Rate of 60 bpm Pathogenic Damp or sign of health
Rate Increase in rate: >90 bpm Pathogenic Heat or Fire
Heart arrhythmia due to heart
Rhythm Irregular pause in rhythm
dysfunction, e.g. pacemaker,
Rate Decrease in rate: <60 bpm Pathogenic cold
Heart arrhythmia due to heart
Rhythm Irregular pause in rhythm dysfunction, e.g. pacemaker,
Intermittent Regular interruption to rhythm, the closer the Serious heart disease Severe pain
pulse pauses, the more severe the condition. Chronic disease
Level of depth at External Replete condition: Attack of
Floating Felt relatively strongest at the superficial level of
which pulse is felt EPA such as Wind Heat or Wind
pulse depth
relatively strongest Cold
Internal Vacuous condition: Yin
Cannot be felt at the deep level of depth
Level of depth at Internal replete condition: pathogenic
which pulse is felt Felt relatively strongest at the deep level of depth factor of cold or damp, retention of
relatively strongest food, phlegm
Internal vacuous condition: Yang Qi
vacuity, vacuity of Yin organs
Level of depth at Very difficult to palpate, requiring extremely Internal Replete condition: pathogenic
which pulse is felt strong digital pressure. Felt relatively strongest factor of cold or damp, retention of
relatively strongest beyond the deep level of depth food, phlegm, toxic Fire
Internal vacuous condition: severe
Cannot be felt at the superficial or middle levels
Yang vacuity leading to strong internal
of depth
An increase in length: can be felt at Cun, Guan
Long pulse Length Internal Heat or Fire
and Chi and beyond Chi and/or beyond Cun
Sign of good health: abundant Qi and
Liver disharmony
A decrease in length: can be felt only in one or
Short pulse Length Vacuity: Vacuity of Qi
two pulse positions
Repletion: Stagnation of Qi
Deficiency of blood, body fluids or
Fine pulse Arterial width Decrease in arterial diameter: narrow
If there is one message to take from this chapter it is that changes in the pulse parameters are
always happening and this is considered normal or healthy when those changes are in
response to maintaining homeostasis or Yin/Yang balance through day-to-day activities. It is
when the changes in the pulse parameters are sustained that dysfunction is often indicated,
and it is only when the change in the parameter is excessive that it warrants categorisation as
a CM pulse quality. For example, an increase in pulse rate does not necessarily mean that the
pulse is Rapid. It is only a Rapid pulse when the pulse rate exceeds 90 bpm. So with this in
mind, it is acceptable not to feel a CM pulse quality as is defined in the literature, and not all
changes in the pulse parameters will always form a CM pulse quality.
Interestingly, in this study in naive subjects (subjects that had never had acupuncture
before) the radial arterial diameter did not change during real or sham acupuncture.
Clinically, the results of the study may have implications for practitioners that use
perceived changes in the radial pulse to successfully gauge treatment effects, in
regards to using this technique with naive (first time) acupuncture clients.
Thus, rather than always focusing on the CM pulse qualities it is just as important to
understand the diagnostic meaning of pulse parameter changes, how and why these occur and
the related diagnostic meaning. In this way the information provided by parameter changes is
very important for diagnostic purposes.
In the following chapter we move on to the more complex pulse parameters such as arterial
wall tension, pulse force, pulse occlusion and pulse contour. It is the various combinations of
these complex parameters in conjunction with the simple parameters that produce the more
complex CM pulse qualities such as the Firm pulse or the Soggy pulse, to name but two.
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Chapter 7. Complex CM pulse qualities and associated pulse
Chapter contents
7.5 CM pulse qualities defined by arterial wall tension and ease of pulse occlusion 123
7.1. Introduction
This chapter introduces the more complex CM pulse qualities and the pulse parameters
associated with them. The complexity of these CM pulse qualities is related to:
• The increased number of changes in pulse parameters associated with each CM pulse
The complex CM pulse qualities are characterised by changes to two or more of the pulse
parameters. For each to be defined as a specific CM pulse quality, it is necessary for changes
in all the requisite parameters to be present.
• Ease of occlusion
• Force
• Flow wave and pulse contour.
Although there may be changes in a number of pulse parameters for a complex CM pulse
quality, usually one key parameter is considered to be the defining aspect of that particular
CM pulse quality. This key parameter is often used to loosely categorise the CM pulse
qualities. It should be noted that different CM texts may utilise different ways of grouping
the CM pulses, according to differing pulse parameters.
Changes in these pulse parameters are associated with 15 of the 27 traditional CM pulse
qualities. The CM pulse qualities associated with each of the complex pulse parameters are:
• Defined primarily by arterial tension and ease of occlusion: Stringlike (Wiry) pulse,
Scallion Stalk pulse, Drumskin pulse, Tight pulse, Scattered pulse
• Defined primarily by pulse force and ease of occlusion: Replete pulse, Firm pulse, Weak
pulse, Vacuous pulse, Soggy pulse, Faint pulse
• Defined primarily by flow wave and pulse contour: Slippery pulse, Rough pulse, Surging
pulse, Stirred pulse.
As noted above, the pulse parameter of pulse occlusion plays an important role in the
differentiation of the traditional CM pulse qualities associated with both arterial tension and
pulse force.
The complex pulse parameters are so named because, unlike the simple parameters such as
rate or rhythm, there is no single objective measurement to definitively evaluate these
parameters. They encompass a number of different physiological characteristics involving the
actual structure of the artery and the manner in which it responds to the pressure wave that is
produced from cardiac contraction. The quality and quantity of blood volume and blood flow,
cardiac function and the variability of smooth muscle tone within the arterial wall are equally
important factors that impact on the radial artery pulsation. It is the degree to which these
factors are involved that determines the specific CM pulse quality produced.
the stasis or obstruction of Qi and/or blood, an underlying vacuity of Yin fluids and/or blood,
or the vacuity of Qi (especially Yang).
The specific CM pulse qualities associated with this parameter are differentiated by the
degree of arterial wall tension, ranging from greatly increased tension to a marked reduction.
In this sense, it is not the pulse wave that is being assessed but rather the arterial structure.
The tension, or lack of tension, in the artery is assessed distinctly differently from the actual
shape of the pulse wave.
Five CM pulse qualities are defined primarily by the parameter of arterial wall tension:
7.3.1. Differentiation of the CM pulse qualities primarily defined by changes in arterial wall
The five CM pulse qualities primarily defined by the degree of tension in the arterial wall
range greatly in their presentation. At one extreme is the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse that resists
deformation with finger pressure because of the significant increase in arterial wall tension.
At the other extreme, the Scattered pulse is characterised by its distinct reduction in arterial
tension, which makes it difficult to manually detect the presence of the arterial wall at all.
The Drumskin pulse and Scallion Stalk pulse are also defined by the increased tension in the
arterial wall. However, when increasing finger pressure is applied to the artery, the arterial
wall has only momentary resistance before succumbing to the pressure, a result of their
underlying vacuity. In this sense, they are ‘empty’. Further, a distinguishing feature of the
Scallion Stalk pulse is the ability of the arterial wall to remain distinct and pliable even when
the pulsation in the artery has been occluded.
To further qualify this: the term ‘arterial wall tension’ has been used to encompass a range of
different mechanisms that result in the arterial wall being able to be felt distinctly on
palpation. The differing mechanisms influence how the increased arterial wall tension
manifests in each pulse quality, depending on the involvement of other pulse parameters. For
example, the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse and Tight pulse tend to arise due to increased smooth
muscle tension within the artery wall, while the Tight pulse may additionally include sclerotic
changes to the arterial wall, causing stiffness and a decreased ability to expand easily. So the
underlying condition of the arterial wall may well influence how changes in pulse parameters
manifest. For the Scallion Stalk pulse, a combination of increased arterial tension and
decreased blood viscosity lead to its distinctive manifestation of pliable arterial wall and easy
occlusion. This is replicated in the Drumskin pulse but complicated further by the presence of
pathogenic Cold.
Constitutional body types may also influence the manner in which changes in pulse
parameters present. For example, in an slim individual with a small build, who has smaller
arteries than someone with a taller, larger build, increased arterial wall tension may result in a
more typically Stringlike (Wiry) type pulse than it would in someone with a wider artery.
However, it is the maintenance of this tension with increasing finger pressure, regardless of
the width, that signifies the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse.
• The distensibility and compliance of the arterial wall to pressure changes, whether this
occurs internally from the pulse wave or externally from the pressure exerted by the
practitioner's fingertips
• The tone of the smooth muscle component in the arterial wall structure
• Secondary tensile changes occurring in the arterial wall structure unrelated to vascular
smooth muscle.
Arterial tension contributes to the perceived ‘hardness’ of the arterial wall on palpation.
When arterial tension is present, the artery can be easily distinguished from the tethering
support of the surrounding connective tissue. Equally, a lack of arterial tension makes it
difficult to distinguish the artery from the surrounding tissue.
Increased arterial wall tension can occur in both replete or vacuity conditions as a result of
different physiological mechanisms. For example, increased arterial wall tension may occur in
response to Yin vacuity or loss of Yin fluids, resulting in the relative hyperactivity of Yang
and accordingly, increased arterial tension. The Scallion Stalk pulse is a good example of a
vacuity-type pulse quality, where tension is not associated with vascular smooth muscle
contraction but with tension in other parts of the rigid arterial wall structure (see section Alternative mechanism for increased arterial wall tension). Alternatively, a Cold
pathogen may lead to increased arterial wall tension by its contracting nature, obstructing Qi
and blood flow. This pathogenic factor is considered to be an excess pattern, reflected in an
increase in pulse force and arterial width and an increase in arterial wall tension associated
with increased smooth muscle tone. The Tight pulse and the Firm pulse are good examples
of excess-type CM pulse qualities with increased arterial tension due to contraction of
vascular smooth muscle. Qi stasis may also result in hyperactivity of Yang Qi thus leading to
increased tension
• Assessment of the physical characteristics of the radial artery wall to determine the degree
of arterial tension
231 Assessment of pulse occlusion
Assessment of pulse occlusion requires compression of the arterial wall; in particular, this
involves determining what happens to both the arterial wall and the pulsation when
increasing pressure is exerted on it by the fingers. That is, does the wall retain its distinctive
shape or is it easily deformed, does it easily regain its original form when pressure is released
and how easy is it to occlude the arterial pulsation? (Box 7.1)
Box 7.1
Hints for assessing arterial tension
When assessing arterial tension, don't focus on any pulsatile movement. Rather, your
attention needs to focus on the actual arterial structure. The lateral movement of the
assessing fingers will help you in this, disguising arterial movement while assisting in
feeling the artery.
To assess ease of pulse occlusion, the fingers are placed at the three traditional pulse positions
and finger pressure is gradually increased over the radial artery until pulsations can no longer
be felt. This is held for five seconds. There are two subcategories for ease of occlusion:
• Easy to occlude: A pulse that is classified as easy to occlude requires little pressure exerted
on it to halt the pulsations, with either the arterial walls easily compressed or the arterial
pulsation being easily stopped. The level of depth at which the pulsation can be felt
strongest does not affect pulse occlusion. That is, both superficially and deeply located
pulses may be easily occluded.
• Difficult to occlude: Significant pressure is required to occlude the pulse, equal to the
pressure that is needed to palpate to the deep level. In some cases, the pulse may be still felt
under the fingers. Sometimes the pulse can still be felt at the side of the proximal side of
the ring finger. This is seen as an indicator of pulse strength
indication of the artery. Of course, between these two extremes there is a range of degrees of
arterial tension.
be a healthy part of the normal psyche, but if any of these becomes prolonged or excessive in
nature, or is not expressed freely, this may have an adverse effect on the individual's health.
Most commonly this may affect the normal flow of Qi, which, if sustained, may lead to
problems of Qi stagnation.
Box 7.2
Effects of the autonomic nervous system on blood flow
• Increased parasympathetic activity decreases heart rate, but the effect on heart
contractility is only minor.
muscle in the tunica media of the blood vessels wall and is influenced by the nervous system's
effect on the contraction and expansion of the arteries (Lu 1996: p. 179). (See Fig. 2.5 for
layers of the muscular arteries.)
Under normal conditions there is a ‘partial state of contraction in the blood vessels, called
vasomotor tone’ caused by the vasomotor centre in the brain sending continual signals to the
vasoconstrictor nerve fibres systemically. This helps to maintain pressure within the arterial
system (Guyton & Hall, 2006: p. 206).
as ‘chills’. The shivering reflex increases the tone of the skeletal muscles throughout the body.
Hypothetically, the combination of the sympathetic effects on the blood vessels, causing
vasoconstriction, in conjunction with the increased muscular tone, may result in increased
radial arterial wall tension. This may explain why the Tight pulse is described as appearing in
acute conditions such as an attack of EPA of Cold, accompanied by fever and chills.
The vasoconstriction of the systemic arteries and resulting increased peripheral resistance may
explain why increased arterial wall tension is considered to appear in hypertension, with some
authors citing the Stringlike (wiry) pulse or the Tight pulse as occurring in this condition
(Maciocia 2004, Wiseman & Ellis 1996). Researchers at the First PLA Medical University,
Guangzhou found that ‘Most patients suffering from coronary heart disease have stringlike
pulse due mainly to disorder of cardiac function, lowered arterial compliance and increased
total peripheral resistance’ (Chen, Lin, Meng et al 1996). Utilising a combination of manual
palpation to identify possible CM pulse qualities and biomedical cardiac function indices,
they found generally that the coronary disease group were assessed as having ‘taut pulses’ (113
out of 120 cases) as well as having decreased myocardial contractility, stroke volume, left
ventricular and arterial compliance, impaired left ventricular function and increased total
peripheral resistance. It was surmised that the formation of the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse was
due to a combination of factors such as arteriosclerosis, decreased vascular compliance and
increased peripheral resistance. While the majority of patients were considered to have ‘taut
pulses’ it appeared that these tended to appear in combinations with other CM pulse qualities
such as Slippery, Slow, Thready and Rapid. However, there was no further breakdown of the
group into subcategories. In addition, no concrete definition was provided for the term ‘taut’
and this seems to have been used interchangeably with the term ‘stringlike’.
The Guangzhou College (1991) notes explain that the mechanism of the taut (Stringlike)
pulse may be due to increased vasoconstriction or increased blood volume or a combination of
both, caused by arteriosclerosis which leads to increased arterial pressure and peripheral
vascular resistance.
As discussed by Brashers (Ch. 30 in McCance & Huether 2006: pp. 1086-1092), factors such
as arteriosclerosis can affect the stiffness of arterial walls impacting upon their ability to dilate
or constrict. Arteriosclerosis is caused by thickening and hardening within the arterial wall
with eventual narrowing of the arterial lumen. While perhaps due to normal aging, it may
also play a role in hypertension and other circulatory disorders. Atherosclerosis is an
inflammatory pathological change to the arterial system that results in the laying down of
fatty plaques in the walls of the medium-sized and large arteries. This has effects on blood
flow via a decreased lumen due to the presence of atherosclerotic plaques and other changes
to the arterial wall. It plays a major role in coronary artery disease and cerebrovascular disease
(stroke) by causing obstruction to blood flow. However, it has been noted by O'Rourke et al
(1992: p. 98) that despite the obstructive effects on the coronary and cerebral blood vessels, it
appears that atherosclerosis has ‘little effect on the transmission of the pulse over long lengths
of the aorta or other conduit arteries’ and the ‘contour of the brachial or radial arteries is
rarely altered’.
atherosclerosis. Nitric oxide (which causes vasorelaxation) and endothelin (a strong
vasoconstrictor) are mediators produced by the endothelium and participate in the regulation
of both basal vascular tone and blood pressure (Cockcroft et al 1997: p. 55). It is hypothesised
that increased arterial stiffness may therefore result not only from physical changes to arterial
wall structure due to ageing and arteriosclerosis, but also from endothelial dysfunction,
affecting the availability of nitric oxide.
The parameter of pulse occlusion is not an actual component of the pulse, such as pulse rate,
but rather is used as a diagnostic technique to provide further information about changes in
other pulse parameters such as pulse force and arterial wall tension. Accordingly, pulse
occlusion is used to further determine the overall strength of the pulse, relative fluid volume
and the degree of tension within the arterial wall (Fig. 7.1). As such, it enables us to further
differentiate between specific CM qualities that are defined by a number of other parameters.
Figure 7.1Schematic representation of variations in density of blood affecting tactile sensation of ease of occlusion. (A)
‘Normal’ blood viscosity. (B) Reduction in blood viscosity.
The stronger the pulse wave the more difficult it is to occlude the pulse against the blood
flow. Pulse force relates to both the relative activity of Yang Qi and the presence of sufficient
Yin fluids to act as the medium to convey force. If Yin fluids diminish so too does pulse
volume; accordingly, the loss of the carrier means that the force of the pulse is not
transmitted through the vessels. The artery therefore becomes easier to occlude.
Therefore with blood loss, Jin Ye fluids can move into the blood vessels from the surrounding
tissues to compensate for the fluid loss and replenish the blood volume, but not necessarily
the quality of blood (there is no immediate regenerative effect on the loss of red blood cells).
This has the effect of decreasing the viscosity of the blood (due to the loss of red blood cells,
and therefore a greater proportion of plasma than usual). This may result in an artery that
feels ‘empty’ (decreased density) and therefore more easily occluded.
Conversely, when there is a loss of body fluids, this can cause fluids from the blood to leave
the blood vessels to help replace the lost body fluids. However, this leaves the ‘vessels empty
and deficient, a condition known in TCM as “jin ku xue zao”: jin withered and blood
parched. This can lead to severe Shen disturbance as the blood that would normally nourish
the Heart becomes inadequate’ (Clavey 1995: p. 14). This also has the effect of increasing the
viscosity of the blood (greater proportion of red blood cells than usual due to decreased
plasma volume). As a result, this may result in the blood flowing less smoothly, due to
increased resistance to the blood flow due to increased ratio of red blood cells to plasma (see
Box 7.6).
Box 7.6
Body fluid loss versus Blood loss
From a biomedical perspective, the loss of either blood or body fluids (if severe,
leading to hypovolemic shock) has a similar effect physiologically on the circulatory
system by reducing cardiac output. Body fluid loss may occur due to excessive
sweating, excessive urination or failure to replace lost fluids (inadequate fluid intake),
while severe vomiting and diarrhoea can also affect both fluid and electrolyte balance.
This loss of body fluid is known as dehydration.
In body fluid loss, plasma moves from the intravascular (inside the circulatory system)
to the extravascular space to compensate for the lost volume. While this has a similar
effect on the body's autoregulatory mechanisms as a decrease in blood volume, there
is an important difference:
• A decrease in plasma volume means that the viscosity of the blood is greatly
increased due to the higher concentration of red blood cells and as such, results in
sluggish blood flow (Guyton & Hall 2006: p. 285).
• Blood loss, on the other hand, results in a loss of both plasma volume and red
blood cells, therefore the viscosity of blood will tend to decrease. This has the
effect of decreasing the resistance to blood flow and increasing the flow rate, as
thick fluids cause greater resistance to flow and move more slowly than thin fluids
(McCance & Huether 2006: p. 1057).
Pulse volume is usually assessed via a three- or four-point scale ranging from absence of
pulsation through to ‘bounding’ which is described as being ‘difficult to obliterate with
pressure’ (Estes 2006: p. 254). Terminology that is commonly used to describe pulses with
decreased volume includes ‘thready’ or ‘weak’, and these pulses are considered to be very easily
occluded with light pressure, in accordance with the similarly defined CM pulse qualities
(Box 7.3).
Box 7.3
Objective measurements of the pulse and ease of occlusion
In a study comparing objective measurements of the radial arterial pulse using
applanation tonometry and assessment of the pulse using manual palpation, Walsh
(2003) found a significant relationship for two tonometry measurements and the
manual evaluation of pulse occlusion. These were PMaxPdt and peripheral systolic
pressure (PSP) for the right hand.
The PSP reading was a measure of the maximum pressure exerted by the pulse wave
in the radial artery during systole. For ease of pulse occlusion, the results indicated
that high peripheral systolic pressure was associated with an increased difficulty in
occluding the radial pulse by the pulse assessors using manual palpation (systolic
pressure means below 120.2 mmHg for assessor 1 and 117.2 mmHg for assessor 2).
Pulses that were selected as easy to occlude were associated with a low peripheral
systolic pressure (means below 108.2 mmHg for assessor 1 and 107.7 mmHg for
assessor 2).
PMaxPdt relates to the change in pressure with respect to time during systole. Walsh
(2003) found that a greater mean value was associated with pulses selected as difficult
to occlude (>700 mmHg/s) while a low value was associated with pulse selected as
easy to occlude (< 600 mmHg/s). This indicates that the quicker maximum pressure
is attained during systole (requiring the heart to contract strongly), the more likely
the pulse was to be identified as being difficulty to occlude. This indicated a
significantly shorter time to reach maximum pressure when the heart contracted for
pulses rated as difficult to occlude compared to pulses rated as easy to occlude. Hence
pulse force also has a bearing on ease of pulse occlusion.
Changes in pulse volume from the norm can occur due to changes in either stroke volume or
peripheral resistance. The pulse may be easily occluded if the circulating blood volume in the
arterial system is decreased. Factors resulting in decreased stroke volume can include heart
failure, cardiogenic shock leading to problems with heart contraction or decreased ventricular
filling time due to problems with the heart's conduction system.
Peripheral vascular resistance (PVR) is related to the ease with which blood flows through the
circulatory system. Increased PVR (due to narrowing of the aorta or inflammation of the
pericardium) may lead to a pulse with low amplitude that is easily occluded.
Conversely, the pulse may be more forceful than normal due to fever, infection, exercise,
emotional anxiety or hyperthyroidism. Severe anaemia is also considered to be a factor
causing a ‘bounding pulse’ due to the dual effect of decreased blood viscosity leading to
decreased peripheral resistance and hypoxia (decreased oxygen to tissues) resulting in
increased peripheral dilatation of blood vessels. These both lead to a greatly increased venous
return to the heart and therefore greatly increased cardiac output (Guyton & Hall 2006: p.
As pulse volume is partially reflective of blood volume then factors affecting blood volume
can also impact on how easily the pulse can be occluded. Blood volume can may be impaired
as a result of:
2. Progressive shock: certain positive feedback mechanisms occur to further weaken the
heart and reduce cardiac output so the shock becomes progressively worse.
From a CM perspective the different stages of hypovolemic shock may be the mechanism
underlying the traditional CM pulse qualities such as the Faint pulse or the Scallion stalk
pulse, relating to sudden acute blood loss (see individual CM pulse qualities for more
the production of blood will also affect blood quality. While plasma volume remains
unchanged, the number or size of red blood cells (RBCs) may be adversely affected, leading
to a decrease in blood viscosity.
Each of the above situations impacts upon either the number of RBCs, plasma volume or
haemoglobin-carrying capacity of the RBCs and therefore affects the circulatory system in
varying degrees, hence the appearance of certain CM pulse qualities (see section for
more detailed information). These processes may be reflected within the CM pulse qualities
such as the Fine, Faint or Scallion Stalk pulse qualities.
7.5. CM pulse qualities defined by arterial wall tension and ease of pulse occlusion
7.5.1. Stringlike (Wiry) pulse (Xián mài)
The Stringlike (Wiry) pulse is primarily defined by the physiological presentation of the
arterial wall. Specifically, it is the high degree of arterial wall clarity that is of interest. The
actual shape of the flow wave through the artery is a consequence of this increased tension in
the radial arterial wall (Fig. 7.2).
Figure 7.2Schematic representation of the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse: Arterial tension constraining flow wave. The arterial
wall is felt distinctly as a continuous length under all three fingers.(Adaptal from Figure 29.33 of McCance & Huether
2006 by permission of Elsevier Mosby.)
• Arterial wall tension: The Stringlike (Wiry) pulse has increased arterial tension
• Length: The Stringlike (Wiry) pulse can be felt at all three traditional pulse positions and
beyond Chi
• Pulse occlusion: With increasing finger pressure the arterial wall resists deformation,
retaining its definitive shape.
The arterial wall is perceived as rigid or dense due to the increased arterial tension, strongly
resisting changes to its form when increasing finger pressure is exerted on it. Due to the
increased smooth muscle tone in the arterial wall, the pulse is felt as a length of pulsation
across the entire arterial segment at the wrist.
Step 2: The radial artery is perceived as a distinct tubular structure. The term ‘distinct’ refers
to the increased tension or stress situated in the arterial wall, which means that the arterial
wall is clearly felt and it resists easy deformation with finger pressure.
Step 3: It is noted in the pulse literature that the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse retains its form when
pressure is exerted on it: ‘stiff under the force of the fingers’ (Deng 1999: p. 143) and ‘press
and it does not vary’ (Li, Flaws (trans) 1998: p. 100). The often repeated comparison of the
Stringlike (Wiry) pulse with the wire string of a musical instrument also brings to mind the
image of a pulse that retains its shape even with pressure exerted on it. In terms of the
resilience of Stringlike (Wiry) pulse to deformation, two factors should be noted:
• The arterial wall resists deformation to finger pressure possibly even maintaining its shape
as the deep level of depth is examined, although it can probably be occluded with sufficient
• From our experience, when pressure is released from the deep level of depth, the arterial
wall quickly regains its original shape. Classical description from The Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse
The bowstring pulse is level and straight like the long [description from the Su
Its shape is like the strings of a zither [description from the Mai Jue]. CM indications
The Stringlike (Wiry) pulse primarily reflects pathology relating to constrained Qi,
particularly involving the Liver. This may be transient, reflecting acute stressful situations, or
may be indicative of chronic constraint of Qi and consequently associated with pathology.
This is termed Qi stagnation and is commonly associated with the Liver. Other CM patterns
that can be associated with obstruction of Qi include the presence of pathogenic factors such
as Phlegm or Damp. Pain is also usually the result of Qi or Blood stasis (stagnation), so the
Stringlike (Wiry) pulse can occur in any condition accompanied by pain.
Liver disharmonies
The Liver is traditionally associated with assisting the free spread of Qi throughout the body,
and its movement is considered to have an expansive nature. In addition, the Liver has a
major role to play in the storage of blood, providing sufficient blood to circulate through the
blood vessels and channels, while returning at night to be stored in the Liver. The patterns of
disharmony associated with the Liver therefore involve obstruction of this normal free flow
and spreading of Qi and blood.
Liver disharmonies associated with the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse include Liver Qi stagnation,
Liver Yang rising, Liver Fire, internal Liver Wind and Liver Blood stasis (Box 7.4).
Box 7.4
Signs and symptoms associated with Liver/gallbladder disharmonies
These depend on the exact Liver pattern but may be associated with the following:
• Sighing
• Flatulence
• Pellet-like stools
• Clinical relevance: Liver patterns can often be seen in patients suffering from emotional
stress of some type or actual liver or gallbladder disease. The Stringlike (Wiry) pulse can
also result from painful conditions of liver or gallbladder origin such as cholecystitis.
• Mechanism: The Liver is responsible for allowing the smooth circulation of Qi and
therefore Blood throughout the body. Liver Qi is easily affected by emotions such as anger,
irritability, resentment or the suppression of emotional stress, obstructing Qi flow.
Yang Qi is responsible for maintaining the normal tension of the arterial wall. If Liver Yang
becomes hyperactive this can lead to increased tension in the pulse.
Phlegm or Damp
A number of authors agree that the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse can be seen in Phlegm patterns
(Deng 1999, Li (Flaws trans) 1998, Lu 1996, Lyttleton 2004, Maciocia 2004). Phlegm is
formed by a number of different processes (see Clavey (1995) for a comprehensive discussion
on the aetiology and symptomatology of Phlegm) and may occur due to Heat or Fire within
the body, causing body fluids to dry up and congeal. Alternatively, Liver Qi stasis can
eventually turn to fire, again drying fluids. Flaws (1997: p. 53) describes Yin obstruction (due
to Damp, Phlegm, food or blood causing obstruction or stasis) as being capable of impeding
the free flow of Qi.
Phlegm/Damp is able to enter and ‘choke the circulation both inside and outside of the blood
vessels’ (Clavey 1995: p. 177) impeding the flow of blood. This can be equated with
hypertension in a biomedical context, where there is sclerotic loss of vascular elasticity and
therefore increasing hardness of the arterial wall.
Clinically this can be seen in conditions such as epigastric fullness, nausea, vomiting,
coughing with production of phlegm. Phlegm/Damp may also result in gynaecological
problems such as amenorrhoea and infertility and this may present as a Stringlike (Wiry)
pulse, particularly if Liver Qi stagnation is the contributing cause (Lyttleton 2004).
The Stringlike (Wiry) pulse may be seen in any condition where there is pain. From a CM
perspective, pain indicates obstruction of Qi or blood or both. Therefore the lack of free flow
is reflected in the increased arterial tension in the pulse. Pain evokes a systemic response,
activating the sympathetic nervous system. This will tend to override other pulse variables,
with increased arterial tension the predominating change in pulse parameters. Clinically, this
pulse may be seen in abdominal or epigastric pain, dysmenorrhoea, headaches and
musculoskeletal problems, irrespective of the cause.
Wood and Earth type symptoms. For example, irritable bowel syndrome presenting with
alternating diarrhoea and constipation and exacerbated by stress is a classic presentation of
the Wood attacking the Earth pattern. Flaws (1997) suggests that a commonly seen pattern is
Liver Qi stasis, occurring in conjunction with both Spleen damp and Blood vacuity.
A number of authors (Li, Flaws (trans) 1998, Deng 1999, Lu 1996) describe malaria as
presenting with a Stringlike (Wiry) pulse. Malaria is a febrile condition and in CM is usually
recognised as having an exogenous Cold origin that has entered the body and is located
between the interior and exterior. This is equivalent to the Shao Yang stage of Six Divisions
(associated with the Gallbladder and Triple Energiser channels). Typical symptoms include
fever, chills and severe headaches.
A number of pulses that reflect Blood vacuity do in fact present with increased tension, but
these are not necessarily the definitive Stringlike (Wiry) pulse. If Blood vacuity occurs, then
one might expect accompanying changes in other pulse parameters refecting the underlying
vacuity pattern (such as a decrease in pulse force or change in width) and consequently the
formation of another CM pulse quality, for example the Scallion Stalk pulse.
incorporated into the bigger picture with the diagnostic information obtained from other
aspects of the pulse and the other diagnostic techniques. The example used in the above
section on Blood vacuity is a prime example of this. If the pulse information were
underutilised to identify the pulse solely as the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse, then information
regarding the underlying vacuity (represented by the ease of pulse occlusion in conjunction
with the lack of force) would be lost.
Stress only becomes a problem if this tension remains after the stressor has passed, or if this
type of stress becomes chronic. Clinically, if stress occurs - for example preparing for an exam
or meeting deadlines at work - then the temporary stress is seen as a useful motivating force,
rather than something to be treated. It is when the stress affects the body's ability to be
productive or to continue with normal activities, or when stress becomes chronic, that
intervention is required. In these cases, levels of cortisol are consistently raised. Cortisol - one
of the glucocorticoids produced by the adrenal cortex, useful in helping the body's resistance
to stress by increasing the production of ATP (used to produce energy) - makes the blood
vessels more sensitive to substances that have a vasoconstrictive effect, which means that it
effectively raises blood pressure (Tortora & Grabowski 2000). This is effective if the stress is
due to blood loss; however, if it is not and this is happening consistently, then the increased
blood pressure may have potentially harmful long-term effects on the heart and circulatory
The Tight pulse is a complex pulse quality that is defined primarily by the effect of increased
arterial wall tension on the pulse wave.
• Arterial wall tension: The Tight pulse has increased arterial tension.
• Force: There is an increased intensity of pulsation, so that this is a forceful pulse quality.
• Length: The Tight pulse is a long pulse, felt in all three pulse positions and beyond Cun
and/or beyond Chi.
Although there are no direct references to the length of the Tight pulse, it is often likened to
the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse (Li, Flaws (trans) 1998, Lu 1996, Wiseman & Ellis 1996) which
is commonly described as long. Additionally, the descriptions often infer length and increased
width by equating the Tight pulse with a rope or cord.
While increased width, length and tension are also invoked by the description of ‘vibrates to
the left and right like a tightly stretched rope’ (Li, Huynh (trans) 1981: p. 18), this
description also gives rise to what is considered to be, by some authors, the distinguishing
feature of the Tight pulse; the slight lateral or sideways movement of the artery under the
palpating fingers. This is surmised as occurring due to the heightened degree of increased
arterial wall tension; the pressure pulse wave causes the artery to ‘vibrate’ or ‘contort’ side to
side (left to right) due to the arterial wall's inability to absorb and transmit the pulsatile force
251 Confusion over pulse descriptors
There is some confusion in the CM literature over the actual presentation of this pulse
quality. While some texts mention a side to side or left to right movement, much of the
literature tend to also reiterate the traditional pulse descriptions which describe its similarity
to feeling a ‘tightly twisted’, ‘taut’ or ‘tensely drawn’ rope (Deng 1999, Flaws 1997, Kaptchuk
2000, Lu 1996, Wang, Yang (trans) 1997).
Review of the pulse literature reveals that the Tight pulse is generally considered to be a
forceful pulse. Li (Flaws trans 1998: p. 93) describes the Tight pulse as ‘left and right, pellet-
like to the human hand’. The term ‘pellet like’ is defined earlier in the same text in another
pulse definition as being round and hard, but not short. It is also described in the Mai Jing
(Yang (trans) 1997: p. 3) as feeling ‘irregular like a turning rope’. Deng (1999: p. 128) utilises
a number of different references, which again address the rope metaphor. However, the idea
of an irregularity in form, not rhythm, is also raised, with additional descriptions of the pulse
‘with pressure it is like rolling, not even, but with bumps’ and reinforced by the likeness of the
Tight pulse to a cord composed of a number of different threads twisted together. There are
at least three possible interpretations here: one referring to the physical imperfections of the
arterial wall; another to the action of the pulse wave due to the greatly increased tension of
the arterial wall causing the artery to appear to slightly ‘shake’ or ‘vibrate’ sideways; thirdly, to
the actual slipping of the artery from under the fingers due to the heightened arterial tension.
Step 1: The main feature of the Tight pulse is the significantly increased arterial wall tension,
resulting in a tautness that can be felt under the palpating finger. The increased rigidity of the
arterial wall results in either: the pressure wave causing the artery to move sideways as it
passes through the artery or the artery moves sideways when finger pressure is applied,
slipping away from the tips of the fingers.
Step 2: When assessing pulse force, the pulsation hits the fingers with increased intensity, and
the artery resists deformation with increasing finger pressure.
Step 3: The pulsation is felt across a broad surface area of the palpating fingers and is
therefore defined as wide.
252 Differentiating the Tight pulse from similar CM pulse qualities
There are a number of CM pulse qualities that have increased arterial wall tension. However,
these are further distinguished by differences in other pulse parameters and accordingly these
changes reflect the underlying pathogenesis (Table 7.1).
Table 7.1 Comparison of CM pulse qualities with increased arterial wall tension
Stringlike (Wiry)
Tight pulse Firm pulse Drumskin pulse Scallion Stalk pulse
Arterial Significantly ↑
↑ tension ↑ tension Significantly ↑ tension ↑ tension
tension tension
Arterial wall very
Response of
distinct, ↑ tension
arterial wall Arterial wall very Arterial wall very Can feel arterial
causes slight Very taut on palpation
to degree of distinct distinct wall distinctly
Retains form with Retains form with Retains form with Retains form with increasing Retains form even
increasing finger increasing finger increasing finger finger pressure but with heavy when pulse is
Pulse pressure due to pressure due to pressure due to pressure, the pulse is easily occluded but rather
occlusion increased internal increased internal increased internal occluded due to the lack of than being rigid, it
resistance within resistance within resistance within internal resistance (decreased has a pliable arterial
artery. artery. artery. volume) wall.
The pulsation is
With significant With significant With significant easily occluded due
pressure, pulse is pressure, pulse is pressure, pulse is to the lack of
occluded. occluded. occluded. internal resistance
(decreased volume)
↑ width ↑ width – ↑ width ↑ width
Pulse length Long Long Long – –
Pulse force ↓ force ↑↑ force – ↓ force ↓ force
Deep level of Superficial level of
Pulse depth – − Superficial level of depth
depth depth
Internal cold, Qi stagnation
Pain, food Yin vacuity complicated by Loss of Blood or
internal LV/GB
retention, EPA EPA cold acute profuse Yin Yin fluids (acute or
Pathogenesis obstruction due to disharmony
cold or internal fluid loss severe Yin & Essence chronic Blood
Qi or Blood stasis phlegm/damp
cold vacuity vacuity)
and pain malaria pain
-:not a requisite pulse parameter for this CM pulse quality.
The five CM pulse qualities listed in Table 7.1 all present have increased arterial present wall
tension. The Scallion Stalk pulse and Drumskin pulse are easily occluded with pressure,
whereas the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse clearly retains its form. The Firm pulse has a similar
pathogenic mechanism to the Tight pulse, in relation to the presence of pathogenic Cold. In
this sense, the Firm pulse and the Tight pulse are interrelated and the Firm pulse could be
considered a variation of the Tight pulse but located at the deep level, reflecting the invasion
of pathogenic Cold moving directly into the interior. The Tight pulse and Firm pulse have
similar changes in pulse parameters and therefore may present in a similar fashion; however,
the Firm pulse is always found to be relatively strongest at the deep level of depth. This
specifies the location of the disease, which is at the internal level and also reflects the inability
of Yang Qi to move outwards due to obstruction, shown by the increased arterial tension. In
addition, the Tight pulse as an increase in arterial tension such that the artery gives the
impression of slightly moving side to side as a result of the pulse wave moving through the
constricted arterial wall. Classical description from the Mai Jing and The Lakeside Master's Study of the
The tight pulse is an inflexible pulse like a tensely drawn rope [said in another
version to feel like a turning rope] CM indications
It is commonly understood that the Tight pulse is indicative of pain. Pain arises from the
obstruction of Qi and/or blood flow. With the Tight pulse, Cold is considered the primary
cause of pathogenesis in the pulse literature. This is attributed to the contracting nature of
Cold, which is seen as having a constricting effect on the arterial wall. Therefore the Tight
pulse can be seen in disharmonies relating to stagnation of Qi and/or blood commonly due to
pathogenic Cold, usually presenting with pain as a primary symptom. However, the Tight
pulse may be seen in any painful condition due to obstruction of the normal flow of Qi and
blood. The four patterns associated with the Tight pulse are:
• Pain
• Internal Cold
• EPA of Cold
• Food retention
Pain is a common symptom associated with obstruction of Qi and/or blood flow. The
associated signs and symptoms will depend on the location of the pain and the specific organ
affected. The nature of the pain, for example sharp, distending, stabbing or dull, assists in
identifying the pattern of disharmony.
Clinically, the Tight pulse may be seen in conditions such as sudden stomach pain,
abdominal distension and fullness, diarrhoea, loss of appetite or dysmenorrhoea (menstrual
pain). Exposure to environmental cold or excessive consumption of cold, raw food such as ice
cream, fruit, salad or cold drinks may contribute to the formation of this pulse. In women,
exposure to Cold during menstruation, such as swimming or wearing inadequate clothing in
cold weather, are also seen as potential causative factors (Lyttleton 2004: p. 17).
Clinically, this may be seen as an acute onset of a cold or flu-type viral infection. Common
signs and symptoms include strong body aches, aversion to cold, chills and fever, no thirst or
sweating and a sore throat.
Food retention
Food retention may occur when Stomach Qi is deficient or not descending properly or there
is excessive food intake. This can cause obstruction of Qi and blood leading to pain, hence
the formation of the Tight pulse.
255 Biomedical perspective
The over-distension of a hollow organ, such as the stomach, can result in pain either by
overstretching the actual tissue or because the overfilling leads to compression of blood vessels
supplying or surrounding the organ. This can lead to pain due to the reduced blood flow to
the area (this is known as ischaemic pain) (Guyton & Hall 2006: p. 604).
Intestinal obstruction can occur within or outside the intestines, resulting from fibrous
adhesions (postsurgical or from trauma), twisting of the part of the intestine, herniation,
inflammatory intestinal disease or diverticulitis. This may lead to distension and pain,
depending on the severity and location of the obstruction.
• Depth: The Scallion Stalk pulse is found to be relatively strongest at the superficial level
of depth
• Pulse occlusion: This pulse is easily occluded with increasing finger pressure.
It is the combination of the above two factors which creates the most distinguishing feature
of this pulse; the wall of the artery can still be very distinctly felt even when the pulsation
within the artery has been occluded. This results in being able to roll the fingers over the
arterial wall under the palpating fingers, and ‘squash’ it, rather like flattening a plastic
drinking straw. In this sense, it is not the pulse wave that defines the Scallion Stalk pulse, but
the actual physical structure of the arterial wall that can be felt regardless of the pressure
exerted on it.
This aspect readily reflects the traditional description of an onion or scallion stalk, indicating
a distinct and pliable arterial wall but lacking in substance in the interior. In this case, the
substance lacking is Blood. The metaphorical description of the pulse used extensively in the
traditional literature in this situation is quite apt in conveying the actual sensation of the pulse
as felt.
Step 2: This involves feeling for the physical characteristics of the artery wall. The arterial wall
is well delineated, being able to be felt easily at the superficial level of depth, with fingers
resting on the skin surface. When finger pressure is increased from the superficial level of
depth downwards, the arterial wall compresses easily and the pulsation is stopped. However,
the arterial wall can be easily rolled underneath the fingers, like squashing a plastic drinking
straw, so that the walls are still distinctly felt under finger pressure. This requires moving the
palpating fingers from left to right, over the arterial wall. Classical descriptions from the Mai Jing and The Lakeside Master's Study of the
The scallion stalk pulse is a floating pulse, large but soft. It is empty in the
middle but solid at the sides when pressure is applied. [It is said in another
version to be a pulse absent under directly under the (feeling) fingers but
present at the sides.]
Centre is empty, external is replete [or real, i.e. it exists] CM indications
The Scallion Stalk pulse is always considered a pathological pulse quality and is commonly
associated with the loss of blood or Yin fluids (Box 7.5Box 7.6 and Box 7.7). While many
authors agree that this is usually due to acute haemorrhage, others describe this pulse
appearing due to chronic insidious blood loss, Blood vacuity patterns or in chronic illness
affecting the haematological system, such as anaemia or leukaemia (Lu 1996).
Box 7.5
Blood vacuity signs and symptoms
• Dizziness
• Palpitations
• Dry skin
• Numbness
• Poor memory
Specific signs and symptoms may differ according to the particular organs involved:
Box 7.7
Does profuse loss of body fluids lead to the formation of the Scallion Stalk pulse?
Besides blood loss, the profuse loss of body fluids is sometimes implicated in the
development of the Scallion Stalk pulse (Maciocia 2004, Townsend & De Donna
1990). From a CM perspective, when body fluids are seriously depleted, fluids
(plasma) from the blood can move from the blood vessels into other body tissues to
replace lost fluids. From a biomedical pespective the loss of plasma volume results in
a decrease in overall blood volume, and an increase in blood viscosity. The increased
proportion of red blood cells adds extra resistance to flow as the red blood cells move
against each other and the vessel walls. This extra friction causes the blood flow to
become sluggish and therefore more turbulent. It is this characteristic of the blood
flow that becomes the main defining aspect of the resulting pulsation. As such we
could surmise that the Rough pulse, with its fluctuating pulse force reflecting the
sluggish blood flow, will tend to manifest as a result of loss of body fluids, while the
Scallion Stalk pulse reflects loss of blood.
Blood vacuity may be due to dietary causes, malabsorption problems or congenital conditions
such as pernicious anaemia, thalassaemia or sickle cell anaemia. Anaemia is a complex disease
state that can have a number of different causes, affecting both the presentation of the pulse
and reflecting the underlying causal factors. Blood vacuity due to iron deficiency anaemia
results in a decrease in the number or size of the red blood cells but no loss of plasma volume.
This leads to a decrease in the viscosity of the blood that, with regard to the Scallion Stalk
pulse, may partially account for the ease with which the pulse is occluded.
Other causes of Blood vacuity include blood loss through various means: vomiting blood
(haematemesis), coughing up blood (haemoptysis), gastrointestinal bleeding, uterine bleeding
or abnormally heavy menstrual bleeding. In this case both red blood cells and plasma are lost,
resulting in a decrease in overall blood volume as well. In addition, the profuse loss of body
fluids may also result in the formation of the Scallion Stalk pulse. There are two main
patterns that can result in the formation of the Scallion Stalk pulse both reflecting Blood
vacuity but due to different causes. These are:
Acute, following severe loss of blood (haemorrhage)
From a CM perspective, the acute loss of blood results in an artery that feels ‘empty’ due to
the decreased volume of circulating blood and is therefore easily occluded. Yang Qi, which is
normally anchored and stabilised by Yin blood, moves upwards and outwards causing the
pulse to become strongest at the superficial level of depth. Yang Qi becomes relatively
hyperactive, having lost the calming aspect of the Yin, leading to an increase in arterial wall
tension. This leads to the distinctive arterial wall.
Major blood loss can lead to ‘Qi deserting with the Blood’ (Wiseman & Ellis 1996: p. 151)
and may be accompanied by decreased blood pressure, cold sweats or even sudden loss of
Blood vacuity may also occur due to problems with the organs that are involved in blood
production such as the Spleen, Heart or Kidneys, so that sufficient blood is not produced. As
these organs are also important in the production of Qi, concurrent Qi vacuity signs and
symptoms may be present. The Liver helps to replenish blood, so Liver disharmony may also
affect the quality of blood.
Chronic illness of any kind can affect the production of both Qi and blood, so that blood and
Qi are not replenished. Kidney Yin vacuity can lead to vacuity of Kidney Essence, which in
turn affects blood production and nourishment.
The Scallion Stalk pulse may be seen in patients following blood loss, usually due to an acute
situation. This may result from physical trauma or non-trauma-related blood loss such as
acute gastrointestinal bleeding, for example a perforated ulcer. This may cause hypovolemic
shock, referring to the decrease in blood volume due to loss of blood (hypovolemic shock also
refers to the loss of plasma that may occur due to severe burns, intestinal blockage or the
excessive loss of body fluids due to profuse sweating, vomiting, diarrhoea or urination) (see
Box 7.6 for further information).
The term ‘shock’ refers to ‘an inadequate cardiac output that results in a failure of the
cardiovascular system to deliver enough oxygen and nutrients to meet the metabolic needs of
body cells’ (Tortora & Grabowski 1996). As previously discussed in section 7.4.2, there are
three stages of shock. The Scallion Stalk pulse may possibly arise following either a small
amount of blood loss or with increased blood loss (Box 7.7).
If blood loss is less than 10% of total volume then this is known as nonprogressive shock and
compensatory mechanisms are initiated in the period after the blood loss to return blood
volume back to normal (see Box 7.8). This includes the absorption of fluids from the
interstitial spaces and intestinal tract. Although this is helpful in increasing the plasma
volume back to normal (which takes 1-3 days), it does not compensate for the loss of red
blood cells, which may take 3-6 weeks to return to normal. Therefore, following
nonprogressive blood loss the red blood cell concentration is low while plasma volume returns
to normal fairly quickly. This results in posthaemorrhagic anaemia and may help explain why
the pulsation is more easily occluded as the blood flow is less dense (lower proportion of red
blood cells) and has a decreased viscosity (‘thinner’ in consistency). This has a number of
effects: a decrease in peripheral resistance so blood flow is increased; peripheral vasodilatation
to increase blood flow through the tissue because of decreased oxygen supply to tissues due to
decreased red blood cell concentration. These both result in more blood returning to the
heart and an increased cardiac output. This may cause the pulse to be more readily palpated at
the superficial level of depth, have a wider diameter than usual and be more readily occluded.
Box 7.8
Body's response to hypovolemic shock
Nonprogressive shock (compensated shock)
hypovolemic shock to attempt to restore the body's homeostasis, return cardiac
output and arterial blood pressure to normal. This includes activation of the
sympathetic nervous system and the release of the certain substances that increase
heart rate, cardiac contraction and the secretion of certain hormones such as
aldosterone and antidiuretic hormone (ADH) that help to retain water and increase
vasoconstriction to increase blood volume and blood pressure. This process starts
immediately and may continue up to 48 hours if necessary.
Some of the factors than come into play when there is blood loss include the
following effects on the circulatory system (Guyton & Hall 2006: p. 279-281):
• Within 10 to 60 minutes:
• Longer term (within 1 to 48 hours): Replacing the fluid loss via absorption from
the interstitial spaces and intestinal tract and stimulation of thirst and increased
desire for salt.
If blood loss is more severe, dropping by more than 15% of total volume, then the normal
compensatory mechanisms are not sufficient and urgent medical intervention to replace fluids
lost is required to return blood volume to normal. This is known as progressive shock, and
cardiac output falls dramatically, which is worsened by the instigation of positive feedback
cycles. Due to the decreased cardiac output, the heart muscle becomes ischaemic, leading to
even lower output and blood pressure. This in turn adversely affects the activity of the
vasomotor centre in the brain that controls vasoconstriction. This leads to generalised
vasodilatation of blood vessels. The pulse is forceless due to the decreased cardiac output, the
arterial width is increased due to vasodilatation and is easily occluded due to the lack of
volume in the arterial system and hence, the Scallion Stalk pulse manifests.
The increased arterial wall tension that results in the distinctive pliable arterial wall of the
Scallion Stalk pulse (as previously discussed in section 7.3.5) occurs due to tension in other
parts of the arterial wall structure, not from contraction of vascular smooth muscle. In fact,
the artery wall is in a state of vasodilatation because of the blood loss.
The Guangzhou College notes (1991) state that the Hollow (Scallion Stalk) pulse has been
shown to appear experimentally when blood loss is both rapid and heavy (>400 ml) and when
the usual compensatory reflexes of vasoconstriction have not resulted in strong contraction of
the blood vessels (no specific research study has been cited).
Chronic blood loss may occur due to occult bleeding such as gastrointestinal tract bleeding
from ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease, coeliac disease, carcinoma or a range of other
gastrointestinal complaints. In addition, menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding) or abnormal
uterine bleeding may also contribute to blood loss.
Alternatively, there may be inadequate dietary sources of iron resulting in anaemia due to
general decreased food intake, specific dietary restrictions (for example, restrictions on meat)
or problems with iron absorption such as coeliac disease or other inflammatory intestinal
As noted by Guyton and Hall (2006), anaemia has a systemic effect on the circulatory system.
In anaemia, it is the lowered proportion of red blood cells to plasma volume that results in a
decreased blood viscosity. This in turn has a positive effect on the peripheral resistance to
blood flow, resulting in an increased amount of blood flowing through the tissues and
returning to the heart. The increased blood flow to the heart results in increased cardiac
output, which is further enhanced by vasodilatation of peripheral blood vessels due to
decreased oxygen supply to tissues (hypoxia). The rate of blood flow also increases. In other
words, the cardiovascular system, particularly the heart, has to work much harder to continue
to supply the body with sufficient oxygen and nutrients and transport metabolic waste
products to be eliminated.
Over time this can have a detrimental effect on the heart, leading to eventual cardiac failure if
the underlying cause of anaemia is not addressed. In severe anaemia, the cardiac output may
be raised to as much as three or four times normal levels (Guyton & Hall 2006: p. 427).
From a CM perspective, such physiological changes are represented in the pulse by:
• Increased pulse width due to both the peripheral vasodilatation and increased cardiac
• Distinct presence of the pulse at the superficial level due to the increased cardiac output
• Easy occlusion due to the decreased viscosity and therefore density of blood flow
(reflecting the underlying vacuity of blood).
Recent research has shown that Helicobacter pylori, bacteria commonly implicated in digestive
dysfunction such as duodenal and stomach ulcers, may also lead to iron deficiency anaemia
(Russo-Mancuso et al. cited in McCance & Huether 2006: p. 934). H. pylori has been shown
to impair iron absorption (Ciacci et al. cited in McCance & Huether 2006: p. 934). This has
an interesting correlation with CM theory, where impaired functioning of the Spleen and
Stomach, integral to digestive functioning, can also lead to the impaired production of both
blood and Qi.
The Drumskin pulse is a complex pulse quality with changes in five pulse parameters:
• Arterial wall tension: The Drumskin pulse has increased arterial tension
• Depth: The pulse can be felt relatively strongest at the superficial level of depth
• Width: There is an increase in the arterial width from normal, resulting in a wide pulse
• Pulse occlusion: The Drumskin pulse can be easily occluded with heavy pressure
When the Drumskin pulse is described in the pulse literature, it is commonly equated with
both the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse and Scallion Stalk pulse. For example, Li (Flaws (trans)
1998: p. 103) describes the Drumskin pulse as ‘bowstring and scallion-stalk’ while Lu (1996)
says the pulse is ‘felt hard on its walls but hollow in the centre’. Accordingly, we can surmise
from this that the important features of the Drumskin pulse relate to:
• Increased arterial wall tension (a common feature of the Stringlike and Scallion Stalk
pulse also)
• Decreased volume of either Blood or Yin fluids (common to both the Scallion Stalk pulse
and Drumskin pulse), resulting in its forceless pulsation and easy occlusion.
The differentiating feature between the Drumskin pulse and the Scallion Stalk pulse is the
degree of increased arterial wall tension: the Drumskin pulse has significantly more tension in
its arterial wall, resulting in a more rigid and less pliable artery wall than the Scallion Stalk
pulse. Additionally, unlike the Drumskin pulse, the distinct arterial wall is still felt in the
Scallion Stalk pulse even when the pulsation within the artery is occluded.
The description and indications for the Drumskin pulse in The Lakeside Master's Study of the
Pulse are comparatively brief in relation to that of many of the other pulse qualities. This
suggests that it only occurs in quite defined situations (as opposed to some of the other pulses
that may be seen in a number of different scenarios) and therefore this pulse quality is not
commonly seen.
There are also relatively few references to the Drumskin pulse in the Mai Jing and these are
generally repeated throughout. The Mai Jing's description of the Drumskin pulse is identical
to more recent definitions of the Firm pulse, being ‘replete, large, and long as well as a little
bowstring’ and somewhat like the deep pulse’. The commentary in the text notes that this is
suspected to actually be the Firm pulse rather than the Drumskin pulse (Wang, Yang (trans)
1997: p. 4). If this is the case, the Drumskin pulse, in its current form, was not included as
one of the 24 pulse qualities mentioned in the Mai Jing.
However, an examination of the Mai Jing (Wang, Yang (trans) 1997: p. 343) reveals a further
reference to a pulse that is described as ‘bowstring and large’, further explained as ‘modulated
bowstring’ (as opposed to ‘pure bowstring’) and ‘not so large as scallion stalk’. Pointing out
that modulated bowstring indicates cold and scallion stalk means vacuity, the author notes
the interaction of these two results in the pulse becoming ‘drumskin’. This description closely
resembles the definition of the Drumskin pulse as it is known today. Pathogenic Cold has a
contracting effect (that is, a vasoconstricting effect on the arterial wall) which may explain
why it is described as being not as large (wide) as the Scallion Stalk pulse.
Step 2: With increasing finger pressure the arterial wall initially resists deformation,
maintaining its tenseness. However, as finger pressure is further increased the arterial wall
gives in easily, as there is decreased internal resistance within the artery due to the decreased
volume of fluids. The pulsation can be completely occluded. Classical description from The Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse
(Zhong-jing). CM indications
Although the Drumskin pulse is always considered to be a pathological pulse quality, there is
some disagreement in the pulse literature over its aetiology. There is general consensus about
blood or fluid loss being the main causal factor, but some authors indicate that this can be
complicated by pathogenic Cold, resulting in the greatly increased tension in the arterial wall.
There are three main patterns and both are associated with an underlying vacuity of Yin
fluids or blood:
If the Drumskin pulse is seen in a relatively new illness, this is seen as less critical and
therefore has a good prognosis.
• Mechanism of pulse formation: The external pathogenic attack causes the pulse to
become relatively stronger at the superficial level of depth as Zheng Qi (antipathogenic Qi)
moves to the exterior to fight the pathogen. However, because of the underlying vacuity,
the Zheng Qi is not strong and the overall pulse intensity is forceless. The contracting
nature of the Cold pathogen causes strong contraction of the arterial wall, thereby greatly
increasing arterial wall tension. The underlying loss of Yin fluids enables it to be easily
From a biomedical perspective, the Drumskin pulse (similarly to the Scallion Stalk pulse) has
increased arterial tension but not only due to vasoconstriction (smooth muscle contraction).
Due to the loss of blood there is compensatory vasodilatation (relaxation of vascular smooth
muscle), so tension/stress in the arterial wall is transferred to other structures within the wall.
The additional complication of pathogenic Cold stimulates the body's attempts to maintain
warmth, thereby activating vasoconstriction of the arterial walls which has an additive effect
on the tension already in the arterial walls, hence the extremely ‘hard’ presentation of the
artery on palpation.
• Mechanism of pulse formation: In this case the pulse can be palpated relatively strongest
at the superficial level of depth because the severely decreased Yin can no longer restrain or
anchor Yang Qi, which naturally moves upward and outward. This causes Yang Qi to
float, becoming more superficial. The extremely vacuous Yin also results in a hyperactivity
of Yang Qi, leading to the increased arterial wall tension. The vacuity of Yin fluids enables
it to be easily occluded.
• Clinical relevance: The Drumskin pulse is usually associated with blood loss and in the
pulse literature a number of authors (Deng 1999, Li, Flaws (trans) 1998, Lu 1996) note its
appearance in abnormal uterine bleeding or miscarriage leading to continuous uterine
bleeding in women. The Drumskin pulse can appear postnatally due to abnormal bleeding.
Following childbirth, failure of the uterus to contract to compress the uterine blood vessels
and stop flow to the placenta can result in primary postpartum haemorrhage. Retention of
part of the placenta may also result in abnormal uterine bleeding (Guangzhou Chinese
Medicine College 1991) and may be a possible cause of secondary postpartum
haemorrhaging, occurring anywhere from 24 hours to 12 weeks postnatally (Stables &
Rankin 2005: pp. 575-578).
• In men, the Drumskin pulse may be associated with deficiency of Kidney Essence
(associated with lower back pain, nocturnal emissions and other Kidney signs).
Chronic: severe Blood/body fluid loss or Kidney Essence (Jing) consumption due to chronic
The Drumskin pulse may also appear in the course of chronic illness. This is seen as a critical
worsening of the disease, indicating the increasing severity of vacuity of blood, body fluids or
Kidney Essence, and therefore is considered to have a bad prognosis. The mechanism is
similar to the previous pattern.
• Arterial wall tension: The Scattered pulse has a marked decreased in arterial wall tension.
• Depth: The Scattered pulse is felt relatively strongest at the superficial level of depth.
• Pulse occlusion: The Scattered pulse is very easily occluded with pressure.
Figure 7.3The development of the Scattered pulse.
A clear description of the Scattered pulse in the classical texts is difficult to find. In the Mai
Jing, the term ‘scattered’ is used as a descriptor of other pulse qualities. For example, in the
first chapter describing 24 separate pulse qualities, ‘scattered’ is used in both the description
of the ‘choppy’ and ‘dissipated’ pulses (Wang, Yang (trans) 1997: p. 4). As noted by Hammer
(2002: p. 62), there is no explanation of the term ‘scattered’ so we do not know exactly in
what context it is being used. Although the ‘scattered’ pulse is not a designated pulse quality
in the Mai Jing, the ‘dissipated pulse’ resembles the Scattered pulse described in other CM
pulse literature.
However the Scattered pulse is also variously described as ‘uncountable, uneven in rhythm,
uneven in rhythm, showing no sign of pause’ (Guangzhou College notes, 1991), ‘large and
irregular’ (Amber & Babey-Brooke 1993) and ‘feels as if it were “broken” into many tiny dots
instead of flowing smoothly’ (Maciocia 2004). These references to the irregularity of pulse
rhythm appear to support the concept of extreme Qi and Blood vacuity affecting the heart's
functional capacity to contract effectively, confirming the seriousness of the condition. One
wonders why then is this pulse not included as a subdivision of the rhythm pulses? It would
seem that the presence of arrhythmia is dependent on whether there is Heart involvement in
the pattern, but is not an essential characteristic of the Scattered pulse quality. Rather, if
irregularity of rhythm does occur then this indicates the extreme severity of the condition and
would be identified as a change in an additional pulse parameter, rather than identifying it
solely as the Scattered pulse.
Li (Flaws (trans) 1998: p. 110) has a number of descriptions for the Scattered pulse, including
the phrase ‘Or it may come many and depart few’ (our emphasis). This description could
possibly refer to the manifestation of what is known in biomedicine as pulse deficit, which
occurs when premature ventricular contractions (before the heart is properly filled) lead to a
greatly decreased stroke volume so that the pulse wave cannot be felt at the radial artery. This
results in a greater number of apical beats (as measured at the heart) compared to that felt in
the radial pulse (Guyton & Hall 2006: p. 150).
The varying descriptions seem to imply that the Scattered pulse has possibly more than a
single presentation, depending on the actual pattern of disharmony. This appears to be
supported by Deng (1999: p. 105) who says ‘Clinically, there ought to be close investigation
of the changes in the disease circumstances.’
In fact, it is to be expected that the Scattered pulse will not be a commonly seen pulse in the
average CM clinic, being usually seen in someone who is extremely sick. It must be
remembered that many of these CM pulse qualities were originally developed hundreds of
years ago, where the local acupuncturist or herbalist was the primary or sole provider of health
care. Patients with a diverse spectrum of illnesses, ranging in chronicity and severity, would
have been seen in their clinics. Correspondingly, a wide range of pulse qualities reflecting
these differing health problems would have been observed. Today, in modern societies
especially, the local general practitioner or hospital is the primary provider of healthcare, and
some of the more extreme pulse qualities reflecting critical or severe illness are less likely to be
seen in the CM clinic, and more likely to be encountered in a hospital ward or intensive care
On the other hand, the increasing interest in ‘alternative’ or ‘complementary’ health services
has also seen an increase in patients with more chronic or severe illnesses in CM clinics.
Therefore the ability to recognise these CM pulse qualities and understand what they mean
in terms of the effect of the disease process on Qi, Blood, Yin and Yang becomes ever more
important. Classical description from Mai Jing and The Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse
The dissipated pulse is a large yet scattered pulse. The dissipated pulse is an
indication of Qi repletion but blood vacuity, presence (i.e., repletion) in the
exterior but absence (i.e., vacuity) in the interior. CM indications
The Scattered pulse is considered to be a vacuity-type pulse, often associated with severe
vacuity. Therefore, it can be seen in patterns such as:
The Kidneys are considered to be the source of both Yin and Yang for the entire body,
providing both the motive and nourishing aspects that support health. Therefore if Kidney
function is affected, over time this can affect the functioning of all organs.
• Clinical relevance: It is generally accepted that if the Scattered pulse is seen in a chronic
or serious illness, this has a poor prognosis as it indicates a critical worsening of the
The Scattered pulse may also be seen in pregnant women, during the birthing process or as
a sign of impending delivery (Deng 1999, Li, Flaws (trans) 1998, Lu 1996). While this is
seen as a normal occurrence by some authors, with one interpretation being that it is a sign
of the ‘outgoing of Qi and blood in order to give birth’ (Lu 1996: p. 118), Maciocia (2004)
states that it may signify a prolonged and difficult labour. In addition its appearance during
the course of pregnancy may also be pathological, associated with the risk of miscarriage
(Li, Flaws (trans) 1998, Maciocia 2004).
Neurogenic shock may occur as the result of trauma to the spinal cord, deprivation of oxygen
to the medulla, depressant drugs, anaesthesia or severe emotional stress and pain (McCance
& Huether 2006: p. 1629).
The vasodilatation and the lack of vasomotor tone are reflected in the distinct lack of tension
in the radial arterial wall, and the lack of force is reflected in the decreased cardiac output.
As noted by Wiseman and Ellis (1996; p. 118), the appearance of the Scattered pulse
‘indicates the dissipation of Qi and blood and the impending expiry of the essential Qi
[essence] of the organs.’ It is usually attended by other critical signs. From a biomedical
perspective the Scattered pulse may be seen at the end stage of severe heart disease (Lu 1996:
p. 110). This reflects the inability of the heart to contract effectively, leading to impaired
The parameter of pulse force is used to provide clinically useful information for both
diagnostic and prognostic purposes and so is integral to further pattern differentiation, even
when pulse force is not a requisite parameter for the CM pulse quality involved, or the pulse
parameters do not form a recognisable CM pulse quality. A good example of this concept is
using pulse force for differentiation of Yin vacuity Heat and an EPA Heat. Both patterns
present with Heat signs and symptoms and so may have an accompanying increase in pulse
rate, and so the Rapid pulse can form (>90 bpm). An increase in pulse rate or even the Rapid
pulse provides information only in respect to the fact that Heat is present, but does not
indicate whether the Heat is arising from a vacuity process (Yin vacuity) or a replete process
(EPA Heat). Rather, accompanying changes in the pulse force should correspond with the
process occurring; a forceful pulse usually indicates repletion (excess) while a forceless pulse
generally indicates vacuity (deficiency), and so Yin vacuity Heat can be differentiated from an
EPA Heat by assessing pulse force.
There are six CM pulse qualities that can be classified primarily according to the parameter of
pulse force:
These are complex pulse qualities, ranging from those that are abnormally forceful to those
that have a decreased pulse force or can barely be perceived. They are differentiated further by
changes in a number of other pulse parameters, but are most distinctly defined by the change
in pulse force.
descriptors of illness and dysfunction. For example, a pulse that hits the finger with decreased
intensity may be described as ‘weak’. Thus it is inferred that a general vacuity pattern is
occurring. This is not to be confused with the traditional CM pulse quality, the Weak pulse,
which encompasses more than just a change in pulse intensity in its definition. That is,
although the Weak pulse has a decrease in intensity (also inferring a vacuity pattern), it is also
defined/noted as having changes in pulse width (it is thin) and is located at a specific level of
depth (felt strongest at the deep level of depth and cannot be felt at the superficial level of
depth). As such, the Weak pulse provides more specific information, not only about the
nature of the disharmony (by the force), which is further specified by the pulse width, but also
the location of the disharmony (via the level of depth).
This means that to avoid confusion and incorrect interpretation terms need to be
distinguished or contextualised on whether they are being applied generically as descriptive
terms, or specifically as diagnostic terms for specific CM pulse qualities. Clinically, this
means that considered choices should be made to always use correct terminology always. This
is paramount when there are several practitioners operating from the one clinic, or when
several practitioners regularly confer, so terms are not misinterpreted or wrongly applied.
• Strength of cardiac contraction (and so the time taken for the pulse to reach maximum
pulse amplitude)
In assessing pulse force, the level(s) of depth where the pulse is most apparent need to be first
identified. This is done by applying pressure simultaneously with all three fingers over the
three pulse positions and varying the amount of pressure to examine each of the three levels
of depth. This process is termed assessment of the relative strength, the level of depth where
the pulse is felt most strongest, irrespective of whether the pulse is forceful, forceless or
neither. (Sometimes two or all three levels of depth are similar in their level of strength.)
Note should also be made of the presence or absence of the pulsation beyond Cun and
beyond Chi pulse positions, as this can help in determining whether the pulse is forceful or
Once the level(s) of depth and positions are identified where the pulse is most apparent, then
the assessment of the actual force of the pulse can be made. This is assessment of the overall
force: the force reading which is used to identify several of the traditional CM pulse qualities.
(Assessment of overall pulse force needs to be distinctly differentiated from assessment of
relative force. Relative force refers to the ‘subtle’ comparative assessment of differences in
strength between positions, levels of depth or left and right arms. That is, irrespective of
whether the pulse is forceful, forceless or neither, one side or position may be relatively
stronger than the other (King et al 2002: p. 153). This concept and related application in
different pulse assumption systems is discussed further in Chapter 9.)
• Forceful
• Forceless.
A forceful pulse is defined as having a large pulse pressure wave or amplitude, with the
change in pressure occurring rapidly so that the pulse strikes the finger strongly and displaces
a wide surface area on the fingertip (Fig. 7.4). It is defined as being forceful in at least two of
the three traditional pulse positions and with the pulse likely to be apparent in the beyond
Chi and/or beyond Cun pulse positions.
A pulse that is forceless is defined as either:
• A small pulse pressure wave (amplitude) striking the fingertip weakly with a small
displacement of area on the fingertip; or
• A slow rate of change in the pressure pulse wave (amount of time required to reach
maximum amplitude) and a wide displacement of surface area on the fingertip.
A forceless pulse may not be found in all three traditional positions and is unlikely to be
found beyond the three positions. If it can be palpated beyond Chi, then it is usually difficult
to detect.
When the pulse is very forceful, then pulse occlusion may be very difficult to achieve as well,
especially at the Chi position.
The exception is when the ‘neither’ pulse force is either weaker or stronger than the
individual's usual pulse force. If the individual's pulse is weaker than it usually is, then this
may be seen as a sign of weakening Qi or Yang but does not necessarily mean that the Yang
or Qi is definitively vacuous. Transient factors such as a poor night's sleep or hunger can
often cause such temporary decreases in pulse force.
Similarly, if the pulse force for an individual has been forceless but starts to increase in
intensity, then this can be viewed as a sign of improvement, a good prognostic sign (so long
as it is not accompanied by adverse changes in other pulse parameters or other signs and
277 Differences between left and right radial arteries
Assessment of the overall force of the pulse should be compared between the left and right
arteries, either individually or with simultaneous bilateral palpation. If there is a significantly
large discrepancy in force between the two sides (10-15 mmHg), the decreased pulsatile flow
may be the result of arterial narrowing or occlusion (McCance & Huether 2006: p. 1069).
(From a CM perspective more subtle differences relate to the Qi and blood balance and are
discussed in Chapter 9.)
A pulse without force can also arises when the blood is vacuous. This is because blood is the
medium for conducting the pulse force or Yang Qi throughout the body. When blood is
vacuous, then Qi has nothing to act on and so Qi cannot interact physically with the pulse,
and pulse force (Yang) is consequently felt diminished. As is often the case when blood levels
fall, pulse pressure also falls and this is subsequently felt as a decrease in pulse amplitude and
subsequently decreased pulse force. Conversely, when blood is abundant then the pulse will
be felt forceful so long as the Qi and Yang are also abundant.
In this context, pulse force is affected when Qi and blood are affected. Changes in pulse force
occur as a result of:
The force of the pulse refers to the impetus of the arterial pulsation striking the fingertip
when the pulse is palpated. This is viewed as pulse amplitude.
The amplitude of the palpable pulse depends on the amplitude of the pressure
pulse and on the size of the artery palpated … The amplitude of the pulse is
thus the manifestation of force - of pressure multiplied by the area of the finger
distorted by the pulse.
Box 7.9
Systole and diastole
Systolic pressure
• The pressure in the arteries as blood is pumped from the left ventricle into the
Diastolic pressure
• The pressure in the arteries as the heart relaxes and blood flows out of the main
arteries and into the arterial system.
Box 7.10
Objective measurements of pulse force
Walsh (2003) found that pulses recorded as being forceful using manual palpation in
healthy subjects were associated with higher tonometry measurements showing a
faster change in pressure with respect to time during systole. This means that
maximum pulse amplitude or pulse height of the pulse wave, when achieved in a
short period of time, often means more forceful pulses. For example, if the heart
contracts strongly, the systolic peak is achieved more rapidly, resulting in a sharper
incline to the peak. This causes a greater volume of blood to flow into the aorta at a
given point in time. As a consequence, the pulse may feel ‘full’ or have increased pulse
wave intensity. Alternatively, either a decrease in blood flow or ejection of the blood
from the heart occurring over a longer period of time is associated with decreased
arterial pressure and may be felt as either forceless or of ‘normal’ strength. In this
situation, ventricular contraction determines the amount of force imparted into the
blood forcing it to flow through the vessel.
However, pulse force is also influenced by other factors such as arterial diameter, blood
volume and the condition of the arterial walls (Box 7.11). Large amplitudes result in more
distinct arterial pulsation because of the large differences in pressure - the larger the
difference, the more noticeable any movement in the artery will be.
Box 7.11
Factors affecting pulse pressure
Pulse pressure is affected by:
• Stroke volume (the amount of blood pumped from left ventricle into the aorta)
This means the greater the stroke volume, the larger the amount of blood that needs
to be accommodated in the arterial system, therefore the greater the pressure rise and
fall: hence a larger pulse pressure (Guyton & Hall 2006: p 173).
When viewed from a mechanical and flow wave perspective the manifestation of pulse force is
likely to be due to a number of different pathways dependent on the illness and pathological
processes (Box 7.12). The amplitude of the pressure pulse should not be solely mistaken for
pulse force: large pulse amplitude does not necessarily mean a forceful pulse or small
amplitude a forceless pulse. For example:
• Changes in the arterial wall tension affect the ability of the arteries to expand in response
to the pulse wave, so affecting the perception of pulse force. Systolic pressure is raised if the
arterial walls are stiff and are unable to expand easily. Consequently pulse force is raised.
• Increased pulse force can result from arterial narrowing or vasoconstriction. When
arteries constrict there is less area for the pulse wave to act on, thereby proportionally
increasing the pressure exerted from within the artery.
• How quickly the maximum amplitude is reached during heart contraction and the extent
of the area of the finger being ‘hit’. The quicker this occurs, the more likely the perception
of the pulse is forceful.
Box 7.12
Biomedical conditions associated with changes in pulse pressure from the norm
Decreased pulse pressure may indicate:
• ↑ stroke volume due to aortic regurgitation (blood flowing back into left ventricle
from the aorta after it has emptied)
(Estes 2006: p. 263)
Box 7.13
Effects of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system on cardiac function
Sympathetic stimulation
Parasympathetic stimulation
The overall effect is to decrease cardiac output by 50%, a milder effect than the
sympathetic response.
A moderate increase in body temperature can increase the strength of cardiac contractility,
therefore increasing the perceived force of the radial arterial pulsation. However, if this is
prolonged it has an adverse effect on cardiac metabolic functioning resulting in eventual
impaired cardiac function and therefore weaker contractions.
If the heart rate is greatly increased, both systole and diastole are shortened. Systole duration
increases to the detriment of the diastolic duration. As a result, the left ventricle will not be
filled sufficiently, adversely impacting on the cardiac output and also resulting in a weaker
Cardiac output is regulated in proportion to metabolic activity. Guyton & Hall (2006: p. 237)
note that cardiac output declines with age, however they add that this is probably reflective of
declining activity with age. This is associated with decreased skeletal muscle mass and
therefore reduced oxygen and blood flow requirement reflected in a decreased cardiac output.
• Force: The Replete pulse has an increased pulse force that can be felt equally at all three
levels of depth
• Depth: The Replete pulse can be felt equally strong at each level of depth
• Width: The arterial width is increased from that of normal, being termed ‘wide’
• Length: Pulsations can be felt at all three traditional pulse positions of Cun, Guan and
Chi and beyond Chi and/or beyond Cun
• Arterial wall tension: There is a slight increase in arterial wall tension which leads to a
easily palpable arterial wall that retains its shape when moderate pressure is applied by the
positions Cun, Guan and Chi and beyond. The pulse force expands the artery both laterally
and longitudinally so the pulse presents as wide under the fingers and long, extending beyond
Chi and/or beyond Cun. There is a slight increase in arterial tension.
Step 2: With increasing finger pressure exerted over the radial pulsation, the pulse and artery
resist deformation. With increasing finger pressure towards the radial bone the pulsation can
be occluded with heavy pressure, but the pulse may still be felt against the proximal side of
the ring finger at the Chi position. The finger pressure is then released slowly until the
pulsation can be felt once more. At this deep level, the pulse can be felt as forcefully as it was
at the superficial level of depth and at all three pulse positions.
Step 3: Once the superficial and depth levels of depth have been examined, the middle level of
depth is assessed. The pulse can be felt equally strongly at this level of depth and at all three
pulse positions. In this way, while pulse force is an important parameter in identifying this
pulse, it also primarily depends on detecting the presence of pulse force at the three levels of
depth and at the three pulse positions.
Step 4: This pulse will also present with an increased arterial width and a clearly defined
arterial wall usually beyond the three traditional positions. Classical description from The Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse
Slightly bowstring.
It responds to the fingers driving, driving [description comes from the Mai
Jing] CM indications
The Replete pulse usually indicates a pathological condition, always indicating the presence
of a pathogenic factor, usually Heat or Fire. The one primary pattern associated with the
Replete pulse is pathogenic Heat or Fire.
In the presence of pathogenic Heat, the appearance of the Replete pulse indicates that the
antipathogenic Qi (Upright or Zheng Qi) is strong. The excessive force is a reflection of the
struggle between the pathogen and the body's Zheng Qi as it attempts to overcome the
pathogen. It would also be expected that the hyperactivity of Yang could also cause an
increase in pulse rate, resulting in the appearance of the Rapid pulse.
The Replete pulse is formed as a result of the body's fight against the pathogenic factor, with
blood and Qi overfilling the artery. Pulse force defines the Replete pulse and is determined by
a combination of the strength of Yang Qi and the Yang nature of pathogenic Heat.
Therefore the pulse has an increase in overall intensity, reflecting the summative
accumulation of Yang Qi.
Depending on what organs the Heat or Fire is affecting, the accompanying signs and
symptoms will correspondingly vary. For example, the literature notes manic behaviour
occurring when the Heart is affected by Heat, while in the middle Heater there may be
vomiting as Heat causes the Stomach Qi to become ‘rebellious’. Heat affecting the lower Jiao
causes the fluids to dry, and constipation may dominate the clinical signs and symptoms.
healthy pulse: a sign of abundant Qi and blood and good Yang. However, such a
pulse is not specifically the Replete pulse as previously defined, as it does not have
increased force as a requisite parameter.
• Marked increased vasodilatation throughout body and especially in the infected tissue
• High metabolic rate caused by bacterial stimulation and high body temperature.
It would be expected that there would be a resultant increase in pulse rate as well. As the
severity of the bacterial infection progresses to septic shock, other processes start to occur. For
example, red blood cells start to accumulate in the degenerating tissues, small blood clots
begin to form throughout and, as a result of the clotting factors being consumed,
haemorrhages occur in many tissues such as the intestinal tract (Guyton & Hall 2006: p.
286). This can be seen from a CM perspective as the heat injuring the fluids. If clinically
significant, then the bleeding could eventually cause the pulse to form into the Vacuous pulse
or Surging pulse.
Therefore, it is presumed that the term ‘replete’ in this case simply refers to a relative
difference in strength (Box 7.13). As such, the ‘replete’ or increase in force occurring in a
discrete position may not necessarily reflect pathogenic Heat (as the Replete pulse does) but
may reflect another pathogenic mechanism such as obstruction or stasis.
vacuity pattern signifies a critical condition and indicates that the pathogenic factor is strong
and the Zheng Qi is weak (1999: p. 127).
Box 7.14
The Replete pulse versus ‘replete’ as a descriptive term
It should be remembered that the term ‘replete’ is often used as a general descriptive
term to describe any pulse with that presents with force (as used in the Nei Jing). This
should be distinguished from its use as a specific CM pulse quality, the Replete pulse,
which has distinct changes in a number of different pulse parameters (including pulse
force) and which was first described in the later text devoted to pulse diagnosis, the
Mai Jing.
Wiseman & Ellis (1996) note in their revised translation of a Chinese medical teaching text
that the term ‘Firm pulse’ is no longer used. Instead, such a pulse is described as ‘stringlike
and deep’, a composite of two other CM pulse qualities. This does not seem to be the case in
other modern CM pulse literature, where the Firm pulse is still included as a CM pulse
• Depth: The Firm pulse cannot be felt at the superficial level of depth and usually not at
the middle level of depth. It is felt strongest at the deep level of depth
• Length: Pulsations can be felt at all three traditional positions and beyond Chi and/or
beyond Cun
• Arterial wall tension: The arterial wall can be easily palpated due to the increased arterial
The Firm pulse is a forceful pulse, felt strongest at the deep level of depth. It cannot be felt at
the superficial level of depth. It has a wide diameter, and the arterial wall is distinct, so the
artery is easily delineated from the surrounding tissue. It is perceived simultaneously by the
three palpating fingers as a length of pulsating artery, extending beyond Chi and/or beyond
Cun pulse positions. The Firm pulse probably develops from a ‘drawing in’ of the arterial
structure so it sits deeper within the flesh.
Step 2: As finger pressure is exerted downwards the radial artery pulsation begins to be
palpable, and with increasing finger pressure (pushing down towards the radial bone) the
pulsation becomes more obvious. The arterial wall should be examined at this stage; it is
distinctive and can be distinguished from the surrounding connective tissue. The arterial
diameter can also be examined at this time; it should cause a broad area of the palpating
finger to be indented, and is therefore classified as wide.
Step 3: Next, the deep level of the pulse is examined by increasing finger pressure so that the
radial artery is occluded for a few seconds. The pulsation may still be felt at the proximal side
of the ring finger, from the direction of the arterial blood flow, signifying a forcible pulsation.
The finger pressure is then gently and slightly eased so that the pulsation can once again be
felt. This is the deep level of depth and the pulsation will appear at its strongest at this level
of depth. At this level of depth the pulsation hits the fingers forcefully. It can be felt under all
three palpating fingers and beyond the Chi position.
Step 4: As finger pressure is released from the arterial pulsation, it decreases noticeably in
force until it is imperceptible at the superficial level. Classical description from The Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse
Slightly bowstring.
(Li, Flaws (trans) 1998:p. 104). CM indications
The Firm pulse is a pathological pulse quality, occurring only in the presence of illness and
dysfunction. There are two main patterns associated with the Firm pulse, both considered to
be internal Replete type patterns:
Pathogenic Cold can also enter the meridian system. An example of this is an invasion of
pathogenic Cold into the Liver channel, which may present clinically as a hernia.
Lu (1996) also notes that the Firm pulse may be seen in convulsions caused by Wind.
The Firm pulse is commonly associated with abdominal masses due to either Qi or Blood
stasis (Lu 1996). Qi stasis can result in the formation of masses of indefinite shape that can
form or dissipate at irregular intervals, influenced by the state of Qi flow. The location of the
pain is not fixed. Such masses are known as ‘conglomerations’ and are usually associated with
disease in the Fu (Yang) organs and problems with Qi. ‘Concretions’ are also caused by stasis
and have a definite form and fixed location, usually associated with problems of the Zang
(Yin) organs and blood (Wiseman & Ye 1998: p. 92). Blood stasis type pain is usually fixed,
stabbing and more severe in nature.
• The obstruction of Yang Qi in the interior so that Qi and blood cannot move outwards.
In the case of Qi stasis, the increased arterial tension indicates disturbance to the normal Qi
flow, and a resulting hyperactivity of Yang that is unable to move outwards.
In the case of pathogenic Cold, the increased arterial tension is due to the contracting nature
of Cold. It also reflects the obstruction of normal flow of Qi and blood by the Cold, which
has a tendency to constrain Yang.
The increased force and wide arterial diameter seen in the Firm pulse imply the presence of a
pathogenic factor and reflect the resulting obstruction of Qi and/or blood.
The pain can be quite severe in the case of the EPA of Cold entering directly into the
interior, and will have an acute onset.
Interestingly, while Li (Flaws (trans) 1998) describes the pathogenesis relating to the
presence of many of the other pathological CM pulse qualities in individual pulse positions,
there is no discussion of the appearance of the Firm pulse (or Confined pulse, as it is known
in The Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse) in individual pulse positions. This may be because
the Firm pulse usually arises due to pain due to the strong obstruction of Qi and/or blood,
which will generally tend to have a systemic effect on the pulse, as occurs in all situations in
which arterial tension is increased (Box 7.16).
Box 7.16
The Firm pulse as a prognostic indicator
Both Li (trans. Flaws 1998) and Lu (1996) assert that the appearance of the Firm
pulse in a patient who has suffered a severe blood loss denotes a poor prognosis. This
is a situation in which the pulse is contradictory to the individual's actual state of
health. That is, because blood is vacuous, the pulse should be easy to compress, and
so the Firm pulse should not occur. Thus if the Firm pulse is occurring when blood is
vacuous then this indicates that an EPA is residing in the vacuous space, falsely
causing the pulse to present as strong. For an EPA to have done this indicates the
Zheng Qi (Upright or antipathogenic Qi) is weak, implying that the pathogenic
factor is strong.
• Force: The Vacuous pulse has a decreased pulse force. The perceived pulse force decreases
with increasing finger pressure
• Depth: The Vacuous pulse is felt strongest at the superficial level of depth. (The
pulsation actually disappears before we can palpate to the deep level of depth.)
• Width: The arterial width is increased from that of normal, resulting in a wide pulse
• Pulse occlusion: This pulse is easily occluded. There are also no perceived pulsations at
the side of the finger when the pulse is occluded.
pressure (at the deep level of depth).
Step 2: With increasing finger pressure downwards towards the middle level there should be a
noticeable decrease in overall force, with little resistance by the arterial wall to deformation.
Step 3: With an increasing amount of finger pressure the pulse will be easily occluded, before
reaching the deep level of depth. No pulsation can be felt either under the palpating fingers
or on the proximal side of the ring finger (positioned over the Chi position). The definition
of the arterial wall decreases so that it cannot be felt.
In Huynh's 1981 translation of the Bin Hu Mai Xue, the Vacuous pulse (termed the Empty
pulse) is described as having ‘slow beats’ but is not included in the section on the Slow pulse
and its related types, nor is it accorded a number of beats per respiration. Deng (1999)
includes the term ‘arrives slowly’ in his definition of the Vacuous pulse but also does not
include the Vacuous pulse in the section on slow pulses, instead classifying it under pulses
that are based on abnormal changes in strength.
A decreased rate (hence a Slow pulse) would suggest the presence of pathogenic Cold or a
deficiency of Yang, accompanied by Cold signs and symptoms. However these patterns are
not usually included in the indications for the Vacuous pulse. Rather than being an actual
decrease in heart rate, the term ‘slow’ could possibly be interpreted as referring to the actual
beat itself, the proportion of time that systole and diastole occur within each beat (see
Chapter 2 for further information). That is, the actual pulse wave peak or time taken to full
amplitude occurs over a relatively longer time, thus systole (which is perceived as the actual
beat) is perceived as happening more slowly rather than a decrease in the pulse rate. As the
intensity or strength of the pulse is also influenced by the both the force of the heart's
contraction and how quickly this occurs, the pulse wave intensity will also feel less forceful
than it would if the contraction happened at a quicker rate. This, in conjunction with the
wider than normal arterial diameter, further diluting pulse force. Overall, this means that the
pulsation is perceived as forceless.
The vacuous pulse is a slow, large, and limp pulse, impotent when felt with
pressure applied and giving the (feeling) fingers an impression of wide
When the Vacuous pulse is used as a specific CM pulse quality, this refers to a pulse that is
defined by changes in four pulse parameters, resulting in a pulse that is relatively strongest at
the superficial level of depth, has a wide arterial diameter, hits the fingers without force and is
easily occluded. CM indications
The Vacuous pulse is, by nature and name, a vacuity-type pulse and therefore is the result of
vacuity-type patterns, usually of both Qi and blood. Two patterns are associated with the
formation of the Vacuous pulse:
signs, therefore the signs and symptoms accompanying the Vacuous pulse may include both
blood and Qi vacuity signs: generally these include lethargy, shortness of breath, spontaneous
sweating, pale complexion, low voice, dizziness, ‘floaters’ in eyes and pale tongue. Specific
signs and symptoms will of course depend on the specific organs involved.
Box 7.17
Signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion
• Fever
• Sweating
• Thirst
• Dizziness
• Hypotension
• Weakness
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Tachycardia
• Decrease in urination
When severe, dehydration may lead to the cessation of sweating and if the core
temperature continues to rise then changes in neurological status such as delirium,
confusion or loss of consciousness may occur if the temperature is not decreased.
The elderly and very young are the most susceptible to this type of pattern, as both groups are
prone to difficulties with thermoregulation.
From a CM perspective, the loss of Yin fluids deprives Yang of its stabilising anchor. As a
result, Yang ‘floats’, moving upwards and outwards; the pulse becomes superficial, forceless
and wide. The loss of both fluid and Qi results in the lack of pulse force and its easy
occlusion. The vacuous Yin means that Yang becomes relatively hyperactive and may also
result in a Rapid pulse.
Maciocia (2004: p. 474) prefers to use the term ‘Empty pulse’ to describe the Vacuous pulse
and defines it as having:
No strength and disappears with a light pressure, feeling empty; it is soft but
also relatively big and distended at the superficial level.
There are differences in opinion about the severity of the Vacuous pulse. Maciocia (2004)
describes it as indicating an early or middle stage of Qi vacuity, progressing in a more severe
form to the Weak pulse (defined as deep, soft and without strength). Interestingly, he does
not consider changes in arterial width to be an essential feature in his definitions of the Weak
or Soggy pulses.
Lu (1996) also compares the Vacuous pulse (which Lu labels Deplete) and Weak pulse.
However, while he agrees that they are both indicative of vacuity-type syndromes of Qi and
blood, Lu considers the Vacuous pulse to reflect a more severe deficiency condition. This
manifests in what he terms the ‘more severe destruction of the mutual restriction of Yin and
Yang or Qi and Blood’, signified by the superficial location and increase in diameter. (See
Chapter 8 for further discussion of the evolution of CM pulse qualities.)
Li (Flaws trans 1998) also identifies damage to essence and blood via ‘bone-steaming’. This
could be equated to Kidney Yin vacuity leading to consumption of Yin fluids and
consequently Qi.
In spite of these difference there appears to be general consensus in the pulse literature about
the pathogenesis leading to the development of the Vacuous pulse. A dual vacuity of Qi and
Blood is hypothesised to be responsible for this pulse quality, and is usually associated with
impaired organ functioning.
• Force: The Faint pulse has a greatly decreased intensity that further diminishes with
increasing finger pressure; it is a difficult pulse to palpate because of the extreme lack of
pulse force
• Width: The arterial width is greatly decreased, resulting in a very narrow arterial wall
• Pulse occlusion: This pulse is very easily occluded with slight finger pressure
• Arterial wall tension: The Faint pulse has a greatly decreased arterial wall tension.
The parameter of pulse depth is not specifically mentioned in traditional pulse literature
concerning the Faint pulse. It is therefore assumed that depth does not play an important role
in the formation of the Faint pulse and as such, it may be located at any level of depth
depending on the pathogenesis. Of more importance is its extreme lack of force, extremely
narrow width and its tendency to disappear with minimal finger pressure.
Because of the lack of internal pressure force, the Faint pulse is easily obliterated by external
finger pressure and so careful use of discrete pressure changes is required to locate the pulse.
The arterial wall has little tensile force when finger pressure is applied so that it is perceived
as having a lack of definition.
Step 2: All levels of depth need to be examined in order to locate the pulsation. Once the
pulsation is obtained, with slight finger pressure it should be easily occluded. The arterial
width is very narrow, and it is also difficult to perceive because of the lack of vasomotor tone.
Step 3: If the arterial pulsation is very difficult to ascertain or seems to disappear then
reappear, then this signifies the Faint pulse.
The faint pulse is a very fine, soft pulse possibly bordering on expiry, sometimes
there and sometimes not [said in another version to be small; in still another to
be quick under the fingers, in yet another to be floating and thin; in still
another to come to almost an end when pressure is applied]. CM indications
The Faint pulse is a pathological pulse quality representing an extreme vacuity of both Yang
and Qi as well as blood. It always indicates a critical condition. Two main patterns are
associated with the Faint pulse:
As noted earlier, shock generally progresses in three stages, with the third stage being
irreversible and leading to death. The Faint pulse, as a critical pulse, may be equated with
either the progressive or irreversible stage of circulatory shock. By this stage, positive feedback
mechanisms have been initiated and perpetuate continuing damage to the heart and other
tissues, further impairing cardiac output and leading to irreparable tissue and organ damage.
As such, the Faint pulse is associated with severe exhaustion in critical conditions, and may
be seen in dying patients.
The Faint pulse has a poor prognosis when it appears in chronic conditions, indicating
further critical decline in homeostasis.
• Depth: It is found strongest at the deep level of depth and it cannot be felt at the
superficial level
• Ease of occlusion: With increasing finger pressure down to the deep level of depth, the
pulse is easily occluded.
Step 2: With increasing finger pressure downwards towards the middle level the pulsation
may be able to be felt but with little intensity hitting the fingers.
Step 3: With an increasing amount of finger pressure, heading towards the deep level of
depth, the pulsation should become apparent, although with a lack of overall intensity. The
pulse has a narrow arterial width, displacing only a small area on the palpating finger. With
heavier pressure, as the external pressure exerted on the arterial wall equals the internal
pressure, the pulsation ceases so that no pulsation can be felt either under the palpating
fingers or on the proximal side of the ring finger (positioned over the Chi position).
Simultaneously, the definition of the arterial wall decreases so that it cannot be felt.
The weak pulse is a very soft, deep, and fine pulse bordering on expiry under
the (feeling) fingers when pressure is applied [said in another version to be
impalpable unless pressure is applied and absent when pressure is released] CM indications
The Weak pulse occurs in vacuity patterns and is generally seen as a pathological pulse
quality. The occurrence of the Weak pulse at the deep level of depth indicates the inability of
Yang to circulate Qi to the exterior of the body. It also specifies that the problem is located in
the interior of the body, involving organ involvement. The Weak pulse can occurs as the
result of vacuity of both Qi and Blood, particularly Yang. The circumstances in which the
pulse manifests include:
• Pathology
• Age-related changes.
The diagnostic meaning of the pulse is further differentiated on the basis of:
• Mechanism of pulse formation: Vacuous Yang Qi cannot propel blood with sufficient
strength, therefore the pulsation is felt forceless and at the deep level of depth. Deficient
blood fails to expand the pulse resulting in a narrow pulse, and provides an inadequate
medium for Qi movement.
Constitutional health
If the Weak pulse occurs in someone who is young, Lu (1996) considers this to be a sign of a
weak constitution, inherited from parents. This constitutional weakness may predispose the
individual to increased attack by EPAs. In this case, the pulse may not present as the Floating
pulse in response to the presence of an EPA because of the body's already depleted Qi. Pre-
Heavenly Essence or Jing represents the inherited energy from each parent at the time of
conception and cannot be replenished.
Long-term illness
Chronic illness causes the consumption of both Yin and Yang over time. The appearance of
the Weak pulse is seen as a natural reflection of this underlying vacuity. This may be the
result of organ hypofunction and can be seen in vacuity patterns of the Kidney (sore knees,
tinnitus, aching bones) and Spleen (digestive problems, tiredness, muscle weakness).
Age-related changes
Qi and blood are traditionally considered to diminish with the natural progression of age, and
the Weak pulse is said to appear in older people as a reflection of this decline. However, a
vacuity of Qi and blood is considered to be pathological, whether age related or not, and it
would be expected that there would be accompanying abnormal signs and symptoms
associated with Qi and blood, depending on which predominates.
pathogenesis of each pulse quality reflects both the similarities and differences between them.
Both the Weak and Soggy pulses are considered to be indicative of Qi and blood vacuity,
reflected in the overall lack of intensity in pulsation and the decrease in arterial width.
However, it is the level of depth that further differentiates the causal background, with the
Weak pulse reflecting the predominance of Yang Qi vacuity. The Soggy pulse, on the other
hand, is mainly indicative of either Yin vacuity or an EPA of Damp. Therefore, the Soggy
pulse is felt relatively strongest at the superficial level of depth, which reflects involvement at
the exterior of the body. The vacuity of Yin means that the Soggy pulse cannot be felt at the
deep (or organ/Yin) level of depth.
• Depth: This pulse is relatively strongest at the superficial level of depth, decreasing in
force with increasing finger pressure
• Ease of occlusion: The Soggy pulse is easily occluded with increasing finger pressure.
Step 2: With increasing finger pressure downwards towards the middle level there should be a
noticeable decrease in overall force, with little resistance by the arterial wall to deformation.
As finger pressure is increased the arterial pulsation is easily occluded so that no pulsation can
be felt either under the palpating fingers or on the proximal side of the ring finger (positioned
over the Chi position).
The pulse cannot be felt at the deep level of depth, as it is occluded well before reaching this
level of depth.
The soft pulse is a very soft pulse as well as floating and thin [said in another
version to be absent when pressure is applied but potent when pressure is
released; in still another to be small and soft; soggy instead of weak in yet
another, where the soggy pulse is said to be like the clothes in water which are
reachable only to a gentle hand.] CM indications
The Soggy pulse is a pathological CM pulse quality and is associated with vacuity-type
patterns. The Soggy pulse usually indicates vacuity of Qi and blood or Yin; however, an EPA
of Damp may complicate this pattern. Two main patterns associated are with the Soggy
anchored and so moves upward, resulting in a superficially located artery.
Even just locally, however, in the surface tissues, the pathogenic damp can
interrupt normal fluid movement and cause edema.
The Damp EPA enters the body whose physiological processes are already impaired by Qi
and blood vacuity. Qi vacuity compromises the body's ability to defend itself from external
attack and may also enhance the effect of the pathogen. If the Spleen is affected this may
impact on the body's ability to further transform and move fluids throughout the body.
The Dampness trapped in the tissue both impairs and consumes Yang Qi, leading to a
forceless pulse. It compresses the pulse, resulting in an arterial diameter that is narrow,
already depleted by Qi and blood vacuity.
Other authors mention that the Soggy pulse is indicative of chronic Dampness such as
‘postviral fatigue syndrome’ (Maciocia 2004: p. 481).
Because of the contradictory nature of the information pertaining to body and pulse width
and in the absence of demographic information, instead of generalising about this
relationship, it is necessary to evaluate the pulse width within the context of the other
presenting signs and symptoms, as well as the changes in other pulse parameters.
pathogenesis, with the Weak pulse generally indicating Yang vacuity and therefore being
vacuous at the Yang level, and the Soggy pulse indicating Yin vacuity and therefore not found
at the deep level of depth (which represents Yin).
The Soggy pulse is often seen in Yin vacuity patterns, the exact signs and symptoms of which
may depend on the organ(s) affected (Fig. 7.5). The Soggy pulse is commonly noted as the
CM pulse quality seen in Damp patterns, particularly associated with underlying Spleen Qi
vacuity and digestive dysfunction (Kaptchuk 2000, Maciocia 2004, Wiseman & Ellis 1996).
Figure 7.5Schematic representations of the Replete, Firm, Soggy, Weak and Scattered pulses.
Lu (1996) asserts that the Soggy pulse can be seen in postpartum women, signifying both Qi
and blood vacuity.
• Stirred (Spinning Bean) pulse (section 7.9.4).
• Blood viscosity (flow varies inversely with the viscosity of the blood; McCance &
Huether 2006)
• Condition of the lumen of the arterial wall, which influences the nature of the movement
of the flow wave through the artery.
• Evaluation of the pressure and flow wave and their impact on the arterial wall.
• Does the blood flow feel smooth or turbulent? Is the blood flow consistent?
• Are there changes in the intensity of pulse force? This may make the pulsation appear
stronger or weaker at times.
• Is the contour formed by each pulsation distinctly uniform or does it seem to change in
shape? Evaluation of the interaction of the pressure wave and flow wave on the arterial wall
We need to assess how the pulse wave feels:
• On arrival at the fingers
This relates to the upward rise of the pressure pulsation, the peak and then the receding
pressure (preceding the arrival of the next pulsation) and its interaction with the arterial wall.
Different segments of the pulse wave may be more distinctive than others. For example, the
arrival of the pulsation may be more distinctive than its departure. Alternatively, both the
arrival and departure of the pulsation may be clearly felt.
• The internal condition of the arterial wall (the tunica intima): a smooth arterial lumen
ensures unimpeded laminar blood flow
Figure 7.6The mutual relationship between Qi and Blood.
Figure 7.7Factors affecting pulse volume.
The pulse is affected by increases and decreases in blood/fluid volume in the following ways:
Increased volume
An increase in the volume of body fluids can affect the flow wave and pulse contour,
depending on where the increase in volume occurs in the arterial system or in the connective
Increased fluid volume can develop as a result of abnormal fluid transformation and
transportation involving the Spleen, Lung and Kidney and the Triple Heater. Fluid retention
can occur due to normal water loss being inhibited, for example the inhibition of sweating or
urination, and this can result in excess fluid moving into the blood vessels, leading to
increased blood volume. Alternatively, fluid can accumulate in the limbs as oedema, in the
lungs as phlegm or in the abdomen causing distension.
Clavey (1995: p. 134) notes that the close relationship between blood and fluids means that
accumulated fluids can also interrupt normal blood flow, impacting on other bodily functions.
For example the Shui Fen (water separation) syndrome illustrates what happens when
oedema disperses menstrual blood ‘separating it pathologically into water and Qi so that
blood cannot flow into the uterine vessels, thus causing amenorrhoea’.
Conversely, increased production of fluids may not necessarily be pathological but may
happen routinely as the result of normal increased metabolic demands, such as those
occurring during pregnancy.
Decreased volume
Decreased fluid volume may occur as the result of the damage or loss of blood, body fluids,
Yin or Essence. This can influence the radial arterial pulsation in the following ways:
• Insufficient filling of the artery so that it feels ‘hollow’ and is therefore very easily
• The artery fails to be expanded and therefore the arterial diameter is narrower than it
should be
• Insufficient fluids may lead to turbulent flow through the arteries, causing changes in
both the pulse contour (shape) and pulse force
• Decreased Yin may lead to the relative hyperactivity and outward movement of Yang, due
to the loss of the anchoring effect of Yin.
result in blood flow varying in intensity as it makes its way through the affected tissue.
• Food retention: Undigested food trapped in the stomach may cause abdominal distension
or discomfort. The accumulated food may result in compression of the blood vessels,
adversely affecting the flow of both Qi and blood in the area.
• Oedema: Fluids accumulating in the connective tissue and flesh may also compress blood
vessels, so that normal expansion and contraction of the artery walls in response to the
pulse and flow wave from the heart is inhibited.
• Trauma: Physical trauma may also result in disruption to blood flow through tissues.
• Cardiac output, in particular stroke volume (the amount of blood expelled from the left
ventricle into the aorta during systole) and resulting pulse amplitude
• Blood viscosity; flow varies inversely with the viscosity of the blood (McCance &
Huether 2006, Tortora & Grabowski 2000)
• The condition of the lumen of the arterial wall, which influences the nature of the blood
The condition of the lining of the arteries influences the fluidity of the blood flow. A rough
lumen encourages turbulent flow. Atherosclerotic plaques inside the arteries may also impede
flow, decreasing the arterial diameter and also causing disruption to the smooth surface lining
the inner surfaces of the arterial wall.
Figure 7.8Turbulent blood flow.(Adapted from Part B of Figure 29.33 of McCance & Huether 2006, with permission of
Elsevier Mosby.)
Factors affecting blood viscosity include anaemia (decreased viscosity due to decreased size or
numbers of red blood cells), dehydration (increased viscosity due to loss of body fluids
through severe sweating, diarrhoea or vomiting) and plasma loss (increased viscosity due to
loss of blood volume but not red blood cells). Pregnancy
A number of changes in the cardiovascular system occur very early during pregnancy, one
being a decrease in peripheral vascular resistance. It is hypothesised that this provides the
stimulus for the activation of the renin-angitensin-aldosterone axis, responsible for the
increase in plasma volume and cardiac output (Chapman et al 1998, cited in Poston &
Williams 2002). These changes are apparent at about 5 weeks after conception. During
normal pregnancy the increase in blood volume (on average about 1.5 litres) is due to both an
increase in red blood cells (by 15-18%) and plasma volume (about 40-50%). This results in
physiological anaemia and represents hypervolaemia or haemodilution, which is deemed a
necessary adaptation of pregnancy in order to accommodate for cardiovascular changes and
expected loss of blood at delivery (Coad & Dunstall 2005). The increased plasma/blood
volume also provides increased systemic oxygen supply, increased renal filtration and helps to
disperse increased heat production due to increased metabolic activity (Estes 2006).
7.9.1. Slippery pulse (Huá mài)
The Slippery pulse is defined by changes occurring in a single pulse parameter. However,
despite its seeming simplicity, the parameter of pulse contour encompasses a number of
diverse variables associated with blood flow and the arterial wall structure. It should be noted
that although the indications of the Slippery pulse all point towards repletion patterns and
therefore by association, increased pulse force, this is not a requisite pulse parameter.
• Pulse contour and flow wave: The Slippery pulse has a rounded shape or contour to the
palpating finger. As the pressure wave travels along the radial artery, the arterial wall
expands and contracts with ease as blood is pushed through the artery (the flow wave).
Figure 7.9Schematic representation of the flow wave and contour contributing to the formation of the Slippery pulse.
(Adapted from Part A of Figure 29.33 of McCance & Huether 2006, with permission of Elsevier Mosby.) Classical description from The Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse CM indications
The Slippery pulse can represent health, or may be considered to be a pathological pulse
quality, depending on the accompanying signs and symptoms. There are five main conditions
that can result in the Slippery pulse:
• Health
• Pregnancy
• Food retention
The Slippery pulse can be an indication of good health, signifying abundant Qi and blood
filling out the blood vessels. This signifies that Yin and Yang are well balanced and
harmonious. The Mai Jing notes (Wang, Yang (trans) 1997: p. 21):
(A pulse) emerging swiftly followed by falling is called slippery. What does this
The master answers: Falling is pure Yin, while emerging is righteous Yang.
When Yin and Yang are in harmony and cooperate, the pulse is slippery.
The Slippery pulse is traditionally associated with a healthy pregnancy. It reflects the normal
production of the extra blood and Qi that is required to supply the developing fetus with
sufficient nutrients to grow and develop. This pulse is said to occur in the first trimester and
is considered to be a healthy sign of a normally progressing pregnancy.
The Slippery pulse is also considered to be a diagnostic indicator of pregnancy. If the pulse is
identified as Slippery and there is amenorrhoea (no periods) in someone whose periods are
usually regular (Li, Flaws (trans) 1998: p. 76), then this may be a sign of pregnancy. In
addition to the overall Slippery quality, an increased force in both Chi positions and the left
Cun position is also deemed necessary by Maciocia (1998: p. 76). However, this theory in
general should be used with some degree of caution, as the Slippery pulse can also occur in
someone who is not pregnant, as the result of a pathological process such as pathogenic
Damp, Phlegm or Heat.
• Phlegm: This has a varied aetiology due to either external pathogens or endogenous
causes, often involving vacuity (see Box 7.18). Many of these factors ultimately result in
stasis or obstruction that congeals fluids. Phlegm may also arise due to the prolonged
retention of Damp in the body, as a further progression of Damp. The presence of Heat
may lead to the congealing of fluids or Damp, producing Phlegm.
Box 7.18
Underlying causes of Phlegm production
• EPA of Wind
(Clavey 1995: Ch. 7)
Because Phlegm has multiple causes and pathogenic mechanisms, this may be reflected in
the varying changes in pulse parameters. In other words, Phlegm may manifest in differing
pulse qualities, not necessarily only the Slippery pulse. As noted previously in section 7.3,
phlegm may also result in the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse, which would tend to reflect the
underlying stagnation of Liver Qi as the causal factor. There may also be changes in rate or
the level of depth at which the pulse can be found depending on the nature of the Phlegm.
• Endogenous (internal) Damp: Internal Damp may be the result of Spleen or Kidney
dysfunction, leading to impaired transformation and transportation of fluids. Alternatively
Damp may arise due to dietary indiscretions such as the overconsumption of Damp-
forming foods such as dairy (cheese, ice cream, milk) cold, raw food, citrus fruits and oily,
fried or greasy foods. This can impact on the function of the Spleen and stomach,
impairing transformation of food and drink and the distribution of fluids. Damp is greasy
or sticky in nature and associated with the presence of excess fluids in the circulatory
system or fluids trapped in the tissue. (See Box 7.19 for common Damp signs and
Box 7.19
Signs and symptoms commonly associated with Damp
• Feeling of heaviness
• Lethargy
• Loose stools
• Nausea
• Abdominal distension
• Chest distension
• No appetite or thirst
the dampness Qi of the earth, then this harms the skin, the flesh, the sinews, and the
vessels’ (Unschuld 2003: p. 197). This would be seen as a replete-type pulse. However, the
Moderate pulse and Soggy pulse are also associated with an EPA of Damp. The Soggy
pulse may arise instead of the Slippery pulse if the individual has an underlying deficiency
that may predispose them to external attack. The pathological Moderate pulse, with its
slow rate, may be associated with pathogenic Cold Damp.
• Heat: The Slippery pulse may arise due to pathogenic Heat causing hyperactivity of both
Qi and Blood, leading to excessive filling of arteries. Heat may have the additional effect of
causing fluids to congeal, leading to the formation of Damp or Phlegm.
Food retention
Retained food may be caused by the regular consumption of Damp-inducing foods and
alcohol which impact adversely on the Spleen and Stomach. This leads to impaired digestive
function, and the retained food may transform into phlegm. As noted by Clavey (1995: p.
184), this is termed ‘food phlegm’ and is linked to Phlegm-Damp.
Menstrual cycle
The Slippery pulse may be seen at different times during the menstrual cycle. Maciocia
(1998: p. 77) describes the normal pulse during menstruation as ‘somewhat Slippery, Big and
slightly rapid’.
It may be expected that at other times during the menstrual cycle the building up of blood
and Yin in expectation of potential fertilisation (around mid-cycle, approximately days 11-15)
may be reflected in the Slippery pulse. At this time of the cycle Yin is described as being ‘at
the peak of its cycle, the Chong vessel is full of Blood’ (Lyttleton 2004: p. 36). From a
physiological perspective, oestrogen is at its peak. There appears to be some limited initial
biomedical support for this, with research showing increased radial artery distensibility
(related to the ability of the artery to expand and contract and peripheral vasodilatation)
occurring around ovulation (days 13-15) (see Box 7.20 for more information).
Box 7.20
The menstrual cycle and possible hormonal effects on radial artery distensibility
In a study undertaken to look at radial artery distensibility during the menstrual cycle,
it was found that fluctuations did indeed occur during different phases of the
menstrual cycle. Giannattasio, Failla, Grappiolo et al (1999) found that radial artery
distensibility was increased markedly in the ovulatory phase (days 13-15) compared
with the luteal phase (days 21-29) and follicular phase (days 3-5), which were
decreased. Blood hormonal measurements showed that during the ovulatory phase
oestradiol (oestrogen) was at its highest level, along with luteinising hormone (LH)
and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). During the luteal phase, progesterone and
antidiuretic hormone (ADH) were at their peak.
The arterial stiffness of the luteal phase is due to an increase in the contraction of
vascular smooth muscle in the arterial wall. While this may be due to a decrease in
oestrogen levels during the luteal phase, it is likely to include other factors such the
effects of increased progesterone and ADH levels that may reinforce the effect of
decreased oestrogen levels or potentially have additional effects on the distensibility of
the vascular wall.
Figure 7.10Typical Doppler wave forms in the radial artery of (a) pregnant and (b) non-pregnant women.(From Chen &
Clark 2001, with permission of Blackwell Publishing.)
Figure 7.11Likely effects of pregnancy on the cardiovascular system and the development of the Slippery pulse.
Box 7.21
Pregnancy and changes in radial arterial blood flow
A research study has found that ‘the physical properties of the blood flow pattern in
the radial artery are different between pregnant and non pregnant women’ (Chen &
Clarke, 2001). It is hypothesized that oestrogen plays a role in the peripheral
vasodilatation in two ways: inhibiting movement of calcium ions into vascular smooth
muscle cells and stimulating nitric oxide, both of which cause relaxation of the
smooth muscle.
This study also showed that blood flow pattern in pregnant women is believed to be
less pulsatile than in non-pregnant women, ‘throughout the entire cardiac cycle,
whereas reversal flow and an absence of flow were detected in the non-pregnant
women’ (Chen & Clarke, 2001). They surmised that the decreased fluctuation of
blood flow impact on the radial artery wall may contribute to the presentation of the
CM ‘smooth’ pulse, described as feeling like ‘a group of small glass balls running
underneath the fingertips’. This is a reference to the Slippery pulse.
This is mirrored in CM thought, which has traditionally believed that pregnancy may
be recognised, even at early stages, by the changes in certain characteristics such as
the pulse contour in the radial artery pulse that occur during pregnancy (Maciocia
The Slippery pulse is also commonly mistaken for the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse, even though
their respective descriptions are quite different (see Box 7.22). The Stringlike and Slippery
pulses are probably some of the most commonly seen pulse qualities in clinical practice.
Box 7.22
Slippery pulse versus Stringlike pulse
• Slippery pulse: Blood flow forms the artery around itself: blood flow dominates
arterial structure
• Stringlike (Wiry) pulse: The arterial wall is constricting blood flow: arterial
structure dominates the contour of blood flow
Often in CM case studies, the pulse will be explained as being both Slippery and Stringlike
(Wiry). As these are quite different pulse qualities in terms of the pulse parameters involved,
how are these two pulse qualities seen in combination? If we examine what the main focus of
each pulse is, we can see that they are actually concerned with different aspects of the pulse
(see Box 7.23). The Stringlike (Wiry) pulse is mainly focused on the physical characteristics
of the arterial wall (external aspect), while the Slippery pulse is primarily concerned with the
flow wave and the forward longitudinal movement of blood (internal aspect). The Slippery
pulse may sometimes be accompanied by increased arterial wall tension, but this would be
seen as a relative increase, as the rounded contour of the pulse still dominates the pulse. As
such, the tension would not be retained on increased finger pressure, indicating that the
increased arterial wall tension is not the definitive Stringlike (Wiry) pulse. For example, this
may be seen in conditions where Liver Qi encroaches on the Spleen and Stomach, leading to
digestive disturbances. If we understand that increased arterial tension usually means
obstruction, this may give us a clearer understanding of the underlying aetiology behind the
pulse or alternatively, the extent of the pathogenesis.
Box 7.23
Pulse terminology
Unschuld (2003: p. 262) talks about the possibility of the terms such as ‘rough’ or
‘smooth’ being perhaps ‘remnants of a time when the condition of the skin above the
vessels, rather than the movement in the vessels below the skin, was considered a
valuable parameter’. In this context, the term ‘smooth’ would reflect that the skin has
been moistened and nourished, a sign of that there is sufficient Blood and body
fluids. Conversely, skin that feels overly moistened or ‘waterlogged’ (oedema) may
reflect fluid pathology. Similarly ‘rough’ may refer to the skin's lack of nourishment or
moistening, reflecting a vacuity of blood or fluids. The interpretation of this
terminology continues to resonate with the current indications of the both the
Slippery and Rough pulses as defined today.
The Moderate pulse, although known for its change in pulse rate (it is defined as slow), is
also commonly described as having a rounded pulse contour similar to the Slippery pulse. It
can reflect health, as a sign of abundant Qi or blood, or as a pathological pulse quality it often
occurs as a result of impaired Spleen Qi, particularly of Yang. Therefore the Moderate pulse
may perhaps be considered to be a vacuity version of the Slippery pulse, with the Yang Qi
vacuity affecting not only Spleen function but also slowing down metabolic activity generally,
hence the decreased pulse rate. The accompanying signs and symptoms will also help to
further differentiate the pattern. It must be remembered that pulse diagnosis is only one of
the four examination procedures and that the other diagnostic indicators are also essential
when formulating a diagnosis.
Box 7.24
The Three Five pulse: a subcategory of the Rough pulse
The Three Five pulse is a subcategory of the Choppy pulse that is mentioned in a
number of modern CM texts (Kaptchuk 2000, Maciocia 2004, Townsend & De
Donna 1990). It refers to the frequently changing rate of the pulsation so that
sometimes it beats three times per respiration and sometimes five times per
respiration (it does involve misted beats). Townsend & De Donna (1990) note its
link to Heart or circulatory disease, but the other authors do not elaborate on its
This should be distinguished from normal sinus arrhythmia that is noted for its
increased pulse rate during inspiration and decreased pulse rate on expiration and may
be seen in healthy young adults, particularly men (see section 6.6 for more
• Pulse contour: This has an irregular shape to the palpating finger, lacking a feeling of
fluidity of flow
• Pulse force: This may vary in intensity and the timing of systole and diastole.
The term ‘irregular’ is often used to describe the Rough pulse. However, the irregularity
described is associated with the changing intensity of pulse force. This may be caused by a
change in the duration of systole and diastole or an inconsistency in blood flow, resulting in
intra-arterial turbulence and poor propagation of the pulse pressure wave. This is perceived as
an ‘unevenness’ by the palpating fingers.
The Rough pulse does not have missed beats, has a regular rhythm and is within the normal
rate parameters. Classical description from The Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse
Fine and slow, going and coming difficult, short and scattered. Possibly one
stop and again comes (Mai Jing).
(Li, Flaws (trans) 1998:p. 78). CM indications
A slippery pulse shows abundant blood but scanty Qi. A choppy pulse shows
scanty blood but abundant Qi. A large pulse shows abundance of both blood
and Qi.
The Rough pulse is associated with two main patterns, vacuity and repletion, further
differentiated by manual palpation using the parameter of pulse force:
Figure 7.12Fluid loss versus blood loss and the effects on the pulse.
• Yin fluid loss: Fluid loss may occur due to profuse sweating or severe vomiting, leading to
dehydration. Acute trauma such as severe burns or tissue damage may also result in loss of
plasma volume. Intestinal obstruction may also result in large loss of plasma into the
intestinal lumen (Guyton & Hall 2006: p. 285). If fluid loss is severe, plasma may move
from the circulatory system to replace the severely depleted fluid. This results in increased
blood viscosity, which can lead to the sluggish flow of blood and increased turbulence,
hence the appearance of the Rough pulse (see Box 7.6 and Box 7.7).
During pregnancy various cardiovascular changes occur naturally, accounting for the
increased force and ‘slipperiness’ of the pulse, including dramatic increases to blood
volume, particularly plasma volume. The increase in plasma volume correlates positively
with both birth weight and placental weight. An unusually low increase in plasma volume
is associated with low birth weight, stillbirth and recurrent miscarriages (Coad & Dunstall
2005: p. 263). This correlates with the CM perspective of the appearance of the Rough
pulse, in its vacuous form, which implies that the normal increase to blood volume has
been impaired, resulting in insufficient blood to nourish and support the rapidly growing
fetus. As Lyttleton (2004: p. 319) notes, if there is dual vacuity of blood and Qi then this
may result in decreased fetal growth.
Lu (1996) states that Kidney impairment may lead to the Kidney Essence (also an
important component in the production of blood) being consumed and this may also lead
to infertility or in the case of pregnancy, miscarriage.
• Obstruction with underlying vacuity: Li (Flaws (trans) 1998: p. 80) also links the Rough
pulse with an invasion of cold dampness into the ‘constructive’, an aspect of the blood,
causing ‘blood impediment’. Wiseman & Ye (1998: p. 32) define this as a bi(blockage)
pattern occurring in patients with underlying Qi and blood vacuity, resulting in numbness
and painful limbs. While the pulse is described as ‘faint, rough’, other changes such as ‘fine
and tight at the cubit’ are also mentioned. ‘Tight’ may refer to the increased tension that
arises due to the obstruction (signified by pain) while ‘fine’ may reflect the underlying
vacuity, although this is difficult to know without further clarification by the author.
• Cold Damp: The Rough pulse may occur with pathogenic Cold Damp, as the Cold
contracts the vessels while Damp also causes stasis leading to obstruction of blood. In the
Mai Jing, a discussion of the various causes of the ‘internal binding (of evils)’ giving rise to
masses in the lower abdomen notes that ‘If the pulse arrives choppy, it points to the disease
of cold dampness’ (Wang, Yang (trans) 1997: p. 23). This pattern is also described by Lu
(1996: p 71).
• Retained food: Food retention may result in a Rough pulse because of its physical
compression of the blood vessels due to the accumulation of undigested food in the
stomach. However, the undigested food may exacerbate the pathogenesis by the
transformation of the retained food into Damp and eventually Phlegm, which further
impacts on Qi and blood flow.
• Blood stasis affecting fertility and pregnancy: The Rough pulse may occur in patterns of
blood stasis associated with the menstrual cycle, impacting on both the ability to become
pregnant and also the viability of the pregnancy. Blood stagnation may impact on the
endometrium and also the Chong Mai (also called the ‘Sea of Blood’), one of the Eight
Extra meridians associated with the menstrual cycle and fertility.
Endometriosis is a condition where endometrial tissue is found outside the uterus in the
pelvic cavity. This can range from tiny spots to masses that distort the pelvic organs and
can be found on or inside the ovaries, tubes, bladder or bowel (Lyttleton 2004: p. 167). For
some women this may be non-symptomatic, but for others it may be the source of pain,
menstrual problems and infertility. During pregnancy, the damage to the endometrium
from endometriosis may affect the blood supply to the placenta, affecting its development
and therefore increasing the risk of miscarriage (Lyttleton 2004).
Endometriosis is commonly associated with Blood stasis in terms of signs and symptoms
such as stabbing pain, clotted menstrual blood and abdominal masses. It should be noted
that if the pain associated with the blood stagnation is strong, then the overriding pulse
quality that may be felt is the Tight pulse (Lyttleton 2004: p. 95). Lyttleton notes that
endometriosis is also associated with Phlegm Damp and Kidney Yang vacuity, with the
production of mucus secretions that obstruct to normal functioning of the reproductive
system. All of these patterns may result in the obstruction of normal flow of Qi and thus
Blood, reflected in the appearance of the Rough pulse.
Conditions such as polycythemia vera, a genetically based disease that results in the
overproduction of red blood cells and blood volume (sometimes twice as much as normal),
may result in very sluggish blood flow due to the greatly increased viscosity of the blood
(Guyton & Hall 2006: p. 428). This may cause increased turbulence of blood flow.
There is a wide divergence of descriptions and indications for the Rough or Choppy pulse. It
is traditionally described as ‘fine and slow’ (Li, Flaws (trans) 1998, Wang, Yang (trans) 1997)
in the classical texts. Within these definitions, there are references to the pulse ‘coming and
going with difficulty’ as well as terms such as ‘short’ and ‘scattered’. There are also references
to an irregularity of rhythm ‘possibly one stop and again comes’ or ‘with an interruption but
the ability to recover’.
When examining the individual parameters of the pulse the following points can be noted:
• Pulse rate: When authors do include ‘slow’ in their definitions of the Rough pulse, it is
often then categorized with other pulses associated with a decrease in pulse rate, for
example Li Shi zhen (Huynh (trans) (1985) and Deng (1999)). However, many modern
CM definitions do not include change of rate in their interpretations of the Rough pulse.
The term ‘slow’ could possibly be interpreted as a decrease in the rate at which systole and
diastole occur within a cardiac cycle, which may also account for the phrase ‘coming and
going with difficulty’ or the indication that the pulse feels ‘hesitant’ rather than slow (Lu
1996: p. 71).
• Pulse rhythm: The reference to the interruption of pulse rhythm is not expanded on in
the traditional definitions; therefore it is difficult to be sure of their nature or the context in
which they occurred. An interpretation of its use may have been to signify the severity of
the underlying pathological process of blood vacuity or stasis, as was commonly attributed
to the Rough pulse; in particular, the use of ‘possibly’ may imply that this was not the
normal occurrence. As the presence of rhythm irregularities often indicate heart organ
involvement, the appearance of dysrhythmias, in conjunction with the other changes in
parameters that signify the Rough pulse, would seem to indicate the progressive severity of
the condition.
Modern CM texts do not usually include the parameter of pulse rhythm in their definitions
of the Rough pulse. Rather, the focus is on the texture of the blood flow and the changing
pulse intensity.
• Pulse width: The term ‘fine’ continues to be used in modern definitions of the Rough
pulse but is usually used in the context of the vacuity patterns only, particularly of blood or
Essence (Jing). Therefore, it is not considered an essential part of the CM pulse definition.
It is described as short by Maciocia (2004: p. 477) who notes that the pulse lacks ‘continuous
movement between the three positions and does not feel like a wave’. However, this
description is not a common component of other definitions for the Rough pulse.
‘Scattered’ is used in the traditional pulse definitions of the Rough pulse in the Mai Jing and
The Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse. However it is poorly defined, if at all, and the possible
interpretations of ‘scattered’ are too varied for this term to be of clinical use.
Hammer discusses the Choppy pulse as having ‘small ‘hills’ and ‘valleys’ as one rolls one's
finger along the pulse’ and ‘the varying heights are static’ (2002: p. 63). He further describes
it as ‘like rubbing it [the finger] across a washboard’. Although these descriptions imply a
variation in pulse wave height, he notes that the Choppy quality is ‘relatively stable and fixed
in terms of the vertical movement and has little of the restive wave activity associated with
Changing Intensity and Amplitude [a specific and separate pulse quality as defined by
Hammer and his colleague, Dr Shen]’.
A common interpretation of the Rough pulse encompasses varying pulse force. However,
Hammer identifies a distinctly separate pulse quality defined as a pulse having a change in
intensity and amplitude (see above), and says that the Choppy pulse is not this type of pulse.
It is therefore unclear whether the ‘hills’ and ‘valleys’ Hammer is referring to are a result of
the actual arterial pulsation or alternatively, perhaps part of the physical structure of the artery
wall, possibly referring to a tortuous arterial wall that is not smooth.
There are distinctive pulse qualities in biomedicine that could possibly be equated with the
Rough pulse. For example, pulsus alternans is defined by pulse beats that alternate in
strength. This can palpated as alternating increase and decrease in amplitude, hence a
distinctive change in pulse amplitude despite having a regular rhythm. This is due to the
alternating force of left ventricular contraction and is commonly indicative of severe
impairment of left ventricular function. It can also occur during or after paroxysmal
tachycardia (sudden increase in heart that may last from a few seconds to a number of hours).
However, pulsus alternans can also be seen in individuals without heart disease for several
beats following a premature or ectopic beat (a heart contraction that occurs before the normal
contraction is expected (O'Rourke & Braunwald 2001: p. 1256). See section 6.6 for more
information about ectopic beats and tachycardia.
It is possible that the Rough pulse was used to describe a number of pulses that exist but do
not fit easily into any of the other standard CM pulse quality definitions. For example, a
forceless pulse that has a slow rate of pressure increase, leading to a delayed systolic peak and
subsequent slow collapse, correlates well with the description of the pulse as slow and going
and coming with difficulty. This will also result in a forceless pulse due to the low volume
(small pulse pressure), further fulfilling the descriptions of its decreased width. From a
biomedical perspective, this is recognised as the pulsus parvus et tardus which often occurs
with discrete obstruction to left ventricular output, for example occurring in aortic valve
stenosis (O'Rourke et al 1992: p. 74).
• Pulse contour and flow wave: The Surging pulse has a distinctive flow pattern, hitting the
fingers distinctly but then pulse pressure decreases slowly. Classical description from the Nei Jing and the Mai Jing
The surging pulse is a very large pulse [floating and large in another version]
under the fingers.
When the pulse comes with much strength but goes completely weak, this is
called the flooding pulse. CM indications
The Surging pulse is now considered a pathological CM pulse quality associated with febrile
disease, but it was traditionally described as the normal pulse for summer in the Nei Jing.
As a pathological pulse quality, the Surging pulse may be caused by either a replete external
pathogen (Cold or Heat) or vacuity Heat pattern. These patterns include:
The Six Division pattern identification was initially mentioned in the Nei Jing but was
described in greater detail in the Shan Han Lun, the classic text on externally contracted
febrile disease.
From a CM perspective, high fever is a sign of that the body's Zheng Qi is strong and
fighting off a very strong pathogen. Subsidence of the fever is a sign that the Zheng Qi is
overcoming the pathogenic factor (Wiseman & Ellis 1996: p. 226).
The Surging pulse reflects the transformation of the Cold pathogen into Heat, the
subsequent increase in Yang and the struggle with the Zheng Qi. It also reflects the damage
to fluids by the strong heat. This may be the cause of the pulsation's tendency to hit the
fingers strongly at first (increased Yang Qi) but then drop off gradually, as the fluids have
been damaged and cannot sustain support for the Yang Qi (Yang is exuberant but Yin is
pathogens and the effect of their progression into the interior of the body. In this particular
pattern, an EPA of Heat transforms into severe heat and is very similar to the Yangming
pattern described above. Signs and symptoms include high fever, severe thirst, agitation and
profuse sweating. However, the Heat pathogen is able to transform into more severe heat
much more rapidly than the previous pattern (Wiseman & Ellis 1996: p. 239).
As in the previous pattern, the Surging pulse is the result of the struggle between the Heat
pathogen and the body's Zheng Qi (Upright Qi).
Townsend & De Donna (1990) ascribe ageing, poor diet and excessive consumption of
alcohol or drugs as possible factors responsible for diminished Yin and the manifestation of
the Surging pulse. The severe vacuity of Yin can no longer control the Yang, which becomes
• Sweating
Sweating increases greatly when the body's core temperature rises above 37°C. A further
increase of 1°C in temperature causes ‘enough sweating to remove 10 times the basal rate of
body heat production’ (Guyton & Hall 2006: p. 895).
The vasodilatation may account for the increased width of the Surging pulse, and the
increased metabolism may account for the perceived increase in pulse force. However, as
noted in the clinical definition, this perceived force increase is not maintained for the
duration of the pulsation. This may be the result of the injured fluids, depleted because of the
increased fluid loss through compensatory sweating.
• Pulse contour and flow wave: The pulse contour is rounded. It has a tendency to vibrate
in its position, with a lack of smooth motion.
• Length: The Stirred pulse is a short pulse, occupying only one position, usually the Guan
The Shan Han Lun (Treatise on Cold Damage) says ‘Contention between Yin
and Yang is called stirring … A rapid pulse that is perceptible only in the Guan
with no ends in the upper or lower position. (i.e., the Cun or Chi) and which is
large as a bean stirring and rotating in a small way is called a stirring pulse’
(Wang, Yang (trans) 1997:p. 5). CM indications
The Stirred pulse usually occurs in an acute context, resulting from severe heat, trauma, pain,
severe fright or cardiac-related dysfunction.
The Stirred pulse is associated with the severe disruption to the normal flow of Qi and blood
and is considered to be the result of ‘Yin and Yang wrestling’ (Li, Flaws (trans) 1998: p. 116).
The idea of two opposing yet interactive forces in dynamic motion has been an integral part
of the philosophical theory underlying Chinese medicine, reflected by information in the
Book of Changes (Yi Jing) which stated that ‘It is because hard and soft push each other that
changes and transformations occur’ (Unschuld 2003: p. 85). Therefore the Stirred pulse may
occur in sudden fright due to adverse flow of Qi and blood, whereas in physical trauma there
may be severe obstruction of Qi and blood in the local area causing severe pain.
Table 7.3 Revision of the simple pulse parameters and the simple CM pulse qualities associated with them
Defining pulse CM pulse quality Specific pulse Changes in pulse parameters present
parameter parameters involved
Slow pulse (Chí
Rate Rate Decreased ≤60 bpm
Rapid pulse (Shuò
Rate Increased ≥90 bpm
Moderate pulse
Rate 60 bpm
(Hūan mài)
Floating pulse (Fú
Depth Depth Strongest at the superficial level
Sinking pulse
Depth Strongest at deep level
(Chén mài)
Hidden pulse (Fú
Depth Strongest at deep level, deeper than Sinking pulse
Long pulse (Cháng
Length Length Extends beyond Cun, Guan and Chi
Short pulse (Dua.n
Length Cannot be felt in all three pulse positions
Width Fine pulse (Xì mài) Width Decreased width: narrow diameter
Skipping pulse (Cò
Rhythm Rhythm Irregular interval between beats at irregular intervals
Rate Increased ≥90 bpm
Bound pulse (Jié
Rhythm Irregular interval between beats at irregular intervals
Rate Decreased ≤60 bpm
Intermittent pulse Regularly irregular: consistently misses a beat in a
(Dài mài) distinctive pattern. No rate change
Table 7.4 Revision of the complex pulse parameters and the complex CM pulse qualities associated with them
Defining Specific pulse
pulse CM pulse quality parameters Changes in pulse parameters present
parameter involved
Arterial wall Stringlike pulse Arterial wall
Increased arterial tension
tension (Xián mài) tension
Pulse occlusion Retains form with increasing finger pressure
Length Increased length: long
Tight pulse (Ji.n Arterial wall
Increased arterial tension
mài) tension
Force Increased force
Width Increased diameter: wide
Length Increased length: long
Scallion stalk Arterial wall Increased arterial tension
pulse (Kōu mài) tension
Force Decreased force
Width Increased diameter: wide
Depth Strongest at the superficial level
Pulse occlusion Easily occluded
Drumskin pulse Arterial wall
Increased arterial tension
(Gé mài) tension
Force Decreased force
Width Increased diameter: wide
Depth Strongest at the superficial level
Pulse occlusion Easily occluded
Scattered pulse Arterial wall
Greatly reduced arterial tension-little definition of arterial wall
(Sàn mài) tension
Force Decreased force
Width Increase in diameter: wide
Depth Relatively strongest at the superficial level
Pulse occlusion Very easily occluded
Replete pulse (Shí
Force Force Increased force
Depth Felt equally at all three levels of depth
Width Increased diameter: wide
Length Extends beyond Cun, Guan and Chi
Arterial wall
Increased arterial tension
Firm pulse (Láo
Force Increased force
Depth Strongest at the deep level
Width Increased diameter: wide
Length Extends beyond Cun, Guan and Chi
Arterial wall
Increased arterial tension
Vacuous pulse (Xū
Force Decreased force
Depth Strongest at the superficial level
Width Increased diameter: wide
Pulse occlusion Very easily occluded
Faint pulse (Wēi
Force Extreme lack of force
Width Very narrow
Pulse occlusion Very easily occluded
Weak pulse (Ruò
Force Decreased force
Depth Strongest at the deep level
Width Decreased diameter: narrow
Pulse occlusion Easily occluded
Soggy pulse (Rú
Force Decreased force
Depth Strongest at the superficial level
Width Decreased diameter: narrow
Pulse occlusion Easily occluded
Pulse Smooth and rounded contour with a distinct expansion and contraction of
Slippery pulse Pulse contour
contour and arterial walls, conforming to flow wave. Can feel the pulse both arrive and
(Huá Mài) and flow wave
flow wave depart smoothly.
Rough pulse (Sè Pulse contour
Contour feels irregular or has uneven texture to the palpating fingers
mài) and flow wave
Force Irregular: changes in intensity
Surging pulse Pulse contour The flow wave has a distinct arrival under the finger and an indistinct
(Hóng mài) and flow wave departure.
Width Increased diameter: wide
Force Increased force
Stirred (Spinning
bean) pulse (Dòng Pulse contour Rounded
Flow wave Vibrating due to quick succession of beats
Length Usually felt in only one position
Rate Increased: ≥90 bpm
Force Increased force
• Learning and memorising which pulse parameters are involved in the formation of each
CM pulse quality and the nature of the changes occurring
• Understanding the theory and mechanisms underlying each of the pulse parameters
• Following a consistent methodology for examining the pulse, collecting and interpreting
the pulse information.
Pathogenic factors can often trigger changes in multiple pulse parameters that do not
normally appear together as a particular CM pulse quality profile. For example, pathogenic
Heat results in hyperactivity of Yang. This has the effect of agitating Qi and blood, resulting
in an expansive movement of blood flow so that it can be felt in the radial artery as a length of
pulsation, hence termed ‘long’. If the Heat is enough to elevate the body temperature then
this results in an increased pulse rate. Therefore the pulse may be identified equally as both
the Long and Rapid pulses. However, a Rapid pulse may occur without the Long pulse and
vice versa.
Common combinations of CM pulse qualities often include a simple and a complex pulse
quality. For example, assessment of the pulse during the onset of a cold or flu following
exposure to cold climatic conditions may reveal pulse parameter profiles for both the Floating
and Tight pulses, which may appear simultaneously in an EPA of Wind Cold. This would be
described as a pulse that is forceful, has increased tension in the arterial wall that leads to a
slight sideways movement and is found to be strongest a the superficial level of depth. The
appearance of the pulse strongest at the superficial level of depth can be an indication that the
exterior of the body is the focus of pathogenesis. In this particular case, the EPA has activated
the Zheng Qi of the body so that Qi and blood rush to the surface as a defensive mechanism.
The over-forceful nature of the pulsation indicates an excess within the body and signifies
that both the Zheng Qi and pathogenic factor are strong, while the increased arterial tension
reflects the effect of the Cold causing contraction of the muscles and blood vessels.
As such, these changes in the pulse parameters represent the pathological processes currently
taking place in the body and signify specific changes in pulse parameters that are not normally
linked together in any of the single traditional CM pulse qualities. Therefore, more than one
CM pulse quality may be present.
Pulse Factors to consider the pulse parameters Relevant
parameter diagnostic information
Can you feel the expansion and contraction of the artery walls?
Does the artery move side to side laterally?
Does the pulse move smoothly or unevenly under the finger? Does it
have a particular shape?
Rounded, or does it vary in shape?
With a clear understanding of the mechanisms that result in changes to individual pulse
parameters, the appearance of CM pulse qualities in certain disease states or ill health may be
better understood. This is important because often the presenting pulse does not fit any of
the criteria of the 27 CM pulse qualities (Box 7.25). This does not necessarily mean that the
pulse information cannot be used, as the changes in individual pulse parameters can be used
to shed light on the pathogenic process that is taking place. For full details of the pulse taking
procedure, see section 5.11.3.
Box 7.25
Hints for assessing pulse information
Sometimes we may find that the pulse we are palpating does not seem to fulfil all the
parameter requirements of any of the specific TCM pulse qualities, or that the
changes in parameters may be occurring in varying degrees. The decision then needs
to be made whether another pulse assessment system may be more applicable, for
example, Eight Principle, Five Phase or the Three Jiaos (see Chapter 9).
Alternatively, we can utilise this pulse information by relating the changes in pulse
parameters back to the theoretical effects on Yin, Yang, Qi and blood.
The general pulse assessment process is outlined in Figure 7.13. It is recommended that you
make use of the checklist for the CM pulse qualities (Table 7.6) and the summary of the CM
pulse qualities in Table 7.3 and Table 7.4 when you are initially starting to learn the pulse
parameter system. These will help you to familiarise yourself with the terminology, pulse
parameters and definitions for each of the CM pulse qualities, simplifying the identification
process from the pulse information you have collected in Table 7.5. These tables are included
for convenience but are not meant to be limiting, so include more information if you feel it is
Figure 7.13Pulse parameter assessment process.
Stringlike (Wiry) pulse (Xián mài) ✓ ✓ ✓
Tight pulse (Jin mài) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Scallion Stalk pulse (Kōu mài) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Drumskin pulse (Gé mài) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Scattered pulse (Sàn mài) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Replete pulse (Shí mài) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Firm pulse (Láo mài) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Vacuous pulse (Xū mài) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Weak pulse (Ruò mài) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Faint pulse (Wē i mài) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Soggy pulse (Rú mài) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Slippery pulse (Huá mài) ✓
Rough pulse (Sè mài) ✓ ✓
Surging pulse (Hóng mài) ✓ ✓ ✓
Stirred (Spinning Bean) pulse
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
(Dòng mài)
However, what do you do if, having evaluated the pulse, you find that the pulse profile does
not fit any of the specific CM pulse qualities? Rather than trying to fit any changes in pulse
parameters into a specific pulse quality profile, and risk losing valuable pulse information,
another way of utilising the information obtained from radial pulse palpation is to relate the
changes occurring in the pulse and accompanying signs and symptoms, to the effect on the
different substances, such as Qi, Yang, Yin, and Blood, involved in the formation of the
pulse. The mechanisms behind the pulse parameters have been discussed in detail throughout
Chapters 6 and 7, in the accounts of the specific CM pulse qualities. Table 7.3 and Table 7.4
briefly summarise this information, noting the effect on the pulse parameters. Note that this
is a theoretical construct, so although this information may generally apply in most cases,
occasionally there may be some contradictory findings. Remember that pulse diagnosis is only
part of the holistic diagnostic procedure employed in order to gain a complete understanding
of the patient's presenting problems and, as such, was not intended as a solitary diagnostic
This concludes our account of the pulse parameter assessment system. The next chapter
explores the connections that exist between many of the CM pulse qualities in terms of their
shared pathological mechanisms and progression of disease.
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Chapter 8. Genesis of pulse qualities
Chapter contents
8.1 Same disease different pulse; different pulse same disease 179
8.4 Qi 196
For this reason the traditional CM pulse qualities presents in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7 will
be discussed in a comparative manner in this chapter with respect to the pathologies,
dysfunction or health states that they reflect.
relate to common colds and influenzas and encompass other viral, fungal and bacterial agents.
In a CM context, categorisation of illness due to pathogenic agents is based on the resultant
signs and symptoms, the body's response to the pathogenic agent. In this sense, pathogenic
agents causing fever are broadly classified as Heat; pathogenic agents causing swelling and
oedema are classified as Damp. There are also Cold, Dry and Wind pathogenic agents in
addition to Heat and Damp. Pathogenic agents can also combine to form complex conditions
such as Damp Heat as seen in viral infections such as varicella (chickenpox).
A traditional assumption associated with the pulse when EPA attacks the body is the
movement of the body's defensive Qi to accumulate or move outwards to the superficial
regions of the body. The pulse correspondingly becomes relatively stronger at the superficial
levels of depth. EPAs are a perverse version of Qi, certainly pathogenic, but still Qi. In this
sense, when a pathogen attacks the body then there is extra Qi, additional to the normal
levels of Qi in the body. The addition of the Qi makes the overall force of the pulse increase.
This occurs in addition to the increasing defensive Qi levels at the external parts of the body
to counter the EPA and reflected in the pulse as being strongest at the superficial level of
When the pulse is distinctly stronger at the superficial level of depth, and consecutively less
strong at the middle and deep levels of depth, then this is termed a Floating pulse reflecting
the movement of defensive Qi to counter the pathogen.
The Floating pulse also occurs with internal dysfunction causing conditions of hyperactivity
such as seen in states of anxiety or stress. This is termed Yin vacuity (Yin deficiency). This
occurs when the body's ability to control Yang is compromised, causing increased activity of
Yang. The Floating pulse occurs as Yang moves upwards and outwards, which is seen as
pulling the Qi and blood with it. Another useful way of looking at this is via the control
mechanisms of the autonomic nervous system; the parasympathetic nervous system's counter
control to the sympathetic nervous system, and the related feedback systems are no longer
able to keep activity in check.
The Floating pulse can therefore occur in the presence of EPA but also with internal
dysfunction. As there are two quite distinct aetiologies, the Floating pulse can be further
differentiated by the related changes in other accompanying pulse parameters. In this case the
Floating pulse due to an EPA is accompanied by an increase in pulse force, reflecting the
increased metabolic demands of the body to combat the pathogen. The Floating pulse
resulting from Yin vacuity will have a decrease in pulse force reflecting the empty-type
hyperactivity occurring.
There are a range of pulse qualities that occur with external attack by pathogenic agents.
Although most of these pulse qualities are strongest at the superficial level of depth, they will
by no means all present as a Floating pulse. Depending on the changes in other pulse
parameters, usually in regard to the type of pathogenic agent, several other traditional pulse
qualities can develop. There are specific differences in the parameters of these pulses that
differentiate them from the Floating pulse, as there are specific differences in the parameters
of the Floating pulse to further differentiate it from other superficially occurring pulses.
Additionally, not all acute pathogenic attacks will result in a superficially strong pulse,
because sometimes the pathogen goes directly into the interior and affects organ function.
The pathogen can also mutate, so one pulse quality occurs initially and as the pathogen
mutates so the pulse quality also changes. The Tight pulse in response to Cold EPA moving
to the Replete pulse occurs as the Cold EPA becomes warmed by the body's heat. (Fig. 8.1)
Figure 8.1The likely transformation of an EPA of Cold to Heat and the formation of the Tight pulse and consequent
formation of the Replete pulse. (Developed from information in Dinarello & Gelfand 2001).
Box 8.1
Damp signs and symptoms
• Feelings of heaviness/fullness
• Lethargy
• Nausea/bloating
• Oedmea/fluid retention
• Copious urination
Damp illness can arise from internal and external causes. As an internal cause, Spleen Yang
Qi vacuity or digestive weakness often gives rise to Damp accumulation as the distribution
and transformation function of moving fluids and nutrients around the body is compromised
and so fluid accumulates producing Damp. Diet-related causes are also common when
particular food groups causing Damp are eaten in excess or are unable to be appropriately
digested. For example, dairy products, raw foods, cold foods, oils and uncooked foods can be
causes of Damp accumulation, often affecting the Spleen Qi and/or Yang. Damp formation
also arises from external causes. For example, external pathogenic agents such as Cold have a
congealing affect on the fluid in the body producing dampness, or Damp can arise from
Damp pathogenic agents as well.
From a pulse diagnosis perspective, four of the traditional pulse types are associated with
One other pulse quality can be categorised with Damp, and is associated with the formation
of phlegm in particular:
The first four pulses associated with Damp can be divided into two categories based on the
parameters of their formation. The first grouping is that of Fine pulse and Soggy pulse,
similar in width. The second grouping is the Moderate pulse and Slippery pulse, similar in
contour. The two groupings are quite distinctly different. The first is a change in the physical
characteristic of the artery, that of width, while for the second grouping it is a noticeable
change in the pulse wave contour. Each is discussed in further detail below.
The pathogenesis of the formation of these pulses arises from damp due to internal vacuity,
or where damp has caused internal vacuity of Yang.
The Soggy pulse generally reflects vacuity of Qi and Yin/Blood but also presents with a
further decreased force when damp is present. In this situation there is no distinct change in
the contour of the pulse wave, as seen with the Slippery pulse and Moderate pulse. The
forceless nature of the pulse which occurs in the Soggy pulse arises from the damp impairing
the ability of the pulse wave or Yang to expand. Damp pathogenesis from an EPA is
additionally reflected in the presentation of the Soggy pulse, felt strongest at the superficial
level of depth where the body's defensive Qi rises to fight the pathogen.
The contour changes associated with the Slippery and Moderate pulses can be explained by
the appropriate physiological strength of the Qi and blood, in spite of the presence of a
pathogenic agent. The pulse can then be seen to represent relatively new illness. (For the
Soggy pulse the Qi and blood have been affected or were already depleted when the Damp
pathogen arose.)
When Qi and blood are abundant, and there are no apparent signs of illness, then a similar
pulse presentation of the Slippery pulse and Moderate pulse can occur as a sign of health. In
this instance, the Slippery pulse is differentiated from the Moderate pulse by the parameter of
pulse rate. The Moderate pulse has a pulse rate of 60 bpm.
• Arterial width narrows: The Soggy pulse and Fine pulse form because blood is already
depleted so Damp compresses the pulse.
• Pulse contour and flow wave changes: The Moderate pulse and Slippery pulse form only
when blood is abundant or arterial volume is full (whether from blood or fluid
Phlegm is an obstructive substance impeding the normal flow of Qi and blood through the
tissue and organs, placing stress on the system. Phlegm causes obstructions, obstructions
cause pain. An increase in arterial tension is therefore not an unexpected response. (Note that
phlegm is divided into further complex patterns dependent on other signs and symptoms.
Relevant texts should be consulted for further information.)
invasion affects the pulse in three ways:
• Pulse rate: Qi is seen as a motive force, giving rise to and ensuring the regularity of the
heart contraction and movement of blood in the vessels. Pulse rate is a reflection of the
functional activityof Yang to speed up or slow the heart rate. As Cold counters the Yang
then the pulse rate slows (but importantly, heart rhythm is not interrupted as the heart Qi
remains functional).
• Arterial tension: Cold has a contracting action on the flesh, and arterial tension increases
as the Cold contracts the flesh. An increase in tension can also be viewed in this respect as
the body's attempt to maintain internal warmth, conserve the Yang, by reducing the area of
the artery and Qi and blood exposed to the pathogenic Cold: a defensive mechanism to
prevent internal invasion of Cold. Control of temperature regulation from a biomedical
perspective is associated with the hypothalamus, which increases the body's ‘normal’
temperature to a higher set point, and so the physiological response is an attempt to
conserve body heat in order to raise body temperature to the new set point (see Fig. 8.1)
From a CM perspective, an increase in arterial tension can also refer to the obstructive
action of Cold on the normal flow of Qi and blood. Obstruction is associated with pain,
and pain causes an increase in sympathetic nervous system activity further affecting arterial
wall tension.
• Level of depth and strength: The level of depth at which the pulse is felt strongest with
Cold pathogens is variable and depends on the body's immune function and the intensity
of the Cold pathogen. This is because acute Cold pathogens are known to affect the
internal organs almost immediately, while other types follow a progressive movement from
the exterior to the interior over time. In the former case the pulse is felt strongest at the
deep level of depth and in the latter, at the superficial level of depth.
Box 8.2
Cold signs and symptoms
• Aversion to cold
• Chills
• Pulse parameters:
– Slow rate
Five traditional pulse qualities are associated with Cold invasion or are attributable to the
presence of a Cold EPA:
Of these five traditional pulse qualities, the Slow pulse is the simplest to recognise and will
nearly always be accompanied by signs and symptoms that reflect Cold. It is likely to combine
with the other four pulse qualities when Cold pathogens are present. For example, the Tight
pulse due to Cold will have increased arterial tension and a decrease in pulse rate.
The remaining four pulses range from those that form when there is an acute EPA Cold
attack affecting the external regions of the body through to serious and chronic internal attack
by Cold EPA. Of these the Tight pulse, Firm pulse and Hidden pulse can be arranged
sequentially to reflect the continuation of a Cold EPA from the external regions of the body
into the interior. (In addition to Cold EPA all three pulses also occur when there is
stagnation of food, indicating a relationship/pathway between the pathology and their
formation; see Fig. 8.2.)
Figure 8.2Progression of Cold EPA from the exterior to the interior and consequent formation of likely pulse qualities.
The Slow pulse is the simplest of the five traditional pulse qualities to recognise associated
with a Cold EPA. Yet, a decrease in the pulse rate with Cold need not be so great as to cause
the rate to fall to 60 bpm or less, the range ascribed for categorising the pulse rate as the Slow
pulse. The Slow pulse can also occur from internal Yang problems which slows the pulse.
This is termed Yang vacuity (or Yang deficiency). (Yang vacuous pulses are discussed
elsewhere.) In this sense the Slow pulse alone is not diagnostically specific enough to
differentiate between a Cold EPA and Yang vacuity. It is necessary to assess the presentation
of other pulse parameters to do this. Pulse force is an important additional parameter for this
purpose: an increased force occurring with a decrease in pulse rate would likely indicate an
EPA of Cold, whereas a decrease in both pulse force and pulse rate indicates dysfunction
arising internally from Yang vacuity. When Yang is deficient the pulse sinks, being felt at a
deeper level of depth than is normally felt for the affected individual.
The presence of Cold internally will counter the associated organ's Qi or functional capacity,
and eventually the body's Yang. Eventually, a Yang vacuous condition will arise over time in
spite of the initial problem having arisen from an ‘excessive’ Cold EPA. In time, the pulse
continuum progresses from a pulse with strength to one without strength.
The Tight pulse can occur with general internal obstructive disorders associated with poor
digestion, so needs to be carefully differentiated from its Cold causation with assessment of
other signs and symptoms as well. Using the pulse parameters, a Tight pulse caused by Cold
and the Tight pulse caused by obstruction (not necessarily Cold related) can be differentiated
by changes in pulse rate. The Tight pulse will probably occur with a generic decrease in pulse
rate when due to a Cold EPA. When food obstruction is due to Cold, which occurs in a
situation where a Cold EPA goes internally and causes obstruction, then the Tight and Slow
pulse will also manifest.
The Drumskin pulse can also occur in the presence of a Cold EPA, as is apparent in the
increase in arterial tension due to vasoconstriction, but its formation is primarily due to
tensile stress in other layers of the arterial wall due to underlying blood vacuity. When the
blood and fluid levels are normal and a Cold EPA invades, then the Drumskin pulse will not
occur (Box 8.5).
Box 8.5
Drumskin pulse and a Cold EPA
The Drumskin pulse is not necessarily about diagnosing blood vacuity, rather its main
indication is that relating to Cold EPA. Clinically, treatment should be aimed at
addressing the Cold EPA, not Blood vacuity. Herbs required for treating Cold EPA
differ from those for Blood vacuity. If Blood-tonifying herbs are used, they may
aggravate or cause a delay in resolution of the Cold EPA. Once the Cold EPA is
expelled then the Drumskin pulse is likely to resolve into a pulse whose parameters
are more typical of Blood vacuity.
Figure 8.3Affect of an EPA Heat on pulse parameters and the formation of traditional pulse qualities with consideration
to the relative strength of Qi and Blood (fluids).
• Pulse rate: Pulse rate is a reflection of the functional activity of Yang. As Heat adversely
supplements the Yang, then pulse rate increases. From a biomedical perspective this is an
increased activity of the cardiac cells in response to an increased metabolic rate affecting
core body temperature.
• Pulse length: Heat adversely affects the normal flow of Qi and blood via its expansive
heating quality. This is sometimes described as heat agitating the blood and Qi. The result
is a pulse which extends beyond the Cun, Guan and Chi pulse positions. That is, the pulse
becomes more apparent with palpation along its entire length and not just at these three
pulse positions at the wrist.
• Pulse contour: Heat produces a variation in the pulse contour with a more distinctive
pulse wave. Heat causes cardiac cells to contract more quickly and strongly, resulting in a
more forceful pulse. From a CM perspective the change in the pulse from Heat EPA
reflects the agitating affect of heat on Qi and Blood as core body temperature increases.
• Pulse force: Pulse force increases and is a direct reflection of the increased strength of
contraction of the cardiac cells and subsequent increased stroke volume.
• Arterial width: By increasing the surface area of the artery the body attempts to lose more
heat to the environment: a defensive mechanism to prevent heat from damaging the body's
Yin. Heat has an expansive action on the flesh and blood flow so the pulse wave contour
comes to dominate the pulse quality and is felt wide.
• Level of depth: As a Heat pathogen invades the body so the body's Qi responds by rising
to meet the invading EPA. The pulse becomes relatively stronger at the superficial levels of
depth. With Heat pathogens, the pulse is likely to be felt with strength at the other levels
of depth as well.
There are five traditional pulse qualities attributable to the presence of a Heat EPA:
Of the five traditional pulse qualities, the Rapid pulse is the simplest to recognise and will
always reflect Heat. It is likely to combine with the other four pulse qualities when Heat
pathogens are present. For example, the Slippery pulse due to Heat will have an increase in
pulse rate, when this is >90 bpm, then the pulse is Slippery and Rapid.
The remaining four pulse qualities can be subdivided into two further categories. The first
category includes pulse qualities in which the underlying Qi and blood are agitated but
remain abundant:
The second category contains pulses that are also associated with Heat pathology but have
injury to the Qi and blood from the Heat pathogen:
For the Surging pulse, the injured state of the Qi and blood caused by Heat pathogen is
reflected in the diastolic segment of the pulse wave contour and in the parameter of pulse
length. Unlike the Replete pulse and Slippery pulse, the Surging pulse is not felt beyond the
Cun or the Chi pulse positions. That is, although heat is agitating the Qi and blood, these
substances are not abundant enough to lengthen the palpable pulse beyond the three pulse
The diastolic segment of the Surging pulse wave is described traditionally as ‘debilitated’,
giving the sense that cardiac contraction should be strong causing a distinct sudden rise in the
pulse wave hitting the fingers during systole, but because the blood and fluids are injured, no
substance is present for the pulse force to continuing moulding the pulse contour during
diastole, and so the pulse wave is not apparent.
The Surging pulse is sometimes described as felt ‘coming but not going’. This could also be
interpreted as the pulse wave being felt hitting the proximal (body side) of the finger when
palpating the pulse, but not felt going under the finger to the distal side (finger side).
An additional perspective on the formation of the Vacuous pulse and Surging pulse is that
rather than Qi and Blood being damaged as a consequence of the heat Pathogen, the Qi and
blood were already deficient before contraction of the Heat pathogen. As with the formation
of the Drumskin pulse, it is the underlying vacuity of Qi and blood that may give rise to the
Vacuous pulse and Surging pulse when Heat EPA occurs. When Qi and blood are abundant,
then the Replete pulse and Slippery pulses are likely to occur instead.
Also, the Vacuous pulse and Surging pulse can indicate a prognostic and temporal
progression of a Heat EPA. For example, if Qi and blood are abundant, then the
Replete/Slippery pulse will form. As the heat injures these, then the Surging pulse and
Vacuous pulse may arise.
As a continuum, the Vacuous pulse and Surging pulse can arise from the Slippery pulse and
Replete pulse when the heat begins to injure the blood, fluids and Qi. From this perspective
there are prognostic guides that can be derived from these pulse groupings. For the Slippery
pulse and Replete pulse, the Qi and blood remain uninjured so the patient will recover back
to normal health and function once the pathogen is resolved. In contrast, the Surging pulse
and Vacuous pulse represent an injury to the Qi and blood so recovery will be slower (Fig.
Figure 8.4Temporal progression of a Heat EPA and consequent formation of likely pulse qualities with respect to the
relative strength of Qi and Blood (fluids).
Both pulses are similar in the filling of the vessel, but the Slippery pulse has a distinct change
in the pulse contour and is strong whereas the Replete pulse is felt equally strong at all three
levels of depth. Characteristics of the two pulses may combine to form a unique pulse quality
not adequately defined by either the Slippery pulse or Replete pulse definition.
According to CM theory, Wind as a pathogenic agent often combines with other aetiology
factors producing combinations of EPAs. For example, Wind can combine with Cold, Heat
or Damp producing EPAs of Wind-Cold, Wind-Heat and Wind-Damp. In this scenario, a
likely response of the pulse is to form pulses that reflect the other accompanying EPAs. This
is a likely explanation for the paucity of Wind-specific pulses.
From a pulse parameter perspective, the parameter of arterial tension is related to Wind and
could be used to identify Wind EPA. The parameter often presents as an increase in arterial
tension. The Stringlike (Wiry) pulse, or variations of this in which there is an increase in
arterial tension, were traditionally associated with Wind according to the classical writings of
the Nei Jing. Sometimes, the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse was classically viewed as a healthy pulse
when occurring in the season of spring (Unschuld 2003).
8.3. Blood
In CM, blood is described primarily as having a nourishing or nutritive function, nourishing
the skin, tissue and bones. A healthy quantity and quality of blood is required for maintaining
concentration, emotional stability (poor blood can give rise to stress, tension, anxiety affecting
the Shen) and is important in the restorative outcomes of sleep. Blood is also seen as the
physical or denser aspect of Qi, yet it is inherently Yin because of the density and
moisturising function that accompanies its nutritive capacity (Maciocia 2004). When Blood
quality is compromised or its quantity depleted then the nourishing and moisturising aspect is
also impaired, and this is reflected in the pulse.
The pulse is intrinsically linked with the flow of blood in the arteries. It is not surprising to
realise that nearly one third of the traditional pulse qualities either relate directly to or have an
association to the diagnosis of blood pathologies or conditions that impact on the blood.
• Blood stagnation
• Blood heat.
natural to consider that the pulse width would decrease concurrently with Blood vacuity.
However, the traditional pulse qualities commonly mentioned in relation to Blood vacuity
differ considerably in their presentation. Some pulse qualities manifest with a narrow arterial
diameter, as would be expected if the blood is ‘vacuous’, yet there are other pulse qualities
which manifest with a wide arterial diameter in the presence of Blood vacuity. It is this
contradiction that commonly causes confusion and difficulty when applying pulse findings
within a diagnostic framework.
Blood vacuity in CM is defined by a specific grouping of signs and symptoms that occur in
individuals in whom the blood quality and/or quantity is reduced or compromised, and the
blood's nutritive and moistening function is similarly impaired (Box 8.3). Additionally, when
blood is impaired so Qi will be affected: blood no longer nourishes Qi, Qi becomes deficient
and fails to move the blood. In this situation, when blood becomes vacuous so an individual's
energy levels are similarly decreased. This is clearly reflected in the lethargy signs and
symptoms that manifest when Blood vacuity occurs. However, the accompanying Qi vacuity
needs to be carefully differentiated from a primary Qi vacuity. This is important, as primary
Qi vacuity with primary Blood vacuity often result in pulses with reduced tension in the
arterial wall. When Qi vacuity is a consequence or secondary response to Blood vacuity, then
arterial wall tension is often increased.
Box 8.3
Blood vacuity signs and symptoms
• Lethargy/tiredness
• Shortness of breath
• Palpitations
• Poor PRR
• Pulse:
– Rate is often increased above the normal resting rate when severe
– Pulse is relatively easy to occlude (normal or wide width pulses)
The causes of Blood vacuity are many and varied. They range from impaired blood
production processes affecting the quality of blood through to the simple loss of blood from
the body as occurs with trauma so affectingthe volume of blood. Other causes of Blood
vacuity include:
• Increased demand for blood (growth, tissue repair/replacement, pregnancy and nursing)
In addition to the cause of Blood vacuity, the physiologic response of the body to Blood
vacuity varies depending on two additional factors. The first factor relates to the degree of
Blood vacuity, whether mild or severe. The second factor is temporal, whether Blood vacuity
develops acutely or chronically. For example, sudden severe loss of blood volume will cause
the body to go into shock causing a Faint pulse or Stirred pulse (from a CM perspective) or a
pulse termed the weak and thready pulse (from a biomedical perspective). In contrast, mild to
moderate Blood vacuity that develops over a long time can present with few symptoms as the
body's physiological response adapts to cater to a reduced functional capacity of blood as it
becomes vacuous (Rodak 2002: p. 208). In this situation, while the quality of the blood is
affected, the maintenance of the arterial volume is balanced by the proportional increase in
fluid to compensate. The pulse may present with an increase in arterial tension and be
relatively easy to occlude.
Blood vacuity can also arise secondary to other pathological processes and so the pulse will
not present discretely as one of the traditional pulse qualities. As with the formation of damp
in the body, the underlying cause of Blood vacuity will dominate the clinical presentation of
the pulse and Blood vacuity may only be apparent in the pulse because it is easy to occlude.
With this in mind, the range and severity of the underlying causes of Blood vacuity mean that
patients with Blood vacuity arising from all causes will not be seen in general CM clinical
practice; obvious examples include acute trauma-related blood loss, burns or toxic reactions.
The traditional pulse qualities associated with these conditions will therefore not necessarily
be seen unless the CM practitioner is working within a mainstream health system. Anaemia
In biomedical practice the term anaemia is used broadly to describe Blood vacuity. Rodak
(2002) states that anaemia results ‘when red blood cell production is impaired, red blood cell
life span is shortened, or there is frank loss of cells’ (p. 212). A diagnosis of anaemia is made
when blood chemistry indices, whether in combination or alone, fall outside a standard
accepted reference range for normal healthy function and production of blood. The cause of
anaemia is further differentiated through either visual examination of the red blood cells, with
distinctive changes in their size and shape being diagnostic important indicators, or through
further blood tests. Assessment of the patient's signs and symptoms is also used to help
identify anaemia and determine the cause.
Iron-deficiency anaemia
Iron-deficiency anaemia occurs when the intake of iron is inadequate to meet the body's
requirements. It has three causes:
• Increased demand for iron.
An inadequate intake of iron requires time to affect the actual production of blood, because
the body has excess iron in storage and when the circulating level of iron decreases more is
released from the stored iron levels. It is only when these stored iron levels are depleted that
morphological changes become apparent and anaemia results. Inadequate dietary intake of
iron, growth and development, pregnancy, insidious loss of blood, heavy menstrual bleeding,
stomach ulcers, nursing mothers and other pathology in which blood is lost all lead to iron-
deficiency anaemia (Box 8.4).
Box 8.4
Diet and iron absorption
Iron is metabolised into ferritin, a form usable by the body, and this is used for the formation
and function ofred blood cells. When ferritin levels fall, red blood cell morphology is affected.
The moisturising and nutritive functions attributed to blood by CM begin to be
Ferritin is also used for the production of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is the part of the red
blood cell that binds with oxygen and carbon dioxide and transports these molecules
throughout the body; oxygen is transported to tissue cells for metabolic use and carbon
dioxide, a metabolic by-product, is transported to the lungs for excretion. Individuals with
iron-deficiency anaemia who physically exert themselves get tired easily and have shortness of
breath because of the reduced oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.
Iron-deficiency anaemia also affects energy metabolism by the mitochondria, the cell
components in which energy is produced. Adamson (2001) describes iron as a ‘critical
element in iron-containing enzymes, including the cytochrome system in mitochondria’ and
states that ‘without iron, cells lose their capacity for electron transport and energy
As described in previous chapters, the Qi is said to move the blood, which is made apparent
in our discussions of the different pulses and theory. The blood nourishes the Qi and so it is
now apparent that when Blood vacuity manifests, iron stores in the body are affected and so
energy production is reduced.
Of these eight traditional pulse qualities, the Fine pulse, Soggy pulse, Faint pulse and Weak
pulse all present with a decrease in arterial width. In contrast, the Scallion Stalk pulse,
Vacuous pulse and Drumskin pulse all present with no change or an increase in arterial width.
The Rough pulse is characterised by variation in the pulse contour and blood flow.
The traditional pulse qualities associated with blood vacuity fall into three broad categories.
The first category is those pulses occurring due to primary Blood vacuity:
• Vacuous pulse
• Faint pulse
• Fine pulse
• Soggy pulse.
The second category is for pulses that are also associated with primary Blood vacuity but are,
or can be, complicated by the addition of a pathogenic factor:
• Drumskin pulse: Seen as the Scallion Stalk pulse combined by a complication of Cold
EPA. Pulse reflects primary deficiency.
The third category includes those pulses that reflect secondary Blood vacuity, arisen as a
consequence of other pathological processes. The pathology involves internal problems of the
organs related to blood production, the extraction of nutrients for blood formation or the
catalytic conversion of blood; that is, the Kidneys and the Spleen. These pulses include:
TABLE 8.1 Comparison of pulse parameters and the traditional CM pulse qualities associated with Damp
Slippery Moderate Wiry Fine Soggy
Rate ✓
Tension ✓
Contour ✓ ✓
Force ✓
Depth ✓
Length ✓
Width ✓ ✓
TABLE 8.2 Comparison of pulse parameters and the traditional CM pulse qualities associated with Blood vacuity
Vacuous Scallion Stalk Drumskin Rough Weak Faint Soggy Fine
Tension ✓ ✓ ✓
Contour Force ✓
Superficial Depth ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Middle or deep ✓ ✓
Width narrow ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Width not thin ✓ ✓ ✓
Occlusion ✓ ✓ ✓
The common pulse parameter changes occurring with all Blood vacuous pulse include:
• Occlusion: Easy to occlude. Reduced blood concentration in the arterial volume causes a
reduction in the density of blood and blood pressure reduces. The pulse is consequently
easier to occlude.
• Force: Force is decreased as the density of blood decreases so the pressure wave does not
propagate as strongly.
As previously noted, temporal factors of Blood vacuity development affect the physiological
response of the body. This is particularly apparent in the development of Blood vacuity
occurring over time, in which the body's physiology adapts to the apparent decrease in blood.
Thus in addition to changes in pulse parameters associated with the pulses listed under this
rubric, there will be additional changes:
• Rate: Increases in heart rate and respiratory rate. This increases the circulation rate of
blood. In this way, although there is a decrease in blood, the functional capacity of blood is
maintained as it moves around the body faster.
• Strength of cardiac contraction: This increases, moving a larger amount of the remaining
blood throughout the circulatory system.
To comprehend the reason for the manifestation of different CM pulse qualities with Blood
vacuity it is necessary to consider two factors. The first is the interrelationship between body
fluids and blood. The second concerns the distinction between blood, that which circulates in
the blood vessels, and blood (referred to in the following discussion as red blood cells), as a
vital substance within the CM context.
the actual number of red blood cells. That is, although arterial volume is affected, there is no
change in actual iron levels or oxygen-carrying capacity of the red blood cells. When fluid
moves out of the vessels to replenish the tissue fluids, likely changes in pulse parameters
include a decrease in arterial width.
Hypothetically, if this situation occurred, and the individual was actually deficient in red
blood cells (Blood vacuity), then additional changes to pulse parameters would include a
decrease in pulse force and the pulse would be easy to occlude. This happens because when
red blood cell concentration falls, arterial pressure also falls and the blood becomes less
viscous. This probably gives rise to the Blood vacuity pulses that are characterised by a
decrease in arterial width. These include the Soggy pulse, Fine pulse, Faint pulse and Weak
pulse. These four pulses are additionally complicated by other factors contributing to their
This is reversed in the case of haemorrhage, where fluids move from the tissues in order to
maintain a functional arterial volume for continuing blood supply to the vital organs. In this
situation, there is an actual loss of red blood cells and iron levels are affected, because blood
has been lost from the body. When fluid moves into the vessels to compensate, this further
dilutes the remaining red blood cells and so the blood becomes vacuous - even though actual
volume of fluids in the vessels has been restored. This also occurs over time as fluid moves
into the blood vessels in an attempt to maintain blood pressure, as blood production processes
are no longer able to maintain a normal concentration of red blood cells in circulation. This
probably gives rise to the Blood vacuity pulses that are characterised by an increase in arterial
tension and width. (The width of the pulse may become a little wider reflecting the relative
Yang excess.) The Scallion Stalk pulse and Drumskin pulse each reflect this, especially with
the increase in arterial tension, with the Drumskin pulse being additionally complicated by a
Cold pathology (as discussed in section 8.2.2). Increase in arterial tension: Blood heat arising from Liver hyperactivity due to
vacuous Blood
In CM the blood, when not circulating, is stored in the Liver. (This has some relationship to
the biomedical understanding of the liver's biological role in recycling iron from old or
damaged red blood cells.) Blood, being Yin in nature, has a consequential cooling affect on
the Liver. As the Liver is prone to hyperactivity, this is a complementary outcome. When
blood levels decrease or the functional aspect of blood is impaired, then the liver may become
hyperactive. Hyperactivity of the Liver produces heat. As the blood is stored in the Liver,
heat is transferred to the blood and blood heat arises.
Liver hyperactivity additionally affects the free flow of both Qi and blood. If the circulatory
movement is affected then substances can stagnate and this can additionally give rise to
The effect on the pulse is an increase in arterial tension. This may present as the traditional
Stringlike (Wiry) pulse quality or eventually go on to form the Scallion Stalk pulse or the
Fine pulse. Alternatively, the pulse parameters need not necessarily combine into a
recognisable pulse quality and the pulse will simply present with an increase in arterial
Blood vacuity presenting with Liver hyperactivity is often accompanied by hot signs and
symptoms related to the liver, in addition to the usual Blood vacuity signs and symptoms.
These include:
• Easy to anger
• Disturbed sleep
• Amenorrhoea (women)
• Acne.
Additionally, muscles and tendons ‘dry’, becoming sinewy and can give rise to or become
prone to inflammatory conditions such as overuse injuries (tendonitis, for example).
Dietary-related factors are often an underlying cause in the manifestation of this type of
Blood vacuity.
Qi vacuity. If Qi is vacuous then the ability to maintain tension in the arterial wall is also
compromised. This indicates that the underlying pathogenesis is likely to lie with the Spleen
processes affecting both Qi and blood production. An EPA of Summer Heat is said to
specifically cause the Vacuous pulse.
As blood volume decreases, the body compensates by shutting down the broader circulatory
system (via sympathetic vasoconstriction) in an attempt to maintain cardiac output and blood
flow in cardiac and cerebral circulatory systems.
In addition to loss of blood volume from trauma, conditions causing dehydration (diarrhoea,
vomiting, sweating), and heart attack (acute onset) and cardiac failure (chronic onset) can
lead to shock.
The Spinning Bean pulse is characterised by one other factor; it is also a short pulse,
presenting only in one of the three pulse positions. In the Chinese medical literature, the
Guan positions is often stated as the position where this pulse presents. The consensus arises
for two reasons. Firstly, much of the pulse literature source and reiterate their pulse
definitions from the Mai Jing, a single literature source, so there is similarity between
different sources of information in the contemporary literature. The other reason has a
physiological basis, relating to the support the arterial structure receives. Severe blood loss
causes a decrease in blood pressure, making it difficult to palpate a clear pulse image. As the
radial artery at the Guan position has support from the styloid process, a pulse might still be
detectable there, although imperceptible at the Cun and Chi positions.
In CM the term ‘shock’ also encompasses emotional conditions in which the person may be
easily frightened, timid, or manifest anxiety conditions such as panic attacks.
Box 8.6
Blood stagnation signs and symptoms
• Purple tongue
Blood stagnation has both external and internal causal factors. Externally, it can arise from
acute impact trauma producing visible bruising. Internally, it arises from obstructive causal
factors involving the organs and/or interruption to the smooth, free flow of Qi and blood.
Both are termed Blood stagnation, yet obviously the diagnostic and prognostic seriousness of
the stasis will differ.
When occurring with internal causes, Blood stagnation can either be diagnosed as a primary
problem or it may be a secondary consequence or sequela of other pathological processes. For
example, when Qi becomes vacuous (deficient) then blood is said to stagnate, as the Qi is too
weak to move the blood. Conditions affecting the warming function and outward movement
of Yang can also result in Blood stagnation. An EPA of Cold is such a factor, affecting Yang
in this way. Cold in this sense is classified as an obstructive agent and a causal factor in the
development of Blood stagnation. Obstructive agents also causing Blood stagnation include
food; whether this is because Cold counters the body's digestion of food by countering the
Yang function and so food remains undigested, or whether food literally obstructs the
movement of blood, the end result is a diagnosis of Blood stagnation. That is, there are
symptoms of fixed and stabbing pain.
Two additional pulse qualities are also associated with Blood stagnation due to secondary
There are three reasons for the limited range of Blood stagnation pulses:
• Blood stagnation always causes the same cascading affect on the body system, irrespective
of the cause or individual traits. Hence the similarity in causal factors associated with the
Tight pulse and Firm pulse, ranging from EPA through to food retention.
• Blood stagnation is often secondary to other conditions. As in all situations, the pulse
reflects the primary condition rather than the secondary manifestation.
• Blood stagnation is associated with pain. Pain will inevitably produce an epinephrine
(adrenaline)-mediated response from the sympathetic nervous system, causing arterial
tension to increase. The increase in arterial tension imparts its signature on the pulse,
which overrides more subtle changes in other pulse parameters and so limiting the
formation of other pulses when Blood stagnation occurs.
• Pulse contour: There is a loss of the smooth and regular contour shape of the flow wave.
An increase in arterial tension is not an unexpected effect on the pulse when Blood stagnation
occurs. There are two ways of viewing this parameter change:
• The arterial tension reflects the obstruction in the smooth flow of Qi that has occurred in
the body region affected by Blood stagnation. Obstruction in the Qi's smooth flow affects
the Liver, and Yang Qi is agitated. Arterial tension increases as a result.
The change in pulse contour with Blood stagnation can also be viewed in two ways:
• The constraining effect that an increase in arterial tension has on the ability of the pulse
wave form to expand the vessel.
• An obstructive condition affecting blood flow means there is a constant barrier to the
regular unimpeded volume flow of blood. This also occurs if the heart is not contracting in
a regular and smooth fashion. Severe pain can also cause heart irregularities, further
contributing to the circulatory impairment.
Whatever the cause, propagation of the arterial pressure wave and blood flow is impaired and
so the contour of the pulse is not constant or it is constrained (Box 8.7).
Box 8.7
Pulse parameter differences between Blood vacuity and Blood stagnation
• Blood vacuity: Associated with compensatory changes in the width of the arterial
The Firm pulse could be argued to be a progression of the Tight pulse. As the obstructive
nature of the Blood stagnation continues and becomes chronic, or as the Yang Qi begins to
be affected by the causal factor of obstruction, notably Cold in this case, so Yang's innate
warming function is affected. If pain is severe, then the Firm pulse rather than the Tight
pulse would form, reflective of the greater degree of stagnation.
The Tight pulse and Firm pulse can also be categorised with pulses that form when Cold
pathogens invade the body. Accompanying signs and symptoms are therefore required to
determine whether Blood stagnation is symptomatic of the Cold pathogen or whether the
stagnation is arising from another process.
Blood stagnation.
The Bound pulse occurs as a result of impairment of the heart organ's rhythm function. As
the organ is affected, Blood stagnation is better viewed as arising from Qi vacuity. The
Rough pulse also has a likely vacuity component in its formation arising from an internal
depletion of Kidney Essence. Both pulses in their basic form would present with decrease in
pulse force and/or occur at the deeper levels of depth.
All three pulses are associated with an increase in pulse length being palpable beyond the Chi
positions, and if severe, also beyond the Cun positions. As with any Heat condition, the
increase in pulse length arises from the agitating nature of Heat on the Qi and blood causing
the pulse to become prominent beyond the usual three pulse positions. With the Stringlike
(wiry) pulse, there is an additional factor of agitation arising from the hyperactive nature of
the Liver Yang.
There will likely be accompanying increases in pulse rate, with EPA Heat causal factors
having a greater change in pulse rate, probably forming the Rapid pulse, whereas internal-
related Heat may simply be an increase in rate above the individual's normal resting rate.
As in any situation, if there is pain accompanying the Blood Heat, then an increase in arterial
tension will result, irrespective of the Blood Heat arising from internal or external causes.
8.4. Qi
Qi is viewed as the motive force behind the movement and circulation of substances in the
body. In this sense, Qi is broadly seen as ‘function’ in a CM health context, so any change in
normal circulatory and physiological function is Qi related.
When viewed in clinical practice, Qi is further differentiated on the basis of two factors: Qi
location and related physiological function.
• Qi differentiation based on location broadly relates to the tissue and organ structures and
their related functions. For example, lung-related function is termed Lung Qi. When lung
function is compromised and breathing is laboured, then the Lung Qi is seen as being
affected. This can arise from internal causes, where the actual Qi physiology and
production is impaired, or can result from external illness due to EPAs interfering with the
normal function of Qi in the lungs.
The interrelationship of Qi and blood is reflected in the traditional pulse qualities; the same
pulse can present when either Qi or blood is affected. This is exemplified in the Vacuous
pulse, occurring when both Qi and blood are vacuous. Differentiation of the Vacuous pulse as
either a primary Qi vacuity or a primary Blood vacuity depends on which signs and symptoms
are dominating (whether Qi or blood), and is assessed against aetiological factors.
rather inferring information about it from the change detectable in the pulse wave (Box 8.8).
Box 8.8
Rhythm and the heart
Changes in rhythm always infer that the heart organ, and heart Qi, is affected.
In this context, when there is compromised body function, whether internal or external, then
Qi pathology is diagnosed. There are four categories of Qi pathology:
• Qi vacuity
• Qi stagnation
• Qi sinking
• Rebellious Qi.
Kaptchuk (2000) arranges these into two broad categories of pathology, Qi vacuity and Qi
stagnation, with Qi sinking a subcategory of the former and Rebellious Qi a subcategory of
the latter.
8.4.2. Qi vacuity
There are four traditional pulse qualities associated with primary Qi vacuity. There are several
other traditional pulses that also represent Qi vacuity, however, Qi vacuity is a consequence of
other pathological processes with these pulses. For example, it often accompanies Blood
vacuity pathologies (as has been discussed).
• Short pulse: Qi vacuity causing obstruction (or vice versa) - forceless and forceful
The four Qi vacuity pulses can be further classified by the particular Qi type affected. In this
sense, they are used as a guide to the general severity of the Qi vacuity and thus are used as a
prognostic indicator. In order of increasing severity, they are:
• Vacuous pulse: Primary Qi vacuity develops; blood is also equally vacuous
• Intermittent pulse: This is strictly related to the vacuity of heart Qi and is defined by
interruptions to the heart's normal regular rhythm. (Severity is determined by the
frequency of interruptions. The Bound pulse and Skipping pulse may also develop when
the heart Qi is vacuous but are complicated by additional aetiological and pathological
• Short pulse: The Short pulse occurs with Qi vacuity when the Qi is no longer sufficient
to expand the pulse across the three pulse positions and is felt at one or two positions only
• Scattered pulse: The Scattered pulse occurs when the body's Yuan Qi is depleted. It can
occur at the end stage of heart failure. There may be accompanying changes in pulse rate
but the pulse usually is a poor prognosis.
Each of these four pulses is distinct in its presentation, with only the Vacuous pulse and
Scattered pulse having some temporal relationship to each other in the relative severity of the
Qi vacuity they reflect.
• Rhythm: Qi is seen as a motive force, giving rise to and ensuring the regularity of the
movement of both Qi and blood in the vessels. Vacuity of Qi, especially relating to the
heart, will affect rhythm
• Length: Qi, in the form of the pulse pressure wave, activates the movement of blood
causing it to expand across the pulse positions as it flows through the arteries. In this sense,
vacuity of Qi affects the pulse ability of the pulse to expand along the length of the artery
• Force: The strength of Qi is inferred in the functional ability of the cardiac muscle to
contract. Variations in Qi result in variations of pulse strength.
8.4.3. Qi stagnation
Any pathological process or external pathogenic factor can potentially cause obstruction
and/or lead to, stagnation of Qi. In this sense, many of the traditional pulse qualities can be
associated with this pattern. For example, the Short pulse is also associated with Qi
stagnation but occurs usually as a result of obstructive factors or secondary to Qi vacuity.
However, there is one pulse in particular that primarily reflects Qi stagnation. This is the
Stringlike (Wiry) pulse (see Chapter 7 for further detail).
As such, any pulse that presents with an increase in arterial tension is potentially associated
with pathology affecting the free flow of Qi and hence, concurrently or consequently, blood.
Liver-related conditions involving stress, frustration, tension or anxiety are associated with an
increase in arterial tension. Pathogenic factors such as Cold and internal phlegm similarly
affect the free flow of Qi and so arterial tension is similarly raised.
Box 8.9
Arterial tension
Pain, whether physical, emotional or psychological in origin, causes an increase in
arterial tension, irrespective of the initial cause.
8.5. Yin vacuity
Three traditional CM pulse qualities are associated with Yin vacuity (Yin deficiency):
The three pulses are related; the thin width of the Fine pulse and the superficial level of depth
of the Floating pulse combine to form the Soggy pulse. In this way, it is understandable that
all three relate to the diagnosis of Yin vacuity as they overlap in the mechanisms associated
with their formation.
As previously discussed, the Fine pulse is the prototype of the Soggy pulse. They are both
defined by a narrow arterial width, reflecting the loss of ‘fluid’ volume from within the
The Floating pulse occurs at the superficial level of depth, as does the Soggy pulse. Indeed, if
the pulse is only felt strongest at the superficial level of depth and is accompanied by
decreases in width and force, then this is the Soggy pulse. A pulse felt strongest at the
superficial level of depth occurs during Yin vacuity because Yang floats, no longer adequately
anchored by Yin.
The occurrence of any of the three pulses in a patient is not a definitive diagnosis of Yin
vacuity as all three pulse qualities can occur during other pathological processes so other signs
and symptoms should be taken into account (see below). From a pulse diagnosis perspective
the parameter of pulse force is an ideal parameter to distinguish Yin vacuity from these other
pathological processes.
When these three pulse qualities occur as a consequence of Yin vacuity the pulse force is often
diminished, reflecting the vacuous nature of the process occurring. This also means that Yin
vacuous pulses are often not detectable at the deep level of depth. Pulse rate also provides a
further diagnostic indicator as to the process occurring. As Yin is vacuous then there is a
relative excess of Yang and the activity of Yang is no longer restrained. Therefore, increases in
pulse rate are likely to accompany Yin vacuity when heat signs also occur.
From a pulse parameter perspective the three pulse parameters that are most associated with
conditions of Yin vacuity are:
• Night sweats
• Malar flush
• Insomnia
• Restlessness
• Tidal fever
In their vacuity form, the Sinking pulse, Hidden pulse and Weak pulse are all strongest at the
deep level of depth, but are overall forceless at this level. This is because Yang is vacuous and
so is unable to lift the pulse to the superficial levels of depth, while the strength of heart
contraction (functional Yang) is not occurring.
The Faint pulse also represents Yang vacuity but is often described as occurring at any level of
depth. This is because the Faint pulse also occurs with other vacuity patterns, especially
Blood vacuity, and so it is difficult to definitively state its ‘normal’ level of depth. Depending
on what vacuity is dominating, then the level of depth will vary. However, if Yang vacuity is
dominating then this pulse may also be felt at the deep level of depth due to the same
mechanisms as occurs in the vacuity forms of the Sinking pulse and Hidden pulse.
The four pulses can be arranged in order of the relative severity and chronicity of the Yang
vacuity. The Sinking pulse is a relatively mild Yang vacuity while the Weak pulse being
moderate to severe and the Faint pulse always a severe form of Yang vacuity when it presents
in this form. The Hidden pulse represents an extreme vacuity of Yang (Fig. 8.5).
Figure 8.5Schematic representation of the relative severity of the four Yang vacuity pulses.
From a pulse parameter perspective the two pulse parameters that are most associated with
conditions of Yang vacuity are:
• Level of depth: The deep level of depth is strongest (but overall forceless)
• Rate: Decreased.
There are additional changes in pulse amplitude (force), which becomes decreased, and so the
pulse is often interpreted as forceless. This indicates that Yang's warming and expansive
function has been compromised.
With this in mind, pulse force should be used to identify the Yang vacuity forms of the
Sinking pulse and Hidden pulse. Both these pulse qualities also occur as a result of
obstructive factors impeding the normal expansion of Yang (usually related to an EPA of
Cold or Food retention). Obstruction (stagnation/stasis) is associated with a relative increase
in force only, whereas Yang vacuity is associated with a decrease in force and pulse rate.
Other associated signs and symptoms of Yang vacuity should be used for making a definitive
diagnosis. These include:
• Aversion to Cold
• Fatigue
• Preference for heat
• Loose stools
8.7. Health
In a pulse context, health is defined by sufficient circulation of blood and nutrients to meet
the functional and hence metabolic demands of the body. This requires an appropriate
volume of blood combined with good heart function and a clear unobstructed circulatory
pathway. An unobstructed circulatory pathway refers to the absence of pathological changes
in the arterial wall, such as plaques, as well as sufficient dilatation of all blood vessels to allow
the movement of blood into the periphery. In CM this relationship is viewed as the
interaction of function with form and depends on sufficient blood to fill the vessels and
nourish the organs including the heart, along with sufficient Qi to ensure a regular heart
contraction and therefore provide an impetus to moving blood.
• Pulse length: Sufficient blood and Qi means the pulse is felt along the entire length of the
arterial segment at the wrist
• Contour and flow wave: Sufficient blood and Qi means the pulse wave contour is
expressed freely.
When Qi and blood are abundant, and in the absence of an EPA, the CM literature notes
the appearance of three pulse qualities related to these two listed parameters:
• Slippery pulse: Qi and blood fill the artery and are expressed clearly in the pulse contour
and flow wave
• Moderate pulse: Qi and blood fill the artery and are expressed clearly in the pulse contour
and flow wave. Heart Qi maintains heart contraction at 60 bpm. (This could also be the
Slippery pulse appearing as 60 bpm.)
All three pulses are interrelated, having a common mechanism in their formation: good
cardiac contraction with large ejection duration. That is, abundant Qi and blood. All three
are also associated with pathologies of Heat and/or Damp and therefore need to be carefully
differentiated on the basis of presenting signs and symptoms.
The Slow pulse is also associated with health. The association also relates to appropriate Qi
and blood levels and probably arises from the pulse's appearance in individuals who exercise
regularly (see section 6.4). That is, appropriate blood levels mean that the heart maintains a
steady rate, whereas if blood is vacuous the rate often increases to compensate for the
depleted oxygen-carrying capacity. In this way, a Slow pulse can be a healthy pulse.
Wiseman & Ye (1998) list and describe the ‘ten strange pulses’ as follows:
1. Pecking sparrow pulse: ‘An urgent rapid pulse of irregular rhythm that stops and starts,
like a sparrow pecking for food’ (p. 527)
2. Leaking roof pulse: ‘A pulse that comes at long and irregular intervals, like water
dripping from a leaky roof’ (p. 527)
3. Flicking stone pulse: ‘A sunken replete pulse that feels like flicking a stone with a finger’
(p. 527)
4. Untwining rope pulse: ‘A pulse described as being now loose, now tight, with an
irregular rhythm like an untwining rope. Damage to a hemp rope made of tightly twined
strands can cause local slackening of the twine, so that it is tight is some places and loose in
others; hence the image used to describe this pulse’ (p. 527)
5. Waving fish: A pulse that seems to be yet seems not to be present, like a fish waving in
the water’ (p. 527)
6. Darting shrimp pulse: ‘A pulse that arrives almost imperceptibly and vanishes with a
flick, like a darting shrimp’ (p. 527)
7. Seething cauldron pulse: ‘An extremely rapid floating pulse that is all outward
movement with no inward movement, like water seething in a cauldron’ (p. 527)
8. Upturned knife pulse: ‘A pulse like a knife with the blade turning upward, i.e., fine,
stringlike, extremely tight’ (p. 606)
9. Spinning bean pulse: ‘A pulse that comes and goes away elusive like a spinning bean.
Also called a spinning pill pulse’ (p. 606)
10. Frenzied sesame seed pulse: ‘A pulse that feels like sesame seeds under the finger,
extremely fine and faint, and urgent, skipping and chaotic’ (p. 606)
Some of these unusual pulses match descriptions of the ‘decaying Zang pulses’ in the Nei Jing,
associated with each of the five Yin organs and said to indicate impending death (Ni 1995:
Chs 18, 19). These are also termed ‘true visceral pulses’ (Deng 1999), an extreme
manifestation of the defining parameter characteristic of each organ's pulse. For example, the
description of the decaying liver pulse encompasses the description of the ‘upturned knife
pulse’ while the description of the decaying spleen pulse is likened to that of the ‘leaking roof
pulse’. Elsewhere in the Nei Jing there are numerous references to varying manifestations of
pulse as prognostic indicators of death, ranging from death being imminent, to being days or
months away.
The Mai Jing also discusses at length the prognosis of pulse changes in certain disease states
or illness. Although some pulses are indicative of death, the appearance of another pulse
quality in the same illness may signify recovery. Book 5, Chapter 5 discusses ‘the various
incongruous, inconsistent and death pulses’. The Death pulse Qi takes a number of different
forms, described using various analogies such as ‘like a flock of birds gathering (described in a
footnote as ‘tremendously scattered’), a tied horse galloping to and fro by the side of the water
(‘terribly swift and agitated’), or a rock falling from a precipice (‘rising with momentum but
falling abruptly’). The pulse may appear over the sinews or hide itself under the sinews as if
inside an invulnerable fortress’ (‘very deep and barely perceptible’) (Wang, Yang (trans) 1997:
p. 142). Other descriptors include the ‘swimming shrimp pulse’ that rises slowly but
disappears very quickly and then rises again after a long break (two systolic peaks?); the
‘hovering fish pulse’ that is described as ‘a fish staying (in one place) which only moves its tail
and waves its head and trunk, staying where it is a long time’; ‘like a rope drawing up a
curtain … like the edge of a knife … if it gurgles continuously without intervals … if it comes
and goes suddenly, returning after a (long) pause’. Deng describes all the unusual pulses as
lacking ‘stomach, spirit or root’ (p. 145).
The unusual pulse qualities are characterised by a lack of regularity of normal blood flow,
many featuring distinctive changes in rate or in rhythm. Some are differentiated by their lack
of force, others by their distinctive contours or greatly increased tension. The interruption to
rhythm usually indicates involvement of the heart, and as such these pulses are usually seen in
conditions of heart damage or heart failure.
The unusual CM pulses have some equivalents in biomedicine. For example, the pulse
described as a ‘rock falling from a precipice’ aptly describes the water-hammer or collapsing
pulse which occurs with increased stroke volume resulting in rapid left ventricular ejection of
blood flow followed by a rapid fall in ejection or an abnormally rapid run-off of blood. This
may be caused by aortic regurgitation, a back-flow of blood returning along the arteries to the
heart during diastole due to aortic valve problems. This may also occur due to a congenital
defect such as patent ductus arteriosus, where some blood pumped into the aorta flows back
into the pulmonary artery and back to the lungs.
The ‘frenzied sesame seed’ pulse is probably similar to ventricular fibrillation and/or
tachycardia which causes a very irregular and rapid pulse heart rate, usually between 125 and
150 bpm, or could reflect pulses occurring with two distinct systolic peaks or two distinct
pulse crests for every heartbeat (cardiomyopathy's). This arises from specific types of
cardiomyopathy's or problems with heart conduction. The ‘leaking roof’ pulse, which comes
at long and irregular pauses, is probably similar to that experienced in Stokes-Adams
syndrome, where conduction through the heart from the atria to the ventricles is sometimes
blocked anywhere from a few seconds up to weeks. This initially causes the ventricles to stop
contracting until another part of the heart takes over as the pacemaker, usually at a much
slower rate (15-40 bpm). If the length of time that the ventricles stop contracting is too long,
this can result in death. Such a condition would once have been considered to be inevitably
fatal, but can usually now be rectified by the implantation of an artificial pacemaker.
Two of the main 24 pulse qualities described by Wang, the Bound pulse and Intermittent
pulse (regularly interrupted pulse), are also purported to signify death in certain
circumstances. The Bound pulse is described as ‘floundering like a rolling hemp seed’ while
the regularly interrupted pulse, in its critical form, is defined as having a consistent pattern of
five beats followed by a pause. A worsening of the condition, leading to a pattern of seven
beats and one interruption occurring in one respiration, strongly prognosticates death. In this
context, the unusual pulses could be considered to be the extreme continuum of some of the
various 27 CM pulse qualities. For example, the description of the ‘upturned knife pulse’ is
very similar to that of the Stringlike (Wiry) pulse but the increase in arterial tension occurs in
an exaggerated form.
J Adamson, Iron deficiency and other hypoproliferative anaemias, In: (Editors: E Braunwald,
A Fauci, D Kasper, et al.) 15th edn Harrison's principles of internal medicine, Volume 1
(2001) McGraw-Hill, New York, p. 660; Ch 105.
S Clavey, Fluid physiology and anthology. Traditional Chinese medicine. 2nd edn. (2003)
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh .
T Deng, Practical diagnosis in traditional Chinese medicine. (1999) Churchill Livingstone,
Edinburgh .
CA Dinarello, JA Gelfand, Fever and hyperthermia, In: (Editors: E Braunwald, A Fauci, D
Kasper, et al.) 15th edn. Harrison's principles of internal medicine, Volume 1 (2001)
McGraw-Hill, New York; Ch 17.
T Kaptchuk, Chinese medicine: web that has no weaver. revised ed (2000) Rider Books,
London .
A Katz, Heart failure pathophysiology, molecular biology and clinical management. (2000)
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, Philadelphia .
J Lyttleton, Treatment of infertility with Chinese medicine. (2004) Churchill Livingstone,
Edinburgh .
G Maciocia, Diagnosis in Chinese medicine: a comprehensive guide. (2004) Churchill
Livingstone, Edinburgh .
M Ni, The Yellow Emperor's classic of medicine: a new translation of the neijing suwen with
commentary. (1995) Shambala, Boston ; (translator).
B Rodak, Hamatology: clinical principals and applications. (2002) WB Saunders, Philadelphia .
P Unschuld, Huang di nei jing su wen. (2003) University of California Press, Berkeley .
SH Wang, S Yang, The pulse classic: a translation of the mai jing. (1997) Blue Poppy Press,
Boulder, CO ; (translator).
N Wiseman, F Ye, A practical dictionary of Chinese medicine. 2nd edn. (1998) Paradigm,
Brookline, MA .
Chapter 9. Other systems of pulse diagnosis
Chapter contents
Chinese medicine is a diverse practice and this is apparent in the range of extant approaches
used in assessing the radial arterial pulse. The subject of this book has focused on one of these
approaches; the Cun Kou system. Although without a doubt one of the most regularly used
and popular pulse diagnostic systems, it is by no means the only pulse assessment system used
in clinical practice.
Similarly, the diversity of CM practice is also apparent in the clinical context where
individual practitioners may utilise more than one system of pulse assessment. In this
situation, the choice of pulse assessment used stems from two key factors:
• The patient's cause for treatment: some pulse assumption systems are best used in
assessing clinical dysfunction and overt illness whereas others are suited to the assessment
of specific types of illness or even for health management. As such, not every pulse
assessment system is necessarily relevant to all aspects of CM practice.
For these reasons, this chapter outlines five other pulse assessment systems that are clinically
relevant to CM practice. These also use the radial arterial pulse positions, Cun, Guan and
Chi, and or aspects of parameter assessment as discussed in Chapter 6 and Chapter 7. The
five pulse assessment systems discussed in this chapter include:
• Nine Continent.
Box 9.1
Relative strength of left and right pulses
The system probably derives from both actual and theoretical claims associated with
gender-related pulse differences. The Qi represents Yang and so within the
theoretical construct of Yin and Yang the Qi side pulses should feel stronger on the
right side for women to balance their inherently Yin nature. For men this is reversed.
The Blood represents Yin, so the Blood side pulses should feel stronger in men to
balance their inherently Yang nature.
TABLE 9.1 Zang organ arrangement at the left and right Cun, Guan and Chi pulse positions and their relationship to Qi
and Blood
Left side pulses Right side pulses
Blood Qi
Heart (Moves Blood) Cun Lung (Da Qi/Zheng Qi/Air)
↑ ↑
Liver (Stores Blood) Guan Spleen (Gu Qi/food)
↑ ↑
Kidney (Kidney Yin-Blood matrix) Chi Pericardium (Kidney Yang-Motive force)
Prenatal Qi Postnatal Qi
Constitution Digestion
• The Cun position relates to the lungs and its function of deriving Da Qi from the air and
storing Zheng Qi. The lungs are considered the ‘governor of Qi’ (Nei Jing).
• The Guan position relates to the Spleen and Stomach, which are responsible for deriving
the nutritive or Gu Qi, with digestion playing an integral part of the Qi transformation
• At the Chi position the Triple Heater and Pericardium have theoretical connections to
the Kidneys and are consequently viewed as an extension of Kidney Yang, the foundation
of Qi in the body.
Hence the right represents the body's Qi. This is very similar to, if not the same as, the Shen
system in which the right side pulse represents postnatal Qi/digestion.
• The Cun position is associated with the Heart which ‘rules the blood’, circulating it
through the circulatory system.
• The Liver, which is associated with the Guan position, stores the Blood (and to some
degree is responsible for the quality of the blood after production. For example, Liver heat
produces Blood heat). It also plays a role in the distribution of Blood throughout the body,
as needed via its role in enabling the smooth flow of Qi.
• At the Chi position are the Kidneys pulse, and in particular Kidney Yin, which stores the
essence and has a relationship with the production and nutritive function of blood.
Kaptchuk (2000) additionally recognises the role of the Kidneys to ‘store the essence, rule
birth, development and maturation - the stuff of life and development’ (pp. 83-84). This
represents the constitutional aspect of the individual.
Hence the left-hand pulse represents the Blood. The Blood pulse could be described as also
representing the prenatal Qi. Consequently, the left side in Chinese medicine also has some
relationship to the concept of ‘constitution’ proposed by the Shen system. The relationship is
shown in Table 9.2.
TABLE 9.2 An example of findings from pulse assessment using the Qi/Blood system
Left Right
side side Interpretation of findings
(Blood) (Qi)
++ This means Qi is stronger than Blood, which is of normal strength. This may signify hyperactivity of Qi or
+ (+1)
(+2) Qi stagnation
− (−1) This means that both Qi and Blood are weak, however, Qi is more deficient than Blood
This means that Qi is weaker than normal, while Blood is stronger than would be expected. This could
+ + (+2) − (−1)
possibly mean Qi vacuity (deficiency) leading to Blood stasis (stagnation)
− − (−2) This signifies that both Qi and Blood are equally very deficient
This means that both sides are of “normal” strength, however the Blood side is slightly stronger. This can
+✓ + reflect simple variations in normal strength of Qi such as that associated with hunger or fatigue at the day's
+= “normal” strength; ++ = stronger than ‘normal’; −= weaker than ‘normal’; −− = very weak; ✓ = relatively stronger side.
• As a preventive health measure: When the individual, for all intents and purposes, is
healthy; there are often no overt signs of illness. The approach is used to address any
disharmony or imbalance of Qi or Blood before pathology presents, ideally addressing the
imbalance to prevent disease.
• For assessing the Qi and Blood balance during illness: This is particularly relevant for
conditions that are chronic in nature, especially when both Qi and Blood may be deficient,
providing further diagnostic information to pinpoint the focus of treatment.
• For its prognostic value: If signs of distinct or absolute differences in strength are present,
this system is also useful as a prognostic gauge of the severity of the illness. In this way, the
greater the strength divergence between the left (Blood) and right (Qi) pulses, the more
severe the illness. In this situation, the practitioner would be best served by using a more
appropriate pulse assessment approach, such as the parameters or overall pulse qualities.
Step 1 Assess the overall pulse strength within each side's pulse
Assessment of the Qi/Blood balance primarily focuses on the parameter of strength, similar
to assessment of the force of overall pulse qualities described in Chapter 7. Separately on each
side, all three radial pulse positions are palpated simultaneously at each of the three levels of
depth. For example, at the superficial level an ‘assessment’ is made by the practitioner as to
the overall strength of the pulse palpating the Cun, Guan and Chi positions simultaneously.
This procedure is repeated at the middle and deep levels of depth. The strength at all three
levels of depth is then averaged to arrive at the overall strength for that side's pulse. The
procedure is repeated for the other side's pulse.
Step 2 Assess the relative strength of the overall pulse between the two sides
Once a baseline ‘measure’ for each side's overall pulse strength is obtained, the system, as with
all comparative applications of pulse assessment, requires the strength between the two sides
to be compared (that is, the relative difference in pulse strength between the sides). In this
way, irrespective of whether both left and right side pulses are overall weak or overall strong,
one side is compared to the other side to determine which of the two is relatively stronger or
weaker. For example, both the left and right pulses may equally be assessed as ‘weak’ - lacking
in strength -, yet of the two sides, the left pulse may be weaker than the right. Thus the right
pulse is assessed as been relatively stronger, but need not be a definitively ‘strong’ pulse. It is
only relatively stronger because the left pulse is weaker.
During the assessment the practitioner should try and maintain a similar amount of finger
strength when palpating the left and right sides. To confirm that this is the case, always ask
for feedback from the patient about whether the strength being applied is perceived by them
as being similar.
Step 3 Assess whether any relative strength differences are due to vacuity (deficiency) or
repletion (excess)
This step involves the subsequent evaluation of any perceived relative strength differences
found in Step 2. This includes evaluating the pulse strength in both relative and absolute
terms, to determine the presence of vacuity or replete patterns.
Differences in relative strength imply that while the individual may be ‘healthy’ the identified
imbalance represents a potentially impending imbalance/illness if not addressed. Accordingly,
treatment attempts to address the rebalancing of the body's Qi and Blood.
Thus the practitioner is also required to determine the ‘absolute’ strength within each side's
pulse: that is, is the pulse forceful or is it forceless? This is required to determine whether the
‘weaker’ pulse is reflecting a ‘vacuity/deficiency’ or whether it is of ‘normal’ strength but feels
weaker because the other side's pulse is stronger than usual. Thus:
• An increase in pulse strength above ‘normal’ in the left or right pulse indicates replete
disturbance of the Qi or Blood, depending on which side the pulse was stronger
• A decrease in pulse strength below ‘normal’ in the left or right pulse indicates vacuity of
the Qi or Blood, depending on which side the pulse was weaker.
In either situation, the Qi/Blood balance is viewed as imbalanced and pathology already
manifested. (Interpretation of the pulse via another pulse assumption system is preferred in
this situation, as more appropriate and clinically useful information for informing about the
nature of the pathology can be gained. For example, examining the pulse using pulse
parameters and overall pulse qualities.)
If the left and right pulses are similar in strength then the Qi and Blood are balanced,
irrespective of both being stronger or weaker in strength than is normal for that patient. As
such, other pulse assumption systems such as overall pulse qualities or the Five Phase
approach may be of more value in interpreting the pulse wave for diagnostic purposes and
informing treatment.
• A pulse which is easy to occlude indicates Qi and Blood vacuity irrespective of which side
it is located on.
practitioner is right-hand dominant, they would have better discrimination in adjusting their
fingers on the right hand when feeling for the different levels of depth as compared to their
left hand. This may cause a bias in the assessment of inter-arm differences in pulse strength.
• Any findings are valid within the conceptual framework being used.
9.2. The San Jiao: Three Heaters
The view that the individual's physiology is a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosm, the
world in which the individual resides, is a recurring theme in CM. The best-known
application of this theme in pulse diagnosis is the Five Phases (Wu Xing), but another is the
San Jiao pulse system. In particular, the San Jiaos is an application of the Heaven-Earth-
Humanity theme. It relates specifically to the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities of the
torso; these are known as the Three Jiaos (See Box 9.2). Each cavity has an association with
certain organs and their association with the distribution and metabolism of Qi and fluids.
Box 9.2
Translations of the term ‘Jiao’
The term ‘Jiao’ can be translated in two ways:
• The second translation relates to the concept of water channels. This refers to the
CM San Jiao concept of relating the Jiaos to fluid metabolism: as conduits for both
the movement and transformation of fluids. Traditional descriptions of the form of
the San Jiao often describe the organ as being composed of a network of channels
for fluid distribution (Qu & Garvey 2001).
In this context, the Chinese cosmological perspective on the function and nature of Heaven,
Earth and Human is reflected respectively within these three regions of the torso (Table 9.3):
• The Heart and Lungs are located in the thoracic cavity and are ascribed to Heaven and
production of Qi (movement and function)
• The Spleen and Stomach are located in the abdominal cavity and are ascribed to the
Earth and are responsible for the separation of the pure from the impure - (transportation
and transformation - digestion) and Gu Qi, nutrients and fluids. The Liver also has a
relationship with digestion.
• The pelvic cavity contains the Kidneys and Intestines. These are ascribed to Humanity,
and besides excretion (liquid and solid waste), are considered to be the foundation of Yin
and Yang in the body.
Box 9.3
The application of the San Jiao in CM
This system has a number of different variations and names within the literature, but
is primarily assessing the functional integrity of the San Jiao (Triple Heater) via the
organs located within each of the respective cavities or Jiaos of the torso.
In using this San Jiao pulse system, the corresponding pulse positions on each wrist are paired
and associated with a Jiao (Table 9.3). These are:
• Middle Jiao: Paired Guan pulse positions
Therefore, in this context, the zangfu organ pulses reflect the functional capacity of the
related Jiao in which the organs reside. However, Jiao related dysfunction presents with
simultaneous changes in two of the pulse positions; the two pulse positions relate to the two
organs which the Jiao encloses (Table 9.4).
TABLE 9.4 The Three Jiaos and related cavities and functions
Combined pulse Related Organs within
Division Organ function
positions/sites cavity cavity
Thoracic Heart and Heaven: Ruler of Blood-Visible movement of blood
cavity Lungs Yang/intangible/function and Master of Qi-breathing
Abdominal Spleen and Transformation and transportation-(ripen
Guan Earth: Yin/solid
cavity Stomach, Liver and rot). Smooth flow of Qi
Pelvic Kidneys and Humanity: interaction of Yin
Chi Excretion-Yin and Yang
cavity intestines and Yang-water/liquid
For example, if the heart is dysfunctional then resultant changes in pulse rhythm or strength
may occur, or alternatively, the Heart pulse at the left Cun position may present with a
decrease in strength. Similarly, if the patient presents with shortness of breath then the Lung
would be indicated and the pulse at the right Cun position would reflect this. In both these
situations, the individual organ is dysfunctional, not the Jiao because only a single pulse
position was affected; the pulse that related to that specific organ. However, in the situation
where the individual presents with both Lung and Heart symptoms described, this could be
described as an Upper Jiao dysfunction or illness. In this sense, it is the poor functioning of
the Upper Jiao distribution of fluids and nutrients that has caused the associated organs, (the
heart and lungs), in this cavity to become dysfunctional. In terms of pulse diagnosis, this
should be reflected bilaterally in the wrist pulses relating to the Upper Jiao. In the case just
described, then there should be a similar pulse quality or change in pulse parameter
manifesting simultaneously at the left and right side Cun positions: the organ dysfunction
inferred from the pulse is secondary to the related Jiao dysfunction. In a clinical context,
rather than directing treatment at the Lung or Heart separately, treatment is directed towards
the Upper Jiao instead: the cavity in which the Lungs and Heart are housed (Box 9.4).
Conversely, if a pathological pulse quality is presenting in only one of the paired pulse
positions, then that respective organ is considered to be dysfunctional rather than the Upper
Jiao and, as such, treatment focuses on that particular organ (Box 9.5).
Box 9.4
Three Jiaos and the Cou Li
In their discourse on the classical medical location, shape and structure of the San
Jiao, Qu & Garvey (2001) proposed that rather than the distinct organ entities, it is
the lining or distribution network of actual cavities/spaces between tissue linings that
constitutes the San Jiao. These are termed the Cou Li. Cou refers to cavities. The
largest of these are the thoracic (chest), abdominal and pelvic cavities. Additionally,
the San Jiao Cou concept also encompasses smaller spaces in the extremities and
muscles. All these spaces are connected via a distributing network of tubes. These are
termed the Li. Based on classical descriptions of the San Jiao in the Ling Shu
(Chapter 18), they propose that the San Jiao is constituted from the cavities rather
than actual organs. The San Jiao is described by Kaptchuk (2000: p. 96) as having ‘a
name but no shape’, attributed to its ‘formless’ nature.
Some interesting recent published research papers indirectly supports the Qu &
Garvey discourse. Lee et al (2004), Shin et al (2005) and Lee et al (2005) report on
the histological identification of threadlike structures on the surfaces of internal
organs, in the blood and lymphatic vessels, and under the skin. These are termed the
Bonghan ducts after Bonghan Kim who reported first observing them in 1963. Lee et
al (2004) describes the Bonghan ducts as a ‘circulatory system that was completely
different from the blood vascular, nervous and lymphatic systems’ (p. 27). As a
circulatory system, it is reported a distinct and observable liquid flow within these
vessels with a hypothesized large mitochondrial count and nerve-like properties (p. 6,
Lee et al, 2005).
Just as the San Jiao is a radical concept to a physiologist, Shin et al (2005) describe
the Bonghan ducts similarly as a radical challenge to modern anatomy. Lee et al
(2005) state:
vessels, on the organ surfaces and under the skin. Further studies of its
histological aspects and physiological functions suggest the possibility of
new insights in both biology and medicine as well as acupuncture
theory (p. 6).
While speculative (as is much of the discussion on the San Jiao), if these structures
are as reported, it is not inconceivable that they occur throughout the lining of the
cavities and interstitial spaces of the muscles, as explained in the concept of the Cou
Li or San Jiao. Further investigations are required to establish certain claims about
the ducts reported by Kim (1965) ‘the lymphatic intravascular threadlike structures …
related to immunological and hematopoietic function’ (Kim 1965, as reported in Lee
et al, 2005).
It is the immunologic claim that is of most interest to the concept of the San Jiao as
the distributions of Cou via the Li within the muscle and skin also have an
immunologic function against external pathogens (Qu & Garvey, 2001).
Box 9.5
Relation of the San Jiao to anatomical and physiological structures
The literature relates the San Jiao to a range of anatomical and physiological
structures, including:
• Cou Li
– Organs
– Cavities
– Water channels
• Burners
San Jiao pulse diagnosis makes use of the paired pulse positions of each arm. For example,
left Cun is matched with right Cun (upper Jiao), right Guan with left Guan (middle Jiao) and
right Chi with left Chi (lower Jiao). Both positions are palpated simultaneously; the
practitioner's right index finger is placed on the left Cun and the left index finger on the right
Cun. The paired pulse positions are palpated simultaneously to identify possible common
changes in pulse parameters (excluding pulse rate, which should be consistent across all
positions) or the CM pulse quality that is manifesting within each arm's pulse (Box 9.5).
Although pulse assessment in the San Jiao pulse system focuses primarily on the parameter of
pulse force, other changes in additional pulse parameters - for example, pulse occlusion or
depth - may also be utilised, as long as they occur in both corresponding pulse positions in
the Jiao in question. But for purposes of demonstrating the system we focus here on the
parameter of force and the related assessment of relative strength.
There are five stages to the assessment process for interpreting pulse findings in the San Jiao
pulse assumption system:
Step 1 Assess the overall pulse strength at each pair of pulse positions
Starting at the Cun positions, the overall strength is assessed at the paired pulse positions
respectively on each arm. (Paired pulse positions refer to the left and right Cun, left and right
Guan and left and right Chi, hence three paired pulse positions.) Assessment focuses on the
parameter of strength. An assessment of strength at each of the three levels of depth,
(superficial, middle and deep), is taken and then averaged to arrive at the overall strength for
the respective pulse position on the left and right side of each pulse pairing.
Alternatively, assessment of strength can be undertaken at the middle level of depth only, for
the respective pulse position on the left and right side of each pulse pairing. (There is little
information in the literature regarding which approach to use)
Step 2 Assess the relative strength of the overall pulse between the left and right sides for
each pair of position
Once an assessment of the pulse strength is obtained for each side of the paired pulse
positions, it must be determined whether the pulse information is suitable for interpretation
in the San Jiao approach. The logic of use for this pulse assumption system is based on the
premise that when a Jiao is dysfunctional then both organs within the Jiao, and their related
pulses, are similarly affected.
Accordingly, it is important to determine whether pulse strength is presenting at a similar
intensity for the left and right components of the paired pulse positions. In this way, stage 2
requires the strength of the left side and right side to be compared; for example, comparing
strength as assessed at stage 1 for left Cun and right Cun. That is, irrespective of whether
each position's pulse is overall weak, of ‘normal’ strength or overall strong, do each of the
paired pulse positions manifest a similar strength intensity? If they are, then the pulse is
reflective of the functioning of the Jiao to which it relates. However, if there are noticeable
differences in strength between the left and right sides of each paired pulse position, then the
San Jiao pulse assumption system is not the most suitable approach for interpreting the pulse
findings. (Rather, Five Phase, Eight Principles or qualitative interpretation is a more
appropriate system to use.)
Step 3 Assess the relative strength between each of the three pulse pairings
Once it is established that each of the three pairs of pulse positions (that is, within each Jiao)
has a similar strength, the three Jiaos must be compared. The paired pulse positions are
compared to determine whether there is a similar strength occurring between the three paired
positions or not; remembering that each pair of positions reflect the functioning of the related
Jiao. Thus the paired Cun positions reflect the Upper Jiao and consequently the functioning
of that Jiao is inferred from the strength of the combined Cun positions. In this way, the
functional integrity of each Jiao is compared against the function of the other Jiao. This
comparison assessment assesses both relative differences in strength as well as absolute
differences in strength, as described below.
strength greater than normal and for which transitory variables affecting strength have been
In the diagnostic interpretation, any region that is comparatively stronger than the other two
regions indicates an excess or fullness. For example, the paired Cun positions are stronger
than usual or as expected would indicate a condition affecting the upper Heater or the Cou
Li. As the Cou Li are affected, so the organs in the region will be affected. Conversely, any
region with less force than usual indicates a region of vacuity or deficiency. For either
occurrence, treatment should address the Jiao rather than the individual organs affected.
Step 4 Determine whether any differences are relative strength differences or are distinct
differences in force
The practitioner attempts to determine the overall relative strength of each of the Jiaos. If
there are relative differences in strength between Jiaos, then we need to determine whether
these differences are due to pulse strength that is stronger than usual or weaker than usual.
This is done in assessing the force of cardiac contraction with other related factors, as
described under the parameter of pulse force in section 7.6.
• Replete or excess conditions: For example, acute respiratory infection may cause a
stronger Upper Jiao pulse.
• Stasis or obstruction: Stagnation in the Middle Jiao or food stagnation may result in a
forceful Middle Jiao pulse, due to the accumulation of undigested food. Alternatively, the
paired Chi positions may present as strong with constipation due to the retention of waste
products, impairing free flow of Qi. Damp heat in the Lower Jiao will similarly present
with both paired Chi positions as being stronger, accompanied possibly by signs and
symptoms such as thrush or cystitis.
• Vacuity patterns: Vacuity of the Middle Jiao pulses may indicate impaired production of
Qi, blood and fluids and the subsequent distribution of these substances to the other Jiaos.
Alternatively, the paired Chi positions may present as weak in the presence of diarrhea or
vacuous Kidney Qi. Weakness in the paired Cun positions can denote a respiratory and/or
circulatory dysfunctions.
• Stagnation: Stagnation in the Middle Jiao or food stagnation may result in the Upper and
Lower Jiao both having relatively weaker pulses, as the Middle Jiao is not distributing Qi
between the three regions.
The system is not meant to apply a precise name to a condition or disease but rather to
provide an explanatory diagnosis with regard to the affect and response the body is going
through. Accordingly, it is a useful system for any difficult-to-diagnose conditions, especially
where there may be multiple patterns occurring, providing meaningful information to focus
the treatment approach. For example, if fever presents then the condition can be broadly
categorised as hot, and heat-draining herbs and acupuncture points are used.
As the experienced clinician realises, rarely does a pulse quality occur alone: it is usually in
combination with at least one other quality or a combination of many parameters and this can
make identification of overall pulse qualities difficult. In fact, often, there is no overall
‘traditional pulse quality’ to be felt, as described in the CM literature.
By using the Eight Principles pulse diagnosis you may be able to recognise a pattern
emerging, with a combination of basic pulse parameters that defines one of the CM specific
pulse qualities. As such, the Eight Principles may help with the pulse parameter system,
identifying specific CM pulse qualities by simplifying recognition of the pulse changes.
The Eight Principles approach uses three general pulse parameters. These are:
• Pulse rate
• Level of depth
• Pulse force
Information obtained during pulse examination is categorised based on the relative changes
occurring in these pulse parameters. For example, pulse rate can be increased or decreased
from normal and thus is divided simply into Rapid or Slow. If the pulse is Rapid, then this
is seen as a heat condition manifesting in the individual. Similarly, if the pulse is Slow then
this indicates Cold. Both the level of depth and the pulse force similarly tell us something
about the effect a condition is having on the body.
9.3.2. Using the pulse parameters within the Eight Principles concept
In the context of pulse diagnosis, the basic pulse parameters used in this system are the level
of depth, pulse rate and strength. Each parameter as a standalone ‘diagnostic’ imparts only
limited information about the condition. For example, an increase in pulse rate (perhaps the
Rapid pulse) can be categorised as representing heat. However, whether the heat is due to an
external pathogen or internal causes cannot be determined from this parameter alone (see Box
9.6). For this reason two other pulse parameters, pulse force and depth, are used in addition
to rate (Table 9.6). It is the use of all three sets of parameters together that allows the
practitioner to correctly identify the condition and inform treatment intervention within an
Eight Principles context (Box 9.7). If a Rapid pulse also presents with a lack of force, it can
therefore be categorised as vacuity heat (or empty heat, deficiency heat). If the Rapid pulse
presented with excessive force then it can be categorised as Excess heat.
Box 9.6
Exceptions to the rule
The appearance of a superficial and forceful pulse at the start of an acute EPA is
generally a sign of strong immune system, with Zheng Qi and blood rushing to the
surface to fight off the pathogenic factor. However, the pulse may not be felt either
strongest at the superficial level or forcefully in acute conditions if the individual is
already Qi or Yang deficient. In the case of Yang deficiency, the pulse may be felt
relatively strongest at the deep level, due to a lack of Yang Qi to raise it to the surface.
Yang is vacuous and hence no longer expand the pulse against
Internal the contracting nature of Yin, hence a deep pulse. With Cold
Decreased Deep Forceless Vacuity the arterial tension will increase because Cold causes pain but
Cold also due to the nature of Cold to contract. That is, the smooth
muscle contracts
Box 9.7
The parameters in an Eight Principles context
• Depth indicates the location of the condition. Is it occurring at the exterior level
of the body, for example if the body is fighting off an illness? Or is the illness due
to internal factors or has it progressed into a deeper level within the body
• Alternatively, a pulse felt relatively strongest at the superficial level may indicate
that Yin is weak (and therefore cannot be felt at the deep level where it is usually
represented), while a pulse that cannot be felt at the superficial level may be seen as
vacuous Yang (insufficient Yang to lift it to the surface)
• The rate parameter reflects the response effect on cellular function and reveals the
nature of the condition - is it heating? (increase in pulse rate) or is it cooling?
(decrease in pulse rate).
• The force indicates the chronicity of the process occurring, whether it is arising
from an excess condition or from a vacuous condition.
To determine the nature or source of Excess (replete/full) heat, further differentiation of the
pulse would be required. Where is the pulsation felt most forcefully, at the superficial or deep
level of depth? If superficial, this would then appear to indicate an EPA of Heat. If the pulse
is strongest at the deep level then the heat could be seen as either arising internally, or an
EPA has now progressed to the internal level. The acuteness or chronicity of the condition
can help provide further clues as to which case it may be.
Thus the basic pulse parameters can inform about the location, nature and duration of the
condition. Treatment then aims to support ailing organs or correct Qi and Blood for
vacuities; excess or repletion are drained, while EPAs are expelled (Box 9.7).
The Eight Principles system also encompasses a fourth category, Yin/Yang, which is used to
describe the general nature of a condition. Whether a condition is described as Yin and Yang
depends on the determination of the preceding three categories:
• Yin conditions are generally cold, vacuous (deficient) and internal and characterised by
aversion to cold, tiredness, fluid retention, weak voice and dysfunction associated with
organ related functions or with the Qi and Blood. Thus the pulse is likely to be slow, lack
strength and be located at the deep level of depth.
• Yang conditions tend to be hot, replete (excess/full) and external and characterised by
sudden appearance of symptoms or signs. Fevers, facial flushing, aversion to heat and a
liking for cool drinks represent Yang type conditions. The pulse is likely to be rapid,
forceful and be felt strongest at the superficial level of depth, in addition to the middle level
of depth.
This categorisation approach using Eight Principles can also apply to chronic conditions such
as rheumatoid arthritis that has a sudden acute flare-up, and hence Yang (heat) signs within a
chronic Yin (Damp) condition. Similarly a Yin condition can have Yang signs. For example,
vacuity of Yin may give rise to vacuity (empty/deficient) heat signs over time. Another
common example is damp accumulation causing stagnation in the interior and eventually
transforming to heat. This would be viewed as Yang signs within a Yin condition (in this
case, accumulation of Yin fluids).
• Vacuity heat/Yin vacuity conditions (heat conditions that arise from an inability of the
body to slow or cool itself down - parasympathetic nervous system dysfunction), or
• Vacuity cold/Yang vacuity conditions (cold conditions that arise from an inability of the
body to maintain metabolism or retain body warmth - sympathetic nervous system
9.3.3. Descriptive terminology must not be confused with the specific CM pulse quality
Some literature sources use basic descriptive pulse qualities that relate to depth (Floating and
Sinking), strength (Replete and Vacuous), and rate (Rapid and Slow) parameters, which can
be used within the Eight Principles as demonstrated above. However, as distinct CM pulse
qualities, there are other pulse parameters that define these CM pulse qualities beyond the
Eight Principles system. (Refer to Chapter 6 and Chapter 7). For example the Floating pulse,
while often described as strongest at the superficial level, is also defined by an incremental
decrease in strength when finger pressure is applied. That is, the pulse can be felt at the
superficial level but also at the middle level, to a lesser degree. As such, generic pulse
parameter descriptors, as illustrated in Table 9.5, rather than specific CM pulse quality
names, are best used in the Eight Principles system to prevent confusion with the overall CM
pulse qualities.
In spite of the system's purported European origins and popularisation by Worsley and others
in the West, Birch (2007) notes the system as originally derived from Japan and the
interpretive teachings of the Nan Jing by practitioner scholars during the 1920s and 1930s
with the development of ‘Meridian Therapy’.
The system was ‘exported’ to Germany in the 1950s by a visiting German physician to Japan,
whom returning to Germany was accompanied by Japanese teachers of the system. The
following instructions on five phase pulse diagnosis stems primarily from the system as
practiced in the ‘West’.
Depending on the nature of the identified disharmony, acupuncture treatment aims to correct
the identified disturbance through the movement, drainage or harmonisation of Qi between
and within the organ groupings using the Sheng and Ke cycles (Box 9.8). A specific group of
points termed Five Phase or elemental points located at the channel segments that transgress
the distal portions of the limbs is needled for this purpose. There are additional point
groupings that are also needled, including the Lou, Yuan, Mu and Back Shu points. This
process of regulating Qi is termed the movement of energy and finds a use within Five Phase
or elemental acupuncture.
Box 9.8
Sheng and Ke cycles
• Sheng cycle: Also termed the constructive or mother/son law, this cycle illustrates
the relationship of organs and associated functions assigned to each element or
phase support and assist with the functions of other organs. On a broader scale, it
relates to the movement of the seasons. Hence Wood is associated with spring.
Spring leads to summer, thus the Wood feeds Fire. The heat of summer turns to
the humidity of long summer, associated with the Earth. Similarly, the human
body (the microcosm) can be viewed as a reflection of the environment (the
macrocosm) and so a similar relationship can be recognised in terms of organ
function, with consecutive phases engendering the organ function of the next
• Ke cycle: This is a controlling cycle, and represents the regulatory effect that
certain organs have on others. It may also represent the adverse or pathological
effect that an organ or phase would have on other organs and body functions if it
became hyperactive or if the organ or phase it was regulating was under
functioning. In this sense, particular organs or phases are normally considered
capable of keeping other phases in check, but over-‘checking’ gives rise to illness.
Box 9.9
The importance of pulse diagnosis in Five Phase versus other CM systems
The use of pulse diagnosis in Five Phase acupuncture differs distinctly from other
CM systems/models in that the pulse findings play a pivotal or even solitary role in
the selection of acupuncture points for treatment. In other CM systems/models, pulse
assessment contributes to informing diagnosis but does not necessarily dictate point
or herb selection. Thus the pulse findings in the Five Phase pulse assumption system
are used to determine whether acupuncture points are selected to drain excess Qi,
supplement vacuities, or harmonise the function of elemental/phase organ Yin Yang
The assessment of relative strengths derives from the Nan Jing's view on the
interconnectedness of the channels, and hence Qi, reflected in the pulse. Accordingly then,
Birch (2007, prs. comm.) states ‘the core model of practice in the Nan Jing is to apply
supplementation to the channels that are vacuous and drainage to the channels that are
replete in order to restore yin-yang and five-phase balance’. This includes the distribution of
Qi and its flow among the twelve channels. Assessment of the relative strength of the
individual pulse positions are used to this end.
Five element system strives to balance the energy flow and levels of Qi, and it
is therefore somewhat less effective in the presence of a strong perverse energy, or
a physical blockage of Qi
Accordingly, as a system, its strength is said to lie in the treatment of diseases with an
emotional or psychological origin, (irrespective of whether there are physical signs and
symptoms are manifest), which respond more favourably than conditions of a primary
physical cause alone (Rogers 2000).
It is also a useful approach for identifying internal imbalances deriving from impaired organ
function and Qi movement identified through signs and symptoms such as lethargy, oedema,
insomnia, gastric reflex, migraine and hot flushing, (as opposed to actual organic organ
disease). It can additionally be useful for assessing the relative balance of Qi between the Yin
and Yang partner channels of an associated phase (Box 9.10).
Box 9.10
Uses of pulse diagnosis in the Five Phase system
• Locate affected organs by assessing the changes in pulse strength at the related
pulse position
• Identify the nature of the dysfunction; whether it is excess (hyperactivity or
stagnation), vacuity (hypoactivity)
Box 9.11
Utilising three levels of depth within Five Phase pulse diagnosis
As noted, the Five Phase pulse assessment usually uses two levels of depth: superficial
and deep. However, when palpating the radial pulsation, the pulse is often felt
strongest in the middle level of depth. If using the Zang Fu (organ) approach to
assessing the pulses then this would likely result in a pulse interpreted as being both
Yin and Yang deficient or vacuous (not to be confused with the Vacuous pulse). That
is, the individual would be assessed as being in a constant state of ill health and
continuously requiring treatment to address the pulse findings.
However, another way to view this is to consider the Yin and Yang in balance when
the pulse occurs strongest in the middle level of depth for the associated phase. When
the pulse is felt strongest at the superficial level of depth or the deep level of depth
then the phase is considered out of harmony. Whether this is Yin or Yang related
depends on the level of depth that the pulse is felt strongest or weakest.
The assignment of organs and associated phase or element characteristic to each of the 12
pulse positions is based on the arrangement presented in the Nan Jing (Table 9.7, Fig. 9.1,
Box 9.13). Thus the six Zang or Yin organs are assigned to the deep level positions and their
related Fu or Yang organs to the superficial level of the same corresponding position. For
example, the left Cun position has the Heart assigned to the deep level of depth and its
related Yang organ, the Small Intestine, is assigned to the superficial level of depth. The
Heart and Small Intestine are assigned to the Fire element.
TABLE 9.7 Five Phase organ arrangement at the Cun, Guan and Chi positions (Nan Jing arrangement)
Left side Right side
Superficial Deep Deep Superficial
Small intestine Heart Cun Lung Large Intestine
Gallbladder Liver Guan Spleen Stomach
Bladder Kidney Chi Pericardium Triple Heater
Yang Yin Yin Yang
Figure 9.1The Five Phases (Wu Xing) and their related Yin and Yang partner organs. The Sheng cycle follows each
consecutive phase in a clockwise direction as indicated (solid circular line). The Ke cycle also moves in a clockwise
direction moving between every second phase as indicated (dashed line in star formation).
Box 9.13
Channel versus organ
The Five Phase system uses the Nan Jing arrangement of organs with the Small
Intestine and Large Intestine located at the Cun positions, reflecting the location of
these channels in the upper regions of the body (in spite of the organs being located
in the lower abdomen). The Pericardium and Triple Heater are represented on the
Chi position of the Lower Jiao or pelvic cavity in spite of the pericardium being
located around the heart. These two ‘channels’ have theoretical and functional
linkages to the Kidneys. As such this model is also termed a functional model and has
a direct association with the layout of the channel network in acupuncture.
Maciocia (2004: p. 439) notes Li Shi Zhen's arrangement of the organs and channels
to the Cun, Guan and Chi pulse positions as a herbalist model. The herbalist
arrangement has the SI and LI organs respectively placed at the left and right Chi
positions, reflecting the anatomical layout of the body rather than the channel layout.
Hence this would be called an anatomical model.
Thus the system assesses the relative and absolute strength of balance between the two levels
of depth within a pulse site, the superficial and deep, comparing the balance of the Yin and
Yang organ partners, as well as assessing the strength between other pulse sites and related
The ‘normal’ pulse is used as a gauge to determine whether pulse strength, of the pulse
generally, is appropriate or not. Physique, age, gender and level of activity are important
variables in this process, assisting in determining what is normal or abnormal for the
individual having their pulses assessed. With this in mind, these variables provide a range of
normal pulse presentations and are always considered against the ‘normal’ pulse as described
in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6. (Never subjectively assume what the ‘normal’ pulse for a patient
should be.)
The five stages of the Five Phase pulse assessment method are as follows:
Step 1 Evaluation of overall pulse strength at the superficial and deep level at each pulse site
Assess each position at both the superficial and deep level of depth. Start by palpating each
pulse site separately. Feel for the pulse strength at the superficial level of strength, that which
corresponds to the related phase's Yang organ, and at the deep level of depth for the Yin
organ. It is best to be methodical so start at the Cun position, next feel the Guan and finally
the Chi. (Refer to Chapter 5 for the location of these sites and pulse depths.) Repeat this
process for the other side. When palpating the pulse you are attempting to ascertain whether:
• A pulse is present at each of the superficial and deep levels of depth for that pulse site
• The overall pulse strength, if a pulse is present at that site. Is it strong, of appropriate
strength for that individual (considering their age, gender, exercise, physique) or is it weak?
For example, starting at the left Cun pulse site, the superficial level of depth is found and the
strength of the pulse assessed. This position relates to the Small Intestine pulse. This is
repeated at the deep level of depth. This pulse relates to the Heart. This procedure is repeated
for the other positions.
Additionally, an assessment also needs to be made on whether the Yang and Yin pulses are of
a similar strength for that phase/position, irrespective of whether the pulse strength is overall
forceless or overall forceful. That is, are they in balance?
usefulness to the pulse information as it notes ‘degrees’ or difference in strength, where as the
use of a single sign simply denotes a difference.
TABLE 9.8 Five Phase pulse assessment. Example of method 1. Although not precise in terms of actual qualities, it is a
useful visual guide to recording the assessment of differences in strength felt. The example illustrated shows excess in the
Liver and a deficiency in the Pericardium
Left side Right side
Superficial Deep Deep Superficial
Yang Yin Yin Yang
SI ✓ HT ✓ Cun LU ✓ LI ✓
GB ✓ LV + Guan SP ✓ ST ✓
BL ✓ KD ✓ Chi PC − TH ✓
✓= appropriate strength; −= decreased strength (relative deficiency); += increased strength (relative excess).
After Rogers (2000: p. 89), with the author's permission.
Note that the positive and negative notation is unique to the practitioner that assessed the
pulse. Because of this, inter-practitioner interpretation of another's Five Phase assessment
tables needs to be approached with caution so as to not misinterpret the significance of a
positive or negative notation, as the notation is generally used to denote relative, not absolute,
strength differences. However, this does not exclude the practitioner from undertaking
assessment of absolute strength differences, although one factor must be kept in mind: Five
Phase pulse assessment is also used for assessing the relative balance of the phases and is often
used for health maintenance, so changes in absolute strength (that is, force) may not be
apparent. (If force changes are occurring then the Cun Kou approach to pulse assessment is
likely to be more appropriate.)
The notation and subsequent pulse record generated is a subjective approach to pulse
diagnosis. Because of this, it is important that the same strength notation is consistently used
to note degrees of relative strength, to maintain the reliability of the method (if only for a
particular practitioner).
Figure 9.2Wu Xing diagram for recording pulse assessment findings.(From Rogers 2000, with the author's permission.)
Within phases
Differences in strength between the Yin and Yang organs within a phase usually reflect
dysfunction of the organs of the associated phase. For example, a strong Stomach pulse and
weak Spleen pulse indicate the phase is imbalanced. As such treatment requires the use of the
Luo points to transfer energy from the Stomach to the Spleen.
Thus a stronger pulse strength at the superficial level of depth could mean either Yin is
relatively weak or Yang is in excess. Similarly, a stronger pulse strength at the deep level of
depth may indicate that the Yang is weaker and the Yin is in excess.
A similarity in strength at the deep and superficial levels of depth indicates that the phase is
in balance. If however the pulse overall is weak or stronger than would be expected at both
levels then this is interpreted as the whole phase being deficient or in excess.
A weaker Yang pulse is considered a better prognosis than a weaker Yin, as Yin is seen as the
foundational energy of the phase in the body and the Yang is an extension of the phase
function. Thus a weak Yin usually indicates weak Yang but Weak Yang does not necessarily
indicate weak Yin.
Yang is also more responsive to circadian rhythms, and other variables such as a poor night's
sleep or a missed meal may cause a transient decrease in pulse strength; such transient
changes may be expected to occur and need not necessarily indicate any concerns.
• Negative: Area of deficiency. If a single organ is affected, use the Yuan point
• If positive and negative: Move the excess to tonify the vacuity
Sheng cycle
The Sheng cycle is known as the engendering or generating cycle and this is responsible for
ensuring the smooth flow of Qi between the successive phases. If obstruction or stasis occurs
in one phase this can impact on the next phase, reducing its access to the flow of Qi. This
should be reflected in the relevant pulse positions as an excessive strength in the obstructed
phase and accordingly deficient pulse strength in the subsequent phase (Fig. 9.2).
Ke cycle
As noted earlier, the Ke cycle helps to regulate the function of the organs. When this
regulation becomes over rigorous, this can impact adversely on the organ or phase being
controlled. This may occur when the organ being regulated is itself deficient, therefore
allowing the controlling organ to affect its functions. A common example of this is the
pattern of Wood attacking Spleen. This may occur when the Liver Qi becomes hyperactive,
through stagnation or a result of pathogenic heat or fire. This overflows into the Earth phase,
impairing the normal functioning of the Earth organs (Spleen and Stomach) resulting in a
mixture of both Wood and Earth pathological signs and symptoms such as alternating
constipation and loose stools, flatulence, intestinal pain and bloating. This may be reflected in
the pulse as a strong Wood phase pulse with a weak Earth phase pulse.
Within an organ
Sometimes a single pulse position at either depth may be weak within a phase, without a
concomitant increase in the pulse for the partner organ. This indicates deficiency within that
particular organ only which has not yet begun to impact on its partner. In this case, treatment
of the affected organ could be addressed by the use of the Yuan points to tonify the Qi of the
deficient organ.
• Luo points: Transfer between the Yin and Yang channel partners
• Horary points: Same as the channel. For example, Wood on Wood, Earth on Earth
• Tonification points: Promote Qi
Generally, only the Luo points and tonification points are used to achieve the balance of
energies within the Five Element system. Tonification helps to supply energy to an organ or
area via the channels, while sedation in this context means to draw energy away from a
hyperactive organ or area. (Rogers 2000: pp. 46-47). (For more details on the use of the Five
Phase system, see Rogers 2000.)
The normal strength variations with the ebb and flow of Qi as described by the Chinese
Clock may also be useful in identifying deficient and excess conditions during the horary flow
time for the related organ. For example:
• When palpating the corresponding pulse of a organ/channel at high tide, yet the organ is
weak or of ‘normal’ strength, then this can indicate vacuity
• If the organ/channel is of strong strength during low tide, than this can indicate an
This approach to pulse diagnosis has relevance to the system which uses ‘open hourly points’
(na zi fa) (Fig. 9.3).
Figure 9.3The Chinese Clock, and related organs. The Roman numerals stem from a European attempt to standardise the
channels by number, rather than by name.(From Rogers 2000, with the author's permission.)
Box 9.12
Terminology within the Five Phase context
• Avoid using the terms ‘vacuous’ and ‘replete’ as these have connotations
associated with the traditional CM pulse quality system and as such have a
differing definition to that in the Five Phase system
• This system also uses the terms ‘excess’ and ‘deficient’ simply as generic
descriptors which have no relationship to the overall pulse qualities Vacuous
(empty) or Replete (full).
The Nei Jing is generally regarded as the earliest reference documenting the Nine Continent
pulses as a distinct system of diagnosis. Although it was not the only method of pulse
diagnosis, the extensive coverage it received in assessing health and illness indicates it was an
important pulse system at the time. Chapter 20 of the Su Wen, ‘Treatise on the three regions
and the nine subdivisions’, is central to the discourse between Huang Qi and Qi Po and the
revealing of this regional pulse assessment system. The system is premised on the
microcosmic arrangement of the macrocosm reflected within the body. In particular, the
Nine Continent system is another application of the Heaven-Earth-Humanity theme.
To apply this pulse system the body is first divided into three portions. In this way,
components of Heaven, Earth and Humanity are simultaneously assigned to the upper,
middle and lower portions or regions of the body. (Note, however, that the division is
different from that used in the San Jiao system where the thoracic cavity containing the lungs
and heart is the upper Heater, whereas in this system the thoracic cavity constitutes the
central region.) The three regions in the Nine Continent system are:
• Upper (Heaven): From the shoulders to the head. Associated with the Qi of the head and
senses: expression of the Shen
• Middle (Earth): The thoracic cavity and the upper limbs: Associated with the Lungs and
Heart: movement of Qi and Blood
• Lower (Humanity): From the diaphragm to the feet. Associated with the abdominal and
pelvic cavities; includes the Liver, Spleen Kidneys and Stomach organs.
Perfection to the authors of the Nei Jing required an aspect of both Heaven (Yang) and Earth
(Yin) to be residing within Humanity, in each of the three regions. As such, each region is
further divided into three subdivisions also correspondingly associated with the cosmological
Heaven, Earth and Humanity. For example, this means there is an aspect of Heaven within
Heaven, Earth within Heaven and Humanity within Heaven within the upper region. This
arrangement is similarly repeated with the other two regions. It is the consequent nine
subdivisions that name the Nine Continent pulse system (Table 9.9, Fig 9.4).
TABLE 9.9 Assignment of the body area and related pulse site to each of the nine subdivisions according to different
literature sources
Regions Subdivision Pulse location Reflection
Nei Jing according to Veith (1972: pp. 187–188)
Upper (Heaven) Upper (Heaven) Arteries on either side of forehead Corners (temples) of the head and brow
Middle (Earth) Arteries within both cheeks (jaw) Corners of the mouth and the teeth
Arteries in front of ears Corners of the ears and the eyes
Middle (Earth) Upper (Heaven) Great Yin within hands Lungs (Po)
Middle (Earth) Region of “sunlight” within hands Breath within the breast (Zheng Qi)
Region of lesser Yin within hands Heart (Shen)
Upper (Heaven) Region of absolute Yin within the feet Liver (Hun)
Middle (Earth) Region of lesser Yin within the feet Kidneys (Jeh)
Lower Force of life of the spleen and the stomach
Region of the Great Yin within the feet
(Humanity) (Ji)
Nei Jing according to Unschuld (2003: p. 254)
Moving vessels on the two sides of the
Upper (Heaven) Upper (Heaven) Qi at the corners of the head
Moving vessels on the two sides of the
Middle (Earth) Qi of mouth and the teeth
Moving vessels in front of the ears Qi of ears and the eyes
Middle (Earth) Upper (Heaven) Major Yin [locations] of the hands Lungs
Middle (Earth) The Yang brilliance [locations] of the hands Qi in the chest
Minor Yin [locations] of the hands Heart
Upper (Heaven) Ceasing Yin [locations] of the feet Liver
Middle (Earth) Minor Yin [locations] of the feet Kidneys
Major Yin [locations] of the feet Qi of spleen and the stomach
Nine Continent according to Maciocia (2004: p. 434)
Upper (Heaven) Upper (Heaven) Taiyang Qi of the head
Middle (Earth) ST 3 Qi of the mouth
SJ 21 Qi of ears and eyes
Middle (Earth) Upper (Heaven) LU 8 Lungs
Middle (Earth) LI 4 Centre of thorax
HR 7 Heart
Upper (Heaven) LR 10: Alternative LR 3 Liver
Middle (Earth) KD 3 Kidneys
SP 11, Alternative ST 42 Spleen and Stomach
Interestingly the number nine had important auspicious connotations in Chinese numerology
and probably influenced the system's development, as numerology did for so many of the
earlier theoretical clinical constructs in CM (Box 9.14).
Box 9.14
Nine Continent pulses and heavenly perfection
For the practitioner of the Nei Jing era, numerology formed an important part of
medicine. Three subdivisions within three regions arrived at the number nine, and
nine in Chinese medicine numerology represented the pre-heavenly state, the idea of
perfection and absolute Yang. It is likely that the idea of nine subdivisions was not
developed from clinical practice alone, but also driven by intellectual requirements of
‘harmony’ dictated by the tenants of ‘medical’ numerology. The exclusion from the
system of important pulse sites that which were in common usage at the compilation
of the Nei Jing provides support for this view. The most notable exclusion is the Ren
Ying (Man's prognosis) pulse site in the neck, otherwise known as the carotid artery.
This in turn could indicate that the Nine Continent pulse system came from a
teaching tradition associated with the cosmological premises of health underlying the
teachings of the Nei Jing.
This is confirmed in the writings of the Jia Yi Jing (The Systematic Classic of Acupuncture and
Moxibustion). It is written that ‘three vessels pulse around the large toe and their state of
repletion or vacuity should be examined’ in determining the nature of an illness affecting the
associated channels to which the pulses related (Mi 1994: p. 306). The three vessels are
allocated by the translators as arterial segments:
• ST 45-ST 42 (dorsalis pedis artery)
• LR 1-LR 3
Depending on the state of the blood vessels, the indication for using acupuncture to
supplement or drain depends on whether the pulse is replete and racing or vacuous and slow.
Interestingly, Veith's (1972: p. 189) translation of the Nei Jing relates the Nine Continent
pulse to the five spiritual resources (controlled by the five Zang: Lungs (Po), Liver (Hun),
Heart (Shen), Spleen (Ji), Kidneys (Jeh); Qi relating to the temples, ears and eyes, mouth and
teeth; and the space within the breast (the expression of the organ's spiritual aspect and the
body's upright Zheng Qi).
However, identifying the nature of a disease may not have been the primary use of the Nine
Continent pulse system. Rather, it was identifying the location of the disease (Unschuld 2003:
pp. 254-255). It is the ‘physical appearance and the treatment of the vessel to ‘regulate
depletion and repletion and to eliminate evil and disease’ that is important. For example, a
pulse that was different in strength from other pulses indicated the presence of a pathogen.
The nature of the pathogen didn't particularly matter, as treatment often involved bleeding
points to release pathogens from the channels.
The Nei Jing also provides extensive coverage on the prognostic use of the Nine Continent
pulses and includes extensive discourses on determining the appropriateness of the body's
response in the presence of illness from these as well. This is based on changes in the pulse
parameters within each of the nine positions and also by comparing the pulses between
positions. For example, the following points regarding the determination of health or illness
by the Nine Continent pulse are derived from the Nei Jing.
• Pulses within the three subdivisions in a region are similar (relative similar rhythm and
• Pulses between the nine subdivisions are similar (similar rhythm and strength)
• The regions of the pulses are not synchronised in strength, rhythm, depth, rate
– When two pulse are not sychronised then this indicates a grave illness will occur
• Death is indicated when the three subdivision pulses within a region are not congruent.
It is strange and somewhat ironic that to understand the potential uniqueness of the regional
pulse system for diagnostic purposes, it is best to look at the biomedicinal system for
guidance. For biomedicine, regional pulse palpation forms a small but important aspect of
assessing the circulatory integrity of blood perfusion into the skin, muscle and limbs -
conditions quite distinct from organ function as posited in the Nan Jing. In this way,
simultaneous comparison of the strength in the dorsalis pedis and femoral arteries can
determine whether blockages are impeding the arterial blood flow, while simultaneous
pulsation in the femoral and radial pulses indicate potency of systemic blood flow.
A Hicks, J Hicks, P Mole, Five elemental constitutional acupuncture. (2004) Churchill
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E King, S Walsh, D Cobbin, The testing of classical pulse concepts in Chinese medicine:
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286B (2005) 1–7.
G Maciocia, Diagnosis in Chinese medicine: a comprehensive guide. (2004) Churchill
Livingstone, Edinburgh .
HF Mi, S Yang, C Chance, The systematic classic of acupuncture and moxibustion. (1994) Blue
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L Qu, M Garvey, Location and function of the san jiao, Journal of Chinese Medicine 65 (2001)
C Rogers, The five keys: an introduction to the study of traditional Chinese medicine. 3rd edn
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P Unschuld, Nan-ching: the classic of difficult issues. (1986) University of California Press,
Berkeley ; (trans).
P Unschuld, Huang di nei jing su wen. (2003) University of California Press, Berkeley .
I Veith, The Yellow Emperor's classic of internal medicine. (1972) University of California Press,
Berkeley ; (translator).
acupuncture, 2,, 25,, 36,, 58,, 112
Five Phase (Element) system, 214-15,, 216,, 220
acute illness, 169-70,, 200-1 see also haemorrhage
adrenaline (epinephrine), 78,, 82,, 109
physiological changes, 75,, 78,, 120,, 142
pulse differences, 67-8,, 151
aldosterone, 109
anaemia, 122,, 123,, 130-1,, 133,, 190-1
anatomy of radial artery and forearm, 11-12,, 47-9,, 50
antidiuretic hormone, 109
anxiety see stress
aorta, 7
aortic valve insufficiency, 16,, 17,, 201
apprenticeships, 1-2
arrhythmia, 83,, 84,, 85-7,, 136,, 200-1 see also rhythm (pulse parameter)
arterial physiology, 7-13
arterial wall tension (pulse parameter), 62,, 116-23
assessment techniques, 105,, 117-18,, 123-4,, 127,, 130,, 134
biomedical factors, 11,, 118-20
Blood pathologies and, 126,, 192,, 194
EPAs and, 183,, 185-6,, 188
Liver and, 102,, 118
normal, 57,, 118
pulse qualities and, 123-38,, 153,, 171
Qi imbalance, 118,, 197
Qi/Blood balance, 207 see also occlusion
arteriosclerosis, 13,, 120,, 158
assessment techniques see methodology
athletes, 75
atrial fibrillation, 82,, 86,, 201
atrial flutter, 86
atrioventricular node, 77,, 85
autonomic nervous system, 77-8,, 118-19,, 142
bigeminal pulse, 18
Bin Hue Mai Xue (Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse) (Li Shi-Zhen)
on gender differences, 66
on the organs, 29,, 58
on pulse diagnosis, 27,, 30
pulse quality definitions
by arterial wall tension, 124,, 129,, 130,, 134,, 137
by depth, 99
by flow wave, 159,, 164
by force, 143,, 145
by length, 102
blood loss and anaemia, 122-3,, 132-3,, 190-1
fever, 169
gastrointestinal distension, 129
pregnancy, 67,, 76,, 158,, 161
pulse diagnosis, 13-17,, 30
pulse parameters, 73
arterial wall tension, 11,, 118-20
depth, 94
flow wave/pulse contour, 68,, 157-8,, 166,, 167
force, 140-2,, 144,, 149-50
length, 101
occlusion, 122-3
rate, 77-8,, 80,, 81-2,, 170
rhythm, 85,, 88,, 89,, 91
width, 109
shock, 123,, 137-8,, 149-50
bisferiens pulse, 18
Bladder, 58
Blood (in CM), 188
Blood Heat, 195
body fluids and, 108,, 111,, 191-2
organs and, 108,, 111
Liver, 192-3
pulse parameters and
arterial wall tension, 126,, 130-2,, 135,, 137,, 192,, 194
flow wave, 165-6,, 194-5
force, 140,, 145-6,, 147,, 149,, 152,, 191
occlusion, 121-2,, 191
rate, 191
rhythm, 89,, 195
width, 107,, 110-11
Qi and, 25,, 109,, 155,, 189,, 196
Qi/Blood balance, 203-7
stagnation (stasis), 89,, 145-6,, 166,, 193-5
vacuity, 107,, 121-2,, 140,, 188-93
Drumskin pulse, 135,, 191
Faint pulse, 149,, 191
Fine pulse, 110-11,, 191
Rough pulse, 165-6,, 191
Scallion Stalk pulse, 130-2,, 191
Scattered pulse, 137
Soggy pulse, 152,, 191
Stirred pulse, 193
Stringlike pulse, 126
Vacuous pulse, 147,, 191,, 193
Weak pulse, 150,, 191
blood (in biomedicine), 10-11
anaemia, 122,, 123,, 130-1,, 133,, 190-1
loss of, 82,, 122-3,, 132-3,, 193
blood pressure, 7,, 9,, 141
hypertension, 119-20
body fluids, 106-8,, 121,, 155-6
Blood and, 108,, 111,, 191-2
loss of, 111,, 121-2,, 131,, 135,, 165
body temperature
force and, 142,, 148
hypothermia, 89
rate and, 76,, 81
seasonal differences, 69,, 76,, 93
width and, 106 see also fever
body type, 68,, 69,, 106,, 152
Bonghan ducts, 210
Bound pulse, 88-9,, 90,, 113,, 195,, 201
bounding pulse, 122
bradycardia, 80 see also Slow pulse
cardiac output, 10,, 76
carotid artery, 8,, 11,, 25
Chi pulse position
association with body regions/organs, 26,, 51,, 204,, 205,, 209,, 217
finger position, 19,, 49,, 50
gender differences, 65
length and, 100,, 103
pulse qualities and, 27
children, pulse rate in, 67,, 75,, 80
Chinese clock, 220-1
Chinese medicine (CM)
in classical texts, 23-31
contemporary, 2-4,, 6,, 17-20,, 30-1,, 64
Choppy (Rough) pulse, 35,, 162-8,, 192,, 195
chronic illness, 72,, 132,, 133,, 135,, 149,, 151,, 169
circulation in classical CM, 24,, 25,, 100-1
circulatory system in biomedicine, 5-13,, 67,, 93,, 118-20
Classic of Difficult Issues see Nan Jing
CM see Chinese medicine
Cold, 94,, 183-5
Bound pulse, 89
Drumskin pulse, 135,, 185
Firm pulse, 145,, 146,, 185
Hidden pulse, 100
Rough pulse, 166
Slow pulse, 79,, 184-5
Tight pulse, 129,, 185
collapsing (water hammer) pulse, 16,, 200-1
complex pulse parameters, 115-16,, 171-2,, 174-5 see also arterial wall tension;; flow
wave;; force;; occlusion
constitutional weakness, 151
consultations, when and how to use pulse diagnosis, 4,, 46,, 59-63
coronary heart disease, 120,, 170
cortisol, 126
Cou Li, 210
Cun Kou pulse site, 19,, 25-6,, 48
Cun pulse position
association with body regions/organs, 26,, 51,, 100,, 204,, 205,, 209,, 217
finger position, 19,, 49,, 50
gender differences, 65
length and, 100,, 103
pulse qualities and, 27
Damp, 109,, 180-3
Fine pulse, 111,, 181-2
Moderate pulse, 82-3,, 182
Rough pulse, 166
Slippery pulse, 160,, 182
Soggy pulse, 152,, 181-2
Stringlike (Wiry) pulse, 125,, 182-3
Death (Unusual) pulses, 169-70,, 200-1
deep pulse depth, 54-6,, 91,, 93,, 94,, 97,, 98
dehydration, 108,, 131,, 148
depression, 76
depth (pulse parameter), 55-6,, 58-9,, 62,, 69,, 91-4
assessment methods, 42,, 53-5,, 91,, 92,, 95,, 97,, 98-9
Eight Principles diagnosis, 213
EPAs and, 94,, 96,, 183,, 186
Five Phase diagnosis, 215,, 217
normal, 57,, 91,, 92-3
number of levels, 29,, 53
organ associations, 26
pulse qualities and
complex, 124,, 129,, 133,, 136,, 153
simple, 94-100,, 170
Yin/Yang and, 55-6,, 58,, 93-4,, 98,, 99-100,, 198
diameter waves, 7
diastole, 7,, 142
diastolic pressure, 7,, 141
dicrotic pulse, 18
diet, 129,, 180 see also food retention
dorsalis pedis pulse, 15,, 25
Drumskin pulse, 119,, 128,, 133-5,, 185,, 192
ectopic beats, 86-7
education and training, 1-2,, 36-7
Eight Principles, 93,, 212-14
ejection duration, 78,, 142
elderly patients see age
emotional effects on pulse parameters, 76,, 118
Empty pulse see Vacuous pulse
endocrine system see hormones
endometriosis, 166
epinephrine, 78,, 82,, 109
Essence (Jing), 108,, 111,, 135,, 166
exercise, 75-6
external pathogenic agents (EPA), 179-80
pulse depth and, 94,, 96,, 183,, 186 see also Cold;; Damp;; Heat;; Wind
Faint pulse, 148-50,, 153,, 192,, 198
females, 65-7,, 69,, 75
fever, 81,, 119,, 125-6,, 168,, 169
Fine pulse
Blood vacuity, 192
Damp, 111,, 181-2
width, 103-4,, 110-12,, 113
Yin vacuity, 198
finger placement, 16,, 19,, 50,, 51
patients', 56
practitioners', 51
Firm pulse, 144-6,, 153,, 154
arterial wall tension, 127-8
Blood stagnation, 195
Cold, 145,, 146,, 185
length, 103
Five Phase diagnosis, 214-21
Floating pulse, 94-6,, 113,, 180,, 188,, 198
flow wave (pulse parameter), 9-10,, 63,, 154-7
biomedical factors, 68,, 157-8,, 166,, 167
Blood and, 155,, 165-6,, 194-5
Heat and, 185
normal, 57
pregnancy, 161
pulse qualities and, 158-70,, 172,, 182
Fluctuating pulse, 38
fluid balance see body fluids
food retention, 129,, 157,, 160,, 166,, 195
force (pulse parameter), 63,, 69,, 138-42
assessment techniques, 138-40,, 143,, 145,, 146-7,, 149,, 150,, 151-2
biomedical factors, 140-2,, 144,, 149-50
Blood vacuity, 191
Eight Principles diagnosis, 213
Five Phase diagnosis, 215,, 217-20
Heat and, 185
pulse qualities and, 128,, 142-54,, 164,, 171
Qi vacuity, 197
Qi/Blood balance, 206
San Jiao assessment, 209-11
Four Levels pattern identification, 168
Fu organs, 217
Fu Yang pulse site, 25
Galen, 13-14
Gallbladder, 58,, 125
gender, 65-7,, 69,, 75,, 204
Guan pulse position
association with body regions/organs, 26,, 51,, 204,, 205,, 209,, 217
finger position, 19,, 49-50
length and, 103
pulse qualities and, 27
gynaecological conditions, 125,, 135,, 161,, 166 see also pregnancy
biomedical consequences, 82,, 122-3,, 132-3,, 193
CM consequences, 111,, 121,, 131-2,, 135
handedness, 59,, 69,, 207
Harvey, William, 30
health, 199
Long pulse, 102,, 199
Moderate pulse, 82,, 199
in the Nine Continent system, 225
normal pulse parameters, 38-9,, 56-7,, 74,, 92-3,, 106,, 118
Rapid pulse, 80
Slippery pulse, 159,, 199
Slow pulse, 78,, 199-200
Heart (in CM)
Blood and, 108
pulse positions and, 58,, 205
rhythm, 84,, 85-6,, 88,, 89,, 91
San Jiao system, 207,, 208
Shen, 57,, 84
heart (in biomedicine), 7,, 9
arrhythmias, 80,, 84,, 85
vascular disease, 120,, 170
heart rate, 10,, 74-8,, 80 see also rate (pulse parameter)
Heat, 185-8
Blood Heat, 195
Long pulse, 102
Rapid pulse, 186,, 188
Replete pulse, 143,, 181,, 188,, 195
Skipping pulse, 88
Slippery pulse, 160,, 188
Slow pulse, 80
Surging pulse, 168,, 186-7
Vacuous pulse, 148,, 186,, 187
heat exhaustion, 148
Helicobacter pylori, 133
herbal medicine, 36,, 58,, 76
Hidden pulse, 98-100,, 113,, 198
classical CM texts, 23-31
pulses in biomedicine, 13-15,, 30
horary flow of Qi, 220-1
blood volume, 109
heart rate, 78,, 82
menstrual cycle, 161
stress, 126
hyperkinetic pulse, 18
hypertension, 119-20
hypokinetic pulse, 18
hypothermia, 89
hypovolaemic shock, 76,, 123,, 132-3,, 149-50,, 193
immune system status, 96
inch opening pulse site see Cun Kou pulse site
Intermittent pulse, 89-91,, 113,, 197,, 201
iron deficiency, 123,, 133,, 190-1
jarring pulse, 14
Jia Yi Jing, 28
Jin body fluids see body fluids
Jing (Essence), 108,, 111,, 135,, 166
Jing Qi, 91
jugular venous pulse, 15
Ke cycle, 214,, 220
keiraku chiryo, 43
Blood and, 108
pulse positions, 58,, 204,, 205
Qi and, 137
Root, 57
San Jiao system, 208
Kidney Essence (Jing), 108,, 111,, 135,, 166
Lakeside Master's Study of the Pulse see Bin Hue Mai Xue
Large Intestine, 58,, 208
left and right hand pulses
assessment methods, 51,, 59,, 206,, 207
force, 140
gender and, 65,, 66,, 67,, 69,, 204
length, 103
Qi/Blood balance, 203-7
rhythm, 84
length (pulse parameter), 62,, 100-1
Heat and, 185
pulse qualities and
complex, 123,, 127,, 153,, 169
simple, 101-3,, 170
Qi vacuity, 197
Li Shi-Zhen see Bin Hue Mai Xue
lifestyle, 38,, 89
arterial wall tension, 102,, 118
Blood and, 108,, 192-3
disharmonies, 102,, 124-5,, 192-3
pulse positions, 58,, 205
San Jiao system, 208
Spleen and, 125
Long pulse, 101-2,, 103,, 113
Blood Heat and, 102,, 195
as sign of good health, 102,, 199
Blood and, 108
pulse positions, 58,, 100,, 204
San Jiao system, 207
Mai Jing (Wang Shu-He)
on gender differences, 66
on pulse diagnosis, 26-7,, 28,, 29,, 37
pulse quality definitions
by arterial wall tension, 128,, 130,, 134,, 136,, 137
by depth, 95,, 98,, 99
by flow wave, 168,, 169
by force, 147,, 149,, 150,, 152
by rate, 78,, 80,, 82
by rhythm, 88,, 89,, 90
by width, 110
malaria, 125-6
males, 65-7,, 69,, 75,, 204
Mawangdui scrolls, 24
medication, 36,, 58,, 76
men, 65-7,, 69,, 75,, 204
menstrual cycle, 161
in biomedical practice, 16
consistency, importance of, 2-4,, 42-3,, 45,, 60-1
decision to use pulse diagnosis, 4,, 59-60
Five Phase method, 217-20
left vs right comparison, 51,, 59,, 206,, 207
palpation, 19,, 46-51,, 60-1
parameter assessment, 51,, 61-3,, 170-7
arterial wall tension, 105,, 117-18,, 123-4,, 127,, 130,, 134
depth, 42,, 53-6,, 91,, 92,, 95,, 97,, 98-9
flow wave, 155
force, 138-40,, 143,, 145,, 146-7,, 149,, 150,, 151-2
length, 100,, 101
occlusion, 54,, 117-18,, 124
rate, 74,, 77
rhythm, 83-4
width, 104-5,, 110
Qi/Blood balance, 206
San Jiao method, 209-11
middle pulse depth, 55,, 56,, 91
Moderate pulse, 82-3,, 113,, 162,, 182,, 199
Nan Jing, 25-6,, 48,, 58,, 66
commentaries on, 28-9,, 29-30
Nei Jing
on gender differences, 65-6
Nine Continent system, 224-5
on pulse diagnosis, 2-3,, 23-5,, 28
pulse quality definitions
by depth, 98
by flow wave, 168
by rate, 77,, 79,, 80,, 82
on seasonal differences, 64
on sinus arrhythmia, 84
neurogenic shock, 137-8
Nine Continent system, 17,, 24-5,, 221-5
nitric oxide, 120
norepinephrine, 82,, 109
normal pulse parameters, 24,, 38-9,, 56-7,, 74,, 92-3,, 106,, 118 see also health
occlusion (pulse parameter), 63,, 120-3
assessment techniques, 54-5,, 117-18,, 124
Blood vacuity, 191
force and, 140
healthy pulse, 57
pulse qualities and, 123-6,, 128,, 136,, 153,, 171
Qi/Blood balance, 207 see also arterial wall tension
oedema, 157
pain, 91,, 98,, 125,, 129,, 146,, 194
palpation methods
in biomedicine, 16
in CM, 19,, 46-51,, 60-1 see also methodology
palpitations, 85-6
parasympathetic nervous system, 78,, 142
patient positioning, 16,, 46
Pericardium, 58,, 204
peripheral systolic pressure (PSP), 122
pharmaceuticals, 76
Phlegm, 102,, 125,, 160,, 182-3
physiology of the pulse, 5-13,, 67
PMaxPdt, 122
polycythemia, 10,, 166
postpartum haemorrhage, 135
Practical Jin's Pulse Diagnosis, 65
handedness of, 59,, 207
inter-rater reliability, 39-41
position during pulse assessment, 46,, 47,, 51
Drumskin pulse, 135
haemodynamic changes during, 67,, 76,, 158,, 161
Nei Jing on, 65-6
Rough pulse, 165-6,, 166
Scattered pulse, 137
Slippery pulse, 67,, 159-60,, 162,, 163
pressure waves, 7-9,, 154
Pulse Classic see Mai Jing
pulse contour see flow wave (pulse parameter)
pulse force see force (pulse parameter)
pulse parameters, 71-3,, 170-7
assessment techniques see methodology, see also parameter assessment
Blood vacuity and, 191
complex, 115-16,, 171-2,, 174-5 see also arterial wall tension;; flow wave;; force;;
normal, 24,, 38-9,, 56-7,, 74,, 92-3,, 106,, 118
simple, 73,, 112-13,, 170,, 174 see also depth;; length;; rate;; rhythm;; width
pulse positions/sites
association with different organs, 26,, 51
in biomedicine, 15-16
locating, 47-51
Nine Continent system, 24-5,, 224
on the radial artery (Cun Kou), 19,, 25-6,, 48
regional pulse assessment, 24-5,, 27-9,, 224 see also Chi, Cun; Guan pulse
pulsus alternans, 18,, 167
pulsus tardus, 18
Qi, 195-6
Blood and, 25,, 109,, 155,, 189,, 196
Qi/Blood balance, 203-7
EPAs and, 180
horary flow, 220-1
Jing Qi, 91
Kidney Qi, 137
Liver and, 124-5
pulse parameters, 108-9,, 118,, 197
stagnation (stasis), 145-6,, 166,, 197
Stomach Qi, 57
vacuity, 196-7
Bound pulse, 89
Faint pulse, 149
Fine pulse, 110
Intermittent pulse, 91,, 197
Scattered pulse, 137,, 197
Short pulse, 103,, 197
Sinking pulse, 98
Soggy pulse, 152
Vacuous pulse, 147,, 196,, 197
Wei Qi, 94,, 196
Yang Qi see Yang Qi
Yuan Qi, 91,, 109,, 137,, 196,, 197
Zheng Qi, 96,, 135,, 143,, 168
qie mai, 17
quality control see reliability of pulse measurement
Racing pulse, 81
radial artery, 11-12,, 47-9,, 50,, 56 see also Cun Kou pulse site
radius, 48,, 50
Rapid pulse, 80-2,, 113,, 186,, 188
rate (pulse parameter), 62,, 73-8
assessment methods, 74,, 77
biomedical factors, 77-8,, 80,, 81-2,, 170
Blood vacuity, 191
in children, 67,, 75,, 80
Eight Principles diagnosis, 212,, 213
EPAs and, 183,, 185
Five Phase diagnosis, 215
normal, 24,, 57,, 74
pulse qualities and, 78-83,, 167,, 169,, 170
red blood cells
in anaemia, 123,, 190
increased levels, 10,, 166
reflective waves, 7
regional pulse assessment, 24-5,, 27-9,, 224
reliability of pulse measurement, 1-4,, 33-43
within/between-individual variables, 64-70,, 74-6,, 106
Ren Ying pulse site, 25
Replete pulse, 35,, 142-4,, 153,, 154
Heat and, 143,, 181,, 188,, 195
respiratory method for measuring pulse rate, 77,, 78
rhythm (pulse parameter), 62,, 83-7
pulse qualities and, 88-91,, 167,, 170
Qi stagnation or vacuity, 89,, 195,, 197 see also arrhythmia
right and left hand pulses
assessment methods, 51,, 59,, 206,, 207
force, 140
gender and, 65,, 66,, 67,, 69,, 204
length, 103
Qi/Blood balance, 203-7
rhythm, 84
Root, 57
Rough (Choppy) pulse, 35,, 162-8,, 192,, 195
San Jiao system, 103,, 207-12
Scallion Stalk pulse, 116,, 119,, 127-8,, 129-33,, 192
Scattered pulse, 116,, 135-8,, 154,, 197
seasonal effects, 64-5,, 69,, 76,, 92-3
sepsis, 144
Shen, 57,, 84
Sheng cycle, 214,, 220
shock, 193
hypovolaemic, 76,, 123,, 132-3,, 149-50
neurogenic, 137-8
Short pulse, 101,, 102-3,, 113,, 194,, 197
simple pulse parameters, 73,, 112-13,, 170,, 174 see also depth;; length;; rate;;
rhythm;; width
Sinking pulse, 96-8,, 113,, 198
sinoatrial node, 77,, 85
sinus arrhythmia, 84
sites for pulse palpation see pulse positions/sites
Six Division pattern identification, 168
skin, appearance of, 56,, 164
Skipping pulse, 35,, 88,, 113
Slippery pulse, 158-62
EPAs and, 160,, 182,, 188
in pregnancy, 67,, 159-60,, 162,, 163
as a sign of good health, 159,, 199
Slow pulse, 78-80,, 113,, 184-5,, 199-200
Small Intestine, 58,, 208
Soggy pulse, 96,, 151-4,, 181-2,, 192,, 198
sphygmology, 8,, 13-17
Spinning Bean (Stirred) pulse, 35,, 103,, 169-70,, 193
Blood and, 108
Damp and, 180
Liver and, 125
pulse positions, 58,, 204
San Jiao system, 207
steel hammer pulse, 14
Stirred (Spinning Bean) pulse, 35,, 103,, 169-70,, 193
Stomach, 57,, 58,, 129,, 204,, 207
stress, 76,, 81-2,, 88,, 126
Stringlike (Wiry) pulse, 103,, 120,, 123-6,, 127-8
Blood Heat and, 195
EPAs and, 125,, 182-3,, 188
Qi stagnation, 126,, 197
stroke volume (SV), 8-9,, 10,, 75-6,, 122
students, 41
superficial pulse depth, 54,, 55,, 91,, 93,, 94
Surging pulse, 168-9,, 186-7
sympathetic nervous system, 77-8,, 118-19,, 142
systole, 7,, 78-9,, 142
systolic pressure, 7,, 122,, 141
tachycardia, 80,, 81-2 see also Rapid pulse
techniques see methodology
force and, 142,, 148
hypothermia, 89
rate and, 76,, 81
seasonal differences, 69,, 76,, 93
width and, 106 see also fever
tense pulse, 14
Eight Principles system, 213-14
Five Phases system, 222
problems caused by ambiguity, 34-7,, 40,, 41-2
specific vs descriptive, 34,, 138,, 147
thready pulse, 14
Three Five pulse, 164
Three Heaters, 103,, 207-12
thrills, 15-16
thumb position, 50
thyroid disorders, 76,, 82
Tibetan medicine, 100
Tight pulse, 126-9,, 181,, 185,, 195
timing of the pulse see rate; see also rhythm
training, 1-2,, 36-7
treatment planning, 36
trigeminal pulse, 14
Triple Heater, 58,, 143,, 204,, 208
Unusual (Death) pulses, 169-70,, 200-1
Vacuous pulse, 96,, 146-8,, 153
Blood vacuity, 192,, 193
Heat and, 148,, 186,, 187
Qi vacuity, 147,, 196,, 197
variability see reliability of pulse measurement
vascular (circulatory) system, 5-13,, 67,, 93,, 118-20
veins, appearance of, 56
ventricular contraction, 9
ventricular fibrillation, 86
viscosity of blood, 9,, 10,, 111,, 121-2,, 131,, 158
Wang Shu-He see Mai Jing
water hammer (collapsing) pulse, 16,, 200-1
Weak pulse, 150-1,, 153,, 154,, 192,, 198
weather see seasonal effects
Wei Qi, 94,, 196
weight, 68,, 69
Western medicine see biomedicine
width (pulse parameter), 62,, 103-9
Damp and, 182
pulse qualities and
complex, 126,, 129,, 133,, 136,, 153,, 167,, 168
simple, 110-12,, 170
Wind, 188
Wiry pulse see Stringlike (Wiry) pulse
women, 65-7,, 69,, 75,, 204
Wu Xing diagrams, 219
Yang, 64,, 65
Eight Principles diagnosis, 213
Yang Qi
arterial wall tension, 118,, 131
blood loss and, 131,, 149
depth, 55-6,, 58,, 93-4,, 98,, 99-100,, 198
occlusion, 121,, 131
rate, 76-7,, 79-80,, 80-1
rhythm, 89
vacuity, 199
Bound pulse, 89
Faint pulse, 149,, 198-9
Hidden pulse, 99-100,, 198-9
Sinking pulse, 98,, 198-9
Slow pulse, 79-80
Weak pulse, 150-1,, 198-9
Ye body fluids see body fluids
Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine see Nei Jing
arterial wall tension, 118
depth, 55-6,, 58,, 94,, 96
Eight Principles diagnosis, 213
flow wave/pulse contour, 155-6
occlusion, 121-2
rate, 81
rhythm, 88
vacuity, 198
Drumskin pulse, 135
Floating pulse, 180,, 198
Rapid pulse, 81,, 188
Rough pulse, 165
Soggy pulse, 152,, 198
Surging pulse, 168-9 see also Blood vacuity
width, 106-8
Yuan Qi, 91,, 109,, 137,, 196,, 197
Zang organs, 204-5,, 217
Zheng Qi, 96,, 135,, 143,, 168