United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,859,180 B2: Prinz Et Al. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 28, 2010

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7,859,180 B2

Prinz et al. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 28, 2010

(54) ELECTRODE ARRANGEMENT (58) Field of Classification Search ....................... None

See application file for complete search history.
(75) Inventors: Eckhard Prinz, Hamfelde (DE); Peter
Palm, Hamburg (DE); Frank Forster, (56) References Cited
(73) Assignee: Softal Electronic Erik Blumenfeld 3,133,193 A * 5/1964 Guillotte et al. ............. 250,324
GmbH & Co., Hamburg (DE) 4.946,568 A * 8/1990 Kalwar et al. ............... 204,164
5,180.948 A * 1/1993 Heinemann et al. .... 315/111.21
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 2003/00 1958.0 A1* 1/2003 Strang ................... 156,345.33
patent is extended or adjusted under 35
U.S.C. 154(b) by 224 days. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
EP O 095 11, 1983
(21) Appl. No.: 12/303,454
(22) PCT Filed: Jun. 1, 2007 * cited by examiner
Primary Examiner Ashok Patel
(86). PCT No.: PCT/EP2007/004.851 (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm Sand & Sebolt
S371 (c)(1), (57) ABSTRACT
(2), (4) Date: Dec. 4, 2008
Disclosure of an electrode arrangement (1) as high Voltage
(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2007/144075 electrode for continual plasma treatment or plasma coating of
PCT Pub. Date: Dec. 21, 2007 web material with several knife electrodes (3) arranged at a
right angle to any transport direction of the web material and
(65) Prior Publication Data essentially located parallely to each other which is character
ized by the fact that the distances (a-e) of adjacent knife
US 2009/O200911A1 Aug. 13, 2009 electrodes (3) vary. In tests it has turned out that a more
uniform coating result or, respectively, treatment result can be
(30) Foreign Application Priority Data achieved with Such an electrode arrangement than with com
Jun. 13, 2006 (EP) .................................. O6O12197 parable arrangements in which the knife electrodes are
arranged equidistant. Preferably, the distances (a) between
(51) Int. Cl. adjacent knife electrodes (3) are larger at the edges of the
HOIT IS/00 (2006.01) electrode arrangement (1) than the distances (e) between
HOI, I/88 (2006.01) adjacent knife electrodes (3) in its center.
(52) U.S. Cl. ....................... 313/326; 313/243; 204/280;
204/286.1; 204/297.01; 204/298.41; 118/625 14 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Dec. 28, 2010 Sheet 1 of 2 US 7,859,180 B2
U.S. Patent Dec. 28, 2010 Sheet 2 of 2 US 7,859,180 B2

US 7,859,180 B2
1. 2
ELECTRODE ARRANGEMENT Suitable distances turned out to be distances between 8 and
12 mm at the edge of the electrode arrangement and between
The invention relates to an electrode arrangement as high 2 and 6 mm in the center of the electrode arrangement.
Voltage electrode for continual plasma treatment or plasma A further improvement of the discharge picture of the
coating of web material with several knife electrodes electrode arrangement or, respectively, of the plasma treat
arranged at a right angle to any transport direction of the web ment results or, respectively, plasma coating results to be
material and essentially located parallel to each other. obtained by it could be achieved when, the free-standing
edges of the knife electrodes were equipped with discharge
Such electrode arrangements have been known and have strips having essentially a circular shaped or partially circular
been used in many different ways in plasma treatment or 10 shaped cross section. It has turned out that this design of the
plasma coating of web material that, as a rule, is not electri discharge strips in the case of knife electrodes yields an
cally conductive, e.g. plastic foil or the like. These electrodes improved result not only in the case of the electrode arrange
are typically used as high Voltage electrodes, with a transport/ ment equipped with knife electrodes in accordance with the
feed cylinder designed as counterelectrode located opposite invention but also in the case of electrode arrangements with
the free ends of the knife electrodes. 15 knife electrodes in an equidistant arrangement. To that extent
The plasma discharge between knife electrodes is ignited and taken perse, the design of the discharge edges represents
by the potential differential in the gas gap opposite the a separate invention. In this case, the radii of the curvatures of
counter electrode, and the material is plasma-treated or, the discharge edges need not be the same throughout but, on
respectively, plasma-coated. the contrary, may advantageously differ within the electrode
In this context, plasma treatment typically occurs without arrangement. In this way, strong sliding discharges at the edge
the use of precursors, with only a change of the Surface and thus at the front or, respectively, at the rear end of the
conditions of the treated material occurring due to the ignited electrode arrangement 1 will be minimized.
plasma in order to improve the adhesion of a coating material In order to maintain the same distance between the dis
or the like applied later. In the same manner, a plasma coating charge edges of the knife electrodes and the surface of the web
can be carried out with Such electrodes, with precursors being 25 material to be plasma-treated or, respectively, to be plasma
positioned here in the gap or, respectively, space formed coated, the knife electrodes are preferably arranged such that
between the electrodes and the web material that provide the a connecting line along the free-standing edges of the knife
starting materials for the coating. electrodes runs in a curve in the direction of transport, and
The so-called starting materials involve elongated, blade wherein the curve is adapted to be configured in accordance
like electrodes that as a rule are attached to a high Voltage 30 with an external contour of a transport cylinder.
arrangement with one of their longitudinal edges and that Finally, another subject of the invention is a device for
form the actual discharge surface with their other longitudinal continuous plasma treatment or plasma coating of web mate
edge. rial. In this context it is essential that the device contain an
In the case of the known comparable electrode arrange electrode arrangement as described above.
ments, the knife electrodes are arranged between adjacent 35 Additional advantages and characteristics of the invention
electrodes at the same distance, i.e. equidistant. result from the following description of an embodiment using
In tests carried out by the applicant it has been shown that the attached figures. Shown are in:
plasma treatment results or, respectively, plasma coating FIG. 1 a schematic view of an electrode arrangement in
results obtained by means of Such electrode arrangements accordance with the invention for continuous plasma treat
could be improved with regard to homogeneity. In particular,
40 ment or, respectively, plasma coating of web material; and
sliding discharges along the material Surface in many cases FIG. 2 an enlarged representation of the electrode arrange
ment in accordance with the invention.
representastrong, inhomogeneous thermal stress of the mate A plasma treatment device or, respectively, a plasma coat
rial that frequently limits the use of an electrode system. ing device 10 equipped with an electrode arrangement 1 in
Accordingly, the inventors were faced with the task of 45 accordance with the invention is shown in FIG. 1 in sections
improving the known electrode arrangements in order to and schematically. In this device, the electrode arrangement 1
achieve an improved treatment result or, respectively coating is connected in an essentially closed space via a high Voltage
result on the plasma-treated or, respectively, plasma-coated Supply separated from the remaining device 10 by isolators
web material.
11. Opposite a treatment segment 12 here not shown in
At the end of a long and extensive series of tests, the 50 detail—lies a transport cylinder designed as a counter elec
Surprising result was that an improvement sought in Such a trode with which the web material to be treated or, respec
way can be achieved if the distances of adjacent knife elec tively, to be coated is guided through the gap between said
trodes, vary in contrast with the known state of the art. The transport cylinder and the electrode arrangement 1. The
physical cause for the observed improvement has so far not plasma—not shown in FIG.1—is ignited between the plasma
been fully clarified and is still the subject of further exami 55 treatment device or, respectively, the plasma coating device
nations. However, it seems to be decisive for the improvement 10 and the transport cylinder.
that the new arrangement of the knife electrodes combines the The electrode arrangement 1 is shown again enlarged in
advantages of a large knife distance with regard to the prob FIG. 2. It contains an electrode holder 2 and several knife
lems of sliding discharges with the advantages of a smaller electrodes 3, in this embodiment totaling 14. These knife
knife distance with regard to the specific electrical capaci 60 electrodes are configured in bone-knife fashion in their cross
tance. section, with thickenings with an essentially circular or par
The distances of adjacent knife electrodes are preferably tially circular cross section formed on the two longitudinal
larger at the edge of the electrode arrangement that in its edges. The first of these thickenings 4 that is formed on the
center. Edge of the electrode arrangement here means those edge of the knife electrode 3 arranged in the electrode holder
areas that lie at the front end or, respectively, at the rear end of 65 2 serves to hold the knife electrode 3 in the electrodeholder 2.
the electrode arrangement as seen in the transport direction of The second thickening formed on the free-standing edge of
the web material. the knife electrode forms a discharge strip 5. This discharge
US 7,859,180 B2
3 4
strip 5 is made thicker or, respectively, stronger in its cross wherein the distances between adjacent knife electrodes vary
section than the blade 6 of the knife electrode 3 connected across the electrode arrangement.
thereto. 2. The electrode arrangement in accordance with claim 1,
The diameter of the discharge strip 5 does not need to be wherein the distances between adjacent knife electrodes
uniform in the electrode arrangement so that sliding dis proximate an edge of the electrode arrangement are larger
charges at the edge and thus at the frontor, respectively, at the than the distances between adjacent knife electrodes proxi
rear end of the electrode arrangement 1 will be minimized. mate a center of the electrode arrangement.
The individual adjacent knife electrodes 3 are arranged at 3. The electrode arrangement in accordance with claim 2,
variable distances to each other, with the distances between wherein the greatest distances between adjacent knife elec
adjacent knife electrodes 3 at the extreme edges of the elec 10 trodes at the edge of the electrode arrangement are between 8
trode arrangement being larger than the distances of adjacent and 12 mm and the Smallest distances between adjacent knife
knife electrodes 3 in the center of the arrangement 1. electrodes in the center of the electrode arrangement are
In this example, a total of five different distances are pro between 2 and 6 mm.
vided and designated in the figure with the numbers a through 4. The electrode arrangement in accordance with claim 2,
e, with the distances from a to e each becoming Smaller. In one 15 wherein the distances between adjacent knife electrodes
example of an embodiment the distances a through e may be proximate both edges of the electrode arrangement are larger
designed as follows: than the distances between adjacent knife electrodes proxi
a=10 mm mate the center of the electrode arrangement.
b=9 mm 5. The electrode arrangement in accordance with claim 1,
c=8 mm wherein each electrode includes a blade with a free-standing
d=7 mm edge at one end thereof, and
e=6 mm wherein the free-standing edge of at least one of the knife
The configuration of the electrode arrangement 1 in accor electrodes comprises a discharge Strip with one of an
dance with the invention, with the knife electrodes 3 arranged essentially circular and-partially circular cross-section
behind each other at varying distances and extending essen 25 that is thicker than the blade connected thereto.
tially parallel to each other in the transport direction of the 6. The electrode arrangement in accordance with claim 5,
web material to be treated or, respectively, to be coated cre wherein each of the knife electrodes has a circular or partially
ates an improved homogeneity and quality of the plasma circular discharge Strip at the free-standing edge thereof, and
treatment or, respectively, plasma-coating carried out by it of the circular or partially circular edges of the knife electrodes
the web material carried through on the transport cylinder 30 have varying radii of curvature within the electrode arrange
designed as a counter electrode. This could be confirmed in ment.
tests. The design of the discharge strip 5 with the circular or 7. The electrode arrangement in accordance with claim 5,
partially circular cross sections also resulted in an improved whereina connecting line along the free-standing edges of the
quality of the plasma coating or, respectively, of the plasma knife electrodes runs in a curve in the direction of transport,
treatment as compared with known discharge strip shapes. 35 and wherein said curve is adapted to be configured in accor
The shape of the electrode arrangement 1 shown in the dance with an external contour of a transport cylinder used as
embodiment and the distances a through e are not limiting: a counter electrode in the electrode arrangement.
instead, several different forms and distance distributions 8. A device for continuous plasma treatment or plasma
may be adhered to. The characteristics of the invention are coating of a web material, said device comprising:
reflected in the claims that are to define the scope of the 40 electrode arrangement having several knife electrodes
invention or, respectively, of the protection. arranged at a right angle to any transport direction of the
web material and essentially located parallel to each
LIST OF REFERENCE SIGNS other, wherein adjacent knife electrodes are spaced a
distance apart from each other, and the distances
1 Electrode arrangement 45 between adjacent knife electrodes vary across the elec
2 Electrode holder trode arrangement; and
3 Knife electrode a transport cylinder forming a counter electrode lying
4 Thickening opposite the electrode arrangement.
5 Discharge strip 9. The device in accordance with claim 8, wherein the
6 Blade 50 distances between adjacent knife electrodes proximate an
10 Plasma treatment device or, respectively, plasma coating edge of the electrode arrangement are larger than the dis
device tances between adjacent knife electrodes proximate a center
11 Isolator of the electrode arrangement.
12 Treatment segment 10. The device in accordance with claim 9, wherein the
a Distance 55 distances between adjacent knife electrodes proximate both
b Distance edges of the electrode arrangement are larger than the dis
c Distance tances between adjacent knife electrodes proximate the cen
d Distance ter of the electrode arrangement.
e Distance 11. The device in accordance with claim 9, wherein the
60 greatest distances between adjacent knife electrodes at the
The invention claimed is: edge of the electrode arrangement are between 8 and 12 mm
1. An electrode arrangement as high Voltage electrode for and the Smallest distances between adjacent knife electrodes
continual plasma treatment or plasma coating of a web mate in the center of the electrode arrangement are between 2 and
rial with several knife electrodes arranged at a right angle to 6 mm.
any transport direction of the web material and essentially 65 12. The device in accordance with claim 8, wherein each
located parallel to each other, wherein adjacent knife elec electrode includes a blade with a free-standing edge at one
trodes are spaced a distance apart from each other, and end thereof, and the free-standing edge of at least one of the
US 7,859,180 B2
5 6
knife electrodes comprises a discharge strip with one of an 14. The device in accordance with claim 12 wherein a
essentially circular and partially circular cross-section that is connecting line along the free-standing edges of the knife
thicker than the blade connected thereto. electrodes runs in a curve in the direction of transport and in
13. The device in accordance with claim 12, wherein each accordance with the external contour of the transport cylin
of the knife electrodes has a circular or partially circular 5 der.
discharge strip at the free-standing edge thereof, and the
circular or partially circular edges of the knife electrodes have
varying radii of curvature within the electrode arrangement. k . . . .

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